Chapter 14 Landscaping and Screening 14.010 - Landscaping Landscaping refers to planting and related improvements such as pools, walkways, rock work, sculpture, etc., provided for the purpose of beautifying and enhancing property, for the control of erosion and the reduction of glare. A. When an area is required to be landscaped under the terms of this Ordinance, the requirement may be met by the installation and maintenance as set forth below, of a combination of shrubs, trees, vines, lawn or other ground cover, water surfaces and paved or graveled surfaces provided that such graveled area shall not cover more than ten (10) percent of the area required to be landscaped. B. Plant materials shall be selected from among those species and varieties known to thrive in the Petaluma climate. The Zoning Administrator (Director) may require the substitution of any plant material which she/he has reason to believe will not survive successfully under the particular conditions of the site in question. C. Whenever street trees are required to be installed, such street trees shall conform to the street tree planting plan of the City of Petaluma in terms of variety, size and spacing, or if the plan is not applicable, shall be selected from a list of approved street trees supplied by the Community Development Department. 14.020 – Screening Screening refers to a wall, fence, hedge, informal planting or berm, provided for the purpose of buffering a building or activity from neighboring areas or from the street. When required, screening may be provided by one or more of the following means: A. A solid masonry wall meeting the standards of the Building Code. B. A solid board fence of approved design with wood posts not less than four (4) inches by four (4) inches and solid board cover not less than one (1) inch in thickness. Masonry piers may be substituted for wood posts. Posts or piers shall be spaced not more than eight (8) feet on centers. C. An opaque evergreen trimmed hedge, the thickness of which shall not be less than forty (40) percent of its required or intended height. D. An opaque evergreen informal screen planting, the thickness of which shall not be less than fifty (50) percent of its required or intended height. E. An earth berm may be used in combination with any of the above types of screening, but not more than two-thirds (2/3) of the required height of such screening may be provided by the berm. 14.030 - Standards for Installation and Maintenance A. All planting shall be maintained in good growing conditions. Such maintenance shall include, where appropriate, pruning, mowing, weeding, cleaning of debris and trash, fertilizing and regular watering. Whenever necessary, planting shall be replaced with other plant materials to insure continued compliance with applicable landscaping requirements. Whenever required herein or whenever the Zoning Administrator (Director) shall deem it necessary, she/he may require the installation of an appropriate automatic irrigation system. Whenever required irrigation systems shall be fully maintained in sound operating condition with heads periodically cleaned and replaced when missing to insure continued regular watering of landscape areas, and health and vitality of landscape materials. B. Heights of plant screens or hedges specified herein indicate the height which may be expected within three (3) years of planting. The height at time of planting shall be such that in accordance with good landscape practice, the full required height may be achieved within a three (3) year period. C. Masonry or wood screening walls shall be maintained in good repair including painting, if required, and shall be kept free of litter or advertising. Ordinance No. 2300 N.C.S. 14-1 D. The standards set forth herein for location and height of landscaping or screening may be modified as directed by the Zoning Administrator (Director) whenever it appears that such landscaping or screening would constitute a danger to traffic by reason of impairment of vision at a street or driveway intersection. Ordinance No. 2300 N.C.S. 14-2