Extended Health and Safety Policy Overview The Embassy

Extended Health and Safety Policy
The Embassy International School takes Health and Safety very seriously and will strive to make
the school premises and activities as safe as possible for all stakeholders.
This policy is in addition to statutory requirements and sets out our intention to maintain the highest
possible standards of safety in the workplace.
All employees will undertake a training session for health and safety, and induction to school
procedures and sign a confirmation of attendance to this effect, prior to starting work.
A list of first-aiders is displayed in the school office and on school notice boards around the
buildings. By law in Poland a person is obliged to administer first aid in a life threatening situation.
The school has a first aid/medical room and ample first aid kits distributed around the site.
In the event of an accident, a note should be made in the Accident Book, which is kept in the office,
of all actions taken. Serious accidents will also require an accident form to be completed and may
require statements from all staff involved. Any child that is sent home (only with a parent/guardian)
should be recorded as having done so and the class teacher informed.
A list of emergency contact names and phone numbers for all staff and pupils is held in the school
office. A second copy is in the Head's office should this be needed during an evacuation.
By law in Poland a school cannot request medical information and therefore no staff member can
be mandated to administer medicine to a child. However if a person volunteers information
regarding allergies and ellergic reactions, and provides an epi-pen, staff should make use of this in
accordance with standard first aid procedures, should it be required.
Polish Health and Safety law also applies in the school and all staff are obliged to undertake
regular training with the appointed Health and Safety Officer (BHP officer in local parlance). This is
extensive and covers issues from working at heights, to accident procedures, health and stress
issues and legal obligations.
A site Health and Safety incident and maintenance book will be kept in the school office and any
comments/reports should be added to this in a timely manner by staff and signed.
Staff will be proactive about maintaining safety and ensure that their own work areas and common
areas are safe.
The janitor is responsible for general building maintenance and will conduct a regular review of the
buildings and grounds.
Smoking is not permitted anywhere on the school grounds.
Any external contractors are obliged to observe the school Health and Safety policy and respect
the school's standards.
The school maintains a proactive and vigilant fire safety culture. The Fire Service make regular
inspections and fire extinguishers are regularly checked for validity in accordance with Polish law.
The school has regular evacuation drills and a remote evacuation point.
Key holders called out by the police or security company should only enter the building when
assured it is safe to do so by the organisation calling them out.
Lone working on the site is not encouraged, and if it is necessary, the worker should take extra
caution about personal safety and also make sure they have a mobile phone in a working condition
with them should an emergency occur.
With the exception of the toilet, no child is left unsupervised at any point on school premises.
Staff are organised to be on duties from 8am until 5pm. A separate policy describes drop off and
collection procedures, as required by law and inspected by the local education authority.
The school has limited parking and stakeholders are encouraged to avoid coming by car, unless
absolutely necessary.
Deliveries are to be scheduled, where possible, to take place when children are in class or off
school premises.
Maintenance and review of safety culture
A health and safety committee will be set up constituted of representatives from management,
teachers and an auxiliary staff, minimal one representative per group.
A health and safety review will be conducted every year during which all changes and all near miss
or actual incidents during the course of the year will be reviewed at a general meeting of staff.
All staff are obliged to uphold the highest standards of health and safety awareness, including
advising the health and safety committee of any issues identified.
Any equipment in school should be used safely and for its intended purpose only.
Equipment identified as defective should be taken out of use immediately and labelled accordingly.
Admin staff should be informed immediately in order that arrangements for repairs or replacement
can be made swiftly.
Electrical equipment will be tested regularly. Plugs and leads will be visually checked regularly.
Electrical sockets should be switched off before a plug is removed.
Fire fighting equipment and alarm systems are maintained in accordance with Polish law and
suject to inspection by the local authorities.
PE equipment is maintained in accordance with Polish law and suject to inspection by the local
Hazardous substances, such as cleaning materials, etc., are kept locked in appropriate storage
areas, in accordance with Polish law and suject to inspection by the local authorities.
Access to School Grounds
Access to school grounds is limited. Members of the school community are identified by differently
coloured identification badges. Guests are issued with guest badges and escorted from the school
gate to the office.
The janitor will make a daily inspection of the grounds for any unidentified objects and report to the
Head accordingly.
Staff will report any unusual activity noticed in the immediate vicinity of the school.
The school has an arrangement with the local police station and monthly meetings with the local
Constable in respect of general safety for the school.
The school has an arrangement with a private security firm to monitor the site outside of opening
The school has an understanding with local consular security services regarding assistance should
any persons enter the site without permission.
Risk assessment and mitigation
When any new equipment or procedures are to be introduced the following risk assessment and
mitigation exercise will be undertaken and logged.
1 Hazard identification – hazards may be physical, mechanical, chemical, environmental,
organisational or biological. Any hazard identified will be classed according to these categories
2 When a hazard has been identified we will then identify who may be harmed and how this might
3 The risk will be evaluated and consideration will be undertaken of what reasonably practicable
steps can be taken to eliminate or minimise it.
4 All significant risks will be recorded.
5 If there are any near miss or actual incidents of harm, then this will be logged and a review
undertaken to improve procedures and provisions where possible.
Trip Risk Assessment
Before taking any class on a trip the following risk assessment should be undertaken:
1 Identify mode of transport and any risks this may involve
2 Identify all reasonable hazards at the venue, looking at the categories of physical, mechanical,
chemical, environmental, organisational or biological. Each category should be addressed in
writing. Organisation in the context of trips means identifying locations where children may be
separated from the group.
3 List all steps that can reasonably and practically be taken at all of these points to minimise or
eliminate risk to the participants.
Fire Policy Statement
The Embassy International School will provide a safe and healthy working environment with
respect to fire safety in its establishments
The Janitor will be responsible for:
Checking all fire doors are free from obstructions and slip/trip hazards.
Checking all escape routes are clear.
Checking all fire doors can be opened quickly and easily.
Checking all fire resisting doors close properly.
Checking no fire resisting doors are wedged or propped open.
General housekeeping standards are adequate.
Keeping the building generally tidy.
Rubbish and waste materials not being allowed to accumulate.
There is no storage, especially combustible materials, in unsuitable locations (corridors or
electric intake rooms).
Waste containers stored externally in a secure compound.
Evacuation Procedures
Staff are required to assist children during evacation, not fight fires.
Anyone discovering fire or smoke should raise the alarm by breaking the glass at the nearest alarm
Announcements of an evacuation will also be announced via the PA system.
If it is an evacuation to the remote evacuation point (Aleja Grottgera) this will be announced. One
of the Heads, or the secretary if only one head is on site, will go to the assembly point and direct
staff and pupils to the remote assembly point, where the other Head will already be in attendance
to take register and coordinate the action. If a Head is off site they will designate an evacuation
coordinator in their place.
Fire drills are carried out regularly with the supervision and participation of the local Fire Brigade, in
accordance with Polish law.
On hearing the alarm:
Direct children to walk quietly to the nearest exit and then walk quietly in single file to the assembly
points on the playground. If the evacuation is to the remote evacuation point then the person
responsible for coordinating the evacuation (Head or assigned replacement) will go to the
assembly point and direct staff and children from there to the remote evacuation point.
Children will line up in class groups at the assembly point.
Ensure that no person is left in the classroom is empty before leaving.
Everyone on site, children and adults, must leave by the nearest exit.
The Secretary or Head will call the fire brigade and check that the medical room is empty.
Two designated members of staff will check the children's toilets are empty.
The admin staff will issue registers and check signing in book for roll call by class teachers at the
assembly point. Admin staff will also unlock the playground gate to allow access for the fire
The Headteacher or designated member of staff will check that all adults and children are
accounted for.
Classes should stand still and quiet until asked to re-enter the building.
NB: The attendance register reflects the true number of children in school at the start of the
morning or afternoon. It should be returned to the office by 8.45 at latest so that the secretary can
locate absent pupils and note this in a timely manner for the day.
If a child is removed by a parent durng the day then this must be noted in the register.
If any visitors are present the adult they are working with should ensure that they know what to do.
Breaktime evacuation
On hearing the alarm:
Children walk quietly to the nearest exit and then walk quietly in single file to the assembly point.
The procedure at the assembly point will be the same as for evacuation during lesson time.
The Headteacher or designated member of staff will check that all adults and children are
accounted for.