te mĀtauranga pŪtaiao
the sciences
course and assessment guide
ncea level 1
physics (ph1000)
teacher contact details
When you first make contact with your teacher, please fill out their details below
for future reference.
telephone: 0800 65 99 88
alternative telephone number:
email address:
Private Bag 39992, Wellington Mail Centre, Lower Hutt 5045
Please keep your Physics (PH1000) Course and assessment guide in a safe place so that you can
use it to plan your study and record your assessment results.
For future information about courses at this level, please refer to Student Guide to Years 11–13
and the Student Guide to National Certificates.
Copyright © 2011 Board of Trustees of Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu, Private Bag 39992, Wellington Mail Centre, Lower Hutt 5045,
New Zealand. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the
written permission of Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu.
© te ah o o te k u ra p ou n m au
Welcome to PH1000
Getting started information
PH1000 course outline and assessment summary
Additional course materials
Assessment information
Sample Physics programmes
Sample course plan
My Physics assessment record (PH1000)
© te aho o t e k ur a p o un m a u
welcome to ph1000
Welcome to the Level 1 Physics (PH1000) course offered by Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu.
aims of ph1000
PH1000 is an introductory course in NCEA Level 1 Physics.
This course offers five achievement standards of which three are externally assessed and two
are internally assessed. In addition to this, the Physical World strand of NCEA level 1 Sciences
offers four physics related standards of which one is externally assessed and three are internally
If you want to continue studying Physics at NCEA Level 2 then you should complete at least two
externally assessed standards. It is recommended that you complete the standards AS90940
and AS90937 or AS90938 as these standards cover basic concepts in physics required for Level
2 study.
If you specifically need to gain credits in Physics for entry to trade or technological courses, then
you should check with the institution whether credits gained from the Physical World standards
are acceptable.
You may combine any of the Science standards with PH1000 standards to suit your future needs.
Phone your science teacher if you need help in choosing the standards to suit your goals.
© te ah o o te k u ra p ou n ma u
getting started information
how this course is delivered
PH1000 is a print-based course, with course material and supplementary material accessed
from the online teaching and learning environment (OTLE). Dual enrolled students are expected
to access material from OTLE. Other enrolled students may request printed materials to be
posted, accepting there will be a delay between enrolment and receiving the first posting.
You will receive an email explaining how to log in to OTLE. This email includes a link to set your
password if you have not logged into the OTLE before.
You can access OTLE by clicking on www.tekura.school.nz/login. It is recommended that you
bookmark this site in your browser. This will take you to a page with links to your courses.
Your username and initial password is your Te Kura student ID number. You will be asked to set
a new password when you first log in. After that, if you need to reset your password you can click
on the ‘Forgot password’ link on the OTLE login page.
If you have difficulties logging in, please email: helpdesk.otle@tekura.school.nz
organising your study
Plan a regular time to study. Some people learn best from frequent short sessions while others do
better with fewer, longer sessions. It is important to have a plan or a timetable and to keep to it.
There is a suggested planner in the back of this guide for you to plan your programme of study.
You may wish to consult with your subject teacher to help you decide on your plan.
Getting your study underway is very important. Your first return of work should be two to three
weeks after you first received your initial work. If you have any issues returning your work within
this time please contact your subject teacher.
For more information on how to study successfully, refer to the Student Guide to Years 11–13
te kura codes
Your course code is: PH1000. PH is the code for Physics and 1 refers to Level 1.
‘SC1----’ refers to a booklet that is one of the sciences. All the Physics topics form part of the
wider Science course. For example, SC1041 is the first learning topic for students who are
aiming to achieve either of the standards on Heat. (AS90943, an internally assessed standard
or AS90939, a level 1 Physics exam). ‘Heat’ standard AS90944. ‘SC1----Y1’ refers to the first
assessment task for an internally assessed NCEA Achievement Standard.
© te aho o t e k ur a p o un m a u
getting started information
resources you need to get going
Te Kura study booklets, stationary, paper, calculator and a computer with internet access.
There are many hands-on and computer-based activities to help your learning. Most hands-on
activities are designed around everyday items at your home. If you have issues obtaining these
items, please contact your teacher. You will be provided with any specialist equipment needed.
For computer-based activities you need a computer and internet access, preferably access to
broadband. If you do not have an internet connection, you can get learning programmes and
videos on CD and DVD. Please contact your teacher.
The teaching and learning materials for each topic are supported both with booklets and with
a Topic web page. The web pages also contain useful web links, interactive and multimedia
learning materials to help with your understanding of the subject matter.
If you cannot access a computer, then the study booklets contain materials you need to
complete the course successfully. However, you will find that you will have less choice for
visual learning.
Many assessment activities are self-marked. You’ll find an Answer guide towards the back of
each booklet. Use these answers to mark your own work and make corrections where necessary.
Self-marking is very important as it gives you instant feedback on how well you understand the
ideas, concepts and information that have been covered.
Students are required to send in their self-marked activities as well as their teacher-marked
assessments and NCEA assessment tasks.
AS90935 Physics 1.1
Carry out a practical physics investigation
that leads to a linear mathematical
relationship, with direction
4 credits, Internal
Design and carry out a practical experiment
to reach a conclusion.
AS90936 Physics 1.2
Demonstrate understanding of the physics
of an application
2 credits, Internal
Information research into a physics-based
application, leading to a presentation or
written report.
© te ah o o te k u ra p ou n ma u
getting started information
AS90937 Physics 1.3
Demonstrate understanding of aspects of
electricity and magnetism
4 credits, External
November examination.
(You can gain credits in this standard or
Science 1.2, but not both.)
AS90938 Physics 1.4
Demonstrate understanding of aspects of
wave behaviour
4 credits, External
November examination.
(You can gain credits in this standard or
Science 1.3, but not both.)
AS90939 Physics 1.5
Demonstrate understanding of aspects of
4 credits, External
November examination.
(You can gain credits in this standard or
Science 1.4, but not both.)
The following standards are listed in the Science Domain. You may include a mixture of
standards from Physics and Science domains in your programme.
AS90940 Science 1.1
Demonstrate understanding of aspects of
4 credits, External
November examination.
AS90941 Science 1.2
Investigate the implications of electricity
and magnetism for everyday life
4 credits, Internal
Design and carry out a practical experiment
to produce a report on a physics issue
related to electricity and magnetism. (You
can gain credits in this standard or Physics
1.3, but not both.).
AS90942 Science 1.3
Investigate the implications of wave
behaviour in everyday life
4 credits, Internal
Design and carry out a practical experiment
to produce a report on a physics issue
related to wave behaviour. (You can gain
credits in this standard or Physics 1.4, but
not both.)
AS90943 Science 1.4
Investigate the implications of heat in
everyday life
4 credits, Internal
Design and carry out a practical experiment
to produce a report on a physics issue
related to wave behaviour. (You can gain
credits in this standard or Physics 1.5, but
not both.)
The detailed criteria for Achievement Standards will be given in the relevant booklets.
They can also be found by searching the subject and level in the NCEA part of the NZQA website
(www.nzqa.govt.nz) and then finding the relevant standard(s). If there are two assessment
opportunities, one is called ‘Y1’ for an Achievement Standard and the other is called ‘Y2’.
For example, SC1042Y1 is one assessment for AS90942.
External assessment preparation includes:
•• practice external assessments
•• Te Kura practice examinations.
© te aho o t e k ur a p o un m a u
getting started information
time commitment
There are two to five topics to study for each standard. Each topic booklet contains a note on the
front cover indicating how many hours the topic is likely to take. For example, Booklet SC1011
may take 10 hours of work to complete at the normal pace, representing about two weeks of
work. Before deciding on the pace of learning, read through this Course and assessment guide
and ask yourself the following:
•• How much time can I set aside for study each week?
•• Will I be able to keep a steady pace of five hours of study each week?
•• What do I want to do next year? Do I need a certain number of credits for this?
•• Should I choose externally and internally assessed standards?
•• Will I be prepared to sit the external examination at the end of the year?
•• Will I need specific external or internal standards as a prerequisite for next year’s study or
normal pace of learning
A normal pace of learning is similar to what a student does at school. As a guide, expect to do at
least five hours work per week. This means completing four to five topics each term so that you
complete the work for four or five standards before the end of the year external examinations
and the end of the school year.
flexible pace of learning
If you have less than a year because you start later or need to finish earlier, you can decide the
pace at which you work. You could still complete five standards by devoting more time and effort
to them. Your teacher can ensure that you receive the resources you need in time to
do this.
choosing topics and standards
You may wish to do only some topics. For example, you may only want to do internally
assessed standards in this course. You should discuss this with your learning advisor and
teacher. You should consider how well this will meet your learning goals and whether it will meet
the specific course entry requirements for tertiary institutions or any future study and whether
you will be able to gain enough credits to achieve your NCEA.
To be awarded NCEA Level 1, you will need to gain a minimum of 80 credits at Level 1 (or above)
including the 10 credits for literacy and the 10 credits for numeracy.
A list of achievement standards from levels 1, 2 and 3 that count towards Level 1 literacy and
numeracy can be accessed from:
It is important to contact your teacher if you have any queries about your work. It helps to have
your ID number, booklet code (for example, SC1041) and the activity or question number when
you contact your teacher but it is not essential.
© te ah o o te k u ra p ou n ma u
getting started information
cover sheets
For all teacher-marked assessments you must fill in the appropriate cover sheet, sign it and
attach it to the front of your work before sending it back to Te Kura. Your supervisor also signs
this sheet as part of our authenticity requirements (if applicable).
All students are encouraged to submit as much as possible of their work online via the OTLE
Dropbox. When work requires authentication, students will follow the instructions provided in
your programme
You should aim to complete five standards in one year. Your choices will depend on how your
interests develop. You may have already decided what you want to study, but you may not be
sure. External exams take place at the end of each year. You will have to decide which external
exams you want to enter by July. In chapter 6 you will find some sample Physics programmes.
The course outline and assessment summary summarises the Achievement Standards you can
study, and the study topics involved. Sometimes there is a choice between topics – you do not
necessarily have to study them all. Remember that a four-credit standard requires about 40
hours of study time.
Each standard is described in the following format:
AS90940 Mechanics
Demonstrate understanding of
aspects of mechanics
< This line shows the Standard number and its short title.
< This is the title of the Standard.
SC1011 Recordbreakers –
the physics of movement
< These are the study topic numbers and their titles.
SC1012 Thrust and fast cars –
the physics of forces
SC1013 Squash, squelch and
SCUBA – the physics of pressure
SC1014 Thrill seekers – the
physics of energy
4 credits, External
© te aho o t e k ur a p o un m a u
< This is the number of credits in the Standard and the
mode of assessment.
ph1000 course outline and
assessment summary
standards in the nzqa ‘physics’ domain
standards in the nzqa ‘science’ domain
AS90939 Heat (exam)
Demonstrate understanding of aspects of heat
AS90943 Everyday heat
Investigate the implication of heat in everyday
SC1041Heat on the move
SC1042 Dressing for extremes
SC1043 Hot chips
SC1041 Heat on the move
SC1211 Heat and particles
SC1212 Heat in action
4 credits, External
4 credits, Internal
AS90937 Electricity (exam)
Demonstrate understanding of aspects of
electricity and magnetism
SC1191 Static electricity
SC 1192 Current electricity
SC 1193 Electric power and
AS90941 Everyday electricity
Investigate the implications of electricity and
magnetism for everyday life
SC1021 Introducing electricity
SC1022 Generating power
SC1023 Electricity for your life
4 credits, External
4 credits, Internal
AS90938 Waves
Demonstrate understanding of aspects of
wave behaviour
SC1031 Making waves
SC1201 Sound
SC1202 Light
AS90942 Everyday waves
Investigate the implications of wave behaviour
in everyday life
SC1031 Making waves
SC1032 Tsunami
SC1033 Noise control
SC1034 Laser eyes
4 credits, External
AS90935 Practical physics
Carry out a practical physics investigation that
leads to a linear mathematical relationship,
with direction
SC1171 Finding out for yourself (generic
SC1172 Practical physics
4 credits, Internal
4 credits, Internal
AS90940 Mechanics
Demonstrate understanding of aspects of
SC1011 Record breakers – the physics of
SC1012 Thrust and fast cars – the physics of
SC1013 Squash, squelch and SCUBA – the
physics of pressure
SC1014 Thrill seekers – the physics of energy
4 credits, External
90936 Physics application
Demonstrate understanding of the physics of
an application
SC1181 Finding out about science (generic
SC1182 Finding out about medical physics
2 credits, Internal
Excluded standards
Shaded standards are excluded for NCEA, this means that for each row you can get NCEA credits only in
one of the two listed standards.
© te ah o o te k u ra p ou n ma u
additional course materials
additional course materials / resources
CDs and DVDs
The PH1000 course makes extensive use of computer simulations
to illustrate concepts. These are freely downloadable from the
internet, but students with limited connectivity may ask their
teacher to order a CD for installing the software.
Science equipment
Most hands-on activities use everyday materials which are found in
a typical home. A few specialist items are provided with booklets
and, for Waves and Electricity, in specific equipment boxes.
Full details of the requirements for each topic are listed at the
beginning of each topic and/or on OTLE.
online resources
Each topic for the course has a webpage on the Te Kura Online Teaching and Learning
Environment (OTLE). Access the OTLE through the school website www.tekura.school.nz.
assessment tasks
All topics contain activities for you to do. Many of these involve writing in the booklet. If you
prefer, you could fill in an electronic version of the booklet, available through the website.
As an NCEA Level 1 student you will be learning to critically review your work and to think about
your learning.
Use the Answer guide as a tool to improve your learning. If you can’t work out an answer
straight away, be sure to think before looking at the Answer guide. Do not copy the answers.
If you really are stuck, use the Answer guide to give you ideas, then go back and try to do the
question on your own. Use the Answer guide to reflect on the quality of your answers (and if
necessary, correct them). Write notes to yourself as you compare the Answer guide with your
own comments.
Teacher-marked assessments
Many topics also contain teacher-marked assessments (TMAs), often as an insert with the topic.
These do not have answers provided. When you have completed the topic, send the TMA with
your completed booklet to your teacher for marking (by post or electronically).
NCEA assessment tasks
Details of NCEA assessment for each standard vary (see chapter 2). When you send in a piece of
work for assessment your teacher will mark it and provide detailed feedback. Your work may not
be returned to you, so that the assessment is valid for other students.
© te aho o t e k ur a p o un m a u
assessment information
The National Qualifications Framework has two types of national standards: Achievement
and Unit Standards. Credits from both Achievement Standards and Unit Standards count towards NCEA.
Please refer to our Student Guide to National Certificates or Te Kura (www.tekura.school.nz)
and NZQA websites (www.nzqa.govt.nz) for more information about National Certificates of
Educational Achievement, and assessment.
internal assessment
Some Achievement Standards and Unit Standards are internally assessed. This means that the
teachers set and mark your assessments at the school.
external assessment
External assessment means that someone outside the school marks students’ work. This may
be through NZQA examinations at the end of the year or by submitting a portfolio or project
for subjects such as Graphics, Technology and Art. You will be able to complete practice
assessments and Te Kura examinations for external standards.
te kura practice examinations
Students should complete the Te Kura practice examinations for any external standards with an
end of year examination they have entered. It is important that students complete all practice
external assessments and examinations. If for some reason, such as illness, you are unable to
sit the end of year examinations you will only be eligible for consideration for a derived grade
(compassionate consideration) if you have completed the practice examinations.
further assessment opportunities for internal assessments
For all of the internally assessed science standards, you will be able to complete a second
assessment called a ‘further assessment opportunity’ to improve your results. Your teacher will
advise you about this.
If you have made a small mistake in your assessment, your teacher may offer you a resubmission.
This means you have made an error that you are capable of discovering and correcting by
yourself. A resubmission allows you to improve your result.
Authenticity means students complete and submit work that is their own. When you submit
work to Te Kura you sign an authentication declaration that the work you are submitting is your
own work and was done under the required assessment conditions. Your supervisor signs this
declaration to confirm this (where applicable).
When submitting work online via the OTLE Dropbox, if it requires authentication, students must
follow the instructions provided in OTLE.
© te ah o o te k u ra p ou n ma u
assessment information
derived grades (compassionate consideration)
If for any unexpected reason you are not able to sit your end-of-year examination or to submit
final work towards an external standard (portfolios or projects), you may be eligible for a derived
grade. Please refer to the Student Guide to National Certificates and contact your learning
advisor as soon as possible to find out more should you feel this is necessary.
You have the right to query an assessment result if you want further clarification or disagree with
the result. If you are still not satisfied, you may appeal. Refer to the Student Guide to National
Certificates for more information. You can also appeal any other decisions, procedures or
policies about assessments. Contact your teacher or learning advisor if you wish to appeal. More
information and a form that students can use to appeal is available on the Te Kura website in the
Student toolkit area (www.tekura.school.nz and go to Student toolkit).
© te aho o t e k ur a p o un m a u
sample physics programmes
This traditional academic exam based programme gives a good preparation for study of Physics
at Level 2.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Starter topic: Heat (AS90943)
Mechanics (AS90940)
Waves (AS90938)
Electricity (AS90937)
Practical physics (AS90935)
November examination
Practical investigation
This programme gives a good preparation for study of Physics at Level 2. The study of exam based
standards is done before the internals assessments, so you would be ready to do practice exams
A less academic, more practical and internally assessed programme could be:
Starter topic: Heat (AS90943)
(Credits in science domain)
Mechanics (AS90940)
(Credits in science domain)
Practical physics (AS90935)
Physics application (AS90936)
Assessment (all internal)
Practical investigation into
the effectiveness of insulating
November examination
Carrying out a practical
investigation and present a
written report.
Research and present a written
report on a given topic.
© te ah o o te k u ra p ou n ma u
sample course plan
The table below shows a sample course for a student who is choosing three externals and two
internals to get 22 credits. You may design your own course with the help of your teacher.
Remember that you should allow 10–12 study hours per booklet.
You must return work to your teacher in every two weeks. Course materials, including pdf copies of
booklets, are available on OTLE.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Heat (AS90939, 4 credits, external)
Study SC1041 Heat on the Move
Complete and return TMA SC1041A
Study SC1211 Heat and particles
Complete and return TMA SC1211A
Study SC1212 Heat in action
Complete and return TMA SC1212A
Physics application (AS90936, 2 credits, internal)
Study SC1181 Finding out about science
Complete and return the internal research report
Mechanics (AS90940, 4 credits, external)
Study SC1011 Recordbreakers
Complete and return TMA SC1011A
Study SC1012 Thrust and fast cars
Complete and return TMA SC1012A
Study SC1013 Squash, squelch and scuba diving
Complete and return TMA SC1013A
Study SC1014 Thrillseekers
Complete and return TMA SC1014A
Waves (AS90938, 4 credits, external)
Study SC1201 Bouncing light
Complete and return TMA SC1201A
Study SC1202 Bending light
Complete and return TMA SC1202A
Study SC1203 Wave motion. Complete and return TMA SC1203A
Electricity (AS90937, 4 credits, external)
Study SC1191 Static electricity
Complete and return TMA SC1191A
Study SC1192 Current electricity
Complete and return TMA SC1192A
Exam revision and Te Kura practice exams
Study SC1193 Electric power and electromagnetism
Complete and return TMA SC1193A
Practical Physics (AS90935, 4 credits, internal)
Study SC1171 Finding out for yourself
Complete and return TMA SC1171A, study SC1172 Practical Physics
Complete and return assessment task for AS90935
Catch up time to do missed out internals
© te aho o t e k ur a p o un m a u
© th e corre s p on d e n ce s ch o ol
my physics assessment record (ph1000)
Short title
Credits sub-total (before
NZQA examination results)
© te aho o t e k ur a p o un m a u
© th e corre s p on d e n ce s ch o ol
© te ah o o te k u ra p ou n m au
ph1000 useful information
∆ d distance travelled
velocity, v =
time taken
∆ v change in velocity
acceleration, a =
time taken
Net force, Fnet, = ma = mass × acceleration
Pressure, P =
Gravitational potential energy
∆ Ep = mg ∆ h
= mass × acceleration due to gravity
× height change
Kinetic energy, EK =
= half mass × velocity squared
Work done = W = Fd = force × distance
work done
time taken
Power, P =
Voltage, V = IR = current × resistance
Power, P =
Power, P = IV = current × voltage
Heat transferred Q causing temperature
rise ∆T
Q = mc∆T
Power, P =
energy transferred
time taken
Total resistance = RT =R1 + R2 + …
magnetic constant × current in wire
Magnetic field strength, B =
= mass × specific heat capacity ×
temperature change
Heat transferred Q causing melting or
boiling without change in temperature
Q = mL
= mass × specific latent heat
Velocity, v =
Wave velocity, v = f λ
= frequency × wavelength
frequency, f =
energy transferred
time taken
time period
distance travelled
time taken