Computer Engineering Curriculum - Fall 2016 Non-CEGEP Entry 1st Term (Fall) FACC 100 MATH 133 MATH 140 PHYS 131 CS Introduction to the Engineering Profession Linear Algebra and Geometry Calculus 1 Mechanics and Waves Complementary Studies Group B (HSSML) - 1 2nd Term (Winter) CHEM 120 ECSE 202 MATH 141 PHYS 142 CS General Chemistry 2 Introduction to Software Development Calculus 2 Electromagnetism and Optics Complementary Studies Group A (Impact) 3rd Term (Fall) CCOM 206 ECSE 200 ECSE 205 MATH 262 MATH 263 Communication in Engineering Electric Circuits 1 Probability and Statistics for Engineers Intermediate Calculus Ordinary Differential Equations for Engineers 4th Term (Winter) 14 credits 1 3 3 4 3 18 credits 4 3 4 4 3 Prerequisites/Co-requisites P - PHYS 142 / C - MATH 263 P - MATH 133, MATH 141 C - MATH 262 18 credits 3 ECSE 206 ECSE 210 ECSE 222 ECSE 223 CS Signals and Systems Electric Circuits 2 Digital Logic Model-Based Programming Complementary Studies Group B (HSSML) - 2 3 3 3 3 3 Design Principles and Methods Computer Organization Electronics Electromagnetic Fields and Waves Engineering Economy 6th Term (Winter) COMP 251 ECSE 310 ECSE 321 ECSE 325 ECSE 427 MATH 363 Algorithms and Data Structures Thermodynamics of Computing Introduction to Software Engineering Digital Systems Operating Systems Discrete Mathematics 7th Term (Fall) ECSE 308 ECSE 444 ECSE 456 ECSE xxx ECSE xxx Introduction to Communication Systems and Networks Microprocessors ECSE Design Project 1 Technical Complementary Technical Complementary 8th Term (Winter) ECSE 425 ECSE 457 FACC 400 ECSE xxx ECSE xxx ECSE xxx Computer Organization and Architecture ECSE Design Project 2 Engineering Professional Practice Technical Complementary Technical Complementary Technical Complementary Prerequisites/Co-requisites P - College level mathematics and physics or permission of instructor P - MATH 140 P - PHYS 131 / C - MATH 141 - 3 3 3 3 3 Introduction to Computer Science 5th Term (Fall) P - A course in functions P - High school calculus C - Calculus course [MATH 140] - 15 credits COMP 250 ECSE 211 ECSE 324 ECSE 331 ECSE 353 FACC 300 Prerequisites/Co-requisites 17 credits 3 4 4 3 3 18 credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 17 credits 4 4 3 3 3 16 credits 3 3 1 3 3 3 Prerequisites/Co-requisites P - Familiarity with a high level programming language and CEGEP level Math [MATH 133, MATH 140, MATH 141] P - ECSE 200 P - ECSE 200 P - ECSE 202 / COMP 202 P - ECSE 202 / COMP 202 - Prerequisites/Co-requisites P - ECSE 200, ECSE 202 / COMP 202 P - ECSE 200, ECSE 222 P - ECSE 210 P - ECSE 210, MATH 262, MATH 263 - Prerequisites/Co-requisites P - COMP 250 P - ECSE 200, ECSE 205, ECSE 222 P - ECSE 202 or COMP 202 or COMP 208 P - ECSE 324 P - ECSE 324 or COMP 273* P - MATH 263* Prerequisites/Co-requisites P - ECSE 205, ECSE 206 P - ECSE 324 P - CCOM 206, ECSE 211, ECSE 325* - Prerequisites/Co-requisites P - ECSE 324* P - ECSE 456 P - FACC 100, 60 program credits - *Pending University approval. Technical Complementary courses are selected from an approved list given on the next page. The Complementary Studies (CS) courses are Impact of Technology courses (Group A) and Humanities & Social Sciences, Management Studies and Law courses (Group B). Students must take one course (3 credits) from Group A and two courses (6 credits) from Group B. The curriculum above includes suggested terms during which these courses can be taken. These must be chosen from an approved list of courses/departments, found in the program list under "Complementary Studies" in the Faculty of Engineering Undergraduate section of the Programs, Courses and University Regulations publication ( (see your program listing in the "Browse Academic Units & Programs" section). Students are responsible for satisfying pre-/co-requisites and verifying with their department that they are meeting the requirements of their program. Technical Complementary Courses - Computer Engineering Technical Complementaries 15-19 credits 5 courses must be taken, chosen as follows: - 3 courses (minimum 9 credits) from List A - The remaining 2 courses (minimum 6 credits) from List A or List B List A 9-17 credits from the following: COMP 424 ECSE 335 ECSE 412 ECSE 416 ECSE 420 ECSE 421 ECSE 422 ECSE 424 ECSE 428 ECSE 429 Artificial Intelligence Microelectronics Discrete Time Signal Processing Telecommunication Networks Parallel Computing Embedded Systems Fault Tolerant Computing Human-Computer Interaction Software Engineering Practice Software Validation Credits 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 Prerequisites/Co-requisites P - COMP 206 / ECSE 321, MATH 323 or equivalent, and COMP 251 P - ECSE 331 P - ECSE 304 or ECSE 306 P - COMP 250, ECSE 205, ECSE 308 / ECSE 316 P - ECSE 427 P - ECSE 322, ECSE 323 P - ECSE 322 P - ECSE 322 or (COMP 251 and COMP 273) P - ECSE 321 or COMP 335 P - ECSE 321 or COMP 303 List B 0-8 credits from the following: COMP 557 ECSE 307 ECSE 403 ECSE 408 ECSE 415 ECSE 431 ECSE 435 ECSE 436 ECSE 450 Fundamentals of Computer Graphics Linear Systems and Control Control Communication Systems Introduction to Computer Vision Introduction to VLSI CAD Mixed-Signal Test Techniques Signal Processing Hardware Electromagnetic Compatibility Last update: April 27, 2016 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 P - COMP 206, COMP 251, MATH 223 P - ECSE 206, ECSE 210 P - ECSE 307 P - ECSE 205, ECSE 308 P - ECSE 304 or ECSE 306 or instructor permission P - ECSE 323, ECSE 330 P - ECSE 304, ECSE 334 P - ECSE 322, ECSE 323, ECSE 304 / 306 P - ECSE 221, ECSE 334, ECSE 352 / ECSE 353