MECKLENBURG COUNTY Area Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services nd 429 Billingsley Rd., 2 Floor Charlotte, NC 28211-1098 Mecklenburg County Area Mental Health The following are the housing opportunities that are made available to consumers through AMH: Housing Report July thru September 2008 Agency or Funding Type *Shelter Plus Care – HUD Supervised Living – HUD 811 Group Home HUD 811 **HUD – 811 Section 8 COMMUNITY CAPACITY ***Transitional Housing – Friendship Flight (Phase 1) supervised living moderate Type of Unit Consumer Capacity 151 Consumers Served 181 units Apartment Units – Five Facilities Group Living 47 Serving 229 individuals 47 24 Group Living Single Apartments/Rental Assistance Scattered – Sites Apartment/Condo Single Apartments/Housing Units Single Apartments in the community 1 and 2 BR apartments with supports including 24/7 First Responder services 1 and 2 BR apartments with supports including 24/7 First Responder services Age/Disability or Target Population Homeless/SPMI/SA/ Dually Diagnosed/HIV/AIDS/D D SPMI Number on Wait list for Service 60 24 SPMI 74 6 6 N/A 19 units 19 SPMI and Substance Abuse SPMI/Dually Diagnosed 85 85 SPMI/Dually Diagnosed 10 3 3 SPMI/Dually Diagnosed N/A 125 159 19 maximum 17 SPMI, SMI, dually diagnosed MI/SA, homeless, Broughton Discharges– Length of stay is up to 90 days 4 19 maximum 16 SPMI, SMI, dually diagnosed MI/SA, homeless, Broughton Discharges – Length of stay is up to 24 months 4 NEW PROJECT – Start date of January 2008: 1 and 2 BR 14 maximum TRANSITIONAL apartments LIVING 15 SPMI, SMI, dually diagnosed MI/SA, 2 Housing – Friendship Flight (Phase II) supervised living moderate PEOPLE • PRIDE • PROGRESS • PARTNERSHIPS Responsible for the Provision of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services 2 PROGRAM WITH HOUSING SUPPORTS For the Recovery Solutions Program with supports 55 maximum proposed in a twelve month period homeless individuals diverted from jail – Length of stay is up to 18 – 24 months *HUD – SHELTER PLUS CARE (S+C): The Mecklenburg Area Mental Health, through participation in the local Continuum of Care process, manages four Shelter Plus Care Grants (3 renewal grants were combined into one). Shelter Plus Care is a tenant-based rental assistance program funded thought the McKinney-Vento Act, providing rental subsidies for persons who are homeless and disabled (SPMI, developmental disabilities, substance abuse, and or persons with AIDS). The S+C program is available to individuals who are considered to be chronically homeless disabled individuals. Homeless families are currently served who entered the program prior to 2005. For the 2008 funding cycle of the Continuum of Care the Shelter Plus Care program has approximately $1,356,828 in funding to execute the above grants. Renewal applications for the 2009 funding year have been made with HUD along with an application for new funding for six units. If awarded we would receive $1,509,504 in Shelter Plus Care funding. SUPERVISED LIVING APARTMENTS – HUD 811: Supervised living (low), for persons with a primary diagnosis of severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI). These are 10 unit apartment complexes that provide safe and affordable housing with on site staff support. The Area Program has identified local housing partners who are willing to make application for an 811 project during the 2008 funding notification. HUD – 811 GROUP HOMES: This is a supervised congregate living program (both moderate and high) for persons with a primary diagnosis of severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI). Consumers with co-occurring substance abuse are also eligible. HUD – 811 SCATTERED SITES: The scattered-site apartment/condo units serve persons with severe and persistent mental illness throughout the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Area. There are currently nineteen (19) total scattered site units in the Charlotte/Mecklenburg area. SECTION 8: Through a cooperative relationship between the Area Authority and Charlotte Housing Authority consumers of the Area Mental Health Authority have access to Mainstream Section 8. These vouchers are available to disabled persons with low income. Any available vouchers are awarded to those individuals who have been on the waiting list. The Charlotte Housing Authority has closed its waiting list for new applications. HOME: This was a one time grant that provides ongoing rental subsidies for two apartments. TRANSITIONAL HOUSING WITH SUPPORTS: Mecklenburg County Area Mental Health received funding through the Mental Health Community Capacity Initiative to develop critical community capacity service expansions in the community. Transitional housing for the identified population has long been a gap in our services continuum. With the implementation of this new phase of housing with services consumers are being diverted (when appropriate) from State facilities; consumers currently in State and or other hospital or treatment setting who have no home to return to and/or who need wrap/around 24/7 support are provided a place to live and receive needed services; consumers who are in need of step down services which includes housing and service supports for short and longer transitional periods are also being served. Consumers served in this program are considered homeless. 2008 Recovery Solutions Transitional Housing with Supports: - Mecklenburg County Area Mental Health recently received funding through the County to establish the Recovery Solutions Program (a jail diversion program that works with consumers with identified mental health issues). The program started in January 2008 and can be described as a transitional housing program with supports. It is operated by Mecklenburg Open Doors. To date there have been 50 referrals, 18 residents that have participated, 13 current residents, and 8 discharges Under Development for 2009 There are currently two (2) new housing programs under development for 2009. The first, an application has been submitted to HUD during this 2008 funding cycle by the Sarver Housing group. Area Mental Health continues to partner with the Sarver Housing groups and other community partners to identify appropriate ventures that would address the need for affordable housing for the disabled population of Mecklenburg County. The description of the project is listed below: 3 Ten (10) one-bedroom units of Housing with Supportive Services for Persons with Disabilities, plus one (1) two-bedroom unit for resident manager. PROGRAM: HUD Section 811 Capital Advance and Project Rental Assistance Contract AMOUNT REQUESTED FROM HUD: Capital Advance (Grant) of $1,542,300.00 Annual Project Rental Assistance Contract (PRAC) amount of $30,100 per year SPONSOR: Mecklenburg Open Door, Inc. HUD Section 811 provides 100% Capital Advance to nonprofit sponsors for development and construction of housing for very-low income (below 50% of median income) persons with disabilities. Accompanying a HUD Section 811 Capital Advance are rental assistance funds that cover up to 75% of the projected operating cost of the project, with tenants expected to pay 30% of their income as Tenant Contribution to Rent. The second housing project is a proposed 10 unit Supportive Housing Development Project (SHDP) developed through the Housing 400 Initiative which was created by the North Carolina General Assembly in July 2006 to increase the supply of “independent and supportive living apartments for persons with disabilities” in conjunction with the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency. The Developer is the Sarver Housing Group, Inc out of Raleigh/Chapel Hill, North Carolina. The Sarver Housing Group has worked with Mecklenburg County Area Mental Health and the Mental Health Association of Central Carolinas for many years in the development of several HUD Supportive Housing Projects. Mecklenburg County Area Mental Health will act as the Lead Agency/Service Coordinator for referrals to this project and Mecklenburg Open Door, Inc. will act as the Management Agency. The description of this program is listed below: Ten (10) one bedroom independent living apartments. All ground floor units are designed to be fully accessible by persons who are mobility impaired and use a wheelchair. Program: North Carolina Housing 400 Initiative (Craig Avenue Apartments) Amount Request from the Finance Agency: $1,175,000 Other funding resources include $299,900 from Charlotte Housing Trust Funds for Special Needs Housing (awarded in July 2008), rental assistance from Charlotte Housing Authority, and other grants and loans. Mecklenburg County LME is an actively working with the Low Income Tax Credit Targeting Program to connect persons with disabilities to housing this is affordable, permanent, and independent and integrated in the community and to link those individuals to supports and services. Currently there are 73 Targeted units in the Charlotte/Mecklenburg area.