o.tc F&r'ry 10.2004 Pa!a:t Report MVSJoboutput @m tXtPOllT IATBtrUAL 3ATEIY Df,Tl gtlEEl 1 ..,rr. sEcttot{ I - Product lnd coerny Prgrr I 02tL612005 }**." lclcrtlflcatlo. a co. E.I. DuPont d. l|uEu!! !luoroproduct! De' 19898 rl.l-rlngtor' xrnufrcturc!: I E00) 4a:-?515 t800) {t1-3631 (800) 424-9300 (CEElqRlc) Producr Intor&.tlon: tu:g.!cy: ltdLc.I Tia!.portetlon F.rrg€ncy: PFOECI l|lr€: / PNODUCT@D!: 050130 F Etlyl Chcalcrl and c.q.ny. duPont d. Ncrbulr copyrj.ght 2003 !.I. rEy b. i|.d. oDly lo! thor€ r19h!r r€.c!v!d. copl!! Du?ont P:.|ducE!. a.i++* cs * 872-50-t 2 - co4orltsion. sBcrtol IoErc.il.nt XFIYL Infolnarlon R|ng. PYrnpLrDO:{E (i) AII u.lng Exporulc a D 2592A -43-2 PO:YAXIDE-IXIDE .ir... ob Ing!€dI.nta Llr:l;.i. 5.0 pph 8 t 12 hou! tf,A 5.0 pldr 8 a 12 hou! rtrA 8i(tn . POIJYI{EF l{o|tc 409-21-2 Sltr@t{ cARarDE 3.0 DglE3 RaaplEab:. Durt non fLDlou! 10. O !g/!3 i.o.trt.bl. durt non fl,b!ou! D 5.0 rql!3 ?otal D0!t o llotr 98-00-0 llirfuRyr, At@aol, i5.0 pF 15 ntn E!E! 5tln i0.o pprr StlD 50.0 pF Itl'D o ca t1dll.t}@ {utdlroo ll.Irroo .laot $ tz e i/NSJobottFnRePort 4m |5t-rr103 rrtr. 2t0dt-t1-2 tlb F-.|!y F.e.2 l|lttarlL urxNr glctf(' 2 - coqro.ltlon, ttt ottl nlD rrrll,Elt nlIII IIIII Dac nl|llr lllr Iatotrtloo r4,2(D f.g|.: 2 o2tL612006 oo lDgradl.ot. cort 'd 'i."1 15.0 q/rs Pno- lot.l Dur! mt 5 . 0 . C/ " 3 n rplrrDl. h.t trfot 10.0 ry/dt I I 12 ltour ln lot l Dort 3.0 ryh3 0a!2ba!tu na.ptt bl. DrC lona 9002-l{-0 60t21-?t-6 aol.Yrttlr.ttotoDtlYlut ro|.tErf,irEf! ls. O ry/r;l totd Du.t lnOR l.O X/.1 LaDlt.bt. Durt tt* 10.0 ryht tot l lxrt 5.0 q/d LrDtraDla Doal lona clYcoL lRrx- A XoD lon. A fooa xoD. EIII:IIO|YITEIER ??12-ra-5 tl R o :3{a-21-1 :,i. lllDofilr drB r0.0 E/rt 13.0 rglrt lotd u|.t 5.O T/r3 R.rpJ'r.bl. Duat A t6. o fda o g?as5-!?-g s@r[ ltlcrur ttitcllt(sljllrnRrr 13}Fr6-a t c|truf, tt&I aur,tEi>t0.1 o D 121-ta-8 tRIattllfl[||t 8',4 tl(Dzte{n 3,5 ry/rt !.5 q/r3 o'5 B/rl I a t2 bcua tn !.0 DF 15 d.D llE, llL:r /t'dl.FC -rno rtzo! O @D MVSJobOutputRePort 9.gc: 3 a2/L5/2006 !|JPONI I{ATEIIAL s FSIY DAfA 3llE: {59N-lt1O5 .rrrrr D.b: Faln .y1qm Ptl: 3 on Inq!€al l cntt Itl for:l l ti oo 2 - c o l p o s 1 ti o n , cont' d sEc'lloll " rrrr 1.0 PF SLtn 25. O ppd o OSEA EAIARDOUS? (Ao! .diltlonr] +* A ACGIEi O - OSE]{. D - oupon:, S - suPpllc! a!. 8-hou! l nA unl cr! lee s c c tl o n 1 6) . l i dl l t! of tcrr!' detl.lltion !peci!1.d. otb.lviso ..r* rr s Ec T Io N 3 - Il .2!!d5 Inforrmtton r* .* ' . ov c l v l .t: b .r E . nc y TAANING I I/AIORS AI{D SPFAY MISI HARMFJI IF IIYIIALED. MAY CAO3A NOSE, ?llNOAI, EYE A}ID SKII{ IRRITATIO'{. E tfc c ta ! Pot €nt lal E . . lth In lalat lon: th ro a t 1 tl i ta l .i o n. ! ! ay c lur c n o s ..n d In q. r t ! on! d l .i!.!r' i n g .l tl o 1 n te s t' l n a l M . y r . ! uL! o! c y ! c o n t.c t: St in o! bulnj.nq of thc U.y cau!. l!!l,t.rion l l rtl .tl on c ont a c t rE y c .u rc .l i d liquid Othe! Sotcnr:al Hc.Ith XETIY! PYRROLIDOIIE lcdlcal Thc f.llorlng Effeclr -in addll1o:l cor|dltlon5 My ey6!, r1th RGPGatcd .! prolongcd cl l sco$fort tnd to tho.. bc .gg.av.t.d 11!t.d .bovc I by €xPo.u!.! ltlD rllay bav. !:l.lta]! i.ldicatc lhrt co+oed ln lor hborarory l.!:! dlyotorlc rc!1vlty. on any of th. ir Labor.toly .nln 13 hrvc lhort| effacts t!!t! r.t!r I klclD.ys llver follo\lirg o!g!:r!/!ys to c.urc Ihls ch.nical, ir knorrD to the statc .! C.Iifo!tri. mR\IIG: othc! haEdl. d!f.ct! or t.productlv€ bl.ltb tmEugtYL ALollol c|n b. .b!o!bcd through th. ll1n may cau!. llrltat:on Ey. con!.ct ln brdEful arDunt!. and colneal. opacj-ty. SI,ONINXTID EIHYLSIE PFOPYIEIIE RESIN of ftuolopollm€r tnhd.tion du!! Eay cau.. :!r!t!tton of !h. no!., tbF.t .nd lun?! $ltb couqh. Cifftculty br.:rtdng or !ho!tnc!! of b!.!th. hh!1.!tioD of fuDls (f1nc p.rtldlat.!) p:oducc.r .nd 9.!.. tlob ova:hclted tluoroF:y@! n.y lcsult la dll.yed o!:-rcdirta relplratoly effcct!. ttr. s.w.!ity o: chc!! eff.cts d..r€n& on rhc .xt$t of ov.rh.at.ing al'd tbe qurnrlty lnhalc.l. rild e:posur. laay td rlGl'9€8 ItrDdlroC lpa|loo .taol $ D- b.!4r PriG a MVSJobOutputReport DVFO.T{TIATE:RrA! t59t[-{1r05 r.*1r. SEC!ICa{ gAfaTY 3 - H!r.E& col t' d ::i P.g.: a 02/:5/2005 OISA sx@r :lrfotrrtloD lc,26 r*..r fu.r lcvc!, . teQorary E.luft li polyDt 12{-18 b!6) by !.wt, chul., !nd/o! cougbcon.lltton char.ct.rlz.d tlu-:lk. t)'plc.Ily occur a(t.r. d.J,ry o! :h.r. rt'Qtonl, !r. aot LdrEdhtc.nal .rposula. ll6r,iavr!, axlrolur. .pp!or!r:t ly r-2{ houlr (ou,oviDg plodudlt .nd fl,uotLarLd lre to .Lcop3r.ltion {frlE 9!!c!) to !.q.r.tu!c. !bov. lbc typtol hc.t.d lluolo'poltua Proc.r.lng .rp.cl.l],y ln po6rly w!nt!lrt..l or confh.d !p.d.., L.y t..?.!rru!., pot.nttrl.ly rnd :.tf.-th!!.t.Dint Iuog d.rq.. cru.c .rt€!!lv. lb.r. daco?olttlon bE.rtblDg dllfr,cully Dlo<luct! r!.y produc. p!ogr...lv. davllop lnto aavola 9ulllbDary .darln. EaLu !.y b. dal.y.<l rld lrtct polyE! fu'! f.w.!, tcqut!.! EdLcrl llrtcrvrntlon. .!d uallx. rcco[rlndld bal!.Dg t.q.!rtu!.r . 8.I1ng orEn. ll|t Do not .rc..d b. .bov. 380 c i7I6 !), v.ntLl.t.d, A! i.q.r.turcr .ul: DtoFlly f:uorl& crn b. .volv.d, .Du.t! lrcE.r.. r. .Funt. of btdrog.n 8y.lrog.n lluollclc tq!r.tu!.. lnc!.!!c. 1. toxlc lnd cE c.ut. riID .nd ry. 1!t1t.t1on, AC.GIS-T!V). Elqh concltt!.tLon| l3?Pm - c.ltlng pulEnlty c.n c.u.. luDg d.rgc, cd.!|!, bulrl!. !6G v.g.t.tloD L. .ca.ltlv. to al. g. !y hydlog.n fLuorl& rrd .ttc'|tl.or: tr.lticuf.lly v.rellatjon. D.ptollv. Durt b. 91v.n to .:{:.u.t r.rctlqr E y occur ? ulth divld.3Muoroc.rbo! .bov. t00 d.grccr ttn.Ly rnd td Ddd.t qr.lrtl'on. (.lu.lau! or d(FG!h), ruch .. Ellndllg, bufthg o! grtt blrltlng E y ll.!c!.t. such !dxtu!.r. Avold rny d,[t bur,ldup rld lataf xit'b lluolocrtnoDa nlrtulaa. yhlch 1. lnoI| r.t!.f1uo!o€thyl.m. nRIfIXG: thl. ch.dc.l coatAb. lo c o c ru l c crncc!. t h. s l. t . o! C .U fo rD l a ?olrlEtta.ll.'JioRcElEYrll't! Irhatatlon of fluoropolyE! dult rEy cau!. lEril.tlon of th. ro!c, thlo.t .Ad lung! *l.th cough, dllltcuLty b!..thlDg o! !boatD... e! (ftrc p.rt!cu-1.t..) IDhrl.tlon of tuE! pEo.luc.d br.rtb, rnd gu.r fl,uoropo]yE. !!ovlrb.rtld n|Ay rclu]e in d€I.y.d or !,8 dI.C. : faatrlrarota .!f.ctr, tha !.v!rLty of th.t. .fla€tr .!rpa!rd. on tla rart Dt of oetdr..tl,rg rnd tb. qu.rtttty llth.l,.d. l|1ld .tpo.u.r. (24-{a br!) r-$Il h toltr.r tuD tevct, r tqo!.!y -y fl,q-likc con.Utlon cb.t.et.rlz.d by tc\..!, cllll., .ad,/o! cougb. t!.r. tyr{tt€r .!. Dot ldl.t. lnd typicrlly occur rltc! ..bl.y ol 'ai|,rorlrt.Iy l-2{ botrla loll.outng a.Po!!E., tor.av,a!. .Ir.u!a (:ulr and f.l.uollut.d ltc rraco4o.ltloD g.r.!) f!@ 9!oduct. 'tluotopolttlrr :rc.l.d to t.Ir.r.trE . .!o!r th. !!Dr.c.l troc.aa:rt c!D.c1.Uy !-F:.tur., tn poolly rratll.t.<l ot coofL!.d rFc-, ry c.ur. crt.n.lvE ..rd pot.nrldly l:1.-th!..t.trlnt 1un9 d.!.ge. th.aa p!oduc!! ny prodr.rc! progr...lv. d.cdporitton br.rttjDg dtflle ty .!.1 J'.t.t cl.v.loD tEto lirycE lde. dy ba d.J..td DuJ.rontry .do.. polltr r fuE :.!r!t, .nd uilll. !.qulr.! ddlc.I tnt.rEntloo. Do lot .rc..d r.ccadrd brxhg t.rfa!6tur... tiath, o$!ar rra! !r. prop.tly v.atlht.d. tC t.qr.rrrru.. .!ov. tOO C (750 ?,. |'Dll aDuata of hldrogln fl,uollcL c.r ba avoJ.ttd, rDunt. Lrctalaa ar E.lp.!.tu!!. lncr!.!.. BjdEogr.D atuoltd. 1. tortc .rd c.D c.u.c rtr5 .!d .F ilrltrtlon. ACcIX-tfq. {3p!'! - c.tllng llgb conc.r!r.:lo[r '-i,i'a 9d tldll.i+€ Itdr|oC Fruoo Lt l Frlnrt l.' * .r: Pir:t MVSJobOutputReport DI'POIIT IIATERI,A: I59X-t1105 .rr..i 3 _ fi.z.tld, C onl rd 3!ctl€0a P.g.r 5 02tt5t2046 IIAESIY DA'A SE ET ir*ir* InfolDtlo. puleE.ry caa cr|r.c lung dltaEa, !d!|!, bu!n.. 36 vlgatatlon L. !.nrltLvr to cl|rrg. by hyirog.n :luo!ld. .nd .tt.ntlo! D.rtlcllrrly rrantllrtlon. rrat ba qj,vcD to .Aauat Arplo.lva larclj,on ry oc€ur (Iuotoc.rboa .bovr 800 d.gr... f t.l,th fld.ly dlvld.d po t t rlld r.td. or Ergn..hn). {r:Lrtn.Jd Op.!.t1on! rucb .r gr!,!dhg, but!1Eg o! gdt blartlnE ry ruil Ll:tut.!, Avold roy du.t burtdrft 9.n rrt rdch aluotoc.tbon! .td rDttl nlr.tu!.!. Thlr chGLlc.I conBrln. nnflxc: l€t!.fluoloGthyl.n! irhlch lr klorD ro t!. !:rt. oi Crllfola:. to cru.. crnc.r. ': :, .;i.:;: t.:.. -, i:l:cr.nlox srAci( . :r i':tj,t . 1...,r ,il. i. fi..'-r "ili.. Ir .o IIInC, xtP oa Olitl^ c.rchog.!. iLr .horD c.lclDogani.c acllvlty ln trbor.toly r! hlth.to..r. 'Frn.l. rtaDrflc.nc. to r.! ir rE-bor!. *. loLLorbg E|dl.c.l cotdl-lton! lly b. !ggr.v.i.d by Gq)o.u!.t !c!pl:.tory dlr.r.. rrttl rrearxc, thL! ch.elcrl, 13 koo{tr to th.3trt. o! c.litorn!. ro clr.. TYqXIl|I TlIt Thr tol,Ionlng rcdlcrl condltj.on! DAy b. rEgllnccd by lrDo.uE l ..tbr llv.! .lir.r!. d.rnrrltl! t..pj.!.coty dt..!rc Gyc klddcy dlrold.t. dt.or&r! hca!! dl.o!&!. Cottrct lt.y c.ur. alLo burnt, C.u..t cy. co!:olLon rEd p.drn.n! lnjuly. C.n b. .!rorb.d throu:b tlc .I1tr th h.ldul Dunt., PEolong.d or lapc.tad Gxpoau!. lrry c.u.. darga to.ny of tso folloulnE org.n./!y.t.!:t I oy.r k1dn.y! Ltvcr lGrpt!.tory .yrt r r}l!| V.por., l.lqu.ld, lnd i..tr .rc lrtEculy colrortrr !o tb. .yc.. !!l.f o! t!. vlpors *l:1 b. .cv.!.Iy lrltrrtlEg. :.: asrt.ct Bliaf c@t.ct of Fb. Ilqu''d or rdrCr rdu r.vu.Iy lii! tu co!.cl Ery c.u!. p.!on.]De .y. c.Dg. rh. .!.. j'oJuty rLLc! ny .t allDoaat. j. i: n]r qru.. tq..tlo! .!y of th. foUosing: 'd-tl r.plrrtLoD lc.dlag to lulg d!mg.. , cbd,cd .D 'I,.iC, buEnr to D'utir l,:rt.d .bo1rr lr Dor l.!-tttttad I:P, or OsE cr!cl.Do9.!n. .a'r.. Al<l ?!oc.dur.r s3CIIOI! I - !t!!: ucl prsloagd b. foLto-d bt an l ttoticl i.. ..3_a c.!cl Atd tG.rur.. J.**r. I Il d!.ctccl by lnn.Irtlo! of vrpot or !p!ry Drrr, evr to lrorh rl!. I! Dot bt.rtEDE, glvr .ltlflcirl tclplr.tloa. p!.:.E bty :DutlFto-r5uth. If b!.ath1Dd dl,lticuJ.ty pcr.tttr, o. occurr letcr, ctcDrult . pbyrlclrD. 0o tzGl19@ trr(lrrC FrrEO 1-"1iE ! " 1 : , : '! MVSJobOutputReport a59I-t1103 r.r** sEcTIoI ' ' Ingr.tiaal .v.nt lD th. urllt.ly phyrl.cl.n Ltelcdl.t.Iy 5I.lD or .y. I of lEgcrtioE, rn<t b.v€ nu.r *..rrr Pol:1r tllcrhod) . llrarbl. llnitt t A.nturc lanj'tion ,:. @, rbov. :(bur Co-urtlo! Ploducts ! cO2, !ltDx.' rad otrd.! of . 'CoeoattloE, :nfolrnatloa D.unquL.hj.ng rEdh: Do ttdt DiDttcE voi{rtrfc. of tnEr€cll.nt. .v.l!.b]... c.r:. a f]ulh rltb pl.nty of art.! fo! ::r ca!. ot .En cort.sl, r|rlh ir!l-t.t1o:l oc.crrt, cor.t:ct a rt 5 _ E rc{l gbti ng SEcT:ol }a..u!.6' tr.i 200 dGg ! l|o Infofftldr xo Inf orEr:lor! rny ?.t: 6 021L6t2005 rr'.4. a - Flr.t Ald !...ru.. cont'd In c.r. of Gy! contlct, tr!E!dl.!.Iy cr:,I . phyrlcl.n. 1..3: 15 DinuBc!; $tth .o.p acd e!t.!. If drolouglrly i rhltticlrn. :. ";! P.G C SAfEty DAr,r tEl6r DUpA|lT XA:lRlAt F.5.uq L m havy !.t on Inglaciantr" elo.d Avati,rblc Av.i]..bl. a!. J,r that r.ctlon. !.po!t.d a 1! i, :r.r,.'- lDle.!|rl f.il&,.fornin9 fo.n, rqu.ou. c.lboD dloxl.L, dry cbol,c.:,. f1.6 llEbtbq : ;.:;lj,'*|.cl.L Dtoc..ht.. lnclu.lng cqutpDnt, ..tt-con!.iEd br..tlr!..E l!11 prot.ctlv. 13 r.ccrd.d. rrt.! lro fog Dorrl.. atFlrlu!, ny b. ur.d to p!.v!nt pr.rrur. bul]d-up. b.trr&: . ella a axplorloE fh.n h..t.d Coobu.tlbl. Ilquld. .bov€ tb. flr.bDolrt, .nl,u vrDor. . r.h!ch, rh.! El'x.d .rl!b .1!. !.lLt b'r!n 1! |n 1gnltlon soulc. I. llnc oirt o! r?!.y. couLd lgdt. rt r.qr.!!ru!c. b.lor !b. Dl.r.nt, tL.!hpolnt, r.i*.r 'fi ....: 'r'r. r tor !,btl.b!. SEctIcx cl,..dbg rtcr . . pmDG:Iy u9 r-!j'll. I f b.rt.d fittcd i*rr*' Cocltn SIC:lOll nr].... ta.!ur!. : r...r* o! l..l!l .bov. th. .lr-plrltying (XIO!, .pprov.d v. clothiDg. of pro?.rly. 6 - Accld€ntl] i'.1 tC-23C), . !!6vc !1..hDo!4, !6,vr !..plr.tor .ya .!<t olgr.lt glof,r Paot.e!l'c, r.tth h..t 7 - D.rdltDg |dth .brorb.nt, tto!.qlG alll 9i'' -f..j ard ' t.,.r .ri.d to b. trl.r tD b.ndung .Dd 3tor1n9: l.!.1 p:.c.utl,oD., Clo!. cortrlD.r .ltari ..c.b ur.. tl.ta.C..l. It5 fl.lh tbtr drlt bc ba.adl.d !r It l! x.t f'otnt, . fL-hra tl'quld. Do not t!.n.fcr coD:.!ta to bottl.. or unl.b.I.al coDt ilara. f.!t tholougUly rtt.! h.Dd.llDg r'd D.for. ..tbE o.,st{Dg. Do Dot OSAA/UIPASror.EG cl||rttlcrrlcn: td r/q>1'€& {t-ECE6O MVSJobOutputReport DUPOTT TATERIAI. I59I-I11O5 i.r*.* SECTIo|{ Pagr: 1 u2tL612005 sAAElY DAIA S8lill ? - ttrl'dLlnlr cont' d .nd *+r,ri stolaE. ' :-i>roth.t pE cautlonr: do aot ..nd, fhb . i.: lhl i.. cotEbg: tlnt ' + : co.t1!g nllhout r dtogfi lpprord !.rpl.rator , : ti. Ertl'l.tloIr, lld giovll. ..r.d I - Erpoa\rlc Co:rtrol. StctTo|l .ufflcl.at taovld. vutllrtlon .ppLj,crbl. b.10r. ?!ot.ctlv. paot.clLv. llrltriory: . Dc aoE b!..tbG .r.-nosE .Dp:ov.d " Equl'pDD!: .{ulpDnt rltould !o k.p *.;r*qii; b. r'orD to !tr.v.at ploD.tl,y llt v.por! o! i!!.. Icrr .a .pPlopttrt., durlng .ppllc.tlolr .!d urttl !..pla.tor .J,I v.to:r.d .!a d,.t! Protactl@ |!rd D.lt.ra h eoluE .:po!u!. Itd!.. o: clolblng. rtln or ?arto6rl drt' .nd v6!k pr.ctlc..: !1n9 contEolr ' cdtullant! cut. b!.r. o! ELd or r9propllrt. .r}.ua!!d unl.!!.i! roDl,tollnd ddo[ttlaL. lldt.. l.v.).r .rr b.Ior rpplrcrbl. l! !.rpl':.to!| .!. tltl.d .1r-pu!l.fytng rlth org.Dl,c E.qulr.d, u.. r ptop.rly !.rplrllor vrto! c..t:ldg.! !1It r {XIO8g .9Drov.d 1C-23C) rDd prrtlcuJ.rl. yh.!. (xlosll Tc-ola). In corflrGd !p.cc5, o! b ll'tu.tion! .:. typ1c.L. or 1l tEop.! rir-pu!i.fy:n9 contl:ruou! .p!!y op.ratloD. p!...ur.. fit L. not po!.Ib:., . po.l.ll\r. !.!plr.tor -.a! (rlo{lll ?C-L9C). !..plr.lo! In .Il .u'Irll.<l-rl,r c...., fo:.ld r[nufacturc:': d1!.cttoD. laaDlrr:o! lor E.aCartot ua..' clothlag: ?!oi.cl1v. r:. ud cot!!|L]'' !.c.aEd.d. . f.oDt t:. glov.r 1D rlt cotglc. lldu.rri.I .lturtioo.. gl....r itrlletlo.!. I! !.t!ty .r. gurrd o! .t& .hl.ldr. glcllfl 9 - lhyllcrl .nd ct rolEt b ty ot pd!.i.tral loj.I5g !r!g. tr..rl'!g rrD93 r-19b1 tlbr/g..Ll grarrlry .olv.at n!.r rolvut by by r.tgit '.tc-t tlq tsc ta' tbr! ,1.50 (At! - t) -"! 4llr ria.6o 100 - 1oo 09.8 3 1.18 t6.09 72,71 1t.91 21.25 Lfqi .d by \DIUD Dy $.lght tttd l!o9.rtl,gJa-! ot Dtl.r$rrl pr.t . rrbr dtutaal, Cbrl-J, Lia El.U.l. !ol.tlI. r olt . l. rolld! .E 3a2 UtO {cf j-lr I :!')d ! MVSJob OutputRePgt U'lOfiT T TERIA! 3A.?E]1 DllA SEE 9 - Phytlc.l sfclloll Io D.!r 3.5 0.9 ,.-\DC 1.!. (tb.orctlcal) .:.qtt updr th. loq ot th. slErlot , lad c!-lc.l,t.oF*t'cont'd Av.ll.bl. t chc6r.ttoalL rld 1rcc .! P.cLg.d .t th. portl ot nt..rlrl 9.ckrg.d |!d 10 - St blllty ll.cdvtty rl.1. lo .vol'cl): 1ty {rt fot....rblc r...ro.bl,y | daoq,o.ltloE D!od!ct! o! lny h..vtt rnd odd.r |@2. .8.., on rngE.dlert!" :nforutlon -leflF.1tl'ott, t:on: DoliDllt lt tL: -t .cci1oD. dl'tc:trg.: vlty :o .trtlc .t! rbovc thG fh.h t..t.d Polnt, .ol,vcnt v.Do!!.ln ftt irartlc ar3undlnc .Dd bon.ting lt not ulcd c}|rlng tluatc! tl'vl:y 1.,rlr SEcrloal 11 - Toxicologic.l tfo Itllorntloo *.d.. gEctlcL lil 3ECl:d .....r rDd locrt -.t. ttcllc Iltctlrllon i"rr' AY.tL.bI. Ecologic.l hfo!-tle ro tafor-tio lFqt*L 13 - Dl.po..I Co.Lbattot gr€td.r€t. r!.rbl dlrtE . .C -t.rLl ?ro drc:!.I, - ta @t|rl!.t -th€d3 ol l{on. lgror|n i4ac:: to Dchulcd. rY 5 acoaha !.quar@att. la - tt.Dtpoft Do rtC tL.. t:!forrtl....ir slcllotf 15 - R.gulltoly tlrlotrllon 'J.-. . ,i,'ia r'l.*." 'r!:: . MVSJob OutputReport DUPolrr I,ATERIA: sAtFrY DxI^ EEEET a59N-41105 rrr'r) a sCA S lalu. : :a c.dPlirtrc. I s Ec l: O li r:lb 'D 3 ! S t llu. : ALI- coponeD!! ot 15 - tSc.A :rventojy the Ir!:.d ot ltrc o2/r6/20C6 cod.!cl!] for !€guileEnt! asL. !..ctivc l n l o te tro r: r . gulat o! y CAICI^ 313 R 0{r.b.) SPCRA 302 rP Q/i Q 31:/312 9002-{l{ - 0 -t8- 6 7f 32- 18- 5 134, 1-2 8- 1 5?155- 3?- 5 XETIIYL ?YRROI,IDONE POLYAXIDE-II,SDE PCLYXER SILICON CAJTEIDE N N N NR NB Xn AICOHOL FURII'RYL ELUORII'ATED FTHYLA\€ PROPYI.E.IE RESIN POLYI ETFAFLVOROIIHYl,ENE G:YCOL TRIV POL:STIIY!,E{E ETNYIJ|OXYI,EIEER ICATER N ]I I'R NR N N |lR N N N Ni NE N N NR NR aluxrNlr)a cx:DE SCDrUriA!U|::NL! SU!?EO-SII,ICATE (UiIRAMARIN CAAEON BIAC( l AI Tq NE 'fTYL . 121- aa- E E t!..!!ly : 313 IntorE tlon: F .ubJ!d! fl: -t - r.- - R P - s.ctloD Ilrt.\d Y l. ,|f tA Nt rlGltgg l-r:' rt;.; tl N taR N N NR XR trR ! N I c N IR 5000 t. Y F i .. L-t Hazard Ae.cliviEy Flelsur€ !'azrl<l C t R.I.t.d llr!.ld chloa:c 3tl suppll6! Notllic.tioD - lir. lbovc erth a ':' b tb. 313 to !.IbltlDg a Plr6{'tt of tb. b.!g.n:y ac: of 1986 a0 g RlgbE-to-Knoe {l}gt R..ponr.. Coit6..tlon CorFrctt.nsl v. &crg.ncy a c t rf 1 9 8 0 . li& l l l ry L1!!.d .r a clc.n al! Act liazaldou! Ala Po:Lurant pl.ani!|g quanttEy t!!.rbo:d qu.nrity RlPortrblc not .v l i l a b l o not r.gu-Iat.d i.0r'o !'R n. . tubsranc.! hrzlldoua c A t6 q o !i .!: A .E &C |l Right-to_Xnoo arC, Corfruni!y eFCIA: Eholg.ncy Plaining ( ! i! T l tL e r: l . s a .R A i r , ii31v 312 9 -' ' . *" r *' IDfoEGtion Nor . - pho r o c h e l i c . I I y F !.c ti v i ty : . nlc ll lre idx:ute ac a l l a : o r y C o d : 'd P i g.r Earrd, ch.d-c^L