hh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llis, 1996 ! 1 { $$$ $$$ # FIGGZG FZCI " Blake & ! Jefferson, 1992 % ! Cnaan & Cascio, 1999; Blake & Jefferson, )#&&& )#&'( 1992 \GZVS \ZKYS FEP\FG \GCKGIP * Cnaan & Cascio, 1999 ) # % ) " + Keyton Wilson, & Geiger 1990 2 Cnaan & Cascio, 1999; Keyton, et al., )#&&& 1990; Lammers, 1991 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Clary, Snyder, & Stukas, 1996: p. 486 Cnaan & Goldberg- * Glen, 1991 * Tschirhart , Mesch, Perry, Miller, & Lee, 2001 Cnaan & Goldberg-Glen, 1991; Fitch, 1987; Penner & Finkelstein, 1998; Qureshi, Challis, & Davis, 1983; Zakour, 1994 #&-( " ) ) Katz, 1960 " " Clary Yeung, * et al., 1996 2004 ) ) ) 3 Rubin & Thorelli, 1984 ! Qureshi et al., 1983 #&&& Black & DiNitto, 1994; Blau, 1967 Cnaan & Goldberg-Glen, 1991; Qureshi et al., 1983; Wilson, 2000; Wilson & Musick, 1999 ) )#&-- Miller, 1985; Mostyn, 1983; Wilson & Musick, 1999; Zakour, 1994 Wilson & Musick, 1999 )#&&& )#&'% Blake & Jefferson, 1992; Mostyn, 1983 Herzberg, Mausner, & Snyderman, 1959; Herzberg, 1966 Penner & Finkelstein, 1998 )#&&& * Omoto & Snyder, 1993 Qureshi et al., 1983 )#&&& * 4 Van Maanen & Schein, 1990: p. 85 Bauer, Morrison, & Callister, 1998 Van Schein, 1971 Maanen & Schein, 1990 Lee, Ashford, Walsh, & Mowday, 1992; Nelson & Quick, 1991 Lois, 1999 Ashforth & Mael, 1989: p. 34 Simon, Sturmer, & Steffens, 2000 Black & DiNitto, 1994 )#&&- #&-( #&&- )#&'( " FZK[R 5 Blake & Jefferson, 1992; Omoto & Snyder, 1993 Capner & Caltabiano, 1993; Cyr & Dowrick, 1991 #&&. Omoto & Snyder, 1993 Cyr & Dowrick, 1991; Leising, 1986 )#&&- )#&&. 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