Step-by-step instruction for network installation

TBG Meeting NYC
How to set up an N3 Network
April 2013
© 2013 SebaKMT – MADE in GERMANY
Let’s start with…
Please check that all devices have the up to date
firmware !!!
All devices have to be turned off at the beginning of an
installation !!!
What you need:
PC or laptop with Internet connection
SebaDataView (installed)
Pipenet map with planned Logger and GSMBox
Pen and paper to take notes
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
Creating the N3 Network with the SebaDataView
Open the SebaDataView Software
Create a folder by clicking “New Folder”, or
do a right click on SebaData
Enter the folder‘s name, then click “OK”
Create a zone by clicking “New Zone”, or do a
right click on the folder that you have created
Enter the zone‘s name, then click “OK”
Create a group by clicking “New Group”, or
do a right click on the zone you have created
(in versions after
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
Adding the GSM-Box
• When using the new version (> you must
also create a group. When not please
continue below.
• Click on the icon GSMBox3 (at the top of the
software), or do a right click on the zone you have
created to add the GSM Box
• Type in the ID (is on the GSM Box), then click “OK”
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
Programming the GSM Box
Please keep in mind that the PC or Laptop
must have connection to the Internet!
Go to the zone you have created
Click on your GSMBox
Click either on “Program” (at the top), or do a
right click on your Box and then click on
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
Programming the GSM Box
Insert necessary data in the blank
fields (Comment, Internet
Settings, FTP Settings,
Measurement settings, E-MailSettings, E-Mail Destination, SMS
Destination, Ration Settings)
Click “OK” to create a folder on
the FTP server
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
Add your loggers
Please keep in mind that the SebaLog RI must be
connected to the PC or laptop.
Click at the top of the software “LogN3”, or do a
right click on your zone
Turn the loggers right side up to turn them on
Logger comment and ID will be automatically
Logger turned on
Logger turned off after 3
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
Transferring the Data from SebaDataView to Commander 3
Connect the Commander 3 to the PC or laptop with
the USB cable VK 77.
On the Commander, press on the tool icon (bottom
right), then press “Connect to PC” and then again
Please wait until the installation is finished!
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
Transferring the Data from SebaDataView to Commander 3
Click on the zone you want to export
Click either “Export”, or do a right click on “Zone”
and then select “Export group”
Select export to “Commander 3”
Your zone will be shown in the Commander 3
under “Group management”
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
Setting up your Group in the Commander
Click on the tool icon (bottom right)
Go to “Group management”
Select the group you have imported
Press “ESC” (escape) on the Commander, or
click on the arrow at the bottom right
The first time you program your N3
Network, you need to check your default
settings, so your loggers will measure the
way you want them to
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
Setting up your Group in the Commander
Click on the tool icon again (bottom right)
Scroll down and select “Default logger settings”,
then click “OK”
On the next screen, select “Network mode”
You only need to do this once!
Select your settings, then click “Accept”
It is recommended that you select the same radio
settings you made when programming the GSM
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
Setting up your group in the Commander/ Add or replace a logger
Click on “Logger Management” to see the loggers
in the group you have selected
Here, you can add or replace the loggers and also
change the comment
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
Programming the GSM Box
GSM programming and check should be done on site.
Go to the main screen
Press on the icon Antenna/Logger (bottom left)
On the next screen, click “Install GSM-Box”
On the next screen, re-check your details by pressing
“Details” before programming the GSM-Box.
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
Programming the GSM Box
Press “Prog. GSM-Box”
On the new screen, you will see your comment
and the GSM Box ID
Press “Program”
Wait until all tests are done (color green)
When everything is green, your GSM Box has
been successfully programmed
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
Do the GSM Test
Scroll to “Check GSM” and press
On the next screen, click “Send command”.
On the next page, the Commander sends an order to
the GSM Box
The GSM Box performs several tests to ensure
connection to the FTP server
Tests are passed when they are marked green
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
Dual Tests
• Dual Tests are needed to verify the communication of devices with each other
• Install the device in the location where is needed
• Click “Dual test”
• On the next screen, insert the device ID by clicking on the tool icon
• On the next screen, press “Enter”
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
Dual Test
• Select a device (Attention! Please select the correct device!)
• In the example below, I have selected the GSM-Box and Logger
• In the example below, the Box ID is 412 and the Logger ID 2233
• Press “Start Dual test”
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
Dual Test
• After pressing “Start Dual test”,
a screen will come up showing the test
• The bar should be always in the green area
• Let 15 to 20 packages pass through before pressing “Stop”
Please bear in mind that each device in a path has to communicate with its
neighbors. To ensure a stable connection between them you need to check this
with a dual test
• At this test we should receive almost any packet. A cause for lost packets could be:
- A bad connect between dual test partners (Value is in the yellow area)
- The position of the commander is unfavorable (Value is in the green area)
- There is a radio interference (Value is in the green area)
• After pressing “Stop”, press “Yes” to save the connection
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
GPS Position
• On then the next screen, press “Store” to store the GPS positions
Please keep in mind that you need the GPS positions of each device that has
been installed!
• When you start the installation, you will need to get the GPS positions from the GSM Box
and logger or repeater respectively
• Press „Finish“
• Have you at least missed one GPS position for the currently used dual test
partners, there is a warning.
• If you do not have the possibility to record GPS positions, press „Yes“. To work with maps
won‘t be possible then!!!
With „No“ you can go back to the „Store GPS Position“ dialog.
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
Dual Test
Below, an example of how a Dual Test should look like and how to save the GPS positions.
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
Path Management
• Press the arrow until you see the screen “Path management”,
or go to the main screen and press the icon antenna/battery.
• On the next screen, select “Path Management”
• On the next screen, select the logger (by scrolling) that you
want to install. Attn! Each logger must be installed separately!
• Press “Install Path”
• Press “Continue”
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
Path Management
• The next screen shows you the connection between your
logger(bottom) and your GSM Box (top)
• Insert the repeaters by hand, or scroll over to “Map”
Using the map is much easier and faster!
• Press the check mark to create the path from the logger
through the repeaters to the GSM Box
• You can change the path direction by using the arrow button
next to the check mark. If you have chosen the wrong
direction you can undo the path with the “Clear” button
• The list of repeaters will show up on the right side
• Press “OK” to return to the initial screen, where you will see
the repeaters you have inserted
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
Path Management
• Press “Start Installation” to install the path
• If you see “Installation: OK”/ “Path test: OK”, your
installation has been successful. If not, please redo the
• Check your list to see if you have forgotten any loggers
• After installing all loggers, proceed with “Read device
configuration” to read the configuration of the GSM-Box
• Press “Read GSM-Box config.”
• Read configuration
• Press the “Next” button until you come too the screen
on the right. Here will be a list of all the Loggers that
have been installed
• You are now officially finished
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
End of installation.
If you have followed these instructions exactly, you will
see your network the next day after the first upload to
the server.
Keep in mind that on the first day, you can work as
long as you like. The Radio on time will be activated by
the first upload to the server.
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY
End of the Installation.
If you have any problems or questions we at SebKMT will be more then
happy to help out.
Please visit us @
© 2012 SebaKMT – Measuring and locating techniques – MADE in GERMANY