KellerOnline`s Online Training

KellerOnline’s Online Training
KellerOnline’s Online Training feature gives you the power and reliability of
J. J. Keller training materials, combined with the convenience and cost-effectiveness
of Internet training. Courses are available for Workplace safety, Construction,
Transportation, Human Resources, Laboratory Safety and Right-to-Know.
KellerOnline’s online courses are based on
Training Points, rather than dollars – so you
purchase training points that you can then
use to enroll your employees in courses. KOL
subscribers get a 20% discount from
J. J. Keller’s interactive training center courses.
The online training start page includes
the catalog of courses available
through KOL – including data on the
number of students that are enrolled,
those that have completed the course
and the number of points needed to
enroll a student in the course.
KellerOnline’s Online Training
From each individual course page, you can
preview the course, enroll and unenroll
students, change course expiration, resend
course announcement, resend course
reminder and print completion certificate.
You can enroll employees through the
employee records in KOL. If you don’t have
your employee records stored in KOL – you
can click on “Add Employee” at the top of the
page or you can import your employee list.
KellerOnline’s Online Training
When enrolling a student, you can set
timelines for course expiration and when
reminders are sent.
When the employee is ready to take a
course, or even simply just complete a
single module of a training course, they
will come to an Employee Training Portal
and click on “Launch Course” behind the
course they wish to work on.
Thomas Larsen
KellerOnline’s Online Training
The employee will view the course and
answer review questions along the way to
test comprehension.
Within KellerOnline you will be able to see
course progress for each student. Once
they have completed the course you will be
able to print a certificate that documents
their participation in the course.