IMPORTANT Registration and Residency Information Registration In order to register and attend the Newton Public Schools, a student must actually reside in the City of Newton with a parent/legal guardian. “Residency” is defined as the place where a person has his/her permanent home, i.e., “the place where a person dwells and which is the center of his domestic, social and civil life.”[1] For minor children, the legal residency is presumed to be the legal residence of the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) who has physical custody of the minor child. Students who are visiting Newton are not eligible to attend the Newton Public Schools. Please read below and provide documents as indicated: 1. 2. 3. 4. Proof of Age (Original Birth Certificate or Passport) Proof of Immunization (Medical/Health Record) NPS Registration Form Proof of Residency (See below) Residency Requirements The Newton Public Schools reserves the right to request proof of residency when students are initially enrolled. The types of documents requested as proof of residency are stated below. Newton Public Schools also reserves the right to verify residency either at the time of enrollment or during the academic school year. Since family situations can change, the Newton Public Schools reserves the right to request additional, updated information when warranted. The Assistant Superintendent may initiate an investigation in conjunction with the Youth Officer, including a home visit to verify residency. If a student is found not to be primarily residing in the City of Newton, the student will need to enroll in the school district of the city/town where he/she actually resides. Factors that may trigger an investigation include, but are not limited to, the following: changes in residency not reported immediately to the school where the student is enrolled; mail returned to the school; incomplete or contradictory proofs of residency; or anonymous calls reporting suspected residency violations. Families found to be in violation of these guidelines will face strict penalties, including, but not limited to, immediate dismissal from school; per diem charges for the education and related services accessed as a non-resident which are based on the per pupil cost to the district; and possible legal action. The following documents will be required as a proof of a physical address in Newton when new students are registered. P. O. Boxes will not be accepted with the exception of documented court related reasons. New Home Owners Executed Purchase and Sales Agreement with closing date and mortgage statement. Registration can take place within two weeks of closing/move-in date, AND Two utility bills (gas, oil, electric, telephone, cable) OR current car insurance statement, Massachusetts car registration and excise tax bill. Established Home Owners Mortgage statement AND Two utility bills (gas, oil, electric, telephone, cable) OR current car insurance statement, Massachusetts car registration and excise tax bill. Registration and Residency Information Page Two Renters A formal rental or lease agreement indicating the number and names of tenants. Dates of lease with both landlord and tenant signatures is required. Registration can take place within two weeks of the start of the lease/move-in date, AND Two utility bills (gas, oil, electric, telephone, cable) OR current car insurance statement, Massachusetts car registration and excise tax bill. *Notarized letters will not be accepted in lieu of a lease. Tenant-at-Will Preregistration forms completed, notarized and returned to Education Center, Room 218, 100 Walnut Street, Newton. Home visit to follow. Two utility bills (gas, oil, electric, telephone, cable) OR current car insurance statement, Massachusetts car registration and excise tax bill. *Notarized letters will not be accepted in lieu of a lease. Family/Student over 18 in Residence with Friends/Family Pre-registration form(s) completed, notarized and returned to Education Center, Room 218, 100 Walnut Street, Newton. Home visit to follow. Student (under age 18) Living in Newton with Legal Guardian/Other Students living in Newton without a parent should contact 617-559-6105 to schedule a time to come to the Education Center to determine registration eligibility. Documentation of a completed and notarized Caregiver Affidavit or court documents indicating legal guardianship must be presented at that time. A review of the documents will be conducted to determine if the student is eligible to attend school in Newton. In certain circumstances, students who are living with an adult who is not their parent may be charged tuition. Nanny/Housekeeper Living in Employer’s Home Pre-registration forms completed, notarized and returned to Education Center, Room 218, 100 Walnut Street, Newton. Home visit to follow. Joint Physical Custody In cases of separation or divorce, physical custody agreements must be presented to the district school. Documentation must establish that Newton is the primary residence of the student. 1 See Teel v. Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District, 13 Mass. App. Ct. 345, 348 (1982) NPS rev. 2016 NEWTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS REGISTRATION FORM Date FULL LEGAL NAME AS IT APPEARS ON LEGAL DOCUMENTS Student Last Name First Name STUDENT’S PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) Grade Level at Registration Birthplace: City State Sibling of Enrolled Student Middle Name Gender Male Country Former Newton Student OTHER SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN Child’s Name School Name/Location PREVIOUS SCHOOL ATTENDANCE School Name Female Grade DOB Dates of Attendance (mm/yyyy- mm/yyyy) School Address Grade Level(s) Attended School Phone Number Public School Other School Name Dates of Attendance (mm/yyyy- mm/yyyy) School Address Grade Level(s) Attended School Phone Number Public School Private School Other____________________________________ School Name Dates of Attendance (mm/yyyy- mm/yyyy) School Address Grade Level(s) Attended School Phone Number Public School Other Preschool Attendance Yes No Name and Location Private School Private School Attendance Dates ETHNICITY/RACE INFORMATION The collection of this information is authorized by State and Federal law. When the parent/legal guardian does not provide the ethnicity/race of the student, the school is required to make a determination. ETHNICITY (check only one): RACE (check one or more) American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African America Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Home Language Survey Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education regulations require that all schools determine the language(s) spoken in each student’s home in order to identify their specific language needs. This information is essential in order for schools to provide meaningful instruction for all students. If a language other than English is spoken in the home, the District is required to do further assessment of your child. Please help us meet this important requirement by answering the following questions. Thank you for your assistance. Student Information Country of Birth / / Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy ) / / Date first enrolled in ANY U.S. school (mm/dd/yyyy) School Information Start Date in New School (mm/dd/yyyy) Name of Former School and Town Current Grade Questions for Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) What is the native language(s) of each parent/guardian? Which language(s) are spoken with your child? Circle one: mother / father /legal guardian Circle one: seldom / sometimes / often / always Circle one: mother / father / legal guardian Circle one: seldom / sometimes / often / always What language did your child first understand and speak? Which language do you use most with your child? Which other languages does your child know? Which languages does your child use? Circle all that apply: speak / read / write Circle one: seldom / sometimes / often / always Circle all that apply: speak / read / write Circle one: seldom / sometimes / often / always Will you require written information from school in your native language? Yes No Parent/Guardian Signature: (include relatives -grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc. - and caregivers) Will you require an interpreter/translator at ParentTeacher meetings? Yes No Today’s Date (mm/dd/yyyy) OFFICE USE ONLY: Enrolled in ELL: Yes No ELL Staff Initials________________ If not enrolled in ELL, check below: Student is English Proficient Student is Limited English Proficient, but parent/legal guardian refused services Newton Public Schools Registration Form Page 2 PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN CONTACT INFORMATION – PRIMARY Parent/Legal Guardian Name Circle: Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr. Last Name Relationship to child: Mother Father Other* First Name Divorced or Separated? Yes No *If other, please provide proof of legal guardianship. *Please provide documentation of physical custody. If yes*, Sole Custody Joint Custody Phone/Email Contact Information Phone Type (Choose Phone number Phone 2 Phone3 Cell Work Cell Work Cell Work Should receive mailings for child? Yes No Automated Contact System Ext. One) Primary Lives with child? Yes No Would you like to designate this number for automated calling in cases of school closing and emergency information? Home Other Home Other Home Other Yes No Yes No Yes No Email address: Physical Address (P.O. boxes will not be accepted as a physical address with the exception of documented, court-related reasons.) Street # Street Name Apt. # City/Town State Zip Code Mailing Address, if different Street # Street Name Apt. # City/Town State Zip Code Language/Communication Information Parent/Legal Guardian’s language of communication, if not English? Is an interpreter required? Yes Newton Public Schools Registration Form No Requires translated materials? Yes No Page 3 PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN CONTACT INFORMATION – SECONDARY Parent/Legal Guardian Name Circle: Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr. Last Name Relationship to child: Mother Father Other* First Name Divorced or Separated? Yes No *If other, please provide proof of legal guardianship. *Please provide documentation of physical custody. If yes*, Sole Custody Joint Custody Phone/Email Contact Information Phone Type (Choose Phone number Phone 2 Phone3 Cell Work Cell Work Cell Work Yes No Should receive mailings for child? Yes No Automated Contact System Ext. One) Primary Lives with child? Would you like to designate this number for automated calling in cases of school closing and emergency information? Home Other Home Other Home Other Yes No Yes No Yes No Email address: Physical Address (P.O. boxes will not be accepted as a physical address with the exception of documented, court-related reasons.) Street # Street Name Apt. # City/Town State Zip Code Mailing Address, if different Street # Street Name Apt. # City/Town State Zip Code Language/Communication Information Parent/Legal Guardian’s language of communication, if not English? Is an interpreter required? Yes Newton Public Schools Registration Form No Requires translated materials? Yes No Page 4 EMERGENCY CONTACT - PRIMARY Emergency Contact Name Circle: Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr. Last Name Relationship to child: First Name Is this person authorized to pick-up/transport your child in case of emergency? Yes No Phone Contact Information Phone Primary Phone 2 Phone3 Type (Choose One) Cell Work Cell Work Cell Work Phone number Ext. Home Other Home Other Home Other EMERGENCY CONTACT - SECONDARY Emergency Contact Name Circle: Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr. Last Name Relationship to child: First Name Is this person authorized to pick-up/transport your child in case of emergency? Yes No Phone Contact Information Phone Primary Phone 2 Phone3 Type (Choose One) Cell Work Cell Work Cell Work Phone number Ext. Home Other Home Other Home Other Newton Public Schools Registration Form Page 5 Permission Form to Release Student Record Information PERMISSION TO RELEASE STUDENT INFORMATION TO PTOS, SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHERS AND OTHER THIRD PARTIES Pursuant to the federal and state regulations governing student records, Newton Public Schools may release certain information concerning your child/you to third parties without first obtaining your consent, unless you notify Newton Public Schools in writing that you do not want such information to be released. "Third Parties" are defined in these regulations to be "… any person, private or public agency … or organization other than the eligible student, his/her parent, or authorized school personnel." 603 CMR 23.02. For example, third parties to whom Newton Public Schools may release student record information would include PTOs, school photographers, the Newton Schools Foundation, NewTV and newspapers which report on student activities, etc. The information that may be released is limited to the following: Student's name, ID number, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, major field of study, dates of attendance, weight and height of members of athletic teams, class, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, degrees, honors and awards, and post-high school plans. You will be asked to review this policy annually. I give permission for information concerning my child/myself to be released to third parties. I give permission for information to be released to school photographers so that student pictures can be identified. I give permission for information to be released to the PTO to be included in the school directory. Yes Yes No No Yes No Publishing of Student Photographs on School Websites Properly organized and constructed web sites contain key information for students, staff, and parents, as well as the local and global communities. The Web allows students not only to be users of up-to-the-minute data available but also be producers in an interactive dialogue in the online global community. Publishing district, school, and classroom Web pages on the World Wide Web integrates many educational skills with electronic technology – writing, editing, word-processing, desktop publishing, graphic design, and media literacy among others. As appropriate, the school department approves of student pictures posted on the Web. I give permission for a portrait, photograph or video production containing an image of my child to be posted on the Newton Web Pages. A student's name will not be placed with the student's picture unless the picture is being posted to give special recognition to that particular student, i.e., as the recipient of an award or an actor in a play. Yes No Student Teacher Filming in Classroom Student teachers are often required to use a portrait, photograph or video production containing an image of your child. This image will be used for internal college/university use only for student teacher evaluation purposes. I give permission for a student teacher to use a portrait, photograph or video production containing an image of my child. Yes No FOR MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ONLY OPT-OUT Form for Release of Student Record Information to Military Recruiters Military Recruiters Access to Student Information under the "Every Student Succeeds Acts of 2015" The "Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015" requires public schools receiving federal funds to provide the names, addresses and telephone numbers of secondary school students upon a request made by military recruiters. The Act also provides that the parent/guardian of the student or the secondary school student (if over 18 years of age) may request that the school not release this information without the prior written consent of the parent/guardian or student. You will be asked to renew this request annually. I DO NOT give consent to release student information on my child/me (if over 18 years of age) to military recruiters. Newton Public Schools Registration Form Page 6 FOR MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ONLY OPT-OUT Form for Release of Student Record Information to Institutions of Higher Education Institutions of Higher Education Access to Student Information Under the "Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015" The "Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015" requires public schools receiving federal funds to provide the names, addresses and telephone numbers of secondary school students upon a request made by institutions of higher education . The Act also provides that the parent/guardian of the student or the secondary school student (if over 18 years of age) may request that the school not release this information without the prior written consent of the parent/guardian or student. You will be asked to renew this request annually. I DO NOT give consent to release student information on my child/me (if over 18 years of age) to institutions of higher education. Student’s Name Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian or Student (If over 18 years of age) Date OTHER STUDENT/FAMILY INFORMATION Military Family Yes Is the student part of a military family? No Select “yes” if your student has a parent/legal Guardian who is: 1. An active duty member of the uniformed services or a National Guard and Reserve member on active duty orders, or 2. A member or veteran who has been medically discharged or retired for 1 year, or 3. A member who passed away while on active duty. IMMIGRANT DEMOGRAPHICS: Was your child born in the 50 United States OR Puerto Rico, District of Columbia, Guam, American Samoa, Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands and Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands? Has your child completed 3 full academic years of school in any State or Territory (see above)? Yes No Yes No If the answer is NO to BOTH questions above, you must complete the following: Child’s Country of Origin? When did your child first enter school (grades K-12) in the United States? Newton Public Schools Registration Form MONTH: DAY: YEAR: Page 7 State and federal law guarantees that no student’s record is available to person(s) outside the school without parental consent or a court order. LOW INCOME STATUS (OPTIONAL): Please circle the applicable income level, if appropriate (based on U.S. Federal poverty guidelines for 2015-16): Is the child eligible for free/reduced school lunch? Yes No Is the child eligible for Transitional Aid to Families? Yes No Is the child eligible for Food Stamps? Yes No Household Size Yearly Income Monthly Income Weekly Income 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Each additional person: $21,775 $29,471 $37,167 $44,863 $52,559 $60,255 $67,951 $75,647 $+7,696 $1,815 $2,456 $3,098 $3,739 $4,380 $5,022 $5,663 $6,304 $ +642 $ 419 $ 567 $ 715 $ 863 $1,011 $1,159 $1,307 $1,455 $ +148 The child is a state ward or is in an institution for the neglected or delinquent: Yes No ADDITIONAL COMMENTS I have read and understand the registration and residency requirements for the Newton Public Schools and am aware that it is my obligation to inform my child’s school if there is a change in the residency of my family or guardianship of my child. I swear under the pains and penalties of perjury that the answers above are true and accurate. Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian Date Print Name Signature of Student (if over 18 years of age) Date Print Name Newton Public Schools Registration Form Page 8