
Grade Science Unit:

Around and Around We Go!

Unit Snapshot

Topic: Cycles and Patterns in the Solar System

This topic focuses on the characteristics, cycles and patterns in the solar system and within the universe.

Grade Level: 5


15 days


Students discover the reasons for the seasons and why we have night and day. Students will have the opportunity to participate with hands-on activities and watch educational videos to explore the Earth, Sun and moon. Seasonal weather patterns and natural weather hazards will be explored throughout the globe.


“I can”…statements

___construct a model of the Earth, Sun and Moon in relation to how they revolve and rotate.

___experiment with rays of sunlight and the Earth’s tilt to understand seasons.

___explain why we have seasons and what causes day and night.

___explore different weather patterns and natural weather hazards around the world.

Activity Highlights and Suggested Timeframe

Days 1-2

Day 3-4

Engagement: Begin the lesson with a teacher led experiment to model day and

night. Show Unitedstreaming video, TLC Elementary School: Liftoff Into Space ,

Segment 7 Day and Night, 7min.; Complete exit ticket and sing or read the Planet

Placement Dance from Unitedstreaming.

Exploration: Students complete a Pre/Post-test about seasons and read/sing

The Tilt of the Earth.

Complete the 2 experiments: Moving Through Space and Angle of

Sun’s Rays.

Day 5-10

Explanation: Harcourt 5

th grade Science Textbook, Chapter 1; watch the YouTube videos; Choose 2 natural disasters and complete an informational brochure using a rubric.

Day 11-13


Students create an Earth & Space Jeopardy Game using the Harcourt

5 th grade science text, computers, children’s literature and other resources.

Day 14 and on-going


A teacher-created short cycle assessment will be administered at the end of the unit to assess all clear learning targets.

Day 15

Extension/Intervention :

Based on the results of the short-cycle assessment, facilitate extension and/or intervention activities.

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013



5.ESS.3 Most of the cycles and patterns of motion between the Earth and sun are predictable.

Earth’s revolution around the sun takes approximately 365 days. Earth completes one rotation on its axis in a 24-hour period, producing day and night. This rotation makes the sun, stars and moon appear to change position in the sky. Earth’s axis is tilted at an angle of 23.5°. This tilt, along with

Earth’s revolution around the sun, affects the amount of direct sunlight that the Earth receives in a single day and throughout the year. The average daily temperature is related to the amount of direct sunlight received. Changes in average temperature throughout the year are identified as seasons.

Note 1: The amount of direct sunlight that Earth receives is related to the altitude of the sun, which affects the angle of the sun’s rays, and the amount of time the sun is above the horizon each day.

Note 2: Different regions around the world have seasonal changes that are not based solely on average temperature (e.g., rainy season, dry season, monsoon season).


During the years of grades K-12, all students must use the following scientific inquiry and application practices with appropriate laboratory safety techniques to construct their knowledge and understanding in all science content areas:

Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering) that guide scientific investigations

Developing descriptions, models, explanations and predictions.

Planning and carrying out investigations

Using appropriate mathematics, tools, and techniques to gather data/information, and analyze and interpret data

Engaging in argument from evidence

Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating scientific procedures and explanations

*These practices are a combination of ODE Science Inquiry and Application and Frame-work for K-12

Science Education Scientific and Engineering Practices


See attached 5 th grade ELA Standards at the end of the unit for; Reading Standards for Informational

Text, Writing Standards and Speaking and Listening Standards

*For more information: http://www.corestandards.org/assets/CCSSI_ELA%20Standards.pdf


Prior Concepts Related to Earth, Sun and Moon

K-2: The sun and moon can be observed at different times of the day or night. The sun’s position in the sky changes in a single day and from day to day. The observable shape of the moon changes throughout the month. The sun is the principal source of energy.

Grades 3-4: All objects are made of matter. Heat and light are forms of energy. Gravitational forces are introduced.

Future Application of Concepts

Grades 6-8: Earth’s unique atmosphere, light waves, electromagnetic waves, interactions between the

Earth, moon and sun (including the phases of the moon and tides), climate studies, and gravitational forces are explored in more depth.

High School: Galaxies, stars and the universe are studied in the Physical Sciences.

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013



a way to turn the lights down in the room,



Angle of rays globe, flashlight, sticker computer for video exit ticket

Planet Placement Dance lyrics


3 different size spheres to represent Sun,

Moon, Earth flashlight, globe, ruler lab worksheets for the 2 experiments



5 th grade science textbooks, teacher manual teacher created science journal or a notebook for students to take notes

Chapter 1, Lesson 1 notes

books from Children’s Literature list

Natural Disasters Informational Brochure

supplies: informational sheets, 8½“ x 11” or

8½” x 14” white paper, rubric, markers, crayons, computers, books, map (optional)


computers books from Children’s Literature list

Harcourt Brace 5 th grade science text paper and pencil

( optional ) supplies for jeopardy board: index cards, poster board, glue, library pockets, white paper




Natural disasters


Revolve, revolution

Rotate, rotation













Moon phases



Tropical Cyclone



Students need to be careful with the rolling chair (representing the sun.)

Use scissors and glue correctly while making the Jeopardy Game.

Do not shine flashlights directly into a person’s eyes.



View www.unitedstreaming.com

videos, PowerPoint Presentations and teacher documents included in this unit.

Gather all experiment supplies.

Gather all supplies (books and materials) for the Natural Disaster


Gather all supplies (books, computers and materials) for Earth & Space

Jeopardy Game .

Check to make sure your classroom computers, projector, Elmo,

Smartboard, etc. work.

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013


(2 days)

(What will draw students into the learning? How will you determine what your students already know about the topic? What can be done at this point to identify and address misconceptions? Where can connections are made to the real world?)

Objective: Students will begin thinking and discussing why we have day and night every twenty-four hours. The objective is to see what knowledge students already have about rotation, revolution, and orbit and where to begin our explore part of the unit.

What is the teacher doing?

Modeling Day and Night (Day 1)

Teacher will be leading a class demonstration to engage students in learning about day

What are the students doing?

Modeling Day and Night (Day 1)

1. Students will answer teacher’s discussion questions and ask clarifying questions about day and night.

and night. Teacher Resource page includes directions.

-Have the room dark.

-Place a globe in the center of the room.

-Shine a flashlight and discuss what parts of the world are getting light? (the part facing the sun, OH)

What does that mean to the people on that side of the Earth?

(they are getting sunlight and having day) What does that mean for the people on the other side of the globe where there is no light shining? (they are dark and having night)

-Continue to rotate the Earth so the other side of the globe is receiving “sunlight.” Repeat the questions from above.

Liftoff Into Space (Day 2)

Show Unitedstreaming Video

TLC Elementary School: Liftoff

Into Space , Segment 7 Day

and Night, 7min.

Hand out paper for exit ticket ,

formative assessment. There are 2 questions: 1 fact they learned today and 1 question they want to have answered during the unit.

Song (or poem) on


Music Makes It Memorable:

Planet Placement Dance . Lyrics

are included in the curriculum

guide. The song may be read

as a poem.

Liftoff Into Space (Day 2)

2. Watch video

3. Complete an exit ticket containing

1 fact they learned today and 1 question that they want to have answered during the unit.

4. Sing (or read as a poem) the lyrics to Planet Placement Dance.

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Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013


(2 days)

(How will the concept be developed? How is this relevant to students’ lives? What can be done at this point to identify and address misconceptions?)

Objective: Student’s will collaborate to demonstrate rotation and revolution.

Students will be able to describe the relationship between the sun’s rays on the

Earth and Earth’s tilt in order to explain the reasons for the seasons.

What is the teacher doing?

Moving Through Space Experiment

(Day 3)

Pass out Pre/Post-test for

Why do we have seasons?

Have students read or sing The

Tilt of the Earth to understand

why we have seasons.

What are the students doing?

Moving Through Space Experiment

(Day 3)

1. Students complete pre-test. Read or sing The Tilt of the Earth to understand and generate discussion about why we have seasons.

(Teacher can have students complete the Posttest at any time during the unit.)

Gather materials for experiments.

Distribute Moving Through

Space Experiment from

Harcourt School Publishers, 5 th grade Lab Manual copy pp.

26-27. The experiment is in the

5 th grade text, on pp. 31.

Gather 3 round objects of different sizes to represent the

Sun, Earth and moon. Have computer access available to see the example of the Earth and moon revolving around the sun on http://www.fearofphysics.com


Angle of Sun’s Rays Experiment

(Day 4)

Distribute The Angle of Sun’s

Rays experiment worksheet .

Gather flashlight, paper, pencil, globe and ruler.

2. Experiment #1 Demonstrate how the Earth and Moon revolve and rotate around the Sun. 5 th grade textbook pp. 31, lab worksheet pp.


Angle of Sun’s Rays Experiment

(Day 4)

3. Experiment #2: Demonstrate how the 23.5˚ tilt effect the angle of sun’s rays that hit the Earth with a flashlight. Complete the lab worksheet.

For informative teacher resource pages and another experiment called ORBIT and

SPIN, check out the website: http://www.agiweb.org/educ ation/NASA/tr/invest/activities/ orbit_and_spin3-5.pdf

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Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013


(6 days)

(What products could the students develop and share?

How will students share what they have learned? What can be done at this point to identify and address misconceptions?)

Objective: Students will discuss, read non-fiction material, see pictures and watch videos to explain about space: rotation, revolution, seasons, tilt and orbit. Students will complete a natural disaster project about 2 disasters from around the world.

What is the teacher doing?

Read Aloud (Day 5)

Choose readers to read aloud from the 5 th grade science text, Chapter 1, Lesson 1,

What are the students doing?

Read Aloud (Day 5)

1. Reading Chapter 1, Lesson 1.

Students should be asking questions if they do not understand parts of pp. 28-37. Reading aloud gives the teacher the opportunity to have students ask questions, leads to teachable moments and good discussions. Use the

Main Idea

and Detail questions

in the lesson and include the

pictures and captions to help

students understand the unit.

If the questions are something that needs more research, create a class chart and the questions could be researched during the ELABORATION part of the unit.

YouTube Videos (Day 6)

Watch Youtube video called

Rotating Earth day & night -

PlanetObserver , 1 min. to show

Earth rotating and sunlight shining on certain parts of the globe.

Watch Youtube video called

What Causes Earth’s Season?

2:18 minutes. the lesson. Students should be reading aloud and be able to paraphrase what they have just read.

2. Students can be taking notes in a science journal or a packet of stapled paper for the Earth Space

Unit. Include vocabulary and facts they learned as they read.

YouTube Videos (Day 6)

2. Watch Videos and explain what parts of the world are having day or night. Take notes in their science journal or Earth Space packet.

Watch Youtube video called

Earth’s Tilt 1 5:39 minutes.

3. Option: If using the Powerpoints, continue to take notes.

Optional: For more student information there are 2

PowerPoint presentations. They can be found at: http://www.columbus.k12.oh.u





Outer Space and the Earth

and ESS3 PowerPoint

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Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013


(3 days)

( How will the new knowledge be reinforced, transferred to new and unique situations, or integrated with related concepts?)

Read Aloud: Moon (Day 7)

Choose readers to read aloud

Chapter 1, Lesson 2, pages 40-

43. 5 th grade does not need to know all of the moon phases, but reading the lesson will help to comprehend the moon’s revolution and rotation.

If students questions are something that needs more research, create a class chart and the questions could be researched during the

ELABORATION part of the unit.

Natural Disasters (Day 8-10)

Students will choose 2 natural disasters to create a Natural

Disaster Informational


The brochure supplies: informational sheets on the 6 different seasonal

Read Aloud: Moon (Day 7)

3. Students should be reading and taking notes about new facts they learned about the moon and asking clarifying questions.

Natural Disasters (Day 8-10)

4. Students should decide on 2 Natural

Disasters to use for their brochure.

Students should read and comprehend the rubric before beginning the project. They need to read the informational sheets on weather patterns and natural disasters, 8½“ x 11” or 8½“ x 14” white paper, rubric, markers, crayons, pencils, computers or books for additional resources.


Teacher has a large map for students to mark where the disasters occur in the world. their natural disasters and/or read additional books or internet sites.

For time reasons, the teacher may want to assign the 2 disasters.

To grade the students, teacher may want to have students read their brochure privately while others are working on the jeopardy game located in the

Elaborate section of the curriculum guide.

Objective: Students use information obtained during the unit to create an Earth

& Space jeopardy game.

What is the teacher doing?

Student Created Earth and Space

Jeopardy(Day 11-13)

Have students create an Earth

& Space Jeopardy Game .

Collect library books from the

Children’s Literature list for

Earth & Space Science.

What are the students doing?

Student Created Earth and Space

Jeopardy(Day 11-13)

1. Students are creating an Earth &

Space Jeopardy game.

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Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013


(1 day and on-going)

( What opportunities will students have to express their thinking?

When will students reflect on what they have learned? How will you measure learning as it occurs? What evidence of student learning will you be looking for and/or collecting?)



(1 day or as needed)

Students should use the 5 th grade science text and materials they read during the

Explain part of the unit.

Have computers and any other resources available for students to do research.

Copy checklist and rubric worksheet for each student.


Decide if students will work in pairs, groups of 4 or alone on the project.

Teacher may want to change the

Jeopardy format so students write questions and the answers are revealed instead of the original format where answers are shown and questions revealed.

2. Students will gather information from previous activities (textbook readings, brochure, computers) to create a total of 16 questions and answers for jeopardy.

3. Students will need to fill out the checklist and rubric as they complete the project.

Remind students they need to supply the 16 questions and the answers.

Objective: Students can show their knowledge through formative assessments throughout the lesson and show their cumulative knowledge with summative assessments.


How will you measure learning as it occurs?

1. Consider developing a teachercreated formative assessment.

2. Explain: 5 th grade science text,

Chapter 1, lesson 1 Quiz after reading

lesson 1.

3. Earth’s Motion Formative

Assessment after reading Chapter 1,

Lesson 1 and 2.


1. Students could keep a moon journal for 2 weeks. The emphasis is not on the moon phases, but on observational differences.

2. Represent the sun, moon and Earth and their orbits graphically and to scale. Use actual data and measurements for the representation.


What evidence of learning will demonstrate to you that a student has met the learning objectives?

1. Teacher-created short cycle assessment will assess all clear learning targets.

2. Earth Test at the end of the unit.

3. Chapter 1 Summative Test at the end of the unit.


1. Using the Harcourt Brace 5 th grade science text, students can use the online version of the text from CCS website. Chapter 1, lesson 1 is on page 30-37 in text, but online it is Unit

D, Chapter 13, page 398.

Chapter 1, lesson 2 is on page 38-45 in textbook. Online it is Unit D, Chapter

13, page 406.

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013



3. Create a video with a group to demonstrate and explain to viewers: rotation, revolution, seasons, the tilt of our axis, or a student can share their idea with the teacher for approval.

4. AIMS Education Foundation Me and

My Shadow activity from 1986. Math: measuring and creating bar graph.

5. Orbit and Spin Experiment http://www.agiweb.org/education/N

ASA/tr/invest/activities/orbit_and_s pin3-5.pdf

6. The resource, Picture Perfect

Science Lessons Using Children’s Books to Guide Inquiry, 3-6, NSTA Press, uses the book Somewhere In the

World Right Now by Stacey Schuett

(p. 251-263) to show rotation, day and night.




Computer Game - ml Students can explore rotation and revolution in a fun and educational game.

– Use the Outer Space and the Earth Powerpoint and the

ESS3 Powerpoint found at: http://www.columbus.k12.oh.us/appli cations/Departments.nsf/(ccs_pages)/



http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienc eclips/ages/9_10/earth_sun_moon.sht

The Earth is flat. (The Earth is a sphere.)

The Earth is not moving, but objects like the Sun move around it.

(Earth is moving in space. It moves on its axis and around the Sun.)

The sky is a horizontal surface above and parallel to the flat Earth.

(The sky completely surrounds the spherical Earth.)

Space is only above the Earth. (Space completely surrounds the Earth and spreads out in all directions from Earth.)

Falling objects always fall in an absolute down direction no matter where one is on Earth. (Objects fall toward the center of the Earth, which looks like ‘up’ if looking at a picture of a globe and a person in the southern hemisphere.)

We experience seasons because of the Earth's changing distance from the Sun. (Seasons are due to the tilt and rotation of the Earth.)

The Earth goes around the Sun once a day. (The Earth rotates on its axis once a day, every 24 hours.)

Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears is an online magazine for K-5 teachers.

Misconceptions about why there are seasons are common at this age (e.g., the

Earth is closer to the sun in the summer and that is why it is so hot). For a list of common misconceptions and ways to address them, visit http://beyondpenguins.nsdl.org/issue/column.php?date=May2008&departmen tid=professional&columnid=professional!science&test.

NASA lists common misconceptions for all ages about the sun and the Earth at http://www-istp.gsfc.nasa.gov/istp/outreach/sunearthmiscons.html.

For examples of misconceptions that elementary students may have about the solar system and space (astronomy), and resources to address misconceptions through investigation, visit http://amasci.com/miscon/opphys.html.

Strategies to address misconceptions:

1. The videos from Unitedstreaming will help to show the difference between revolve and rotate in relation to the sun, planets and moon.

2. Experiments to show the Earth’s tilt and angle of rays to explain seasons.

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Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013





- The Planet Placement Dance song/poem can be used to underline facts and create a chart of important information.

- Create a crossword puzzle using the new vocabulary and definitions from the

5 th grade text, Chapter 1.

- In the Explore Section, teachers can do the experiments as a whole class or

small groups.

- Play a pre-made jeopardy instead of creating an Earth & Space jeopardy


- Students can create a game for the vocabulary in the Earth and Space Unit.


- Students can create their own song/poem to explain rotation and revolution.

- Create an experiment to explain why we have seasons.

- Design a model or experiment that would explain why we have day and night, seasons or natural weather disasters.

- Have students work alone to create a jeopardy game.

Strategies for meeting the needs of all learners including gifted students, English

Language Learners (ELL) and students with disabilities can be found at the following sites:

ELL Learners: http://www.ode.state.oh.us/GD/DocumentManagement/DocumentDownload.asp


Gifted Learners: http://www.ode.state.oh.us/GD/DocumentManagement/DocumentDownload.aspx


Students with Disabilities: http://www.education.ohio.gov/GD/DocumentManagement/DocumentDownload


Textbook Resources:

Harcourt Brace, 5 th grade, Chapter 1, Lesson 1, pp. 28-37

Harcourt Brace, 5 th grade, Chapter 1, Lesson 2, pp. 40-43

Websites: http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fairprojects/project_ideas/Weather_p006.shtml#summary Experiment ideas to explore How Season’s Change in Each Hemisphere. http://www.wunderground.com/ history and almanac http://www.weatherwizkids.com/weather-climate.htm

Material written in kid friendly language to discuss the difference between weather and climate. http://www.weatherwizkids.com/weather-links.htm

Track severe weather around the globe. http://library.thinkquest.org/29033/begin/earthsunmoon.htm

resource pages about Earth, moon and Sun www.youtube.com/watch?V=DuiQvPLWziQ What Causes Earth’s Season’s video http://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/StarChild.html

Interactive website for students to explore the solar system. www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/9_10/earth_sun_moon.shtml

Sun, Earth and Moon computer game for kids. http://classroom.jc-schools.net/sci-units/earth.htm

Additional teacher activities http://www.fearofphysics.com/SunMoon/sunmoon1.html

A short video of the motions of the Earth, Sun and Moon.

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Columbus City Schools

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Discovery Ed:

SongMusic Makes It Memorable: “Planet Placement Dance”

Information About Our Globe , segment 3:07min.

Rotation and Revolution, segment 4:47min. from TLC Elementary School:

Rules of Motion and Forces

The Reasons for the Seasons , only segments 5-13, 22:38min.

Exploring Astronomy 11:34min.

The Right-Hand Rule, Revolution and Ions 2:40min.

About the Moon 1:08min.

Space Exploration: What is an orbit?


This is our World , segment Day and Night, 1:08min.

A Closer Look at the Moon: Space Science 20min.

TLC Elementary School: Liftoff Into Space , Segment 7 Day and Night,



Children’s literature lists are included in curriculum guide


Rotation and Revolution

This lesson plan explores the rotation and revolution of Earth. It includes hands-on demonstrations that show young students how the Earth moves on its axis and around the sun. Let's take a closer look.

Doing the experiment one time as a whole class will help when the students understand what they are to be doing when they do the experiment in small groups later in the unit.

Rationale and Objectives

The goal of this Earth lesson plan is to help children internalize and remember rotation and revolution of the Earth around the sun. This multiple intelligence classroom activity helps visual/spatial learners, as well as kinesthetic learners. At the end of this rotation and revolution of the Earth lesson, the kids in your class will be able to:

Define and describe rotation

Define and describe revolution

Explain why the sun is in different places in the sky at different times of day

Understand that the Earth is tilted on an imaginary line called an axis at 23.5˚.

#1 Rotation of the Earth

Rotation refers to the rotation of the Earth on its axis. The simplest way to demonstrate this concept is to bring a preferably large globe into the classroom. Explain to the students that the Earth does spin around and then spin the globe.

Explain that the Earth spins around once every day, 24 hours.

Make sure the globe is tilted 23.5˚ and explain the Earth has an imaginary line called an axis going from North to South Pole through the globe.

Place a lamp in the middle of the demonstration area and turn it on. Mention that the lamp acts as the Sun and of course, the Sun is always "on" and always shining. If students express confusion at this, tell them this demonstration will show them how the Sun is still shining, even at night.

Show students their approximate location on a map, and tape a cotton ball, very small figurine or sticker onto the area on the globe used for demonstration.

Ask a volunteer to help. The volunteer will hold the globe while the teacher holds a clock.

Use a clock with hands that are easy to move, such as a time-teaching clock.

Ask the volunteer to please hold the globe so that the sticker (or whatever you choose to use) is in the direct light of the lamp, or "Sun".

Announce that it is noon and show noon on the clock. Notice together how the sticker is getting the most light of anywhere on the globe.

Explain to the class that it will take 12 hours for the sticker to travel just halfway around. As you move the clock to 1:00, the volunteer should move the globe a little. Do this together hour by hour so the class can see what is happening.

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By the time you are at 6:00, your volunteer student should have moved the sticker 45 degrees. Stop at this point so students can observe the angle of the light on the sticker.

Discuss how this angle is similar to the angle of light near dusk. Notice the long shadow of the sticker or figurine which is like the long shadows people see as evening approaches.

Continue for the next six hours to midnight and stop again. Notice how there is no light on the sticker/figurine, and asks the kids what they think anyone located here on the globe would be doing at this time. (Answer: Sleeping, of course.)

Continue another six hours and ask them to take notice of how the Sun is rising on the spot on the globe with the sticker/figurine. Hour by hour, back to noon.

Point out again that this demonstration showed the rotation of the Earth on its axis over the course of one day, which is 24 hours.

#2 Revolution of the Earth Around the Sun

Discuss how all the while the Earth is spinning round and round, it is also moving around the

Sun. Use a smaller globe, if necessary, and walk around the lamp while spinning the globe.

Students need to remember as they revolve around the sun, they are also rotating to cause our day and night. (This part can be tricky to spin the globe and walk around the sun, lamp.)

REMEMBER to walk around the sun “lamp” in an elliptical pattern, not a circle. This will help show the seasons are not because the Earth is closer or farther from the sun.

Let children take turns holding the smaller globe and walking around the lamp. They will also enjoy using their bodies as the Earth and walking around the lamp and spinning at the same time. Doing these things themselves will cement the lesson in their minds.

(Activity adapted from: http://www.brighthubeducation.com/lesson-plans-grades-1-2/107382-revolution-androtation-of-earth-lesson-and-activity/ written by: Beth Taylor • edited by: Sarah Malburg)

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Name _______________________ Date___________

Around and Around We Go Unit

Exit Ticket

1. Write 1 fact you learned today that you did not already know.







2. Write 1 question you have about the Earth revolving and/or rotating that you would like to answer during this unit of study.







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Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013



Planet Placement Dance Lyrics

Song Publisher: Music with Mar Grade Level: K-5

Planet Placement Dance – walk and turn (4x)

There are eight planets and each will take its place

As we orbit the sun in outer space

In the center is the Sun

Shining its rays on everyone – Shine (AH!) (2x)

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,

Jupiter, Saturn

Uranus, Neptune, now you know;

That’s the planet pattern


Follow a circle around the sun

That’s called a revolution

As you walk, you should turn, too

Rotation. That’s what planets do

Revolutions for Earth take one year

Rotations take one day

Each planet moves in its own orbit

In what we call the Milky Way.


Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,

Jupiter, Saturn

Uranus, Neptune, Pluto; now you know;

That’s the planet pattern


It’s out there!

Published by Discovery Education. All rights reserved.

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Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013


Circle one: Pre-Test or Post-Test

Circle true or false



1. True or False We have summer when we are closer to the sun in our orbit.

2. True or False We have winter when we are closer to the sun in our orbit.

3. True or False We have seasons only because we revolve around the sun.

4. True or False Our tilt causes day and night, not seasons.

Name_______________________________________ Date_________________________

Circle one: Pre-Test or Post-Test

Circle true or false


1. True or False We have summer when we are closer to the sun in our orbit.

2. True or False We have winter when we are closer to the sun in our orbit.

3. True or False We have seasons only because we revolve around the sun.

4. True or False Our tilt causes day and night, not seasons.

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Name______ Answer Key _____________________

Circle one: Pre-Test or Post-Test

Circle true or false



1. True or False We have summer when we are closer to the sun in our orbit.

False, we are farther away from sun, but get more direct sunlight because of our tilt.

2. True or False We have winter when we are closer to the sun in our orbit.

True, we are closer to the sun, but tilted away so we get less direct sunlight.

3. True or False We have seasons only because we revolve around the sun.

False, we revolve and tilt causing seasons.

4. True or False Our tilt causes day and night, not seasons.

False, our tilt is one of the reasons for seasons. Our day and night is caused because we rotate on our axis.

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Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

The Tilt of the Earth

(read as a poem or sing to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb )

(modified from The Franklin Institute, A Journey In Time)

Earth’s tilt makes the seasons change,

Seasons change, seasons change,

Earth’s tilt makes the seasons change,

They change all through the year.

When we face the sun it’s summertime,

Summertime, summertime,

When we face the sun it’s summertime,

The days are hot and bright.

Tilt away from the sun it’s wintertime,

Wintertime, wintertime,

Tilt away from the sun it’s wintertime,

The days are cold and gray.

Spring and fall are in-between,

In-between, in-between,

Spring and fall are in-between,

The days are cool and warm.

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Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013


Angle of Sun’s Rays


Objective: To explore how the Earth’s tilt affects the amount of sun’s rays the Earth receives during different times of the year. The tilt and orbit of the Earth are the reason we experience seasons on different parts of the Earth.

Students should realize if the Earth wasn’t tilted only the places around the equator would receive warm weather.

Materials : flashlight, paper, ruler, pencil, globe

Procedure :


Lay the piece of paper flat on the table.

2. Hold the flashlight straight over the paper. Experiment with the flashlight by raising it 2cm-10cm above the paper. Do you notice any changes in the amount of light shining on the paper?

3. One person holds the flashlight straight above the paper and another person traces a circle around the ray of light. Answer the questions on the lab paper.

4. Now tilt the flashlight at an angle (this should represent the 23.5˚ tilt of theEarth) Do you notice any changes in the amount of light shining on the paper?

5. One person holds the flashlight at the tilt above the paper and another person traces the around the ray of light. Answer the questions on the lab paper.

6. Use a globe to show where on the Earth the sun’s rays hit when the flashlight is straight or tilted. Repeat steps

1-5 using a globe instead of paper.

Hold flashlight straight above the paper, Hold the flashlight at a tilt above the paper, between 2cm-10cm.

representing 23.5˚ tilt.

1. What parts of the paper are receiving the 1. What do you notice about the sun’s rays sun’s rays? on the paper?

2. What is the shape of the light shining on 2. What is the shape of the light shining on the paper? the paper?

3. Using a globe, shine the flashlight straight 3. Using a globe tilted at 23.5˚, shine at the equator. What parts of the Earth flashlight at an angle. What parts of the would be receiving sunlight, having Earth would be receiving sunlight? Would warm weather? more or less of the Earth get to experience

warm weather?

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Earth’s day and night

The Moon revolving around the Earth.

The Sun’s rays on the Earth and moon.

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Name ________________________________________________________________________________



The sun is a star that is at the center of our solar system.


The sun appears to rise in the EAST and set in the WEST. But the sun is not rising and setting, the EARTH is ROTATING.


ROTATE or ROTATION means to spin on the axis. This causes day and night.


AXIS is an imaginary line that passes through the North and South Poles.


It takes 24 hours (1day) for the Earth to rotate around (spin) 1 time.


REVOLVE or REVOLUTION means to travel in a path around the sun. The Earth revolves around the sun as it rotates on its axis. It takes the Earth 365 ¼ days to revolve 1 time around the sun.


ORBIT is the path the Earth takes around the sun. The Earth makes an elliptical (almost circular) shape orbit.


Seasons are caused because the Earth is tilted on its axis. We are tilted 23.5* degrees.

During part of the year the Earth is tilted toward the sun and it is summer. The other part of the year Earth is tilted away from the sun and it is winter.


People think we are having winter when we are closer to the sun on our orbit….NOT

TRUE. Actually we are farther away from the sun in the summer, we are just facing the sun so it is hot. We are closer to the sun in the winter, but we are not facing the hot sun.


EQUATOR is an imaginary line halfway around the EARTH between the North and South poles.

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Chapter 1, Lesson 1 Quiz

Name: Date:


How much of the Earth’s surface is covered in liquid and frozen water?


When it is winter in the northern hemisphere the earth is closest to, or furthest from the sun? Circle one word: closest, or furthest.


How long does the Earth take to complete 1 orbit?


The shape of the Earth’s orbit is .


How long does it take the Earth to make one rotation about its 23.5 degree tilted axis?


Circle True, or False. Summer, and Winter are caused by how direct the solar rays are hitting the Earth (in other words, which hemisphere is tilted more toward the sun), and not on how close the Earth is to the sun.


Inertia keeps the earth in orbit around the Sun, counter-balancing the pulling force of the Sun. Write the name of this pulling force.


How many days are in 1 year?

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Chapter 1, Lesson 1 Quiz: Teacher Answer Key

Name: Date:

1. How much of the Earth’s surface is covered in liquid and frozen water?

3/4 th or 75%

2. When it is winter in the northern hemisphere the earth is closest to, or furthest from the sun? Circle one word: closest, or furthest. further

3. How long does the Earth take to complete 1 orbit?

365 ¼ days, 1 year because orbit is the revolution

4. The shape of the Earth’s orbit is elliptical, slightly circular


5. How long does it take the Earth to make one rotation about its 23.5 degree tilted axis?

24 hours, 1 day

6. Circle True, or False. Summer, and Winter are caused by how direct the solar rays are hitting the Earth (in other words, which hemisphere is tilted more toward the sun), and not on how close the Earth is to the sun.


7. Inertia keeps the earth in orbit around the Sun, counter-balancing the pulling force of the

Sun. Write the name of this pulling force. ___________ gravity

8. How many days are in 1 year?

365 ¼ , the ¼ is why we have a leap year every 4 years to add another day to the calendar

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Natural Disasters Brochure Directions and Rubric

Choose 2 natural disasters

Need 1 piece of white paper, may use 8 ½” x 11” or 8 ½” x 14”

Turn paper to landscape and fold along short line of symmetry

The front of brochure is for title, name, decoration of the natural disasters, etc.

The back of brochure is extra room for you to use for your information.

Inside is to be used for the 2 disasters, 1 on each page.

Each natural disaster needs to include: WHAT is the disaster, WHERE in the world does it occur,

HOW is it formed, WHEN does it occur, what is the IMPACT on people or land.

Extra information, interesting facts, maps, etc. can be included for a higher grade.

Content Organization/Layout

Student knowledge/Grammar




-Brochure met all 5 criteria

-Brochure contained more than 2 pieces of extra information. (maps, interesting facts, added a 3 rd natural disaster, etc.)

-Student used more legitimate sources than the reference pages provided.

-Met all 5 criteria: WHAT are the disasters, WHERE do they occur, HOW are they formed, WHEN do they occur, what is the IMPACT on people or land.

- All information is accurate

-All information is from reference materials, internet or library books

-Met 4 out of 5 criteria: WHAT are the disasters, WHERE do they occur, HOW are they formed, WHEN do they occur, what is the IMPACT on people or land.

- Most of the Information is accurate

-All information did not come from reference materials, internet or library books

-Front, back, and inside of brochure is full of relevant natural disaster information.

-Neat, clean

-Informational is extremely organized, labeled and/or easy to read and understand.

-Front cover contains: student’s name, title for the 2 natural disasters and relevant decorations.

-Each natural disaster’s information is on its own page.

-Neat, clean

-Information is presented in an organized (maybe labeled) manner that is easy for reader to follow.

-1 part of the front cover is missing or incomplete.

-Each natural disaster’s information is on its own page.

-Somewhat neat, clean

-Information is not completely organized. Parts of the brochure are hard for the reader to follow.

-No spelling or grammar errors.

-Students are able to fully explain and read all parts of their brochure.

-Only 1 spelling or grammar error.

-Student is able to read and explain what is written in the brochure, included maps and diagrams.

-More than 1 spelling or grammar error.

-Student cannot read or explain what the material, maps or diagrams mean in relation to the natural disasters.


-Missing many parts: WHAT are the disasters, WHERE do they occur, HOW are they formed, WHEN do they occur, what is the IMPACT on people or land.

- Most information is not accurate

- Information was not obtained from reference materials, internet or library books

-Missing information on the front cover.

-The natural disaster’s information is on its own page.


-Information is hard to follow, may not make sense.

-Multiple spelling or grammar errors.

- Student cannot read or explain the material. -

Student copied material directly from resources or used no resources.

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Natural Disaster:

Tropical Cyclones

Hurricanes, tropical cyclones and typhoons are different terms for the same phenomenon in different regions of the world.

This natural disaster is accompanied by torrential rain and sustained wind speeds of more than 119 kilometers per hour.

In western North Atlantic, central and eastern North Pacific, Caribbean Sea and Gulf of

Mexico, this weather phenomenon is called a “hurricane.”

In the western North Pacific, it is called a “typhoon.”

In the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea, it is called a “very severe cyclonic storm.”

In the western South Pacific and south-east Indian Ocean, it is called a “severe tropical cyclone.”

In the south-west Indian Ocean, it is called a “tropical cyclone.”

Tropical Cyclones are huge storms! They can be up to 600 miles across and have strong winds spiraling inward and upward at speeds of 75 to 200 mph. Each hurricane usually lasts for over a week, moving 10-20 miles per hour over the open ocean. Hurricanes gather heat and energy through contact with warm ocean waters. Evaporation from the seawater increases their power.

Tropical Cyclones rotate in a counter-clockwise direction around an “eye” in the

Northern Hemisphere and clockwise direction in the Southern Hemisphere. The center of the storm or “eye” is the calmest part. It has only light winds and fair weather. When they come onto land, the heavy rain, strong winds and large waves can damage buildings, trees and cars.

Tropical Cyclones occur over really warm ocean water of 80°F or warmer. The atmosphere (the air) must cool off very quickly the higher you go. Also, the wind must be blowing in the same direction and at the same speed to force air upward from the ocean surface. Winds flow outward above the storm allowing the air below to rise. They typically form above or below the equator, never at the equator because the force needed to spin the cyclone is too weak.

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

As a tropical cyclone’s winds spiral around and around the storm, they push water into a mound at the storm’s center. This mound of water becomes dangerous when the storm reaches land because it causes flooding along the coast. The water piles up, unable to escape anywhere but on land as the storm carries it landward. Some areas may experience major flooding.

The Atlantic coast experiences tropical cyclones from June 1 to November 30, but mostly occur during the fall months. The Eastern Pacific’s season is from May 15 to November

30. (Below is a graphic that shows you when tropical cyclones are most active across parts of the world.)

Material and pictures adapted from World Meteorological Organization, Weather Wiz Kids, The Weather Channel Kids, naturaldisasters.ednet.ns.ca/Projects/Avalanche/bja.htm

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Natural Disaster:


When severe thunderstorms cause lightning and thunder, they often bring heavy rain or hail, strong winds and occasionally snow. In some parts of the world the heavy thunderstorms may trigger tornadoes. A tornado is a violent rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. The most violent tornadoes are capable of tremendous destruction with wind speeds of up to 300 mph. They can destroy large buildings, uproot trees and hurl vehicles hundreds of yards. They can also drive straw into trees. Damaged paths can be in excess of one mile wide to 50 miles long. In an average year, 1000 tornadoes are reported nationwide.

Tornadoes are particularly common in the Great Plains of North America but they can and do occur anywhere, especially in temperate latitudes. (A typical temperate climate is one of the four climate zones in the world, beside the Polar Regions and the subtropics.) They can cause severe damage.

Most tornadoes form from thunderstorms. You need warm, moist air from the Gulf of

Mexico and cool, dry air from Canada. When these two air masses meet, they create instability in the atmosphere. A change in wind direction and an increase in wind speed with increasing height create an invisible, horizontal spinning effect in the lower atmosphere.

Rising air within the updraft tilts the rotating air from horizontal to vertical. An area of rotation,

2-6 miles wide, now extends through much of the storm. Most strong and violent tornadoes form within this area of strong rotation.

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Several conditions are required for tornadoes and the thunderstorm clouds to develop. Low level moisture is necessary to contribute to the development of a thunderstorm, and a “trigger” (perhaps a cold front) is needed to lift the moist air aloft. Once the air begins to rise and becomes saturated, it will continue rising to great heights to where the temperature decreases rapidly with height. Atmospheric instability can also occur when dry air overlays moist air nears the Earth’s surface. Finally, tornadoes usually form in areas where winds at all levels of the atmosphere are not only strong, but also turn with height in a clockwise or veering direction.

Tornadoes can appear as a traditional funnel shape, or in a slender rope-like form.

Some have a churning, smoky look to them, and other contains “multiple vortices,” which are invisible, with only swirling dust or debris at ground levels as the only indication of the tornado’s presence. When the funnel cloud reaches the ground it is called a tornado.

It is not fully understood about how exactly tornadoes form, grow and die. Tornado researchers are still trying to solve the tornado puzzle, but for every piece that seems to fit they often uncover new pieces that need to be studied. Researchers do know that tornadoes can happen at any time of the year and at any time of the day. In the southern states, peak tornado season is from March through May. Peak times for tornadoes in the northern states are during the summer. A few southern states have a second peak time for tornado outbreaks in the fall. Tornadoes are most likely to occur between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m.

The geography of the central part of the United States, known as the Great

Plains, is suited to bring all of the ingredients together to form tornadoes.

More than 500 tornadoes typically occur

In this area every year and is why it is commonly known as “Tornado Alley.”

Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas and Louisiana all make up Tornado Alley.

Material and pictures adapted from World Meteorological Organization, Weather Wiz Kids, The Weather Channel Kids, naturaldisasters.ednet.ns.ca/Projects/Avalanche/bja.htm

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Natural Disaster:


A wildfire is also known as a wildland fire, forest fire, vegetation fire, grass fire, peat fire, bushfire (in Australia), or hill fire. Wildfires are an uncontrolled fire often occurring in wildland areas, but can occur anywhere. Wildfires are a natural disaster because they can be triggered during and after periods of drought, heat waves, lightning or climate changes such as El Nino. They can also consume houses, kill livestock, wild animals, destroy forests, grasslands and crops. Wildfires often begin unnoticed, but they spread quickly igniting brush, trees and homes.

Wildfires can occur anywhere, but are common in the forest areas of the United States and Canada. They are also susceptible in many places around the world, including much of the vegetated areas of Australia as well as in the Western Cape of South Africa. The climates are sufficiently moist to allow the growth of trees, but feature extended dry, hot periods.

Fires are particularly prevalent in the summer and fall, and during droughts when fallen branches, leaves, and other material can dry out and become highly flammable. Wildfires are also common in grasslands and scrublands. The Santa Ana winds are hot, dry winds that aggravate the fire danger in forests and bush lands. These winds characteristically appear in

Southern California and Northern Baja California weather during autumn and early winter. In

Southern California, under the influence of Santa Ana winds, wildfires can move at tremendous speeds, up to 40 miles in a single day, consuming up to 1,000 acres per hour.

Dense clouds of burning embers push ahead of the flames crossing firebreaks without a problem.

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Know the Lingo

SURFACE FIRES – The most common type of wildfires, surface fires move slowly and burn along the forest floor, killing and damaging vegetation.

GROUND FIRES – These are usually started by lightning, ground fires burn on or below the forest floor through the root system.

CROWN FIRES – These fires spread by wind moving quickly along the tops of trees.

SANTA ANA WINDS – “Santa Ana” is the name given to the gusty northeast or east wind that occurs in Southern California during the fall and winter months. Santa Ana winds are often hot and very dry, greatly aggravating the fire danger in forests and bush lands.

CONFLAGRATION – A large and destructive fire, typically aggravated by strong winds that carry firebrands over natural or artificial barriers.

More wildfire facts can be found at http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2006/3015/2006-3015.pdf


Science for a changing world.

Material and pictures adapted from World Meteorological Organization, Weather Wiz Kids, The Weather Channel Kids, naturaldisasters.ednet.ns.ca/Projects/Avalanche/bja.htm

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Natural Disaster:


Droughts are periods of abnormally dry weather, lack of precipitation, shortage of water. The cause of droughts is easy to understood, but hard to prevent. Unlike other forms of severe weather or natural disasters, droughts often develop slowly. Sometimes a drought takes decades to develop fully and predicting droughts is difficult. The frequency of droughts in the United States is literally every year. In other words, somewhere in the US in any given year, a drought is occurring.

Droughts are completely natural, but their devastation can be far-reaching and severe. Drought can be devastating: water supplies dry up, crops fail to grow, animals die and malnutrition and ill health become widespread. Drought is often associated with the arid, dry, regions of Africa. In recent years, droughts have also struck India and parts of

China, the Middle East, Australia, parts of North America, and Europe. Depending on the location of the drought the area can experience crop failure, famine, high food prices, and deaths. http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2012/07/18/156981232/drought-disasters-declared-in-more-counties-1-297-affected-so-far

Other parts of the world experience long periods without rains as well. Even during monsoon season, areas that depend on the seasonal rains will often experience drought if the monsoon rains fail. Once crops fail, famine can become a major problem. In some

African countries, rain rituals are often used to try to stop the dry seasons and bring on the rain.

One of the scariest parts of a drought is when they happen. Changes in the atmosphere due to climate change, ocean temperatures, changes in the jet stream and changes in the local landscape are all causes of droughts. Historically, droughts affect more people than a heat wave. Drought areas tend to be warmer than normal for several reasons. One is that the lack of rain-producing clouds allows more sunshine than normal. The other is that the dry ground and parched vegetation result in little evaporation, allowing most of the sun’s energy to be used in warming the air. In turn, the increased temperatures result in lower relative humidity, making it less likely to rain.

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

There are three general types of droughts: meteorological drought, hydrological drought and agricultural drought.

· Meteorological drought – This type of drought is all about the weather and occurs when there is a prolonged period of below average precipitation, which creates a natural shortage of available water.

· Hydrological drought – This type of drought occurs when water reserves in aquifers, lakes and reservoirs fall below an established statistical average. Again, hydrological drought can happen even during times of average or above average precipitation, if human demand for water is high and increased usage has lowered the water reserves.

· Agricultural drought – This type of drought occurs when there isn’t enough moisture to support average crop production on farms or average grass production on range land.

Although agricultural drought often occurs during dry, hot periods of low precipitation, it can also occur during periods of average precipitation when soil conditions or agricultural techniques require extra water. http://www.standeyo.com/NEWS/08_Food_Water/080305.wheat.drought.html

Material and pictures adapted from World Meteorological Organization, Weather Wiz Kids, The Weather Channel Kids, naturaldisasters.ednet.ns.ca/Projects/Avalanche/bja.htm

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Natural Disaster:


A flood is a high flow or overflow of water from a river or similar body of water. A flood results from days of heavy rain and/or melting snows, when rivers rise and go over their banks. Flooding is caused in a variety of ways. Winter or spring rains, coupled with melting snows, can fill river basins too quickly. Torrential rains from decaying hurricanes or other tropical systems can also produce river flooding. Also, repeated heavy rain from thunderstorms over a period of weeks.

A flash flood is sudden flooding that occurs when floodwaters rise rapidly with no warning within several hours of an intense rain. They often occur after intense rainfall from slow-moving thunderstorms. In narrow canyons and valleys, floodwaters flow faster than on flatter ground and can be quite destructive. Flash floods are the #1 weather-related killer in the U.S. Nearly 80% of flash flood deaths are auto related. So it is important to know beforehand if your area is a flood risk. www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2011/09/flash_flood_warning_in_effect.html

flash-flood www.examiner.com/article/oklahoma-city-flash-flooding-state-of-emergency-declared-what-is-a-

Floods can occur anywhere after heavy rain events. All floodplains are vulnerable and heavy storms can cause flash flooding in any part of the world. Flash floods can also occur after a period of when heavy rain falls onto very dry, hard ground that the water cannot penetrate. Floods come in all sorts of forms, from small flash floods to sheets of water covering huge areas of land. They can be triggered by severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, tropical and extra-tropical cyclones, monsoons, ice jams or melting snow. In coastal areas, storm surge caused by tropical cyclones, tsunamis, or rivers swollen by exceptionally high tides can cause flooding. Dams can break and cause catastrophic flooding. Floods threaten human life and property worldwide. Some 1.5 billion people were affected by floods in the last decade of the 20 th century.

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Science Department 2013 newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2010/03/17/major_flooding_forecast_for_united_states/

Some floods are caused by monsoons. A monsoon is a seasonal wind, found especially in Asia that reverses direction between summer and winter and often brings heavy rains. In the summer, a high pressure area lies over the Indian Ocean while a high lies over the Tibetan plateau so air flows down the Himalaya and south to the ocean. The migration of trade winds and westerly’s also contributes to the monsoons. Smaller monsoons take place in areas around the equator; Africa, northern Australia, and, to a lesser extent, in the southwestern United States. The usually arid Southwestern United States primarily encounters thunderstorm activity when tropical air flows into the area around high pressure systems. This type of weather pattern generally causes the Southwestern monsoon season that regularly occurs during months of July and August in Arizona, New Mexico, southern Colorado, Utah, southern Nevada and occasionally in the California desert. http://lr.china-embassy.org/eng/gyzg/jgiejgi/gjrejoajg/t372540.htm

Know the Lingo

FLOOD WATCH – means that an overflow of water from a river is possible for your area.

FLASH FLOOD WATCH – means that flash flooding is possible in or close to the watch area.

Flash Flood Watches can be put in to effect for as long as 12 hours, while heavy rains move into and across the area. A flash flood watch is expected to occur within 6 hours after heavy rains have ended.

FLOOD WARNING – means flooding conditions are actually occurring in the warning area. A flood warning can be issued as a result of torrential rains, a dam failure of ice jam.

Occasionally, floating debris or ice can accumulate at a natural or man-made obstruction and it can restrict the flow of water. Water held back by the ice jam or debris dam can cause flooding upstream.

FLASH FLOOD WARNING – means that flash flooding is actually occurring in the warning area.

A warning can also be issued as a result of torrential rains, a dam failure or snow thaw.

COASTAL FLOODING – occurs when strong onshore winds push water from an ocean, bay or inlet onto land. This can take the form of surges associated with tropical storms and hurricanes, or can be associated with non-tropical storms such as nor’easters.

URBAN FLOODING – may occur as land is converted from fields or woodland to more paved areas, losing its ability to absorb rainfall. Urbanization increases runoff two to six times over what would occur on natural terrain. Streets can become swift moving rivers, while basements can fill with water.

Material and pictures adapted from World Meteorological Organization, Weather Wiz Kids, The Weather Channel Kids, naturaldisasters.ednet.ns.ca/Projects/Avalanche/bja.htm

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Natural Disasters:


An avalanche, also called snowslide, is any amount of snow sliding down a mountainside. It can be compared to a landslide, only with snow instead of Earth. An avalanche is a mass of snow and ice falling suddenly down a mountain slope, often taking

Earth, rocks and rubble with it. Avalanches can be highly destructive, moving at speeds in excess of 150 km/h. As an avalanche gets near the bottom of the slope, it gains speed and power. The moving snow also pushes air ahead of it as an avalanche and the strong winds are enough to cause serious structural damage to buildings, woodlands and mountain resorts. Thousands of avalanches occur every year, killing an average of 500 people worldwide.

An avalanche happens when the snow packed down on the surface cannot support itself with all the weight. When a person steps on the snow, their weight can loosen the snow and an avalanche occurs. Major temperature changes, rapid wind speed and man-made influences are the main causes of why avalanches occur.

Most avalanches occur within 24 hours after a storm drops 12 or more inches (30 centimeters) of fresh snow. Other areas that are extremely vulnerable to avalanches are where layers of wind-driven snow have accumulated.

Avalanches happen on mountains with extreme amounts of slow fall and build-up.

Wherever snow is lying on ground on an extreme and sufficient angle there is potential for a sleeping avalanche. The increasing numbers of people participating in winter activities along with the growth of interest in skiing has resulted in a much greater hazard for avalanches. There are many sites around the world that have the potential or have already experienced avalanches. Europe, France, Swiss mountains, Western Canada, Utah, Alaska, and Colorado are just a few places that have high probability of avalanches. All of these locations go through a thaw and freeze during the year at the bases of the mountains. This is very stressful on the snow built up above and packs it tighter together.

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Three main factors effect whether or not avalanches are probable to occur. These three factors are the weather, the snow pack and the terrain. The weather is the most important when deciding whether avalanches are likely to happen. The height of the snow pack is dependent on the weather also. Temperature, wind speed and direction are the factors to watch. With a quick change in any of the weather factors an avalanche could be expected. For example, if the temperature were to have a rapid increase then a wet slab avalanche is likely to occur.

Many avalanches that occur are cornice (an over-hanging mass of snow above a cliff, pictured above) triggered. These happen during snowstorms, strong winds (where snow drifts form quickly), and usually occur one to two days after or shortly after a quick thaw or temperature rise.

Finally, the terrain factor of avalanches depends on the slope angle, ground surface and slope profile. Any slope that is between 25 to 45 degrees is susceptible to snow movement. The smooth or roughness of the ground and rocks located under the snow will determine how easily the snow will move. The larger the rocks the slower and less chance the snow have to move.

Material and pictures adapted from World Meteorological Organization, Weather Wiz Kids, The Weather Channel Kids, naturaldisasters.ednet.ns.ca/Projects/Avalanche/bja.htm

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Literature List for Natural Disaster Brochure

Tropical Cyclones

Gibbons, Gail. Hurricanes. New York: Holiday House, c2009.

Hirschmann, Kris. Hurricane. Edina, MN: ABDO Pub., 2008.

McAuliffe, Bill. Hurricanes. Mankato, MN: Creative Education, 2010.

Morris, Neil. Hurricanes, Typhoons, & Other Tropical Cyclones. Chicago: World Book, c2008.

Prothero, Donald R. Catastrophes!: Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, and other Earth-

Shattering Disasters. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 2011.

Simon, Seymour. Hurricanes. New York, NH: Collins, c2007.


Berger, Melvin. Do Tornadoes Really Twist? Questions and Answers About Tornadoes and

Hurricanes. New York: Scholastic Reference, c2000.

Bloom, Judith. Tornado!: The Story Behind These Twisting, Turning, Spinning, and Spiraling

Storms. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic, 2011.

Bodden, Valerie. Tornadoes. Mankato, MN: Creative Education, c2012.

Gibbons, Gail. Tornadoes!. New York: Holiday House, c2009.

McAllife, Bill. Tornadoes. Mankato, MN: Creative Education, c2011.

Rebman, Renee C. How do Tornadoes Form? New York: Marshall Covendish Benchmark, c2011.


Cotton, Ralph W. Wildfire. Thorndike, Me: Center Point Pub, 2012

Demorest, Chris L. Hotshots! New York: Margaret K. McElderry Books, c2003.

Morrison, Taylor. Wildfire. Boston, Mass: Houghton Mifflin Co. c2006.

Trammel, Howard K. Wildfires. New York: Children’s Press, c2009.

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Science Department 2013


Franchino, Vicky. Droughts. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Cherry Lake, 2012

Lassieur, Allison. The Dust Bowl: An Interactive History Adventure. Mankato, Minn: Capstone

Press, c2009.

Marrin, Albers. Years of Dust: The Story of the Dust Bowl. New York, NY: Dutton Children’s

Books, c2009.

Park, Louise. Droughts. North Mankato, MN: Smart: Smart Apple Media, 2008.

Vander Hook, Sue. The Dust Bowl. Edina, Minn: ABDO Pub. Co., 2009

Woods, Michael. Droughts. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Co, c2007.


Armbruster, Ann. Floods. New York: Franklin Watts, 1996.

Hinds, Conrade C. Columbus and the Great Flood of 1913: The Disaster that Reshaped the

Ohio Valley. Charleston, SC: History Press, 2013.

Thompson, Luke. Floods. New York: Children’s Press, c2000.

Trumbauer, Lisa. Floods. New York: F. Watts, c2005.

Winget, Mary. Floods. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications Co., c2009.


Bullard, Lisa. Avalanches. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications, c2009.

Dallas, Sandra. Whiter Than Snow. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2010.

Hopping, Lorraine Jean. Wild Earth: Avalanche! New York: Scholastic, 2000.

Kramer, Stephen P. Avalanche. Minneapolis: Carolrhoda Books, c1992.

Schur, Marie C. Avalanches. Mankato, Minn: Capstone Press, c2010.

Spilsbury, Louise. Crushing Avalanches. Chicago: Heinemann Library, c2003.

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Name______________________________________________ Date_____________________


1. Earth & Space Jeopardy will have 4 categories with 4 questions each. Category title examples include: vocabulary, Earth, moon, Sun, natural disasters. Have any other category ideas approved by teacher.

2. Students will create a total of 16 questions and answers. Questions need to be a variety multiple choice and extended response.

3. In this jeopardy you will present the questions (not the answers) for $100, $200, $300 and $400. If students come up with the correct answer they get the point value. You will need to create an answer key.

4. Decide how to create the jeopardy game. Students may create a poster board, a PowerPoint using the computer, or use notebook paper.

Poster board- 1 sheet of poster board, index cards to write down the questions (answers need to be on a separate sheet of paper)


Notebook Paper- Draw a jeopardy board on the paper (answers need to be on a separate sheet of paper)

Example of Jeopardy Board:


Name here


Name here


Name here


Name here


Write question here


Write question here


Write question here


Write question here


Write question here


Write question here


Write question here


Write question here


Write question here


Write question here


Write question here


Write question here


Write question here


Write question here


Write question here


Write question here

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Name________________________________________ Date_____________________________


I have 4 categories. Use the examples or have the categories approved by the teacher. Examples: vocabulary, sun, moon, Earth, natural disasters

My 4 categories:



For _____________ category, I have 4 questions. One for each value, $100,

$200, $300, and $400.

For _____________ category, I have 4 questions. One for each value, $100,

$200, $300, and $400.

For _____________ category, I have 4 questions. One for each value, $100,

$200, $300, and $400.

For _____________ category, I have 4 questions. One for each value, $100,

$200, $300, and $400.

I have checked my questions and answer key to make sure they are correct.

Choose 1 way to present your game, circle your choice: as a PowerPoint, on notebook paper, on poster paper with index cards and library pockets, or _________________________________ (get your idea approved by teacher)

Circle one: I worked alone

I worked with a partner (partner’s name) _________________________

I worked with a group (list group members) ______________________________



Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013


Self-Reflection: RUBRIC


Circle a grade for each category on the rubric that you believe you deserve.


Questions and


4 points

Created more than

16 questions and answers. Wrote an answer sheet to contain more than 1 correct answer, when appropriate. All content is correct.

3 points

Created 16 questions and an answer key.

Used a variety of multiple choice and extended response questions. All content is appropriate and correct.

2 points

Created 16 questions, but no answer key.

Missing no more than

4 questions and answers or a few questions/ answers are not correct.

1 point

Missing many questions/answers.

Many questions or answers are not correct for Earth &

Space Unit.

Spelling and


4 points

All grammar and spelling is correct for questions and answers.

3 points

Less than 3 spelling or grammar mistakes in the game.

2 points

4-8 spelling or grammar mistakes in the game.

1 point

Many spelling and/or grammar mistakes in the game.


4 points

Student is not only able to read the questions and answers, but is able to answer questions from teacher or other students.

3 points

Student is able to read the questions & is knowledgeable of the answers to each question.(I can tell you understands the unit.)

2 points

Student struggles to read some of the questions and answers. They don’t understand what they wrote or if the answer is correct.

Student’s Name:


Questions and


Spelling and


4 points

Created more than

16 questions & answers. Wrote an answer sheet to contain more than 1 correct answer, when appropriate. All content is correct.

4 points

All grammar & spelling is correct for questions and answers.


4 points

Student is not only able to read the questions & answers, but is able to answer questions from teacher or other students.



3 points

Created 16 questions

& answer key. Used a variety of multiple choice and extended response questions. All content is appropriate and correct.

3 points

Less than 3 spelling or grammar mistakes in the game.

2 points

Created 16 questions, but no answer key.

Missing no more than 4 questions & answers or a few questions/answers are not correct.

2 points

4-8 spelling or grammar mistakes in the game.

3 points

Student is able to read the questions & is knowledgeable of the answers to each question. (I can tell the student understands the unit.)

2 points

Student struggles to read some of the questions & answers.

They don’t understand what they wrote or if the answer is correct.

1 point

Student does not show understanding of the unit. They are unable to read and/or discuss their questions.

1 point

Missing many questions/answers.

Many questions or answers are not correct for Earth &

Space Unit.

1 point

Many spelling and/or grammar mistakes in the game.

1 point

Student does not show understanding of the unit. They are unable to read and/or discuss their questions.

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Literature List for Earth and Space

Clark, Stuart. Earth. Chicago, Ill.: Heinemann Library, c2008.

Cooper, Jason. Day and Night. Vero Beach, Fla.: Rourke Pub., c2007.

DeGezelle, Terri. Summer. Mankato, MN: Bridgestone Books, c2003.

DeGezelle, Terri. Winter. Mankato, MN: Bridgestone Books, c2003.

Karas, G. Brian. On Earth. New York: GP. Putnam’s Sons, c2005.

Latta, Sara L. What Happens in Summer? Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Elementary, c2006.

Morgan, Sally. Seasons. Mankato, Minn.: Smart Apple Media, c2012.

Sherman, Myrl. Planet Earth (electronic resource). Greensboro, N.C.: Mark Twain Media, c2012

Thomas, Isabel. The Day the earth Stood Still. Chicago, Ill.: Raintree, c2006.

Waxman, Laura Hamilton. The Moon. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications Co., c2010.

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Earth’s Motion Formative Assessment

Name: _______________________________ Date: __________________


Label the motions below as rotation or revolution:





Circle True or False. The same side of the moon faces the Earth all the time?


Circle True or False. The Earth’s orbit is a circular pattern?


How long does the Earth take to complete 1 rotation?


How long does the Earth take to complete 1 revolution?

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Earth’s Motion Formative Assessment

- Answer Key

1. Label the motions below as rotation or revolution:





2. Circle True or False. The same side of the moon faces the Earth all the time?

True. The moon rotates as it orbits Earth, but the same side of the moon always faces

Earth. That’s because the lunar cycle takes about 1 month, 29 ½ days, which is the same amount of time the moon takes to complete one rotation. (textbook page 42)

3. Circle True or False. The Earth’s orbit is a circular pattern?

False, the orbit is elliptical (textbook page 34)

4. How long does the Earth take to complete 1 rotation?

24 hours, 1 day

5. How long does the Earth take to complete 1 revolution?

365 ¼ days, 1 year

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Name ______________________________________ Date________________

The Earth

Directions: Read each question and circle the correct answer choice.

1. The Earth is the __________ planet from the sun. a. 3 b. 1 d. 4 rd st c. 10 th th

2. The Earth is the __________ largest planet in the Solar System.

(use pages 50-52 for the diameter of each planet) a. 2 nd b. 3 c. 12 d. 5 c. 3 d. 4 rd th th

3. How many moons does Earth have? a. 1 b. 2

4. How many hours does it take Earth to rotate around its axis (hours in one day)? a. 12 hours b. 24 hours c. 36 hours d. 48 hours

5. How many days does it take Earth to orbit the sun (days in one year)? a. 300 days b. 365 days c. 36 days d. 265 days

6. What gives us the seasons of the year? a. the tilt of Earth’s axis b. the moon c. the stars d. Aliens from other planets

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

7. What is the name of the imaginary line that divides Earth into two halves? a. the North Pole b. the South Pole c. the Equator d. the Sun Pole

8. What is atmosphere? a. a thin layer of gases that surround Earth b. a group of moons that surround Earth c. special lights that surround Earth d. the sunlight that surrounds Earth

9. Which of the following is NOT found in Earth’s atmosphere? a. nitrogen b. oxygen c. carbon dioxide d. kryptonite

10. Which planet, other than Earth, is known to support life? a. Mars b. Jupiter c. Venus d. None of the above

11. Which continent do you live on? a. South America b. Europe c. Africa d. North America

12. Oceans cover about _______ of the Earth’s surface. a. 75%, ¾ b. 10%, 1/10 c. 100%, all d. 90% 9/10

13. Which of the following people was the first person to walk on the moon? a. President George Bush b. Neil Armstrong c. Martin Luther King Jr. d. Christopher Columbus

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

14. What year did the first people walk on the moon? (reread page 56) a. 2006 b. 2000 c. 1969 d. 1909

15. How long does it take the moon to revolve around Earth? a. 1 month b. 1 day c. 1 year d. 1 hour

16. How many seasons are in a year? a. 7 b. 4 c. 1 d. 12

17. When does winter usually begin? a. December b. June c. March d. September

18. When does spring usually begin? a. December b. June c. March d. September

19. When does summer usually begin? a. December b. June c. March d. September

20. When does autumn usually begin? a. December b. June c. March d. September

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Answer Key

9. D








1. A

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. B

6. A

7. C

8. A






Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Reading Standards for Informational Text Grade 5 The Standards In The States Resources

RI 5.1

Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

RI 5.2 Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text.

RI 5.3

Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text.

RI 5.4

Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject area .

RI 5.5

Compare and contrast the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in two or more texts.

RI 5.6

Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent.

RI 5.7

Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently.

RI 5.8

Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text, identifying which reasons and evidence support which point(s).

RI 5.9 Integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.


By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, at the high end of the grades 4 –5 text complexity band independently and proficiently.

Writing Standards Grade 5

The Standards In The States Resources


Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information. o W.5.1a

Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which ideas are logically grouped to support the writer’s purpose. o W.5.1b

Provide logically ordered reasons that are supported by facts and details. o W.5.1c

Link opinion and reasons using words, phrases, and clauses (e.g., consequently , specifically ). o W.5.1d

Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.


Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. o W.5.2a

Introduce a topic clearly, provide a general observation and focus, and group related information logically; include formatting (e.g., headings), illustrations, and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. o W.5.2b

Develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples related to the topic.

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

o W.5.2c

Link ideas within and across categories of information using words, phrases, and clauses o W.5.2d

Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. o W.5.2e

Provide a concluding statement or section related to the information or explanation presented.


Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences. o W.5.3a

Orient the reader by establishing a situation and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally. o W.5.3b

Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, description, and pacing, to develop experiences and events or show the responses of characters to situations. o W.5.3c

Use a variety of transitional words, phrases, and clauses to manage the sequence of events. o W.5.3d

Use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to convey experiences and events precisely. o W.5.3e

Provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences or events.


Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1 –3 above.)


With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach. (Editing for conventions should demonstrate command of Language standards 1-3 up to and including grade 5 here .)


With some guidance and support from adults, use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of two pages in a single sitting.


Conduct short research projects that use several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.


Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print and digital sources; summarize or paraphrase information in notes and finished work, and provide a list of sources.


Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. o W.5.9a

Apply grade 5 Reading standards to literature (e.g., “Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or a drama, drawing on specific details in the text [e.g., how character s interact]”). o W.5.9b

Apply grade 5 Reading standards to informational texts (e.g., “Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text, identifying which reasons and evidence support which point[s]”).


Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.

Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013

Speaking and Listening Standards Grade 5


Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts , building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. o SL.5.1a

Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw on that preparation and other information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion. o SL.5.1b

Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions and carry out assigned roles. o SL.5.1c

Pose and respond to specific questions by making comments that contribute to the discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others. o gained from the discussions.


Summarize a written text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.


Summarize the points a speaker makes and explain how each claim is supported by reasons and evidence.


Report on a topic or text or present an opinion, sequencing ideas logically and using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace.


Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, sound) and visual displays in presentations when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or themes.


Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, using formal English when appropriate to task and situation. (See grade 5 Language standards 1 and 3 here for specific expectations.) The Standards In The

States Resources

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Columbus City Schools

Curriculum Leadership and Development

Science Department 2013