NIDA Clinical Toolbox: “Motivation”

Your Thoughts and Mood Are Connected
Substance Abuse 1 Key Points
Session Outline
Key Points
 Welcome
Welcome the group and introduce new group
 Group Rules
Go over the group rules.
 Announcements
Make announcements if there are any and ask if
group members have any announcements.
 Introductions
Do this section if new group members are
present. You will provide your contact
information to your group and group members
will introduce themselves to each other and
mention something unique about themselves.
 What is Depression?
Help group members understand the symptoms
of depression, triggers, and what can help
depression. You’ll remind group members to
contact you if they have thoughts of suicide.
 What is CBT?
Help group members understand what CBT is
and what they can expect to experience in the
CBT group.
 How Does CBT Treat Depression?
Use the CBT circle to help group members
understand the CBT model.
 How Have You Been Feeling?
During the 1st and 3rd sessions of each module
you will ask group members to fill out the PHQ­
9 form. Group members will learn the PHQ-9 is
used to track their depression.
 Review
 New Topic: Your Mood and Substance Abuse are
 How Does Your Mood Affect Your Use of
Drugs or Alcohol?
Review the group members’ Quick
Mood Scales. Remember to ask followup questions in the manual that are
related to the previous session.
Review group members’ practice of
their plan for meeting somebody new.
If a group member hasn’t done their
practice, address this immediately.
Review key messages from last module.
This new topic will be the theme of this session.
The following exercises are designed to help
group members understand this topic.
What is the goal?
Your goal is to help group members learn the
connection between depression and their use of
drugs and alcohol.
What is the process?
You will ask group members to recall a time
when they used drugs or alcohol, and then
identify the thoughts and feelings they had before
they used. Lead the group to discuss how their
Your Thoughts and Mood Are Connected
Substance Abuse 1 Key Points
harmful thoughts and depressed feelings led them
to use substances.
Tips for Success
1) Review the definition of thoughts:
Remind group members that thoughts are
sentences we tell ourselves. This can help group
members who find it challenging to distinguish
thoughts and feelings.
2) Review the definition of feelings:
Remind group members that a feeling is an
emotion or mood. It may be hard for some group
members to identify their feelings right away, so
allow group members enough time to identify
their feelings. You also can refer them to the
images of feelings in their workbook to help
them identify how they were feeling. Be
especially aware of the new group members’
responses or lack of participation and be
prepared to provide them with further
explanation if necessary.
3) Point out that positive mood can also lead
to substance abuse:
Emphasize that even positive feelings can
sometimes be associated with thoughts that do
not seem harmful at first glance, but may lead to
harmful behaviors such as using drugs or alcohol.
4) Be familiar with common harmful thoughts
associated with using drugs or alcohol:
Review this list of harmful thoughts to allow you
to be better able to assist your group members in
identifying their thoughts.
“My life is already so messed up, it doesn’t
matter if keep using.”
“An ice cold beer will really hit the spot.”
“Using right now will really take the edge off.”
“Just one time won’t hurt me.”
“I’ll be able to party all night if I start with a few
lines of coke.”
“My buddies and I will have more fun if I
“I’m starving for a hit.”
“I’ll meet cool people if I use drugs.”
“If I don’t smoke, I’ll be seen as an outsider.”
“If I don’t use, my friends will think I’m a
 How Does Using Drugs or Alcohol Affect Your
Guide the group members to see that using drugs
or alcohol is often eventually followed by
Your Thoughts and Mood Are Connected
Substance Abuse 1 Key Points
 Notice Your Thoughts
feelings of sadness and other symptoms of
Introduce what thoughts are and help group
members be mindful about the thoughts.
 Key Messages
Go over the key messages in the manual. Ask
group members if they have questions or
 Practice
You will assign group members one practice
exercise: Tracking their mood using the Quick
Mood Scale.
 Feedback
Encourage the group members to comment on
the session.
 Looking Ahead
Briefly introduce what group members will learn
in the next session. Praise group members for
attending and encourage them to attend the next