电 工 技 术 学 报 2015 年 7 月 第 30 卷第 14 期 TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY Vol.30 No. 14 Jul. 2015 Review of the 17th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS2014) Advanced Machine Systems, Superior Drive Control and Cleaner Power Energies for a Better Future World Shen Jianxin,Yang Huan,Zheng Taiying,Lu Qinfen , Yang Jiaqiang , Nian Heng (Zhejiang University 1 Hangzhou 310027 China) Overview The 17th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS2014) was successfully held in Hangzhou, China on October 22~25, 2014. It was sponsored by the China Electrotechnical Society (CES), cosponsored by the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan-Industry Applications Society (IEEJ- IAS), the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers (KIEE) and the Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and also technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Industry Applications Society (IEEE-IAS). It was organized by Zhejiang University (ZJU). The ICEMS is one of the most dominant con- ferences in the world, particularly associated with the fields of electrical machines, drives, systems and renewable energies. The Conference was firstly founded in 1987, called the Beijing International Conference on Electrical Machines (BICEM). Then, every 4 years, the Conference was held in different Chinese cities, renowned as the Chinese International Conference on Electrical Machines(CICEM). Since 2001, the Con- ference was renamed as the International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS) and hosted in China, Japan and Korea, respectively. Moreover, during the ICEMS2014, the International Steering Committee (ISC) decided to change the hosting countries to the “3+x” mode, where “3” is China, Japan and Korea whilst “x” is another Asia-Pacific country/region. The first “x” is Thailand that will organize the ICEMS2015, and the second “x” is Australia for the ICEMS2018. Joining of the “x” countries/regions is believed to further broaden the influence and improve the reputation of the ICEMS in the coming years. The ICEMS2014 ISC also determined the hosting countries of the ICEMS2016, 2017 and 2019 as Japan, Korea and China. The ICEMS2014 provided an international forum for researchers, professionals and engineers to present their latest research and development results, and to exchange information and experiences in the field of electrical machines and systems, such as machines topologies, design, modeling, analysis, control, manu- facture, testing, applications, maintenance, standards and education. The Conference received totally 1129 digests from 32 countries and regions. After two rounds of review for both digests and full papers, 687 regular papers from 24 countries and regions were finally accepted for presentation on the Conference, among which 204 were assigned for lecture presenta- tion in 35 oral sessions and 483 for dialogue presenta- tions in 29 poster sessions. And, 49 won the Best Paper Awards. Moreover, 6 keynote speeches and 2 invited speeches were made. After the Conference, all the regular papers and 3 keynote speech papers were delivered to the IEEE-IAS for inclusion in the IEEExplore database. The papers were also included by the EI Compendex database in early 2015. Moreover, Received June 10, 2015. 2 电 工 技 术 学 报 2015 年 7 月 120 papers were selected and recommended to the IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications for peer review for possible publication, and, 36 papers were recom- mended to the COMPEL-the International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and 21 to the Trans. of CES with requirement of mandatory extension. Note, 10 papers were finally accepted for publication on the Trans. of CES, as can be read hereafter. The ICEMS2014 also attracted 22 international and Chinese companies to participate as supporters or exhibitors. The business of these companies covered the areas of electrical machine manufacture, electrical drives and power electronics, servo systems, soft magnetic materials, permanent magnet materials, design and simulation software, testing and measuring instrumentation, IC designs and applications, technical service, and electrical machine applications. Especially, the companies presented 9 plenary speeches on indus- trial techniques, which were very enjoyed by not only industry engineers but also university professors and students. Moreover, the exhibitions helped to build up bridges between industries and universities, and bet- ween manufacturers and customers. By way of exam- ple, an order of 200k stepping motors were proposed and preliminarily agreed between a British customer and a Chinese maker. Another example was that a Chinese motor manufacturer announced to make free prototypes for research purpose for Chinese academia. 2 Technical topics and research trends All papers for both oral and poster sessions were classified into 24 topics. Some topics overlapped more or less, whilst some papers could fall into more than one topics. Figure 1 shows a statistic figure of the technical topics and related contributions, from which the research trends of the electrical machines and systems can be more or less revealed. Fig.1 Technical topics and related contributions Hereafter, some dominant areas which were presented at the ICEMS2014 will be reviewed, whilst many others, though not reviewed due to the page limitation, are also very critical for the research, production and application of the electric machines and systems. 2.1 Permanent magnet (PM) machines Unsurprisingly, the PM Machines was the most dominant research area presented at the ICEMS2014, similar to the cases of the earlier ICEMS. It attracted 126 full papers on the topics of PM Motor Drives and PM Generator Systems. Actually, lots of papers on many other topics, such as Linear Machines, Special Machines, [在此处键入 ] 第 30 卷第 14 期 沈建新 等 第 17 届电机与系统国际会议综述 3 Servo Systems, Sensorless Control and Renewable Energy Systems, were also related to this research area. As a keynote speaker, Prof. Jacek F. Gieras reviewed the state of the art of the high speed (>5,000rpm) motor systems. He analyzed the merits and demerits of the PM brushless machines, solid rotor induction machines and switched reluctance machines for the high speed applications. Especially, he focused on the design of high speed PM brushless machines, in the aspects of critical speed, loss analy- sis, utility of iron core sheets and copper wires, cool- ing methods, as well as material selection and design of rotor retaining sleeves. Also, in an award paper, researchers from the SKF proposed a measuring method of the losses in the high speed synchronous machines with surface-mounted permanent magnets. Prof. Robert Nilssen, another keynote speaker, addressed the applications of large power PM machines, such as wind energy and vessel propulsion. He also gave many design examples of the large power PM machines, such as that of the high pole number PM machines using concentrated winding, fractional-slot winding and multi-layer winding topologies. He also shared his opinion about the future trends of the large power PM machines. In the invited speech by Dr. Dean J Patterson, he discussed the relationship between machine power and size. Again, PM machines were used as examples in the speech. Particularly, some practical axial field machines were examined, and the advantage of size reduction and power enhancement of such machines was clarified. Clearly, PM machines will see more and more research interests and applications due to their superior performance. Novel machine and system topologies, optimal designs and advanced control strategies are always of the interests of research and development. 2.2 AC motor drives Numerous papers were related to this area. Issus of such as machine parameter identification, loss calculation, fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control, sensorless control, field weakening control, and modula- tion strategies for all of the induction machines, synchronous machines, reluctance machines, PM AC machines and servo machines were discussed at the ICEMS2014. Two types of coordination, between the power electronics, motors and control methodologies, and between the electromagnetic field, thermal field, fluid field and stress field, were widely studied. Such coordination can largely improve the machine system performance and extend the applications. By way of example, many authors paid their research interests in the multi-level converters, matrix converters, multi-phase converters as well as the corres- ponding AC motors. Power converters and motors were not separately designed any more. Instead, by jointly designing both parties and optimizing the control strategies according to the characteristics of both parties, the system performance could be enhanced, although compromise for either power converters or motors could have been made. An example of small power AC motor drive was that researchers from Nottingham University who won a Best Paper Award presented an aircraft wheel actuator, which was designed in all of the electro- magnetic, mechanical, fluidic and thermal aspects, using both analytical and finite element method. This study tells the advantage of multi-field design for the AC motor drives. Clearly, AC motor drives have various motor and power converter topologies, and their coordinated optimization as well as specific control strategies are rather important to achieve superior operation performance of the whole system. 2.3 Traction motor drives Modern traction motor drives are all of AC drives. Nevertheless, due to the rapid development of EV/HEV/extended-range EV, vehicle traction motor drives have become a specific hot topic in recent years. This could also be seen from the presentations at the ICEMS2014, say, more than a quarter of the 24 topics shown in Figure 1 had papers related to the vehicle traction motor drives. 4 电 工 技 术 学 报 2015 年 7 月 Prof. C. C. Chan, another keynote speaker of the ICEMS2014, reviewed the state of the art of the EV/HEV in the world as well as the development trends, and discussed the three dominant techniques, viz., motor, battery and drive control. He said that the development of EV/HEV would push forward the coordination of information and energy technologies, as well as the coordination of EV/HEV, logistics and smart grid technologies. Especially, Prof. Chan analyzed the feasibility of short range EV in China, and raised some basic features of such EV. Moreover, Prof. Chandur Sadarangani, an invited speaker, proposed a compact solution for the traction drive with a 4QT concept, with which the internal combustion engine could always work at an optimal operating point that was independent on the torque and speed at the wheels. He also introduced the potential utility and challenge of this technology. And, researchers from Sheffield Universities made an interesting study of different types of motors for the EV traction, including the same-power same- size induction motor, variable flux reluctance machine and the exact interior permanent magnet synchronous motor of the Toyota 2010-Model Prius. They compared the key factors of these motor drives, e.g., torque capability, torque-speed profile, power factor, torque ripple, overall efficiency and material costs. Their study could be of valuable reference for other resear- chers and engineers of EV traction systems. On the other hand, the study of traction motor drives has been extended from the EV utility to vessel propulsion, railway electrical drives, and many others. Related papers were presented at the ICEMS2014, too. 2.4 Special electrical machines and actuators More and more special electrical machines and actuators have been being proposed. Various special machines, such as the switched reluctance machines, flux switching machines, bearingless machines and linear machines, have been being widely studied and developed for many years, whilst magnetic gears, planner machines, spherical machines and piezo machines have been attracting extensive research interests. Many papers on the special machines and actuators were presented at the ICEMS2014. As an interesting example, researchers from the Tokyo City University presented in their award papers a high speed (30,000r/min) bearingless machine using the radial force estimation and parameter identification as well as current decoupling control. Another example was that researchers from Zhejiang University presented a modular PM linear machine, which was friendly for manufacture, assembly and maintenance, and also had performance superior to the conventional PM linear machines. There were two keynote speeches on the special machines. One was addressed by Prof. Z. Q. Zhu. He showed a simple evolvement of many PM machines based on the field modulation mechanism, such as the magnetic gears, vernier machines and electromagne- tically reduced speed machines, etc. His presentation opened a window to the design of novel PM machine topologies. Another related keynote speech was made by Prof. Yves Perriard, who had a close cooperation relation with the Swiss watch industry and medical instrumentation industry. He talked about the principle, design, characteristics and applications of many preci- sion motors and actuators, such as the escapement mechanism actuator, watch-used actuator and micro PM generator. His speech clarified the importance of multi-discipline research and collaboration between academia and industry. 2.5 Renewable and sustainable energies Obviously, in recent years, renewable and sustai- nable energies have always been of great interests at all international conferences in the electrical enginee- ring field. The ICEMS2014 published the secondly most papers of this area (i.e., 67 full papers), just fewer than of the area of PM machines. A keynote speech on the renewable energies was made by Prof. Frede Blaabjerg. He claimed that it would be practically attractive to design wind generators with less or even no PM material, because the power scale of newly [在此处键入 ] 第 30 卷第 14 期 沈建新 等 第 17 届电机与系统国际会议综述 5 developed wind generators kept increa- sing whilst the price of high-energy permanent magnets hardly came down after the skyrocketing in the late 2000s and early 2010s. He particularly compared the features of the electricexcitation synchronous generator, doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG), squirrel cage induction generator and switched reluctance generator for the large power wind energy application, and consequently verified the feasibility of the less- or non-PM generators. Prof. Blaabjerg emphasized that, for the >5MW applications, the direct-drive PM synch- ronous generators (PMSG) would be no more com- petitive to the mechanically-geared PMSG or PM flux switching generators due to the unaffordable cost of magnets, whilst for the 10MW applications the DFIG would be an attractive solution if brushless power transmission from the rotor could be realized by, for example, using a rotary transformer. Furthermore, interconnection between the wind generator system and the AC or DC grid was widely discussed at the ICEMS2014. And, modeling of both generators and power converters as well as control strategies under special operation conditions, such as grid voltage disturbance, were presented in many papers, in order to enhance the wind energy system performance and to improve the grid safety. On the other hand, issues on other renewable and sustainable energies such as solar and tide energies, and hybrid systems with various renewable energies and storages were also addressed at the ICEMS2014. It can be seen that the renewable/sustainable energy technologies will be continuously studied and developed by both academia and industry. Electrical generators, power converters and control strategies are the key R&D issues in this field. 3 Others The ICEMS2014 was fruitful and enjoyable in the aspects of technical sessions, industry exhibitions, as well as the wonderful environment for discussion and relaxation. “It allowed me to see first hand the dynamics of the conference and hopefully IAS can continue to be involved and active in its organization”, said Dr. Blake Lloyd, the 2013~2014 President of the IEEE Industry Application Society. “I just want to congratulate for the success of ICEMS2014 and also thanks for inviting me to come and give a speech – it was a great time and great place – the place I enjoy very much and will return to”, Prof. Frede Blaabjerg from Aalborg University, the keynote speaker, com- mented after the Conference. And, Prof. Jin-Woo Ahn from Kyungsung University, the general chairman of the ICEMS2013-Busan, sent an email to the Con- ference, saying “Congratulation on the successful ICMES2014! Your efforts as well as excellent service were core of the success”. Many other participants from both institutes and companies expressed their joys and greetings, too. Contributions of the 305 reviewers, as well as the 37 student volunteers and 24 staff volunteers from the College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University were invaluable for the success of the ICEMS2014. Moreover, collaboration with as many as 22 companies not only helped to cover partly the conference expense, but also introduced the industrial techniques to the conference participants, especially to the university students. This made the conference more comprehen- sive and influential. On the other hand, mainland of China dominated the papers (517 of 690) and participants (551 of 755). The ratios were unexpectedly higher than before. One possible reason was that the numbers of papers and participants from Japan and Korea were not as high as in the early ICEMS held in China, nevertheless, they still ranked within top 3. Another reason was that some other countries which had been very active in the early China-held ICEMS, such as Iran and Pakistan, were absent. However, UK, Thailand and Germany contributed significantly at the ICEMS2014. Moreover, 5 of the 6 keynote speeches and both invited speeches were from Europe and America, which helped to globalize the Conference. Finally, the ICEMS2014 organizing staff from Zhejiang University would gratefully acknowledge the invaluable contribution of all the authors, reviewers, participants and speakers, as well as all the sponsors, 6 电 工 技 术 学 报 2015 年 7 月 industry supporters and exhibitors, and, would like to wish a great success to the future ICEMS. Brief notes Shen Jianxin Male, born in 1969, PhD, Professor. His main research interests include design and applications of permanent magnet machines and drives. He was the general chair of the ICEMS2014. Yang Huan Male, born in 1981, PhD, Associate Professor. His main research interests include motor drives and grid-connected converter in microgrids. He was the Organization Committee co-chair of the ICEMS2014. [在此处键入 ]