Variable Speed Wind Turbine Using the Squirrel Cage Induction Generator with Reduced Converter Power Rating for Stand-Alone Energy Systems Trapp, J.G. Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Sul-Rio-Grandense - IFSul Campus – Venâncio Aires Venâncio Aires, Brazil Abstract – This paper presents a new configuration for a wind energy conversion system (WECS) with variable speed, using a squirrel cage induction generator (SCIG) for standalone energy system applications. The Proposed configuration utilizes converters with reduced power rating, operates with MPPT to maximum wind energy extraction, uses battery bank for energy storage and can operate with non-linear and unbalanced loads. Energy storage characteristic is desirable for wind energy conversion systems isolated from the mains since an energy interruption does not stop of the entire system. Also, the power rating of the converters is reduced compared to the generator and load power rating due to the low power requirements of the power converters to SCIG excitation control and to supply the load. It is presented also the whole proposed WECS and the system operation modes according the turbine speed. It is presented also the whole proposed system and the system operation modes according the turbine speed. The simulation of the proposed WECS is performed in conjunction with the dynamic wind turbine model of 1 kW and the results confirm the effectiveness to supply unbalanced and non-linear loads, the converters power rating reduction and operation with variable turbine speed. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the system to supply unbalanced and non-linear stand alone loads. Index Terms – Wind energy conversion system, SCIG, stand-alone energy system, reduced converter power rating. I. INTRODUCTION Nowadays alternative energy sources are being widely used for both grid connected systems and stand alone applications. Among the alternative sources in recent years wind energy stands and assumes one of the most important rules in power systems of several countries. In addition to the environmental issues, wind energy can be used to supply stand alone or grid connected loads with good energy quality and safety. The variable speed wind turbines (VSWT) are more efficient in regarding to the fixed speed ones (FSWT) and also present a better dynamic response. The VSWT use power converter interfaces between load and generator and they have higher energy production at their MPPT [1,2]. The squirrel cage induction generator (SCIG) is suitable for alternative energy source applications because it is cheap, has simple Farret, F.A., Fernandes, F.T., Corrêa, L.C., Wechenfelder, C.M. Energy Processing Department Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM Santa Maria, Brazil construction, good power/weight ratio, low maintenance levels, and it is robust and easily replaceable. For these reasons, the SCIG is being strongly considered as a good option in conjunction with VSWTs for stand alone loads [4]. Using an energy storage system the power of stand alone systems based on VSWTs using the SCIG becomes fully practicable for powers up to 100 kW [3]. Battery energy storage in the converters DC link associated to the SCIG is much explored for stand alone applications and ensures a stable operation at the MPPT. Furthermore, the battery bank improves voltage stability [5,6] and, in case of breakdowns or shutdowns, the battery bank allows the DC link voltage provide a correct system startup [3,7]. SCIG is usually associated with converters to regulate both the generated voltage and frequency and for load interface. In the grup of, the static compensator (STATCOM) is the most commonly used topology, which is able to compensate reactive loads and keep the voltage stable under steady state and transient periods [8]. Furthermore, the STASTCOM is able to control the active and reactive power flow between generator, DC link and load [9]. Also, the STATCOM features reduced power rating in regarding to the SCIG power rating, contributing to reduced converter costs. The back-to-back topology is extensively explored and acts to transfer active power from generator to the load. Although this configuration is best suited to control bidirectional power flow, the cost is higher and the overall efficiency is lower due to the two series-connected converters operating at system full power [10]. Currently the compensation of harmonics caused by nonlinear loads is explored through the control of the load side/grid side converter when the back-to-back converter is utilized for power interface [11,12]. On the stand alone SCIG based system the generate voltage is strongly affected by the harmonic content of the load current [13]. In this context, the load side inverter can be used as a shunt active filter (SAF), satisfactorily reducing the load harmonics experienced by the generator [11]. So, power compensation theory should be used in conjunction with the load side inverter. The P-Q theory applied to the SAF can properly control active and reactive powers, while compensating non-linear and unbalanced loads [12,14]. For low wind speed, the turbine speed becomes low when operating with MPPT. For this situation the frequency becomes lower and the SCIG cannot supply directly the load for fixed or quasi-fixed applications. Under variable wind and variable turbine speed is the same. Therefore, a series converter configuration (rectifier-inverter or back-to-back converter) must be used to decouple frequency of the generator and the load [2,6,10]. However, the converter power rating in these situations cannot be reduced. In contrast, if the turbine speed is close or equal to their rated values and no series converter is used, the load can be supplied directly from the generator (if the frequency of the generated voltage is close or equal to the nominal frequency of the load). The SCIG excitation can be controlled by a STATCOM with reduced converter power rating, with approximately 30% to 50% of generator rated power [16]. Also, for low wind speeds the power of the wind turbine is below to the nominal level. In this situation, if a series converter configuration is used, this must process about 50% to 60% of rated turbine power, approximately, depending of the specific turbine dynamic features. In both situations the converters have reduced power rating and using the STATCOM it is allowed voltage and frequency variation within acceptable safe limits. These statements are only valid for isolated systems, which can operate at a variable frequency close to its nominal value without compromising the load [4]. Furthermore, the SCIG operates with high efficiency if the frequency varies freely with the speed [15]. This paper proposes a wind energy conversion system based on VSWTs using SCIGs. Proposed system uses a STATCOM with reduced converter power rating for generator excitation and active power control. A shunt active filter based also on reduced converter power rating to compensate unbalanced and non-linear loads and battery energy storage across the converters dc link is utilized. The proposed system is suitable for stand-alone wind energy generation, operates under MPPT mode using tip speed ratio (TSR) control, and the maximum available active power requires low active power of the converters to control active and reactive power flows. In this configuration, the SCIG is able to supply the load at variable rotor speed and ensures load and DC link voltages stability in all its operational modes. P-Q theory is applied to the load side converter for operation as SAF. Simulation results are presented and prove the effectiveness of the proposed WECS to supply stand-alone loads under turbine variable speed and with variable voltage and frequency closed to nominal load values. II. PROPOSED WECS The proposed WECS is based on the SCIG and VSWT and is suitable for stand-alone energy systems. Two fully controlled three-phase converters are utilized to control the power flow. One of the power converters operates as a static compensator controlling the generator excitation, generated voltage and battery charge/discharge. The other one operates as a shunt active filter when the load is directly connected to the generator by a by-pass switch. Generator and load are connected directly when the turbine is able to maintain the minimum generator speed and, consequently, the load frequency at minimum acceptable and safe values. These values were defined in this paper at 55 Hz for the lower limit and 65 Hz for the upper limit. Load disconnection occurs for low wind regimes and, in this case, the frequency will be below of 55 Hz. When the rotation is below the limit of direct generator/load connection, the by-pass switch is opened and the SAF is now operating as an inverter, setting a series energy conversion system (back-to-back converter). When the load side converter is operating as an inverter, the synthesized voltage is compensated to amplitude maintenance. Fig. 1 shows the proposed system and the interconnections between generator, dc-link, converters and load. Fig. 2 shows a typical 1 kW wind turbine curves of power versus turbine speed for various wind speeds. Fig. 2 is based on the PSim wind turbine model using 1.2 m diameter blades, 655 RPM and 1 kW nominal values at 10.4 m/s wind speed. These data were obtained from the Work Wind manufacturer, with a turbine of 1kW available in the CEEMA – UFSM laboratories. Figure 1. Proposed WECS based on the SCIG. 1600 1400 Power [W] 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Turbine speed [RPM] Figure 2. Power versus turbine speed of a typical 1 kW wind turbine for various wind speeds. For different turbine aerodynamic designs, the curves of Fig. 2 may differ. The maximum power curve keeps the trend shown in Fig. 2, but the variation rate of this curve may change for each model of wind turbine. This occurs if one considers that different nominal speeds are obtained for the same wind speed regime. Typically, the nominal power reduction at rated speed, in regarding to the available power at minimum speed to maintain the connection generator/load is around 40% to 50%. It is clear that the wind turbine should be designed for desired nominal turbine and wind speeds. Each wind farm location has different annual average wind speeds and this should be taken into consideration to turbine design for the correct application of the proposed system. A. Operation Modes Proposed wind energy conversion system operates at two modes and is defined according to the turbine speed. The two operation modes are shown in Fig. 3 and define the back-toback converter or STATCOM/SAF configurations. To prevent turbine over speeds the aerodynamic or mechanical break must be used. Fig. 3 explains the reduction of the converter power rating and the two operation modes with variable speed. Fig. 3 explains the reduction of the converter power rating and the two operation modes with variable speed. In the Fig. 3, speeds below 555 RPM force the circuit to operate at mode 1, as a back-to-back converter because the minimum frequency is no longer guaranteed. In this condition the maximum power of converters is 60% of rated power. Between 555 RPM and 655 RPM the load remains connected to the generator and the wind energy system operates at mode 2. These turbine speeds correspond in the simulations to 55 Hz and 65 Hz, respectively, and are designed to operate that way. Above 655 RPM, energy production is limited and aerodynamic or mechanical brake is activated to over speeds limitation. In this case, turbine speed remains around of 655 RPM. Below 250 RPM the proposed WECS is turned off. Fig. 4 presents the power circuit configuration at two operation modes. 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Figure 3. Maximum power curve and WECS operation modes. 800 Figure 4. Proposed WECS configuration for the two operation modes. Power limit control through turbine speed limitation is the pitch angle control or mechanical break. Pitch angle control can be realized in conjunction with the MPPT control and will be discussed in the subsequent text. Mechanical break should be used to turbine protection and auxiliary speed control at high wind speeds. B. Principles of the SCIG Operation The principles of SCIG operation can be explained by torque curves, flux calculations or by the voltage/frequency inter relation. The magnetization curve is an important utility and demonstrate the voltage/frequency inter relation for various frequency and, consequently, various generator speeds. Fig. 5 shows magnetization curves of the SCIG used in this paper and described in the Appendix. These curves are detailed for better analysis in the region of operation. Correspondent generator speed for 60 Hz is 1800 RPM for the 4 pole machine presented in the Appendix. On Fig. 5, if the STATCOM synthesizes 335 V at 60 Hz and 1800 RPM, the operation point is P3. In this case, the available SCIG mechanical torque is the point T3 on the Fig 6. Figure 5. Proposed WECS configuration for the two operation modes. The point T3 determines the operation of the induction machine as a motor because the torque is positive. However, if the frequency of the STATCOM synthesized voltage is reduced to 57.5 Hz, keeping the speed and voltage constants, the operating point moves to the point P1 in Fig. 5 and T2 in Fig. 6, setting operation of the induction machine as generator. If the frequency is reduced to 55 Hz, has the operating points P2 and T2. In this case, the available torque at SCIG remains negative and becomes larger. That is, reducing even more the frequency and maintaining the voltage and speed unchanged, it is possible to extract more active power from generator. The v/f control is explored in this article for the STATCOM. However, for the same turbine speed, STATCOM synthesized voltage is kept constant and only the frequency is changed according to the turbine available power. This power is used as reference to STATCOM control and is obtained from the TSR-MPPT method. The control implemented for the two converters is detailed in the following section. III. STATCOM, SAF AND INVERTER CONTROL Proposed system utilizes all measured variables shows in Fig. 1. STATCOM control is based on SCIG speed and turbine available power. The speed is obtained by an encoder at generator shaft. Available turbine power is obtained from TSR-MPPT method, where the tip speed ratio is known and generator speed is measured. TSR-MPPT method maintains the wind turbine at optimal tip speed ratio and is guaranteed the maximum energy extraction [17]. However, the maximum power curve must be known. This paper makes the available power calculation of the wind turbine using the maximum power curve stored in a lookup table. The load side converter operates as inverter or as shunt active filter. Therefore, the inverter control and SAF control is applied alternately to the converter, according to the generator speed. A. STATCOM Control Actual synthesized voltage by STATCOM and frequency can be calculated and compensated to control correctly the SCIG. Through the anemometer, available turbine power Pturb is obtained from a lookup table saved in DSP control unit. Equation (1) calculates the actual tip speed ratio. λ act = RPM turb 0.1047 ⋅ Rturb ⋅ V w (1) where RPM turb is the turbine shaft speed, Rturb is the blades length and Vw is the wind speed. Turbine speed is calculated by (2). RPM turb = RPM SCIG GBratio Figure 6. Proposed WECS configuration for the two operation modes. (2) where RPM SCIG is the generator speed and GBratio is the gear box ratio connected between generator and turbine. Result of (2) is compared with the optimum tip speed ratio λ opt , which results in actual turbine power error, given by (3). ( ) K ⎞ ⎛ Perror = λ opt − λ act ⋅ ⎜ K p + i ⎟ S ⎠ ⎝ (3) The reference power to STATCOM control is given by (3). Pref = Pturb − Perror (3) Using the Clarke transform, voltages and currents of the generator are changed to dq axis. Through (4), the reference voltage Vd _ ref is calculated. Vd _ ref = RPM SCIG ⋅ 380 RPM nom (4) where RPM nom is the generator nominal speed shown in the Appendix. By comparing the reference voltage calculated in (4) with the measured voltage in dq axis, the voltage compensation to the STATCOM PWM modulator is obtained. The variable Vq is compared with zero to correctly reference generation. From the speed RPM SCIG is calculated the frequency of the generator in relation to its actual speed, given by (5). f = RPM SCIG ⋅ 60 RPM nom (5) The generator power is calculated by (6). ( ) Pmed = Vd ⋅ I d + Vq ⋅ I q ⋅ 3 / 2 (6) From the comparison between Pref and Pref , the power drained from induction generator is compensated by frequency through ∆f . Thus, the control acts on the generator torque by frequency variation, as in Fig 6. The reference frequency is given by (7). f ref = f − ∆f (7) Through a resettable integrator is generated the reference angle for controlling the STATCOM from f ref . This angle is used in the Clarke and Park transform, making control simple and with better dynamic response. Fig. 7 shows the block diagram of the STATCOM control. Va* , Vb* and Vc* are the compensation variables which are used in the STATCOM PWM modulator. Figure 7. Block diagram of the STATCOM control. B. SAF Control The shunt active filter control uses the PQ theory for harmonics and phase unbalance compensation, and is similar to the theory presented in [14]. However, it also uses the control of active power to charge the battery bank. This characteristic is exploited to limit the active power of the STATCOM. Thus, the maximum power processed by the STATCOM is 600 W, while the maximum power transferred to the battery bank by SAF is 400 W. Through (8) is calculated the SAF active power. PSAF _ dc = Vdc ⋅ I SAF _ dc (8) where Vdc is the DC bus voltage of the converters and I FA _ dc is the battery current of charge through SAF. By comparing the reference power with maximum active power drained to the dc link by the STATCOM, is obtained the active power reference to control the SAF, given by (9). PSAF = Pref − 600 (9) Power PSAF is limited from zero up to 400 W. Thus, total active power drains the battery bank does not exceed the maximum total power of the wind turbine. The compensation variable for the shunt active filter is determined through (10). Pref _ SAF = Pref − PSAF _ dc (10) Applying the PQ theory and using the oscillating powers ~ ~ P and Q are calculated the reference currents for the active filter compensation, through (11) and (12). Iα = Iβ = ~ ~ P ⋅ Vα + Q ⋅ Vβ Vα2 + Vβ2 ~ ~ P ⋅ Vβ − Q ⋅ Vα Vα2 + Vβ2 (11) (12) However, the SAF must be drain active power. Thus, simply changing (11) and adding the compensation power defined in (10) with the oscillating power of PQ theory. Therefore (11) is rewritten to (13). Iα = (P~ + P ) ref _ SAF ⋅ Vα Vα2 + Vβ2 ~ + Q ⋅ Vβ Figure 9. Block diagram of the inverter control. The compensation currents in abc coordinates for the PWM modulator are determinate using Park transform. Fig. 8 shows the block diagram of the P-Q theory based control applied to SAF control. (13) Comparing the reference currents (12) and (13) with the output currents of the SAF, are obtained compensation currents I α* e I β* . C. Inverter Control The load side converter operates as inverter and the synthesized output voltage remains at fixed voltage value under load variation and wind turbine lower speeds. Fig. 9 presents the inverter control. The inverter control uses a classical control implemented in dq axis, where the d axis voltage Vd _ inv is compared with a constant value. The result is two compensated variables in dq axis, Vd _ inv * and Vq _ inv * . Frequency of synthesized voltage is constant and is equal to the minimal frequency defined for the generator/load connection. Furthermore, f inv is equal to 55 Hz. This frequency determines the control angle generated by the resettable integrator. IV. Figure 8. Block diagram of the SAF control. SIMULATION RESULTS The proposed system simulations were performed using the dynamic model of squirrel cage induction machine presented in [18]. This dynamic model presents magnetic core saturation and is suitable for induction machine simulations as generator. In conjunction with de SCIG was used the wind turbine model of PSim software. This model uses the wind as input variable and turbine maximum power curve storage in a lookup table. Use of these two models allows a complete simulation of wind energy conversion systems, including converters and control. With variable wind, the variable turbine speed and variable available power of the turbine are obtained. Fig. 10 (a) shows the wind speed pattern used in the simulations. As expected, the turbine and, consequently, generator speed, varies according to the wind, but with a low difference due to the inertia of the turbine and generator. This result is show in Fig 10 (b). As expected, the reference power of the wind turbine presented in Fig. 10 (c) changes according to the wind speed and turbine speed. Figure 10. Simulation results for: (a) wind speed in m/s, (b) generator speed in RPM and (c) turbine reference power in W. As shown in Fig. 10, the available power correlation between wind speed and turbine speed correspond to the Fig. 2. Fig. 11(a) presents, in concordance, the turbine available power and SCIG active power. Figure 12. Simulation results for: (a) generated voltage in V, (b) STATCON current in A, (c) SAF current in A, (d) load current in A and (e) battery current charge/discharge in A. It is observed in Fig. 11(b) that the aerodynamic brake is effective to control the turbine over speeds. This over speed limitation is reflected to the STATCOM reference voltage, as presented in Fig. 11(e). Fig. 11(d) shows the ∆ f actuation to control the SCIG power. Figure 11. Simulation results for: (a) turbine reference power in W, (b) SCIG power in W, (c) frequency of the generated voltage in Hz, (d) ∆f and (e) SCIG peak voltage in V. Figure 13. Simulation results for: (a) generated voltage in V, (b) SCIG current in A, (c) load current in A. Fig. 12(a) presents the voltage synthesized by STATCOM. This voltage is according with the generator speed. As presented in Fig. 10, all results show the effectiveness of the TSR-MPPT control to maintain the wind turbine at maximum power point. The proposed system also operates satisfactorily to control the generated voltage and the battery and load powers. The SCIG power is detailed in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12. Fig. 13 shows detailed results of the generated voltage, SCIG current and load current, proving the effectiveness of the proposed configuration to compensate non-linear and unbalanced loads. Simulation results prove the effectiveness of the proposed system to supply isolated loads and to control the active power at load and battery bank. V. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] CONCLUSIONS A new configuration for an energy conversion system using variable speed wind turbines to supply isolated loads was presented. According to Fig 2 and Fig. 3 and by simulations, it is clear the active power reduction that the interconnection between load and generator provides for frequencies above 55 Hz up to 65 Hz. The simulation results prove the converters active power control according of STATCOM, SAF and Inverter controls. Furthermore, adopted control remains the wind turbine at maximum power curve. It is observed in simulation that the voltage and frequency at the load remains within of safe limits. Proposed energy conversion system is adequate to supply isolated loads with good energy quality and low cost. It also ensures excellent energy production by using the MPPT in all modes of operation. [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors are grateful to CNPq, CAPES, Post-Graduation Program in Electrical Engineering - PPGEE of the Federal University of Santa Maria for their financial support and to CEEMA-UFSM for the use of all its laboratorial infra-structure. 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