Lead–acid battery Nickel–metal hydride battery Lithium–iodide battery Top Trumps – “Energy” Edition intern challenges its readers to a game of cards. Do you know the differences be­tween today’s energy storage devices and those currently being explored? Which will come up trumps, and why? Simply cut out the ten cards, start playing, and find out! To transform the energy sector, Germany needs better media for storing energy. However, the current market can be confusing, and this makes it difficult to assess the advantages and disadvantages of the different systems. If you would like to learn about some current and future energy storage devices – i.e. batteries – to get a better overview, simply cut out the ten cards and play a game of Top Trumps. The aim of the game is to spot the best attribute of the battery on top of your pile and play it to win the other players’ cards (if you’re not familiar with the rules, click here). You’ll also learn which storage media are the focus of research at Jülich’s institutes in the field of energy and climate research. “Supercap” battery “Supercap” battery Metal–air battery* Energ y densit y: Power densit y: Cost: Energ y densit y: Safety : Power densit y: Lifetime: Cost: Energ y densit Efficie ncy: y: Safety : Power densit y: Lifetime: Cost: Efficiency: Safety : Tested in buses that were recharged € 300-4,000/kWh through inducTested 3-20 Wh/kg buses tion atinevery ++ that buswere stop. 2,000 -10,00 0 W/kg 500,0 00-1,0 00,00 0 cycles recharged € 300-4,000/kWh throug Potenthialinduc1,600 -8,600 95-10 0 % Wh/kg tion at logy every techno ++ 333-2,000 W/kg bus stop. being explored 500,0 00-1,0 00,00 0 cycles Not yet foreseeable for batteries in 95-10 0 % laptops etc. + 3-20 Wh/kg 2,000 -10,00 0 W/kg Lifetime: 200-1,000 cycles Efficiency: 80 % Subject of research at IEK-1, IEK-9 * Data from iron–zinc–air cells Selected battery attributes Energy density in watt hours per kilogram (Wh/kg): Energy contained in a cell. The higher the energy density, the more electricity can be obtained at the same voltage. 25-50 Wh/kg Power density: 75-300 W/kg Cost: € 50-300/kWh Safety: + Lifetime: Efficiency: Common battery, well-known as a conventional car battery. Energy density: 40-80 Wh/kg Power density: 100-200 W/kg Cost: € 2,000/kWh Safety: ++ 200-1,500 cycles Lifetime: 500-2,000 cycles 70-85 % Efficiency: 70-80 % Subject of research at IEK-3 Conventional battery for small electronic devices from the pocket torch to the wireless mouse. Energy density: 240-560 Wh/kg Power density: 245 W/kg Cost: € 2,000/kWh Safety: ++ Lifetime: Not known Efficiency: Not known Developed for medical devices such as pacemakers. To date, only rechargeable to a limited extent. Subject of research at IEK-3 Lithium-ion battery Lithium–sulfur battery Redox flow battery (V*) Power density in watts per kilogram (W/kg): Measure of the weight of a cell. The higher the power density, the more energy can be stored per kilogram. Current technology is designed to have a low power density – normal batteries only store about one watt. Cost in euros per kilowatt hour (€/ kWh): Material and production costs for the storage of one kilowatt hour with the respective system. Safety: Estimation of the risks for humans and the environment. High operating temperatures or the use of toxic substances reduce safety. Assessment scale from “--” to “o” to “++”. Energy density: 70-410 Wh/kg Power density: 150-315 W/kg Cost: € 200-1,800/kWh Safety: o Lifetime: 300-3,000 cycles Efficiency: 90-95 % Common battery in appliances such as mobile phones or laptops. A flammable electrolyte and the comparatively high reactivity of the electrodes reduce its safety. Subject of research at IEK-1, IEK-2, IEK-3, IEK-9 Energy density: 60-80 Wh/kg Power density: Variable Cost: € 100-1,000/kWh Safety: o Lifetime: 10,000 cycles Efficiency: 70-85 % Stationary energy storage device in the test phase. Tank size and membrane area determine the power density. Energy density: 1,000-2,500 Wh/kg Power density: 2,000-4,000 W/kg Cost: € 100 /kWh Safety: -- Lifetime: 50-200 cycles Efficiency: 85 % Potential future battery for electric cars. Safety risks stem from the short lifetime, toxic gases in case of fire, and a toxic electrolyte. *Data from vanadium-based cells Metal–air battery* Sodium–sulfur battery* Metal–metal oxide battery Lifetime: Number of charge and discharge cycles of a cell, until it can be recharged to less than 60 % of its original capacity. A cycle corresponds to a discharge of 80 %. Efficiency: Relationship between the amount of electricity required to fully charge the cell and the amount of electricity released when discharging. All data sources on IEK-9’s website: http://www.fz-juelich.de/iek/iek-9 Images: tournee (p. 8, hand), Petair (p. 8, bus stop), zest_marina (p. 9, lead–acid battery), djama (p. 9, nickel–metal hydride battery), AK-DigiArt (p. 9, lithium–iodide battery), ekipaj (p. 9, lithium-ion battery), ilynx_v (p. 9, lithium–sulfur battery), WoGi (p. 9, metal–air battery/accumulator), mhristov (p. 9, metal–air battery/laptop, mobile phone, tablet) Energy density: intern 2 | 2014 Energy density: 1,600-8,600 Wh/kg Power density: 333-2,000 W/kg Cost: Not yet foreseeable Safety: + Lifetime: Efficiency: Potential technology being explored for batteries in laptops etc. Energy density: 103 Wh/kg Power density: 100 W/kg Cost: € 200-900/kWh Safety: - 200-1,000 cycles Lifetime: 4,500 cycles 80 % Efficiency: 89 % Subject of research at IEK-1, IEK-9 * Data from iron–zinc–air cells *High-temperature battery Stationary storage device based on melted electrodes. First commercial batteries are being tested. Energy density: 1,000 Wh/kg Power density: 1,000 W/kg Cost: > € 150/kWh Safety: - Lifetime: > 200 cycles Efficiency: 70-80 % Subject of research at IEK-1, IEK-2, IEK-9 *High-temperature battery Vision for a stationary storage device: combination of fuel cells with metal (oxide) as the storage medium. Thermal risk.