Power Electronics and Electric Machines Overview Power electronics and Electric Machines refers to all electronic power related components such as e-motors and BMS on EVs through to ECUs on conventional vehicles. A strategic technology supported by strong fundamental technologies and a good R&D base. Supply chain development is needed for the mass production of these technologies should be considered with reference to other emerging competitive countries. Automotive technologies capability report The full UK road map and evidence based assessment of UK capability and potential can be found at: www.innovateuk.org/_assets/pdf/automotive%20technologies%20%20the%20uks%20current%20capabilities.pdf Table Key S = Short term M = Medium term L = Long term Assessment of UK capability Pale Blue = Lower potential Light Blue = Medium potential Dark Blue = High potential Clear = No significant market requirement at that time ROI scale 1-5 with 5 being best Technology Categories Electric Motors Power Electronics UK capability S M L Research Area Focus Short Medium Long Low Cost, Compact emotors Lower Cost Super high efficiency, new materials Low cost Flexible High temperature, new materials Indicative ROI 4 4 UK academic research centres Power Engineering and Power Electronics Group, Aston University Location: Contact: Phone: E-mail: Website: Aston University Aston Triangle Birmingham B4 7ET Dr. Dani Strickland +44 (0) 121 204 3737 d.strickland@aston.ac.uk http://www1.aston.ac.uk/eas/research/groups/pepe/ The Power Engineering and Power Electronics Group is an expanding research group at Aston University which undertakes research into both theoretical and practical aspects of power electronics. One of its key research challenges is the integration of passive and active Loads including Plug-in Hybrid EVs with Power Electronics and ICT. 1 Power Electronics and Electric Machines Website: http://www.bris.ac.uk/engineering/research/em/ School of Electronic Engineering, Bangor University Location: Contact: Phone: E-mail: Website: Bangor University Dean Street Bangor Gwynedd LL57 1UT Professor Paul Spencer +44 (0) 124 838 2738 s.bone@bangor.ac.uk http://www.bangor.ac.uk/eng/index.php.en?menu=0&catid=0 The Electrical Energy Management Research Group (EEMG) is one of thirteen research groups within the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Bristol. They undertake research into low-carbon electrical systems that are enabled by advanced, compact and highly efficient electrical machines and actuators, and power electronic conversion systems. The management of electrical power is the core challenge, with a focus on the electrical systems employed in aircraft, automotive drive systems, and renewable energy plants. Applications range from miniature energy scavenging to high-power aircraft and vehicle systems. The School of Electronic Engineering concentrates research into two key areas; Optoelectronic Devices and Systems (ODS) and Organic Electronics (OE). ODS look primarily at advancing the design and applications of optoelectronic devices such as laser diodes. OE research looks at fabricating and characterising polymer-based devices with a final goal of incorporating organic devices for sensor, PV and display applications. They have strong ties with local businesses and regularly collaborate with them. The work in the OE section occurs in the Plastic Electronics Research Centre (PERC). Centre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics (CAPE), University of Cambridge Location: University of Cambridge 9 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 0FA Contact: Mrs Diana Finlayson Phone: +44 (0) 1223 748343 E-mail: cape-office@eng.cam.ac.uk Website: http://www-cape.eng.cam.ac.uk/ Electrical Energy Management Research Group, University of Bristol Location: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering University of Bristol Merchant Venturers Building Woodland Road Bristol BS8 1UB Contact: Professor. Phil Mellor Phone: +44 (0) 117 954 5259 E-mail: p.h.mellor@bristol.ac.uk CAPE was established in 2004 and works out of the University of Cambridge as a collaborative research centre for both industry and academia. The Centre concentrates on the development of electronics technology. It has received funding from sources including the EPSRC. CAPE is supported by single partner, from each of the various industries involved to avoid any conflict of interest. The automotive partner is Jaguar Land Rover. 2 Power Electronics and Electric Machines The Centre is the base for the Electronics, Power and Energy Conversion Group too. This group’s research is in High Voltage Microelectronics, Superconductivity and Renewables. Projects include work on high voltage semiconductors and brushless motors for wind turbines. Electric Vehicle Centre of Excellence (EVCE), Cardiff University Location: Contact: Phone: E-mail: Website: Cardiff University Queen’s Buildings The Parade Cardiff CF24 3AA Dr Huw C Davies, Institute of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering +44 (0) 292 087 0498 davieshc@cardiff.ac.uk http://transport.engineering.cf.ac.uk/evce The EVCE co-ordinates research activities across different sections of the school, all relating to Electric Vehicles. The research is broken down into 3 research themes, Energy Management, Structures & Materials and Impact Assessment. The Centre has a holistic approach, pairing technical projects such as Range Extender Technology with Social R&D aspects such as the end user and EV to Grid interactions. One example of the latter is the Centre’s involvement with the FP7 Mobile Energy Resources in Grids of Electricity (MERGE) project, which looks directly at the EV to Grid relationship. Energy & Transport Centre, City University Location: Contact: Phone: E-mail: Website: London EC1V 0HB Professor Manolis Gavaises, School of Engineering & Mathematical Sciences +44 (0) 207 040 8115 M.Gavaises@city.ac.uk http://www.city.ac.uk/engineering-maths/research/energy-andtransport-centre Established in 2001, the centre focuses on developing new technologies for both ground and air transport systems to increase the sustainability, security and affordability of these technologies. The research themes include; Internal Combustion Engines, Alternative Energy Systems & Combustion Research, Positive Displacement Compressors and Small Turbo Compressors. The Energy Systems & Engines Group works within the Centre and has a varied research agenda including investigating hydrogen fuel cells. Power & Drive Systems Group, Cranfield University Location: Contact: Phone: E-mail: Website: Cranfield University Shrivenham Swindon SN6 8LA Dr Patrick Luk, Department of Engineering Systems & Management +44 (0) 11234 754 716 p.c.k.luk@cranfield.ac.uk http://www.cranfield.ac.uk/soe/departments/ope/oena/pemgrp.html City University Northampron Square 3 Power Electronics and Electric Machines The group focuses on advanced electrical machines and drives, electrical propulsion and actuation, energy management and power processing applications. They work closely with both internal research groups within the University, as well as with defence and industry partners. Their research foci are listed as: Innovative electric drivetrain systems for all-electric and hybrid vehicles, military and other special vehicles. Novel electric machines and actuators for aerospace, space, automotive, defence and other mission critical and fault tolerant applications. Power and energy management for hybrid vehicles, including battery/super-capacitor/fuel cell multiple-storage systems. Electromagnetic launch and electric weaponry. Renewable energy technologies, including solar-powered electric generators and power electronic conditioning. Novel standalone power platforms, high frequency power and data distribution systems, high efficiency man-portable generators. Dundee University Centre for Renewable Energy (DUCRE) Location: Dundee University Dundee DD1 4HN Contact: Gari Harris Phone: +44 (0)1382 384390 E-mail: g.harris@dundee.ac.uk Website: http://www.dundee.ac.uk/elecengphysics/ducre The Centre brings together a wide range of scientists with strong interests in renewable energy and environmental issues. DUCRE is engaged in a wide range of diverse renewable energy and environmental research. Projects range from electric vehicle technologies, to wind, solar, and hydro powered technologies, and from energy policy issues to Third World environmental development analysis. Their work includes looking at Electric Vehicle Characterisation and Battery Development, a broad topic that looks at many aspects of electric vehicles. This project hopes to develop the next generation of battery cells as well as the systems to manage them. Centre for Automotive Research (CAR), Durham University Location: Contact: Phone: E-mail: Website: Durham University South Road Durham DH1 3LE Dr. David Sims-Williams +44 (0)191 334 2508 car@dur.ac.uk http://www.dur.ac.uk/car/ The Centre for Automotive Research is the focal point of research carried out by the departments of Engineering, Mathematics and Physics. One of their research themes is looking at Hybrid Electric Vehicles, primarily looking at microprocessor control of the hybrid powertrain as well as computational simulation of powertain operation over driving cycles. Machines and Power Electronics Group, Edinburgh University Location: University of Edinburgh Kings Buildings Maryfield Road Edinburgh 4 Power Electronics and Electric Machines EH9 3JL The Control and Power Group at Imperial College London sits within the Dr. Marcus Mueller, Institute for Energy Systems, School of Engineering Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department. Their research themes +44 (0)131 650 5646 include working within the SUPERGEN: FlexNet Consortium looking at the Markus.Mueller@ed.ac.uk socio-economic effects of the forthcoming delivery of cleaner energy and http://www.see.ed.ac.uk/research/IES/research/machines.html#Directthe importance of flexibility of society for this uptake. They have extensive international contacts and are regularly consulted on the topics of power The Group’s work on electrical machines and power electronics has and renewable energy by the likes of the UKERC. concentrated on the design of novel machines for power take off systems Control & Power Applications Group, University of Leeds in renewable energy converters, such as direct drive wave, wind and tidal current systems. They are developing power electronic converters for Location: University of Leeds interfacing these renewable energy systems to the grid and for control to Leeds optimise performance. In addition there is also continuing work being LS2 9JT carried out on electronic power supplies, including switched mode power Contact: Doctor J Corda supplies, resonant mode and uninterruptible power supplies. This Group’s Phone: +44 (0) 113 343 2000 research falls into three core research themes: E-mail: j.corda@leeds.ac.uk Website: http://www.engineering.leeds.ac.uk/electronic/research/contr Novel Generator Designs for Renewable Power Generation. ol-power-applications/index.shtml Thermal and Mechanical Analysis for Electrical Machines. Power Conversion and Control for Renewable Energy Converters. The Control & Power Applications Group carries out research into Contact: Phone: E-mail: Website: Control and Power Group, Imperial College London Location: Contact: Phone: E-mail: Website: Imperial College London South Kensington London SW7 2AZ Professor A Astolfi +44 (0) 207 594 6289 a.astolfi@imperial.ac.uk http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/controlandpower electrical machines, drives and power conversion control. This breaks down into two main categories, Power Converters & Applications, and Electrical Machines & Power Electronic Drives. Power Converters & Applications is primarily applied to energy management of renewable energy sources, while Electrical Machines & Power Electronics Drives looks to novel electric motor drives. Centre for Advanced Electronically Controlled Machines and Drives, University of Leicester Location: University of Leicester Leicester 5 Power Electronics and Electric Machines Contact: Phone: E-mail: Website: LE1 7RH Dr. Paul Lefley, Department of Engineering +44 (0) 116 252 2526 pwl3@le.ac.uk http://www2.le.ac.uk/departments/engineering/research/elect rical-power/electrical-machines-and-powerelectronics#electrical-machines-and-drives The Centre for Advanced Electronically Controlled Machines and Drives hosts the University’s Electrical and Electronic Power Engineering Group, which is engaged in research into power electronic systems, novel electrical machines and drives. They have a multi-disciplinary approach to their research, pooling experience from various University departments. The Centre specialises in Electric motors, with one eye on a mass market manufacture end product. Their work is not limited to motors and encompasses battery charging, fuel cells and ultracapacitors. Loughborough University Location: Phone: Website: Loughborough University Loughborough LE11 3TU +44 (0) 1509 263 171 http://www.lboro.ac.uk/ Loughborough University has several open projects relating to Power Electronics and Electric Machines. It is the site for the Innovative electronics Manufacturing Research Centre (IeMRC), the Fundamental Understanding of Technologies for Ultra reduced Emission Vehicles (FUTURE) Consortium and the Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering The IeMRC was set up by the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). It has received more than £16million of funding in the past 10 years and includes both academic partners as well an industryheavy steering group. While the EPSRC funded the setup of manufacturing research centres at universities across the UK, the IeMRC is the only electronics based centre of its kind. The research they carry out covers a variety of aspects of electrical engineering, with many prospective benefits to the automotive industry. Department of Aeronautical and automotive engineering FUTURE is a consortium of University researchers led by Professor Thring at Loughborough University. They are looking at the technologies powering Hybrid Electric Vehicles (fuel cells, batteries, power electronics etc.), in an attempt to increase efficiency, reduce costs and further optimise the technologies already established. The project will run until the end of August 2015 and has received £3million of funding from the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) and EPSRC. They have an industrial committee for consultation purposes that includes Jaguar Land Rover & Intelligent Energy Ltd. School of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering The Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology was established in 1993. Its primary activity is research into renewable energy. This includes technical applications for wind power and solar PV but also advanced power electronic interfaces. This work comes under the Networks and Systems research group. The centre is also home to the SUPERGEN Wind Energy Technologies consortium Systems Engineering Innovation Centre (SEIC) The SEIC is a collaborative effort between Loughborough University, BAE Systems and what was the East Midlands Development Agency. The 6 Power Electronics and Electric Machines Centre researches systems engineering with an eye towards more defence based applications. These usually employ complex power electronics systems, as suggested in their SEAS-DTC program, designed to create systems engineering for autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles. The Institute also has extensive facilities and a collaborative approach to its work. Centre for Advanced Electrical Drives, Newcastle University Location: Aerospace Research Institute, University of Manchester Location: Contact: Phone: E-mail: Website: University of Manchester Room D41 Sackville Building Manchester M13 9PL Professor Philip Withers +44 (0) 161 306 8872 philip.withers@manchester.ac.uk http://www.umari.manchester.ac.uk/index.html The Aerospace Research Institute at Manchester University has a research area dedicated to Advanced Electrical Power Systems. Whilst this is developed with a view towards the Aerospace Industry, the applications of the findings are not limited. The main research themes within this area are: Electrical Materials. Electrical Machines. Power Electronics. Thermal Management. Power Distribution Architectures. Condition Monitoring. Contact: Phone: E-mail: Website: Newcastle University Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 7RU Professor Barrie Mecrow +44 191 222 7329 Barrie.Mecrow@ncl.ac.uk http://www.ncl.ac.uk/eece/research/groups/drives/caed.htm The Centre for Advanced Electrical Drives was created in 2007 using £1million funding from One NorthEast. The centre researches, designs, manufactures and tests high performance brushless electrical drive systems developed by the Power Electronics, Drives & Machines Group, the electric drives research group at Newcastle University. Power Electronics, Machine and Control Group (PEMC), University of Nottingham Location: Contact: Phone: E-mail: Website: University of Nottingham University Park Nottingham NG7 2RD Professor Jon Clare +44 (0) 115 951 5356 Jon.clare@nottingham.ac.uk http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/engineering/research/electrical systemsandoptics/powerelectronics,machineandcontrolgrou p/pemcgrouphome.aspx 7 Power Electronics and Electric Machines Electrical Machines & Drives Research Group, Sheffield University The PEMC has been granted over £16million in funding by the EPSRC, TSB, EU, STFC, national and international industry, as well as UK and US defence bodies. It is staffed by a large number of academic staff and is in a multitude of international academic and industry partnerships. It has recently received £2.5million of investment for infrastructure developments to increase and support growth. Its research covers four main areas: • Power Electronic Energy Conversion, Conditioning and Control. • Power Electronics Integration, Packaging and Thermal Management. • Motor Drives and Motor Control. • Electrical Machines. Energy and Power Group, University of Oxford Location: Contact: E-mail: Website: Department of Engineering Science University of Oxford Begbroke Science Park Sandy Lane Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1PF Dr Malcolm McCulloch Malcolm.mcculloch@eng.ox.ac.uk http://epg.eng.ox.ac.uk/ The Energy & Power Group (EPG) in the Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford undertakes computational and experimental sustainable energy research with particular focus on electrical machines and energy systems, for applications such as vehicle propulsion, mini-grids, and buildings. Location: Contact: Phone: E-mail: Website: Sheffield University Mappin Street Sheffield S1 3JD Mrs. Sara Gawthorpe, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering +44 (0)114 222 5195 s.j.gawthorpe@sheffield.ac.uk http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/eee/research/emd/index The Group undertakes fundamental and applied research in enabling technologies that are likely to be central to future developments in electrical power engineering. Its strategy is to maintain a balanced portfolio of projects on a broad range of research topics, and to promote pullthrough of its R&D to commercial exploitation and applications encompassing different market sectors. The department also boasts the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre (UTC). This Centre facilitates the advancements in technology viewed as important to Rolls-Royce and are essentially broken down into: Electrical machines. Electromechanical components. Power electronic converters and devices. System integration and control. Whilst these are developed for aeronautical interests, advances could be transferrable to the automotive industry. The Electronic and Electrical Engineering department is also a part of the European POLLUX consortium that researches embedded electronic 8 Power Electronics and Electric Machines systems for next-gen electric cars. Out of the 35 members there are 2 other UK companies, QinetiQ and IFX-UK Institute for Energy & Environment, University of Strathclyde Location: Contact: Phone: E-mail: Website: University of Strathclyde 204 George Street Glasgow G1 1XW Professor Barry Williams +44 (0) 141 548 2268 InstEE@eee.strath.ac.uk http://www.strath.ac.uk/eee/research/iee/ The Institute’s work is broken down into 4 main research themes: Advanced Electrical Systems and Power Systems. Power Electronics Drives and Energy Conversion. Renewable Energy Technology. High Voltage Technologies and Electrical Plant Diagnostics. Contact: Phone: E-mail: Website: The Division plays host to Surrey’s Advanced Vehicle Analysis Group, a research group that looks at a range of vehicle technology aspects that include fluid dynamics and hybrid powertrains. SAVAG is also host to the pan-European project, Electric Vehicle Control of Individual Wheel Torque for On and Off Road Conditions (E-VECTOORC). This project, coordinated by Dr Sorniotti is funded by the EU’s FP7 programme and is an international collaboration including academic and industrial partners that looks at EV torque motor outputs for both on and off road situations. Power Electronics, Applications & Technology in Energy Research group (PEATER), University of Warwick Location: These research themes are mainly associated with Grid technology. The themes cover High Voltage equipment, methods of converting energy into electricity, and managing and integrating renewable energy into the system. There have been some automotive applications to the work done here, including 2 EV demonstrator projects with Ford and Allied vehicles. Surrey’s Advanced Vehicle Analysis Group (SAVAG), University of Surrey Location: University of Surrey Guildford Surrey GU2 7XH Dr. Aldo Sorniotti +44 (0)1483 68 9688 a.sorniotti@surrey.ac.uk http://portal.surrey.ac.uk/portal/page?_pageid=822,365014& _dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL Contact: Phone: E-mail: Website: University of Warwick Library Road Coventry CV4 7AL Professor Philip Mawby, School of Engineering +44 (0)2476 524742 p.a.mawby@warwick.ac.uk http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/eng/eed/research/peater/ The PEATER group was founded in 2005. Its research themes are designed to have real-world applications such as use within Hybrid Vehicles and Electric Aircraft. The head of the group, Professor Philip Mawby recently set up a £3.15million research project called Vehicle 9 Power Electronics and Electric Machines Electrical Systems Integration (VESI) that will run until 2015, which is part funded by the EPSRC. PEATER has also teamed up with the University of Nottingham’s School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and School of Mechanical, Manufacturing and Materials Engineering in a strategic partnership with Smiths Aerospace. This project has been awarded £1.37million by the EPSRC to develop technology for electric aircraft; however some technologies could be transferred to the automotive industry. Low Carbon Vehicle Procurement Programme, aiming to support the Department for Transport’s plan to reduce fleet emissions, including exhibition support. Cross-sector synergies in energy efficiency with the Transport KTN. Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) Location: Other sources of information and support CENEX Location: Phone: E-mail: Website: Holywell Park Loughborough University Ashby Road Leicestershire LE11 3TU +44 (0) 1509 635 750 info@cenex.co.uk http://www.cenex.co.uk/ The Centre of Excellence for Low Carbon and Fuel Cell Technologies, or CENEX, is a UK government initiative supported by the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS). It currently has four open programmes: Niche vehicles network, whereby support is given to manufacturers off niche low carbon vehicles. Plugged in Places, a project to roll out electric vehicle infrastructure across the Midlands. Phone: E-mail: Website: Wilton Centre Wilton, Redcar, TS10 4RF +44 (0) 1642 455 340 info@uk-cpi.com http://www.uk-cpi.com/index.html The CPI is a technology innovation centre that uses market knowledge and technology understanding to take products or services to the commercial market. The centre provides the facilities to develop concepts or prototypes as well as support and advice. Set up in 2004, the centre has strong links with both academia and industry in a range of fields including plastic electronics. Their business model allows them to take the financial risks on behalf of their partners to both establish the market potential and subsequently develop the product to a point at which their partners will take over. REEVoltion Consortium Led by Jaguar Landrover (JLR), this consortium is looking to create three Range Extended Electric Vehicles (REEVs). The consortium consists of JLR, Lotus Engineering, Nissan, THINK, Axeon, EVO Electric and Xtrac. Supported with funding of £9.5million from the TSB, Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the Office for Low Emissions Vehicles (OLEV), the consortium has been tasked with developing the 10 Power Electronics and Electric Machines technologies considered necessary for high-end electric and hybrid vehicles. KTNs that are of relevance to the automotive sector include the Transport, Materials and Electronics, Sensors and Photonics. All KTNs can be found via the Connect gateway at: Niche Vehicle Network https://ktn.innovateuk.org/web/guest/home http://www.nichevehiclenetwork.co.uk/ The Niche Vehicle Network is an independent association of over 100 niche vehicle manufacturers, supply chain and specialist technology companies. Started in 2005 with funding from Advantage West Midlands (AWM) and managed by CENEX, the network looks towards increasing market opportunities for low carbon vehicles. There are a large number of collaborative projects that have been undertaken by their members, some of which involve developing Power Electronics & Electric Motors. Regional Industry/Academia Matching Service The following organisations offer to assist with finding academic research skills, expertise and facilities to meet your business needs. They operate across all technology areas. Northwest Innovation Network www.nwin.org.uk Innovation East Midlands www.eminnovation.org.uk Universities South West www.universitiessouthwest.ac.uk Interface Scotland www.interface-online.org Invest Northern Ireland www.investni.com Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Network http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/electrichybridvehicles Located at Imperial College London, the Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Network looks into all aspects of EVs, including energy storage, infrastructure, power electronics and electric machines. The Network is part of the University’s Energy Future’s Lab and brings together researchers from a range of relevant departments to conduct research of use to the automotive industry. Knowledge Transfer Networks Funded and overseen by the Technology Strategy Board, KTNs promote knowledge sharing through events, conferences, newsletters, on-line communities and projects. They are free to join. There are a number of 11 Power Electronics and Electric Machines The following table pulls together information pertaining to publically funded research and development projects. Information has been sourced from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) and the European Framework Programme (FP7). More information on each can be found on the relevant websites: EPSRC TSB FP7 In the case of FP7 projects, values are expressed in €million. This project list is under constant development as we strive to include more projects and information. Please note that the FP7 lists are not exhaustive, but an indication of the size and scope of the FP7 project portfolio in this area. SMMT would welcome any updates, additions or corrections to the list. Contributions should be emailed to Luke Hampton at lhampton@smmt.co.uk. FUNDER EPSRC EPSRC EPSRC EPSRC EPSRC PROJECT TITLE High Efficiency Electrical Energy Conversion Development of a microscopic gas diffusion-reaction model for a H2 producing biocatalyst Development of a microscopic gas diffusion-reaction model for a H2 producing biocatalyst Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Supergen Hub New Approach to Extend Durability of Sorbent Powders for Multicycle High Temperature CO2 Capture in Hydrogen Start End PROJECT CONTACT 02/09 01/14 Professor BC Mecrow 09/12 09/14 11/12 05/12 11/12 ORGANISATION/ CONSORTIUM Newcastle University Electrical, Electronic & Computer Eng VALUE £748,601 Blumberger, Dr J UCL Physics and Astronomy £171,251 Bond, Dr P J University of Cambridge Department of Chemistry £166,190 11/14 04/17 DEPARTMENT Brandon, Professor NP Imperial College London Milne, Dr SJ University of Leeds 04/14 Earth Science and Engineering School of Process, Environmental and Materials Engineering £4,100,955 £167,544 12 Power Electronics and Electric Machines EPSRC Ultra Battery Feasibility Investigation into the combined battery-supercapacitor for hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) applications 09/10 02/12 Dr DA Stone University of Sheffield Electronic and Electrical Engineering EPSRC Vehicle Electrical Systems Integration (VESI) 10/11 09/15 Mawby, Professor P University of Warwick Sch of Engineering £3,154,532 EPSRC Development of a Novel Energy Efficient Magnetic Scroll Air Motor 03/11 06/12 Wang, Professor J University of Warwick Sch of Engineering £89,068 09/11 09/16 University of Southampton Faculty of Engineering and the Environment EPSRC EPSRC Green Tribology iTurbo: Exhaust Energy Recovery in Low Carbon Vehicles by Intelligent Turbocharging 07/10 01/12 Wood, Professor RJK Dr R MartinezBotas Reddyhoff, Dr T £139,148 £1,200,359 Imperial College London Dept of Mechanical Engineering £192,416 Imperial College London Dept of Mechanical Engineering £719,805 University of Brighton Faculty of arts EPSRC TRIBOEMISSION AND BOUNDARY FILM FORMATION 10/11 09/16 EPSRC Sandpit: Smart e-bikes understanding how commuters and communities engage with electrically-assisted cycling 06/11 05/14 EPSRC Sensorless Control of AC Motors 01/10 02/11 Dr M Sumner University of Nottingham Div of Electrical Systems and Optics £87,860 EPSRC A Cost-Effective Regenerative Air Hybrid Powertrain for Low Carbon Buses and Delivery Vehicles 12/10 11/13 Professor H Zhao Brunel University Sch of Engineering and Design £364,771 Behrendt, Dr F £442,845 13 Power Electronics and Electric Machines EPSRC EPSRC EPSRC EPSRC EPSRC A Cost-Effective Regenerative Air Hybrid Powertrain for Low Carbon Buses and Delivery Vehicles Advanced battery condition monitoring in electric and hybrid vehicles Developing FUTURE Vehicles (Fundamental Understanding of Technologies for Ultra Reduced Emission Vehicles) Doctoral Training Centre in Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and their Applications Electrochemical Energy Storage with Graphene-Enabled Materials EPSRC EPSRC 12/10 11/13 Professor RK Stobart Loughborough University Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering £112,296 09/10 02/12 Professor NP Brandon Imperial College London Earth Science and Engineering £221,230 12/11 11/15 Thring, Professor R Loughborough University Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering 10/19 03/18 02/13 02/13 Graphene-based membranes Inverter connected battery technology with advanced fault ride through capability on LV grid system to help offset the need for standby generation 01/18 01/18 Kendall, Professor K Dryfe, Professor RAW Budd, Professor PM £3,012,029 University of Birmingham School of Chemical Engineering £5,537,269 University of Manchester School of Chemistry £2,190,025 University of Manchester School of Chemistry £2,839,350 10/10 09/12 Dr D Strickland Aston University Sch of Engineering and Applied Science £98,154 EPSRC Mechanical Energy Scavenging for in-Wheel Sensors 04/10 04/12 Dr CJ Anthony University of Birmingham Mechanical Engineering £96,510 EPSRC Smart Management of Electric Vehicles 03/12 03/14 CIPCIGAN, Dr L M Cardiff University Sch of Engineering £93,402 14 Power Electronics and Electric Machines EPSRC The Design and Development of Multivariable Controls with the Application for Energy Management of Hybrid Electric Vehicles. A Hybrid Modelling And Evidencebased Fault Diagnosis Approach To Power Transformer Winding Deformation Detection 06/10 12/11 Dr F Assadian Cranfield University Sch of Engineering £204,729 £158,146 01/10 01/12 Dr WH Tang University of Liverpool Electrical Engineering and Electronics EPSRC Acoustic Noise and Vibration of Permanent Magnet Brushless Machines Having a Fractional Number of Slots per Pole 02/08 01/11 Professor Z Zhu University of Sheffield Electronic and Electrical Engineering £364,399 EPSRC Adaptive Development Support for Future Systems-on-Chip (ADS-SoC) 11/10 10/11 Professor K McDonaldMaier University of Exeter Computer Sci and Electronic Engineering £100,748 EPSRC Advanced Fault Identification for Safety Critical Electromechanical Actuators 10/09 09/12 Dr M Sumner University of Nottingham Div of Electrical Systems and Optics £349,458 09/11 08/14 Irvine, Professor J University of St Andrews EPSRC EPSRC Advancing Biogas Utilization through Fuel Flexible SOFC EPSRC An Innovative Electronics Manufacturing Research Centre 03/10 02/15 Professor P Conway Loughborough University EPSRC Chair in Power System Engineering 08/06 07/11 Professor D Kirschen The University of Manchester EPSRC Condition Monitoring Power Electronics for Reliability (COMPERE) 11/07 10/10 Dr L Ran Durham University School of Chemistry Sch of Mechanical and Manufacturing Eng Electrical and Electronic Engineering Engineering and Computing Sciences £1,224,922 £9,088,809 £818,336 £290,409 15 Power Electronics and Electric Machines EPSRC EPSRC EPSRC EPSRC EPSRC EPSRC EPSRC EPSRC Condition Monitoring Power Electronics for Reliability (COMPERE) Energy harvesting: vibration powered generators with non-linear compliance Flame Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Simple Devices to Extract Electricity Directly from Natural Gas and Liquid Petroleum Gas Flames Full Proposal for a Smiths University Strategic Partnership in Advanced Electrical Power and Actuation Systems NOVEL CALORIMETER FOR DEVELOPING HIGH-EFFICIENCY PERMANENT-MAGNET MACHINES AND POWER CONVERTERS Real-time dynamic substructure testing applied to a weight optimised synchronous power conversion system Reducing the Cost and Prolonging the Durability of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Systems by in-situ Hydrogen Purification and Technology Hybridization (HyFCap) Silicon Compatible GaN Power Electronics 09/07 09/10 Professor P Mawby University of Warwick Sch of Engineering £262,776 01/08 01/11 Dr SG Burrow University of Bristol Aerospace Engineering £197,318 09/13 08/16 03/06 02/11 01/13 01/16 Tao, Professor S Professor J Clare Cao, Dr W 10/10 12/11 09/13 08/17 03/13 02/18 Dr D Drury Guo, Professor ZX Thayne, Professor I University of Strathclyde University of Nottingham Newcastle University University of Bristol UCL University of Glasgow Chemical and Process Engineering Sch of Electrical and Electronic Eng School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department of Chemistry School of Engineering £726,512 £1,367,958 £367,225 £97,178 £1,442,362 £6,196,718 16 Power Electronics and Electric Machines EPSRC Ultra-efficient electrical machines and drives for EVs and HEVs 09/09 TSB 2nd Generation Zero Emission 12t Battery Electric Truck TSB Aeristech's power-dense high transient motor/generator and control technology for enhanced engine downsizing and hybrid/electric vehicle applications TSB TSB Electronic and Electrical Engineering 05/12 Professor Z Zhu University of Sheffield 01/01/2 010 31/03/ 2011 steve.blundel l@paccar.co m Leyland Trucks Limited, MEGTECH LIMITED, VALENCE TECHNOLOGY B.V. £91,800.00 01/11/2 011 30/09/ 2012 nicholas.gill @aeristech.c o.uk Aeristech Limited, Imperial College London £72,612.00 CABLED: Coventry and Birmingham Low Emission Demonstrators 01/08/2 009 31/05/ 2012 E Van 01/10/2 009 30/09/ 2012 stephen.saw yer@smithel ectric.com University of Birmingham, Ove Arup and Partners Ltd, The Colt Car Company Limited, Land Rover, LTI Vehicles Ltd, MBUK, Coventry University Enterprises Limited, Tata Motors European Technical, E.ON Engineering Limited, Birmingham City Council, Coventry City Council, Aston University, Coventry University, OVE ARUP & PARTNERS LIMITED, Coventry University Enterprises Limited HFCD funding ref 100801 Smith Electric Vehicles Europe PLC, Ricardo UK LTD, University of Bristol, Tirius Limited, TRW Limited (trading as TRW Conekt) £313,503 £7,690,252.0 0 £48,000.00 17 Power Electronics and Electric Machines TSB EDCT - Low Cost High Efficiency Transmission Actuation: Electric Moving Magnet Linear Actuator 01/01/2 010 28/02/ 2011 nick.owen@r icardo.com TSB EEMS Accelerate 01/07/2 009 31/05/ 2012 justin.brock @aeat.co.uk TSB EVADINE 01/06/2 009 31/08/ 2013 lynn.wilkins @ntceurope.co.uk 31/10/ 2009 john.seaborn e@gordonm orraydesign. com TSB Exceptional Projects Stream Type A (De Minimis) 01/05/2 009 TSB Flexible Multiport Converter Technology 01/04/2 010 31/03/ 2013 ptibbles@pro drive.com TSB Ford Focus Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) 01/04/2 009 31/03/ 2013 tnicklin@ford .com TSB High Efficiency Transmission (HET) for Electric Vehichles 01/11/2 009 30/04/ 2011 jdavid@anto novpic.com Ricardo UK Limited, Raicam Clutch Limited, TRW Limited AEA Technology Plc, Eco Cars Limited, Westfield Sports Cars Limited, Delta Motorsport Ltd, Lightning car company, Green Motion Limited Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd., Liberty Electric Cars, AVID Vehicles Limited, Smith Electric Vehicles Europe PLC, Newcastle University, Simon Bailes Limited Gordon Murray Design Limited Prodrive Automotive Technology Limited, International Transformers, Tata Motors European Technical, Raytheon Systems Ltd, SciSys UK Limited, The University of Manchester Ford Motor Company Ltd, Scottish and Southern Energy, University of Strathclyde Antonov Automotive Technologies, MIRA Limited, £420,994.00 £25,000.00 £22,811.00 £47,000.00 £199,925.00 £2,391,287.0 0 £431,087.00 18 Power Electronics and Electric Machines Jaguar Cars Limited TSB High Torque Density Electric Drive For Commercial Vehicles (HiTED) 01/07/2 008 30/06/ 2011 d.black@ma gnomatics.co m TSB High Torque Density Switched Reluctance Drive System for Low Carbon Vehicles 01/01/2 012 30/09/ 2014 lesley.ilderto n@sevcon.c om TSB Hybrid Electric Technology for transit Buses 01/07/2 008 31/12/ 2011 stephen.broa tch@baesyst ems.com TSB Hybrid Integrated Urban Commercial Vehicle 01/09/2 010 31/08/ 2013 TSB Intelligent Hybrid Electric Power Unit 01/01/2 010 31/12/ 2012 Mark.Hopkin s@denniseagle.co.uk martin.kadhi m@ashwood s.org Magnomatics Limited, Magnet Applications Limited, Volvo Powertrain Corporation, Kollmorgen Corporation Sevcon Limited, Cummins Generator Technologies Limited, Newcastle University BAE Systems (Operations) Limited, Alexander Dennis Limited, University College London Dennis Eagle Limited, MIRA Limited, Magnomatics Limited, MTL Group Limited Ashwoods Automotive Limited, LifeBatt Limited, Citroen, Sevcon Limited TSB KinerStor-Kinetic Energy Recovery and storage System 01/10/2 009 31/03/ 2012 marc.vigar@ ricardo.com Ricardo UK Limited, Jaguar Cars Limited, JCB Power Systems, Torotrak plc, SKF UK Limited, Crompton Technology Group Limited, Williams Hybrid Power Limited, Ford Motor Company Limited, Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Limited TSB Limo- Green 01/07/2 008 31/10/ 2010 snicho20@ja guarlandrove r.com Jaguar Cars Limited, MIRA Limited, Lotus Cars Ltd, Caparo Vehicle Technolgies £74,503.00 £102,000.00 £21,385.00 £100,700.00 £77,814.00 £1,950,573.0 0 £69,822.00 19 Power Electronics and Electric Machines TSB TSB London South East Bid : MercedesBenz EDF Energy Elektromotive Westminster City Council & Greater London Authority Consortia LOPEPS - Low Power Electric Power Steering to provide steering assist during parking for small, ultraefficient vehicles 01/09/2 009 31/05/ 2012 tom@nudge advisory.com Mercedes Benz UK, EDF Energy 01/12/2 009 28/02/ 2011 andrew.josep h@trw.com TRW Limited, Tata Motors European Technical, Brook Motors Limited £546,230.00 01/11/2 011 30/04/ 2013 martin.kadhi m@ashwood s.org Ashwoods Automotive Limited, University of Bristol, MCT Reman Limited £599,295.00 TSB Low Cost, Scalable Low Rare Earth Electric Motor TSB MAGSPLIT - Magnetic Power Split Technology for Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicles Not started Not started d.black@ma gnomatics.co m TSB Mild Hybrid Bus 01/07/2 008 30/06/ 2013 null TSB Mini E Research Project United Kingdom 01/04/2 009 31/08/ 2011 paul.johnson @bmw.co.uk TSB MSYS: YASA motor development with integrated 3-speed drivetrain 01/12/2 011 30/11/ 2013 TSB Nano carbon replacement of copper conductors in electrical equipment Not started Not started alex.tyleebirdsall@driv esystemdesi gn.com executive@h iltechdevelop ments.com Magnomatics Limited, Ford Motor Company Limited, Arnold Magnetic Technologies Limited, Romax Technology Limited Alexander Dennis Limited, Zytek Group Limited, Nanotecture Limited, ALLISON TRANSMISSION EUROPE B.V., Cummins Generator Technologies Limited BMW (UK) Limited, Scottish & Southern Energy plc, Oxford Brookes University £1,881,021.0 0 £1,473,400.0 0 £70,759.00 £3,057,366.0 0 Drive System Design Limited, Oxford YASA Motors Limited, MIRA Limited £22,400,000. 00 Hiltech Developments Limited null 20 Power Electronics and Electric Machines Paving the way for full commercialisation of plug in hybrid vehicles 01/01/2 010 30/06/ 2013 TSB Peugeot Electric Cars 01/04/2 009 TSB Power electronics for low voltage automotive systems (PELVAS) TSB null Toyota Europe, EDF Energy Plc £0.00 30/09/ 2010 null Allied Vehicles Ltd, Axion Power Limited, Glasgow City Council, Scottish Power Ltd, University of Strathclyde £24,856.00 Not started Not started null TRW Limited Range Extended Vehicle REHEV 01/07/2 008 30/06/ 2010 tmurton@jag uarlandrover. com Land Rover, Amberjac Projects Limited, Ricardo UK Limited, E.ON UK PLC £24,928.00 TSB Rapid Design and Development of a Switched Reluctance Traction Motor Not started Not started Helen.Thom as@cobham. com Cobham CTS Limited trading as Cobham Technical Services, Jaguar Cars Limited, Ricardo UK Limited £1,827,070.0 0 TSB Second Generation 7.5t-12t Diesel/ Electric hybrid truck 01/10/2 008 30/06/ 2011 Leyland Trucks Limited, Eaton Limited, Newcastle University £24,994.00 TSB Study on the Feasibility of a Low Cost iStream Fuel Cell Vehicle 01/09/2 011 31/08/ 2012 Gordon Murray Design Limited, ACAL Energy Limited £75,000.00 TSB T.27ev - Production of a prototype for a new ultra-efficient electric vehicle 01/11/2 009 30/06/ 2011 steve.blundel l@paccar.co m graeme.milto n@gordonm urraydesign. com john.seaborn e@gordonm orraydesign. com Gordon Murray Design Limited, Zytek Automotive Limited £69,130.00 TSB Ultra Cost Efficient Hybrid Powertrain 01/07/2 009 30/04/ 2011 Integral Powertrain Limited, Land Rover, Smart Power Solutions LLP, Drive System Design Limited £49,911.00 TSB jmclean@int egralp.com null 21 Power Electronics and Electric Machines TSB Ultra Efficient Electrical Machines and Drivers for EV's and HEv's TSB YAMOT - YASA Motor redesign to enable the motor to be produced at a cost and in the volumes the automotive industry requires over the next decades FP AUTOMICS: Pragmatic solution for parasitic-immune design of electronics ICs for automotive 01/07/2 009 01/09/2 009 07/12 31/03/ 2012 bob.bateman @ntceurope.co.uk Nissan Motor Manufacturing UK, Sheffield University £109,943.00 30/09/ 2012 catherine.wil son@oxfordy asamotors.c om Oxford YASA Motors Limited, Morgan Motor Company Limited, TRW Ltd (Trading as TRW Conekt), Semikron Limited, Sevcon Ltd £41,942.00 https://www.automics.eu/p roject-abstract/ 08/15 Stéphanie ROSSARD FP AUTOSUPERCAP: Development of high energy, hig power density supercapacitors for automotive applications 01/11 12/13 Ms Sue Angulatta www.surrey.ac.uk FP AVTR: Optimal electrical powertrain via adaptable voltage and transmissions ratio 05/12 04/15 Marco Ottella Bitron SPA FP BELT: Basic electric and hybrid light trucks FP CASTOR: Car multi propulsion integrated power train 8 partners inc. Universite pierre et marie curie, Austriamicrosystems, Centre national de la Recerche Scientifique 9 partners incl. Surrey Uni, AGM Batteries Ltd, Mast Carbon Internation Ltd 8 partners inc. FraunhoferGesellschaft Zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V 3.6 3.9 3.5 M. Fraile 06/10 05/13 Mr Nernhard Scholz Infineon Technologies AG 7 partners incl. Shefield Uni, Volswagen AG, 3.4 22 Power Electronics and Electric Machines Magnomatics Ltd FP 11/12 10/15 CONVENIENT: COmplete Vehicle Energy-saving Technologies for Heavy-Trucks http://www.crf.it/ Maria ONIDA FP COSIVU: Compact, smart and reliable drive unit for fully electric vehicles 10/12 09/15 Marie Pauli Swerea IVF AB FP Deliver: Design of Electric LIght Vans for Environment-impact Reduction 11/11 10/14 Dr Christian SAHR http://www.deliverproject.org/ FP EASYBAT: Models and generic interfaces for easy and safe bettery insertion and removal in electric vehicles 01/11 06/13 Dr Chanan Gabay www.betterplace.com 22 Partners inc. CENTRO RICERCHE FIAT , NEDERLANDSE ORGANISATIE VOOR TOEGEPAST NATUURWETENSC HAPPELIJK ONDERZOEK , RHEINISCHWESTFAELISCHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE AACHEN 9 partners inc. Transic AB TSC, Volvo Technolgy, Hella Fahrzeugkomponent en GMBH 9 partners inc. HPL Prototypes Ltd., Lec 2 Ltd, Volkswagen AG 11 partners incl. Renault S.A.S, Kema Nederland, Continental Engineering Services 9.9 3.4 2.8 2.25 23 Power Electronics and Electric Machines FP FP eCo-FEV: efficient Cooperative infrastructure for Fully Electric Vehicles ECOSHELL: Development of new light high performance environmentally benign composites made of bio-materials and bio-resins for electric car application 01/11 09/13 Mr Alain DE LARMINAT http://www.eco-fev.eu/ 13 partners inc. Hitachi, Facit Research GMBH & CO., Centro Richerche Fiat SCPA and Politecnico di Torino 3.0 http://www.cititechnologies.com 10 partners incl. GRM Consulting Ltd, Cranfield Uni. 2.8 FP e-DASH: Electricity demand and supply harmonization for electric vehicles 09/11 09/14 Adrian Zarcula http://edash.eu/ FP EFUTURE: Safe and efficient electrical vehicle 09/10 08/13 Dr Frederic Holzmann Intedis GMBO& CO KG FP eLCAr:E-Mobility Life Cycle Assessment Recommendations FP FP E-LIGHT: Advanced structural lightweight architectures for electric vehicles ELMAS: New high efficiency electric machines solutions for mild hybrid 02/12 01/13 01/11 12/13 03/00 03/04 Professor Ernst SCHMACHT ENBERG Ms. Fernandez Pera Dr Dario Monti http://www.elcarproject.eu/ www.cidaut.es Centro Ricerche FIAT CRF, VW, Renault, RWE, ENDESA,CEA, ERPC, Atos, TRIALOG, TUD, kinside, EURISCO, ATB, Broadbit 6 partners incl. TATA Motors European Technical Centre 4 partners incld. Technische Universitaet Braunschweig 7 partners incl. Sheffield Uni, Ricardo, 7 partners incl. Sheffield Uni, 5.3 3.9 0.5 2.1 1.7 24 Power Electronics and Electric Machines applications Bucharest Poly FP ELVA: Advanced electric vehicle architectures 05/13 Mr Micha Lesemann http://www.rwthaachen.de 12/10 FP ELVIRE: Electric vehicle communication to infrastructure, road services and electricity supply 01/10 12/12 Mr Hannes Luettringhau s Continental, Babenhausen, Deutschland FP EM-SAFETY: EM safety and hazards mitigation by proper EV design 05/11 01/14 Mr Andreas Vogl www.sintef.no FP ESAFETY: Esaftey challenge and awareness raising 01/10 12/11 Ms Rita Cuypers FIA Foundation FP EURECOMP: Recycling thermoset composites of the STT 04/09 04/12 Ms Marielaure SPAAK http://www.plasticomnium. com FP E-VECTOORC 09/11 08/14 Ms. Maria SEGABUHALIS http://www.e-vectoorc.eu/ Ms Eike Rupp Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung EV FP EVITA: E-safety vehicle intrusion protected applications 07/08 12/11 7 partners incl. Renault, Fiat, Continental, Volkswagen AG 11 partners incl. Endesa Network Factory SL, Better Place Labs Israel 10 partners incl. MIRA, Fiat, Prysmian 6 partners incl. H3B Media Ltd, Federation Internationale De L'Automobile 13 partners incl. Volvo Technology AB, Bristol Uni, The Brisith Plastics Federation 11 Partners inc. University of Surrey, Inverto NV, Jaguar cars Ltd. 12 partners incl. MIRA, Infineon Technologies AG 2.9 5.1 2.2 1.6 1.9 3.1 3.8 25 Power Electronics and Electric Machines FASTINCHARGE: Innovative fast inductive charging solution for electric vehicles 10/12 FP FURBOT: Freight Urban RoBOTic vehicle 11/11 10/14 Professor Molfino REZIA http://www.unige.it/ FP G4V: Grid for vehicles. Analysis of the impact and possibilities of a mass introduction of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles on the electricty networks in Europe 01/10 06/11 Mr Thomas Theisen http://www.rwe.com FP HEMIS: Electrical powertrain health monitoring for increased safety in FEVs 06/12 11/14 Ainhoa Galarza Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Tecnicas FP HI-CEPS: Highly integrated combustion electric powertrain system 09/06 09/11 Dr Ezio Volpi www.crf.it FP HI-WI: Materials and drives for high and wide efficiency electric powertrains 12/10 11/13 Ms Renata Schaeffer www.cam.ac.uk FP HOPE: High density power electronics for FC and ICE hybrid 01/06 12/08 Dr Kai Kriegel www.siemens.com FP 09/15 http://www.dbt.fr/ David MIGN AN 9 partners inc. Douaisienne de Basse Tension, Centro Ricerche Fiat, Euroquality 8 partners inc. Universita degli Studi di Genova, Bremach Indsutrie SRL, ZTS Vyskumno-Vyvojovy Ustav Kosice AS 1.7 3.3 2.5 7 partners inc. Jema Energy, Politecnico di Milano, Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus 24 partners incl. Ricardo UK Ltd, Peugeot Citroen Automobiles SA 7 partners incl. Cambridge Uni, Sheffield Uni, Siemens AG 15 partners incl. Robert Bosch, 2.0 9.8 2.4 2.4 26 Power Electronics and Electric Machines electric vehicle powertrains Volkswagen AG 6 partners incl. Siemens AG, NXP Semiconductors, European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company 8 partners incl. Renault S.A.S, , Idiada Automotive Technology SA No other partners listed 5 partners incl. Karlsruher Institut Fuer Technologie, Politecnico Di Torino Volvo, CRF, Continental, Delphi/Mecel, 4S, MetaCase, PulseAR, Systemite , CEA LIST, KTH, TU Berlin, U Hull FP ICT4FEV: Information and communication technologies for the full electric vehicle 05/10 04/12 Dr Gereon Meyer www.smart-systemsintegrations.org FP ID4EV: Intelligent dynamics for fully electric vehicles 06/10 08/12 Ms Maja Stevanovic Continental Engineering Services GMBH FP IVWSN: Intra-vehicular wireless sensor networks 06/10 05/14 Ms Toprak Koc University, Istanbul FP JOBVEHELEC: Job opportunities in vehicle electrification 01/11 12/13 Ms Katarina Ekman www.chalmers.se FP MAENAD: Model-based Analysis & Engineering of Novel Architectures for Dependable Electric Vehicles 09/10 09/13 Henrik Lönn www.maenad.eu FP NNE-THERMIE C: Electric vehicle fleet demonstration with advanced batteries 04/96 07/99 Wolfgang Juetting AEG Anglo Batteries GMBH No other partners listed 0.9 FP ODIN: Optimized electric Drivetrain by INtegration 07/12 06/15 Martin Braun http://www.fp7-odin.eu/ 7 partners inc. Robert Bosch, Renault, Rheinisch- 5.6 0.99 3.8 0.1 1.3 2 27 Power Electronics and Electric Machines Westfaelische Tehnische Hochschule Aachen FP FP FP OPTIBODY: Optimized structural components and add-ons to improve passive safety in new electric light trucks and vans OPTIMORE: Optimised Modular Range Extender for every day customer usage OSTLER: Optimised storage integration for the electric car 04/11 03/14 10/12 09/14 06/11 05/14 Mr Oscar Lopez Alexander HOLLEIS www.unizar.es http://www.avl.com/ Deborah Stubbs http://www.mira.co.uk FP FP SAFEDRIVE: A platform power management system and low voltage drive train for hybrid and electric vehicles SafeEV: Safe Small Electric Vehicles through Advanced Simulation Methodologies 08/10 07/13 10/12 09/15 Mr Robert Stussi Gerhard ZRI M www.avere.org http://www.virtuellesfahrze ug.at 10 partners incl. Idiadi Automotive 8 partners inc. AVL, Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola, Volvo 7 partners inc. Centro Ricerche Fiat SCPA, Fico Cables S.A, Autoliv Development AB 12 partners incl, Green Energy Technologies Ltd, John Bradshaw Ltd, Metallisation Ltd, Scimar Engineering Lts, The UK Intelligent Systems Research Institute Ltd 10 partners inc. Kompetenzzentrum, Centro Richerche Fiat and RheinischWestfaelische Technische 2.0 2.7 2.5 2.2 2.1 28 Power Electronics and Electric Machines Hochschule Aachen FP SMARTBATT: Smart and safe integration of batteries in electric vehicles 01/11 12/12 FP UNPLUGGED: Wireless charging for Electic Vehicles 10/12 03/15 FP V-FEATHER: InnoVative Flexible Electric Transport 07/12 10/15 Mr Michael Parik Sebastian MATHAR www.ait.ac.at http://www.fka.de/ Michael Bayes http://www.cranfield.ac.uk FP VIETA: Vehicle independent electric transmission architectures 09/09 08/12 Dr Patrick Chi Kwong Luk www.cranfield.ac.uk FP WIDE-MOB: Building blocks concepts for efficient and safe multiuse urban electrical vehicles 12/10 11/13 Dr Massimo CASALI http://www.crf.it 10 partners incl. Axeon Tech Ltd, Impact Design Europe, Ricardo UK Ltd 17 partners inc. FKA Forschungsgesellsch aft, TRL, Centro Richerche Fiat 8 partners inc. Tuk Tuk Factory BV, Technische Universitaet Hamburg-Harburg, Cleancarb SARL 3 partners incl. Cranfield Uni, The Narrow Car Company Ltd, Svenk Vertygsteknik AB 7 partners incl. FIAT SCPA, Uni of Sheffield, Dupont 2.2 2.3 2.6 0.3 2.6 29