Fds Ed 0001 Foundations of Education CANDIDATE LEARNING

Fds Ed 0001
Foundations of Education
This course is designed to enable candidates to:
1. Examine historical, contemporary, and emergent issues and movements of American
education. (CLF – G4)
2. Develop and articulate a philosophy of teaching that supports student learning. (CLF –
C5, G4, G5)
3. Demonstrate the ability to verbally communicate one’s informed perspectives on
educational issues. (CLF – A1, C1, C4, C5, D1, G7)
4. Observe, analyze, and reflect on classroom observations to develop understanding current
instructional and educational practices. (CLF – E4)
EDPSY 1021
Students with Special Needs
This course is designed to enable candidates to:
1. Describe major historical and contemporary considerations related to the identification
of individuals with special needs (including low/high incidence and behavioral
disabilities, giftedness, as well as pervasive developmental disorders). (CLF- E2, G4,
2. Summarize historical foundations, major legislations (e.g., Brown vs. Board, ADA,
IDEA, 504) and current issues related to educational access for diverse learners.
(CLF- G4)
3. Understand and identify Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) for various types of
students with special needs, and design an IEP or IFSP with appropriate transitions
that meet LRE. (CLF – A2, A4, C10, E1, E2, E4)
4. Describe for stakeholders the relationships and organization of special education
and relevant resources both inside and outside the school. (CLF – E4)
EDPSY 1025
Inclusion Strategies
This course is designed to enable candidates to:
1. Delineate language, communication, physiological, emotional and cognitive
development for students with and without identified disabilities (including social and
cultural variables) and attribute appropriate classroom supports. (CLF- A2, E3)
2. Identify and evaluate instructional strategies/resources (e.g., websites, assistive
technologies) for students with special needs and relevant assessments based on
Pennsylvania Academic (content area) Standards and student learning goals. (CLFC9, E4, F1, F2)
3. Promote positive relationships and partnerships with professionals and families in
order to support student learning. (CLF -E1, E4, G3)
4. Design a lesson plan with differentiated instructional and assessment and strategies
appropriate for subgroups of students. (CLF -C1, C2, C3, C4, C7, C8, C9, C10,
EDPSY 1026
English Language Learners
This course is designed to enable candidates to:
1. Distinguish the differences between historical and contemporary theories of language
acquisition and learning and use the Pennsylvania Language Proficiency Standards
(ELPS) for English Language Learns PK-12 to identify related pedagogical supports and
assessments for academic and social language development. (CLF- C1, C2, C4, C11,
F1, G4)
2. Describe how the variances between first language and second language
communities influence language develop at home and in school and develop a plan to
bridge cross- cultural barriers between the home and school to support student
learning and development. (CLF- E1, E3, E4, G3)
3. Compare and evaluate the distinct features of prominent instructional strategies
and models (e.g., SIOP, Direct Method, Grammar Translation, etc.,). (CLF- C1)
4. Understand the legal considerations and rights of English language students and
families as well as the related social, political, and school based factors that influence
the identification and educational access. (CLF –E2, G4)
5. Demonstrate knowledge of the differences among language systems, structures
and functions within their respective cultural contexts. (CLF – C1, C4, E3)
EDPSY 1121
Educational Assessment for the Inclusive Classroom
This course is designed to enable candidates to:
1. Identify and understand the various types, purpose(s) and uses of classroom
assessment tools (e.g., formative, summative, diagnostic, performance, authentic) for
the inclusive classroom. (CLF- F1)
2. Design several types of assessments informed by relevant student learning goals.
(CLF- F1, F2)
3. Integrate assessment and curriculum in a systematic manner for planning instruction
and addressing differentiated student learning goals. (CLF- C4, C7, F2, F3, )
4. Summarize, analyze and interpret assessment data to guide differentiated
instruction. (CLF – C7, F3)
5. Recognize the broader policy considerations and implications of assessment on the
education profession (CLF – G4)
ECED 1154
Differentiated Literacy Instruction
This course is designed to enable candidates to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the components (e.g., phonological and phonemic
awareness, fluency, spelling) of literacy (i.e., reading and writing) and adaptations for
diverse learners. (CLF C1, C4, C8, C9, E3, G7)
2. Identify, evaluate and demonstrate strategies to enhance content area literacy (i.e.,
reading and writing) for diverse learners. (B4, C1, C8, C9, C11, E3, G7)
3. Assess readability of content area materials and design instructional interventions to
advance learning for diverse populations. (B4, C1, C4, C9, E3, G7)
4. Develop an awareness of general and content area study skills to enhance student
comprehension. (A4, C1, E3)
5. Identify and understand the various types, purpose(s) and uses of classroom literacy
assessment tools (e.g., formative, summative, diagnostic, performance, authentic) for the
inclusive classroom. (CLF- B4, C4, C7, F1)
MLED/Sec Ed 1170
Literacy in the Content Areas
This course is designed to enable candidates to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the components (e.g., phonological and phonemic
awareness, fluency, spelling) of literacy (i.e., reading and writing) and adaptations for
diverse learners. (CLF - C1, C4, C8, C9, E3, G7)
2. Identify, evaluate, and demonstrate strategies to enhance content area literacy (i.e.,
reading and writing) for diverse learners. (CLF - B4, C1, C8, C9, C11, E3, G7)
3. Assess readability of content area materials and design instructional interventions to
advance learning for diverse populations. (CLF - B4, C1, C4, C9, E3, G7)
4. Develop and awareness of general and content area study skills to enhance student
comprehension. (CLF – A4, C1, E3)
ELED 1194/1196 and SCED 1195/1196
Elementary/Secondary Education Student Teacher Seminar
This course is designed to enable candidates to:
1. Analyze student work developed from their student teaching unit plan in order to examine
the effectiveness of planning and instructional implementation in order to plan for
instructional revisions. (CLF—B2, B3, B4, C7, E3, F3)
2. Critically reflect on professional feedback and classroom based evidence to inform
practice. (CLF—B2, G3, G6)
3. Articulate their professional and instructional strengths through multiple modalities and
contexts, including the interview setting. (CLF—A1, C5, C6, C8, C9, E4, G1, G2, G5)
4. Demonstrate an understanding of the professional expectations for teachers and the legal
procedures and rights of the Pennsylvania teacher observation process. (CLF—G4).