Registralion Form for Digital Certiticate -5c"' (nlCode GOVERIIIIIENT GIiFC Customer,on Nsmber ANY ONE Solutions {ro. orfice uEe only) : CINS52 abtt & lncrypt tNsTRUCTtOirS: L Pl$e fi 8II'E .lK ,orm ro Enqlbli 6ly ir hgirr€ 6r,n t 5d tN ONLY Z Og lrqtrd 5? ns per ou CPS reter to otr CFS ,r 1116 5. ln.o.1pl€& *olc:tbo is lialrE ior R:je:tbn. 'ft6 r.lectod blm r€otd b€ pnyd.:!y a&tred efier l5 !,:ys ndn rte deie ot reBcjon N0 elussl rold 5€ enlst hed Esp€ct 1o reiaclad (,B .tFr tr€ ,rw.n odeeluliol:s..rlr/.lrsldl b, mo€ b6rmnjo.! apply { For br reyncano:1ol crr0fcrs o *tn{ c,a:. 3 'lo P€Eo.} re{nda, ol addrsss ire.Ukelbo a.xl OSc apdrad " js man&ti'ry .s por ccA - a.d ...iaet ftsnbe, ol 7. FIPS 140- !t2 lpyel vdillH oro'iR^PH EK.NotD ro i-,,."-" l rT-rr-r-rl rrr-r rT s 6. Alr srpporlhg d*um6flb, slnutd be sth.ted by 6.zeted Bant M.naqe. or Poal U.9er .nd *r!e, de.rJret,.n, o,tt e 3,1.rc oI leypM been cell.om6edoe,d€ieled, ldentit, Oelarls olArplr.ant OOe No, t€ he .nedhg omcer ttardwe sr!@t.,drc ,t ^',.iai@ .on' ' (' .r..r.d .6ey, r rrT lag per 'eqrrd to t_ r T :llill ] grrldl,,x iot(€n .ter, 5e t.-,."--l rPAlt Dr'jq - Pa.sobrr -: Tl* - C6!, or 8..1A...".r p..!b{.I -' 'c.rd ai ' r:..n.u _ ,o car. tD c.d ' ' .!pr..4r *' by @'a.d B.ik ncl!. ! ot r.-. {rF.. PAN bsd DSc, or.a.. rsvid. ln. t,AN c.rd d.i.a. ) G.Y1' lO C.rd D..rlr 6noB o"p"n.."r -f---a-Oflrc.r ' . ] I l l PLEASE NOIE l -s€.Er 7, ot lr Ad sllrbGs ln.l sr.h p€rso.l rtE, oEctaRAlox t" lo t . n 2qron€ mat s . mislp.€s€nialion o. sr&p.esses any fi.aeial f]ct tre lhe cc^ or cA 6. ot plnish.bte vrilt! jnprisonm€nt up io 2 y6ars or rilh ltne .p lo fie Ekh rupeas or *ih bollr t ay osc : czs ol t{rtrn}s$on oI A.dhaar c.ra trelaits, a p.o*le my .o.s€,}l tc, (n)ccde S.t!!ois for .., ireniity eru I !:ave uerg Aadhaar Cad etaiE ,o. 2- I hseov .qE l,ttt I ha@ etd .nd understood {n)c.d. solotins cfs ad rre subscribG. egreerMt .nd lrunEe tD &e E6 .rx' undeEr@d fDr sror4e or Dfivrte ae,3 ..ernotred ,n lntrone solutMs cps 3, I h€idly adhdise in)Cod€ Sdutirrs to drdu.t molite si,iciim as per CCA qlrjeh€s, o ho fiunbe. nenlioned ab6/e pl.t. D.!. : Signal!rc ol Arpticlnt with Varalied by l,llnt (ntco.. $d ot Orq.ntsllo. Ornce l.i irt:-. ".. @-m"1gr[!]L@1l (..t rorr Free I . :.rr.,.1 *1t1;"',ii,;l,tj: ( n) , Reglstration Form for Digital Gertlflcate qJd Gi\ FC (n)code Solutions 6OVERIIMETIT Customer ldentificatlon Number i {for ollic6 uEo only) I Docurn6nts Requlrod lor Vorltlcatlon AdB!.d copy of lollowlng tor Governmeot Appllcalion A Apdjerrs ad€ni y card B Th. arrlicalbr lo. Dsc shollr, beiNarded / certrtied by the Head ol otrr.e C A lele. / n4l.,icaton fton Head o, Oepznnrent (HOO) aulhonzing lhe Head otOfice O Tne Goyermenl lD CardotHOD the apprrcant) A Fo. Clas 3 certincare, HOD shoutd certiry th€ phFic.l verinebn o,subscrilrer O Ihe .n6teion ol do.umenrs may be cariied @t by Head or th. Oilc€/Gazened Oftcer PAYIIENI OETA!LS O.t : B.nt N6d6 Authoakallon Loll€r (n)Code Solulion6 (A Dlv13lon ot GNFC Lld.I lnrortrdd h rn. .prlt..don toffi i* rnu. (!6n . Olslt l6.U6c.r.1..!.d b, (n)Cod. ne.), _ (c..llal6r. .eplL..$ h.. FoviLd ffit to rh. .t Dy t oer.d!. .nd b.tbf .nd L uo.lJni uin I cf,tlty th. phyilc.l v.nn.roon ot th. H. / Sh. t hnby .urhorrt d r. obEtn ct Dbtrd C..!nar $lutlon.. OETAILS OF AUTHORISING PERSON FIiOTOG*APH A,er;Lrndmirk OF AUTHORISIN6 PEiSON (n)Cods Otflco! corpo.a16 onic. Abmodabad 079-.4000 7300 . d3caaloilon.od. ln 040-25212525 Mumbii 022"22048908 Sural 011-?64522?9r80 norlnseles@n.ode in souths.lssoncode ln mumDarsar6sdlncodoln surelsatos@ncodoin oethi Toll Frss : 1800 corpo,.r. Oflic. | (n)Cod. aotutro.. "", A261 27A9914 - 233 - 1O10 ."," ",....rJ.1111'"."*11"il , [ )