Recommended Study First Semester 206113 Calculus for Software Engineering 953101 Computers and Programming 955101 Activity for Student Developments2 Language and Communication Science and Mathematics Credits Second Semester 206281 Discrete Mathematics 208263 Elementary Statistics 953231 Object Oriented Programming 953202 Introduction to Software Engineering 953211 Computer Organization 955100 Activities for Student Developments1 Language and Communication Credits Third Semester 206255 Mathematic for Software Engineering 953102 Abstract Data Type and Problem Solving 953213 Operating Systems and Technologies 953232 Object Oriented Analysis and Design Language and Communication Major Elective Activities Credits 3 4 1 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 Forth Semester Credits 953212 Database Systems and Database Systems Design 3 953320 Laws and Ethics for Software Engineers 3 953321 Software Requirement Analysis 3 953322 Software Design and Architecture 3 953361 Computer Network and Protocols 3 Language and Communication 3 Fifth Semester 953201 Algorithms Design and Analysis 953323 Software Construction, Testing and Maintenance 953331 Component-Based Software Development 953391 Software Development Training Camp Major Electives Credits Sixth Semester 953497 Seminar IN Software Engineering 953499 Software Engineering Project Major Electives Humanities and Social Sciences Free Elective Credits Seventh Semester Major Elective Social Science and Humanities Science and Mathematics Free Elective Credits Eighth Semester 953491 Cooperative Education Credits 3 3 3 3 6 1 3 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 Admission Requirement 1. English Language : minimum IELTS band score of 5.0, or TOEFL score of 500 PBT (173 CBT or 61 IBT) or English National Test Level 4 (for Chinese Students), or CUF (Common European Framework) Level A2, not older than 2 years. Applicants whose first or native language is English will ba exempted from the English Placement Test, but will still be required to take entrance examinations as specified by individual faculties/colleges. Note : A minimum IELTS band score of 5.5 is required for Nursing Science applicants. Applicants whose first or native language is not English must submit the required TOEFL or IELST scores. In case of those applicants who do not have IELTS or TOEFL scores, the must take the English Placement Test at Chiang Mai University International College or at Chiang Mai University Thai Language and Culture Center at either Yunnan Normal University, Kunming, or Chengdu University, Chengdu, P.R. of China. Those whose scores fall between 30-59 will be required to attend and pass the Pre-College English Program at Chiang Mai University International College at their own expense. Applicants whose scores are below 30 will not be accepted. 2. One of following test results as following (please submit the original document with an official English language translation) : o Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) o International General Certificate in Secondary Education (IGCSE) or General Certificate in Secondary Education (GCSE) o 6th or 7th Form of National Chinese English Assessment (NCEA) o GAT, PAT 2 for software Engineering Program applicants only 3. High School Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPAX) of at least 2.5 or equivalent. Tuition Fees 480,000 Baht (60,000 Baht/Semester) Philosoophy Software En ngineering is the ap pplied science which h aims for producing the quality software an nd software system m with the international standard. The quality software incre eases the competitivenesss of the interna ational industry. Software engineers require the several skill set such as mathem matic and ware design and pro ogramming, software project algorithm, softw management, and international communication in order to respond to th he international re equirement. The d developed software should d conform to the in nternational standard such as CMMI, and ISO O 15504. The softwarre engineering prog gram is designed forr students to study theore etically in lecture ro oom and laboratory,, and also develop the sk kill set using the co-operative c study with the software indusstry. The studentss can apply their software engineering kn nowledge in the software entrepreneur to prepare themse elves to the softwa are industry. The g graduated students are aim to be the comp petent software en ngineer or international so oftware entrepreneu ur. Purposees 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To produce e the graduated stu udents on software engineerin ng who can commun nicate in internation nal level to support the software indusstry. To produce e software engineerrs in the operationa al level for the softwa are engineering projject To produce e software engineerrs who can analyze and solve the technology t problem, manage software engineerin ng project with a mo oral conscience and ethical responsibillity to society. To supportt the new economicc on software engine eering for Northern Thailand regionss to support the govvernment etent ICT City prroject and software engineering compe developme ent strategy To supportt the information te echnology and communica ation center of the Greater Mekong Sub region. CAMT C /Studdent’s Exchaange in Erasmus E Muundus Projeect CA AMT has a long-term relationship with many universitiies in Europe and we have always been ch hosen by the Euro opean Co ommission to particcipate in the Erasm mus Mundus Progra amme during the past yearss. Students who are e awarded the exch hange holarships will have e opportunities to go g to many countries in sch Europe, such as Italyy, France, German,, Hungary and UK. The holarship includes travel t allowance, In nsurance and salarry per sch 10 month. Outbound O E Excursion CA AMT encourages stu udents to expand th heir learning and skiills ou utside their classroo oms. The excursion is organized for students to visit different oversea countrries every year, for ex xample, Malaysia, Canada, Hong Kong (China), Korean etcc. Innternationaal internshipp opportunnity The internsship in Singapore program p is organizzed by Ch hiang Mai Unive ersity in corperattion with Inter Island Co onsultancy Pte, Ltd d, licensed by the e Ministry of Manpower, Singapore (MOM). The internsship, which is so called c On-the-Job training (O OJT) program, covers many fields off job, including, but b not lim mited to, HRM/ Tourism/ T BA/ IT// and Engineering g. The minimum m training pe eriod is 6 months an nd the maximum pe eriod is 12 2 months. During the program, the e employers will provide p sttudent trainees with h travelling arrange ement; monthly allo owance off minimum S$45 50 (฿11,100); accommodation; a m medical insurance; work Injury compensation; etc. e The candidates should e fluent in englissh and currently enrolled undergraduate be prrogrames. Pree College To prep pare the foreign stud dents have the avaiilability to live in Thailand d and to learn in the SE program. The CMU internattional college has prrovides a Pre-Colleg ge program for studentt who desires to imp prove their English, mathematics and Thai lan nguage skills as follo ow: Our Inte ernational Undergra aduate Program in Software S Enginee ering, together with International College of CMU, provides a Pre-College prog gram for both intern national and Thai an students who de esire to improve theiir language and freshma mathem matics skills before tthey start their first semester in the universiity. The Pre-College e program is includin ng: IIntensive English co ourses (60 hr) a a. Effective Academic Listening and Speaking b b. Effective Academic Reading and Writing W 2) Inte ensive Mathematics (Pre-Calculus) (30 hr) h 3) Inte ensive Thai courses (Basic Thai’s Writin ng and Conversation) (30 hr) 1) CAMT Partners 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Staffordshire University, UK S B Bradford University, UK T University of Strrathclyde, UK The U Universite Lumiere LLyon 2, France U Universite Joseph Fo ourier Grenoble 1, France F C Chengdu University,, China H Hanbat Universiy, Ko orean C Chung Aug Universitty, Korean Conttact Us College of Arts, Media an nd Technology 239 H Huay Kaew Rd., Muang M District, Chiang Mai, Th hailand 50200 Tel. +66 53 920299 E Email :camt_cmu@ W Website : Facebook : ww