Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH Annex to the Accreditation Certificate D-PL-19281-01-00 according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Period of validity: 19.02.2014 to 18.02.2019 Date of issue: 19.02.2014 Holder of certificate: Institute for Transuranium Elements Nuclear Safeguards and Forensics, Analytical Service Hermann-von-Helmholtz Platz 1, 76125 Karlsruhe Tests in the fields: physical, physico-chemical and chemical analysis of uranium- and plutonium-bearing materials, aqueous and acidic solutions, swipe samples Abbreviations used: see last page The laboratory is permitted within the testing fields marked with *, without being required to inform and obtain prior approval from DAkkS the modification, development and refinement of test methods. The listed test methods are exemplary. The laboratory maintains a current list of all test methods in a flexible scope of accreditation. 1/5 Annex to the accreditation certificate D-PL-19281-01-00 Physical, physico-chemical and chemical analysis of uranium- and plutonium-bearing materials, aqueous and acidic solutions, swipe samples 1 Preparation techniques * WI0298/S5/R4 2013-07 Preparation and Dissolution of Pu Materials for Analysis WI0299/S5/R4 2013-07 Preparation and Dissolution of U Materials for Analysis 2 Determinations of indices using mass spectrometry * WI0214/S5/R3 2012-01 Determination of Uranium and Plutonium Isotopic Content and Concentration in Nitric Acid Solutions by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry using the Total Evaporation Technique WI0387/S5/R1 2013-01 Separation of U and Pu from fission products prior to MS measurement WI0397/S5/R0 2012-01 Determination of Uranium Isotopic Content by Thermal Ionisation Mass Spectrometry using the Modified Total Evaporation Technique (MTE) WI0310/S5/R4 2011-10 Preparation and validation of reference and spike solutions WI0407/S0/R0 2013-07 IDMS spiking procedure WI0216/S5/R4 2011-07 Isotopic composition measurement of Boron by Thermal Ionic Mass Spectrometry using Total evaporation of Na2BO2+ WI0302/S5/R4 2011-07 Preparation of Boron samples for Thermal Ionisation Mass Spectrometry - Conversion from boric acid to Na2BO2+ form WI0324/S5/R1 2011-08 Preparation of Boron samples for Thermal Ionisation Mass Spectrometry - Conversion from boron crystalline or carbide to Na2BO2+ form WI0233/S5/R4 2012-04 Analysis of Environmental U Particles by SIMS Period of validity: 19.02.2014 to 18.02.2019 Date of issue: 19.02.2014 2/5 Annex to the accreditation certificate D-PL-19281-01-00 WI0452/S5/R0 2013-04 Uranium particle analysis by LG-SIMS WI0328/S5/R3 2013-01 Preparation of SIMS samples using vacuum deposition for Analysis of Environmental U Particles by SIMS 3 Determinations of indices using ICP-mass spectrometry * WI0458/S5/R0 2013-07 Elemental analysis at trace levels by ICP-MS WI0454/S5/R0 2012-12 REE separation from U solutions for ICP MS analysis WI0410/S5/R0 2012-10 Single element analysis at high precision by ICP -MS WI0411/S5/R0 2012-10 Isotopic composition of single elements by ICP-MS WI0301/S5/R4 2011-12 Preparation of samples for the determination of trace elements by ICP-MS 4 Determinations of element assay using Titration and Direct combustion * 4.1 Determination of element assays by Potentiometric Titration WI0308/S5/R4 2011-10 Uranium Assay by Iron(II) Reduction in Phosphoric Acid followed by Chromium(VI) Automated Potentiometric Titration in the Presence of Vanadium WI0322/S5/R2 2011-10 Plutonium Assay by Iron(II) Reduction followed by Chromium(VI) Automated Potentiometric Titration 4.2 Determination of element assays by Direct Combustion - Infrared absorption/thermal conductivity WI0399/S5/R0 2012-01 Oxygen Content Assay by Direct Combustion-Infrared Absorption Period of validity: 19.02.2014 to 18.02.2019 Date of issue: 19.02.2014 3/5 Annex to the accreditation certificate D-PL-19281-01-00 WI0400/S5/R0 2012-01 Nitrogen Content Assay by Direct Combustion - Thermal Conductivity WI0377/S5/R1 2011-10 Carbon Content Assay by Fusion Extraction-Infrared Determination 5 Physical properties assessment WI0319/S5/R3 2013-07 6 Density Measurements of U, Pu and U/Pu Nitrate Solutions Radiometric analyses of indices * WI0315/S5/R2 2011-10 Measurement of Pu Element Concentrations in Pu Solutions and the U and Pu Element Concentrations of Dissolved MOX Samples with the ‘Hybrid Product K-Edge Densitometer’ WI0394/S5/R1 2013-07 Determination of Uranium concentration and 235U abundance using COMPUCEA (Combined Procedure for Uranium Concentration and Enrichement Assay) WI0405/S5/R0 2012-03 Measurement of Pu Element Isotope Abundances and Am-241 to Pu weight ratio in Solutions and Solid Samples with High Resolution Gamma Spectroscopy WI406/S5/R0 2012-03 Measurement of U element isotope abundance with High resolution gamma spectroscopy WI0390/S5/R0 2011-10 Identification of radionuclides and activities in waste water samples by HRGS WI00388/S5/R0 2011-11 Measurement of 238Pu using alpha spectrometry WI0385/S5/R0 2013-07 Calorimetric measurements for Pu and Am WI0240/S5/R4 2012-02 Measurement of Pu and Am Element Concentrations and Pu Isotope Abundances by Combined Neutron-Gamma Counting Period of validity: 19.02.2014 to 18.02.2019 Date of issue: 19.02.2014 4/5 Annex to the accreditation certificate D-PL-19281-01-00 Abbreviations used: DIN EN IEC ISO WI German Institute for Standardisation e. V European standard International Electrotechnical Commission International Organization for Standardization Work instruction Period of validity: 19.02.2014 to 18.02.2019 Date of issue: 19.02.2014 5/5