APPEAL FORM Students wishing to appeal a fine, charge, fee or disciplinary sanction or who are seeking an administrative exception (i.e. requests for exceptions to lease/contract dates) must submit this form to the Student Housing & Residence Life, Residence Services Desk within 30 days of the dated document (i.e. sanction letter, invoice, check-out form, etc.). Supplemental documentation to back-up any appeal claim is highly encouraged. Upon submission of this form, a written or electronic receipt number will be issued. Appeals will be reviewed the first Tuesday of every month with a written reply to their appeal or be contacted for an appeal meeting by the end of that week. Students are advised to pay their residence fees while their appeal is being reviewed in order to avoid service charges on their ROSI balance as Student Housing & Residence Life does not adjust service charges incurred. First Name Last Name Gender Student Number Building/Area of Residence Unit Number Primary Phone Number Email Please indicate the area relevant to your appeal: Facilities (i.e. damage or cleaning charges, special maintenance/caretaking requests, etc.); or Administrative (i.e. requests for exceptions to lease/contract dates, administrative charges, etc.); or Residence Life (i.e. fines, challenging sanction imposed by CSB, etc.). For the related issue, please indicate if this: Is the first inquiry; Is a subsequent appeal Consistent with the University’s position on a student’s right to due process, Residents have the right to appeal a decision. Acceptable grounds for appeal include the following (please indicate the one(s) applicable to your case): The Resident is concerned about the penalty imposed and its appropriateness for the circumstances; and/or The Resident has concerns about the finding of facts in the case at hand; and/or The Resident is concerned that the process of determining the facts was biased or unfair. S T U D E N T H O U S I N G & R E S I D E N C E L I F E | OSCAR PETERSON HALL, SUITE 120 3359 MISSISSAUGA ROAD, MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO, CANADA L5L 1C6 Please outline below the basis of your appeal. Be as detailed as possible as this information will be used to reach a decision regarding your appeal. Attach any supporting documentation. Use an additional sheet if you need more space. Signature Date “The University of Toronto respects your privacy. The information on this form is collected pursuant to section 2(14) of the University of Toronto Act, 1971. It is collected for the purpose of administering admission, registration, academic programs, university-related student activities, activities of student societies, financial assistance and awards, graduation and university advancement, and for the purpose of statistical reporting to government agencies. At all times it will be protected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have questions, please refer to or contact the University Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Office at 416-946-7303, McMurrich Building, room 201, 12 Queen’s Park Crescent West, Toronto, ON, M5S 1A8.” FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Granted Denied Partially Granted Additional Information Required Appeal Review Notes: Response to be provided by Appeal complete by Admin staff initials S T U D E N T H O U S I N G & R E S I D E N C E L I F E | OSCAR PETERSON HALL, SUITE 120 3359 MISSISSAUGA ROAD, MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO, CANADA L5L 1C6 S T U D E N T H O U S I N G & R E S I D E N C E L I F E | OSCAR PETERSON HALL, SUITE 120 3359 MISSISSAUGA ROAD, MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO, CANADA L5L 1C6