EXPERIMENTAL AND SIMULATION ACTIVITIES AROUND REACTOR ANTINEUTRINOS AND DECAY HEAT M. Fallot1 1 ERDRE group, SUBATECH (CNRS/IN2P3, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, Université de Nantes), 4, rue A. Kastler, 44307 Nantes cedex 3, France, fallot@subatech.in2p3.fr + Many thanks to J.-­‐L. Tain, A. Porta and A. Algora for the slides and inputs provided for the TAS part On-behalf of the TAS Collaboration for the data part of this talk J. Agramunt1, A. Algora1, J. Äystö4, V.M. Bui2, D. Cano-Ott5, C. Domingo-Pardo1, V. Eloma4, E. Estévez1, T. Eronen4, M. Fallot2, W. Gelletly3, G. Giubrone1, J. Hakala4, A. Jokinen4, M.D. Jordan1, A. Kankainen4, E. Mendoza5, F. Molina1, ,I. Moore4, S.E.A. Orrigo1, A. Pérez1, Zs. Podolyák3, H. Penttilä4, A.Porta2, P. H. Regan3, S. Rice3, J. Rissanen4, B. Rubio1,J.L. Taín1, E. Valencia1, C. Weber4, A. Zakari2 + IGISOL people 1 IFIC, CSIC-Univ. Valencia, Valencia, Spain 2 Subatech, CNRS/IN2P3, Univ. Nantes, EMN, Nantes, France 3 Univ. Surrey, Guilford, UK 4 IGISOL, Univ. Jyväskylä, Finland 5 Ciemat- Madrid, Spain Outline Fission Product Beta Decay properties in Nuclear Reactors: • Reactor An+neutrinos: for par+cle physics (Double Chooz) and reactor monitoring • Pandemonium Effect and Total Absorp+on Spectroscopy Technique • Latest Published Results: Decay Heat • Latest Published Results: Reactor An+neutrinos • Preliminary Results from Latest Experiment ERDRE Group - SUBATECH • Forthcoming Experiments 2 Nuclear Reactors Future reactor criteria safety, optimized waste management, sustainability, economy, non proliferation UOx Pu (MOX) Fission process gives thermal energy: n + 235U -­‐> 236U* -­‐> PF1 + PF2 + neutrons (200 MeV) Fission Products (FP) are neutron-­‐rich nuclei, undergoing β -­‐ decay A Z A Z X X " Z +1A Y + e - + # e β- ! The released γ and β contribute to the “decay heat” The an+neutrinos escape and can be detected β-­‐n emi[ers: delayed neutron frac+ons γ γ A Z+1 Y Reactor monitoring with antineutrinos 235U 239Pu Ef (MeV) 201.9 210.0 <Eν > (MeV) 1.46 1.32 <Nν> (E>1.8MeV) 5.58 (1.92) 5.09 (1.45) Fission Products (FP) are neutron-­‐rich nuclei, undergoing β -­‐ decay A Z ! 239Pu 235U X " Z +1A Y + e - + # e Reactor monitoring with antineutrinos 235U 239Pu Ef (MeV) 201.9 210.0 <Eν > (MeV) 1.46 1.32 <Nν> (E>1.8MeV) 5.58 (1.92) 5.09 (1.45) Fission Products (FP) are neutron-­‐rich nuclei, undergoing β -­‐ decay A Z X " Z +1A Y + e - + # e ! 239Pu 235U ⇒ Power Reactors are copious an+neutrino emi[ers => neutrino physics = oscillation parameter search: θ13, search for sterile neutrinos (reactor anomaly) ⇒ Use the discrepancy between an+neutrino flux and energies from U and Pu isotopes to infer reactor fuel isotopic composition => reactor monitoring, non-proliferation and interest of the IAEA UPDATE *ArXiv : hep-exp/0606025 *http://doublechooz.in2p3.fr/Public/French/welcome.php DOUBLE CHOOZ EXPERIMENT* Mixing angle θ13 measurement (limit) + non-proliferation goal ν flux Normalization @400m ν oscillation @1050m 2 identical 8.3t targets νe νe,µ,τ 2 PWR-N4 2x4.27 GWth 1021 νe/s DC phase 1 (2011-13) : Far detector only, sin2(2θ13)<0.06 (1,5 years, 90% C.L.) 6 DC phase 2 (2013-15) : Far + near sites, sin2(2θ13)<0.03 (3.5 years,90% C.L.) UPDATE DOUBLE CHOOZ: Full core simulations with the MURE code, with a follow-up of thermal power and boron concentration Numerical computation of the systematic error associated to the fission rates with MURE over the fuel cycle A. Onillon’s PhD Total reactor error: 1.8% Dominated by σBugey Rate + Shape Analysis: sin2(2θ13) = 0.109±0.030(stat)±0.025(syst) Impact in θ13 knowledge by DC Combined effect: sin2(2θ13)>0 @ 99.9%C.L. Y. Abe et al Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 131801, (2012) Y. Abe et al. Physical Review D 86, 052008, (2012) 7 PROLIFERATION SCENARIOS WITH ANTINEUTRINOS Reactor simulations with MURE: Characteristics of the antineutrino emission from diversion scenarios, taking into account reactor physics, for different types of reactor and fuels (actual and future) French N4 PWR full core: Double Chooz: *MCNP Utility for Reactor Evolution, O. Méplan et al. ENC Proceedings (2005) Developped by CNRS labs for Generation IV reactor simulations CANDU 600 channels with different refueling periods Na-cooled Fast Breeder VHTR pebbles and full core Non proliferation scenario studies Detailed reactor simulations to compute antineutrino emission associated to diversion scenarios, taking into account accurately reactor physics French N4 PWR full core Core Flux in Nucifer at 25m of a 205detected Assemblies REP N4 (1.1t target) *MCNP Utility for Reactor Evolution, O. Méplan et al. ENC Proceedings (2005) Developped by CNRS/IN2P3/IPNO and LPSC for Generation IV reactor simulations 264 fuel rods ‣ 3 Enrichments CANDU 600 channels The summation method~6.5% is the only allowing these with calculations: different refueling periods 214 Short-term results: 12.6 mm mm 2 PhD defended (Van Minh Bui: CANDU, Sandrine Cormon: CANDU, VHTR/PBR, Na214 12.6 mm FBR) in October andmm December 2012: - Proliferation scenario results to give to IAEA CANDU 600 channels OSIRIS research reactor Fast Breeder (on-going) with Na-cooled different refueling of CEA/Saclay VHTR periods - Antineutrino spectra calculations for innovative fuels (+ pebbles and full core (on-going) Zircalloy participation of a Tokyo-Tech PhD student, T. Shiba) Calandria tube Annular gas CO2 Force tube Moderator fuel Hf Hf Control rods Hf Hf Hf Hf coolant 37pins irradiation B B e e pool Mirror B B B B B e e e e e Beryllium wall Reactor: 57 × 57 × 60 cm Antineutrino Spectra: Fission Product « Summation » Method *MURE: MCNP Utility for Reactor Evolution: - - - - Computes the fission product distributions to couple with beta decay nuclear databases Includes off-equilibrium effects Prediction of any antineutrino energy spectrum for individual fissible nuclei or full reactor cores, for neutrino physics or non proliferation One of the only alternatives to β-spectra measured @ ILL** *MCNP Utility for Reactor Evolution: http://www.nea.fr/tools/abstract/detail/nea-1845. ** K.Schreckenbach et al., phys. Lett. B, 160,1985, 325-330; Hahn et al., phys. Lett. B, 218,1989, 365-368. But Pandemonium effect: Requires new measurements of fission product beta decay properties ⇒ Selection of a list of fission products contributing each by more than 4% in 2-6MeV bins. Antineutrino experiments use newly converted spectra from the ILL reference measurements instead: Th. Mueller et al. Phys. Rev. C 83, 054615 (2011)., P. Huber, Phys.Rev. C84 (2011) 024617 ⇒ « Reactor anomaly »: all reactor neutrino experiments are below the prediction (G. Mention et al. Phys. Rev. D83, 073006 (2011)). 10 TAS Technique Pandemonium effect**: Due to the use of Ge detectors to measure the decay schemes: lower efficiency at higher energy → underestimate of β branches towards high energy excited states: overestimate of the high energy part of the FP β spectra Solution: Total Absorption Spectroscopy (TAS) Big cristal, 4π => A TAS is a calorimeter ! Picture from A. Algora ** J.C.Hardy et al., Phys. Lett. B, 71, 307 (1977) 11 12 BaF2 covering ~4π Detection efficiency of γ ray cascade ~ 100% Si detector for β TAGS developed by the Valencia team (Spain, J.L. Tain, A. Algora et al.) : Proceedings of the Int. Conf. For nuclear Data for Science and technology (ND2010) RESULTS TAGS MEASUREMENTS @ JYVÄSKYLÄ UNIV. (JYFL) IFIC of Valencia (J.L. Tain et A. Algora et al.) Reactor Decay Heat in 239Pu: Solving the γ Discrepancy in the 4–3000-s Cooling Period, A. Algora et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 202501 (2010) ⇒ Taking into consideration the TAS data of the measured @ Jyväskylä 102;104–107Tc, 105Mo, and 101Nb isotopes ⇒ i.e. correcting 5 nuclei out of 7 for the Pandemonium effect β-feeding distribution 105Tc Proposed correction 12 Impact of the results for 239Pu: electromagnetic component RESULTS Inclusion of the latest TAS data in the Antineutrino Summation Spectra: With the recently measured TAS data set by Algora et al. Phys. Rev. Le[. 105, 202501 (2010): « New an+neutrino energy spectra predic+ons from the summa+on of beta decay branches of the fission products », Phys. Rev. Le[. 109, 202504 (2012), M. Fallot, S. Cormon, M. Es+enne et al. ERDRE group 13 239;241Pu energy spectra: no+ceable devia+on from unity observed in the 0–6 MeV energy range reaching an 8% decrease. 238U energy spectrum: effect reaches a value of 3.5% at 2.5–3 MeV. 235U: 1.5% at 2.5–3.5 MeV, expected since these nuclei are a small contribu+on to the 235U spectrum. Ratios between two spectra built with the data set described above over the same but the new TAS data (JEFF). RESULTS Inclusion of the latest TAS data in the Antineutrino Summation Spectra: With the recently measured TAS data set by Algora et al. Phys. Rev. Le[. 105, 202501 (2010): « New an+neutrino energy spectra predic+ons from the summa+on of beta decay branches of the fission products », Phys. Rev. Le[. 109, 202504 (2012), M. Fallot, S. Cormon, M. Es+enne et al. energy spectra: no+ceable devia+on from unity observed in the 0– 6 MeV energy range reaching an 8% decrease. 238U energy spectrum: effect reaches a value of 3.5% at 2.5–3 MeV. 235U: 1.5% at 2.5–3.5 MeV, expected since these nuclei are a small contribu+on to the 235U spectrum. ERDRE group 14 239;241Pu Ratios between two spectra built with the data set described above over the same but the new TAS data (JEFF). ⇒ Shows the important role of the Pandemonium nuclei in the ν summa+on spectra ⇒ The summation spectra are among the only ways to estimate the antineutrino spectra independently from the measured ILL integral β-spectra ⇒ The summation spectra are the only ones allowing to compute the antineutrino emission from future reactors and fuels ⇒ New measurements required New measurements @JYFL (Jyväskylä,Finland) 7 nuclei have been already measured at JYFL of Jyväskylä (Finland), analysis is on-­‐going (J.L.Tain et al. Proceedings of the Int. Conf. ND2010): 86Br, 87Br, 88Br, 91Rb, 92Rb, 93Rb, 94Rb Why JYFL: good selec+on of the measured nucleus needed → IGISOL* + penning trap JYFLTRAP** *J.Ärje et al., NIM A 247,431 (1986) **V.S.Kolhinen et al., NIM A 528,776 (2004) 15 TAS measurements for reactor antineutrinos Antineutrino Spectra with the Summation method: List of nuclei of interest for reactor antineutrinos: neutrino physics + non-proliferation 25 nuclei in common with the priority list for decay heat (WPEC (IAEA/NEA) Subgroup 25) : Consultants’ Meeting on TAGS @ IAEA Headquarters (Janv. 2009) ⇒ Exp. Proposal by SUBATECH - IFIC: reactor antineutrinos: experiment accepted in 2009: another 9 nuclei, planned in 2013@JYFL Experiment at IGISOL-JYFL with JFLTRAP in 2009 on beta-delayed neutron emitters: ⇒ Could already measure 92Rb, 93Rb extracted from the neutrino proposal ! Reactor antineutrino Priority 1 + 92Rb: Priority 2 for Decay Heat in U/ Pu cycle and Priority 1 in Th/U cycle PhD Thesis work: • Z. Issoufou (Subatech – Nantes) Preliminary Results for 92Rb Data analysis: Cleaning of the raw data from contaminants (background and pile-up) to obtain the clean spectra (blue) Calculation of level energy feeding through the resolution of the inverse problem di=ΣRij*fj Clean data Response matrix Level feeding From GEANT4 Detector simulation Clean spectrum On-going… PhD Thesis work: • Z. Issoufou (Subatech – Nantes) from A. Porta - Subatech Example of Reconstructed spectrum from feeding estimation 17 “Decay properties of beta delayed neutron emitters” and more • • • • • • Experiment at IGISOL-­‐JYFL with JYFLTRAP TAS measurements for 94Rb, 91Rb, 88Br, 87Br, 86Br (For delayed neutron measurements with BELEN see: J.L. Tain previous JEFF mee+ng) Priority 1 for Decay Heat calcula+ons (U/Pu and Th/U cycles): 86-­‐88Br, 94Rb Determina+on of gamma-­‐neutron compe++on Γγ/Γn: 94Rb, 88,87Br Normaliza+on of Rudstam γ spectral data: 91Rb βn βn βn PhD Thesis work: • E. Valencia (IFIC-Valencia) • S. Rice (University of Surrey) from J.-L. Taín – IFIC-Valencia The case of 94Rb Analysis: Spectra must be corrected for several contaminations: • Pulse pileup • Daughter (94Sr) • Grand daughter (94Y) • βn final nucleus (93Sr) • Neutron interactions Par+cularity of these measurements: delayed neutron induced background. Neutron sensi+vity calculated with Geant4: εn ≈40% PhD Thesis work: • E. Valencia (IFIC-Valencia) from J.-L. Taín – IFIC-Valencia The case of 94Rb Results: I ! n = 10.2% Considerable “Pandemonium” effect: intensity redistribution and loss HR I !" = 59.8% TAS I !" = 89.8% Considerable γ-intensity above Sn I !" I !n PhD Thesis work: • E. Valencia (IFIC-Valencia) ! 0.4 E x >Sn (usual assumption: 0) from J.-L. Taín – IFIC-Valencia Conclusions Motivations: safety, non-proliferation, neutrino physics From the latest published results we see that: Pandemonium nuclei play a major role in the reactor decay heat coming from FPs in the first 10 thousands of seconds after reactor stops and TAS measurements of these nuclei will allow to improve drastically the predictiveness of decay heat calculations ; Pandemonium nuclei play a major role in the estimate of the antineutrino spectra using the summation method and TAS measurements of these nuclei could allow us to improve drastically the predictiveness of these spectra ; Analysis on-going: ERDRE group Results from the latest experiment on the beta-n emitters performed @ JYFL are coming soon: !! see already 94Rb preliminary results shown @JEFF meeting !! ; 21 Results from 1st priority nuclei for antineutrino spectra are coming soon ; Mini-workshop about antineutrino spectra held in Valencia in Nov. 2012 JEFF-GEDEPEON nuclear data meeting Nov. 2012 + 5 abstracts accepted @ND2013 Outlooks 2013: DChooz continuation: non-proliferation aspects, validation of the MURE simul. Another 9 nuclei to be measured in 2013 @ JYFL for antineutrinos & decay heat A new PhD student on decay heat: both experimental beta decay measurements + decay heat simulation including the new data: M. Lenoir, EAMEA-SUBATECH Next ESARDA meeting in May In Bruges, antineutrino sub-WG meeting foreseen => toward a roadmap for IAEA about antineutrino detection for reactor monitoring ⇒ Motivate our demand for 2013 (10kE simulation + 10kE experimental activities) Longer term outlooks: Still associate simulations and new decay data ERDRE group Participation of the Subatech group to CHANDA, in the FP beta decay properties part ; 22 Participation to the IAEA beta-n CRP ; Prepare for future experiments @ other facilities: ALTO for instance, SPIRAL2 … Backup Originally : Method based on individual fission product beta decay summation N" (E" , t ) = $ Yn ( Z , A , t ) # S" ,n ( Z , A , E" ) fissile mat. + FY Core neutron geometry flux ! n exp. spectrum β-spectra database : Core Simulation Evolution Code MURE β- decay rates Yi ( Z , A , t ) ! models β-branch TAGS, Rudstam et al., ENSDF, JEFF, JENFL, … other evaluated nuclear databases weighted Σ β- /νe spectra S" ,i ( Z , A , E" ) Total νe and β - energy spectra ! with possible complete error treatment +off-equilibrium effects Full core level with MURE* The MURE Code (MCNP U+lity for Reactor Evolu+on) : - C++ interface to the Monte Carlo code MCNP (static particle transport code) - Open source code available @ NEA: http://www.oecd-nea.org/tools/abstract/detail/nea-1845 - Used for the 1st phase of the Double Chooz experiment Double Chooz reactor paper in preparation Static computation t=0 MCNP + evolution s condition (power …) Static computation t = Δt1 MCNP + evolution s condition (power …) Static computation t = Δtx MCNP Material evolu,on: Resolu,on of Bateman differen,al equa,ons decays reactions induced by neutron Outputs provided: keff, neutron flux, inventory, reaction rates (fission, capture, …) + adapted to compute antineutrino spectra Development of a complete core simulation with a follow up of core operating parameters Can be used also for simple geometries: ILL spectra computation From A. Onillon 25 UPDATE DChooz: Antineutrino flux and spectrum prediction - Far detector data only - No-Oscillation ⇒ reactor flux prediction via core simulations - Normalisation to the Bugey-4 cross-section with far detector only ⇒ Reduced reactor systematics: Full core simulations with the MURE code, with a follow-up of thermal power and boron concentration Numerical computation of the systematic error associated to the fission rates with MURE over the fuel cycle ⇒ Fractions of fissions per isotope 235U=49.6%, 239Pu=35.1%, 241Pu=6.6%, and 238U=8.7% and the fission rate covariance matrix. ⇒ Resulting relative uncertainties on the above fission fractions are ±3.3%, ±4%, ±11.0% and ±6.5% 26 Total reactor error: 1.7% Dominated by σBugey Accurate reactor simulations keep the contribution of fission fraction uncertainties low " " 28 & 29 October 2010: first meeting of the Novel Approaches /Novel Technologies Working Group: IAEA participants, inspectorates from IAEA, EURATOM, ESARDA were invited to present their needs 33rd ESARDA ANNUAL MEETING @ Budapest 2011: Novel R&D items list (more than 44 items !) discussed in NA/NT WG " Creation of a Sub -Working Group devoted to the antineutrino probe: the membership of the sub-working group is open to associated members (from non-EU countries) and individuals A place of discussions and contacts with agencies, researchers from many fields, … ⇒ Antineutrino Monitoring sub-group as broad as possible ! (contact: fallot@subatech.in2p3.fr) ⇒ Towards a roadmap for IAEA about reactor neutrino detection for reactor monitoring " 34rd ESARDA ANNUAL MEETING @ Luxemburg 2012: overview about antineutrino probe for safeguards Next WG meeting: 35rd ESARDA meeting: May 2013, Bruges, Belgium Key words: an+neutrino detec+on, R&D, compact detectors, PSD, actual and future reactors (Gen IV, ADS, research…), simula+ons, prolifera+on scenarios, NUCLEAR DATA … " 27