Front End Readout Electronics – for strips OUTLINE UK programme incorporates development of 130 nm readout chip for short strips early thoughts were to develop digital APV type chip have decided to go for a binary un-sparsified architecture will go through arguments briefly again here have also decided to go for full-size chip on first iteration will explain reasoning and present preliminary specifications Mark Raymond, Imperial College 1 digital APV architecture FE amp analog pipeline pipe readout analog MUX ADC digital digital CM subtract + sparsify digital serialize + O/P driver off-chip slow control, bias bias, test pulse, …… assumption has been that ADC on every channel (before pipeline) needs too much power still valid? maybe not in future processes (90, 65 nm) some new ADC architectures are beating previous power predictions * but negligible power / channel still seems long way off negligible power/channel is achievable if relatively high power ADC shared between all front end channels but this architecture still brings some disadvantages 2 *see - A. Marchioro - digital APV architecture disadvantages FE amp analog pipeline pipe readout analog MUX ADC digital digital digital CM subtract + sparsify y serialize + O/P driver off-chip slow control, bias, test p pulse,, …… very complicated chip – all the complexity of APV + more fast ADC required sparsification necessary to keep data at manageable levels on-chip CM subtraction probably necessary (analogue pipeline contributes) off-detector FED features in existing system analogue pipeline using gate capacitance may still be possible in 130nm –not in finer processes analogue circuitry throughout chip – harder to achieve supply noise rejection sparsification leads to on-detector system complexity extra de-randomising buffering required (another chip) to cope with varying trigger-to-trigger data volume front-end timestamping 3 loss of external emulation capability (like in present simple synchronous system) binary architecture – un-sparsified much simpler (than digital APV) particularly for pipeline and readout side d ffast front f end d and d comparator need => more power here but no ADC power and much simpler digital f functionality ti lit will ill consume lless – this thi architecture will be lowest power binary architecture also compatible with “t “two-in-one” i ” & cluster-width l t idth di discrimination i i ti approach to track triggering layers can retain system features we like FE amp comp. digital pipeline digital MUX vth vth off-chip vth O/P driver vth slow control, bias, test pulse, …… digital g digital g simpler synchronous system no FE timestamping data volume known, occupancy independent (no trigger-to-trigger variation) un-sparsified binary is the option we are currently planning to implement this year but less diagnostics (can measure front end pulse shape on every channel in present system) l loss off position iti resolution l ti common mode immunity 4 binary front end amplifier preliminary specifications and assumptions high R n-on-p sensor (signal current flows out of amplifier) needs d tto be b ffast, t peaking ki ti time ~ 20 nsec needs to sink leakage current up to ~ 1 μA iSIG + ILEAK current preferred architecture (130 nm) -ve CPF CF CC CSENS VREF to comp. RPF NMOS I/P device 1/f corner lo low eno enough gh (sim (simulation) lation) – apparently apparentl no noise penalty penalt better connection to sensor for PSR (sensor bias decoupling and I/P FET source both at GND) preamp feedback uses real resistor (not FET) low Rpf (200k) allows DC leakage to be accommodated (1 μA -> 200 mV) uses highest resistance technology in process (1k7/square poly poly, +/ +/-20%) 20%) Rpf.Cpf = 200k.100fF = 20 ns decay time constant of preamp (no pile-up) 200k contributes ~ 220e (for this shaping) postamp provides gain risetime provides integrating time constant AC coupled to preamp (DC shift due to leakage decoupled) O/P DC level set by Vref – defines DC level at following comparator input will show some simulated performance pictures – all results at preliminary stage 5 binary FE pulse shape 0.85 pulse shape tuned to keep risetime ~ constant as CSENSOR varies by increasing current in input FET 0 80 0.80 ~ 170 1 0 – 200 mV V pulse l h height i h ffor 4 fC (2 (25,000 000 e)) 0.75 => power scales linearly with CSENSOR Csensor simulations i l ti show h noise i < ~1000e 1000 ffor power ~ 200 μW W for CSENSOR ~ 6 pF 2pF 4pF 6pF 8pF 10pF 0.70 0.65 0.60 0.55 40 80 120 160 200 time [nsec] trade off between power and noise trade-off thin sensors, long strips will need more power to get less noise 300 1000 250 800 200 600 150 400 noise power 200 0 0 2 4 6 Csensor [ pF] 8 10 100 50 0 12 6 power [uW W] 0 FE power and noise d dependence d on CSENSOR 1200 noise [rms electro ons] volts s 4 fC pulse shapes Effects of leakage current postamp output unaffected 0.8 preamp output shows DC shift across RPF leakage 0 200 nA 400 nA 600 nA 800 nA 1000 nA volts 0.6 1 μA leakage contributes ~ 440e noise to be added in quadrature to amplifier noise (short shaping time helps with parallel noise) e.g. 900 (total amplifier for CSENSOR ~ 6 pF) + 440 (leakage) = ~1000e total 0.4 0.2 CPF 0 100 200 300x10 CF CC -9 iSIG + ILEAK time -ve e CSENS VREF to comp. RPF 7 response to overload 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0 0.2 2 -0.4 -0.6 1.2 volts volts overload behaviour well-controlled preamp input low RPF beneficial front end recovers from 4 pC signal and sensitive to normal signals within 2.5 μs 08 0.8 => no “APV-like” hips effect preamp output 0.4 0.0 1.2 postamp output 1.0 volts 0.8 0.6 0.4 4 fC injected 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 time [usec] 4 pC injected 8 power supply rejection 10 power supply rejection at postamp output to swept frequency sinusoidal waveform on p positive supply pp y rail 0 bare response 100 ns filter 1 us filter dB BV -10 -20 0 dBV = unity gain -20 dBV = factor 10 rejection bare response shows good rejection at low frequency, peaking at ~10 MHz -30 -40 AC p preamp/postamp pp p coupling p g together g with opamp postamp gives good low f behaviour -50 -60 2 10 10 3 10 4 10 5 6 10 10 frequency CPF iSIG + ILEAK -ve 7 10 8 10 CC CSENS VREF RPF 9 10 peaking at ~10 MHz (gain) due to coupling through g bias circuits CF can improve with realistic filtering, but would prefer some rejection at all frequencies to start with 10 to comp. needs further study 9 effect of preamp feedback resistor tolerance using process resistor with +/- 20% tolerance (+/- 3 σ) for RPF gives some pulse shape variation 0.9 => noise will be affected 0.8 160k 200k 240k 911e 880e 857e volts s e.g. for CSENSOR = 5 pF get: 0.7 RPF value 160k 200k 240k 06 0.6 ~ +/- 3% noise variation 0.5 0 50 100 150 200 250 time [nsec] 10 power estimate previously presented estimate for 130nm binary chip – non-sparsified readout power/chan. [μW] preamp/shaper comparator digital fast serial output p 180 20 60 230 490 20 ns, CSENSOR ~5pF simulations guess – loosely based on APV guess for LVDS readout g still valid? 230 μW probably excessive for readout power low voltage differential current output should take less still think 0.5 mW / channel is a good target, hopefully conservative and safe number to use for overall short strip chip power estimates 11 full prototype in 1st iteration relative simplicity of binary option means could go for complete chip on timescale ~ 1year could learn a lot sooner rather than later - would also provide collaborators with something to use tho gh chip n though numbers mbers will ill be limited choose front end most likely to suit SLHC (e.g. n-side readout) (can still submit test structures for alternative front ends) CBC (CMS Binary Chip) FE amp comp. digital pipeline could leave out some features e.g. bias gen., test pulse, I2C I/F digital MUX but should have main functionality: vth vth off chip off-chip O/P driver vth slow control, bias, test pulse, …… vth digital digital pipeline, pipe control logic, and mux. trimDAC for comparator thresholds differential O/P output would be APV-like (i.e. header with pipeline address) but digital (just hits) 20 Mbps => could combine 4 CBCs onto one 80 Mbps GBT lane (simple mux) => 128 CBCs / GBT link 12 binary chip specifications (preliminary) parameter target spec. justification/comment noise <1000 e for C < ~5 pF does not include leakage current contribution timewalk copy Atlas ABCD spec.? spec ? supply rejection >20 dB at any frequency? factor 10 – maybe implemented externally (passive RC) overload recovery hip signals up to 4 pC sensitive to normal signals < 2.5 usec. power 0 5 mW / ch. 0.5 ch for C< ~5pF 5pF leakage current (DC sensor) up to 1uA should fail gracefully for higher current signal polarity -ve conventional signal (&leakage) current flows out of amp amp. bond pads wire cheap, easy to prototype, but labour intensive assembly power supplies 1.2 V analogue, digital supplied separately digital could be run at lower VDD to save power pipeline 256 up to 6.4 usec buffering (FIFO) up to 32 triggered pipeline timeslices awaiting readout +… +… 13 summary UK programme incorporates development of 130 nm readout chip for short strips current plans are: binary un-sparsified architecture full-size full size chip on first iteration front end amplifier architectures already under design remainder of chip (digital) will begin soon some specifications clear – others will develop over coming months – input invited hope to submit this year (Autumn) - chips available ~ end of year binary architecture already compatible with some of the track-trigger approaches under consideration relative simplicity (simpler chip, chip simpler system) should also allow to free-up free up resources to help with track-trigger solution (“two-in-one”, cluster-width, or stacked) 14