Section 4

2004 10 31
Tremco Canada
Master Guide Specification
07 01 50.91
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SPEC NOTE: This guide specification is intended for use when specifying the restoration of an existing built-up asphalt
membrane roof. Make any required selections, such as board size, thickness, etc. Where selection is indicated with an [OR]
statement, select the appropriate paragraph and delete the inappropriate statement. Delete all SPEC NOTEs and [OR]
statements prior to final printing.
DISCLAIMER: The manufacturer has reviewed the product information contained in this guide specification. The information
is organized and presented to assist the specification writer working on a construction project to select the appropriate
products and to save time in writing the project specification Section. The specification writer is responsible for product
selection as well as the use and application of this information, and should contact the manufacturer to ensure that all options
are available and that the associated specification information is valid and correct.
Restoration of an existing built-up asphalt membrane roof.
SPEC NOTE: Edit to suit project requirements.
Section [07 51 13.13 - Cold-Applied Built-up Asphalt Roofing] [07 51 13.16 - Hot-Applied Rubberized Asphalt
Membrane Roofing] [_____].
Section 07 62 00 - Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim.
[Section 07 65 00 - Flexible Flashing.]
Section 07 71 00 - Roof Specialties: Manufactured gravel stops, fascias, expansion joints, reglets and scuppers.
Section 07 72 00 - Roof Accessories: Manufactured vents, hatches, and walkways.
[Section 07 76 00 - Roof Pavers: Roof [ballast] [decking] pavers.]
Section 07 92 00 - Joint Sealants.
Section 22 14 26 - Facility Storm Drains: Roof drains.
SPEC NOTE: Edit the following Article in conjunction with the requirements of Part 2 - Products and Part 3 - Execution.
Delete those reference standards not required by the Project.
ASTM D6152-99: Standard Specification for SEBS-Modified Mopping Asphalt Used in Roofing.
CGSB 37-GP-9Ma: Primer, Asphalt, Unfilled, for Asphalt Roofing, Dampproofing and Waterproofing.
Provide Products that are compatible with one another under field conditions, as demonstrated by roofing
Provide watertight roofing system capable of resisting specified uplift pressures, thermally induced movement
and exposure to weather without failing during the specified warranty period.
SPEC NOTE: Delete the following paragraph if compliance with Factory Mutual requirements is not applicable.
[Factory Mutual: comply with FMG Fire / Windstorm Classification FM 1A-[60][90].]
Submit Product data as specified in Section [01 00 00][01 33 00][_____].
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Tremco Canada
Master Guide Specification
07 01 50.91
Page 2
Product Data: for each major component, including restoration coatings, reinforcing membranes, [pavers] and
mastics. Highlight critical criteria for proper installation.
Manufacturer Certificates: Signed by roofing manufacturer verifying that installer is approved, authorized or
licensed by manufacturer to install specified Products.
Installer Certificates: Signed by installer verifying that they have the specified qualifications described below.
Submit test reports as specified in Section [01 00 00][01 33 00][_____].
Product Test Reports: based on the evaluation of comprehensive tests conducted by an independent testing
agency of the specified roofing Products.
Manufacturer Field Inspection Reports: manufacturer's written acceptance of roofing installation based on
regular inspections.
Manufacturer: qualified manufacturer having roofing systems listed by UL [and approved for use by Factory
Installer: a company and persons specializing in the application of restoration roofing, [with minimum
[3][5][___] years documented experience] [and] [licensed or approved to apply roofing system by manufacturer]
Conform to CRCA Roofing Specifications and roofing membrane manufacturer's instructions.
Conduct pre-installation meeting as specified in Section [01 00 00][01 31 00][_____].
Meeting: prior to commencement of roof restoration, review and document methods and procedures , including
the following:
.1 Participants: authorized representatives of the Contractor, [Construction Manager,] [Owner,] Consultant,
roofing Subcontractor, roofing manufacturer, and installers of roof accessories and roof-mounted equipment.
.2 Review methods and procedures related to roofing installation, including manufacturer's written installation
.3 Review construction schedule and confirm availability of Products, Subcontractor personnel, equipment and
.4 Review condition of existing roof surface.
.5 Review structural loading conditions and limitations of existing roof.
.6 Review flashing details, special roofing details, roof drainage, roof penetrations, equipment curbs, and other
conditions affecting roofing installation.
.7 Review governing regulatory requirements, and requirements for insurance and certificates as applicable.
.8 Review safety requirements, including temporary fall-arrest measures.
.9 Review field quality control procedures.
Deliver and store Products undamaged in original containers with manufacturer's labels and seals intact.
Store Products in designated areas elevated off the ground and protected from ultra-violet radiation, inclement
weather and construction activities.
Store solvent-based liquids away from excessive heat and open flame.
Store adhesives and sealants at temperature above 5 degrees Celsius.
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Tremco Canada
Master Guide Specification
07 01 50.91
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Store membrane rolls on end, dry, and protected from moisture and damage. Cover rolls, insulation and other
moisture-sensitive Products with tarpaulins.
Store Products on roof deck in a manner to prevent overloading the structure and properly secured to prevent
movement due to wind or other forces. Prevent permanent deformation of roof deck.
Do not apply any roofing materials during inclement weather.
Comply with manufacturer's recommendations for minimum and maximum temperatures and humidity during
Do not install Products when temperatures are below -10 degrees C for solvent based materials or below 5
degrees C for water based materials.
Consider effects of wind chill on adhesives, and ensure they will not prematurely set before proper adhesion takes
Keep water-based Products from freezing. Do not apply water-based Products if temperatures are below 5
degrees C.
Submit extended warranties in accordance with the General Conditions of the Contract.
Installer's Extended Warranty: standard [CRCA] [OIRCA] 2 year warranty, commencing from the date of
Substantial Performance of the Work.
Manufacturer's Extended Warranty: a written guarantee that the manufacturer will replace, at no cost to the
Owner, any portion of the roofing membrane which experiences actual leaks resulting from defects in the
manufacture of the membrane for a period of [5][10] years, commencing from the date of Substantial
Performance of the Work.
SPEC NOTE: Include the option for an inspection in the fifth year for roofs having a 10 year warranty.
Arrange for roofing manufacturer to conduct periodic visual inspections of roof surface during the second [and
fifth] years after Substantial Performance of the Work.
Record noted deficiencies and arrange for their proper repair under warranty.
Manufacturers of cold-applied restoration roofing systems having Products considered acceptable for use:
.1 Tremco Canada.
.2 [_____].
.3 [_____].
Substitution Procedures: refer to Section [01 00 00][01 62 00][_____].
[Primer: non-fibrated, asbestos free, water-based, low-VOC formulation; to CGSB 37-GP-9Ma; eg. Tremco
Improved TREMprime WB.]
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Tremco Canada
Master Guide Specification
07 01 50.91
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[Primer: non-fibrated, asbestos free, asphalt cutback primer, to CGSB 37-GP-9Ma; eg. Tremco TREMprime
Repair Mastic: asphalt based, fibrated type; ECOmastic by Tremco Canada.
Reinforcing Membrane: Vinyl-coated fibreglass mesh; BURmesh by Tremco Canada.
Bitumen: elastomeric modified bitumen, mopping grade; [THERMastic [50][100]] [POWERply Modified Hot
Melt Adhesive] by Tremco Canada.
Restoration Coating: [Single-component, water-based, asphalt restorative top pour; ECOLastic] [Singlecomponent, asphalt cutback restorative top pour; Penefelt] by Tremco Canada.
Aggregate Ballast: pea gravel free of fines, long splinters, dust or foreign matter, nominal 9 mm diameter.
Pavers: [as specified in Section [07 76 00][_____].] [[610 x 610] [___ x ___] mm size, [50][___] mm thick,
precast concrete paver units; [smooth][diamond][_____] pattern; [_____] colour [as selected by Consultant].]
Paver Pedestals: [as specified in Section [07 76 00][_____].] [prefabricated, adjustable plastic pavers pads.] [site
fabricated, approximately 100 x 100 mm size rigid extruded polystyrene pads, 25 mm thick; having a minimum
compressive strength of 210 KPA.]
Stack Flashings:
Roof Drains: [as specified in Section [22 14 26] [_____].
Metal Flashing: as specified in Section [07 62 00][_____].
Prefabricated aluminum sleeves; sizes to suit applications; [_____] by [_____].
SPEC NOTE: Where flashing membranes are included in another Section, refer to the appropriate that Section. Edit the next
two paragraphs accordingly.
Flexible Flashing: [1.14 mm thick, reinforced EPDM/SBR elastomeric sheeting; TRA by Tremco Canada.] [as
specified in Section [07 51 13.13][07 51 13.16][07 65 00][_____].]
Adhesive for Flashing Membranes: [Cold-applied elastomeric bedding adhesive compatible with elastomeric
flashing; Sheeting Bond by Tremco Canada.] [as specified in Section
[07 51 13.13][07 51 13.16][07 65 00][_____].]
Pitch Pan: premanufactured type; 0.61 mm thick galvanized steel sheet, minimum 100 mm high.
Sealant: as specified in Section [07 92 00][_____].
.10 Cant Strips: purpose made asphalt impregnated wood fibreboard, 75 x 75 mm size.
.11 Prefabricated Control or Expansion Joint Flashing: [as specified in Section 07 71 00][_____].] [sheet butyl
reinforced with closed cell urethane foam backing, seamed into metal flashing flanges, including sheet butyl
counter flashing each side.]
Inspect existing conditions to ensure they are suitable for roofing work to begin. Do not proceed until
unacceptable conditions are corrected.
Ensure substrate is solid, clean, dry and free of any contaminants prior to commencing any roofing work.
Ensure Products are dry prior to installation. Replace damaged Products.
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Tremco Canada
Master Guide Specification
07 01 50.91
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Remove, number and neatly store metal counterflashing where approved for re-installation. Discard dented or
damaged counterflashing not scheduled for re-installation.
Raise and re-install equipment as necessary in order to accommodate roofing restoration.
[Remove existing roofing materials as designated with spray paint on roof surface. Repair roof membrane as
specified in Section [07 51 13.13][07 51 13.16][_____].]
Clean roof of loose gravel, dirt, and dust by wet-vacuuming. Embedded gravel to remain in place.
Remove embedded gravel for 300 mm around roof perimeter and projection flashings by mechanical or hand
spudding techniques.
Protect existing roofing from damage with minimum 13 mm thick plywood runways.
Prime metal and concrete surfaces designated to be covered with asphaltic Products. Apply primer at an average
rate of 4.3 m2/litre. Allow to cure.
Ensure primer does not enter building through cracks and other openings.
SPEC NOTE: Include the following paragraph for wood deck applications.
[Wood Deck: Remove protruding nails and re-secure deck as required to provide level surface. Mechanically
fasten single-ply rosin paper. Lap sides 50 mm and ends 100 mm. Secure with nail-type fasteners, spaced
225 mm OC along side laps and 450 mm OC along end laps; located minimum 300 mm from sheet edges.]
Install cant strips at intersections of roofing and vertical surfaces.
Embed in a continuous bed of adhesive applied over existing substrate.
Lay true to line, level and with flush, butt joints and accurately mitred corners.
.1 Remove embedded gravel, debris, and dust from area extending at least 200 mm beyond perimeter of
blistered area.
.2 Open blisters with intersecting cuts. Do not cut deeper than the last blistered ply.
.3 Trim resulting membrane flaps to ensure no overlap will occur when pressed back into position.
.4 Dry out moisture found within blister before proceeding.
.5 Trowel repair adhesive into opened blister. Firmly press trimmed flaps back into place.
.6 Trowel repair adhesive over each cut, extending 150 mm past the ends and a minimum 200 mm on either
side of the cut.
.7 Lay a sufficiently long, 300 mm wide membrane into repair adhesive and dry trowel into firm, wrinkle-free
.8 Over-trowel repair adhesive, ensuring texture of membrane weave is obliterated. Ensure application extends
minimum 50 mm beyond membrane on all sides.
.9 Where blisters are more than two plies deep, reinforce cuts with plies of membrane sandwiched in
appropriate applications of repair adhesive.
.10 Blister Repair Adhesive Application Rate: 3.3 litres per sq. metre.
Soft Ridges
.1 Cut away ridges greater than 13 mm in height.
.2 Remove loose gravel and dust from surfaces within 150 mm along each side ridge.
.3 Reinforce and seal ridge by embedding two plies of repair membrane between continuous trowel
applications of repair adhesive; cover membrane completely.
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Tremco Canada
Master Guide Specification
07 01 50.91
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Hard Ridges
.1 Cut away ridges greater than 13 mm in height.
.2 Remove loose gravel and dust from surfaces within 150 mm along each side of ridges.
.3 Reinforce and seal ridge by embedding a single ply of repair membrane between continuous trowel
applications of repair adhesive.
.4 Overcoat leading edges of repair material patch with repair adhesive.
.5 Ridge Repair Adhesive Application Rate: 3.3 litres per sq. metre.
Unadhered Felt Edges Or Fishmouths
.1 Cut away unadhered ply sheet and felts within 50 mm of exposed edges. Remove dust and debris, and allow
to dry.
.2 Apply asphalt mastic to seal.
Split Repair
.1 Remove loose gravel and dust from surfaces within 150 mm along each side of split.
.2 Reinforce and seal splits by embedding two plies of repair membrane between continuous applications of
repair adhesive; cover repair membrane completely.
.3 Overcoat leading edges of repair material patch with repair adhesive.
.4 Split Repair Adhesive Application Rate: 3.3 litres per sq. metre.
SPEC NOTE: Where flashing membranes are included in another Section, refer to the appropriate Section. Otherwise delete
first paragraph and edit remainder to suit project requirements.
Re-strip existing flashing membranes with new flexible flashings as specified in Section
[07 51 13.13][07 51 13.16][07 65 00][_____].
Re-strip existing flashing membranes with new flexible flashings to ensure the roof is watertight at the end of
each Working Day.
Extend flashing membrane minimum 150 mm over roof membrane.
Extend flashing membranes minimum 200 mm up vertical surfaces.
Secure flashings at 200 mm OC. Secure vertical flashings through termination bar.
Overcoat lap edges with end lap stripping adhesive and membrane.
Tie-in leading edge of elastomeric sheet flashing with stripping ply membrane embedded between alternate
courses of stripping ply adhesive.
Install concrete pavers on pedestals where indicated on Drawings.
SPEC NOTE: coverage rates will vary depending on actual surface conditions. For maintenance applications, specify
minimum 2.8 L/m2.
Flood coat roof surface with restoration coating applied at a rate of [2.8] [___] L/m2.
Immediately broadcast aggregate ballast into restoration coating at a rate of 20 kg/m2, covering flood coat
Do not use power buggies or heavy equipment to distribute ballast.
Rake out aggregate to a neat, even surface.
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Tremco Canada
Master Guide Specification
07 01 50.91
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Contractor Inspection: Prior to application of aggregate surfacing, inspect completed membrane and flashing for
punctures, tears, and discontinuously sealed seams.
Apply additional layer of reinforcing membrane over punctures and tears, extending minimum 50 mm beyond
damaged area in all directions, and seal seams. Cover with additional application of restoration coating.
Manufacturer's Field Service: arrange for manufacturer's technical representative to regularly inspect the roofing
application (minimum twice per week) and confirm that the roofing system installation is in strict accordance
with manufacturer's recommendations.
Refer to Section [01 74 00][_____].
Clean drains, gutters and downspouts of debris, ensuring free drainage.
Clean adjacent roof surfaces, levels and ground level areas of debris and excess Products.
Adequately protect Products and work from damage by weather, traffic and other causes.
At the end of each Working Day, seal exposed edges of roofing membrane to be watertight.
Protect adjacent Work from damage. Repair damage.