New Market Index Data Provider Smarter Settlement: Making the

Issue 343, 11 April 2011

Coming up this week

12 April

Unmetered Supplies User Group at 10am

13 April

Supplier Agents' Forum at 10.30am

14 April

BSC Panel at 10am

14 April

Software Technical Advisory Group at 12pm

15 April

Cross-Codes Electricity Forum at 10am

New Market Index Data Provider

New Market Index Data Provider

NasdaqOMX Stockholm AB began operating as a Market Index Data Provider (MIDP) on Tuesday 5 April . This means that there are now two MIDPs operating in the GB electricity market. Please see the Market Index Definition

Statement for details.

From Tuesday 12 April , the date of the Interim Information Settlement Run for Settlement Day 5 April, the SAA-

I014 “Settlement Report” will contain separate entries for each MIDP.

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Jonna Piipponen on 020 7380 4209.

Smarter Settlement: Making the most out of Tariff Innovation

ELEXON attended the Future of Utilities conference and Smart Metering Forum at the end of last month. As part of

the event, we presented our thoughts on ‘The Future of Settlement’ and discussed how smart metering will impact the settlement processes we manage on behalf of the industry.

As part of our preparations for the move to a smart world, we’re assessing a wide range of issues – for example, how settlement can facilitate new innovative consumer tariffs both now and in the future. We’ve published our views on this topic in our article on ‘Smarter Settlement – making the most out of tariff innovation’ , which highlights how smart metering could help smooth demand and support increased use of time of use tariffs.

You can keep up to speed with our views, news and information about smart metering on our website or contact our team at


Last chance to register for April's Cross-Codes Electricity Forum!

Today’s the closing date for registrations for this event. We still have spaces left, so if you or a colleague would like to attend then don’t forget to:

Register here to attend in person at ELEXON’s London office; or


if you’d like to participate remotely by webinar.

ELEXON and National Grid will be giving a plain English guide to all current BSC, Connection and Use of System

Code (CUSC) and Grid Code changes. Topics also include an overview of the European Network Code development process, and an update on the Government’s response to the Smart Prospectus consultation.

Attention Suppliers and Supplier Agents: Invitation for CP1334

PARMS Testing

Last month we invited Suppliers and Supplier Agents to take part in Participant Testing, and we received a great response from many of you.

To continue monitoring Industry performance and calculating your performance related charges correctly, it is essential that as many test participants take part as possible. It is a great opportunity especially for Supplier

Agents to test their systems as most of the CP1334 changes affect them.

There is still time to register. You have until Wednesday 20 April to register by contacting Mahesh Gogtay on 020

7380 4215 or emailing

. Testing is planned from Tuesday 3 May to Friday 13 May and then again from Tuesday 31 May to Friday 10 June .

Further details are published on the June 11 Release section of our website or alternatively, please contact Mahesh

Gogtay on 020 7380 4215 or email


Next BSC Panel Meeting: Thursday 14 April 2011

The next scheduled BSC Panel meeting is on Thursday 14 April 2011 and will start at 10am at ELEXON's offices ,

350 Euston Road, London, NW1 3AW.

All agenda items will be held in open session (except confidential items) and representatives of BSC Parties may attend. Visit the BSC Panel Meeting section of the website to view the meeting papers.

If you have any queries, email Megan Bennie . If you want to view the meeting by video conference, please notify

Megan by 5pm on Tuesday 12 April . Updates

We’ve made some fresh updates to our website in the last couple of weeks, alongside the work we are doing to investigate and improve on page load times.

For myELEXON users, we have added two new features:

You can set up email notifications so you know when content is changed on certain pages

(as opposed to document changes)

You can add certain pages to your ‘myFavourites’ list

These are both enabled in your myELEXON homepage, and over the next few weeks you’ll start to see the icons appearing around the site on pages where you can use either of these features. Look out for these icons in the upper right of the page:

A new layout for the BSC & Related Documents page is in place. This means it should load faster, and you can also create a myELEXON document notification for all BSC Sections at once rather than each individual document. We also have temporary replacement pages in place for the Meetings & Papers section to help improve load times.

We've added two new pages to Technical Operations :

Supplier Hub Operations , where you’ll find the set of guidance notes and information sheets related to SVA

● and the data held by Suppliers, Supplier Agents and Supplier Meter Registration Agents

Metering - an introduction to Metering Systems, including the pages for Metering Dispensations,

Aggregation Rules and Trading Units, and Technical Assurance of Metering Systems

Lastly, the Market Entry Communications Line Request Form is now an online form instead of a paper form, and

Release Circulars can now be viewed by CVA, SVA, or both types.

We are also looking into a solution, with help from Microsoft, as to why some users get a pop-up window when they click to open MS Office documents on our website.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact


TDC Meeting Headlines: Thursday 7 April 2011

Estimated Annual Consumption (EAC) / Annual Advances (AA)

At its April meeting the TDC made its final decision on whether to authorise the Post-Final Settlement Runs (PFSRs) for Settlement Days 1-31 January 2009 .

The TDC authorised PFSRs for the Settlement Days 1-31 January 2009 for all GSP Groups currently in the

Disputes process.

The table below summarises the TDC’s decisions on PFSRs for the stated Settlement Days, indicating whether

PFSRs were authorised or not.

GSP Group


East Midlands


Merseyside & North Wales



North Western


South Eastern

South Wales

South Western


January 2009








Not in process





South Scotland Not in process

North Scotland Not in process

Trading Dispute

The TDC heard one Trading Dispute:

Trading Dispute DA389: This Dispute related to an EAC submitted without a decimal place, overstating a site’s consumption by a factor of one million. The TDC determined that the Dispute was raised in accordance with the

Dispute Deadline, that a Settlement Error had occurred, and therefore upheld the Dispute. The TDC determined that rectification should be by means of a PFSR Correction.

Extra Settlement Determination (ESD) Methodology for Trading Disputes DA348 and DA360: The

TDC agreed the ESD to correct the disputed periods not covered by PFSR for DA348 and DA360.

Dispute Follow up: The TDC requested that ELEXON/Third Party carry out an exercise to reconcile the

Aggregation Rules associated with CVA sites to site plans to confirm their accuracy.

For more information, please contact


ELEXON Circulars Published Last Week

Since Monday 4 April , we have published one ELEXON Circular.

The Circular was for information and related to:

EL01878 : Default Share Amount and Re-Distribution - Due to a Payment Default by MA Energy Ltd you may receive a “Default Share Amount” on today’s Advice Note. Funds have been received from MA Energy Ltd after today’s

Advice Notes were generated. Funds will be redistributed through a “Refund Amount” on the Advice Note on Friday

8 April 2011 .

Circulars are published in the News section of the ELEXON website.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

26 April - Imbalance Settlement Group

28 April - Performance Assurance Board

3 May - Supplier Volume Allocation Group

If you have any feedback on Newscast or any of our other publications, please email

Please note that due to ongoing website updates, the links in Newscast may no longer work if accessed at a later date.

Our mailing address is:


4th Floor, 350 Euston Road

London, London NW1 3AW

Copyright (C) 2011 ELEXON Ltd All rights reserved.

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