Physics 322, Lab 7: Op-Amps Name:_______________ Key concepts Follower, non-inverting amplifier, inverting amplifier, voltage summer, current-to-voltage conversion Text Material Diefenderfer, Sections 9-1 to 9-7 Equipment Resistor substitution box, function generator, digital oscilloscope Components needed (1) 741 operational amplifier (1) 100 kΩ resistor assorted other resistors depending on student design Some background In Lab 6 we studied the single transistor amplifier. Although useful for simple switching and power amplifier circuits the single transistor amplifier suffers from several disadvantages. The biggest of these is that the gain is rather small and somewhat temperature dependent. Thus the common-emitter amplifier studied in Lab 6 is not a good choice for an application that requires long term stability. Fortunately many years have gone by since the invention of the transistor and during that time electrical engineers have perfected the “Operational Amplifier” (or Op-amp for short). This is an integrated circuit device consisting of many transistor amplifiers that are cascaded together to make an amplifier with enormous gain (106 or more!) and exceptional linearity. Furthermore, use of the op-amp in circuits with negative feedback leads to extremely stable operation (gain is independent of temperature, specific device characteristics, and other factors.). In today’s lab we will study 6 different op-amp circuits: Part A: Follower Part B: inverting amplifier Part C: non-inverting amplifier Part D: difference amplifier Part E voltage summer Part F: current-to-voltage conversion Op-Amp Golden Rules Op-amp circuits are easy to understand as long as you remember the four rules for an ideal op-amp as stated on page 185 of the text: 1.)The circuitry of an op-amp operated in a closed negative feedback loop will adjust its output in any way it can in order to make the inverting (-) and non-inverting (+) terminals of the device equal in voltage. 2.)The inputs draw no current. In other words, the input impedance is infinite. 3.)The voltage gain, (Vout/Vin), is infinite. 4.)The output impedance is zero. Part A: Follower A “follower” circuit is a buffer circuit (Vin=Vout) for which the output impedance is much smaller than the input impedance. Thus it is a circuit that provides current gain. In Lab 6 we constructed a follower using a single transistor. We now examine a follower constructed from an op-amp as in the schematic diagram shown here. As you see in the diagram the op-amp requires a bipolar power supply (both +15VDC and -15VDC with respect to ground). Question 1: (a)Construct the op-amp follower shown in the schematic diagram using the pin-out given here. (b)Drive the follower with a 100mVpp sine wave of 10kHz. Is Vin=Vout as it should be? Verify that the amplitude and phase of the two signals is the same. Vin=__________________, Vout=____________________ Phase of Vout relative to Vin =____________________ Beware: Integrated circuits (IC) are low current devices and are easily damaged by wiring mistakes. Always double-check your circuit before turning on power supplies and signal sources. If an IC gets hot chances are you have connected power to the chip incorrectly. Turn off the power immediately and check your circuit! (c)Vary the input frequency. At what upper frequency does the output drop from being equal to the input? Is there a lower frequency limit where this also happens? Upper frequency limit =_____________________________ Lower frequency limit = ____________________________ (d)Does the follower amplifier work for DC input signals? Feed in 1 or 2 VDC and see what happens. Vin =______ Vout =________ Now slowly increase Vin until it exceeds the power supply voltage Vs. What happens? Question 2: The input impedance of the op-amp follower is very large. Convince yourself of this as follows: First charge up a 1 uF capacitor to 5 volts and measure the voltage across the capacitor directly with a DMM. From the rate of voltage decay you can estimate the input resistance of the DMM (It should be roughly 10 MOhms.). Now charge the capacitor up again and measure its voltage using the follower circuit as a buffer. (That is, connect the capacitor to the follower input and the DMM to the follower output.) Use the rate of decay of the voltage to estimate the input resistance of the follower circuit. Vinitial DMM Follower+DMM Vfinal ∆t RinputC Rinput Part B: Inverting amplifier The op-amp can also be used to make voltage amplifiers which have much better stability and higher gain than the single transistor common-emitter amplifier from Lab 11. The circuit at the right is called an inverting amplifier because Vin and Vout are of opposite polarities for DC signals (and 180 degrees out of phase for AC signals). It can be shown (see text) that the gain of this amplifier is approximately: R Vout Gain 2 Vin R1 Question 3: (a)Construct the inverting amplifier circuit shown above with R1=100kΩ and drive it with a 10 mVpp sine wave at 1000 Hz. Display both Vin and Vout simultaneously on your scope. What is the phase difference between the two signals? Phase shift = _________________________ (b)Measure the gain as a function of R1 and compare it with the theoretical gain of the circuit using the table below. Does theory match experiment for all gains? R1 Vin (mV pp) Vout (mV pp) Observed Gain (Vout/Vin) Theoretical Gain (-R2/R1) 100kΩ 10 kΩ 1 kΩ 100 Ω (c)Set R1=10kΩ, verify that the circuit is still working and then use the scope to measure the voltage between the inverting and non-inverting input of the op-amp. V+- (peak to peak) = __________________________ Is Golden Rule #1 being obeyed? Is the signal between the inputs comparable in size to the source signal or is it much smaller? Question 4: Design a circuit with gain of -0.1. Draw the schematic here, then build it and verify that the gain is close to your predicted value. Predicted gain=_______________________ Actual gain = Vout/Vin = / = Part C: Non-Inverting amplifier The inverting amplifier suffers from having an input impedance equal to the input resistor R1. The value of this resistance is usually fairly small so as to make the gain of the amplifier large. Thus the inverting amplifier ends up being a significant load to a signal source. The non-inverting amplifier shown at the right does not have this problem. Its input impedance is the very large input impedance of the op-amp’s FET front end. It can be shown (see text) that the gain of this amplifier is approximately: R Vout Gain 1 2 Vin R1 Question 5: (a)Construct the non-inverting amplifier circuit shown above with R1=100kΩ and drive it with a 10 mVpp sine wave at 1000 Hz. Display both Vin and Vout simultaneously on your scope. What is the phase difference between the two signals? Phase shift = _________________________ (b)Measure the gain as a function of R1 and compare it with the theoretical gain of the circuit using the table below. Does theory match experiment for all gains? R1 Vin (mV pp) Vout (mV pp) Observed Gain (Vout/Vin) Theoretical Gain (1+R2/R1) 100kΩ 10 kΩ 1 kΩ 100 Ω (c)Set R1=10kΩ, verify that the circuit is still working and then use the DMM to measure the voltage between the inverting and non-inverting input of the op-amp. V+- (rms) = __________________________ Is Golden Rule #1 being obeyed? Is the signal between the inputs comparable in size to the source signal or is it much smaller? Part D: Difference amplifier In all of the amplifiers studied above one of the input terminals is ground. What happens if you need to amplify a voltage but neither of the input connections are at ground? What you need is a difference amplifier like that shown in the schematic diagram to the right. This amplifier amplifies the difference between the two inputs, V1 and V2. If R1=R2 and R3=RF then the gain of such an amplifier is given by: V R Gain out F V2 V1 R1 Question 6: Construct the difference amplifier circuit shown above with RF=100kΩ and other resistors chosen so that the nominal gain is 10. Try feeding in different values of DC voltages V1 and V2 to see if the gain really is 10. One easy way of obtaining your two voltages is to wire up a voltage divider between the two terminals of a DC power supply. Use a potentiometer as one of the resistors in the divider so you can vary the output voltages.(Be sure to use fairly large enough resistances in the divider so that the resting current isn’t too large, say 50 mA or so.) You can use a DMM to measure V2-V1 directly. Sketch your circuit here including component values. Try at least 4 different V2-V1 values. Record your data in the table below. V2-V1 Vout Observed gain Vout/(V2-V1) Theoretical Gain RF/R1 Part E: Voltage summer Op-amps can also be used to perform mathematical operations on analog signals. For example the circuit shown here is an adder circuit. Vout is given by: V V V Vout ( 1 2 3 ) RF R1 R2 R3 Thus the output is proportional to the sum of the three currents passing through the three input resistors. Or, if R1=R2=R3 the output is simply proportional to the sum of the three input voltages. Question 7: Construct the difference amplifier circuit shown above using 10kΩ for all resistances. Use the variable bipolar DC voltage supply and the fixed 5 VDC power supply as voltage inputs. (Make sure the grounds of these supplies are tied to the ground of the op-amp power supply.) Try a few different values for V1, V2, V3, and see if the output is what you expect. Record your data below. V1 V2 V3 Observed output Expected output -(V1+V2+V3) Part F: Current to voltage conversion Say you have a photodiode circuit that outputs a current to ground that depends on the light intensity hitting the diode. You need some way of converting the diode’s output current to a voltage so you can measure it with a voltmeter. You don’t want to simply use a resistor since this would introduce a voltage drop in the circuit which would, in turn, affect the diode current. The circuit shown on the right will produce an output voltage which is proportional to the current flowing into the input terminal without altering your diode circuit in any significant way (no voltage drops!). Vout Iin RF Question 8: Construct the current to voltage converter shown above starting with RF= 1kΩ. Construct a simple current source using a DC power supply and variable resistor (potentiometer). Place a DMM ammeter in the circuit to measure the current into the inverting input of the op-amp. Try several different values of RF and input current and check to see if Vout Iin RF . Record your data below. Iinput RF Observed Vout Theoretical Vout = IinRF