動 θ(斃sθげ 湯 Lθθ″ツθ ηり α″B力 Bαθル George and his wife had been looking forward to celebrating their wed― 国 ding anniversary at La Gondola′ a reputable and rather pricey ltalian restaurant. Before the mealthey ordered martinis′ nlce and dry′ with an olive in the glass. George took a drinki bit into the and...crunch. olive′ lt contained a pit which 5 brOke his tooth′ causing then∩ to leave the restaurant before eatlng anything. lt also cost hirYn OVer$250 in dental bills. George later complained to the owner of La Gondola. “Everyone knows the o‖ ves in martinis are pitted, lndeed l could see the hole in this one. l never expected such aclass high―restaurant would be careless enough to use olives with pits. Because of yourrnistake l now owe 10 the dentist S250 and rn l′ asking you to pay.″ ″ ″ ″ │′ r n terribly sorrγ replied the owner. l don′ t remember about the tooth′ what kind of o‖ ves we ordered this tirneo Nevertheless you yrea‖ sh6uld have been more careful vvhen you bit. Restaurants use both pltted and unpitted olives and itis your own respOnsibility to check before you bite, lf you insist on 15 finding someone to pay why don't you sue the olive company for productliabiト ity? After a‖ 〃ho left the plt in the oli∨ ′they are the ones、 e.″ ″ ′ ′ l will sue therrn!″ was Georgers angry response. And l′ │lsue you:for rrlis‐ gence. Someone's9oing to pay for rray broken representation and for neg‖ tooth′ and it's not rnel″ 20 1S a restaurant which servesves o‖containing pits,or a manufacturerN/vhich se‖s thern′ r esponsible when someone bitesinto one and breaks a tooth? Oris it up to the consumerto take more care? 」ust who did end up paylng for George's tooth? 00MPRFHEWS′ OⅣ CHECκ 1 2 3 4 5 □□□□□ jOη A4s″ι r rf=″ッθ g力ゅ ″ ι れ 0′ %α′ ′ Osのり . ,F`=ル おθ り りοr Ⅳ(=4ο′ George and his wife regularly visited the restaurant。 George didn't expect to find,a pit in the olive. The manager refused to accept responsibility for the broken tooth. La Gondola insisted thatthey pay for the meal. The olive manufacturer was sued by the restaurant. 2 yia″ θ加お 加 助 ソ yocn3υ MRy ■reputable: well thought of ■pit: a seed or stone in a fn】 it(>pitted=with the seed remOved) ■to owe: to be obliged to pay 口to sue:to take lcgal action against someonc (=tO rlle a suit) ■product liability: a responsibility for the good condition of a product ■misrepresentation: inaccurate infomation ■negligence:a lack of care(>WhiCh may lead to a suit) ■consumer: someone who buys goods or services ■to appeal: to ask a court to reconsider a previous decision (>court Of appeal=a court which reconsiders legal cases) ■to hold: to decide (in a legal case) ■damages: money paid to a sufferer by someone who causcs harnl orloss ■lo assume: to expect 口defective: in unsatisfactory condition ■to be entitled to: to bc lcgally(or rnOrally)able tO FoR o月ДGДrNST2 g arg“θ R′αグ′ λθ/aJι ο″Jれ れ′ s′フ r α4グαgαj“ s′Gιοttr′ .コら れたげ α′ι θ αS′ ο″θ θrι jttθ jん “れsちαん “ α磐 θ れら′ rjわ r οr agα グ″riた,′ αbο ぇ ηり ι れ′ グοれι θ″α昭 ι ″!ン j ん “ “ “ “ “ “ g αs αs た ′ ル″れθ αr y ο .Wr′ ″Й, s j ′ れ οο. E αε あα慇 θ ″s 力 θ″b θグ: ル″4 A “ “ “ “ “ FOR AGAINST The restaurant should take more care with the food it serves. ◆ George should have been more careful when he tried his drink. T h e o ‖v e m a n u f a c t u r e r s a r e ! i a b l e f o r the defectin their product. ◆ Consumers cannot expect a‖ to be perfect. products ◆ ◆ r みι G αs θげ 滋 `θ ル θ= みα′B ″ B αθた 3 DrsctJss′ OⅣ riた ι れ ε θ sθ bο α昭″ θ ,ル s げ″θε α S ιS jgん ん な ヵ r s″ι η″S S ' 4 g 力s rο r ιF ο “ε′jθれ.S“ ggι∫′jο4sル r λO″ ′θ bθgjれιαεあsθれ“ “θη bι Agα " ζjれs′sι たんεθαrθgjッ 'ι 4ο″. ″ ●EXAPIPLE:Use this as a guide for your own w‖ ‖ng, NeW expressions are in bold. Sonne people would say that the restaurant should pay because it vvas careless On the other hand some peop:e would blame the rnanufacturers since they are product. Others might sav blame lles with George because responslble for thei「 he should have been rnore careful when he tried his drlnk. :n mYOp:nion the dental bill should be pald by the restaurant because customers should be able to relax instead of being cautious. Some people would say that On the other hand some people slnce C)thers lnight say In iny opinion because THF yERDrcr匝 國 I j ,ん sた ο力ι″ριゎ/ i 4 ο ′ ″乃 α ′ λ れ ι a y 。 の ″α 4′ わ′ 4 “ο ″″α んθ ん ε θ , ′′ 9′ ρι jグ jS “ ““ α ん グ′ θ″た θん θ ′ θ s.7りθ η″α グЙθs″′ θθ れ 'θ sた なわ ι ι O″α 4ググ ι ご ttθ θwあ r fα r fε ο ,fbり り り “ Os′ α θ εrα ′ ι . “ “ 1. The court ordered (a)George to pay the bill himself. (b)the restaurantto pay damages. (C)the manufacturers to pay damages. 2。The court held that (a)it Was reasonable for consumers to expect pitted olives. (b)the manufacturers had madc a mistake by leaving a pit. (c)La Gondola was wrong to use olives with pits。 3。One reason for the verdict was that (a)George's olivc had a hole in it. (b)the restaurant said they used pittcd olivcs。 (c)George's wife also found a pitin her olive. イ ツ,θ ″ θれrs加 助 ″ POrNア OF ttД四『PrOduct Liability g ρα″gr¢ θ θttθ Cθ ρι ′ ′ ο″j“ 力θ οsJ4gめι⊇proprjα た″Orグ s′り ′ 乃θ′ Js″ メ9′ ρλby ε “ bι ι θ ″ . E α ε λ j ι ′ α わ θ s ι グ ο 4 夕ο ん ε ι . ッ “ ““ “ 1. sue 2.五 ghts 3. product liability ( 4。manufacturer 5。prove 6. damages 7. defect 8. exP10des 9。economic efficicncy )iS a rapidly growing area oflaw,especially in the United States. The American consumer has many( complaint against the( new television( be able to rec9ver( )When it COmes to making a )Or the Seller of a product. For example,if a )and causes a fire in the house,thc consumer may )not Only for the television but for any harm caused in the house. In Japan,however,it can be very difficult to( that a manufacturer is responsible for a( ) )。SOmetimes this requires technical infollllation which the consumer is not able to obtain. Japancsc courts secln reluctantto encourage consumers to( )manufacturers.It is felt )。After all,American filllls have to pay big insurance bills every yearjust in case they face a court case. that this could reduce( GR4皿 AR ttECκ E αεみ げ Й θル ″ο″j 4 g s θ ″″れc θs c O ん協 j れ S O ″ ιθr ″ ん 0 ん θげ 力 ′ θο 脇 j 4 s t t O θr ″ r s . “ “ ″ι″ル 油ιιr r a r sαれグ″″r i ためθs ′ れたれθθs c rθ″εの 。 1。「 Fhe shop says that the manufacturer are responsible for the defect. 2. Consumers should always be care when buying new products. 3。I agree the court's verdict,but rnany people against it. 4. Itis better to choose a safety car even though it rnay be p五 cey. 5。She suffered serious harΠ l because the seller's negligence. ZみιChsθarttθ ariッ ιttα ′3″3aθル 5