ICE Benchmark Administration Limited (“IBA”) Redacted Minutes Meeting: LIBOR Oversight Committee (the “Committee”) Date: Wednesday 6 April 2016, 15:00 - 17:00 Location: IBA Offices, Boardroom th Attendees: Mary Miller (Chairwoman) Deborah Land (Secretary) David Bowman (Observer) (T) David Clark Clare Dawson John Grout George Handjinicolaou John Harding Finbarr Hutcheson Matthias JÜttner (Observer) Richard Kennedy (T) Rod Paris Will Parry (Observer) Silvio Schumacher (Observer) Frederick Sturm (T) Robert Thurlow Emma Vick André Villeneuve Apologies: Brad Hurrell Kevin Ludwick Guy Sears In attendance from IBA: Fanis Vartzopoulos Circulation: IBA Website Agenda Items/Questions Raised The Chairwoman welcomed all members to the Committee and ran through the meeting agenda, highlighting the open issues for discussion. 1. Disclosure – conflict of interest The Chairwoman asked whether any Committee Members had any conflicts of interest to declare at the outset of the meeting. 2. Approval of Minutes from 14 January, 26 January, 8 February and 17 February 2016 Following some minor drafting suggestions all minutes were approved. 3. Dashboards for January, February and March 2016 IBA ran through the Dashboards for the previous three months and highlighted alerts due to Far Eastern stock market volatility. In terms of lates and errors, there had been none in January. Two lates and one error were seen in February (one was an error and a late at the same time, by the same bank). There were three lates in March and one error. th th th th Quarterly statistics for Q1 2016 were circulated around the table for the Committee Members in advance of publication and IBA walked the Committee through them. 4. Approval and action items Approval - Policy for handling a concern over a LIBOR submission Some drafting suggestions were made and adopted: The Chairwoman asked the Committee for their approval. Approval was given with no objections. 1 Contingency rate Some drafting changes were suggested and approved. The Chairwoman remarked that the document was a framework with some options and not a prescribed list of what would be done. The Chairwoman asked the Committee for their approval assuming all changes discussed during the meeting were made. All members approved the paper. 5. Discussion Topics The Committee was given an update on IBA’s feasibility study into the centralised determination of LIBOR. An IBA team is working on calculating the rate from bank submissions and a legal review is underway to determine whether a centralised calculation would fundamentally change LIBOR. The Committee was also given an update on the LIBOR usage survey that IBA is simultaneously conducting. The deadline for answering the survey is April 22. A further update will be provided when the survey is completed. There was a discussion of the draft LIBOR Code of Conduct. IBA offered to take any comments that Committee members wanted to make over the next week before circulating a draft to the panel banks for review before further consideration by the Committee at its next meeting. 6. Periodic Reviews Deferred 7. Information Item – IOSCO review of LIBOR Committee members were encouraged to review the IOSCO document with a view to discussing open areas for completion or improvement at the next meeting. 8. Proposed time and date of next meeting th 19 May, 15:00 – 17:00 BST 9. AOB There being no further business the meeting was closed. 2