> READAND UNDERSTANDTHESEINSTRUCTIONSBEFOREINSTALLINGFIXTURE INSTRUCTION SHEET NO. ‘hisfistwe is intendedfor installationinasmrdenc!ewiththe NationalElectric4Codeandlocalragulafions. o sesurefull mmpliancewithlocalmalesandregulations,beck withyourIwd electricalinspestorbefore wtallafion. To preventalectriczlshock,turn off electrid~ at fuse box beforeproa?eding, Page 1 of 2 1292 Retain these instructions for maintenance reference. IS:1002F1LC INSTALLATION PROCEDURE FOR CHICAGO AIR PLENUM 1002F SERIES FLUORESCENT FRAME-IN KITS (May be used with 1000 Series Lytecaster Reflector Trims) NEW CONSTRUCTION ONLY x~s FIG. A 1.FRAME.IN WARNING-(RISK FIG. B FIG. D FIG. C 2.CLOSE.IN 4.PUSHJJP 3.SNAP.ON OF FIRE) DO NOT INSTALL INSULATION WITHIN 3 INCHES OF FIXTURE SIDES OR WIRING COMPARTMENT, NOR ABOVE FIXTURE IN SUCH A MANNER TO ENTRAP HEAT. 1. FRAME-IN (FIG. A) Fasten MOUNTING FRAME to wood joist, IMe up bottom edge of ADJUSTABLE MOUNTING BAR with bottom of wood joist (fig, E), wire to supply kads, Wtdts fixtureleadtoneutral(wtits)supplylead.Blackfixture lead to hot (black) supply lead. Bare fixturewiretosupply ground. Use wirenuts (Iota hardwars items), Placa all electrical connections in the J.BOX. Altach J. BOX COVER onto J-BOX, NoTE ADJUSTABLE MOUNTING BARS can be extended for 24” mounting, For suspended ceilings, make ceriain that bottom of MOUNTING FRAME is no Mgher than 1” above ceihngtine,(FigF) INGBAR TTOMEDGE OM OFWOOO 2. CLOSE-IN (FIG. B) Install in plasterboard orotherdrytype ceilng as required, Hole in board can be cut either on the ground or after the board is nailed to the wiling, using MOUNTING FRAME opening ascufting guide, (Make sure ROTOCLIPS are rotated orJtof hole area to cut,) NOTE For wet plaster osihng, use Plaster Fdng Accassov (order separately). No. 1960 for 1002F Series Frame-b’ Xit 3. SNAP-ON FIG. E tely) (FIG. C) 4. PUSH-UP (FIG. D) AR WARNING: USE ONLY REFLECTOR TRIMS PROVIDED BY LIGHTOLIER INC. USE OF OTHER MANUFACTURERS REFLECTOR TRIMS VOIDS THE UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES LISTING AND AR e FIG. F U.S. PATENTNO. 4,039,822 oTHER U.S.AND FOREIGNPATENTSPENDING. 1. I <51-1 r<> 1.1 IS 13” Ri%y’5uya%’R T WTRUCTION SHEET NO. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE FOR CHICAGO AIR PLENUM 1102F AND 1102D SERIES IS:1OO2FILC 292 (May be used with Lytecaster Page 2 of 2 Reflector Trims) ~ FIG. B 1.FRAME-IN ‘GA WARNING-(RISK ‘ 2. CLOSE-IN FIG. C FIG. D 3, SNAP-ON S @ 4, Pusli.uP OF FIRE) DO NOT INSTALL INSULATION WIRING COMPARTMENT, WITHIN 3 INCHES OF FIXTURE SIDES OR NOR ABOVE FIXTURE IN SUCH A MANNER TO ENTRAP HEAT. 1. FRAME-IN (FIG. A) FastenMOUNTING FRAME to wood joist. Lineup bottom edge of ADJUSTABLE MOUNTING BAR with bottom of weed joist (Fig. E), Wire to supply leads. WMte fixture lead to neutral (white) supply lead. Black fiiure bad to hot (btack) supply lead. Bare ftiurs wiretosupplyground. Usewirenufs(local hardware items), Place all electrical sunnecfions intheJ.BOX,Attach J. BOX COVER onto J.BOX. NOTE 1, ADJUSTABLE MOUNTING 6ARS are preassembled on long side of MOUNTING FRAME for tigidky and easy of installation, Fig. E. The MOUNTING BARS must be removed snd insfdled on narrow side of MOUNTING FRAME il,installed in 16” joist spacing, Fig. F. 2. MOUNTING BARS c-an be estended to 24”; tie MOUNTING FRAME can be 2. 3. 4. WARNING: USE ONLY REFLECTOR TRIMS PROVIOED BY LIGHTOLIER INC. USE OF OTHER MANUFACTURERS’ REFLECTOR TRIMS VOIDS THE UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES LISTING AND COULD CONSTITUTE A FIRE HAZARD. BARS by bending TAB underneath T. BAR BEAD U.S. PATENTNO. 4,039,S22 OTHERU.S.AND FOREIGNPATENTSPENDING. m use screw to lockBARS,Fig.GI k G2. —