WIPL-D Model and Simulation Results for a 46cm Diameter Impulse Radiating Antenna (IRA) Mary Cannella Taylor* and Tapan K. Sarkar Computational Electromagnetics (CEM) Lab, Syracuse University Syracuse, New York, 13244-1240, USA cannella@syr.edu; tksarkara-syr.edu WIPL-D was used to model and simulate an Impulse Radiating Antenna (IRA) with a 46cm diameter paraboloidal reflector and 45 degree feed arms. Model views are shown and the results of frequency domain simulation up to 20GHz are shown to agree with results from published measurements. Beam pattems at three frequencies show the highly directional behavior of this antenna. The simulated frequency domain data is inverse Fourier transformed to obtain the time domain response to a Gaussian pulse input. This response is integrated to obtain the response to a step input, which compares well with the theorized step input response of the IRA. Introduction The Impulse Radiating Antenna (IRA) was first theorized by Carl Baum in 1989 [1]. Since that time, additional papers have filled out the knowledge of the IRA [2-5] and several versions of the IRA have been built and tested by Everett Farr and others with the goal of optimizing the structure [6-9]. The objective of this document is to show the model and simulation results both in the time and frequency domain of the electrical characteristics of the antenna using the electromagnetic analysis code WIPL-D [11]. Since this code uses entire domain basis functions over large subsectional patches it is possible to analyze electrically large structures and configurations on a desktop pc using modest computational resources. In this paper, we introduce a WIPL-D model which is based on design information provided by E. Farr for an IRA-2 [9], which has 30 degree feed arms. However, instead we built the model with the basic 45 degree feed arms from the IRA-1 [6]. We show the frequency domain results of the simulation along with simulated beam pattems at three frequencies. The frequency domain data are transformed to time domain and the transient response is also shown. The modeled results are compared to published IRA measurements [6]. WIPL-D Model of 46cm Diameter Impulse Radiating Antenna (IRA) The IRA structure modeled consists of a 46cm diameter paraboloidal reflector and four feed arms with 45 degree spacing. Figure 1 shows the front and side views of the IRA modeled in WIPL-D. The segmentation for the paraboloidal reflector is set by a parameter n = 16 which defines 16 segments per quarter circumference of the reflector. The plates which make up the feed arms are automatically discretized by WIPL-D into appropriate meshing for a maximum firequency of 20GHz. 0-7803-8883-6/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE 553 Fig. 1. Front view showing quarter symmetry and side view with feed arm discretization. WIPL-D Simulation Results The frequency domain results of the WIPL-D simulation are shown in Figs. 2, 3 and 4a. The Fig. 2 shows the far-field radiation, EB vs. frequency and Fig. 3 overlays the beam pattern at I GHz, I OGHz and 20GHz, showing the high directivity of the IRA. Figure 4 compares the simulated vs. measured results. Fig. 4a shows the dB gain vs. frequency from WIPL-D which agrees well to the general shape and peak gain found in the measurements documented by Bowen et al [6, Fig. 3.5] for the IRA-I with 300 feed arms and the IRA-2 with 450 feed arms, shown in Fig. 4b. 1 IRAPAG E sbs(66)M 15 - _1ta 14-,J 1612 f[Rnidol0 -1IR _ 2 IPAG 23 8 i <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, 2IRAH I 187 OGH J X20GH2 10 0 2 1 5 A 12 IA 5 a 2 5 .5 Fig. 2. Far-Field Radiation vs. Frequency. 554 O0 16 5 2 Fig. 3. Beam Pattern at three frequencies. Er G.n [,B] Rq0 ^ 2 eRXq2OG I 461 , 3 E"ftdwr G*u onB-ai,q _ 611 I R-A - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---- c166s0I n 20 , Peak Gain 29.3 dB at 17.7 GHz -30 Gain fO 0 2 4 6 d 10 12 14 16 20 16 GH 10 20 2 4 6 8 12 10 Fleq-ry GH4 14 16 16 0 Fig. 4. a) WIPL-D dB Gain vs. Frequency, b) Published Measurements [6, Fig. 3.5] Time Domain Response The time domain response is obtained from the radiation field calculated in WIPL-D. The frequency domain data is weighted by a Gaussian window of approximnately 16GHz bandwidth and the results are inverse Fourier transformed to generate the time domain response. Table I summarizes the paraicters used in the analysis. Parameter Af N ts At To Description Value 20 MHz 2 = 2048 40.96 GHz 24 psec set by simulation select calc: f,= NAf cale: At = 1/ f, calc: To = 1/Af frequency resolution sequence period sampling frequency sampling interval record length 50 nsec TABLE 1: List of signal processing parameters Figure 5a shows the time domain response of the IRA to a Gaussian input pulse. The IRA acts as a differentiator on transmit and will differentiate the input impulse, producing a pulse doublet in the far field. MD IRA46cm: TIm, domain response,T.025ns (16GHz),%t6ns o1011 TD IRA46cm: Timedomainresponseintegrated 1.5 .0.5 .--- .1~~~~~~~~----- -1 4 s 7 .me Isecondsl 8 9 4 6 x 10Sm. 6 7 [second] 8 x 10 9 Fig. 5. a) Time Domain Response to Gaussian Pulse Input, b) Response to Step Input 555 The designed operation of the IRA is to produce an impulse in the far field. This is achieved with a step input to the transmitter, which the IRA differentiates on transmit. To generate the response of the IRA to a step input, we recognize that the desired step input is the integral of the pulse, and therefore take the integral of the simulated far-field radiation response due to the pulse input. This results in the far-field transient response due to a step input and is shown in Fig. Sb. The shape of this plot agrees with the theoretical shape of the IRA transmit pulse [3,4]. The pre-pulse extends from approximately 4.3ns to 5.Sns, which corresponds to the time 2F/c = 1.22nsec, or the time for the excitation to travel from the source at the focal point F to the reflector and back to the circular aperture of the paraboloidal reflector, from which it radiates as a plane wave. Conclusions In this paper, we have presented a model and simulation of an IRA using the electromagnetic analysis code WIPL-D. The frequency domain results from WIPL-D have been shown along with the antenna pattern at three frequencies. The WIPL-D data have been transformed to time domain using a Gaussian window and inverse Fourier transform, and the resulting plot shows the transient response due to a Gaussian pulse as the input. Integration of this result gives the transient response due to a step input, which is the radiated impulse for which the antenna was designed. Future work includes using the IRA in scattering scenes with other antennas and various configurations of targets and ground planes. References [1] C. E. Baum, "Radiation of Impulse-Like Transient Fields", Sensor and Simulation Note 321, November 1989. [2] C. E. Baum, E. G. Farr and D. V. Giri, "Review of Impulse-Radiating Antennas", Chapter 12 in Review ofRadio Science 1996-1999, W. S. Stone, ed., Oxford University Press, 1999. [3] K. Kim and W. R. Scott, Jr., "Numerical Analysis of the Impulse-Radiating Antenna", Sensor and Simulation Note 474, June 2003. [4] D. V. Giri and Carl Baum, "Reflector IRA Design and Boresight Temporal Waveforms", Sensor and Simulation Note 365, February 1994. [5] L. H. Bowen, E. G. Farr, C. E. Baum, T. C. Tran, "Optimization of Impulse Radiating Antennas", in Mokole et al (eds.), pp. 281-290 in Ultra-Wideband, ShortPulse Electromagnetics 6, New York, Plenum, 2003. [6] L. H. Bowen, E. G. Farr, C. E. Baum, T. C. Tran and W. D. Prather, "Results of Optimization Experiments on a Solid Reflector IRA", Sensor and Simulation Note 463, January 2002. [7] E. Farr, "Experimental Validation of IRA Models", Sensor and Simulation Note 364, January 1994. [8] E. Farr, "Analysis of the Impulse Radiating Antenna", Sensor and Simulation Note 329, July 1991. [9] E. Farr, "IRA-2 Dimensions", Farr Research, Inc. document dated March 15, 2000. [10] M. C. Taylor and T. K. Sarkar, "An Electromagnetic Analysis of the 46cm Diameter Impulse Radiating Antenna (IRA)", Syracuse University CEM Lab Report submitted to AFRL, October 1, 2004. [11] B. M. Kolundzija, J. S. Ognjanovic and T. K. Sarkar, "VVIPL-D (for Windows manual)", Artech House, Norwood, Mass. 2000 (http://wipl-d.com). 556