Pro omo otin ng Serrvic ces at L Leices sterr Prride e 20 015 5 P Proud of be eing involv ved with w P RIDE! Alternative Format We can provide the information in this document in another format such as large print, Braille, an alternative language or audio version. Please contact any of the organisations listed in this document for an alternative format of the booklet. Promoting Services at Pride - LSEF 2 3 Content Page 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 4 2. Blaby District Council ........................................................................................... 5 3. Charnwood Borough Council ............................................................................... 6 4. De Montfort University ......................................................................................... 7 5. Harborough District Council ................................................................................. 8 6. Leicester City Clinical Commissioning Group ...................................................... 9 7. Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust ............................................................... 10 8. University Hospitals of Leicester ........................................................................ 11 9. Leicester City Council ........................................................................................ 13 10. Leicestershire County Council ........................................................................... 14 11. Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service ............................................................ 15 12. Leicestershire Police .......................................................................................... 16 13. Melton Borough Council......………………………………………………………… 18 14. Oadby and Wigston Borough Council….……………………………………………19 15. Rutland County Council....……………………………………………………………20 Promoting Services at Pride - LSEF 1. Introduction The Leicester Shire Equalities Forum (LSEF) is a partnership of officers working on equality, diversity and human rights from various public sector organisations across the sub-region of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The Forum has a collective focus to tackle discrimination, reduce inequality, and foster good relations for all stakeholders in the sub-region through partnership working. The aim of the forum is to support the delivery of the equality, diversity and human rights agenda within Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. This includes developing a more consistent approach to partnership working on equalities and to heighten the equality, diversity and human rights agenda by implementing a positive approach to shared working. As a forum we are committed to equality of opportunity for everyone and particularly the protected characteristics of age, disability, gender re-assignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. LSEF Equality Leads Promoting Services at Pride - LSEF 4 5 2. Bla aby Distrrict Coun ncil About us Blaby is situated in the soutth west of Leicesters shire. It cov vers 129km m2, and is made m up of a mix of urb ban and rural settlem ments. The district con ntains the M1/M69 ju unction which iis close to the major shopping ccentre of Fosse F Park k. The po opulation of Blaby is 95,851 9 peo ople (estim mate 2014 ONS) and there are 40,345 househ holds. The district has a high po opulation density d at 737 7 personns per square kilomettre as oppo osed to 315 persons per squarre kilometre e across L Leicestersh hire, and 411 nationally. pproach to o equality & inclusio on Our ap Blaby D District Council aims to promote e equality, good relations and cchallenge discrim mination and harassm ment in the local area, in deliverring servicees and as an employyer. We kno ow that the e populatio on of our D District is be ecoming more m diversse and thatt people e have veryy different backgroun b nds and life e experienc ces. As a rresult of thiis we want to o make surre that we continue to o provide services s that meet thhe varying needs of our rresidents by b commun nicating, co onsulting and a involving people across the e district. As an em mployer, we e constantlly aim to have fair an nd equitabl e recruitment election pro ocesses an nd a welcom i working w envvironment, with and se ming and inclusive respecct for all. Our Se ervices Blaby D District Council provides a num mber of serv vices to the e communnity, these include Housin ng Options Support, Domestic D A Abuse Outtreach, Com mmunity S Safety, You uth Develo opment, Re esident Support, Sub bstance Mis suse Supp port, Childrren’s Support, Housin ng Benefitss, Older Pe eople’s Forrum, Enviro onmental Health, H Lei sure Services, etc. You ca an find out more abou ut Blaby Diistrict Coun ncil and all the servicces we pro ovide by using a any of the links l below w. B Blaby District Council, Co ouncil Officess, Desford Ro oad, Narboro ough, Leicest ster LE19 2EP ccustomer.serrvices@blaby 0116 275 2 0555 abyDC 0116 284 97 786 Promoting g Services at Priide - LSEF www.blab @BlabyD DC Fax: 0116 275 2 0368 6 3. Ch harnwood d Boroug gh Council About us Charnw wood is the e largest borough by population n in Leices stershire. S Situated in the north o of the coun nty, the borrough sharres borders s with North West Le icestershirre, Melton, Harborou ugh, Leices ster City an nd Hinckle ey & Boswo orth. ortion of th he borough h’s populatiion live in Loughboro L ough, Shep pshed, The larrgest propo Syston n, Birstall and Thurma aston. Our ap pproach to o equality & inclusio on At Cha arnwood Bo orough Council we b elieve it is important that ALL inndividuals are treated d with fairne ess, dignity y and resp pect irrespe ective of ag ge, disabiliity, genderr reassig gnment, marriage and civil parttnership, prregnancy and a maternnity, race, religion or belie ef, sex or sexual s orientation. It is forr this reaso on we strive e to achievve the follo owing aims s: • • • • • • to ta ake action to stop dis scriminatio on and ineq quality; to h have a dive erse workfo orce, that a aims to be representative of thee borough and whe ere staff arre treated fairly; f to e ensure our staff enga age and co ommunicate e with people in an aaccessible and inclusive way; evaluate an nd consult on the equ uality impa act of policies and de cisions; to e to cchange, wh here reasonably posssible, whatt we do if we w find it crreates ineq quality; to w work with partners p to reduce ine equality in all of our communitie c es; Our ulttimate aim is to make e Charnwo ood a greatt place to work, w live aand visit for everyo one regardless of bac ckground o or circumstance. We strive to deeliver exce ellent service es through a strong fo ocus on cu ustomer ac ccess and support, s w whilst also making m sure th hat local pe eople and local comm munities are at the he eart of everrything we do. Coouncil Offices, Southfield d Road, Loug ghborough, Leicestershire L e LE11 2TX w www.charnwo Ch harnwood Bo orough Coun ncil Promoting g Services at Priide - LSEF 01509 263 2 151 @ @CharnwoodBC 7 4. De Montforrt Univerrsity About us At De M Montfort University (D DMU), we take equality and div versity veryy seriously y. We continu uously strivve to create e an enviro onment wh here everyo one is treaated with dignity and resspect rega ardless of age, a disabi lity, gende er, sexual orientation, o , gender reassig gnment, race, religion n or belief, marital sta atus, pregn nancy and maternity.. We go the extra mile to ensure that DMU is a place where eve eryone feeels valued and a n offer. has equal accesss to all the opportunitties we can At DMU U we celeb brate the rich culturall diversity of o our stafff, students and all ou ur Equality Inndex and proud partnerrships. We e are in the e top 100 S Stonewall Workplace W p to be a Stonewall Diversity Champion n. Based in Leiceste er, in the heart h of En gland, DM MU is a vibrrant, multiccultural hub b of creativity and innovation – a truly inte ernational place p wherre our stud ents repre esent over 13 30 nationalities and we w can offe er more tha an 150 inte ernational partnerships. DMU iss the comb bination of award-win nning teach hing, first-c class facilitties, a fanta astic student experiencce and a great g place e to work. all about sttudying at DMU by viisiting www uk/study. Iff you are Read a interessted in workking at DM MU, browse e a full list of o opportunities at dm obs. Dee Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester LE E1 9BH 0116 255 15 551 dmu.a ok equality@ k/twitter Promoting g Services at Priide - LSEF 8 5. Harborough Distric ct Counc cil About us The Ha arborough District covers an arrea of 228 square miles and is iincreasingly becoming a more e diverse place p to live e and work k. In the 20 011 censuus, the population District wass 85,382 which w repre esented a 12% increa ase on thee 2001 figure of of the D 76,559 9, or a 1.2% % year on year y increa ase. The largest proportion of tthe popula ation live in M Market Harborough (22,911 ( pe eople), Luttterworth (9 9,353 peopple) and Brough hton Astleyy (8,940 pe eople). The ere are estimated to be aroundd 5123 Les sbian, Gay an nd Bisexua al residents s living with hin the Dis strict and 214 Transg ender residen nts. In the 2011 Cen nsus, 133 p people (0.1 19% of the District poopulation) said s that the ey were in a same se ex civil part rtnership. Here a at Harborou ugh Districtt Council, w we want to o make surre that all oof our stafff and everyo one we provvide servic ces for are treated wiith dignity and a respecct. Our Eq quality Plan de escribes ho ow we inte end to conttinue to encourage equality andd good relation nships and d how we will w carry on n challengiing discrim mination annd harasssment. Forr more info ormation pl ease visit our website www.harrborough.g or e-ma ail equalityyanddiversity@harbo We wo ork with parrtners acro oss the Cou unty to tac ckle hate crrime. We bbelieve tha at no one should have to tolerate e hate incid dents and that t reporting can maake a differen nce. We also a work with w the pollice, local housing h as ssociationss and mem mbers of the Community Safety S Parttnership to co-ordinatte complaints, responnses and m solving procedures p s related to o anti-socia al behaviou ur. The Coommunity Safety problem departm ment lead our work in n this area a and can be b contacte ed using thhe contact details below o or by e-ma ailing the te eam at: co Contacct us to find d out more e about Harrborough District D Cou uncil and thhe service es we provide e. H Harborough District Council, The Symingto on Building, Adam A & Eve Street, Market H Harborough, LE16 L 7AG w 01858 8282 282 Promoting g Services at Priide - LSEF harborou ugh.council 97 878282 0779 @Harboro oughDC 9 6. Leiicester City C Clinical Com mmission ning Grou up About us Leicestter City CC CG was established i n 2013 to plan and manage m moost health service es for the population p er city, whiich is almo ost 330,0000 people, with w an of Leiceste annual commissioning budg get of arou und £469 million. m The e services w we are nsible for in nclude prim mary care ((the service es you receive at youur GP prac ctice), respon hospita al treatmen nt, rehabilittation serviices, urgen nt and eme ergency caare, commu unity health services, mental m hea alth and lea arning disa ability services. As well as comm missioning health h servvices, we also a work with w partne rs to addre ess poor he ealth in the e city. Leicestter City CC CG continu ues to workk towards greater g equ uality for thhe LGBT commu unity. It: • • • • • • Com mmissionss the Open Mind IAPT T specialis st service fo or LGBT p eople Sup pports the LGBT Cen ntre’s “12 P Partner” programme Pro ovided train ning to GP practices on LGBT issues Con nsiders LG GBT issues s in its Equality Impac ct Assessm ments Con nsiders LG GBT issues s when com mmissionin ng health services Invo olves the LGBT L Centtre in healtth engagem ment activiities We we elcome feed dback and commentts on the se ervices we e commissiion. You ca an find out mo ore on our website w ab bout ways tto get in to ouch with us, u to give ffeedback or o to make a complain nt. Leiccester City Clinical Comm missioning Grroup, St John’s House, 30 3 East Streeet, Leicester LE1 6NB www k @N NHSLeicesterr (#ccg) Promoting g Services at Priide - LSEF 0116 295 5 4159 faceboo ok 10 7. Leiicestersh hire Parttnership NHS Tru ust About Us At Leiccestershire Partnersh hip NHS Trrust, our bu usiness is one o of drivving up hea alth care sttandards and the hea alth of our llocal comm munities. We W all havee responsib bility to promotte equality, fair treatm ment and ssocial inclu usion at all times. Forr more informa ation pleasse downloa ad our Equ uality Diverrsity and Human Righhts Policy. We are e keen to ensure e thatt our mode ern health care c servic ces recognnise and de eliver cultura ally sensitivve, inclusive, accessi ble and ap ppropriate services s w which make ea differen nce to indivvidual lives s and to en nsure that the service es we provvide do so without discrim mination. We W are com mmitted to e ensure that our appro oach to ou r staff is th he same a as our approach to our service users bein ng open an nd transparrent, focus ssed and va aluing. As a m major emplo oyer and service provvider, we recognise r the t diversitty of the pe eople and co ommunitiess in Leicestter. We are e committe ed to elimin nating all foorms of discrim mination, prromoting equality, va aluing diverrsity and go ood relatioons with pe eople from alll equality target t grou ups regardlless of their ethnicity y, religion, bbelief, disa ability, sex (ge ender), sexxual orienta ation, age,, marriage or civil parrtnership, ppregnancy y or matern nity, gender reassignm ment, emp ployment, or o responsibilities as a carer. IAPT O Open Mind d Service What is the Ope en Mind se ervice? It is a sservice whe ere you will be able tto talk to a therapist, who will h elp you to identifyy your prob blems and how you m might deal with them. Who is s this for? ? It is forr people ovver 16 yearrs of age livving in Leicester City y, who are feeling tro oubled, stresse ed, anxiouss or depres ssed. What c can I expe ect? Your firrst appointtment will last approxximately 30 0 minutes and a will takke place att your own su urgery, or another a loc cal commu nity centre e. Togetherr with a theerapist, you can talk about your co oncerns an nd then de ecide what might be the next beest step forr you. This may include e self-help information i n, courses, etc. alist therapies Specia In some instance es, the above optionss may not be b suitable e for you, a and it may be approp priate to reffer you to other o speccialist services. This will w be disccussed furtther with yo ou at the tim me. For co ontact call 0 0116 295 4074 4 for fu urther detaiils or appointment. Promoting g Services at Priide - LSEF 11 LGBT Staff Support Groups Leicesttershire Pa artnership NHS Trustt Lesbian, Gay, Bisex xual and T Transgende er (LGB& &T) Staff Ne etwork was s formed in n 2008, to provide ad dvice and innformation n to LGB&T T staff workking in the Trusts. Th here are many m LGB& &T people w who work in i the NHS, h however, th here is still homopho obia and dis scriminatio on in somee parts of th he organissation. The e Network enables sttaff to discu uss experiences of w work-life co oncerns and ga ain supportt from others in a safe e, confiden ntial and no on-threatenning environ nment. It also provide es expert kknowledge to Trusts to enable tthe develo opment of policcies and prractices tha at are refle ective of sta aff needs. Leeicestershire partnership NHS Trust, G Grove Park, 4 Smith Way, Leicester LE19 1SX htttp:// 0116 295 0030 0 www.fa #W WeAreLPT 8. Un niversity Hospitalls of Leic cester About us We are e one of the biggest and a busiesst NHS Tru usts in the country, c seerving the one million residents of Leiceste er, Leiceste ershire and d Rutland – and increeasingly speciallist service es over a much m widerr area. Ou ur nationally y and interrnationally-renown ned specia alist treatment and se ervices in cardio-resp c piratory dis eases, can ncer and ren nal disorde ers reach a further tw wo to three million patients from m the rest of o the countryy. Spread d over the General, Glenfield G an nd Royal Infirmary ho ospitals, w we also hav ve our very ow wn Children’s Hospita al and worrk closely with w partne ers at the U University of o Leicestter and De e Montfort University U providing world-class w s teaching to nurture e and develop the next generation n of doctorrs, nurses and other healthcaree professio onals, many o of whom go o on to spe end their w working live es with us. Promoting g Services at Priide - LSEF 12 We continue to work with many different organisations throughout the world to push the boundaries of research and new surgical procedures for the benefit of our patients. Areas of world-renowned expertise include diabetes, genetics, cancer and cardio-respiratory diseases. We are now home to three NIHR (National Institute of Health Research) Biomedical Research Units and during the year we carried out more than 800 clinical trials, involving thousands of our patients who are among the first to try the latest medicines and techniques. Our heart centre at the Glenfield hospital continues to lead the way in developing new and innovative research and techniques, such as surgery with a Robotic Arm, TAVI (Trans-Catheter Aortic Valve Insertion) and the use of the suture less valve in heart surgery. It has also become one of the world’s busiest ECMO (extra corporeal membrane oxygenation) centres and the only hospital in the UK to provide ECMO therapy for both adults and children. We have one of the best vascular services nationally, with more patients surviving longer after following an aneurysm repair (to fix a life threatening bulge in a blood vessel). And we are proud to continue to have some of the lowest rates of hospitalacquired infections, such as C.Difficile and MRSA, in the country. Our purpose is to provide ‘Caring at its best’ and our staff have helped us create a set of values that embody who we are and what we’re here to do. They are: • • • • • We focus on what matters most We treat others how we would like to be treated We are passionate and creative in our work We do what we say we are going to do We are one team and we are best when we work together Our patients are at the heart of all we do and we believe that ‘Caring at its Best’ is not just about the treatments and services we provide, but about giving our patients the best possible experience. That’s why we’re proud to be part of the NHS and we’re proud to be Leicester’s Hospitals. Leicester Royal Infirmary, Infirmary Square, Leicester, LE1 5WW #Leic_hospital Promoting Services at Pride - LSEF 0300 303 1573 13 9. Leicester City Council About us Leicester is a city with a rich and unique diversity, one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the country and the largest city in the East midlands. It is a city where people from a wide variety of different backgrounds live and work together. As a service provider and as an employer it is crucial that we understand, work with and respect this diversity. • • • • • • • • We are proud of, and celebrate, our city’s diversity. We recognise that people have differing needs. We will treat people with respect. We will provide accessible information on our services, community activities and events we support. We will aim to deliver services that are accessible and culturally appropriate to those using them. When making important decisions about local public services We will engage with local residents and communities. We will work with our employees to ensure that equality is embedded in the workplace. We are proud to be a Stonewall diversity champion. Our elected members care about how we meet the needs of our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender communities; and we have developed a programme of work focussed on advancing equality of opportunity for people from these communities. Follow the link below for further details about this work: Leicester City Council, City Hall, 115 Charles Street, Leicester LE11 FZ or @leicester_news Promoting Services at Pride - LSEF 0116 454 4147 LeicesterCityCouncil or 14 10. Leiicestersh hire County Cou ncil About us Leicesttershire Co ounty Coun ncil deliverrs services s to people living in thhe County: includin ng Adult Social Care, Highwayss, Libraries s and Fostering and A Adoption. Leicesttershire Co ounty Coun ncil continu ues to work hard to ensure e thatt our servic ces are has been acknowled accesssible to eve eryone. The Council h a ged for itss work in re elation to Sexu ual Orienta ation. For two t year’s running we e have ach hieved a Toop Twenty y place in Ston newall’s Wo orkplace Equality E Ind dex. One of o our mostt successfuul initiatives s has been th he founding and deve elopment o of our own LGBT Wo orkers Grouup (which itself won Sttonewall’s ‘Network Group G of th he Year’ aw ward in 201 14 – pleas e view ourr webpages http://w forr details). Comm munity Safe ety Activitty Behaviour (ASB) is generally Anti-Social Beha aviour - Anti-Social A B g ddefined as auses or is likely to ca ause haras ssment, alarm or disttress to an nother behaviour that ca individu ual. A wide e range of behaviour comes un nder this ca ategory andd some typ pical examp ples are inccluded on our o dedicatted ASB page. Go to o http://w www.leics.g ex/commu nity/yjsc/co ommunity_ _safety2/asb/a asb_guide..htm for ou ur guide to dealing wiith ASB. Domes stic Violen nce - The cross-gove c ernment de efinition of domestic vviolence and abuse is: “any inccident or pattern p of in ncidents off controlling g, coercivee, threatening nce or abus se between n those ag ged 16 or over o who arre, or have e been, behaviiour, violen intimatte partnerss or family members m rregardless s of genderr or sexualiity.” Such abuse a can be e (but not limited to) psychologic p cal, physic cal, sexual, financial oor emotion nal. Go to http::// ndex/comm munity/yjsc c/community_safety2/dome estic_abusse_info.htm m for furthe er informatiion. Hate C Crime - A hate h incident is define ed as any incident where you oor someone e else has be een targete ed because e you or the ey are believed to be e different. This may be e, disability y, gender id dentity, rac ce, religion/belief or ssexual motivatted by age orienta ation. An in ncident/offe ence may b be physica al, verbal or written annd can take many forms. Go to http://www.leic munity/yjsc c/commun ity_safety-2/reporrthate.htm for furtherr informatio on. n available includes d details suc ch as Healtthy Eating and Physic cal Other information Activityy, Mental Wellbeing, W Smoking, A Alcohol an nd Drugs, Sexual S Heaalth, Cance er, NHS H Health Checcks. Go to http://www for further informatio on. LLeicestershire e County Co ouncil, County ty Hall, Glenffield, Leicester LE3 8RA Promoting g Services at Priide - LSEF 01 16 305 6029 9 LeicsC CountyHall 15 11. Leiicestersh hire Fire and Res scue Serrvice About us Leicesttershire Firre and Res scue Servi ce (LFRS)) are traditionally knoown for offe ering an excellent resp ponse to em mergency iincidents, but we do so much m more than fighting fires; a high proportion of our work invvolves resc cuing peop ple from ro ad traffic collisio ons, dealing g with chem mical incid ents and preparing p to deal withh major emerge encies from m widespre ead floodin ng to terrorrist incidents. We pro ovide a pro ogramme of o training a and education for sch hools, safeety inspections of public b buildings and a places of work, a and our fire efighters go o out into tthe commu unity, meeting people in n their own n homes to o undertake e home sa afety checkks. There a are twentyy strategica ally located d fire and re escue stations withinn Leicesterr, Leicesttershire an nd Rutland. Each fire and rescu ue station is equippedd and crew wed to enable e effective delivery d of not only e emergency services in your timees of greattest need b but also to undertake a great de eal of preve ention and educationn within the e commu unity in which they se erve. The em mergency cover c that your fire an nd rescue station pro ovides is exxtremely wide w and divverse such h as domes stic and ind dustrial fire es, fires in the open ssuch as cars, rubbish h and grass, road traffic collisio ons, etc. Fire and rescue stationns may foc cus on forging g links with potential partner p org ganisations s and asso ociations too target issues in the com mmunity. Similar S parttnerships w will also be e sought to o reduce rooad traffic collisio ons, given that t ten pe eople a dayy lose theirr lives on our o roads. Leicesttershire Firre and Res scue Servi ce has intrroduced re egular Fire Safety ses ssions at the L Leicester LGBT L centre in respo onse to fee edback received from m the Leicester Pride 2 2014. Pleasse contactt the Leicesster LGBT centre or our Comm munity Safe ety Educattors for dattes and tim mes of the Fire Safety y Sessions s. Leiccestershire Fire F and Resc cue Service, 12 Geoff Monk M Way, Birstall, Leicesster LE4 3BU U ww ww.leicestersh www w.facebook.ccom/LeicsFireRescue Promoting g Services at Priide - LSEF info@lfrs.orrg e emergency 999 or non-emergen n ncy 0116 287 72241 16 12. Le eicesters shire Police About us Leicesttershire Po olice provid des a policcing service e to the people of Leiicester, Leicesttershire an nd Rutland 24-hours a day, 365 5-days of th he year. ea we are responsible for cove ers over 2,5 500 square e kilometrees (over 96 65 The are square e miles) and d has a po opulation off nearly on ne million. There is a rich diverrsity of commu unities all with w their own o policin g needs. Eight neigh hbourhoodd policing areas a are eacch headed by an insp pector who o is respon nsible for ensuring theeir area receives a 24-ho our policing g service. Our du uty to prote ect our com mmunities i s at the he eart of everrything we do and regardlless of the challenge es we face in the future, we will deliver thee level of service s deman nded by the e diverse communitie c es of Leicester, Leice estershire aand Rutlan nd. Our ap pproach to o equality and inclu usion At Leiccestershire Police we e believe it is important that all individuals are treate ed with fairnesss, dignity and a respec ct irrespecttive of age, disability, gender, m marriage and civil partnerrship, preg gnancy and d maternityy, race, reliigion or belief, sexuaal orientatio on and transge ender iden ntity. The eq quality and diversity principles p w within Leice estershire Police aree essential in providing a fair workplace w for all staff as well as a professional servicce to our commu unities. Th his is also reflected r in n the work Leicesters shire Policee does with h regardss to hate crime c and same s sex d domestic abuse. a Hate C Crime Hate in ncidents an nd crimes happen h du ue to hostility, prejudice or hatreed of anoth her person n’s actual or o perceived age, disa ability, gen nder, race, religion orr belief, sex xual orienta ation or tran nsgender identity. olice encou urage peop ple who ha ave witness sed a hate crime to report r it Leicesttershire Po even iff the victim hasn’t don ne so. It iss importantt to let thos se who com mmit hate crimes know th heir behavviour is una acceptable e. Promoting g Services at Priide - LSEF 17 Reportts help the police and d partners to build up p a picture of where inncidents occur and thrrough workking togeth her the issu ues can be e tackled. ore informa ation please visit: ww k For mo Domes stic abuse e People e may expe erience dom mestic abu use for a va ariety of re easons, inccluding bec cause of someone’s age e, disability y, gender, race, religion or belie ef, sexual oorientation n or ender iden ntity. transge Domesstic abuse may occurr in a range e of differe ent relationships incluuding bisex xual, gay, he eterosexua al and lesbian. Leicesstershire Police P deal with any ddomestic in ncident as a matter of importance. Officerrs will always take po ositive actio on and make an arrest if any law ws have been broken n. In everyy circumsta ance officerrs will com mplete a detailed repoort. ork closely with a num mber of parrtner agencies ensurring you recceive the We wo approp priate level of supportt. Leicestershire Police, Force e Headquartters, St Johns, Enderby, Leicester LE E19 2BX ww emerggency calls 999 9 or non-em mergency 1001 spolice P Pinterest/leiccspolice 18001 101 or 07624 818 901 Promoting g Services at Priide - LSEF m/leicspolice 18 12. Me elton Borrough Co ouncil About us Melton Borough Council C is one of the smallest District D Cou uncils in thhe Country with a ation of justt over 50,0 000 people . The estim mate of the e LGBT com mmunities living popula Borough iss around 2,520 and th here were 62 same sex s marriagges listed in i the in the B 2011 C Census. Melton Borough Council C ha as for manyy years loo oked to pro ovide suppoort to supp port vulnera able people e either thrrough interrnal service es or in pa artnership w with other agencies. This ha as resulted d in a numb ber of thes se agencies being coo-located at the Counciil Offices in n Melton Mowbray M to o enable prrofessionals to work m more close ely togethe er to provid de holistic support to the comm munity. During 2014, disccussions began b with the Leices ster LGBT Centre aroound the possibiility of the Leicester LGBT L bring ging their service s from Leicesteer into the Boroug gh of Melto on to help enhance e th he provisio on of servic ces alreadyy provided not only to the professsionals wo orking in M Melton but also a to the LGBT com mmunities living in Melton who to receive face-to-face support would w have needed too travel to utcome of these t discu ussions wa as that durring 2015, an Officer of the Leicestter. The ou Leicestter LGBT will w be situa ated at the e MBC Offices 1 day a month too be on hand to answerr queries of o concern to profess ionals to help h support work withh the wide er commu unity, to raise awaren ness of the e issues fac cing memb bers of the LGBT commu unities and d to an indiv vidual(s) frrom the co ommunity. If there e is a questtion on com ming out; e equal marrriage; legal rights as a lesbian, gay man, b bisexual or trans pers son; local ssocial groups or report a hate ccrime; or pe eople just wa ant to chat – the sess sions are d designed to o support people p livinng within th he Boroug gh of Melto on. The pu ublicity of th his service e and with ssupport fro om the Leic cester LGB BT, membe ers of the Me elton LGBT T communities have formed the eir own sup pport groupp, facilitate ed by the Council, with a room be eing provid ed free of charge forr monthly m meetings at a the Counciil Offices. The T first meeting m wass in June 2015 2 and itt is hoped w will provide ea valuable additional support to the who ole commu unity within n Melton. M Melton Borough Council,, Burton St, M Melton Mowb bray LE13 1G GH www 01664 50250 02 conta actus@melto M Melton Borou ugh Council Promoting g Services at Priide - LSEF @MeltonBC C 19 13. Oad dby and Wigston W Borough Co ouncil About us Oadby and Wigstton Boroug gh has a p opulation of o 56,000 people p (20011 Census s). It is outh of the county of Leicestershire. The borough b shhares borders situated in the so orough, Ch harnwood, Leicester City and Hinckley H annd Boswortth. The with Blaby, Harbo gh’s popula ation consists of resid dents living g in the three divisionns of: Oadb by, boroug Wigsto on and Sou uth Wigston n. Our ap pproach to o equality and inclu usion At Oad dby and Wiigston Boro ough Coun ncil we believe it is im mportant thhat everyon ne is treated d fairly, with h dignity an nd respectt, irrespecttive of; age e, disabilityy, gender reassig gnment, marriage and civil parttnership, prregnancy and a maternnity, race, religion or belie ef, sex or sexual s orientation. It is for this reason r we strive to a chieve the e followin ng aims su upported by y our Equa ality and Diversity Agenda. Thee Agenda is s accesssible on our Council website. w Our vission for promoting equality and d diversity in the Co ouncil is: T To be an in nclusive organissation with h shared va alues, to re educe ineq qualities by y tackling ddiscrimination and building g and fosttering strong and go ood cohesive communities, accknowledgiing that diversitty brings an a added value to the e lives of alll who live and work iin the boro ough. The Co ouncil is co ommitted to o equality a and fairnes ss in all are eas of our work and continu ues to: • Com mply with legislation promoting equality going g beyond the exppectations of o what the law expeccts of us in the elimin nation of dis scriminatio on. An exam mple of thiis is raissing the LG GBT flag to o celebrate LGBT mo onth. • Devvelop a zerro toleranc ce approacch to discrim mination, harassmen h nt or victimisation. • Takke a positivve approac ch to equallity and div versity with our staff tteam, service use ers and sta akeholders .and • Wo ork with all partners in n achieving g our aims Oadby and Wigstton Counc cil will ensu ure that eve eryone is able a to helpp shape the future o of the Boro ough through active a and meaningful enga agement annd particip pation. We striive to delivver excellent servicess through a strong focus on cusstomer acc cess and support, whillst also ma aking sure that local people p and d local com mmunities are a placed central to everything g we do. Oaadby and Wigston Borough Council, tthe Symingto on Building, Adam A & Evee Street, Marrket estershire LE E16 7AG Harborough, Leice Promoting g Services at Priide - LSEF (0116) 28 88 89610180 0116) 2888966158 828282 2 twitter@o oadby wigstton 0779 97 878282 20 14. Ruttland County Counc cil About us Rutland d is the sm mallest county in the E East Midla ands – situa ated just e ast of Meltton Mowbrray. Rutland has two market tow wns, which h are Oakh ham and U ppingham, and a large n number of diverse d rurral villages . The A1 ru uns directly through tthe east off the county while Oakkham has good g rail lin nks to London and Birmingham B m. Rutland Water, e reservoir, is a popullar tourist d destination n and naturre reserve with many y a large accesssible facilities. The po opulation of Rutland is 37,600 p people (esttimate 2013 ONS) annd there arre 16,500 0 household ds. The Co ounty was recently declared Brritain’s bestt rural plac ce to live. (A Annual Halifax Rural Areas A Qua ality of Life Survey, March M 20155) Our ap pproach to o equality & inclusio on Rutland d County Council C aim ms to ensu ure that Rutland is a great g placee to live, learn, work, p play and visit. We pla an to make e it better by: b • • • • • • mmunity forr all; Creating a safer com Creating an a active and enriche ed commun nity; Creating a sustained d environm ment; Building our Infrastru ucture; Meeting th he health and a well-be eing needs s of the com mmunity; Creating a brighter fu uture for a ll. The Co ouncil workks togetherr as ‘One C Council’ to ensure ou ur services and equality and diversitty principle es are emb bedded in e everything that we do o. Our Se ervices Rutland d County Council C pro ovides a w wide range of services s to the com T mmunity. These include e Health an nd Social Care, C Houssing Option ns Supportt, Communnity Safety,, Youth Develo opment, Fa amily and Information n Services,, Housing Benefits, B O Older Perso on’s Forum, Environm mental Health, Leisure e and Culture Services, etc. You ca an find out more abou ut Rutland County Co ouncil and all the serrvices we provide p on our websites www.rutlan w o or www.dis Rutland County Council, C Catmose, OA AKHAM, Rutlaand LE15 6HP uk Promoting g Services at Priide - LSEF @Rutland dCC 001572 72257 77 Faax: 01572 75 58307 21 W Worki ing in n Parttners ship i n Le eicestter, Leices stersh hire and a R Rutlan nd. Promoting g Services at Priide - LSEF