GUJARAT POWER ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH INTITUTE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MICROPROCESSOR & MICROCONTROLLER LABORATORY Faculty In-charge: Mrs. Hema A. Mehta Assistant Professor & Department In Charge Electrical Engineering Department, GPERI, Mehsana. Contact: 02762-285875 E-Mail: Lab-Assistant: Mr. Jyotin H. Patel, Electrical Engineering Department GPERI, Mehsana. Contact: 9601008393 E-Mail: About Laboratory: A high-performance microprocessor is the heart of every general-purpose computer, from servers, to desktop and laptop PCs, to open cellphone platforms such as the iPhone. It is doing a job of executing software programs correctly and quickly. A lot of research is going on in microprocessor architecture to increase the speed at which it executes programs. This laboratory provides platform for the students to understand the parts of a computer, working of each part, buses, memories, and the internals of the microprocessor. Assembly-language instructions. Also develop programming skills to write, debug & execute programs for the various tasks. Able to write programs on decision Making, Looping, related to Stack & Subroutine, developing Counters & Time Delay Routines, Code Conversion, BCD Arithmetic operations etc. Able to write & execute Programmes for interfacing microprocessor & I/O devices eg. Programming of interfacing chips in different modes like 8279 Keyboard/Display Interface, 8255A PPI, 8253/8254 Timer, 8259A PIT, 8237 DMA Controller, 8251A USART, A to D, D to A converters. GUJARAT POWER ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH INTITUTE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MICROPROCESSOR & MICROCONTROLLER LABORATORY Laboratory Equipment/Instruments: Sr. Name of No. Equipment/Instrument 1 LED Based kit for 8085 Microprocessor with SMPS Specifications 28 keys & 7-segment 8 digit hexadecimal display. Total on-board memory 64KB. 8k/32 kbytes of RAM 8 kbytes of EPROM Clock frequency 3.07 MHz Qty. 15 Figure *(Actual photo of instrument) GUJARAT POWER ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH INTITUTE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MICROPROCESSOR & MICROCONTROLLER LABORATORY 2 3 LCD Based kit for 8085 Microprocessor with SMPS 8257 DMA control study card Digital LCD display 8k/32k bytes of RAM 8k bytes of EPROM The clock freq. for the system is 3.07 MHz. -- 5 1 GUJARAT POWER ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH INTITUTE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MICROPROCESSOR & MICROCONTROLLER LABORATORY 4 5 -- 8253 study cards 8255 study cards -- 2 2 GUJARAT POWER ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH INTITUTE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MICROPROCESSOR & MICROCONTROLLER LABORATORY 6 8259 study card 7 8279 study card -- -- 1 1 GUJARAT POWER ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH INTITUTE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MICROPROCESSOR & MICROCONTROLLER LABORATORY 8 Single channel A to D & D to A Converter study card 9 Keyboard simulator study card -- -- 1 1 GUJARAT POWER ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH INTITUTE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MICROPROCESSOR & MICROCONTROLLER LABORATORY 10 Temperature control study card -- 11 Traffic control study card for 2 square -- 1 1 GUJARAT POWER ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH INTITUTE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MICROPROCESSOR & MICROCONTROLLER LABORATORY 12 Stepper motor control card Card with stepper motor 12V, 2Kg, 2Cmz 1