Edition 5011, June 26, 2008

The official newspaper of the Royal Australian Air Force
Vol. 50, No. 11, June 26, 2008
of the
75SQN avionics
fitter LAC Leon
completes final
checks on an F/A-18
before it taxis out
for a mission during
Exercise Pitch
Black. More than
3000 personnel from
nine countries are
participating in the
major air exercise
being staged out
of RAAF Bases
Darwin and Tindal.
See inside for full
coverage. Photo by
LAC Leigh Cameron
Pages 3-6
The way
By Barry Rollings
ROLES and responsibilities on
Air Force bases around Australia will
become clearer and more streamlined
under the proposed new base support management model unveiled at
RAAF Base Amberley on June 17.
From July 1, the ADF will begin a
process to adopt the new model that
will eventually apply to all bases and
establishments. Amberley was chosen
as the pilot site for the model.
Those who travelled to Amberley
to explain the pilot implementation
included: the Deputy Secretary of
Defence Support, Martin Bowles; the
Head of National Operations Division,
MAJGEN Elizabeth Cosson; and
incoming Air Commander Australia,
AIRCDRE Mark Skidmore.
The unveiling began with CDF
ACM Angus Houston’s endorsement of
the proposal in a brief video introduction. He said it was imperative to better
define a new model of doing business,
to establish quite clearly what the roles
of each unit on the base were, who was
responsible and who was accountable
for each of the base support functions.
AIRCDRE Skidmore said the pilot
implementation was “about Air Force
focusing on the generation of air power
and the delivery of capability, while
Defence Support Group’s focus will be
on the delivery of base support services
to enable us to do that.
“It is about clearly defining
accountabilities and the support services that will be provided,” he said.
Continued Page 2
Inside: ADGs make history – Page 9 CAF’s farewell tribute – centre
2 News
AIR FORCE June 26, 2008
Amberley a
pilot site
New base management model unveiled
From Page 1
Over the next six months, lessons from
the pilot site will help refine and validate base
management arrangements, which would then
be implemented at other bases by the middle
of 2009.
The new arrangements are about clarifying
responsibilities and improving support within
a customer-supplier model, according to the
Director Enabling Capability for Air Force,
GPCAPT Andrew Dowse.
“The model aims to clearly separate, to a
practical extent, the provision of standard support services at bases from the capability, force
generation and operational aspects that the
military needs to focus on,” GPCAPT Dowse
said. “While there may be potential for future
improvements in the delivery of services, the
primary and immediate focus is on clarifying
MAJGEN Cosson said that the initiative
is about defining the level of support services
required to meet capability outcomes.
“This model provides formal documents,
processes and appointments to deliver effective
and efficient capability and support management and services,” she said.
Base services agreements will be developed
over the next 12 months to reflect and manage the support requirements of each base.
Processes will be introduced to ensure support
services are responsive to capability needs.
Key to the model will be the base management forum, in which capability requirements
and support resources will be managed to balance costs and outcomes.
The base management forum will marry
up requirements of the customer and service
provider, and allow commanders to raise issues
pertaining to facilities and support services.
Mr Bowles stressed the importance of the
rapport between Air Force and DSG staff at the
base. “Relationship management has always
been a hallmark of good base services. I don’t
see this changing,” he said.
AIRCDRE Skidmore said over the remainder of this year, “Amberley personnel will play
a critical part in shaping the way our bases will
be managed in future.
“I was encouraged by the thoughtful questions at the unveiling and pleased by the way
in which Amberley personnel are embracing
the opportunity to improve arrangements,” he
Air Mail
C-17 and F-111 aircraft on
the flightline at RAAF Base
Amberley. New
arrangements are planned
for the base as part of the
new model.
Photo by LAC Scott Woodward
Mark Skidmore, MAJGEN
Elizabeth Cosson and Deputy
Secretary Martin Bowles
attend a base management
brief. Photo by AC Benjamin Evans
Warrant Officer of the Air Force
WOFF-AF Ray Woolnough, AM
The following explains
the rank abbreviations, as
featured in AIR FORCE News
ACM Air Chief Marshal
It’s about Air Force excellence
Greetings Airmen and Airwomen of
the Air Force.
At the Air Force Awards night, CAF
launched the ‘Airman’s Code’. Having
watched the DVD a number of times, I
am proud to be in our Air Force. A great
concept, and great wording. The Aussie
larrikin was portrayed in the production
– forgetting lines and laughter. From the
volume of feedback I have received to
date, many of you like the idea. You can
view the Airman’s Code on our Air Force
Intranet and Internet. Click and have a
look – you will not be disappointed.
I would like to congratulate the following personnel who were recognised
in the 2008 Queen’s Birthday Honours
list: Member (AM) in the Military
Division – AIRCDRE John Hewitson,
Norford; Medal (OAM) in the Military
Division – WOFF Anthony McDermott,
FLTLT David Slattery; Conspicuous
Service Cross (CSC) – GPCAPT
Gavin “Leo” Davies, WGCDR Tracey
Simpson, WGCDR Jay Clarke, FSGT
Craig O’Malley; Conspicuous Service
Medal (CSM) – GPCAPT Peter Wood,
WGCDR William Kourelakos, SQNLDR
Colin Smith, SGT Matthew Hanley;
and Commendation for Distinguished
Service – GPCAPT Gavin Turnbull.
Rod Horan: (02) 6265 4650
Simone Liebelt: (02) 6265 2253
Deputy Editor/Sports Editor
Barry Rollings: (02) 6265 7219
Senior Reporter
Andrew Stackpool: (02) 6266 7611
On May 23, 324CSS held its 50th
anniversary, and although I was unable
to attend, I was advised that the parade
and festivities were a great credit to
the organisers. The parade participants
were crisp in their movements and the
whole weekend went like clockwork.
Congratulations to CO WGCDR Frank
Grigson and his team; not forgetting the
assistance given by personnel from other
I would also like to thank those people who have asked me how my wife,
Sheryl, is faring after breaking her right
ankle. She is walking, albeit gingerly,
but is doing well.
The Air Force Awards night was held
on June 4 at RAAF Base Richmond
– and what a night. To the personnel
and units who won an award – hearty
congratulations from me and the rest
of the Air Force team. Without detracting from any of the previous events, I
believe that we got this one right. It is
our biggest annual event, aimed at, and
for, our greatest asset – our people.
I would like to acknowledge the Air
Force personnel and contractors (listed
right) who turned a great evening into an
outstanding success.
’Till next time, please keep on
LAC Aaron Curran: (02) 6265 1355
Website: http://www.defence.gov.
Email: raafnews@defencenews.gov.au (Put
[sec=unclassified] after title in subject line)
Trish Dillon: (02) 6266 7607
Fax: (02) 6265 6690
AIRMSHL Air Marshal
AVM Air Vice-Marshal
AIRCDRE Air Commodore
GPCAPT Group Captain
WGCDR Wing Commander
SQNLDR Squadron Leader
FLTLT Flight Lieutenant
FLGOFF Flying Officer
PLTOFF Pilot Officer
OFFCDT Officer Cadet
Special thanks to
Master of Ceremonies - Presenters
WGCDR Charles Siedentopf
WOFF Murray Spriggs
Music - Force 10
CPLs Jeffery Cause, Byron Crump,
Greg Strong, Leon Suter, Lee Webb;
LACs Paul Angas, Michael Fraser,
Matthew Hamilton, Barney Loveland,
Sean Rankin, Troy McMillin and
John Zappia
Venue and Service
CSU Richmond
WGCDR Chris Phelan, SQNLDR
Catherine Williams, FSGT Lyle
Oaklands and his team
DSG Richmond
Glenn Jones, Christine Salter and
her team
Serco Sodexho
Lyn Grose and her team, Raelene
Hards and her team
SQNLDRs Fleur James, Catherine
Williams, Chris Tancred and
Christopher Shepherd
Executive Chef and Management
C. Heffernan, T. Vandervelt, SGT
Christopher Bainrot, LAC Mathew
Irvine, LACW Mechelle Gbel and AC
Marcus Emsley
CPL Mark Walker, LAC Ye Ye and
LACW Stacey Easthope
CPL Clinton Morris, LACs Mathew De
Wacht, Paul Smith, Andrew Carter,
Jeffrey Knight, Daniel Shields and
LACW Sheree Woodward
CPL Patrick Jeans, LAC Wayne
Wilesmith, LACW Louise Cotter and
AC Rod Irvine
Advertising manager
Geoff Howard: (02) 6266 7605
0405 310 074
Advertising Representative
Tim Asher: (07) 3332 7651
0414 552 667
WOFF-AF Warrant Officer of
the Air Force
WOFF Warrant Officer
FSGT Flight Sergeant
SGT Sergeant
CPL Corporal
LAC Leading Aircraftman
LACW Leading Aircraftwoman
AC Aircraftman
ACW Aircraftwoman
Postal address:
R8–LG–048, Russell Offices
Canberra, ACT 2600
AIR FORCE News is published fortnightly by
the Directorate of Defence Newspapers. Printed
by Capital Fine Print. The publisher reserves
the right to refuse advertising if it is deemed
inappropriate and to change the size of the ad,
print type or other specifications if material is
not compatible with our system. The fact an ad
is accepted for publication does not mean that
the product or service has the endorsement of
Defence or AIR FORCE News.
Ex Pitch Black 3
AIR FORCE June 26, 2008
Fever pitch up north
Ten air forces put to the test in
this year’s biggest exercise
By FLTLT Jaimie Abbott
ONE jet after another is competing in an airspace the size of
central Europe during Exercise
Pitch Black 2008 (PB08).
There is everything from the
F/A-18, F-111 and F-16 to E3
AWAC (airborne warning and control) and Air Refuelling tanker aircraft.
More than 3000 personnel are
supporting PB08 between RAAF
Bases Darwin and Tindal. The exercise is being held from June 6-27.
Along with Australia, Singapore,
Thailand, the United States, France,
Germany, Canada, the UK and, for
the first time, Malaysia and NATO
are taking part.
During PB08, the Northern
Territory is divided into ‘Blueland’
and ‘Redland’. The different nations
are carrying out role play, in which
cross border tensions are increased
and fighter aircraft are used for
attack and defence.
The capabilities of these forces
are being put to the test during the
three week exercise, both in the air
and on the ground, using air defence
Air Commander Australia AVM
Mark Binskin flew into Darwin to
officially open the exercise, which
he said was a “fantastic opportunity”
to work with Australia’s regional
“For the RAAF, this is a very
important exercise. It gives us
a chance to get a lot of the forces
together and work on the integration
and the high end air combat capability,” AVM Binskin said.
“As our major air exercise, this is
very important for us and it helps us
to roll into other multi-national exercises, like Talisman Saber, which
will be held up here next year,” he
The exercise is the last appearance in an exercise for the RAAF’s
B707. It will retire from Air Force
service on June 30.
PB08 also is using the Joint and
Combined Training Centre to insert
simulated assets into the live missions. No. 3 Control and Reporting
Unit will control many of the airspace missions from RAAF Base
The exercise is about learning for
the Air Force and testing to see how
well it can defend its bases against
air and ground attacks.
With approximately 60 aircraft
participating, pilots are training with
a variety of jets in different ‘packages.’ As the exercise develops, these
‘packages’ will increase. From oneon-one to up to dozens of aircraft
in the air at one time. The missions
aren’t only conducted in daytime
with nightime flying reflecting the
realities of a war situation.
There are air-to-air battles, as
well as air interdiction and air strikes
on ground targets.
Australia’s northern outback
offers an ideal backdrop for PB08,
which was designed to give aircrews
realistic experience in a joint air
combat training environment.
Now, RAAF bases are filled with
many different groups – logistics and
intelligence officers, cooks, medical and security staff, photographers,
maintenance crews and chaplains.
A full wrap-up of PB08 will feature
in the next edition.
SIGN HERE: Above, FSGT-1 Surasoe Konejaroen from the RTAF signs for fuel
while 382ECSS supplier LAC Jason Stephen looks on.
Photo by LAC Guy Young
PITCHING IN: Inset, a RAAF member helps RTAF aircrew remove cargo from
their Airbus at RAAF Base Darwin.
Photo by LAC Christopher Dickson
IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Above, AVM Mark Binskin talks to media
in front of other senior multi-national Air Force participants to the
backdrop of a 3SQN F/A-18 at Darwin.
Photo by LAC Guy Young
HOT WORK: Left, LAC Ian Hobden and US Marine CPL Josh
Maners run fuel lines from a tanker.
Photo by LAC Leigh Cameron
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4 Ex Pitch Black
AIR FORCE June 26, 2008
Front row
International audience for PB08
By FLGOFF Eamon Hamilton
FIRST-TIME visitors to Exercise
Pitch Black 2008 (PB08) have received a front row seat to the action
in Northern Territory skies.
Representatives of the air arms of
Iraq, Yemen, the Republic of South
Africa and the People’s Republic of
China have seen Pitch Black from on
board a 33SQN B707, where they witnessed first-hand air-to-air refuelling
with RAAF and United States Navy
The four countries were making their inaugural step into the
International Air Observer Group, a
program conducted for each Exercise
Pitch Black to allow foreign air forces
an opportunity to see how the event is
carried out.
AIRCDRE Peter McDermott,
Director-General of Reserves for Air
Force, acted as the group leader for the
international observers on their tour
around Australia.
The tour took them through
RAAF Bases Darwin, Williamtown,
Glenbrook and Richmond.
AIRCDRE McDermott said
engagement with other countries is an
important part of Australia’s defence
and security policy.
“We engage with others in the
region in many ways, through diplomacy of course, but one of the ways of
doing that is to allow observers from
other countries, senior folk from other
air forces, to come and see the RAAF
in action,” AIRCDRE McDermott said.
“It gives us an opportunity to
benchmark our own capabilities and to
learn from them.
“Most importantly, it gives us an
opportunity to work with these people,
with air forces with whom we may be
operating now, or may be operating
with in future for the mutual security
of the Australian region.”
COL La Reoux Greeff, base operations manager at Air Force Base
Makhado in the Republic of South
Africa, said the B707 flight was a
highlight of his trip.
“Mainly what I’m interested to
take back is … that the South African
Air Force is on course, or on par, with
what you guys are doing,” he said
Previously a commanding officer
for a squadron of Cheetahs – which
is a delta-wing fighter similar to the
RAAF’s former Mirage III – COL
Greeff said PB08 allowed him to witness the similarities between the RAAF
and the South African Air Force.
“I think for me personally just coming over and seeing your country is
very similar to mine, and living in isolation, distance-wise, makes it great
to see that you actually don’t live any
differently,” COL Greeff said.
THIRSTY WORK: Above, 33SQN flight engineer WOFF Stuart
Matthews monitors his panel during an air-to-air refuelling task.
TOPPING UP: Left, a US Navy Hornet from the VFA-97 “Warhawks”
squadron takes on fuel from the B707’s refuelling drogue.
GREAT, MATE: Bottom left, two Iraqi Air Force colonels enjoy
watching a refuelling task from the B707.
Photos by LAC Guy Young
AUSSIE FEED: From left, WGCDR Visut (RTAF), FLGOFF Martin Alderette (RAAF), MAJ Yeow Wei Pang
and LT Chris Quek (RSAF), CAPT Peter Verlande (German NATO) and MAJ Mohdnasir Mohddin (RMAF),
join forces to share a NT favourite of barramundi and chips at Darwin.
Photo by LAC Christopher Dickson
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Ex Pitch Black 5
AIR FORCE June 26, 2008
air show
By LAC Aaron Curran
THE people of Darwin turned out in
large numbers for the RAAF Base Darwin Open Day on June 14.
More than 10,000 people came out on
a perfect northern day to see the aircraft
and personnel involved in the exercise.
On display were Australian, Malaysian
and US F/A-18s, Singaporean and Thai
F-16s, French and NATO AWAC (airborne warning and control) aircraft, a
B707 from 33SQN and a Caribou from
Supporting this assortment of aircraft
were displays of vehicles and a laser
guided weapons system from the Army’s
No. 16 Air Defence Regiment, and the
mobile recruiting van.
Other nations’ personnel were showing the public their aircraft and doing
a brisk trade on their stalls selling everything from t-shirts to hats and pins.
The Malaysian and Thai stalls in particular were kept busy all day. The French
AWAC aircraft, with the large black and
white dish on top, had a 100m line of
people waiting to go inside.
“The main question we are asked is
‘what’s this aircraft and that big dish on
the top?’ as it is not something people
would get to see every day,” French Air
Force deployment CO WGCDR Philippe
Broch said.
“It is good to meet these people, speak
about France and what we are doing here.
They are very cool and relaxed and have
given us a good welcome wherever we
go. Australia is a nice country with nice
people,” he said.
At 12.30pm, an F/A-18 from No. 2
Operational Conversion Unit put on a
display of exciting manoeuvres for the
“The aerial display was a rare treat
and showed the public the aircraft’s outstanding flying ability,” GPCAPT Alan
Clements from Air Combat Group said.
“It was also an opportunity for both
the base and the participants of Pitch
Black to say a big ‘thank you’ to the local
community for their ongoing support.”
Standing out from the rest of the Air
Force and Army personnel, who were in
DPCUs, was 1SQN aircraft technician
AC Jason Mihatsch.
He was wearing neatly pressed service
dress which drew looks from the crowd.
“I am wearing my blues because it
gives a good public image, it looks nice
and I have a lot of pride in what I do. It’s
my first open day and it has been a lot of
fun,” AC Mihatsch said.
“The public love it. They don’t get
to see things like this very often so they
came in droves.
“They have been asking what we do
as a squadron, what my job is and what
our aircraft do and, in the end, it is good
for our recruiting.”
CROWD PLEASER: Above, a 2OCU F/A-18 conducts a fly-past over
the crowd at the open day.
Photo by LAC Guy Young
LAST LOOK: Inset, crowds queue up to visit the RAAF’s B707 making
its last operational visit to the Top End.
Photo by FSGT John Carroll
UP CLOSE: Left, crew from 3SQN show visitors over an F/A-18.
Photo by LAC Christopher Dickson
NO CAMS TODAY: Below left, 1SQN’s AC Jason Mihatsch proudly
stands out from the crowd in his blues at the open day.
Photo by LAC Aaron Curran
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6 Ex Pitch Black
AIR FORCE June 26, 2008
Tindal cooks serve
it up to extra 350
By FLTLT Trevor Grant
WHEN head chef SGT Matthew
James went to work, he knew it was
going to be a tough day. Exercise Pitch
Black was starting and an extra 350
United States Navy and Marine Corps
personnel had to be fed each day.
SGT James and his catering staff at
the Airmen’s Mess, RAAF Base Tindal,
produce high quality nutritious meals for
more than 70 people.
With the arrival of 350 extra personnel, he and his staff have to make sure
that the quality and nutritional value of
the meals remains at a high standard,
while catering for the international tastes
of the visitors.
However, the Australian chefs don’t
have to go it alone. They are ably assisted by chefs and food service specialists
from the US Navy and Marines.
“It’s great to have the guys here
because we can all learn a lot from each
other,” SGT James said. “The Americans
are a good bunch who appreciate the
preparation that goes into great-tasting
LCPL Jeffrey Miller, a US Marines
food service specialist, said: “I like being
here working with the Aussies because
they’re great and I can learn so much.”
During the exercise, the chefs will
prepare 25,000 meals using 6700 kilos
of vegetables, 4800 kilos of meat, 2000
kilos of chicken and seafood, 900 loaves
of bread, 1100 litres of milk and 10,000
James with one of the extra 350
meals served at the Airmen’s
Mess, while above, LCPL Jeffrey
Miller, USMC, serves lunch at the
Photos by LAC Leigh Cameron
GOOD VIEW: Above, FLGOFF Kevin Murray with the 44WG DET Darwin watches as a C-130J takes off
during Exercise Pitch Black.
VIGILANCE: Below right, FLTLT Ashley Browne monitors approaching aircraft from the ATC tower at
RAAF Base Darwin.
Photos by LAC Christopher Dickson
Skies under
By FLGOFF Martin Alderette
AS THE air-to-air combat exercise phase of Pitch Black begins
to spread its wings, the tempo has
picked up for 44WG air traffic
controllers as they guide military
and civilian aircraft at RAAF Base
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From high above in the control
tower, the air traffic control officers
(ATCOs) are directing traffic in and
out of the Darwin airspace.
The influx of 60 aircraft participating in Pitch Black on top of their
routine work is aided by a tower
filled with display screens and computers, making their efforts to coordinate aircraft appear smooth and
SQNLDR Robert Jackson, XO
44WG Detachment Darwin, said
“Pitch Black is a concentration of
multi-national forces. It is the largest exercise of the year, focusing
on large operations and small force
“We get to see a lot of different
types of aircraft, and it’s certainly a
good testing ground for your skills
and for developing your skills.”
Always up for a challenge, the
crew of 44WG Detachment Darwin
have been looking forward to the
exercise to get the opportunity to
work with international military
aircraft like the F-16 fighters from
Singapore and Thailand, Malaysian
and Singaporean C-130s, French and
NATO E-3 Sentrys, and American
KC-135 refuellers.
The increased number of foreign
participants has made this year’s
Pitch Black the biggest to date.
As part of flying their massive
air operations, participants will often
take off and return in mass waves,
with up to 50 aircraft participating.
Launching each wave requires
careful coordination with the civil-
ian traffic at the airport – whether
it is a scheduled airline service, a
light general aviation aircraft, or an
Albatross flying boat.
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MISSION OVER: A US Navy F/A-18 comes in to
land at Darwin under the control of the 44WG DET
Photo by LAC Leigh Cameron
News 7
AIR FORCE June 26, 2008
Best on the night
Our top performers celebrate at
the 2008 Air Force Awards night
By LAC Aaron Curran
THE annual Air Force Awards
night ceremony, held at RAAF Base
Richmond on June 4, was a night of
celebration and of firsts.
A total of 23 awards were presented during the course of the evening.
Integrated into those for the first time
were the Air Force Safety Awards,
which acknowledge the exemplary
commitment to workplace safety in the
Air Force.
CAF AIRMSHL Geoff Shepherd
also added a first for the awards with
the launch of the Airman’s Code, a
recognition of our common identity
and a statement about what it means to
be an Australian airman.
This year, CPL Tamara Fielke,
from 462SQN in Canberra, received
the Airman of the Year award for 2007.
The AVM B.A. Eaton Award is awarded to a member of the rank of CPL and
below in recognition of their contribution to enhancing Air Force (Tamara
was featured in the last edition of AIR
FORCE News).
This year’s Duke of Gloucester’s
Cup award for the most proficient
squadron went to 36SQN for achieving all training objectives, supporting
air lift activities globally and nationally and fulfilling short-notice, high
priority tasks, despite the squadron’s
expertise being in its infancy, and with
still fragile support systems.
The Stonehaven Trophy, which is
awarded to the most proficient training unit in the Air Force, went to the
PLAY THE GIG: The Air Force Band
entertains guests at the awards
Photo by AC Michael Green
RAAF School of Technical Training
(RAAFSTT) at RAAF Base Wagga.
No. 26 (City of Newcastle)
Squadron received the Air Force
Association Trophy for the most proficient reserve squadron and 37SQN
won the Air Force Maintenance
The Markowski Cup is awarded
to the most proficient unit, which is
not eligible to compete for any other
awards and No. 1 Air Transportable
Health Squadron received it for 2007.
The Hawker Siddeley Trophy for
the most proficient RAAF base went to
324CSS, RMAF Base Butterworth.
The SQNLDR W.T. Riggs Perpetual
Trophy for the best official photograph of the year went to LAC Scott
Woodward for his image of an F-111
in an ordnance loading area at RAAF
Base Townsville.
To the most outstanding member
TOP SHOT: Above, LAC Scott Woodward’s Riggs Trophy award-winning
photograph of a 6SQN F-111 aircraft at RAAF Base Townsville.
SHARP SHOOTER: Right, CAF AIRMSHL Geoff Shepherd presents LAC
Woodward with the SQNLDR W.T. Riggs Perpetual Trophy.
Photo by LAC Aaron Curran
of aircrew in their first operational
tour with 1 or 6SQNs, FLTLT Andrew
Abbey, an air combat officer with
6SQN, received the Pathfinder Trophy.
Meanwhile, the Pathfinder Force
(Air Lift Group) aircrew member
of the Year for 2007 went to FLTLT
Jarrod Pendlebury from 36SQN.
The Sir Richard Williams Trophy
(Fighter Pilot of the Year) went to
FLTLT Martin Parker from 75SQN.
The Kittyhawk Squadrons’ trophy
is presented each year to the most proficient operational F/A-18 squadron.
This year 3SQN picked up the award.
The British Aerospace Trophy for
the most proficient 92WG crew was
awarded to Crew 2 of 11SQN.
The Best Workplace Health and
Safety Management System award
went to 92WG Logistic Operations,
while the Rehabilitation and Return to
Work award went to 75SQN Aircraft
Equipment Maintenance Section.
Lastly, the award for the Best
Individual Contribution to Health
and Safety went to the HQALG FEG
Safety Advisor WOFF Terry Yelds.
The recipient of the Lipshut Family
Bursary this year was CPL Michael
Polsson, Defence Force Recruiting
Wollongong. The award was established in order to provide an education
fund to enable an outstanding airman
or airwoman of or below the rank of
ACHIEVERS: CAF joins members of 36SQN after they won the Duke of CPL to undertake full-time tertiary
Gloucester’s Cup for most proficient squadron.
Photo by AC Michael Green studies with a view to commissioning.
joins members of 1ATHS after they won the
Markowski Cup.
NICE SWORD: Above right, J.R.Bartram and
R.A. Kee Sword of Honour winner LAC James
Madigan with his invited guest and CAF after
receiving his sword.
(centre) from 92WG Logistic Operations is
presented with the award for Best Workplace
Health and Safety Management System by
CAF and GPCAPT Craig White, Director of
Defence Aviation and Air Force Safety.
Photos by AC Michael Green
T h e AV M D i e t z M e m o r i a l
Medallions are presented to one Air
Force and one civilian member to recognise outstanding achievements in,
and contributions to, the quality of
logistics support for Air Force equipment. FLTLT Carol Hofman from
37SQN received the Air Force medallion, while Noel Cleal, CSU East Sale,
received the civilian award.
The J.R. Bartram and R.A. Kee
Sword of Honour is awarded to a graduate of the RAAFSTT and for 2007 AC
James Madigan, (now LAC at 77SQN),
was the recipient.
From OTS in East Sale, the winner of Her Majesty The Queen’s Gold
Medal for the most outstanding officer
trainee went to OFFCDT Darren Wong
and the Thales Australia Leadership
Sword to the best overall student in
each calendar year, went to PLTOFF
Ryan Espie.
At the end of the night, AIRCDRE
Tim Owen paid tribute to CAF and his
contribution to the Air Force during his
long career.
MECHANICAL EXPERTISE: Members of 37SQN pose proudly with the
Air Force Maintenance Trophy.
Photo by AC Michael Green
FAMILY MAN: Above, CPL Michael Polsson
(centre) from Defence Force Recruiting in
Wollongong is presented with the Lipshut
Family Bursary trophy by CAF and Daniel
Photo by AC Michael Green
GALA GLITTER: Above right, under the
candelabra’s glow, 200 guests sat down to
hear who were the ‘stars’ for 2007.
Photo by ACW Shannon Urie
RESERVES RULE: Right, CAF congratulates
members of No. 26 (City of Newcastle)
Squadron after they won the Air Force
Association Trophy for most proficient reserve
Photo by AC Michael Green
8 News
AIR FORCE June 26, 2008
AFG helps
fall victim
First aid by members helps save a life
By LAC Aaron Curran
ran down the stairs, with FLTLT
Donchi close behind.
MEMBERS of Australia’s FedThe first three went out to the road
eration Guard (AFG) came to the and climbed up on to the iron roof
aid of a seriously injured man after a while FLTLT Donchi went into the
dramatic four-storey fall in Brisbane hotel to raise the alarm.
on May 24.
“I went to the reception telling
In town for the Careers Expo,
FLTLT Wayne Donchi, LAC Alan
Stocks, CPL Lucas Zwikielberg
(Army) and SMN Richard Cole were
part of the AFG contingent staying
at the Metro Hotel Tower Mill on
Wickham Terrace when the incident
“At 8.30pm, I heard a loud bang. It
sounded like a chair or table had been
thrown off a balcony,” FLTLT Donchi
“Then I heard this woman’s
screams coming from the level above
me to the right. A man had fallen from
his fourth floor balcony more than 10
metres on to the iron roof of the first
floor below.”
L AC S t o c k s , C P L L u c a s
Zwikielberg and SMN Richard Cole
them to call the ambulance, fire and
police and took their first aid kit.
“When I got to the roof, LAC
Stocks had used his shirt as a makeshift bandage, placing it onto the back
of the man’s head where he was bleeding from,” FLTLT Donchi said.
“We then applied gauze and bandages from the first aid kit trying to
slow the bleeding.
“He was going in and out of consciousness so we kept talking to him
to keep him awake and then continued
with the first aid treatment, checking
him for other injuries.”
The emergency services arrived
about 15-20 minutes after the man
had fallen.
The AFG members identified
themselves as military to the ambulance officers once they arrived, who
GOOD SAMARITANS: From left, LAC Alan Stocks, SMN Richard Cole, CPL Lucas Zwikielberg and FLTLT
Wayne Donchi came to the aid of a seriously-injured Brisbane man after he fell.
Photo by LAC Aaron Curran
then threw a neck brace up, which
CPL Zwikielberg and SMN Cole
placed on the man.
“The guys continued to assist the
ambulance officers with first aid treatment, getting the man into a stable
condition and rolling his body onto
the spinal stretcher.
“They then helped the firies get
him off the roof,” FLTLT Donchi said.
One of the ambulance officers at
the incident said that the level of first
aid administered by the members most
likely saved the young man’s life and
was a credit to their training.
Their efforts were mentioned to a
Channel 10 reporter during an interview afterwards.
“The guys did a really good job;
that is the truth. They acted instinctively and quickly with no thought to
their own safety.
“It was above and beyond what
you would normally do in a situation
like that.
“I was very impressed with their
actions; they did Defence and the
Federation Guard proud,” FLTLT
Donchi said
“After it had all been done and the
man was taken to hospital, the bar
manager came out and bought us all
some well-earned drinks.”
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International 9
AIR FORCE June 26, 2008
By CAPT Joe Nyhan
MEMBERS of No. 2 Airfield Defence Squadron (2AFDS) have won
the full support and respect of their
Army cousins after making history by
deploying on operations as part of the
13th rotation of Security Detachment
– Baghdad (SECDET 13).
SECDET, previously the sole domain
of the Army, is a combat team of about
120 personnel. It provides transportation and protection for staff of the
Australian Embassy in Iraq to ensure
the Diplomatic Mission is able to carry
out its tasks.
Thirteen airfield defence guards
(ADGs) have integrated among
SECDET 13, providing several small
teams, known as ‘bricks’, for tasks
ranging from armed escorts to manning observation posts and entry control
Without hesitation, numerous
SECDET 13 soldiers have spoken of
the respect the ADGs have won for their
willingness and competency in taking
on all the challenges presented to them
in Baghdad.
OC SECDET 13 MAJ Ewen Hedges
said there is no doubt the Air Force
troops have been accepted as equals by
the Army members of his combat team.
“There is no difference in the tasks
we give the infantry and the ADGs and
having the Air Force element here has
provided us with a lot of additional flexibility,” he said.
“Their skills and ability are equal
to the infantry and they have integrated
extremely well.”
For an example of the inter-Service
integration and cooperation at work,
look no further than SECDET 13’s sniper team, which involves Air Force CPL
Robbie Steedman paired with Army
PTE Casey Poletti (pictured above).
MATES: SECDET 13’s sniper team,
CPL Robbie Steedman (left) and
PTE Casey Poletti, keep a look out
at an observation post in Baghdad.
They spend a lot of time together on
rooftops looking out over Baghdad and
have formed a tight bond.
The duo is enjoying the opportunity for both Services to learn from one
another. “This is the first time Army and
Air Force have paired a sniper team,”
CPL Steedman said.
“It’s primarily an Army skill but a
few Air Force personnel have been given
the chance of doing the course and it’s
great for us to be able to keep in touch
with the Army in this way.”
CPL Steedman said that because
the Air Force uses the Bushmaster, the
greatest challenge for the ADGs was
getting used to the Army ASLAVs – the
Australian Light Armoured Vehicle – but
everything else encountered within the
combat team was fairly similar to what
the Air Force was used to.
For Air Force Section Commander,
CPL Pat Maron, the opportunity for
2AFDS to be part of SECDET 13 is
a significant step forward for the way
ADGs are employed on operations.
“Being the first group, there will
be a great expectation of us to pass on
ADGs from 2AFDS in
the Australian Embassy
compound in Baghdad.
Top from left, CPL
Pat Maron, LAC Ryan
Cooper; (2nd row) LAC
Daniel Sultanowski;
(3rd row) LAC Grant
Diversi, LAC Clifford
Morgan; (front) LACs
Nathan Ward and Craig
Kennewell. Photos by
CAPT Joe Nyhan
our knowledge and assist with the predeployment training of future rotations,”
CPL Maron said. “Experience-wise,
it’s a massive thing for us to be able to
take back to our home unit. The lessons
we’ve learned are things we can pass on
to all the troops back home and should
do wonders for our unit.
“This is also an opportunity for us to
show everyone we can integrate with the
infantry and do the same job as them.”
Even after several months in-country, CPL Maron often still can’t believe
where he is.
Below, LAC
crosses the
14th of July
Bridge in
“At times it’s absolutely surreal.
When you find yourself at one o’clock
in the morning picking up someone
from an LZ [landing zone] in Baghdad
or standing up as a shooter on top of an
ASLAV during a red zone run [a trip
outside the International (Green) Zone],
you ask yourself, ‘is this really happening?’ It’s nothing you can pay to do. It’s
been absolutely great and the experience
for our guys to be over here is just wonderful.”
SECDET 13 is on a six-month rotation in Baghdad.
Small arms
under the
THE Combined Arms
Training Centre’s recent
small arms conference
discussed small arms
safety, training, doctrine,
capability development
and related issues.
The conference covered three days of discussion and presentations,
covering topics ranging
from Services updates and
lethality to the ‘Buddy
System’. The conference
noted that of more than 70
reported small arms incidents in 2007, only one
did not involve human
error. Since January 1 this
year, another 20 incidents
had been reported, with
human error again the key
Defence Support
Group is soon to release a
new Defence Instruction to
provide guidance regarding live firing in heightened fire periods, while
the Defence Material
Organisation is continuing to investigate ways to
improve the Steyr.
For more information,
contact the ADF Weapons
Policy Cell on (03) 5735
6490 or 0408 410758.
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10 News
AIR FORCE June 26, 2008
General Sir Francis
Hassett’s dedication
to duty honoured
By CPL Corinne Boer
THE ADF lost one of its most distinguished Chiefs on June 11 when
GEN Sir Francis Hassett (ret’d) died at
the age of 90.
At a service at Duntroon Chapel on
June 17, GEN Hassett was remembered
for his inspiring leadership, constant
achievement and relentless dedication
to duty.
The funeral of the former Chief of
Defence Force Staff was attended by
Governor-General MAJGEN Michael
Jeffery, CDF ACM Angus Houston, Chief
of Army LTGEN Peter Leahy, VCDF
LTGEN Ken Gillespie, Defence Minister
Joel Fitzgibbon, family and friends.
The service was highlighted by the
fly-past of Hawk aircraft from RAAF
Base Williamtown.
MAJGEN Jeffery described GEN
Hassett has an outstanding combat soldier, a great military leader and a loving
husband, father, grandfather and greatgrandfather.
“Sir Francis believed in leadership by
example, self-discipline and quiet competence,” MAJGEN Jeffery said.
“His subordinates thought that he was
charismatic and his professional confidence and loyalty permeated through all
who worked for him.”
GEN Hassett was born in Sydney in
1918 and entered RMC aged 16, graduating in 1938. During his career, which
spanned more than 42 years, he undertook a variety of positions, including
LET ’ER RIP: An Air Sea Rescue Kit is released out of an Orion’s bomb bay during 11SQN’s search and
rescue training with the SA Police in the Gulf of St Vincent.
Photos by FLTLT Simon Longley
LEADER: GEN Sir Francis Hassett
with junior officers ‘in the field’.
Chief of the General Staff (now Chief of
Army). He saw active service in World
War II, Korea and Malaya. At age 23,
he was the youngest officer promoted to
LTCOL during WWII. He is best remembered for his achievements in command of an under-strength battalion at
Maryang San in 1951, regarded as possibly the single greatest feat of arms by the
Australian Army in the Korean War.
Shortly after his appointment to Chief
of Defence Force Staff, GEN Hassett
was made a Knight Commander of the
Order of the British Empire in 1976. He
retired in 1977.
ASRK drop
By FLTLT Jaimie Abbott
JOINING forces with South
Australian Police (SAPOL)
turned into an excellent opportunity for 11SQN to practise its
search and rescue (SAR) techniques during a recent Air Sea
Rescue (ASR) exercise off the
coast of Adelaide.
The squadron approached the
SAPOL Water Operations Unit
to assist with its ASR training by
positioning a simulated survivor
in the Gulf of St Vincent.
11SQN personnel in two
Orions conducted a visual search
for the survivor and then successfully dropped Air Sea Rescue
Kits (ASRK) into the water after
they found the survivor.
ASRKs are a combination of
inflatable life raft and stores containers filled with survival aids
designed to keep personnel alive
until they can be recovered. In
this case, the retrieval unit was
the SAPOL vessel ‘Endeavour’.
Four 11SQN personnel were
on board the police vessel to
assist with retrieving the ASRKs.
However, it wasn’t just the Air
Force who gained from the experience, as eight police officers
from the Water Operations and
Mounted Units were on board
the Orions.
“This was a fantastic opportunity. It was great to interact
with the SA Police and exercise
the capabilities of both organisations,” 11SQN’s tasking officer,
FLTLT Simon Longley, said.
“Search and rescue is one
of the many roles for which we
maintain a high level of proficiency. These exercises are
important to ensure that we keep
our skills up-to-date so that we
can achieve the best possible
results, should we be called upon
to save lives at sea.”
SAFE LANDING: An Orion crew flies
over the life raft it dropped from the
aircraft’s bomb bay.
A SOLDIER’S LAST JOURNEY: The casket of GEN Hassett is mounted on a
gun-carriage as it leaves the church at Duntroon.
Photo by CPL Ricky Fuller
New Inquiry
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News 11
AIR FORCE June 26, 2008
By FLGOFF Anita Green
AS SOON as I arrived on the
B707 with most of the Australian
contingent travelling to the [50th anniversary] celebrations, I noticed the
incredible passion felt by everyone
about Butterworth, Penang, the base,
and its community.
The common theme in all the stories is that of fond memories with lifelong friends, love of the Malaysian
community, and an incredible passion
for all ‘things’ Butterworth.
The most remarkable person at
the event was 93-year-old AIRCDRE
Keith Parsons (ret’d). AIRCDRE
Parsons was the first OC RAAF
Support Unit Butterworth in 1958 and
1959, and fostered the wonderful relationship between the Australians and
Malaysians that is evident today. He
encouraged all under his command to
join together in sport in the belief that
this would create a bond and long-lasting relationships. AIRCDRE Parsons
was proud to see that his tradition was
carried on after he left.
He was awarded the Distinguished
Flying Cross, the Distinguished
Service Order and Air Force Cross, and
was made a Commander of the Order
of the British Empire. He also commanded 460SQN flying Lancasters.
The admiration that members past
and present have for him was obvious. All weekend he was approached
by a constant string of members who
wanted to talk to this great man.
The locally employed civilians (LECs) are an integral part of
Butterworth. Without the dedication
and friendship of these people, the
Butterworth community would not be
the wonderful place that it has been for
the past 50 years. A. Krishnan worked
at Butterworth from 1980 till 1988 as
a driver and now works as the road
movements dispatcher and the main
driver for VIP guests. T. Muniandy,
known as ‘German’ is a refuelling
tanker driver who has been employed
for 27 years at Butterworth. They are
proud to be friends with the many
Australians they have met through
their work, and many of them are now
extremely close friends.
It was remarkable to see how many
past members of Butterworth made the
trek to Malaysia for the reunion.
Telmay and Graeme Dodd were
posted to Butterworth from 1971 to
1973. They met while Graeme was on
leave in Bangkok and married on the
LIKE OLD TIMES: Above from left, WOFF Scott Chenery, FLTLT Wayne
Dicks and WOFF John Millar at the ‘Hostie’ in Butterworth.
NOW AND THEN: Right, retired AIRCDRE Keith Parsons, the first CO of
Butterworth, with FLTLT Tanya Carter.
Photos by LAC Scott Woodward
anniversary of Butterworth, so their
visit marks not only the Butterworth
50th, but also their 36th wedding anniversary. Graeme became the radio
announcer and Technical Director of
Radio RAAF Butterworth. At its peak,
it serviced about 5000 Australian personnel at the base, but went off the air
in the late 1980s when Butterworth
was downsized.
Wayne Naggs was a CPL electrician working at 3SQN Butterworth
from 1977 until 1980. He said that
many members who had been posted
to Butterworth always wanted to come
back for another posting or holiday.
His wife accompanied him on posting and their first child was born at
Butterworth. His memories are of the
wonderful food, lifestyle, and culture
that are special to Malaysia.
Butterworth has a very special
place in the hearts of all who have been
posted or attached there. They will
never forget the amazing friendships
and experiences they have gained.
I was honoured to be a part of an
event where I was surrounded by so
many people who are so passionate
about Butterworth.
Ditch the points
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LOCALS: Above, SGT Terry Brient from
324CSS and his wife join in the celebrations
during the gala anniversary ball at the Hotel
Equatorial in Penang, Malaysia.
POMP: Left, CAF AIRMSHL Geoff Shepherd
inspects the twilight anniversary parade held
to celebrate the 50th anniversary of an RAAF
support unit at Butterworth.
Photos by LAC Scott Woodward
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AIR FORCE June 26, 2008
Chief’s final ‘cooee’
CAF AIRMSHL Geoff Shepherd talks to reporter Barry Rollings about life, leadership
and camaraderie during his 37-year career as he prepares to farewell Air Force.
sk retiring CAF AIRMSHL
Geoff Shepherd what he
will miss most on retirement from a long Air Force
career and, surprisingly, his
answer is not ‘flying’.
“I did that recently and the hands
and feet went to all the right places
again,” he said of his most recent fast
jet flight.
“I will miss that easy camaraderie
of friends,” he said. “You can be anywhere in the world and be talking with
Air Force friends.”
This was evident on his recent trip
to Gallipoli when talking to members of the Air Force Band and the
Federation Guard. “You might not have
met those kids before and they might
not have met you but there is an easy
camaraderie and familiarity.
Knowing that you are
part of a bigger team
has been the defining
point of my 37 years in
the Air Force
“Being part of a bigger family,
knowing that you are part of a bigger
team has been the defining point of my
37 years in the Air Force.
“As a retiring member, while you
are still part of the Air Force family
in a broad sense, you are not actively
in it any more and you don’t get that
easy familiarity, easy Air Force family
friendship out there in other organisations, so I will certainly miss that.”
CAF said that joining the Air Force
was not always a life plan.
“Somewhere throughout repeating
Year 12, in between growing long hair,
riding a motor bike and surfing a lot, I
saw an advertisement for the Air Force
Academy at Point Cook. I started the
recruiting process and here I am. Some
would say I am a stayer, some might
say I lack imagination.”
AIRMSHL Shepherd – who is well
known for his Aussie catchcry “cooee”
– said that there were positives and
negatives, but his positives “have well
and truly outweighed the negatives”.
“I am not a backward-looking person so I don’t tend to worry about
the mistakes of the past, though lord
knows, I have made enough of them.
We all learn from them; that’s the main
thing. I have made personal mistakes
and maybe in some ways I have made
some leadership and command decisions that have not been the best ones.
“In this job, you deal very much in
conceptual issues and uncertainties.
There are no clear cut, simple ‘black
and white’ answers a lot of the time.
“I am more than robust enough
in my own self-awareness to say that
these decisions I have made, if I look
backwards – which I don’t – could have
been made a bit better, or perhaps a bit
worse. We are all human – we learn
from our mistakes and move on.”
He said he has enjoyed every posting. “Some of the best operational
excitement I had was at Glenbrook
when we first developed the Air
Operations Centre. Command and con-
CAF reflects on
his experiences in
the Air Force.
Photo by LAC Aaron
trol of air exercises of that centralised
way was as exciting as getting in an
aircraft and flying.
“Some of the decisions I have had
to make as chief, some of the issues we
have had to cover have been incredibly
exciting and important.
“I have seen my role as more of a
gradually building continuum or development with no great peak or trough;
it was a line that went increasingly
upward. It’s been a great career. Every
job has built on every previous job. It
certainly wasn’t a master plan; there
was a lot of luck and opportunity in
WATERWORKS: Above, CAF tries his
hand at firefighting during a visit to the
RAAF Security and Fire School at RAAF
Base Amberley. Photo by LAC Aaron Curran
FIREPOWER: Left, CAF gets a feel
for the F89 Minimi light machine gun,
assisted by SQNLDR (now WGCDR)
Wayne Kelly.
Photos by LAC Aaron Curran
VIP: Right, CAF signs the visitors’
register during his recent visit to the
Orion detachment in the MEAO.
Photo by AB Paul Berry
He said he was proud to make chief
– not for himself – but to represent the
Air Force and his country as CAF.
“I can remember being proud of
my first solo flight [as well], becoming a Mirage pilot and an F-111 pilot,
and becoming a QFI (qualified flying
instructor). All these things add up; we
all have these bits of pride in our career
“Throughout your career, you will
get things you are proud of and things
that are a bit more boring. Sometimes
I wish I had the proverbial dog to kick
but I don’t keep a score on these things;
it’s all part of life’s rich tapestry.”
He will settle near Noosa on a property that has been rented for 10 years
and he has not seen for the past three.
His only plan at this stage is a smooth
transition from CAF to ‘civvie street’.
“The first plan is to leave the Air
Force in good order both for the force
and myself; there is no wind-down or
caretaker period in this post.”
He estimates it will take him at least
six months to draw breath. But when
he does, his fishing boat beckons.
“We will have to see what life presents,” he said. “I love gardening and
we’ve had a wonderful house here at
Duntroon. It has been a great privilege
to live in one of these historic houses.
“Apart from travel, we (he and his
wife Anne) enjoy tropical gardening
and have 10 acres up there to work on.
“I have done a lot of travelling in
this job. They have been busy, exciting
trips done in top-shelf fashion but you
don’t have control over them while
working, so it will be nice to go back
and have a look at them – from the
back of aircraft rather than up front and
not carrying mess kits.”
As he departs, he sees the state of
the Air Force as “very good, on the
threshold of a wonderful and exciting
future as it re-equips over the next 10
or so years as part of the White Paper
outcomes”. At the same time, he said
we are doing the job now and meeting
all the short-notice tasking that we are
required to.
Speaking of Air Force’s needs and
what it needs to deliver to the joint
effect was very clear through the force
structuring process, he said: “We
need to be able to deliver security of
presents a “Supporting our
Air Force Team” pin to Tahlia,
the daughter of 11SQN’s
FSGT Tony Stevenson,
during a squadron welcome
home ceremony at RAAF
Base Edinburgh.
Photo by AC Glen McCarthy
abseils towards the ground
after leaping off the water
tower during a visit to RAAF
Base Wagga.
Photo by Christine Williams
air space and air superiority. Without
that, we cannot do any ground or sea
manoeuvres. We need to give our army
and navy colleagues the freedom to
operate unhindered by air attack. Air
superiority is the first and primary
He saw himself as the tip of the Air
Force spear and said he could not do
his job without the whole team behind
Without culture and
good people, all the
policies and equipment
in the world don’t
amount to anything
TECHNOLOGY: Above, 10SQN’s FLTLT Richard Charles
shows CAF some new systems aboard an Australian Orion in
the MEAO.
Photo by CPL Mike McSweeney
ERA’S END: Main photo, CAF prepares to fly the last F-111G
aircraft sortie.
Photo by LAC Scot Woodward
“It’s the leadership team and everyone in the force working together in
a cohesive way. I only ever saw it as
being part of a long endurance race and
it was my turn to hold the baton for
this period of time,” he said. “Without
culture and good people, all the policies and equipment in the world don’t
amount to anything.”
The hard work of the past nine
years to build an aligned senior leadership team would make for a smooth
transition for the incoming CAF.
“My proudest boast as CAF is that
you could take out half the Air Force
leadership team in a bus crash – heaven
forbid – and the senior leadership team
and the direction would stay the same
because we are all aligned.”
AIRMSHL Shepherd will retire on July 3.
Shepherd at the gala ball held by 324CSS
at the Hotel Equatorial, Penang, Malaysia,
for the 50th anniversary celebrations of an
RAAF presence at Butterworth.
Photo by LAC Scott Woodward
PUPPY POWER: CAF meets a recent
edition to the puppy breeding program at
the military working dog breeding cell at
RAAF Base Amberley.
Photo by LACW Melina Mancuso
14 News
AIR FORCE June 26, 2008
Head first to
help family
By Andrew Stackpool
A FAMILY facing a medical crisis is $11,000 better off, thanks to
the hard work of a small group of
dedicated volunteers at RAAF Base
Williamtown and the unstinting generosity of base personnel.
and waxing their chests to raise the
money through donations, pledges
and raffles.
British Aerospace employees held
their own event on the other side of
the base while a coin drop was organised at the base front gates.
Davis said the day was a “truly magnificent display of community spirit”.
“So many people banded together
to help the Abbott family,” he said.
“To Sam Hays and his large band
of helpers, a great big pat on the
back. To all those who have sacrificed
treasured parts of their body, a sacrifice well worth while. To all those
who donated prizes, sponsored participants, your generosity is greatly
“In true Australian tradition people
of the base and the community joined
together to assist a family in need. As
the commander of the base, I could
not think of a more worthy cause to
support and promote on the base.”
In November last year, local
Medowie resident Sebastian Abbott
complained of feeling unwell.
Medical tests found that he had
a tumour the size of a small football
behind his chest and an aggressive
form of lymphoma. He began weekly treatment at Newcastle’s Mater
Hospital, which may continue for up
to three years. To add to their problems, his wife Rosie is a full-time
mother to their four young children,
while Sebastian is unable to work
because of the severity of the two
Enter Williamtown. Some members heard of Sebastian’s condition
and decided to do something about it.
He was part of the Air Force family as
he and Rosie each had a parent who
had served in the Air Force.
They decided to raise money by
holding ‘Bald for Bucks’. The event, SHAVED FOR SEBASTIAN: BAE employees show off their shaved
which was held on May 20, com- heads after participating in the ‘Bald for Bucks’ charity event at RAAF
prised volunteers shaving their heads Base Williamtown.
Photo provided by Sam Hays
Working For You
Help us to help you by joining the Association:
We can say things that you can’t !
WGCDR Andrew
Gilbert (right) and
Morris face-off after
losing their moustaches
at Sale for charity. Photos
by CPL Col Dadd
SATCO’s tach trim
By FLTLT Erin van Beuningen
AFTER 60 years in the making,
the combined moustaches of two
senior air traffic control officers from
RAAF Base East Sale were shaved
into history – all in the name of charity.
Members from the 19 Supervisor
Course led the charge at the School
of Air Traffic Control (SATC) dining-in night to see SATC CO WGCDR
Andrew Gilbert and 44WG Detachment
Commander (DETCDR) SQNLDR St
John Morris lose their moustaches.
Led by FLGOFF Tristan Chuntie,
the postgraduate course offered a donation of $10 a member to the Leukemia
Fancy dress
Walkington led
‘dare charge’
when he turned
out in coloured
wig and
waders for the
annual ‘Biggest
Morning Tea.”
for charity. Photo
provided by Shvon
IT WAS an office party of a different kind at RAAF
Base Williamtown recently when personnel from the
Ground Telecommunications Equipment Systems
Programs Office (GTESPO) dressed up for charity.
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Foundation’s ‘Shave for a Cure’ charity
if the CO would lose the moustache he
had worn since 1980. Hoping to outmanoeuvre the students without having
to match their $180, the CO agreed
– on the proviso that SQNLDR Morris,
a fellow moustache wearer since 1975,
also removed his “tach.”
Unfortunately for the CO and
DETCDR, the remaining body rose as
one to lay their money on the table for
the good cause.
The following morning, the CO and
DETCDR were summarily charged
with fulfilling their duties and subsequently shaved by local base hairdresser, Pip Shields.
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Appointments ph: 0414 270 221
Each year, GTESPO staff get together for a cuppa
and a chat to raise money for The Australian Cancer
Council’s ‘Biggest Morning Tea’ event.
This year, however, they ‘upped the ante’ by issuing
dares to members as a means of raising as much as they
could. The dares involved some interesting fancy dress.
GTESPO OC GPCAPT Mike Walkington certainly
looked like a professional in his waders, a coloured wig
and boat float. It wasn’t hard to see that he was a seasoned fisherman in this outfit.
Meanwhile, getting right into the swing of things,
WGCDR Peter Pollock took on the challenge of his
dare with full gusto and spent the day dressed as a
bikini-clad, grass skirt-wearing lady with a long mane
of golden blonde hair.
He was joined by his trend-setting companion,
WOFF Nick Dentrinos, who donned sunglasses to give
Cory Worthington a run for his money. In keeping with
the look, the sneaky WOFF managed to dodge all the
The Knights Templar was represented in fine form
by Daronmont contractor, David Jarrett, who cut a dashing figure in silver chain mail, sword and shield.
Phil Barnett, project manager of minor projects,
ended up feeling a little confused as he lived his morning mostly backwards, including all of his clothes. At
least everyone saw him coming.
Shvon Costar, the executive support officer who hails
from the Ngapuhi Tribe in Northland New Zealand,
dressed in her native Maori costume and showed her
expertise in twirling her poi’s.
Finally, graduate engineer, Cameron Just, looked
to have had a bit of a down day, which showed in his
brightly coloured blue hair. We thought he’d done it for
the State of Origin NSW side, but no, it was for charity.
The morning’s event was dedicated to GTESPO’s
SQNLDR Graham Neal, who recently lost his battle
with cancer. Graham’s wife Joanne and son Hamish
joined in the event.
A total of $1406 was raised for the Cancer Council.
This article was provided by Shvon Costar from GTESPO.
News 15
AIR FORCE June 26, 2008
Lift for gate
VINTAGE Air Force aircraft the front gate also needed to be moved
briefly took to the air again as part of onto their new concrete parking stands.
The work was part of a larga renovation exercise at RAAF Base
er project sponsored by Combat
Wagga recently.
This time their flight was assisted and the term ‘airlift’ was given
new meaning as members from Air
Movements Training and Development
Unit (AMTDU) visited Wagga to lower
the aircraft onto newly-installed parking stands.
The exercise was part of the ongoing project to restore the RAAF Base
Wagga front gate display, or ‘Gate
Guards’ aircraft to a more presentable
The ‘Gate Guards’ were showing
their age after years of exposure to the
elements. In the past, members from
the base had done various repairs to
the aircraft to refurbish them, but their
constant exposure to the elements and
the affects of the sprinklers took their
The tail surfaces of the Sabre and
Mirage were suffering severe degradation from their proximity to the trees
behind them and needed to be moved
forward to prevent further damage
from sap, bird droppings and detritus.
A Winjeel and Meteor located at
Support Unit, Wagga CO WGCDR
John Herlihy and RAAF School of
Technical Training (RAAFSTT) CO
WGCDR John Dohnt to renovate and
preserve the aircraft, and for their display area to be a more inviting area for
the public to visit.
“AMTDU jumped at the invitation
to use the RAAF Base Wagga ‘Gate
Guards’ for the exercise,” FLTLT
Brendon Mulloy from RAAFSTT said.
“An aircraft recovery involved
assessing the aircraft, designing a safe
sling system and moving the aircraft
to the required position. For the ‘Gate
Guards’, the aircraft also needed to be
placed onto their new pads.”
AMTDU had documentation for
the Mirage and Winjeel but had to
design the sling and lift procedure for
the Sabre and Meteor from scratch,
which tested their knowledge and
Within three days, all four aircraft
had been safely lifted onto their new
parking pads.
The refurbishment of the static dis-
plays began in mid-2007 and is far
from over, with new fencing, lighting and surfacing to be installed.
Repainting of the aircraft will continue
for some time.
Each aircraft is being assessed and
treated for corrosion and upper surface
sealing to prevent moisture penetration, and an ongoing maintenance program is being developed.
Information for this article provided
by FLTLT Brendon Mulloy.
HQ CSG celebrates
By Paul Lineham
COMBAT Support Group
(CSG) staff from around Australia
and in Malaysia recently celebrated
its 10th anniversary.
RAAF Base Amberley has
been the home of HQ CSG since it
moved from Glenbrook in 1999, so
it was deemed fitting that the main
events were held in Ipswich to say
thank you for the local support that
Ipswich has provided to CSG.
The anniversary of the formation of CSG was marked by a service at St Paul’s Anglican Church
in Ipswich on June 4 to remember
those CSG personnel who lost their
lives in both conflict and peacetime.
Ipswich City Council co-hosted a
reception at the Ipswich Art Gallery
to celebrate with members of the
Ipswich and Brisbane communities.
The Combat Support Conference
o n Ju n e 4 - 5 a t t h e I p s w i c h
International Hotel included representatives from the United States
and Britain and aimed to promote
the importance of combat support to
air operations.
Because CSG members were
spread across Australia, as well as
Butterworth in Malaysia, it made it
difficult for all members to celebrate
the anniversary in one location. To
commemorate the important milestone, functions were held around
the country by each CSG unit on
May 16.
“While the group has changed
subtly in recent years, the requirements for the existence of CSG
remain as relevant today as it was in
1998,” Commander CSG AIRCDRE
Mark Gower said.
A Mirage (above)
and Sabre (left)
are lifted onto new
parking stands at the
front gate of RAAF
Base Wagga with
the help of visiting
AMTDU personnel
from RAAF Base
Richmond. Photos by
Glenn Alderton
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16 News
AIR FORCE June 26, 2008
Know your weapons
THE SCHOOL of Air Warfare
(SAW) at RAAF Base East Sale
strives to broaden the knowledge of
its graduates, so that they can better
understand the wider application of
air power.
“The more ‘hands-on’ aspects of
the delivery of air power have traditionally been regarded as the exclusive domain of the fast jet fraternity,”
SAW Weapons and Systems Flight
Commander SQNLDR Gary Bremer
“The knowledge required to employ
those weapons was left to those who
carried the bombs but this is no longer
the case as more people become directly or indirectly involved with weapon
delivery. It is vital that all war-fighters
understand the application of lethal or
non-lethal effects.”
SAW had faced a number of challenges in recent months, as it transitioned to train the air combat officer
(ACO) category.
“As the School of Air Navigation,
it turned out high-quality graduates
for decades, supplying aviators to Air
Force and Navy and also to air forces
from countries such as New Zealand,
Malaysia and Singapore. Despite the
changes, that tradition is set to continue but with a subtle shift in emphasis,”
SQNLDR Bremer said.
“The application of air power
resides not just with those who fly but
with a multitude of operators across a
broad spectrum of platforms and environments; the ACO category is a key
component of that future capability.”
SAW aims to produce graduates
TRAINING POWER: Senior instructor SQNLDR Gary
Bremer explains the workings of a Mk 82 Bomb to
weaponeering course student FLGOFF Piotr Jaster.
Left, SQNLDR Bremer conducts a weaponeering
course. Digitally manipulated image.
Photos by CPL Col Dadd
with a broad understanding of the
concept of war-fighting in a modern,
networked environment. Once the
students graduate, they develop those
skills through postgraduate training.
“The staff at SAW have a role to
play in postgraduate development,
including the training of instructors at
SAW. Probably less well known is that
SAW is the sole provider of training
for Air Force in weapons employment.
“The weapon training provided by
SAW is delivered in a modular package
known as the Weapons Employment
Course (WEC). Originally aimed at
aircrew, the WEC now has wide applicability to several categories within
Air Force and the other Services, and
comprises three separate courses,”
SQNLDR Bremer said.
The Weapons Theory Course provides training in the principles, applications and limitations of the employment and effects of conventional
weapons. It introduces a basic level of
knowledge in radar, electro-optics and
electronic combat. It covers weapon
types, their functions and effects, the
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basic principles of weapon guidance
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The Weaponeering Basic Course
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“Ten courses are run each year
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“However, the instructors are keen to
ensure they provide the level of training required by units and are willing to
visit units to deliver tailored courses.
“The name of the unit may have
changed but the staff at SAW is dedicated to providing capability through
training; their core business.”
For more information, visit the SAW
website: http://intranet.defence.gov.
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Flightline 17
AIR FORCE June 26, 2008
MODEL: WOFF Jodi Graham
stands next to a bas-relief
figure of an Iraqi soldier on a
mural outside the Australian
Headquarters at Camp
Victory in Baghdad.
Photo by CAPT Cameron Jamieson
CREW CONNECTION: Above, SGT Peter Hedger from 10SQN assists his crew during a tactical exercise in
preparation for the recent Fincastle Trophy competition in Canada.
Photo by ACW Shannon Urie
KNIGHT OUT: Below centre, WOFF-AF Ray Woolnough takes the throne at WOFF Graham Farrington’s farewell
dinner at the RAAF Base Wagga Sergeants’ Mess.
Photo courtesy of Angel Photography
BLOOMIN’ GOOD: LAC Jeremy Halcrow tends to
a resident’s garden at the Old Timers’ retirement
village during No. 1 Radar Surveillance Unit’s visit
to Alice Springs over the Anzac Day long weekend.
The unit traditionally visits the home and carries out
general maintenance each year.
Photo by AC Vasilis Solomou
RED ALERT: WGCDR Reg Carruthers puts his feet up in the mobile Red
Cross Blood Bank at RAAF Base Edinburgh, joined by WGCDR Richard
Trotman-Dickenson, PLTOFF Nicole Glaser and WOFFs Jacqui Reid and
Mark Wilson. The team from Information Warfare Wing Group volunteered
their veins for the worthy cause.
Photo by ACW Shannon Urie
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18 Cadets Corner
AIR FORCE June 26, 2008
Six in the sky
Kate Johnson
PURSUING their love of aviation through the Australian Air
Force Cadets (AAFC) recently
paid off for six cadets from 8WG,
LCDT Michael Dreghorn,
CUO Michael Marriner, CFSGTs
Dani Brewster and Byron Collins
and CSGTs Jack Simpson and
Allan Sommerville have achieved
careers in aviation.
Since their first solo flight
with the AAFC, they have gained
employment with the Vincent
Aviation company and two have
become commercially accredited in flying its 19-passenger
Beechcraft 1900 and nine-passenger Cessna Conquest 441.
LCDT Dreghorn, CUO
Marriner, CFSGT Brewster and
CSGT Sommerville gained their
initial aviation experience through
the AAFC after they were awarded the Ian Davidson Memorial
Scholarship of $5000.
This grant enables selected
cadets to attain their first solo
flight after an intensive week of
flight training.
CSGT Simpson and CFSGT
Collins learnt to fly through the
CUO Marriner began his cadet
career at the age of 13, and since
completing his first solo at 16,
started with Vincent Aviation as a
ground handler in 2006. Now, two
years later, he is a first officer for
the company.
“Opportunities come and go. I
have made sure that when a door
opens, I walk through and don’t
look back,” he said.
AAFC AVIATORS: From left, 8WG cadets CSGT Jack Simpson, CUO Michael Marriner, CFSGT
Dani Brewster and CSGT Allan Sommerville get acquainted with their future ‘office’ in the sky.
Photo courtesy of CPL (AAFC) Kate Johnson
“If I did [look back], I wouldn’t
be where I am now. It’s thanks to
those pilots who help the cadets,
not only in Darwin but Australiawide, donating their time and experience. It is invaluable.”
CFSGT Dani Brewster said that
starting out as a ground handler
“wasn’t anything flash when all
you want to do is fly.
“But I’m in the aviation indus-
try and getting paid, so that’s a
bonus,” he said.
M a r c h a n t , t h e A A F C ’s O C
Northern Territory, is Vincent
Aviation’s manager of checking
and training for pilots.
“These cadets were selected because of their strong work
ethic,” he said. “They possess the
military understanding of follow-
ing instructions, the personal discipline to use their initiative and
carry out their duties with the
utmost professionalism.”
Company founder Peter Vincent
said: “We are not just looking for
well qualified and experienced
pilots. We are looking for people
who can work as part of our team,
and help us work to make the job
go smoothly.”
Cadets camp out
RECENTLY, Navy, Army and Air Force
cadets attended the 2008 ADF lifestyles camp
in Darwin. They toured Navy, Army and Air
Force establishments in the Top End, including
RAAF Bases Darwin and Tindal and HMA Ships
Coonawarra and Maryborough.
The cadets received presentations on a wide range
of careers from serving members, including bomb
disposal experts, engineers, medics, air traffic
controllers and weapons specialists.
Air Force Band
June 26: The band will support the 2FTS dining-in
night at the RAAF Base Pearce Officers’ Mess.
June 27: The Ceremonial Band will support
the 2FTS pilots’ graduation at RAAF Base Pearce.
June 27: Various chamber ensembles will give
a free lunchtime concert at St John’s Southgate,
Melbourne, from 12.30-1.30pm.
June 27: The Sydney Detachment will provide background music for the ACAUST handover/takeover
dinner at the RAAF Base Glenbrook Officers’ Mess.
June 28: The band will support the 33SQN “End of
Era” event to signify the retirement of the B707 aircraft at the 33SQN hangar, RAAF Base Richmond,
from 6pm.
July 1: The band will travel to Ballarat to provide
background music for the RAAF Association’s
annual dinner.
July 1: The Ceremonial Band will travel to Canberra
to support the 28SQN Freedom of the City parade.
July 2: The Ceremonial Band will support the latest graduation of airmen from 1RTU at RAAF Base
Wagga from 11am.
July 2: The Ceremonial Band will support the latest
graduation of officers from OTS at RAAF Base East
Sale from 11.30am.
July 6: The Ceremonial Band will aid the Air Force
Reserves in celebrating Reserve Forces Day in the
Melbourne CBD.
Reserve Forces Day
Join in the Reserve Forces Day celebrations and
receive a unique commemorative certificate signed
by Governor-General MAJGEN Michael Jeffery.
Parades and celebrations commemorating the
60th anniversary of the re-formation of part-time
military service following World War II will be held
at 17 locations throughout Australia, commencing
Saturday June 28.
To receive this one-off commemorative
certificate, register now, or on the day, with your
appropriate unit association. Celebration dates,
locations and list of unit associations are listed
on www.rfd.org.au
36SQN Association reunion
The 36SQN Association is planning to hold a reunion
at RAAF Base Amberley on October 3. Current,
former and new members are welcome to attend.
For more information, contact Ian Christensen at
chrisso_c@bigpond.com or call 0417 224017.
CFS’s 95th anniversary
Central Flying School (CFS) is celebrating its
95th anniversary on August 15. As part of the
celebrations, CFS is hosting a reunion dinner and
other activities. Former CFS members wishing
to attend are requested to send their details to
FLGOFF Amanda Van de Paverd at email: amanda.
Members without email access should send their
request by mail to CFS, RAAF Base East Sale, VIC
For more information, contact FLGOFF Van De
Paverd on (03) 5146 7303.
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Personnel 19
AIR FORCE June 26, 2008
Keep NOK
By WGCDR Jim Lewis
Deputy Director Military
Personnel Policy
WHEN the media announces the
serious injury or death of an Australian serviceman or servicewoman, the
tragedy is felt throughout the Defence
community. But imagine if that tragedy belonged to your family, and that
they were learning about your injury,
or worse, from someone outside the
Defence organisation.
If this scenario is beyond your
imagination, consider the possibility of
you seriously injuring yourself in your
day-to-day role, or while training. How
would you feel if you were in hospital
and no one was able to let your family
While every effort is made to
stop casualties in the ADF, they cannot always be avoided. When they do
occur, the ADF’s highest priority after
treating casualties is notifying the primary emergency contact (PEC) and
next of kin (NOK) as quickly as possible.
Defence has defined procedures
to ensure casualty information is provided to the PEC and NOK in a timely
fashion by trained notification teams.
As part of Defence’s commitment to
continuously improve support to members and their families, the policy for
these procedures was recently updated
to include lessons learnt from recent
casualty notification cases.
To ensure the accuracy and timeliness of casualty information, a number
of changes have been made to DI(G)
PERS 11-2 – Notification of Australian
Defence Force and non-Australian
Defence Force Casualties, including:
ADF members are now required
to ensure that their PEC and NOK
information on PMKeyS is current,
both annually and prior to a deployment.
PECs may now be notified of a casualty without an ADF member’s consent. When this type of notification
is made, information will be limited
to a member’s casualty classification
(for example, very seriously ill).
The initial notification signal has
been simplified so that trained notification personnel can notify the
PEC and NOK faster than before.
In all casualty notifications, the
most important elements are accuracy,
speed and compassion. These updated
procedures will ensure that PECs and
IN TOUCH: Australian soldiers
farewell a fallen comrade during
a ramp ceremony in Afghanistan.
Make sure your details are up
to date so your family can be
informed quickly if you are injured,
or worse.
Photo by CPL Neil Ruskin
NOK know of the facts quickly and
receive immediate support from the
Defence organisation.
PMKeyS is the primary source of
information used in all casualty notification situations, so its accuracy is of
the highest importance.
Update your details now
Members must check their PEC
and NOK details in PMKeyS annually.
Members must ensure they
update their PEC and NOK details
in PMKeyS whenever their circumstances change.
Members must ensure they check
their PEC and NOK details before
any deployment.
PECs may now be notified of a
casualty without the member’s
The notification signal has been
simplified so PEC and NOK can be
notified faster.
Accurate information and faster
procedures mean PEC and NOK
will know the facts as quickly as
possible so they get rapid support.
Healthcare trial for families
THE Government has commit- and valuable role their families play
ted $12.2 million over the next four in the achievement of the Defence
years to a trial to provide basic mission.
medical and dental care to famiFor more information, see the
lies living in remote and regional
Intranet site: http://intranet.defence.
locations. This trial is part of the
gov.au/dsg/sites/ADFDepHealth/ or
Government’s commitment to recthe Internet site: www.defence.gov.
ognise the service and sacrifices of
au/health/Dependant_Healthcare/iADF personnel and the important
Air Force Departure Lounge
Who’s leaving after 20 or more years’ service
SGT Haigh Campbell
WOFF Tracy Dean
FSGT John Drummond
SGT Brian Mullin
SGT Shayne Pawlenko
FSGT Gary Thomas
FSGT Scott Williams
CPL Gary Duckitt
Last day
June 3
June 10
May 19
June 2
May 19
June 2
May 31
June 16
Reservists to stand
up and be counted
“It will also provide a range of
THE 2008 Reserve Census and Attitude Survey Questionnaires will be essential information for the effective
mailed to members of the Navy, Army management of ADF Reserves and the
development of future policy to increase
and Air Force Reserves this month.
“While the questionnaire will be
mailed to all reservists along with a
reply-paid envelope for return of the document by August 8, for the first time an
online version will also be available for
completion as an alternative to the paper
version,” project coordinator MAJ Ian
Crellin said.
Members will find website address
details for the online option in the pack
which is mailed to them.
“This questionnaire is very important
for all reserves,” said MAJ Crellin. “It
is a means whereby individual members
can provide essential feedback on the
issues that individual reservists may be
facing in their continuing service.
the employability and capability of the
“Further, it will build on information
collected in earlier attitude surveys in
2001 and 2004.”
The Directors General-Reserves of
Navy, Army and Air Force have identified information requirements specific to
their Service. They will use this opportunity to plan the level of reserve contribution to future capability.
“This information is vital,” MAJ
Crellin said.
“We are encouraging all reservists to
stand up and be counted.”
This article was contributed by the
Reserve and Employer Support Division.
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20 History
AIR FORCE June 26, 2008
Radio tech farewelled
WOFF Peter Greer (ret’d)
THE Tanilba Bay community of NSW
has farewelled a much-loved local – WOFF
Peter Ronald Greer (ret’d), who passed
away on May 20.
Born on April 4, 1948, he enlisted in
August 1966 in the radio tech ground mustering. He served 22 years, including stints
at RAAF Bases Richmond, Williamtown
and Laverton before discharging on August
22, 1988, from the Air Transportable
Telecommunications Unit at Richmond.
He was the much-loved husband of
Terri, loving father and father-in-law of
Sarah and CPL Colin Chiu (37SQN RAAF
Base Richmond), Brian, Daniel, Connie and
Dennis; loved “poppy” of Ryan and Michael,
much-loved son of Ron and Maude, and
loved brother and brother-in-law of Sue and
Kevin and their families.
WOFF Greer was always keen to help out
his local RSL with setting up on Anzac Day,
and any other local festivals. He often helped
fellow citizens of Tanilba Bay with a wide
variety of handy man and electrical work,
and his time and work often given without
any request for payment.
He was also an avid painter with entries
in 2007 and 2008 for the famous Archibald
His medals included the Defence
Force Service Medal, National Medal, and
Australian Defence Medal.
This obituary was provided by CPL Colin Chiu.
Peter Greer
his Defence
McDonald and former member Bill Burnett join in
the Orion’s 40th anniversary celebrations.
Photos by AC Brenton Kwaterski
Eyes on
FORTY years of faithful service began for the Orion
in November, 1964, when the RAAF ordered 10 of the
P-3B variant to replace its Neptunes operated by 11SQN.
The new aircraft would be based at 11SQN’s new home
of RAAF Base Edinburgh.
11SQN’s first aircraft was delivered there on May
13, 1968. Meanwhile, 10SQN’s Neptunes were showing
their age and in March, 1975, eight of the P-3C model
were ordered. Shortly afterwards, a decision was made
to base all LRMP aircraft at Edinburgh under 92WG, so
a further two ‘Charlies’ were ordered in September the
following year. Delivery of the new aircraft took place
between May 26, 1978 and January 16, 1979.
10SQN moved to Edinburgh in July 1977.
Both marques of the Orions quickly proved their
worth. However, the ‘Charlie’ had other advantages as it
could carry the Australian-designed Barra sonobuoy and
the Harpoon long range anti-shipping missile.
They also needed only 10 crew members as opposed
to the 12 in the ‘Bravo’.
Consequently, a decision was made to replace the
P-3Bs with another 10 P-3Cs and a contract was signed
on June 29, 1982. The ‘Bravos’ were sold to Portugal.
Continued advances in digital technology and three
major upgrades led to the evolution of the airframes
from 2002 of an Australian-specific Orion, the AP-3C.
The Orion has proved an outstanding aircraft, which
has participated in activities around the world. Versatile
in maritime surveillance (including regular deployments
over the South Pacific and Indian Oceans – from RMAF
Base Butterworth), in 2003, the aircraft deployed to the
Middle East Area of Operations (MEAO) in support of
international operations there and added an overland
intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capability
to its bow.
Join by
30 June
Turning 30-something?
Don’t let your birthday end in higher premiums.
If your partner is 30-something and does not have private hospital insurance,
then they’re looking at higher premiums.
Under the Federal Government Lifetime Health Cover initiative, health funds are required
to apply a 2% premium loading for every year a person delays purchasing hospital cover
after turning 30.
As a permanent member of the ADF, the premium loading will not affect you until you
discharge. However you do need to consider its effect on your partner.
By purchasing Defence Health hospital cover by 30 June, your partner’s premium loading
will be minimised. And if you make the purchase by 30 June, following your partner’s 31st
birthday, the loading will be avoided altogether.
SAY G’DAY: Former Orion air and groundcrew
members catch up on old times at Edinburgh.
Remember, the longer you leave it the more it will cost.
For details call Defence Health on 1800 335 425 or visit www.defencehealth.com.au
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Lifestyle 21
AIR FORCE June 26, 2008
Fitness built over time
Tired of the standard three sets of 10 reps? LT
Rob Orr has created sample training sessions
to provide variety in routines.
LET’s begin by making one point.
Very few PT sessions need to be hard.
‘If PT isn’t hard it isn’t PT’ is an old
and archaic mindset. Be warned, these
are much more fun with a training partner.
The office session or
holiday session
Exercises: Squat, push-up, walk.
Set up an hourly reminder on your desktop PC or watch to begin at 9am. At the
first reminder, begin this low intensity workout in your work clothes (you
should not be breathing heavily at all).
For this session, your training range
should be 30 to 50 per cent of your maximum best effort – depending on your fitness – for the squat and push-up. Do the
exercises sequentially, completing one
set of each. For example, if you can normally complete 30 push-ups, do 10 to 15.
Once you have completed the squat and
push-up, walk up one flight of stairs or
walk from one end of the office block to
the other. Return to work and wait for the
next reminder. Each training set should
last for no longer than a maximum of
five minutes. Keep training until 4pm.
By the end of the day you would have
clocked up eight mini training sessions
and at least 250 per cent of your maximum squat and push-up effort.
Other exercises can be added depending on what is available. Sign out a medicine ball for a week, find a chin-up beam,
or do dips off a stable chair or desk.
The Egyptian session
Exercises: Squat, chin-up, push-up, sit-up,
be down 20, 15, 10 or five? Regardless,
warm up thoroughly.
For the squat, chin-up, push-up and
sit-up, start off at an intensity of around
75 per cent of your maximum (if the repetitions are too high – over two minutes
per exercise – add a medicine ball and
recalculate the maximum with this load
Complete your first set. After the first
set, jump on the cycle and ride at an easy
pace for one minute, a moderate pace for
two minutes and then another easy pace
for a final minute.
You can pause for up to a minute
between each exercise and reduce or
remove the break as you progress. As
soon as you have finished riding, move
back to the squat, chin-up, push-up and
sit-up, this time reducing your repetitions
by one for every repetition you completed in the first set (for example 10 – nine
– eight or 20 – 18 – 16 or 50 – 45 – 40).
Get back on the cycle. “Pyramid up”
by adding one minute to the moderate
training period. In this example, this
means riding easy for one minute, moderate for three minutes and easy again for
one minute.
Repeat the last two steps until you
have completed as many sets as you
desire or when your squats, chin-ups,
push-ups and sit-ups reach zero. The
good part about this double pyramid
is that even as your resistance exercises decrease, your metabolic exercise
increases. Don’t forget to cool down.
Photo by CPL Corinne Boer
TOUGH TREADS: Make the stairs work for your general fitness.
Get warmed up. Then do one set
max chin-ups; one set max push-ups,
moving straight into a 400m jog (if
possible place cones or a marker out
every 100m with a turnaround at
200m). Start off at a moderate pace,
getting faster to around 90 per cent
effort for the last 100m. Don’t rest,
do two repeats. Don’t forget to cool
down. Your maximum session time
should be close to half an hour.
over time with continuous progressive development. Pushing hard for
every session will lead to overtraining and injury and, for the general
population, PT will become a punishment and you’ll take every chance to
avoid it.
You should do low to moderate
intensity more often and high intensity sessions as a treat, which means
no more than once every three to four
weeks. After all, which is the soldier
Final training points
more desired on the battlefield: the fit
Your permanent fitness is built up and healthy member who is physical-
ly capable and alert or the one who
can run really fast, but is constantly
injured, tired and may in fact never
actually get there?
Practice does not make perfect:
perfect practice makes perfect. Take
the time to ensure that exercises are
performed with strict exercise technique. Muscles do not respond to
the amount of weight you lift, they
respond to the amount of stimulation received so remember it’s not
how much you lift, but how well you
lift it.
The out of time – low
volume, high intensity
Exercises: Chin-up, push-up, run.
This format has you do the exercises
For those days when you are short of
in a pyramid. Decide on your method. time, these 12 to 15 minutes of training
Will it be up five, 10, 15 or 20? Will it will be worth it.
What is RSL Legal Aid?
The RSL Legal Aid Scheme is an initiative of the RSL
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information and preliminary legal advice to Australian
Defence Force personnel wherever they may be serving.
Information about civilian law is available from a
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problem will enable you to decide how best to handle
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RSL Legal Aid Scheme is designed to help you obtain
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your problem.
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22 Lifestyle
AIR FORCE June 26, 2008
Know the risk
of debentures
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Chairman Tony D’Aloisio explains one of the less
common investment products.
AUSTRALIAN investors
are faced with thousands of
choices when it comes to investing their funds. The most
common financial products
are well known, such as shares
in a company or a fixed-term
deposit at a bank.
Debentures are a more
sophisticated financial product
option, which ADF members
have been showing some interest in at recent ADF Financial
Services Consumer Council
Debentures have also gained
a higher profile as a result of
the collapse of debenture issuing companies – Westpoint,
Australian Capital Reserve and
These companies issued
a specific type of debenture
known as an unlisted, unrated
ASIC has taken some specific action in relation to unlist-
However, the actual interest
ed, unrated debentures, which I
will discuss later in this article. payments on your money and
return of your capital are not
What are
certain – in fact, the payment
of any return is not guaranteed
A debenture is one way for at all.
In this way, a debenture is
a business to raise money from
not the same as a term deposit.
In return for an investor’s
money, the business (or issuer)
promises to pay the investor
interest and pay back the money
lent to them (the capital) on a
future date.
Read the prospectus
By investing in a debenture,
to learn how the investthe investor is effectively lendment works.
ing their money to a business.
Read ASIC’s new free
The issuer might use the money
investor guide.
to finance business activities.
They might also lend the
If you don’t understand
money to another business,
the product or risks
after reading the prowhich is known as on-lending.
spectus then ask yourDebentures are fixed interest
self if you should really
be investing in it.
This means that the interest rate on the money investors
lend is set in advance.
INVESTMENT CHOICES: Don’t be left in the dark when it comes to debentures.
Photo by CPL Chris Moore
Unlisted and unrated es to improve the quality of the guide, Investing in debentures?
information made available, or Independent guide for invesdebentures
tors reading a prospectus for
disclosures, to retail investors.
We have developed eight
benchmarks that apply to issuers of unlisted, unrated debentures and introduced new guidelines on the advertising of these
The benchmarks cover such
things as how much money the
issuer has invested in the business (equity capital) and the
issuer’s liquidity – which is the
issuer’s ability to meet shortterm cash needs.
These benchmarks are
designed to help investors and
their advisers assess the risks of
ASIC’s benchmarks
an unlisted, unrated debenture
and guidelines
ASIC has introduced changASIC’s new free investor
As the name suggests,
unlisted and unrated debentures
aren’t listed on public stock
exchanges, making it difficult to
work out the value of the investment.
Also, these products don’t
have a credit rating so there
is no independent assessment
of the risk of losing any of the
Conversely, some debentures are listed on the Australian
Securities Exchange and traded
unlisted debentures provides
further explanation about these
products, the new benchmarks
and how to use the benchmarks
when reading a prospectus.
Before investing, identify
your financial objectives and
assess the risks.
If you can’t afford to risk
losing any of your capital, you
might consider other financial
products from specially regulated financial institutions, such
as banks.
For more information or a
copy of ASIC’s investor guide,
visit www.fido.gov.au or call
1300 300 630. Email suggested topics for this column to
Learn from the ADF family all you
need to know about your money.
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Sport 23
AIR FORCE June 26, 2008
State of rivalry
MEMBERS of the ADF serving in the
Middle East were anxiously awaiting the
second State of Origin rugby league match
between Queensland and NSW on the night
of June 11.
Origin football is famous for pitching mate
against mate and state against state. That rivalry has spilled over into Baghdad where Origin
fever is igniting friendly but keen state parochialism among the normally tight-knit group
that forms the ADF’s Security Detachment
(SECDET) in the International Zone.
State of Origin time in Iraq not only means
it’s mate against mate and state against state,
but also Army versus Air Force. For the first
time, the current SECDET rotation (SECDET
13) includes airfield defence guards – the Air
Force equivalent of an Army infantry soldier
(see page 9 for the full story).
Although the soldiers and airmen have
formed close bonds nearing the mid-point of
their six-month deployment, mateship and
inter-Service cooperation were put aside on
Wednesday when everyone barracked for their
respective states.
Pictured below is Air Force Maroons supporter SGT Clayton Haack having a friendly
jostle with Army Blues fan CPL Anthony
Rann inside the Security Detachment Baghdad
compound as State of Origin fever hit. Inset,
SGT Haack (right) joins forces with Army’s
CPL Tyrone Cashin to watch the game in the
Maroons camp.
SGT Haack is a member of No. 2 Airfield
Defence Squadron (2ADFS), based at RAAF
Base Amberley. The airfield defence guard
would have been glad to have packed his
Maroons jersey, after his team crushed NSW
in the second State of Origin clash 30-0.
The friendly SECDET rivalry will reach
fever pitch on July 2 when the decider is
played back home in Australia.
ACT ADF netball teams are calling for
players to join the ACT women’s, men’s and
mixed teams for the Australian Defence
Force Netball Association (ADFNA) national
carnival from September 28-October 4 in
For information in participating in trials at
the end of this month, or for selection in
one of the ACT teams, contact FLTLT Tanya
Leifels at email: tanya.leifels@defence.gov.
au or for APS players, contact Iain Rowley
at email: iain.rowley@defence.gov.au
The 2008 Australian Defence national
Photos by CAPT Joe Nyhan
squash championships will be held at RAAF
Base Williamtown from August 25-29.
This year, the Australian Defence Squash
Racquets Association would like to see an
increase in APS participants. Interested APS
players should contact Phil Whiteman on
(02) 496 5626. For more information, visit:
Air Force is looking for men and women
golfers keen on representing it in the interService golf competition from October
24-28. The team, to play at Mollymook Golf
Club on the NSW South Coast, will consist
of 11 players and one reserve.
Interested players should contact SQNLDR
Mark Wilkins on (02) 6265 5083 or email:
mark.wilkins2@defence.gov.au or FLTLT
Wayne Thompson on (02) 6127 2596 or
email: wayne.thompson2@defence.gov.au
All ADF current and former serving
ADF cricket gesture
unites fans in Sudan
By SQNLDR Grant Pinder
A SHARED love of the sport has
led to the Australian Services Cricket
Association (ASCA) arranging for a
cricket bat signed by the Australian
team to be presented to Sudan-based
Indian military officer LTGEN Jasbir
Singh Lidder.
LTGEN Lidder is the outgoing Chief
Military and Force Commander of
the United Nations Mission in Sudan
The ADF contingent to UNMIS,
through its commander LTCOL Bill
Coates, set the ball rolling in the quest to
obtain the bat for LTGEN Lidder.
CDF ACM Angus Houston endorsed
the concept in his capacity as ASCA
patron, and Cricket Australia also supported the presentation of the speciallysigned bat.
LTGEN Lidder, who had been serving in his current role for more than
two years, received the bat recently in
Khartoum at UNMIS headquarters.
A passionate cricket enthusiast,
LTGEN Lidder enjoyed great rapport
with the ADF personnel during his time
in post, most notably during the 2007/08
Australia and India cricket series.
There are 15 ADF personnel deployed
to the Sudan as part of Operation Azure.
BOWLED OVER: Commander Australian Contingent
LTCOL Bill Coates presents the bat to LTGEN Jasbir
Singh Lidder, flanked by LCDR Ben Favelle, MAJ
Hamish Macintyre, SQNLDR Scott Le Fevre, SGT
Brenda Rielly and SGT Chris Warwick. The ADF
members have since returned to Australia.
Photo provided by LCDR Ben Favelle
Registered Tax Agent
Air Force claims third in golf champs
FLTLT Brenden Casey from
Latchford Barracks (Bonegilla)
flew the flag for Air Force with
a third placing at the ADF Golf
Cup Championships at Wodonga Country Club recently.
Army’s WO1 Bruce Sukroo
and SGT Rowan Clayton won
the major events.
The cup is a tri-Service
event open to Defence personnel
from all over Australia (regular
and reserve serving members).
The ADF Golf Association’s
North-East Victorian Regional
Championship, restricted to
players from Albury-Wodonga
and Wagga, was won by SGT
Clayton, with 69 and 65 for a
total of 134 net over the 36 holes.
WO1 Ian Mitchell, who
carded a 72 and 71 for a total
of 143, was second with FLTLT
Casey third, carding 73 and 72
personnel are invited to contest the National
Diggers’ Bowls Carnival in Dubbo from
September 16-18.
Play will be in the traditional triples format
held over three days. The entry fee is $30
per player with the organisers hoping to
raise more than $10,000 for the Starlight
Foundation during the carnival.
For more information or nomination forms,
visit www.dubborailwaybowlingclub.com.
au or contact Eric Chamberlain on 0447
139737 or email: ericchamberlain@tadaust.
for a total of 145. With significant changes to the course since
last year, competitors from
Queensland, NSW, the ACT, SA
and Victoria were challenged by
the 6289m course.
“Organisers wish to encourage more women and retired
players to compete in the 2009
ADF Cup Golf Championship,”
one of the organisers, WO1
Danny Wolfe said.
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June 26, 2008
ROCK ’N’ ROLL: Air Force’s CPL Keiran Wyllie from Defence
Network Operations Centre, HMAS Harman, keeps his eye
on the pins after a straight delivery down the aisle during the
Australian Defence Tenpin Bowling Association’s national
championships in Canberra. Photo by LAC Aaron Curran
Air Force takes to the fast lane in the ADF tenpin national champs
By Barry Rollings
AIR FORCE had five players
selected in the representative team
at the Australian Defence Tenpin
Bowling Association’s (ADTBA)
national championships from June
2-6 at Tuggeranong Bowl in Canberra.
They were CPL Keiran Wyllie,
CPL Mick Walker, FSGT Brett
Byers, FSGT Dennis Dillon and
LAC James Mitchell.
The titles read like an Army benefit after it swept most of the awards
and had the majority of players
selected in the representative team.
Army had 10 members selected
in the Combined Services national
tenpin bowling team, with four from
the APS and one from Navy.
Those selected will go on to contest the Australian championships as
the Australian Defence Organisation
team at Tuggeranong Bowl in
This year’s tournament began
with the inaugural Services challenge, a four-cornered event for
Navy, Army, Air Force and APS
organised by WO Raymon Cooper
Army won and will defend its
crown next year in Victoria.
The Combined Services State
versus State was contested with sin-
gles, doubles and teams competitions over 18 games in challenging
The GB Plate for those members
who did not qualify for the Masters
event was won by PTE Liam
Wardell from NSW with PTE Gay
Arnell from Queensland the runner-up.
The Masters Champion of the
ADTBA for the second successive year was PTE David Edwards
from Queensland, defeating fellow
Queenslander MAJ Jamie Arnell in
a closely fought encounter.
The ACT was the overall winner
of the ADTBA nationals, closely followed by Queensland.