Please read the website disclaimer

Please read before using any information on the Griffiss Local Development Corporation
(“GLDC”) Web site.
Please be advised that the information on this website is for informational purposes only.
You should not act, or fail to act, based upon any of the contents of this site.
Any information contained on this website with regard to the corporate formation,
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admission or acknowledgement by GLDC, or its officers, agents or directors, that GLDC is a
public corporation, including a public benefit corporation, a public authority, including a state or
local authority, as those terms are defined under New York State law, and/or other similar public
agency. GLDC specifically disputes such designations and reserves any and all of its rights with
regard to challenging such public designations via administrative remedies, special proceedings,
litigation or otherwise.
You should not send confidential information to GLDC, via this web site or otherwise.
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The GLDC web site may have links to other web sites which are not under the control
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Privacy issues and policies concerning visits to linked Web sites are not under any control of
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GLDC shall not be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the materials, forms
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Commercial use of the material contained on this site is prohibited without the express
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Permission to use third-party information or materials must be granted by the original creator of
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This Disclaimer is subject to revision by GLDC as needed and should be checked and
reviewed periodically by the users of this site for any changes or updates.
Website Disclaimer Last Revised: October 25, 2010