Energy Price Fact Sheet VIC Residential (Electricity)

Energy Price Fact Sheet
VIC Residential (Electricity)
United Energy
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Electricity charges: Peak
Applicable charges
Price (excl. GST)
All Consumption
Daily supply charge
q22.72 cents per kWh
88.51 cents per day
Price (incl. GST)
24.992 cents per kWh
97.361 cents per day
Electricity charges: Controlled Load
Applicable charges
All Usage
Price (excl. GST)
Price (incl. GST)
15.92 cents per kWh
17.512 cents per kWh
Electricity charges: Time of Use
Price (excl. GST)
Price (incl. GST)
Peak consumption
Applicable charges
Between 7am & 11pm, Monday to Friday
30.12 cents per kWh
33.132 cents per kWh
Off-peak consumption
All other times
15.82 cents per kWh
17.402 cents per kWh
79.51 cents per day
87.461 cents per day
Daily supply charge
NSW Solar Bonus Scheme Feed-in Tariff
If you qualify for the NSW Government’s Solar Bonus Scheme you will receive a credit for the solar electricity generated by you and fed into the electricity
Please note: This scheme is subject to Government changes. For more information about the NSW Solar Bonus Scheme, visit
Buy-Back Scheme
Scheme joining date*
Price (excl. GST)^
NSW Solar Bonus Scheme Feed-in Tariff
On or before 27 October 2010
60.00 cents per kWh
On or between 28 October 2010 and 28 April 2011
20.00 cents per kWh
Prior to 28 April 2011
6.00 cents per kWh
TRUenergy Voluntary Solar Buy-Back Rate
*Applications to the scheme closed on 28 April 2011. Customers can still connect a renewable energy generator to the grid but are not eligible to receive the Solar Bonus Scheme
or*TRUenergy Buy-Back payments. ^GST is payable to eligible GST-registered business customers.
Daily supply charge: a charge that applies for supplying electricity to your premises for each day of the billing period, regardless of how much electricity you use.
kWh: stands for kilowatt hour and is the measurement for electricity usage on your bill.
Published 01/07/2012
GreenPower options
You can add on a GreenPower accredited renewable energy option to your plan for an additional charge
Add-on option
GreenPower %
Price (excl. GST)
Price (incl. GST)
TRUenergy Planet Starter
0.363 cents per kWh
0.3993 cents per kWh
TRUenergy Planet
0.726 cents per kWh
0.7986 cents per kWh
TRUenergy Planet Plus
1.815 cents per kWh
1.9965 cents per kWh
TRUenergy Wind Power
3.63 cents per kWh
3.993 cents per kWh
Guaranteed discount
3% off your consumption and supply charges on each bill. Discount is applied to the GST exclusive costs on your
bill. Any promotional discount will be applied as above for the duration of the promotion.
Pay by the due date discount
3% off the current charges on each bill that you pay by the due date. The discount excludes overdue amounts,
reconnection or disconnection fees, or any charges passed on by your distributor.
Benefit Term
The benefit term for this plan is for 3 years. We also reserve the right to review the continuation of any promotional
discounts (in addition to those shown on this sheet) 12 months after they are applied to your account; and charge
an additional exit fee to recover the cost of the value of any campaign rewards you may have received as part of
this plan if you leave within 12 months of the start of your benefit term.
The following fees (incl. GST) are payable if you break your Contract in the periods outlined:
Exit fee
Year 1 – $22.00
Year 2 – $22.00
Year 3 – $22.00
If you received any campaign rewards with this offer, you may need to repay the value of those rewards should you
end this Contract within 12 months of the Benefit Start Date.
Costs are calculated based on the consumption amounts shown with a 'Peak' and 'Controlled Load' rates and include any guaranteed discounts detailed above (if
Charges are correct at time of publishing.
ELIGIBILITY The details presented in this fact sheet are for an applicable billing period for a residential customer located in the distribution area outlined with a
metering configuration as described. Unless otherwise specified, ‘Peak Only’ is the default meter type.
PRICE CHANGES Prices may be varied in line with your terms and condition and we will provide you with notice of these not later than your next bill.
FURTHER INFORMATION This document presents a summary of the tariff and the key terms and conditions applicable to this offer. If you would like further
information or are interested in taking up this offer, please visit our website, or call 133 466.
ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT This Energy Price Fact Sheet is presented in accordance with the requirements of the Essential Services Commission (ESC) - the
independent regulator of the retail energy industry in Victoria. For information about choosing an energy retailer, visit
Published by TRUenergy PTY LTD ABN 99 086 014 968