CO U R S E S YLLA B U S CERTIFIE D LFE INSTITUTE Wo r k p l a c e M o n e y C o a c h i n g C e rt i f i c at i o n Workplace Financial Literacy Specialists Since 1986. © LFE Institute, Inc. M o n e y C o a c h C e rt i f i c at i o n Course Syllabus Goal of this Curriculum To help financial professionals and those with an interest in offering personal Money Coaching for employees via e-mail to learn the skills required to master the specialized field of Workplace Money Coaching. In addition to building skills in each of the four Levels of study, graduates will learn methods to meet client expectations, help employers accomplish core objectives, pass competency testing on each of the 30 Modules, and complete the final comprehensive testing to receive the CWMC (Certified Workplace Money Coaching) designation. Based on the experience of the Money Coach, and the complexities involved in a specific Module, some topics will involve more study time and coaching than others, but LFE will coach all students through the Levels they desire to complete. While we cannot teach students everything they ever wanted to know about each of these financial topics, LFE will coach them on the fundamental skills needed research core topics and learn specific strategies to save employees money and help them avoid making costly mistakes. Money Coaches will also create and begin building a comprehensive Library of Knowledge gathered from answering 150 employee questions throughout the four Course Levels. A Certificate of Completion will be awarded as the student passes each Level of Study. Workplace Financial Literacy Specialists Since 1986. Ass o c i at e M o n e y C o a c h Web Conference I – The Market & Money Coaching Overview This training addresses the history of Money Coaching in Corporate America, current economic trends affecting employees, key factors motivating employers to sponsor Money Coaching as an Employee Benefit, what’s working & what’s not, standard fee structures, and why employers have shifted away from telephonic and Web site Money Coaching. Teleconference – Specific Corporate Guidelines The second step encompasses the specific Guidelines (see LFE’s Money Coaching E-mail Guidelines) that have become the standard for Money Coaching in the workplace. We’ll cover grammar, writing techniques, the delivery of the information, fonts to use for easy reading, formatting, and the critical components that can make the difference between the employee understanding the response or not. We’ll also review the process, ways to ensure delivery of unbiased information, look at turn-around time, explore coaching strategies and the intangible aspects of the business, and how to incorporate of the Money Coaching tools available through the LFE Institute. Web Conference II – Meeting & Exceeding Corporate Expectations Our role as Money Coach Providers is to make the client ‘look good,’ answer employees’ financial questions at the time they are making critical financial decisions, help provide Safe Harbor Protection under ERISA, and accomplish employer goals through Money Coaching. We’ll cover incorporating corporate goals into Money Coaching responses, the skill of answering questions without giving advice, and strategies to motivate employees to want to learn more. © LFE Institute, Inc. Modules Module 1 BABY Module 4 Big-ticket Purchases A new child can be an exciting event in parents’ lives, but it is also a costly one. This Module covers how to save money and avoid financial traps as parents begin planning to add to their family. We’ll address ways to save money during the pregnancy, the delivery, and during the baby’s first year. We’ll also highlight some of the scams and financial traps associated with each of these stages. The Money Coach will learn where to research information, how to respond to specific employee questions, creative ways to save money, and what resources are available to help new parents avoid making financial mistakes. As in each of the 30 Modules, a competency test will be taken to demonstrate proficiency in each of the “baby” cycles before progressing to the next Module. One reason employees do not have more money to save for the future is because they haven’t learned how to make the best choices when purchasing big-ticket items. Employees will purchase a variety of big-ticket items throughout their work lives, and will often either spend too much or fall for the sales pitch without having a resource to go to learn alternative money-saving strategies. Money Coaches are there to help them through that process. Graduates of this Module will know where to locate helpful information, techniques to save money, find bargains, avoid common scams, and discover resources that will assist employees in making smarter consumer decisions with their money. Module 2 Banking The volatility in the banking industry has many employees concerned about their banking decisions. Many banks are no longer as concerned with customer service as they are with customer fees. These fees are costing employees thousands of dollars every year ... money that employees could use to pay down debts or save for retirement. This Module is designed to help Money Coaches formulate strategies to select the right bank, recognize fees to avoid, reduce costs, evaluate the stability of their bank, available alternatives, and key questions to ask. Money Coaches will be able to educate employees on the traps and pitfalls that banks aren’t telling their customers today. Module 3 Bankruptcy In today’s economy, bankruptcy is a devastating result that can often be eliminated if the problems are caught in time. The goal is prevention; our role is to assist employees in avoiding bankruptcy. This will save the employees – and their employers – both time and money. Money Coaches will learn to communicate numerous vital aspects including how to articulate the warning signs of bankruptcy, avoid filing, specific steps to take, minimize costs, scams to avoid, and evaluate when bankruptcy may be the only viable option. Graduates will also learn what actions are necessary if bankruptcy is eminent, which debts will not be eliminated, questions to ask the attorney, ways to minimize costs, financial traps to avoid, and key steps to take to recover from bankruptcy. Module 5 Buying & Selling a Car Other than purchasing a home, employees spend more time and money buying or selling cars than any other asset throughout their work lives. This eats up an incredible amount of time at work, and contributes to high ‘Presenteeism’ costs for employers. This Module covers money-saving strategies when purchasing or selling a car, where to go for help, what the dealers aren’t telling consumers, how to get additional features at no cost, and financial traps to avoid. We’ll also address issues related to increasing mileage, saving on gas, and the pros and cons of purchasing a hybrid vehicle. We want employees to contact us as soon as they begin to think about buying or selling a vehicle; we’ll show them how to save hundreds, or even thousands of dollars, throughout this process. Competency Testing Certificate received Ass o c i at e M o n e y C oac h © LFE Institute, Inc. S e n i o r M o n e y C oac h Web Conference I – Money Coaching for Specific Industries Understanding the corporate mindset is critical to successful Money Coaching. Students will now begin to learn how corporate cultures today are weaving Money Coaching into the mainstream as an Employee Benefit. We’ll cover what are industries are ideally suited for Money Coaching, what specific challenges each of them face in this volatile economy, and how Money Coaching can help. We’ll also look at industries that are not a good fit for Money Coaching, and why they aren’t. Our role is always to help the client, the employer, so we’ll cover how employee financial stress is negatively affecting employers in each of these industries, and what solutions Money Coaching provides. Web Conference II – Focus on the Employee Mindset This session focuses on the employee mindset when asking and receiving e-mail responses. We’ll cover their frustrations, growing concerns about the future, financial behaviors, and how we help them through financial coaching. We’ll explore what solutions LFE workshops address that can never be adequately handled via e-mail, and what issues go beyond the scope of basic Money Coaching. Students will learn motivational techniques that will enable employees to take action through Money Coaching responses, prepare them to work with financial professionals, and have the confidence to take control of their financial futures. Web Conference III or Live Workshop – LFE’s System of Money Management Students in this session will learn LFE’s unique System of Money Management taught in our “Managing Your Money!” workshop, which includes opening communications about finances, teaching an alternative to budgeting, giving employees specific strategies that will help avoid conflict, and moving forward financially as a family unit. Money Coaches will have an opportunity to learn LFE’s System by either attending a live workshop or via a Web Conference. © LFE Institute, Inc. Modules Module 6 COLLEGE Paying for college costs while trying to reduce personal debts and save for retirement has become a major burden on employees today. Throughout this Module, we’ll cover ways parents can save money and reduce college expenses, giving them strategies they probably won’t hear from a college advisor. We’ll explore the pros and cons of 529 Plans, what other savings options are available, how to find scholarships, what schools offer free tuition programs, where to look for student loans, and avoid the latest scams. Money Coaches will learn methods to convey parental caution when going into debt for college, what warnings to give their college-bound children, what to do if the student (or parents) can’t pay their loans, and when to use a deferment or forbearance. Module 7 Credit Obtaining and maintaining good credit has become essential to the financial stability of an employee’s life, especially in light of today’s credit crunch. This Module will address strategies to obtain credit, what actions have a negative or positive impact on credit scores, the high cost of a poor credit score, plus credit traps and pitfalls. We’ll also address many of the myths associated with working with a credit counselor, what consumers are never told, what services credit counselors provide that will help employees, and what financial traps/scams to avoid when working with credit or debt counseling agencies. The primary goal of this segment is prevention; we want to help employees avoid credit problems before they escalate into financial distress or require the services of a credit advisor. Module 8 Debt With personal debts at an all-time high, the goals of this Module are to highlight the proverbial “good” debt and “bad” debt, how to avoid and/or recover from debt problems, how to evaluate which debts to pay off first, and what traps to avoid when eliminating debts. We’ll also explore instances when debts are beneficial. Employees are paying hundreds of dollars to learn how to get out of debt. Graduates of this module will be able to teach them a simple System of Debt Reduction that won’t cost employees a dime! Module 9 Divorce An increasing number of financial challenges and pressures today are accelerating the chances that employees will see divorce as a solution to their financial problems. It’s not, of course, and going through a divorce can be a devastating experience for employees, both emotionally and financially. Our role is to help employees think through the process and the potential financial outcomes prior to leaping into divorce as the cure-all for their financial woes. We’ll learn some of the pending warning signs, how to prevent future problems, prepare financially for divorce, cut costs, and avoid expensive financial mistakes. We’ll also address strategies to recover financially from a divorce. Module 10 Eldercare Top-end Baby Boomers today are considered the “Sandwich” generation because while they are trying to pay their day-to-day bills, they’re also struggling with how to pay for college for their children, save for retirement, and absorb added expenses as their parents age. Eldercare issues will only increase as our nation’s population grows older. This section addresses how to cut costs and avoid scammers who are focused on the elderly. We’ll explore money-saving strategies to assist aging family members, and look at alternatives to the high cost of senior living facilities. Modules Module 11 Employment One of the goals of Money Coaching is to help employees become more focused on the job instead of their money problems. This Module explores how to complement Retirement Plan Provider services and “sell” company benefits through the questions employees ask during the year. Money Coaches will determine methods to help employees become more valuable at work, save money for flex-spending accounts (if available), what to do if there’s an “interruption in income,” and handle calls from creditors at work. Module 12 Family & Money Money problems within the family often generate minor conflicts or arguments, or can snowball into an explosive situation. Easy solutions are difficult and that’s why the focus in this area, as in many others, is on prevention. EAP providers often deal with the crisis that evolves when money troubles lead to family or workplace violence, child abuse, gambling, substance abuse, etc. Our role is to offer positive solutions to help avoid these scenarios. The “Family” Module will help Money Coaches learn specific techniques to coach employees on: teaching kids about money; reducing costs for children’s school expenses, clothes, and activities; setting guidelines when teens are involved; what to do about finances when adult children move back home; and engaging aging parents in supportive discussions about finances. Module 13 Working with Financial Advisors Another key Money Coach role is helping employees prepare to work with Financial Advisors in all areas of finance. We’re not there to give advice or recommendations; our goal is to educate. Money Coaches will be able to motivate employees to seek an advisor, coach them on which financial professionals to contact (not specific names, but classifications of advisors, such as banker, CPA, tax attorneys, insurance agents, mortgage lenders, CFPs, family law attorneys, etc.), what questions to ask, and what their credentials mean. We’ll also cover how to help employees evaluate whether they are working with an advisor that has their best interests in mind, what financial traps to avoid, and when to walk away. Module 14 FORECLOSURES With foreclosures at record highs and expected to increase in the coming year, helping employees avoid foreclosures has become even more critical. This Module covers how to spot the warning signs, strategies employees can use to avoid foreclosures, where to go for assistance, resources to contact, alternatives to consider, and encouragement to recover from a foreclosure. We’ll also cover how to help employees avoid many of the foreclosure scams that abound in today’s economic climate. Module 15 GARNISHMENTS With employee garnishment quadrupling in the past year, it is more critical than ever to help employees avoid this embarrassing experience that is so costly in both time and money. We’ll cover what garnishments cover, how to avoid it, when to contact an attorney, consumer rights, and what happens when paychecks are garnished. We’ll also look at strategies to use when recovering from a garnishment. Competency Testing Certificate received senior M o n e y C oac h © LFE Institute, Inc. ELITE M o n e y C o a c h Web Conference I – Pricing & Packaging Money Coaching Services Money Coaching can be an invaluable benefit to employers, but it must be affordable for them as well. In this Conference, we will cover various pricing strategies, how to package Money Coaching to accomplish corporate objectives, and additional services employers are looking for today to minimize liability exposure, increase productivity, reduce turnover and garnishments, and increase bottom-line profitability. We’ll also explore how LFE’s “Money Minute!” weekly publication contributes to the overall education of employees throughout their work lives. Web Conference II – Matching Client Goals to Money Coaching Responses Understanding corporate objectives is essential to providing the best Money Coaching responses for employees. While a Money Coach’s role is to facilitate smart consumer decisions for employees, it is also to accomplish the corporate agenda, keeping in mind that the agenda may be entirely different for CEOs, Human Resource professionals, and Benefit Departments. We’ll look at matching multiple corporate goals to employee responses to benefit everyone involved. © LFE Institute, Inc. Modules Module 16 HEALTHCARE Increasing healthcare costs are a burden to most Americans. Saving money on healthcare expenses is essential to the financial well-being of employees. This lesson includes information on Consumer Rights, organizational programs and prevention resources, how to cut costs for medical services, money-saving prescription strategies, and medical scams. It will also address how to challenge over-charges, and charges for services not rendered. The goal is to save employees money by learning strategies they probably won’t hear from their doctor or healthcare facility. Module 17 HOME With the current housing crisis, employees have a lot of questions relating to their homes. We’ll look at buyversus-rent strategies, how to purchase a home for less, or sell a home for more in this “buyers” market. This lesson also includes strategies for reducing home improvement costs, investing in retirement or vacation homes, the pros & cons of auctions, how to avoid the latest scams, and the value of picking the “right” location. Money Coaches will be able to step employees through home buying and selling decisions by arming them with information that they’ll never hear from realtors. Module 18 insurance Purchasing the right insurance at the best price is a major concern for many employees. This lesson isn’t designed to teach Money Coaches everything they need to know about insurance, but how to empower employees to make smart insurance decisions that will save them money and avoid making costly mistakes when purchasing insurance for: auto, health, home, life, and long-term care. This Module addresses the “Insider Secrets” employees probably won’t hear from their local agent, but are critical in making the best decisions. Module 19 investment & retirement strategies This is just one of the many critical topics Money Coaches need to be comfortable addressing. Employers know that employees are vulnerable to the sales pitch they receive from “advisors” today, and often lose thousands of dollars investing in products they don’t understand or shouldn’t invest in to begin with. Unbiased Money Coaching is the missing piece that employers are looking for. It isn’t about giving investment and/or retirement planning advice; it’s about building the skills employees need to become “informed investors,” and giving them information they may not learn from those selling investment products. The lesson covers how to explain financial terms and strategies in a language that every employee can understand, what questions employees should ask when making any investment decision, and why they are asking those questions. Money Coaches will build the skills to address investment and retirement questions on the company’s Retirement Plan, annuities as retirement vehicles, IRAs, ROTH IRAs, and mutual funds. Graduates of this Module will be able to counsel employees on bridging a potential retirement “gap,” and provide alternative strategies to aid in stretching retirement dollars. This will mitigate possible ERISArelated litigation by employees seeking a solution to find extra money for retirement. Module 20 military Many employees have spouses or partners in the military. This lesson covers some of the financial challenges they’ll experience and what helpful resources that are available. Money Coaches will also learn simple strategies that can save money or avoid money problems when spouses are TDY (temporary duty away from home), as well as how to address basic tax questions related to military personnel. Modules Module 21 Money Saving Strategies Module 24 Payday & Title Loans There are so many methods employees can use to plug their financial “leaks.” Helping them stretch their dollars on nearly every purchase shows them they have more money than they think they have. Money Coaches are there to teach employees that every time they spend their money they are making a choice, and they only have one chance to make that decision. This Module covers shopping tips, resources that can help employees save money, common scams to avoid, and how to negotiate on every-day purchases. Note: We’ll go into more negotiating strategies in Module 23. Payday loan companies charge interest rates up to 400%, and boast about how profitable their business is. Some of the largest franchises are now owned by banks, and lure employees with their “free” offers. Many employees end up losing their cars and homes to title loan providers because they don’t understand how these loans work, how the fees are accumulated, and what happens if they can’t make their payments. Money Coaches will learn strategies to help employees avoid payday lenders, look at alternatives to use, resources to go to for support, and eliminate the payday cycle. Module 22 Mortgage Issues Employees face greater mortgages today than ever before. While housing costs have gone down in most markets across the U.S., the credit crisis has created greater difficulties for those looking to purchase a home or obtain an equity loan. This Module covers strategies that will help employees select the best mortgage and avoid mortgage scams. Money Coaches will also learn the pros & cons of ARMs, 40-year loans, and pay-down programs, and techniques to avoid Reverse Mortgage traps. Module 23 Negotiating Strategies Negotiating isn’t a comfortable strategy to use for most Americans. Money Coaches will learn how to turn negotiating into a game, and help employees relax and enjoy this money-saving strategy. We’ll cover when and where to negotiate, what types of products and services employees can negotiate on nearly every day. Graduates will learn effective techniques to help employees save thousands of dollars by negotiating throughout the year. Module 25 Personal Finance Employees often feel lost when managing their own finances and making critical decisions. This lesson emphasizes how to motivate employees to continue learning and take action once they feel they have the right information on which to base a sound decision. Using strategies from LFE’s “Managing Your Money!” workshop, Money Coaches can help employees master the life-skill of controlling their finances, reducing their debts, easing family conflicts over finances, and avoid making costly financial mistakes. Graduates of this Module will also learn unbiased online resources to recommend, where employees can go for additional education, and strategies employees can use to become smarter consumers. Competency Testing Certificate received ELITE M o n e y C oac h © LFE Institute, Inc. master workplace Money Coach Web Conference I – Leveraging thru 3rd-Party Referrals This training focuses on working with 3rd-party referral sources such as CPAs, Benefit Providers, 401(k) Providers, and Compensation consultants. The role of a Money Coach is to communicate how clients can increase profits and minimize liabilities through Money Coaching. We’ll address the latest ERISA-related concerns and how to provide “Safe Harbor” protection for the client through Money Coaching. We’ll also cover how the new PPA (Pension Protection Act) Guidelines are impacting employers, which referrals sources to work with, and how unbiased Money Coaching supports both the referral source and their clients. Web Conference II – The “Process” This final Web Conference highlights the actual processing of Q & As from employees, cataloging the responses to minimize liability concerns, data management, organizational skills, and monthly and yearend client reporting strategies. The goal of this session is to help Money Coaches become more efficient throughout the Money Coaching process, and meet and exceed client expectations. © LFE Institute, Inc. master workplace Money Coach Module 26 Security Planning for financial stability and security are important goals for every employee, and their success helps them to stay more focused on their jobs. This Module covers common scams and fraudulent activities that employees are falling for today, and innovative ways to avoid them. We also address how to avoid identity theft, what to do if it happens, safe ways to carry money, where to keep confidential information, and techniques to circumvent the demands for an employees’ identity. Module 27 Social Security There is a legitimate concern today that Social Security will not be available when employees get to retirement. While employees don’t have a lot of control over whether that’s true or not, Money Coaches will learn how to respond to employees’ questions, what resources can help, how to evaluate alternative strategies, supplemental options that may be available, and how SS will impact a retiree’s taxes. Module 28 Tax Questions The purpose of Money Coaching is not to give tax advice, but to help educate employees on specific strategies for retirement, tax-planning savings techniques, questions to ask a tax advisor, how to save tax dollars now, and tax scams to avoid. Money Coaches will also learn how to coach employees on selecting the best tax advisor, using resources available through their employer, and using tax law to help them build a stronger financial future. Module 29 Travel/Vacation Nearly every employee takes or wants to take one or more vacations every year. This lesson covers techniques to save money on air fare, hotel costs, and car rentals. We’ll also look at low-cost travel destinations, and helpful travel sites that not only save money, but make traveling so much more enjoyable. Money Coaches will learn how to coach employees on inexpensive ways to have more fun, but spend less on family vacations. The goals for this Module are to help employees save thousands, avoid travel scams, and stay safe when taking vacations. Module 30 Weddings The final Module is targeted to those who want to save money on upcoming weddings, whether the wedding is for the employee, or a family member. We’ll cover how to save money on the engagement, the ceremony, the reception, and the honeymoon. We’ll also look at what financial decisions should be made prior to the nuptials, financial scams to avoid, how the “timing” of the wedding can impact costs, and how to avoid going into debt for this happy event. Competency Testing This comprehensive open-book examination demonstrates competency in all four Levels of Study. Graduates are then Certified as a Master Money Coach, the LFE Institute’s highest achievement award. It confirms that the individual has successfully completed all essential requirements and has attained LFE’s Certified Workplace Money Coach (CWMC) designation. Certificate received m a s t e r wo r k p l a c e M o n e y C oac h Master Money Coach & CWMC Designation Awarded © LFE Institute, Inc.