Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
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This document is the exclusive property of WCL. It shall not be reproduced, in part or as a whole, other
than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
Page 3
Page 5
Page 5
Page 9
Page 10
Page 12
Page 24
Page 25
Conditions for the use of the CERTIFIRE Certification Mark /
Page 32
CERTIFIRE Scheme Fee Structure
Page 36
Participating Organisations
Page 39
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This document is the exclusive property of WCL. It shall not be reproduced, in part or as a whole, other
than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
This is a controlled copy of the Technical Schedule. Scheme members to which it has been
issued will be provided with details of any changes in accordance with the amendment
procedure below.
Each page of the document is identified by a page number, issue number and date. Where
an amendment is made, the revised page will bear a new issue number and date of
Where an amendment requires an extra page to be inserted, this is numbered with the
number of the preceding page but with the addition of a letter suffix, e.g. 10A will be
inserted between pages 10 and 11 and 10B will follow 10A. The new pages are dated in
the normal way.
Any amendment to this document will be identified on the Amendment Page, which will be
re-issued to holders of controlled copies with the amended sections/pages. Revised pages
shall be inserted in place of existing pages or between existing pages and superseded
pages shall be discarded. Where a significant number of amendments are made to this
document the entire document will be re-issued under a new issue number. In such cases
holders of the document shall destroy the previous issue.
The Amendment Page and the relevant revised pages will be produced by Warrington
Certification Limited (WCL), following agreement with the WCL Sector Liaison Group, and
issued to the holders of each controlled copy of the document, together with an
acknowledgment slip (document transmittal) which shall be signed and returned to WCL to
confirm that the document has been amended. It shall be the responsibility of the
nominated representative of the organisation to ensure that the document is maintained in
an up to date condition at all times.
To ensure that a permanent record is available of all amendments, WCL maintains a file of
all superseded pages which are marked with the date of withdrawal. The record is held on
file indefinitely in order to allow WCL to determine the past requirements of the scheme at
any time.
Page 3 of 39
This document is the exclusive property of WCL. It shall not be reproduced, in part or as a whole, other
than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
To ensure that each controlled copy of the CERTIFIRE Certification Scheme Requirements
contains a complete record of amendments, the Amendment Page is updated and issued with
each set of revised/new pages of the document. Details of the procedures for amending this
document are given in section 1 of this document.
*Sections Changed
Issue no
Issue no
All – Issue 5 of “Rules for
Certification of Fire
Protection Products” and
Issue 1 of
“TS 00 / Gen” are both
replaced by this
Requirements document.
5 (Rules)
1 (TS00/Gen)
Sections 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 3.4,
3.7, 3.10, 3.11, 4.3.5, 4.3.6,
4.4.4, 4.4.6, 4.4.8, 4.5.3, 4.7,, 4.8.4, 4.8.5, 4.10.1,
4.10.3, 4.12.2, 4.13, 6.14.6 +
Annex 1 items 5 & 6 either
changed or added as new
sections from previous issue.
Detail of acceptability of non
ISO 9001 QMS incorporated
into section 4.7 /expanded
section on appeals panel in
Sections 6.13/6.14 – Ref. to
Complaints & Appeals
Procedure added
2014 fee schedule
Updated logo’s
All- Updated to new format,
also to include references to
BS EN ISO/IEC 17065 and
ISO 9001. Management
Council renamed to
Impartiality Committee
Page 4 of 39
This document is the exclusive property of WCL. It shall not be reproduced, in part or as a whole, other
than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
All- Updated to new format,
also to include references to
BS EN ISO/IEC 17065 and
ISO 9001. Management
Council renamed to
Impartiality Committee
These requirements relate to the CERTIFIRE scheme for the independent certification of
fire protection products and they form part of any and all agreements entered into with any
party for the purposes of the scheme.
The CERTIFIRE Scheme is an independent third party certification scheme for fire
protection products, principally but not exclusively related to the construction industry. The
scheme is devised / operated by Warrington Certification Limited (WCL) and is also
operated by Exova Certification & Inspection (ECI) in Dubai in accordance with the
requirements of ISO / IEC Guide 65 for product certification bodies.
The CERTIFIRE Scheme is based on the “System 5” requirements identified in BS EN
ISO/IEC 17067 “Conformity assessment – Fundamentals of product certification”.
All bona fide companies who manufacture / modify / supply fire protection products which
are within the scope of these requirements may apply for certification.
In order to achieve product certification in accordance with these requirements a company
shall demonstrate that the product satisfies the specific technical requirements identified in
the applicable Technical Schedule (TS) and the company can demonstrate compliance
with general certification requirements set out in this document.
Technical Schedules (TS) are the technical specifications against which products are
assessed / tested. They are based on British, European or other relevant national or
international standards to meet the requirements of the jurisdiction in which the product will
be used.
Page 5 of 39
This document is the exclusive property of WCL. It shall not be reproduced, in part or as a whole, other
than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
The main features of the scheme are:
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Any product submitted for certification shall be assessed / tested in accordance with
the specific requirements detailed in the applicable TS.
Testing shall be conducted at a laboratory recognised by WCL. Such recognition will
generally be based on the laboratory holding accreditation, for the relevant tests, to
ISO/IEC 17025 by a National Accreditation Body. European laboratories shall be
accredited by a body that is a signatory to the European Co-operation for Accreditation
(EA) Multilateral Agreement (MLA) for ISO/IEC 17025. Laboratories outside Europe
shall be accredited for the relevant tests by a body that is a signatory to the
International Accreditation Forum (IAF) Multilateral Agreement (MLA) or similar. In
addition, for classification against the European system, the test laboratory shall be
Notified within the meaning of the Construction Products Directive.
The above criteria shall apply to all ITT fire tests but by agreement with WCL some
other, (audit test procedures, scope extention or non-critical) testing may be able to be
conducted at other facilities including the manufacturer’s premises subject to WCL
having been satisfied that “corroborative testing” proves the capability of the
manufacturer’s test facilities.
Notwithstanding the above criteria, WCL reserves the right to refuse recognition of any
Manufacture of the product shall be controlled in accordance with factory production
control (FPC) requirements as identified in the applicable TS.
Periodic audit test / examination shall be conducted on typical production samples of
the product for which certification is held. Such testing / examination shall be
conducted in accordance with the specific requirements identified in the applicable TS
and conducted in accordance with the stated frequency for such.
The applicant company (to be named on the CERTIFIRE certificate) and manufacturer
if different from the applicant, shall operate a quality management system based on the
requirements of ISO 9001 incorporating Factory Production Control procedures /
routines to verify traceability and conformity of product manufacture, as detailed in
section 4.6 of this document.
The certificated product shall be marked / labelled / identified as specifically identified
by the applicable TS to facilitate traceability.
Initial audit of FPC procedures / controls and verification of implementation of the ISO
9001 based quality management system will be followed by surveillance visits at an
applicable frequency as detailed in section 4.6 of this document for all CERTIFIRE
Certificated companies.
This document is the exclusive property of WCL. It shall not be reproduced, in part or as a whole, other
than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
Having demonstrated compliance with the scheme requirements set out in this document,
manufacturers will be awarded certification for the products and will be added to the
Please note that various industry sectors covered by the CERTIFIRE Scheme may require
additional criteria to be satisfied, these are detailed in the various Annex’s of this
Companies supplying products not manufactured by themselves may, with the
manufacturers permission, apply for certification in their own name (“Own Brand”) provided
the products meet the above criteria and provided that the applicant company and the
manufacturer operates a quality management system based on the requirements of ISO
9001 incorporating Factory Production Control procedures / routines to verify traceability
and conformity of product manufacture for its activities relating to the products. The
company supplying such products shall maintain adequate documentation governing the
arrangements between the company and the manufacturer of the products.
A list of current product areas and their associated Technical Schedules and other
CERTIFIRE related documents are published separately. Any revisions to these
documents shall be notified to holders of controlled copies who shall be required to
demonstrate continuing compliance within the timescale identified at the time of the
document’s issue.
Liaison between WCL and the industry will be effected through appropriate Sector Liaison
Panels (UK / EU Requirement). The general terms of reference of these groups will be:
To continually develop and update the scheme
To co-ordinate the views of industry
To promote the scheme and its benefits to industry
The fee structure for this scheme is available on request from WCL.
The version of these requirements used by the company holding CERTIFIRE Certification
shall be the version current at the time. All certificated companies shall be advised by WCL
in writing of any amendments and the applicable dates.
Page 7 of 39
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than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
Process to CERTIFIRE Certification – Figure 1
Application made to WCL
Submit existing fire test evidence + non-fire test data (as applicable) + Quality
System / FPC documents to WCL
Assessment carried out by WCL / ECI on test data provided (Fire and Non-fire)
WCL / ECI discusses test data provided with Applicant
FPC Audit undertaken by WCL at factory where product is manufactured
Corrective action carried out by applicant if required
Product Sampled by WCL
Initial Type Testing conducted (Fire and Non-fire) as required by Technical Schedule
(Tests repeated if necessary)
Completion of scope of approval and draft certificate issued to applicant by WCL
Applicant reviews draft certificate and identifies changes as applicable to WCL
Final certificate issued by WCL with associated documentation to Applicant
Ongoing Requirements
Audit testing / inspection procedures as detailed in applicable Technical Schedule,
6 or 12 monthly Surveillance Audit of FPC (frequency as detailed in section 4.6)
Review of Certification on 5 yearly basis
Page 8 of 39
This document is the exclusive property of WCL. It shall not be reproduced, in part or as a whole, other
than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
ISO / IEC Guide 65
General requirements for bodies operating prouduct certification
Conformity asessment. Fundamentals of product certification
BS EN 13501
Fire classification of construction products and building elements.
BS 476: Part 20
Fire tests on building materials and structures. Method for
determination of the fire resistance of elements of construction
(general principles)
ISO/IEC 17025
General requirments for the competence of testing and calibration
ISO 9001
Quality management systems – Requirements
Page 9 of 39
This document is the exclusive property of WCL. It shall not be reproduced, in part or as a whole, other
than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
The Scheme:
The CERTIFIRE Scheme covering the certification of fire protection products and systems
as described in these requirements.
The organisation (company, partnership, sole trader etc) that is seeking certification within
the scheme.
The organisation (company, partnership, sole trader etc) who is responsible for the actual
manufacture of the product for which certification is sought.
The organisation (company, partnership, sole trader etc.) who places the certificated
product on the market. The supplier may be the manufacturer or alternatively may be
another organisation who has sought to certificate a proven product in their own name with
the agreement and support of the actual manufacturer.
In cases where the supplier is not the manufacturer, the supplier is totally responsible for
the control of product conformity and traceability for those certificated products which are
placed in the market under the supplier’s name.
Fire Test Evidence:
Fire test(s) conducted at an accredited laboratory (ITT tests) to establish the performance
of the product or system.
The evaluation of the performance and other data against the requirements of this
document and applicable specific Technical Schedules.
Independent Fire Performance Assessment:
An evaluation of a product or system specification provided in accordance with the Passive
Fire Protection Federation (PFPF) (Guide to undertaking Assessments In Lieu of Fire Test)
or other similar document for the relevant jurisdiction. Also the evaluation, in accordance
with the PFPF Guide or similar and also the assessment principles laid out in any relevant
CERTIFIRE Technical Schedule, of proposed changes to the tested specimen(s) which will
establish that such modifications can, with a reasonable degree of certainty be considered
to give a fire resistance performance equivalent to that required by the Technical Standard,
when installed.
Page 10 of 39
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than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
Converter / Modifier:
An organisation (company, partnership, sole trader etc.) who take a CERTIFIRE
certificated product and modifies it within strict guidelines set out by the manufacturer (for
example an “aperture and frame” company who take a certified door leaf and install a
vision panel into the door leaf in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s test evidence).
Such an organisation can hold CERTIFIRE certification for modifying door leaves of
specified manufacture with the agreement of the manufacturer.
Sector Liaison Panel (UK / EU Requirement):
A group made up of industry representatives (certificated manufacturers / suppliers), trade
association representatives (related to the particular business sector and territory) and
WCL staff, (see section 2.9 for general terms of reference of such groups).
Pre-Production “Prototype”:
A product offered for certification by a manufacturer / supplier which is not manufactured
under “normal production processes” but has been manufactured as a sample of a product
intended to be mass manufactured subject to satisfactory ITT test results and a perceived
market need for the product .
Fire tests (and any other form of testing such as mechanical testing applicable to the
particular product as identified in the specific technical schedule) performed on products or
materials which have been independently sampled from production or stock and can be
linked to an FPC Audit to confirm traceability and conformity of manufacture.
Page 11 of 39
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than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
In order for certification in accordance with this scheme to be considered, the applicant
organisation seeking certification for their product(s) shall comply with the following requirements:
4.1.1. The applicant shall liaise with WCL in order to generate suitable fire test evidence as is
required by the relevant TS applicable to the product(s) for which certification is sought.
4.1.2. The applicant shall provide suitable non-fire test evidence which may be required by the
TS, (such as mechanical / functional performance dependent upon the applicable product
for which certification is sought ), unless already identified as part of ITT requirements for
the product.
4.1.3. The applicant shall provide clear installation instructions as to how the product(s) should be
used in service.
4.1.4. The applicant shall demonstrate the ability to provide a technical support to the product(s)
for which certification is sought as appropriate to the product’s purpose and method of use
in service during FPC Audit of the applicant’s company.
4.1.5. The applicant shall disclose the location of manufacture of the product(s) and declare
whether the products are manufactured by the applicant or by a third party.
4.1.6. The applicant shall provide evidence of the ISO 9001 based quality management system
incorporating Factory Production Control procedures / routines as operated in the
manufacturing facility where the products are manufactured / supplied from. If the applicant
holds ISO 9001 certification issued by a provider who holds UKAS (or other national)
accreditation, this should be provided to WCL. The scope of any such ISO 9001
certification must address control on manufacture of the product(s) for which CERTIFIRE
certification is sought. An applicant’s lack of independently awarded ISO 9001 certification
shall not in itself prevent an applicant from achieving CERTIFIRE Certification provided the
applicant can comply with the requirements set out in section 4.6 of this document.
Classification (Fire Test Data)
CERTIFIRE certification is based on BS 476: Part 20 series tests or EN 13501 or other
relevant technical standard, resulting in different classifications. The individual product
specific TS will differentiate between the two systems. It is important that manufacturers
understand the differences between the two systems and generate the appropriate test
data in support of the approval.
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than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
For certification to satisfy classifications based upon BS 476 series, tests shall normally be
conducted in accordance with British Standards referenced in the appropriate TS.
Tests conducted in accordance with European Standards may also be used to support
certification to satisfy UK classifications. This evidence will be used directly to provide a
classification. The results will not be translated into times to failure under a British Standard
For a European classification all test data shall be conducted in accordance with the
relevant harmonised European Standards. For products for which the product standards
have not yet been published manufacturers may generate test data to the draft standards
but the full requirements to satisfy all the Essential Requirements under the Construction
Products Directive (CPD) may not yet be established. In such cases it may not be possible
to provide a European classification.
Review of Submitted Documents / Sampling of Products for ITT testing
Applications for certification will only be considered when formally requested by completion
and submission of the application form PF020 with the application fee. The data provided
by the applicant manufacturer shall be subject to assessment by a Certification Engineer in
order to verify that the evidence provided complies with that required to satisfy the technical
requirements of the applicable TS against which certification is sought.
Compliance with the applicable TS will be determined by an assessment of documentation
submitted. The Certification Engineer will determine the limits of applicability of such data
submitted. From this assessment the Certification Engineer will identify any additional
testing required.
Depending upon the scope of certification sought (whether a single product or a range of
products of differing sizes / configurations) the Certification Engineer may discuss
additional testing requirements with the applicant in order for the product(s) test evidence
to comply with the specific initial type testing requirements of the applicable TS.
WCL will be informed by the applicant in advance of any test being conducted which is to
be used for certification purposes.
When Initial Type Tests are conducted, the products will be sampled directly from the
production line or alternatively from either the manufacturer’s / supplier’s stock or from a
stockist within the “market”.
Products sampled from stock shall only be accepted where documented evidence provided
by the applicant’s FPC procedures can confirm the manufacturing details and traceability of
the manufactured product in stock to the satisfaction of the WCL representative.
Page 13 of 39
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than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
Preferably the products will be sampled directly from the production line by WCL or its
appointed independent agent (independent of the manufacturer) who shall witness the
manufacture of the actual samples (where possible) and the manufacturer will provide the
internal factory production control (FPC) data for the batch to be tested i.e. the tested
product must be traceable back to its manufacture. Pre-production sample products may
also be subject of this type of sampling where normal production processes are used for
Sampling of pre-production “prototypes”
Where the ITT samples are pre-production “prototypes” which are not produced using
“normal production processes” (ie. R & D laboratory or “toolroom” produced), and supplied
by the applicant these must be provided with full traceability as to material specification
used in the manufacture of the pre-production items. Subject to satisfactory ITT test
results, no CERTIFIRE Certification shall be issued until the product is in full production
and is readily available in the market.
At this time the manufacturer / supplier shall be subject of an FPC visit by WCL. Provided
the FPC visit proves satisfactory and WCL are able to verify compliance of production
materials with those specified as used in pre-production items, CERTIFIRE certification
shall be issued.
At an agreed period of time after CERTIFIRE certification is granted, the certificated
product shall be sampled from the market and shall be subject of a repeat of the original
ITT test programme at the cost of the applicant to verify production processes have not
affected the “prototype product’s” performance. Unsatisfactory repeat ITT testing results or
failure to comply with this requirement will result in the granted CERTIFIRE certificate for
the product being suspended until compliance.
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Where sampling is undertaken at the production line of a pre-production sample, unless
the formal QMS / FPC system assessment audit (inspection) is actually conducted at the
same time of the sampling process, the WCL representative shall undertake a
“rudimentary” FPC inspection related only to the actual product samples in order to verify
that the FPC procedures are effective and do address the critical elements of product’s fire
resistance and any other critical properties.
This document is the exclusive property of WCL. It shall not be reproduced, in part or as a whole, other
than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
Test Evidence Requirements
Sufficient fire test evidence shall be submitted to cover each application for certification in
accordance with the applicable TS and as determined by the Certification Engineer.
There is normally no prescribed fire resistance test programme to be conducted in order to
gain certification. For certification covering a wide field of application it will be necessary to
test with each specific application required. Where it is possible to extrapolate from one
application to another, this will be stated within the assessment principles given in the
product specific TS.
Where separating elements are required to be fire resisting from both sides, normally two
specimens shall be tested (one from each direction) unless the element is fully
Samples of production products for test shall be sampled by WCL or its appointed agent
and an initial factory production control inspection shall be conducted by WCL or its
appointed agent. Samples for test may be selected during the initial factory production
control inspection (see sections 4.3.5 and 4.6 of this document).
Pre-production “prototype” items for test (see sections 4.3.5 and 4.6 of this document).
Tests shall be carried out at a laboratory recognised by WCL.
Historic test data (ie fire test data produced prior to the application for certification) may be
accepted for certification purposes solely at the discretion of WCL.
Acceptance by WCL of such historic data will, inter alia, take into account:
How the product was initially sampled from production / stock or was it a preproduction item
How the factory production control inspection was carried out
The laboratory used
The validity date of the test report
In accepting historic data WCL may require confirmatory testing to be carried out.
The audit test regime shall be determined/dictated by the product specific TS, the
Certification Engineer shall take account of product range variation covered by certification
when confirming audit test programme with the certificate holder.
A claim of No Performance Determined (NPD) for fire resistance characteristics is not
possible related to CERTIFIRE certification of a product with a fire resistant purpose.
Page 15 of 39
This document is the exclusive property of WCL. It shall not be reproduced, in part or as a whole, other
than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
Non-fire Performance Requirements
In addition to requirements for fire testing, individual TSs prescribe testing of non-fire
characteristics; not only those that affect fire performance but any that affect a product’s
fitness for purpose having regard to its end use. This may include some or all of the
Hygiene health and the environment
Safety in use
Protection against noise
Energy economy and heat retention
Serviceability, including durability
Test evidence shall be sufficient to cover the required applications and exposure
conditions. Acceptance of such evidence shall be solely at the discretion of WCL and it will
take into account the criticality of each of the characteristics in relation to the fire
performance of the product(s).
The applicable TS will identify the Characteristics for which a claim of No Performance
Determined (NPD) is permitted.
Assessment Principles
Only personnel appointed by WCL as competent to conduct such work and as listed in the
WCL Competency Matrix shall be able to conduct the assessment.
Assessment of the products will be in accordance with the PFPF Guide of similar and also
the assessment principles laid out in the relevant specific product CERTIFIRE Technical
Schedule and will be based upon information derived from appropriate tests.
The assessment report will determine the scope of acceptability of the product(s) in line
with the specific technical requirements of the applicable TS based on available test
Direct application of the test evidence, via assessment, to other products within the same
“family”, is permitted within the scope of the applicable TS.
Page 16 of 39
This document is the exclusive property of WCL. It shall not be reproduced, in part or as a whole, other
than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
Factory Production Control Audit / ISO 9001:2008 Certification Verification
In parallel with the assessment / testing activities related to CERTIFIRE Certification of an
applicant’s product(s) as detailed in sections 4.2 & 4.3, WCL will also conduct an FPC /
Quality management system verification audit of the applicant supplier’s / manufacturer’s
facilities in order to establish adequate control is exerted on the manufacture of the
product(s) subject of the application in order to maintain traceability and conformity of
manufacture. The detail of the manufacturing process shall be covered by independent
audit and surveillance of the factory production control (FPC) operated by the
Product certification under the requirements of the CERTIFIRE Scheme is conditional upon
the applicant company operating a quality management system satisfying the requirements
of ISO 9001:2008, which incorporates Factory Production Control processes / procedures
which will assure product traceability and conformity or at least an effective Factory
Production Control system which will assure product conformity prior to certification. See
requirement details below. Any company holding ISO 9001 quality management system certification with a
UKAS (or similar) accredited certification body will be accepted by WCL as meeting the
CERTIFIRE quality system requirements and only the applicant’s FPC shall be subject to
assessment by WCL to verify its effectiveness. Upon successful certification, the applicant
company shall be subject to annual surveillance visits of their FPC. Where an applicant operates a quality management system complying with ISO 9001:2008
(but not independently certificated by an accredited certification body), WCL shall
undertake assessment of it’s effectiveness as well as the company’s FPC. Upon
successful certification, the applicant company shall be subject to more frequent and more
comprehensive surveillance visits, (typically each 6 months). Such a system must address
the following requirements in addition to FPC requirements;
 Internal Audits,
 Formal Management Review,
 Customer Complaints,
 Customer Satisfaction,
 Corrective / Preventive Action,
 Continuous Improvement procedures.
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than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
Where relevant, the FPC shall comply with the requirements of Annex Z of the relevant
harmonised European product standard or Chapter 8 of the relevant European Technical
Approval Guideline where available.
WCL have produced product family specific FPC checklists which are provided as
appendices to the applicable TS and which focus on the control of manufacture of the
actual product, concentrating on critical features / aspects of the product(s) and how the
manufacturing controls ensure that these features are maintained by consistent
Typically an FPC system should address, but not be restricted to the following elements;
Control of Purchasing, including supplier assessment and purchase order details
Control of Raw Material and Component inspection, storage and identification and
traceability through the production process (as may be applicable)
Control of documentation related to the production process, including formulation
sheets, design drawings, production specifications, (as may be applicable)
manufacturing / production work instructions / procedures, inspection criteria
(including final inspection and labelling / packaging), assembly / installation
instructions, etc.
Identification and traceability throughout the manufacturing process (batch
numbering, product identification numbering as applicable) up to first point of sale
Inspection and testing of the product throughout the manufacturing process as
appropriate to confirm critical features of the product with pre-determined criteria
and to ensure product conformity, including the maintenance of records of such
inspections up to and including product release
Calibration of monitoring, measuring and inspection equipment, including records
of same
Maintenance of production equipment to ensure product conformity, including
records of same
Training records for those staff involved in the development, manufacture,
inspection and packaging of the product under certification
The product specific Technical Schedules (TS) may also include specific requirements
related to an applicant’s FPC system which are known by WCL as being critical to the
conformity and fire resistant properties of certain types of products. These should be taken
into account in addition to the generic requirements set out in this document.
These FPC audits shall be undertaken by WCL Quality Engineers or by agents of WCL
who have been deemed competent by WCL to undertake such audits.
Page 18 of 39
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than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
Where such requirements are not available the FPC regime shall be agreed between WCL
and the manufacturer so as to ensure consistency of production and supply with
traceability such that confidence in the continuing performance of the certificated product is
maintained. The FPC shall be audited as detailed in section 4.6.2 above. For applicants complying with section above, during the FPC audit the Quality
Engineer will verify the ISO 9001 certification is valid, covers the scope of the
products under assessment and is fully implemented and maintained by the provider. WCL
will highlight in FPC audit reports any situation where the ISO 9001 certification
provider has suspended or withdrawn certification from the applicant / client as this may
affect issue of / maintenance of CERTIFIRE Certification where the reasons for withdrawal
relate to failings in FPC related aspects of the company’s management system. For applicants complying with section above, during the FPC audit the Quality
Engineer will extend the scope of the audit beyond the FPC activities in order to assess the
effectiveness of the company’s quality management system (as by not holding ISO
9001 certification of their QMS the company do not have an independent certification
body to do this)
4.7.5 The FPC procedures at each location manufacturing the product(s) shall be audited by
WCL prior to any certification being awarded. Note that where an additional product or
products are to be manufactured at a location manufacturing products already certificated
and under the existing FPC arrangements, at the discretion of WCL, a separate inspection
may not be required.
The FPC Audit will focus amongst other items on correct marking / labelling of product.
Requirements for marking / labelling of CERTIFIRE Certificated product is detailed within
the applicable TS, and the compliance with these specific requirements will be checked as
will traceability of marked / labelled products through records.
Subsequent to initial audit, surveillance of the FPC shall be conducted in accordance with
the frequency set out below. Where the company operates an FPC system supported by a certificated ISO 9001:2008
quality management system complying with section above the company shall
undergo FPC surveillance visits on a 12 monthly frequency by WCL.
Page 19 of 39
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than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores Where a company operates a non-certificated ISO 9001 based QMS in addition to an
FPC system, as WCL Quality Engineers are the only auditors who externally assess the
applicant company’s FPC and quality management system, the surveillance frequency will
be on a 6 monthly basis from award of CERTIFIRE certification (unless otherwise specified
by WCL). Where the company only operates an FPC system without the support of an ISO
9001 quality management system, provided the FPC system is assessed by WCL
Quality Engineers as effective and comprehensive enough to verify the conformity of
product in accordance with those sampled for Initial Type Testing, the frequency for
surveillance shall be on a 3 or 4 monthly basis. WCL reserve the right to increase / decrease the duration of FPC audits depending upon
expansion in scope of certification (CERTIFIRE Certification obtained for more products)
or reduction in scope (clients withdrawing products from certificated range).
For companies as described in and the actual ongoing frequency for QMS /
FPC surveillance (6 months and 3 or 4 months respectively) may be reduced after a
number of visits have confirmed satisfactory results, in such case WCL shall agree a
revised frequency with the company and will confirm this in writing to the company. If
unsatisfactory findings are recorded by WCL Quality Engineers in later surveillance visits,
WCL reserve the right to increase the frequency of surveillance visits as a result. In the case of product suppliers who hold CERTIFIRE certification for products they supply
to the market which are manufactured by others, the extent and frequency of the FPC
visits will be determined by WCL and the actual input of the supplier to the product.
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A supplier who assembles the end product from components / materials
manufactured by others and packages and marks the product in their “own brand”
shall be treated as a manufacturer.
A supplier who repackages / re-labels products under an “own branding”
agreement shall be treated as a manufacturer.
A supplier who merely stocks products but does not re label shall be treated as a
stockist and the FPC inspection will purely focus on traceability and manufacturers
storage and supply conditions being observed.
This document is the exclusive property of WCL. It shall not be reproduced, in part or as a whole, other
than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
Non-Compliances raised during FPC Audits Any minor non-compliance raised during FPC audits shall be closed out via post or at the
next surveillance. Any major non-compliance identified during the FPC audit may, at the discretion of WCL,
require a special follow-up visit. The need for such a visit will be discussed and agreed with
the applicant / client. These revisit inspections to close out non-compliances shall be
charged at the prevailing rate, (including travelling costs and time taken to address the
Issue of CERTIFIRE Certification / CERTIFIRE Register Entry
Upon completion of the assessment, WCL shall advise the company of the outcome of the
application. Where this has been successful a certificate shall be issued stating clearly the
scope and limitations of the certifications. The CERTIFIRE Certificate shall be issued to be
valid for 5 years from the date of issue, (assuming CERTIFIRE Scheme Requirements are
maintained by the applicant company).
Where WCL deems the assessment to be such as to make certification inappropriate,
WCL shall inform the applicant, giving the reasons for non-acceptance.
The scope of certification of the product(s) shall be contained in the CERTIFIRE Certificate
of Approval and associated documents and shall be entered into the CERTIFIRE Register
of Approved Products. The certificate shall indicate the acceptable application(s) of the
product, the fire resistance period and the duty of use, as well as stating (as applicable) the
maximum sizes of product for the different configurations by an appropriate description or
code or by means of the matrix given in Annex B of the applicable TS.
The certificate shall identify any variations to the design of the product detailed, and it will
also identify the field of application and the basis of the certification being granted together
with any limitations on use of the product.
No single CERTIFIRE Certificate shall be issued with multiple products identified on it
which are from different “product families” (one product family = one certificate).
Page 21 of 39
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considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
CERTIFIRE Certificates may be issued for products which are covered by different
CERTIFIRE TS’s provided that the products are all of the same product family (one product
family = one certificate).
Labelling / Marking and Conformity
The requirements for labelling / marking of the product and the conformity of its
manufacture are contained within the product specific TS, these must be strictly adhered
to in order for CERTIFIRE Certification to be granted / maintained.
Audit Procedures / Ongoing Surveillance
4.10.1 It is a principle of the CERTIFIRE Scheme that audit procedures are in place to evaluate
finished product in the market. The specific requirements for each product type is given in
the applicable product specific TS which may include periodic testing of products sampled
by WCL or our agents from the market or from the factory. Sampling procedures for ongoing surveillance testing shall be in full accordance with those set out in section 4.3.5.
4.10.2 The factory(s) where the certificated product(s) is/are made shall be subjected to FPC
audit as detailed in section 4.7.7 and shall be conducted by WCL or its appointed agent.
The FPC surveillance audit shall focus upon the controls which ensure conformity of
manufacture of the product as presented to WCL for initial certification. Where a European
Technical specification exists the surveillance shall include the requirements from that
4.10.3 Surveillance (Audit) tests shall be conducted in accordance with the same standards as
those undertaken as ITT tests during the product’s initial certification. The precise design,
size and configuration shall be as agreed by WCL but related to the original test
programme. Fire resistance tests conducted for other purposes may be accepted in lieu of
audit tests at WCL discretion. Failure to comply with the surveillance (audit) test
requirements for the certificated product shall result in immediate suspension of
certification until the testing has been successfully carried out.
4.10.4 The specific audit test / inspection requirements for the specific products are given in the
individual TS.
Consequences of Surveillance (Audit) Test Failure
4.11.1. Audit test failures shall be investigated immediately by the manufacturer and corrective
action agreed with WCL. Dependent upon the scale of failure the certification may be
suspended, product recalls or press announcements may be appropriate. The action
necessary will be determined by WCL in consultation with the client company (certificate
holder) and will be appropriate to the specific situation.
Page 22 of 39
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than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
Non Compliance with CERTIFIRE Requirements
4.12.1 The consequences of deficiencies discovered during FPC Audits shall normally result in
the issue of non compliance reports as detailed in section 4.7.8. Remedial / corrective
actions shall be agreed appropriate to the severity of the non compliance.
4.12.2 Failure to address corrective action on a major non-compliance within the agreed
timescales shall result in the certification being suspended until such corrective action has
been taken and verified by WCL. Unless such corrective action is then addressed the
suspended certificate shall be withdrawn.
4.12.3 Failure to facilitate WCL with access to conduct FPC Audits at the manufacturing facility at
the required frequency shall result in suspension / withdrawal of certification.
Sanctions for Failing to Comply with CERTIFIRE Scheme Rules
4.13.1 Failure to comply with marking and labelling requirements set out in Annex 1 will result in
suspension of certification until such time as product labelling, literature, catalogue, website pages are corrected.
4.13.2 Persistent mis-use of the CERTIFIRE Mark / Logo will result in a suspension of certification
for a period of time set by WCL who will take into account previous mis-uses in determining
the period of suspension up to a maximum period of 12 months.
4.13.3 Certificated companies found sourcing products from a manufacturing location unknown to
WCL whilst continuing to claim CERTIFIRE Certification without notifying WCL of the
change in manufacturer shall result in the immediate suspension of all certification held by
the company. This suspension may be applied for up to 36 months or the certification may
be terminated. This suspension shall also affect any certificate holder who relies on the
suspended certificated company for provision of their certificated product.
4.13.4 CERTIFIRE Certificated companies who are found to be marking products which have not
been subject of the CERTIFIRE Certification process will be subject to immediate
suspension of all certification held by the manufacturer / supplier. This suspension may be
applied for up to 36 months.
4.13.5 Companies found to be marking products with CERTIFIRE markings who are not known to
WCL and whose products have not been subject of CERTIFIRE Certification shall be
subject of legal action implemented by WCL on the basis of “Passing Off”.
Page 23 of 39
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considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
Declaration of Changes to Certificated Product(s)
4.14.1 It is the responsibility of the company holding CERTIFIRE Certification to formally notify
WCL of any changes made to certified products, so that WCL may review the changes and
decide upon any re-evaluation / re-test requirements to establish if the changes have
affected the product’s performance. The company must notify WCL immediately any such
changes are implemented.
An application for certification shall be made on the Application Form PF020 together with
the application fee. This Form is available from WCL upon request.
The applicant shall specify (on the application form) the jurisdictions in which the products
will be used and (if known) the relevant TS/technical standard against which certification is
If the applicant is not aware of the relevant TS/technical standard, WCL should be
Companies shall be required to complete CERTIFIRE Certification for the requested
product scope within 12 months of submission of the application. WCL reserve the rights to
terminate the application of any company who does not progress the certification process
to award of CERTIFIRE Certification within this timescale.
Page 24 of 39
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than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
The technical requirements of the scheme are given in section 4 of this document.
Applicants and certificated companies shall nominate a representative and, if appropriate,
one or more deputies, authorised to act in the main nominee’s absence, who shall be
responsible for all matters relating to their CERTIFIRE Certification and via whom all
communications between Warrington Certification Limited (WCL) and the company shall be
Applicants and certificated companies shall be responsible for allowing WCL free access to
offices and factories during normal working hours for the purposes of conducting initial,
surveillance and annual audits / inspections and for providing information and facilities as
may reasonably be required by WCL.
The company shall be responsible for notifying WCL of any changes to the certified product
as detailed in section 4.9.
Certificated companies shall be permitted to use the CERTIFIRE mark in accordance with
the requirements given in Appendix A of this document. Any promotional material using the
CERTIFIRE mark shall be first submitted to WCL for approval. If WCL considers the
wording or illustration to be misleading in any way, the certificated company shall amend
the material to the satisfaction of WCL. The certificated company’s right to use the mark is
not transferable.
A certificated company shall not make performance claims for their certificated products
which cannot be substantiated by the product certification process.
A company with certificated products shall conduct its business in “good faith” in respect of
manufacturing and marketing products for which CERTIFIRE certification is held and in
accordance with the requirements of CERTIFIRE Scheme as described in this document
and any future revisions of it.
A certificated company may terminate the certification of its product(s) upon written
notification to WCL. A minimum of three months notice of termination shall be given. Upon
termination by the certificated company or by WCL in accordance with these requirements,
the company shall forthwith discontinue the use of both the CERTIFIRE mark and all claims
of certification under the scheme. No further fees will be due from the date of termination
except for unpaid fees accruing from before the date of termination. No fees already paid
will be refunded. During the period of notice of termination the company shall continue to
comply fully with the scheme requirements.
Page 25 of 39
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than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
WCL may, at its discretion, revoke, amend, refuse to grant, renew or extend certification if
a certificated company fails to comply with the provisions of these requirements or
becomes subject to the bankruptcy laws or enters into liquidation or is convicted of any
offence tending to discredit its bona fides. Such a decision and the grounds for it will be
communicated to the certificated company in writing.
CERTIFIRE certification shall be re-assessed on an annual ongoing basis via the FPC
Audit with certificates valid for 5 years from date of issue.
The CERTIFIRE scheme fee structure is outlined in Annex 3 of this document, specific
quotations related to client certification requirements are available on request. Failure to
pay fees as stated in this document within the specified time shall render a certificated
company liable to certification being revoked.
WCL will investigate any complaint against a certificated company or its certificated
products received from a third party concerning the certificated company’s performance in
respect of the scheme requirements. Exova Warringtonfire M.E. will, at its discretion, notify
the certificated company of such complaints in order that corrective actions can be agreed
and implemented.
Complaints Procedure (WCL)
This clause covers the case of a company with certificated products complaining about the
conduct of Warrington Certification Limited Staff / decisions taken by WCL related to the
company’s activities as covered by this document and complaints related to the operation
of the CERTIFIRE Scheme.
6.13.1 All complaints should be in writing and addressed to: The WCL Manager, Warrington
Certification Limited, Holmesfield Road, Warrington, Cheshire, WA 1 2DS, UK. All
complaints received by Warrington Certification Limited are investigated and actions taken
where appropriate.
6.13.2 Upon receipt of the complaint it will be logged on the date of receipt and will be reviewed
by the WCL Manager at the earliest opportunity.
Page 26 of 39
This document is the exclusive property of WCL. It shall not be reproduced, in part or as a whole, other
than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
6.13.3 The WCL Manager shall conduct an investigation into the complaint which may involve
discussion with the WCL Process Certification Manager, Certification Engineer, Product
Schemes Manager or a third party to establish basis and background to complaint. If the
complaint is not of a confidential nature (one which can be aired in the presence of others
who may have similar concerns), the complaint may be discussed at a WCL sector liaison
meeting. In such a case the complainant will be advised of the complaint’s inclusion on the
agenda of the next liaison meeting and the proposed date of the meeting.
6.13.4 The WCL Manager shall upon completion of all investigation related to the complaint be
responsible for deciding whether or not the complaint is valid / justified.
6.13.5 Where the decision is taken that the complaint is valid the WCL Manager shall initiate
corrective action to address the compliant and shall notify the complainant in writing of the
action taken / to be implemented to address the complaint. The WCL Manager shall be
responsible for reviewing the action taken to ensure it is working to prevent a recurrence of
the instance which resulted in the complaint being made.
6.13.6 Where the decision is taken that the complaint is not justified, the WCL Manager shall
notify the complainant in writing of their decision. The complainant shall be offered the
facility to appeal against the decision in which case the Appeals Procedure shall be
invoked should the complainant decide to appeal the decision.
See WCL Complaints and Appeals Procedure WCL-QU-PD-022
Page 27 of 39
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considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
Appeals Procedure
Applicants and certificated manufacturers have the right of appeal against any decision
made by WCL against these requirements and in respect of their application for
certification or termination of a manufacturer’s product certification. In order to invoke this
procedure the appellant shall accept the following procedure.
6.14.1 Notice of any appeal shall be made in writing and addressed to The WCL Manager,
Warrington Certification Limited, Holmesfield Road, Warrington, Cheshire, WA 1 2DS, UK
within 14 days of official notification of the decision. The appellant shall clearly set out the
grounds for the appeal and shall enclose a cheque for £1,500 made payable to Warrington
Certification Limited to cover the costs of the appeal (refundable only where the Appeals
Panel finds in favour of the Appellant).
6.14.2 The appeal shall be reviewed by the WCL Manager (who may consult the Chairman of the
Warrington Certification Limited Management Council), who may contact the appellant to
discuss the grounds for the appeal and may request further details if he believes there is
insufficient information on which to make a judgement.
6.14.3 The WCL Manager shall attempt to resolve the appeal within 1 month of receipt of the
written appeal. If the situation can be resolved to the satisfaction of both the appellant and
Warrington Certification Limited within 1 month of receipt and it dos not progress beyond
this point, the fee is refunded. (This may be as a result of certification being reinstated or
by the appellant accepting the WCL Manager’s decision made to terminate their
certification based on the grounds surrounding the incident).
6.14.4 In the case of resolution by the WCL Manager, the WCL Manager will write to the appellant
confirming the agreed resolution of the appeal and will return the appellant’s cheque for
£1,500. If the appeal can be resolved as detailed above no appeals panel shall be
6.14.5 If the WCL Manager’s review fails to resolve the appeal, the WCL Manager shall contact
the Warrington Certification Limited Management Council Chairman and request the
constitution of an Appeals Panel. Warrington Certification Limited shall endeavour to
facilitate hearing of an appeal by an Appeals Panel within 3 months of receipt of the written
grounds for appeal.
6.14.6 An Appeals Panel specifically constituted for the purpose of hearing an appeal which
cannot be resolved by the WCL Manager will comprise 3 members of the Warrington
Certification Limited Management Council, as selected by the Chairman of the Warrington
Certification Limited Management Council. They will be selected such that no member has
any direct or indirect commercial interest in the appeal. The Chairman of the Warrington
Certification Limited Management Council will not be a member of the Appeals Panel but
he will nominate one of the 3 members as the Appeals Panel Chairman.
Page 28 of 39
This document is the exclusive property of WCL. It shall not be reproduced, in part or as a whole, other
than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
An Appeals Panel convened from members of the WCL Management Council is a wholly
independent body not employed by Warrington Certification Limited. The members of the
Management Council;
are not employed by WCL,
are not paid by WCL,
act independently of WCL’s day to day business activities,
give of their time voluntarily to monitor the activities of WCL as an “independent
body of individuals representing various interests” overseeing WCL’s activities.
The WCL Management Council is actually formed from a group of Enforcers, Regulators,
Manufacturers, Insurers, Users / Specifiers who act as a voluntary council to oversee the
activities of Warrington Certification Limited.
6.14.7 When the subject of the appeal involves technical matters, the Management Council
Chairman may arrange for one or more persons having suitable technical expertise to be
available for consultation by the Appeals Panel. In such cases the Management Council
Chairman will ensure that the persons nominated have no previous involvement with the
certification issue in question.
6.14.7 The appellant will be notified of the proposed date of the appeal hearing, the composition
of the Appeals Panel and any technical advisors to be made available to the panel not less
than 14 days before the date of the meeting. The appellant may challenge the composition
of the panel and/or the technical advisors within 2 days of being informed of the
composition and shall provide written reasons for any challenge.
6.14.9 The Appeals Panel Chairman will consider the reasons for any challenge and at his sole
discretion will decide whether the composition of the Panel or technical advisors will be
changed. In choosing any replacements, the Appeals Panel Chairman will take into
account the reasons for the challenge to ensure that as far as possible the same objections
will not apply to the replacements. No further challenges will be considered.
6.14.10 The appellant has the right to be supported at the hearing of the Appeals Panel by a
representative of his choice. Any such representative shall be notified to the Chairman of
the Appeals Panel 14 days prior to the hearing. The Chairman has the right, on behalf of
the Appeals Panel, to challenge any such nomination.
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than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
6.14.11 The decision of the Appeals Panel will be decided by a simple majority and the decision
will be final.
6.14.12 The WCL Manager of Warrington Certification Limited will be responsible for arranging the
timing and location of the appeal hearing by the Appeals Panel which will be advised to
the appellant at least 7 days in advance.
6.14.13 The original decision will remain in force pending the meeting of the Appeal Panel at which
both the appellant, the WCL Manager and any other relevant member of WCL will be
entitled to be heard in confidence. The WCL Manager or any other person nominated by
the Appeals Panel will be responsible for implementing the decision of the Panel. The
Chairman of the Appeals Panel will ensure that the appropriate action is correctly
6.14.14 All correspondence related to the Appeals Procedure must be sent Recorded Delivery.
6.14.15 The Appeals Procedure above accommodates an appellant who is resident in UK/Europe.
If an appeal needs to be heard for an appellant who is resident elsewhere in the world,
other arrangements may be made whereby an appeal is heard locally if a more
convenient representative office of WCL is available. In the event that this happens, which
will be at the discretion of the Chairman of the Warrington Certification Limited
Management Council, the appellant will be advised of the procedure and timescales.
See WCL Complaints and Appeals Procedure WCL-QU-PD-022
WCL will not disclose to any third party any information about a company or their products
gained as a result of carrying out certification of the company’s product(s) which may be
considered confidential, without the company’s consent. This restriction will not apply to
information required by bona fide accreditation bodies such as UKAS in pursuance of
accreditation of the scheme, provided that such information is given to such bodies on a
confidential basis. Restrictions will not apply to information which is considered to be in the
public domain and available on request to any interested party.
A certificated company shall indemnify WCL against any financial losses that WCL may
incur as a result of the certificated company’s failure to comply with these scheme
requirements. WCL will maintain insurance cover against liability claims made against it
and which may arise from operation of the scheme. The level of cover will be determined
by WCL to be reasonable in respect of its potential liabilities bearing in mind those
prevailing within the certification industry in general.
The interpretation of these requirements and the terms of the insurance cover will be
governed and construed in accordance with English Law and in the event of any dispute
parties shall submit to the jurisdiction of the English Courts.
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than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
Certificated companies shall comply with the scheme requirements currently in force.
These requirements may from time to time be amended at the discretion of WCL. Such
amendments will be notified in writing to certificated companies with dates for
implementation of the revisions.
It must be clearly understood that a company holding CERTIFIRE product certification has
a Duty of Care to bring to the attention of any client, principal contractor, building
owner/operator (for whom they are engaged in providing products) any products provided
by others which are known to be non-compliant with building regulations, incorrect /
inappropriate use of products to satisfy a particular fire protection requirement.
Should the company not wish to confront their client with this information for “contractual
reasons” such information may be brought to the attention of WCL during an FPC factory
audit visit so that the instance becomes documented in the visit report.
Page 31 of 39
Copyright of this document is held by Warrington Certification Ltd. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of Warrington Certification Ltd
in writing. Permission to copy this document for internal use is automatically given to
applicants and certificated contractors. Such copies are uncontrolled and this status shall
be identified on each copy.
This document is the exclusive property of WCL. It shall not be reproduced, in part or as a whole, other
than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
(WCL Issued Only)
1. The CERTIFIRE certification mark (‘the mark’) is a registered certification mark and may be
used by certificated manufacturers / certificated suppliers of certificated products.
2. There are three versions of the mark as shown on page 24. The appropriate mark shall only be
used on:
Products – design A
Packaging and product literature – design B
Letterheads, display or promotional material – design C (provided the FULL product range
is certificated)
3. The mark shall only be used in its entirety and without amendment.
4. The mark shall only be used in relation to products certificated by WCL in accordance with
CERTIFIRE scheme requirements and shall not be used on any product or used in any
manner to imply certification of a product which is not certificated.
5. Where the CERTIFIRE mark or logo is displayed on literature, catalogue or web site pages
which depict a number of different products, the CERTIFIRE mark (or logo) should only be
used to clearly identify the individual product (by it’s reference number), which are actually
certificated under the CERTIFIRE Scheme.
6. Where a product can be used in a number of different configurations, unless all possible
configurations have been subject of CERTIFIRE Certification, only those which are certificated
shall be claimed by the manufacturer / supplier in their literature / catalogue / web pages.
7. The mark, when used in association with the relevant Accreditation Mark (for example the
UKAS mark) as shown below, shall be used as detailed in note 2 above.
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than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
8. The mark, design C as shown on page 24, may also be used on vehicles, buildings and flags
but NOT in association with the UKAS mark.
9. The mark shall be used at any size considered appropriate for the application and shall only be
used to show the manufacturers involvement in fire protection systems. The relative
proportions shall always be retained.
10. If the mark is used in association with the National Accreditation Mark (the UKAS mark) on
stationery not larger than A4, the maximum height shall be 30mm and the minimum 20mm.
However in some circumstances, which are usually dictated by reason of space, the marks
may be reduced in size provided they remain clearly legible. Full details of the use of the
National Accreditation Mark (the UKAS mark) can be found in the DTI publication ref URN
98/887 which is available at
11. The mark shall be printed in a single colour, the default reference for which is Pantone ref.
2945C. Alternatively the mark may be produced in black.
12. The manufacturer shall, at the request of WCL, cease to use the CERTIFIRE mark if WCL
deem the application inappropriate.
13. A manufacturer shall, upon suspension of certification, immediately discontinue the issue of
documents that display the mark or contain reference to CERTIFIRE certification.
14. A manufacturer shall, upon termination of certification, immediately cease distribution of all
items on which the mark is displayed and shall remove it from any other form of display or
promotional application. Failure to comply with this requirement may lead to legal action being
taken by WCL to enforce this requirement.
15. CERTIFIRE certificates issued within the scope of UKAS accreditation will carry a combined
CERTIFIRE and National Accreditation Mark (the UKAS mark).
16. It is a condition of use that the mark shall not be used in any printed advertisements or printed
publicity matter directed primarily to the market in the United Kingdom and in the Isle of Man or
in retail point of sale display cards distributed by the Registered Proprietor for use within the
United Kingdom and in the Isle of Man without indicating that it is a certification mark.
17. Failure to comply with these requirements for the mark may result in withdrawal of certification
and legal action under appropriate legislation.
18. Procedures for dealing with abuse and misuse of certification marks is given in document GD
003 which is available from WCL on request.
Page 33 of 39
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than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
19. The logo, design D as shown on page 25, may be used more generally than the mark. Both
manufacturers and distributors of certificated products who wish to use the logo and who do
not hold CERTIFIRE product certification for their full product range shall apply to WCL with
their proposals. These proposals shall describe how they wish to use the logo and will be
considered by WCL. In general the logo shall not be used in such a way that it implies
certification of products, services or activities for which certification has not been awarded,
however provided that referencing is provided to the products certificated by WCL, consent to
use the logo will not unreasonably be withheld. An example of such referencing may be a
hyperlink from a web page to the CERTIFIRE Register of certificated products. Any reference
shall include the CF number(s) below the logo.
20. Details of the colour and colour gradation of the logo may be obtained on request.
21. Failure to comply with these requirements for the logo may result in withdrawal of certification
and legal action under appropriate legislation.
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than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
Design A
CF xxxx
Design B
CF xxxx
Design C
Design D
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This document is the exclusive property of WCL. It shall not be reproduced, in part or as a whole, other
than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
Applies to each certificate on each new application for certification of a product. A 50% reduction
is applied to subsequent applications within the same scheme. The fee includes:
Preliminary discussions between you and a nominated WCL Certification Engineer to
fully understand and determine your required scope of approval. During these discussions
a test programme will be developed to ensure that the usefulness of any test conducted
is maximised. These discussions can be of key importance in the initial stages of the
certificate process so that, if required, an efficient and cost effective test programme can
be developed.
The creation and management of a technical file.
The initial evaluation of product application to determine the suitability of submitted
documentation for certification purposes.
Payable upon acceptance of the quote.*
Preparation for and reporting of the factory production control visit will be charged as one day.
The fee includes:
Initial evaluation of the manufacturing plant’s QMS (Quality Management System),
involving a visit by a qualified Quality Engineer to the manufacturing facility.
The audit will involve inspection of the factory process controls, consistency of manufacture
and component/product traceability.
Upon a satisfactory FPC audit, a detailed report and FPC certificate will be issued.
Payable upon completion of the factory visit.*
When excessive travel is required due to the location of the site to be audited, time will be charged
to cover the auditor’s time.
Page 36 of 39
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than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
The fee includes:
Detailed analysis of submitted test/assessment data and a product appraisal/evaluation in
line with the relevant Technical Schedule, Product Standard, MED/Solas document or
ETAG. The outcome of the appraisal will be a clearly defined scope of approval/certification
for the product, which will be used as a basis for the information to be included within your
During the appraisal process, discussions will take place between yourselves and the
nominated certification engineer who will be overseeing the job throughout the certification
Payable upon completion of the evaluation.*
A 20% reduction is applied to subsequent certificates within the same scheme. The fee includes:
Upkeep of existing technical file, online CERTIFIRE product register and supporting
documentation for the first year of certification.
Unlimited technical consultation with nominated Certification Engineer for the first year
of certification.
Promotion of product certification through the WCL Technical Directory of fire products
and services for the first year of certification.
Payable upon finalisation of the certificate.*
Payable annually on the anniversary of the issue date of the certificate. A 20% reduction is
applied to subsequent certificates within the same scheme. The fee includes:
Maintenance of and upkeep of existing technical file, online CERTIFIRE product
register and supporting documentation throughout the validity period of the certificate.
Unlimited technical consultation with nominated Certification Engineer throughout the
validity period of the certificate.
Promotion of product certification through the WCL Technical Directory of fire products
and services throughout the validity period of the certificate.
Page 37 of 39
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than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
Preparation and reporting of the audit will be charged as one day.
Continuous surveillance of process controls and QMS.
Variable depending upon man-hours involved, may be required for the following reasons:
Sampling of products for testing when required. Where applicable it may be conducted
at the time of the FPC visit to minimise incurred costs.
Sampling of products for on-going audit testing.
Re-evaluation of FPC in the event of non-conformances being raised.
Witness of testing.
Includes review of existing technical data and reissue of certificate and
Charged where applicable and depending upon product and testing required.
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than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master
Technical Schedule
Issue No:6
Author: WCL
Issue Date: 27 Oct. 2015
Effective Date:27 Oct. 2015 Review Date:27 Oct. 2019
Approved: P Duggan
Authorised: C Moores
Warrington Certification Ltd
Association for Specialist Fire Protection (ASFP)
British Automatic Fire Sprinkler Association (BAFSA)
British Retail Consortium (BRC)
British Woodworking Federation (BWF)
Chief Fire Officers Association (CFOA)
Construction Products Association (CPA)
Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG)
Door and Hardware Federation (DHF)
Fire Protection Association (FPA)
Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF)
Guild of Architectural Ironmongers (GAI)
Institute of Fire Prevention Officers (IFPO)
Institute of Fire Safety Manager (IFSM)
London Underground Limited (LUL)
Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
RISC Authority
Secured By Design (SBD)
Local Authority Building Control (LABC)
Exova Warringtonfire (EWF)
‘Users of Warrington Certification documents are reminded that copyright exists in all CERTIFIRE publications. No part
of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior permission in writing from Warrington Certification.
Permission to copy this document for internal use and promotional purposes only is automatically granted to companies
holding CERTIFIRE certification. Such copies are uncontrolled and this status should be identified on each copy’
© Copyright Warrington Certification
Warrington Certification Ltd
Reg. No. 02250182
Holmesfield Road, WARRINGTON, WA1 2DS, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1925 646777
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This document is the exclusive property of WCL. It shall not be reproduced, in part or as a whole, other
than by authorised Company personnel. The current controlled copy of the master document is that held
and viewable by means of the Company QMS or company website. Electronic or paper copies may be
considered valid if the issue number matches that shown on the current controlled copy of the master