How Destructive is Innovation? Daniel Garcia-Macia Chang-Tai Hsieh International Monetary Fund University of Chicago and NBER Peter J. Klenow ∗ Stanford University and NBER September 28, 2016 Abstract Entrants and incumbents can create new products and displace the products of competitors. Incumbents can also improve their existing products. How much of aggregate growth occurs through each of these channels? Using U.S. Census data on non-farm private businesses from 1976-2013, we arrive at three main conclusions: First, most growth appears to come from incumbents. We infer this from the modest employment share of entering firms (defined as those less than 5 years old). Second, most growth seems to occur through improvements of existing varieties rather than creation of brand new varieties. Third, own-product improvements by incumbents appear to be more important than creative destruction. We infer this because the distribution of job creation and destruction has thinner tails than implied by a model with a dominant role for creative destruction. ∗ We thank Ufuk Akcigit, Andy Atkeson, Michael Peters, and Paul Romer for very helpful comments. For financial support, Hsieh is grateful to Chicago’s Polsky Center and Klenow to the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR). Any opinions and conclusions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Census Bureau. All results have been reviewed by the U.S. Census Bureau to ensure no confidential information is disclosed. 2 GARCIA-MACIA, HSIEH, KLENOW 1. Introduction Innovating firms can improve on existing products made by other firms, thereby gaining profits at the expense of their competitors. Such creative destruction plays a central role in many theories of growth. This goes back to at least Schumpeter (1939), carries through Stokey (1988), Grossman and Helpman (1991), and Aghion and Howitt (1992), and continues with more recent models such as Klette and Kortum (2004). Aghion et al. (2014) provide a recent survey of the theory and Acemoglu and Robinson (2012) provide historical accounts of countries that stop growing when creative destruction is blocked. Other growth theories emphasize the importance of firms improving their own products, rather than displacing other firms’ products. Krusell (1998) and Lucas and Moll (2014) are examples. Some models combine creative destruction and quality improvement by existing firms on their own products — see chapter 12 in Aghion and Howitt (2009) and chapter 14 in Acemoglu (2011). A recent example is Akcigit and Kerr (2015), who also provide evidence that firms are more likely to cite their own patents and hence build on them. Still other theories emphasize the contribution of brand new varieties to growth. Romer (1990) is the classic reference, and Acemoglu (2003) and Jones (2014) are some of the many follow-ups. Studies such as Howitt (1999) and Young (1998) combine variety growth with quality growth. Ideally, one could directly observe the extent to which new products substitute for or improve upon existing products. Broda and Weinstein (2010) and Hottman et al. (2014) are important efforts along these lines for consumer nondurable goods. Such high quality scanner data has not been available or analyzed in the same way for consumer durables, producer intermediates, or producer capital goods – all of which figure prominently in theories of growth.1 Similarly, when new products substitute for existing products, the ideal would 1 Gordon (2007) and Greenwood et al. (1997) emphasize the importance of growth embodied in durable goods based on the declining relative price of durables. HOW DESTRUCTIVE IS INNOVATION? 3 be to directly measure whether the new product is owned by another firm (“creative destruction”) or by the firm that also owns the product that is being replaced (“own innovation”). Based on a small number of case studies, Christensen (1997) argues that innovation largely takes the form of creative destruction and that such innovation almost always comes from new firms. However, as with all evidence based on case studies, it is difficult to know whether the case studies are representative of the broader economy. We pursue a complementary approach. We infer the sources of growth indirectly from empirical patterns of firm dynamics of all private sector firms in the U.S. economy. The influential papers by Baily et al. (1992) and Foster et al. (2001) document the contributions of entry, exit, reallocation, and withinplant productivity growth to overall growth in the manufacturing sector using an accounting framework without any model assumptions. We also measure the contribution of entry, exit, and reallocation to aggregate growth but we differ from Baily et al. (1992) and Foster et al. (2001) in that we filter the data through the lenses of a specific model of growth. Like us, Lentz and Mortensen (2008) and Acemoglu et al. (2013) conduct indirect inference on growth models with manufacturing data (from Denmark and the U.S., respectively). However, they assume the only source of growth is creative destruction, whereas our goal is to measure empirically how much growth comes from creative destruction vs. other sources of innovation (own-variety improvements by incumbents and creation of new varieties). We use data on firms in the U.S. Longitudinal Business Database from 1976 to 1986 and 2003-2013. Over this period, we calculate aggregate TFP growth, the exit rate of firms by age and employment, employment by age, aggregate rates of job creation and destruction rates, the distribution of job creation and destruction across firms, the dispersion of employment across firms, and growth in the total number of workers and firms. The parameter values which best fit these moments lead to three conclusions. First, most growth appears to come from incumbents rather than entrants. This is because the employment share 4 GARCIA-MACIA, HSIEH, KLENOW of entrants is modest. Second, most growth seems to occur through quality improvements rather than brand new varieties. Third, own-variety improvements by incumbents loom larger than creative destruction (by entrants and incumbents). The rest of the paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 lays out the parsimonious exogenous growth model we use. Section 3 describes the U.S. census data we exploit and presents the data moments we use to infer the sources of innovation. Section 4 presents the model parameter values which best match the moments from the data. Section 5 concludes. 2. Models of Innovation This section lays out a model where growth can be driven by creative destruction, own innovation, and by the creation of new varieties. Although all three types of innovation have the same effect on aggregate growth, the goal is to illustrate how they leave different telltale signs in the micro-data. Static Equilibrium Aggregate output is a CES aggregate of quality-adjusted varieties: " Y = M X σ # σ−1 1− σ1 (qj yj ) j=1 where yj denotes the quantity and qj the quality of variety j. Labor is the only factor of production and output of variety j is given by yj = lj where lj is labor used to produce variety j. As in Klette and Kortum (2004), we assume a firm potentially produces multiple varieties. We further assume that there is an overhead cost of production that must be expended before choosing prices and output. This assumption allows the highest quality producer to charge the standard markup σ σ−1 over the 5 HOW DESTRUCTIVE IS INNOVATION? wage, as the next lowest quality competitor will be deterred by zero ex post profits. Without this assumption, firms would engage in limit pricing and markups would be heterogeneous as in Peters (2013). Assuming firms face the same wage, the profit maximizing quantity of labor employed in producing variety j is: lj = σ−1 σ σ−1 L W 1−σ qjσ−1 where W is the wage and L is aggregate employment.2 Employment of a firm Lf is then given by: Lf ≡ Mf X j=1 lj = σ−1 σ σ−1 LW 1−σ Mf X qjσ−1 (1) j=1 where Mf denotes the number of varieties produced by firm f . The distribution M Pf σ−1 of firm employment depends on qj . Larger firms control more varieties j=1 and produce higher quality products. In the special case of σ = 1 assumed by Klette and Kortum (2004), the same amount of labor is used to produced all varieties and a firm’s employment is proportional to the number of varieties it controls. We will find it important to allow σ > 1 so that firms can be larger when they have higher quality products rather than just a wider array of products. After imposing the labor market clearing condition, the wage is proportional to aggregate labor productivity, which is given by " W ∝ Y /L = M 1 σ−1 M X qjσ−1 j=1 M 1 # σ−1 . (2) The first term captures the benefit of having more varieties, and the second term is the power mean of quality across varieties. 2 We set the price of aggregate output to one. We assume no misallocation whatsoever of labor in the model. 6 GARCIA-MACIA, HSIEH, KLENOW Innovation Aggregate growth in the model comes from the creation of new varieties and from growth in average quality. In Klette and Kortum (2004), the number of varieties is constant and quality growth can only come when a firm innovates upon and takes over a variety owned by another firm (“creative destruction”). We will also allow quality growth to come from innovation by firms to improve the quality of the products they own (“own innovation”). Lastly, we also allow growth to come from the creation of brand new varieties. We make the following assumptions about the innovation process. First, we assume a constant exogenous arrival rate of each type of innovation. Second, we assume that the probability of innovation scales linearly with the number of products owned by a firm. For example, a firm with two products is twice as likely to creatively destroy another firm’s variety compared to a firm with one product. Third, in the case of an existing product, we assume that innovation is proportional to the existing quality level of the product.3 Specifically, the quality of an innovation follows a Pareto distribution with shape parameter θ and a scale parameter equal to the existing quality level. The average improvement in quality of an existing variety (conditional on innovation), weighted by em1/(σ−1) θ ployment, is thus sq = θ−(σ−1) . Finally, we assume that entrants have one product, which they obtain by improving upon an existing variety or by creating a brand new variety. Incumbent firms, on the other hand, potentially produce many varieties. The notation of the innovation probabilities is given in Table 1. Time is discrete and innovation rates are per existing variety. The probability of each type of innovation thus increases linearly with the number of varieties owned by the firm. The probability an existing variety is improved upon by the firm that owns the product is λi . If a firm fails to improve on a variety it produces, then 3 If innovation was endogenous, there would be a positive externality to research unless all research was done by firms on their own products. Such knowledge externalities are routinely assumed in the quality ladder literature, such as Grossman and Helpman (1991), Aghion and Howitt (1992), Kortum (1997), and Acemoglu et al. (2013). HOW DESTRUCTIVE IS INNOVATION? 7 that variety is vulnerable to creative destruction by other firms. Conditional on not being improved upon by the incumbent, δi is the probability the product is improved upon by another incumbent. Conditional on not being improved upon by any incumbent, δe is the probability the product will be improved by an entrant. In short, a given product can be improved upon by the current owner of the product, another incumbent firm, or an entrant. The probability a product will be improved upon by the owner is λi . The unconditional probability of innovation by another incumbent is δ˜i ≡ δi (1 − λi ). The unconditional probability the product will be improved by an entrant is δ˜e ≡ δe (1 − δi )(1 − λi ). The probability an existing product is improved upon by any firm is thus λi + δ˜i + δ˜e . And conditional on innovation, the average improvement in quality is sq . The rate at which new varieties are created is parameterized by κe and κi . Brand new varieties arrive at rate κe from entrants and at rate κi from incumbents. The arrival rates are per existing variety and independent of other innovation types. The quality of the new variety is drawn from the quality distribution of existing products multiplied by sκ < 1. The last parameter we introduce is overhead labor, which pins down the minimum firm size. We set overhead labor such that the minimum size firm has 1 unit of labor for production plus overhead. The overhead cost endogenously determines the cutoff quality of varieties as products with a quality below the threshold do not produce. This cutoff, which we denote as ψ percent of average quality of existing varieties, rises endogenously with wage growth. We denote the exit rate of existing varieties due to overhead as δo . Net growth of varieties is therefore κe + κi − δo . We can now express the growth rate of the wage and output per worker (in 8 GARCIA-MACIA, HSIEH, KLENOW Table 1: Channels of Innovation Channel Probability Own-variety improvements by incumbents λi Creative destruction by entrants δe Creative destruction by incumbents δi New varieties from entrants κe New varieties from incumbents κi Note: The average step size for quality improvements for own innovation and creative destruction, weighted by employment, is sq = 1/(σ−1) θ ≥ 1. Quality of new varieties are drawn from the quality θ−(σ−1) distribution of existing products multiplied by sκ ≤ 1. expectation) as a function of the parameters in Table 1: 1 σ−1 − 1 (3) g = 1 + sκ (κe + κi ) + sq σ−1 − 1 λi + sq σ−1 − 1 δ˜e + δ˜i − δo ψ | {z } | {z } | {z } new varieties own innovation creative destruction The contribution of new varieties is given by sκ (κe + κi ) which is increasing in the arrival rates κe and κi and quality of the new varieties sκ . The contribution of own innovation is the product of the probability of own innovation λi and the quality improvement sq σ−1 − 1. The contribution of creative destruction is the product of the probability of creative destruction δ˜e + δ˜i and corresponding quality increase. Finally, the loss from the exit of low quality varieties due to overhead costs is captured by δo ψ. We can also rearrange this expression to express growth as a function of the HOW DESTRUCTIVE IS INNOVATION? 9 contribution of innovation by entrants and by incumbents: 1 σ−1 − 1 (4) g = 1 + sκ κe + sσ−1 − 1 δ˜e + sκ κi + sσ−1 − 1 λi + δ˜i − δo ψ q q | {z } | {z } entrants incumbents The contribution of entrants is an average of the arrival rate of new varieties κe and creative destruction δ˜e , where the arrival rates are weighted by the step sizes associated with each type of innovation. The contribution of entrants is a weighted average of the arrival rate of new varieties κi , own innovation λi , and creative destruction δ˜i , where again the arrival rates are weighted by the − 1 for own corresponding step sizes (sκ in the case of new varieties and sσ−1 q innovation and creative destruction). In sum, the parameters for the innovation probabilities (κi , κe , λi , δi , and δe ) along with the parameters for the quality steps (θ and sκ ) pin down the share of growth driven by own innovation, creative destruction, and new varieties. Equivalently, the same parameters also determine the share of growth driven by innovation by incumbents vs. entrants. We will measure these parameters from the patterns in the micro-data. Once we have these parameters, we can then provide a decomposition of the contribution of the three types of innovation as well as the contribution of incumbents vs. entrants to aggregate growth. Firm Dynamics The key idea we exploit is that firm employment in the model is the outcome of all three types of innovation. Remember firm employment is proportional to the number of products the firm produces and the average quality of these products. A firm that is successful in innovating, either by improving its product quality, by improving the quality of a product made by another firm, or by coming up with a brand new variety, will grow in employment. A firm whose products are taken over by another firm will shrink in employment. At the ex- 10 GARCIA-MACIA, HSIEH, KLENOW treme, a firm will exit when all its products are creatively destroyed by other firms. Creative Destruction Consider a polar model where the only source of innovation is creative destruction.4 Furthermore, assume σ = 1 so quality has no effect on firm employment. This is simply the Klette and Kortum (2004) model. In this polar model, the employment share of entrants is simply the share of products that entrants improved upon. The employment share of entrants is therefore pinned down by the unconditional probability of creative destruction by entrants δe (1 − δi ). Incumbent firms grow when they take over another firm’s product. Growth in firm employment by age is driven by the accumulation of varieties by incumbents over the life-cycle which is pinned down by the creative destruction rate of incumbents δi . This polar model can thus completely “explain” the employment share of entrants and the growth in firm employment with age. The rate of creative destruction by entrants δe is pinned down by employment share of entrants and the rate of creative destruction by incumbents δi by differences in average employment between incumbent and entrant firms. In this polar model, job destruction in the model is the outcome of innovation by other firms. Firms where jobs are destroyed are firms whose products have been taken away by other firms. Exit is nothing more than the extreme manifestation of job destruction. For example, a one variety firm exits when it loses its one variety to creative destruction and when it does not innovate on another firm’s variety. The probability a one variety firm exits is (1 − δi )(δi + δe (1 − δi )), which is increasing in δe and δi .5 The exit rate of a firm with n varieties can then be expressed as a function of the exit probability of a firm with one variety. A firm with n varieties exits 4 We assume κi = κe = λi = 0. The probability a one variety firm does not innovate on another firm’s variety is 1 − δi . The probability a one variety firm loses its one variety to another firm is δi + δe (1 − δi ). The exit rate increases with δi only if δe < .5. 5 HOW DESTRUCTIVE IS INNOVATION? 11 Figure 1: Model Exit by Size in Model of Creative Destruction when it loses all n varieties and does not innovate on another firm’s variety, which is simply the exit rate of a one variety firm to the nth power. In turn, since employment of a firm with n varieties is simply n times the employment of a firm with one variety, the model predicts that a n fold difference in firm employment will change the exit rate by the power of n. Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between firm exit and firm employment predicted by this polar model (look at the figure labeled σ = 1). The intuition behind this stark prediction is that product quality in the polar model has no effect on firm employment. To get quality to matter for firm employment, we need to drop the assumption σ = 1. Figure 1 illustrates the effect of changing σ = 1 to σ = 3 on the exit-size slope. However, this change will also increase the thickness of the tails of the distribution of employment growth. This is shown in Figure 2. In this figure, following Davis et al. (1998), the percent change in employment on the x-axis is measured as the change in employment divided by the average of last period and the current period’s employment. The rates are thus bounded between -2 (exit) and +2 (entry) and the distribution on the vertical axis is the percent of all job creation or destruction contributed by firms in each bin of employment growth. For visual clarity, the figure omits firm exit (-2) and firm entry (+2). 12 GARCIA-MACIA, HSIEH, KLENOW Figure 2: Distribution of Job Creation and Destruction in Model of Creative Destruction Note: Entry (+2) and exit (-2) are omitted in the figure. Intuitively, more quality heterogeneity across firms implies that more firms will experience large changes in employment when they grab a high quality variety from another firm. Similarly, firms will experience a sharp drop in employment when they lose their high quality varieties. In summary, two data moments that speak to the share of innovation that take the form of creative destruction are the elasticity of firm exit with firm size and the thickness of the tails in the distribution of employment growth. Own Innovation We can get thinner tails in the employment growth distribution and a flatter exit size slope if some innovation takes the form of firms improving the quality of their own products. This generates a flatter exit size slope by introducing quality heterogeneity. Furthermore, since the quality of an innovated product is proportional to its previous quality, employment of a firm that has successfully innovated is proportional to the firm’s previous employment. Because of this, more own innovation implies that the mass of the employment growth distribution will be concentrated around small employment changes, and the tails HOW DESTRUCTIVE IS INNOVATION? 13 Figure 3: Distribution of Job Creation and Destruction in Model of Own Innovation will be correspondingly thinner. However, a model where the only source of innovation also has stark empirical predictions. First, the share of entrants is zero in a model with only own innovation. Second, the exit rate is zero as there is no creative destruction. Third, firms grow when they innovate on their products, which results in a proportional change in employment share. Firms that do not improve on their products shrink due to the general equilibrium effect of a rising wage. There is therefore no mass in left tail of the employment growth distribution implied by this model. This is shown in Figure 3. We need to have some creative destruction in order to generate job destruction and exit. The next model we thus consider is a hybrid where incumbent firms only innovate by improving the quality of their products and entrants only engage in creative destruction. This hybrid model has the following empirical implications. First, the average size of incumbents is the same as that of entrants. This is because when incumbents improve on their own products, this raises the quality that entrants firms are drawing from when they innovate. When incumbents improve on their products, the quality of products made by entrants rise at the same rate. Second, this hybrid model assumes that in- 14 GARCIA-MACIA, HSIEH, KLENOW cumbent firms can only innovate by improving the quality of their one product. Therefore, this model implies that large firms are larger only because of higher quality, not because they produce more varieties. The exit size slope therefore will be completely flat. The probability of exit of a large firms is simply the probability that its one variety is taken away. Finally, the tails of the distribution of employment growth predicted by this hybrid model are thin. This is because the probability of creative destruction in this hybrid model is pinned down by the employment share of entrants in this model. This is because of the assumption that only entrants engage in creative destruction. If the data is not consistent with these predictions, then we will also need some creative destruction from incumbents. Creative destruction from incumbent firms will generate accumulation of varieties with age when incumbent firms improve upon the varieties of other firms. It will generate heterogeneity in the number of varieties across firms which implies that larger firms will have lower exit rates. Finally, it will also thicken the tails of the distribution of firm employment growth (relative to a model where only entrants engage in creative destruction). New Varieties In the models we have considered up to now, growth in firm employment with age is entirely pinned down by the decline in exit rates with age. In addition, allowing for quality heterogeneity from own innovation does not change this prediction. This is because an entrant is just as likely to grab a high quality variety as an incumbent. Therefore, differences in average employment between entrants and incumbents still largely reflects accumulation of varieties by incumbents with age.6 If we find that this prediction is not borne out in the data, allowing for some 6 Entrant quality will be slightly higher than incumbents because some of the incumbent products will not have been improved upon. Specifically, the average quality of incumbents 1 relative to entrants is δi +(1−δ > 1. i )sq HOW DESTRUCTIVE IS INNOVATION? 15 innovation to take the form of new varieties can help. Intuitively, if new varieties are of lower quality compared to the quality of existing varieties, then some of the difference in average employment between incumbents and entrants can be driven by differences in the average quality of products produced by incumbents vs. entrants. Furthermore, this does not change the relationship between exit rates and firm age since this empirical pattern reflects the accumulation in the number of products with age (in the model). The key empirical question is whether the difference in average employment between incumbents and entrants is larger or smaller implied by the difference in exit rates between incumbents and entrants. If the gap in average employment is larger than implied by the observed gap in exit rates (as will be the case in the US data), then it suggests that entrants also create new lower quality varieties. On the other hand, if the gap in average employment is smaller than implied by the observed difference in exit rates, then one explanation could be that incumbents are the ones that create new low quality varieties.7 Having entrants come up with relatively low quality varieties also has implications for the shape of the quality distribution across firms. Low quality entrants tend to increase quality dispersion in the steady state by making the left tail longer. Since firm employment is proportional to the product of average firm quality and the number of firm varieties, the parameter sκ can be adjusted to target the empirical dispersion in employment. When we have creation of new varieties, the total number of varieties grows at a rate given by the arrival rate of new varieties.8 Furthermore, in a steady state with a stationary firm size distribution, the distribution of the number of varieties per firm is also stationary. This implies that the growth rate in the total number of varieties is equal to the growth rate of the number of firms. In turn, the growth rate of the number of firms is equal to the growth rate of the product 7 This is likely to be the case in Mexico. Hsieh and Klenow (2012) show that the decline in exit rates with age is higher in Mexico compared to the US, but the increase in firm employment with age is lower relative to the US. 8 There is also a small loss in varieties due to overhead costs. 16 GARCIA-MACIA, HSIEH, KLENOW of total aggregate employment and average firm employment. In the US data, there is no trend in average firm employment so the arrival rate of new varieties is pinned down by the growth rate of total employment. In short, new variety creation gives us three more facts. First, we can match a stationary firm size distribution with aggregate employment growth. Without the creation of new varieties, aggregate employment is either constant or average firm size falls. Second, new variety creation breaks the tight relationship between firm employment with age and firm exit with age. Specifically new variety creation can explain why the growth of firm employment with age may be larger or smaller than predicted by the decline in firm exit with age. Third, the quality of new varieties can help us generate additional dispersion in employment across firms. Finally, as with the other polar models, a model with only creation of new varieties has stark implications that will not be borne out in the data. Perhaps the most important is that a polar model with only new varieties has no exit or job destruction. In short, the data moments that speak to the relative importance of the sources of innovation are: 1. Aggregate Employment Growth 2. Aggregate rate of job creation and destruction (the difference between job creation and destruction is employment growth). 3. Entrant Share of Employment 4. Distribution of employment growth. The specific data moment is the share of job creation where the employment growth rate ≤ 1. 5. Employment by Age 6. Exit by Age 7. Exit by Employment HOW DESTRUCTIVE IS INNOVATION? 17 8. TFP Growth 9. Standard Deviation of Firm Employment Note that there are 9 data moments on this list, and we only need to estimate 7 parameters. Since we have more moments than parameters, there are many ways to proceed with the estimation. Before we discuss what we do to estimate these parameters, the next section presents the data moments on the above list. 3. U.S. Longitudinal Business Database We use the micro-data from U.S. Longitudinal Business Database (LBD). The LBD is based on administrative employment records of every establishment in the US economy. The key advantages of the LBD is its near universal coverage of the US economy and that measurement error is likely to be small. The variables we use are the establishment’s employment, the year the establishment appears in the LBD for the first time, and the ID of the firm that owns the establishment. We use the year the establishment appears in the LBD to impute the establishment’s age (the LBD does not provide the establishment’s age). We drop establishments in the public, educational, and agricultural and mining sectors. Furthermore, we focus on firms rather than establishments because the theories of innovation we examine are theories of firm innovation. In our baseline sample, we aggregate establishment level data of all establishments to the firm (using the firm identifier). Firm employment is thus the sum of employment of all the establishments owned by a firm. Firm age is defined as the age of the oldest establishment owned by the firm. An “entrant” is a firm where the oldest establishment was created within the last four years (inclusive). An “incumbent” is a firm where the oldest establishment of the firm was created five or more years earlier. A firm “exits” when it loses all its establishments. This definition of a firm treats firm dynamics due to mergers and acquisitions in the same way as employment dynamics of a given establishment. One 18 GARCIA-MACIA, HSIEH, KLENOW justification for this is that employment dynamics due to mergers and acquisitions may also be the result of the innovation forces we model in this paper. That is, a firm acquires another firm when it innovates on a product owned by another firm. Similarly, a firm sells itself or sells one of its establishment when another firm innovates upon its product. To assess robustness, we will also work with two different definitions of firms. First, we restrict the sample to establishments that belong to the same firm throughout the establishment’s lifetime, and aggregate establishment level data to firms based on this sample. Second, we simply define a firm as an establishment. We use the ten year window surrounding 1981 and 2008 (1976-1986 and 2003-2013). The first year the LBD data is available is 1976. We thus define entrants in 1981 as firms in 1981 that were not in the data in 1976. Likewise, we define entrants in 2008 as firms in 2008 created after 2003. The last year the LBD is available is 2013. We thus define exiting firms in 2008 as firms we observe in the data in 2008 that are no longer in the data by 2013. Similarly, exiting firms in 1981 are firms in 1981 that no longer exist by 1986. The summary statistics of the sample are shown in Tables 2 and 3. Table 2 shows that total employment and the number of firms increased from 1981 to 2008. At the same time, average employment per firm and dispersion of firm size are roughly constant. Table 3 shows that the growth rate of aggregate employment from 2003 to 2013 dropped relative to the growth rate from 1976 to 1986. Since average employment per firm is roughly constant, the growth rate in the number of firms also fell. At the same time, the growth rate of laboraugmenting TFP (as calculated by the BLS) increased between the two time periods. In sum, the three aggregate facts we will need to fit are: 1) declining growth rate of employment; 2) constant average firm size and; 3) increasing growth rate of TFP. Figure 4 summarizes the employment share of entrants and Figure 5 the average employment of entrants and incumbents in 1981 and 2008. Note the 10 percentage point decline in the employment share of entrants between 1981 19 HOW DESTRUCTIVE IS INNOVATION? Table 2: Summary Statistics in LBD Employment Firms Average Employment S.D. (log Employment) 1981 78.9 3.307 23.9 1.26 2008 125.6 5.134 24.5 1.29 Note: Total employment and number of firms in millions. Table 3: Growth Rate of Aggregate Employment and TFP Employment TFP 1976-1986 1.93% 1.03% 2003-2013 0.38% 1.44% Note: Growth rate of total employment calculated from LBD micro-data. Growth rate of TFP from BLS. Figure 4: Employment Share of Entrants 20 GARCIA-MACIA, HSIEH, KLENOW Figure 5: Employment per Firm, Young vs. Old and 2008 in Figure 4. Decker et al. (2014) point to the decline in the employment share of entrants as evidence of the decline in “business dynamism.” According to Hsieh and Klenow (2014), rapid growth of surviving plants is a robust phenomenon across years in the U.S. Census of Manufacturing. Figure 5 suggests that the same is true for the entire U.S. private sector. As discussed earlier, the model can explain this fact if older firms have more products and higher quality products compared to young firms. Next, we show the exit rate of young vs. old firms (figure 6) and large vs. small firms (figure 7). Here the exit rate is the annualized probability that the firm exits within the next five years, “young” firms are those established within the last four years (inclusive), and “old” firms are those with age ≥ 5. Note that younger firms and smaller firms have higher exit rates compared to older and larger firms. The model of innovation can explain this fact if older and larger firms produce more varieties compared to younger and smaller firms. Note as well that, in contrast to the prediction of the polar model with only creative destruction, the decline in exit rates with firm size is very small. A ten-fold increase in firm size is associated with only about a 1 percentage point decrease in the exit rate. The last set of figures present the rate of job creation and destruction, where HOW DESTRUCTIVE IS INNOVATION? Figure 6: Exit Rate, Young vs. Old Figure 7: Exit Rate, Large vs. Small Firms 21 22 GARCIA-MACIA, HSIEH, KLENOW Figure 8: Job Creation and Destruction Rates the rates are calculated over five years. Specifically, the job creation rate in 1981 is the sum of employment of firms in 1981 that did not exist in 1976 and the change in employment of firms that exist in both 1976 and 1981 divided by average total employment in 1976 and 1981. The job destruction rate in 1981 is the sum of employment of firms in 1981 that no longer exist by 1986 and the change in employment of firms that exist in both 1981 and 1986 divided by the average of total employment in 1981 and 1986. Figure 8 shows that the overall rate of job creation exceeds the rate of job destruction, which is simply another way to illustrate that aggregate employment is growing throughout this period (Table 2). Note also that the aggregate job creation rate fell by 10 percentage points between 1981 and 2008, while the job destruction rate was unchanged. The decline in “business dynamism” highlighted by Decker et al. (2014) is thus entirely driven by the decline in the job creation rate. In turn, since the growth rate of aggregate employment fell (as shown in Table 3), the gap between the rate of job creation and job destruction necessarily has to fall as well. Finally, following Davis et al. (1998), figure 9 plots the distribution of annual job creation and destruction rates in the LBD in the two time periods. As discussed earlier, these rates are bounded between -2 (exit) and +2 (entry) and HOW DESTRUCTIVE IS INNOVATION? 23 Figure 9: Distribution of Job Creation and Destruction the vertical axis shows the percent of all creation or destruction contributed by firms in each bin. The empirical moment we use from Figure 9 is the share of job creation where the growth rate of employment is lower than 1, which is about 35% in the two years. 4. Sources of Growth We now present the estimated parameter values chosen to match moments from model simulations to the data moments in the U.S. LBD. Remember that we need to estimate 5 parameters for the innovation rates (δi , δe , λi , κi , and κe ) and 2 parameters for the change in quality (θ and sκ ). If we use all 9 data moments to estimate these 7 parameters, then the estimation is over-identified. Instead, we will use the minimum set of data moments necessary to estimate the parameters, and then “test” the predictions of the model using the moments that were not used for the estimation.9 We first pick the overhead cost such that the minimum firm size is one. The overhead cost then pins down the cutoff quality threshold ψ and the rate at which existing varieties disappear due to obsolescence δo . We then pick the 9 The appendix provides details on the simulation method we use. 24 GARCIA-MACIA, HSIEH, KLENOW arrival rate of new varieties κi +κe net of δo to exactly match the aggregate growth rate of employment in the data. Second, conditional on the estimate of κi +κe and δo , we then pick κi , λi , δi , δe , and sκ to provide the best fit to the following five data moments: the aggregate rate of job creation and destruction, the entrant share of employment, the share of job creation where the employment growth rate < 1, employment by age, and the standard deviation of firm employment. Here, although we have five data moments and five parameters, we will not perfectly fit these five data moments. The last parameter we need is the shape parameter of the Pareto distribution θ of the quality draws. Remember that, conditional on innovation, the average 1/(σ−1) θ improvement in quality of an existing variety is sq = θ−(σ−1) . Since we already have an estimate of the growth contribution of new varieties (which is pinned down by sκ , κe and κe ) and the arrival rate of quality improvement of existing varieties, we pick θ such that the sum of the growth contribution of new varieties and quality improvements of existing varieties is exactly equal to the TFP growth rate in the data. To be clear, we do not use exit by age and by employment to estimate the model. As discussed earlier, exit by age is affected by the rate of creative destruction by entrants. In turn, the relative importance of creative destruction vs. own innovation among incumbents affects exit by employment. We could also have used these two data moments for estimation, either in addition to the 7 data moments we chose or instead of some of these data moments. Instead, we chose to use exit by age and exit by employment as over-identifying tests. That is, we will compute exit by age and exit by employment predicted by the estimated parameters and compare them to the data. Table 4 presents the parameter values inferred from the data using the procedure described above. Based on the data moments from 1976 to 1986, we infer a 68% arrival rate for own-variety quality improvements by incumbents. Conditional on no own-innovation, quality improvements through creative destruction occur 45% of the time by other incumbents. And conditional on no own- 25 HOW DESTRUCTIVE IS INNOVATION? Table 4: Inferred Parameters Values 1976-1986 2003-2013 Own-variety improvements by incumbents λi 67.9% 69.7% Creative destruction by incumbents δi 45.4% 68.6% Creative destruction by entrants δe 100.0% 100.0% New varieties from incumbents κi 0.0% 0.0% New varieties from entrants κe 10.0% 2.2% Pareto shape of quality draws θ 28.2 16.3 Relative quality of new varieties sκ 0.32 0.65 innovation and creative destruction by another incumbent, quality improvement through creative destruction by entrants occurs with probability one. The unconditional probability that quality of a given product improves due to creative destruction by an incumbent is thus 14.6%, and the corresponding probability of creative destruction by an entrant is 17.5%.10 The unconditional probability any product is improved upon is thus 100%, of which 68% is from own innovation and 32% from creative destruction. The step size of the quality improvement of existing varieties is governed by the shape parameter θ of the Pareto distribution of the quality draws. Given that θ = 28, the average improvement in quality (conditional on innovation) is 3.7 percent. New varieties are only created by entrants and arrive at 10% per year, with an average quality that is 32% of the average quality of existing varieties. Overhead costs imply that the cutoff quality threshold ψ is 5 percent of the average quality of exiting varieties. This cutoff implies that the probability a 10 (1 − 0.679) · 0.454 = 0.146 and (1 − 0.679) · (1 − 0.454) = 0.175. 26 GARCIA-MACIA, HSIEH, KLENOW Table 5: Sources of Growth, 1976-1986 Entrants Incumbents Creative destruction 12.5% 10.4% 22.9% New varieties 29.3% 0.0% 29.3% Own-variety improvements - 47.8% 47.8% 41.8% 58.2% variety exits due to overhead cost δo is essentially zero.11 Net growth in varieties is therefore 10% a year, which matches the growth rate of total employment and number of firms in the 1976-1986 period. Table 5 presents the sources of growth in the 1976 to 1986 period implied by the parameters in Table 4. The rows decompose aggregate TFP growth into the contribution of growth from creative destruction, new varieties, and ownvariety improvements (see equation (3)). About 23% of growth comes from creative destruction. Own-variety improvements by incumbents account for 48%. New varieties a la Romer (1990) are the remainder at 29%. The columns in Table 5 decompose aggregate TFP growth into the contribution of entrants vs. incumbents (see equation (4)). Incumbents are the main source of growth, accounting for 58% of aggregate TFP growth, with entrants contributing under the remaining 42%. Aghion et al. (2014) provide complementary evidence for the importance of incumbents based on their share of R&D spending. Note in Table 6 that innovation by entrants in the 2003-2013 is significantly lower than in 1976-1986 period. The innovation rates by entrants Table 4 indicate why. The arrival rate of new varieties κe fell from 10% to 2% a year. The unconditional probability an existing product is creatively destroyed by an entrant fell from 17.5% to 10% per year. Remember the ten percentage point decline 11 The exact number is δo = 0.0073%. 27 HOW DESTRUCTIVE IS INNOVATION? Table 6: Sources of Growth, 2003-2013 Entrants Incumbents Creative destruction 8.8% 19.1% 27.9% New varieties 9.3% 0.0% 9.3% Own-variety improvements - 62.8% 62.8% 18.1% 81.9% in the employment share of entrants between 1981 and 2008 shown in Figure 4. The model explains the decline in the employment share of entrants as the result of a decline in innovation by entrants. The declining importance of entrants can also be seen in Table 6, which decomposes the sources of growth for the 2003 to 2013 period. Entrants contribute 18% of aggregate TFP growth during the 2003-2013 period, down from 42% in the first ten years of the LBD. After we filter the data through the lenses of our model, this is our answer to the question how much does the observed decline in “business dynamism” matter for aggregate growth. Yet remember from Table 3 that the growth rate of aggregate TFP increased from 1% at year from 1976 to 1986 to 1.44% a year from 2003 to 2013. How can the growth rate of aggregate TFP increase when innovation by entrants falls? The answer of course is that innovation by incumbents must have increased, and this increase more than offsets the effect of less innovation by entrants. Table 6 shows that contribution of incumbents, primarily via own innovation, was the main source of innovation in the most recent period of the LBD data. And remember that more own innovation implies that there will be less employment volatility in the data. Remember our estimation procedure chose parameter values such that the model exactly matched aggregate TFP and employment growth in the data. Table 7 shows the fit of the model for the subset of the data moments we used 28 GARCIA-MACIA, HSIEH, KLENOW Table 7: Model Fit, 1976-1986 Data Model 19.9% 20.1% 3.6 1.8 Job creation rate 40.4% 40.5% Job destruction rate 30.4% 30.5% Share of job creation from employment growth < 1 35.8% 19.5% 1.26 1.26 Employment share of entrants Average employment incumbents Average employment entrants SD(log employment) Note: Table presents predicted values for the moments used for estimation that were not forced to exactly fit the data. The estimation also used employment and TFP growth rates, which we force the model to match exactly. for the estimation but did not force the model to fit exactly. As can be seen, the model almost perfectly matches the employment share, the aggregate rate of job creation and destruction, and the standard deviation of log employment. However, the model’s predicted value of average employment of old vs. young firms is lower than in the data. The model predicts a ratio of 1.8 in the model while the ratio of employment of incumbents to entrants is 3.6 in the data. The model also performs poorly in terms of the share of job creation due to firms where employment growth is less than 1. The model predicts that the share is 20% whereas the share is 36% in the data. To generate more employment with age, we need more creative destruction by incumbents or new varieties created by entrants to have lower quality. The quality of new varieties by entrants is constrained by the size dispersion. The rate of creative destruction by incumbents is constrained by also needing to fit the tails of the distribution of job creation. More creative destruction will lower the share of job creation around small changes in employment. And remember HOW DESTRUCTIVE IS INNOVATION? 29 that the model’s predicted share of job creation due to small changes in employment is already too low. Similarly, we can do better in terms of matching the distribution of job creation by lowering the rate of creative destruction by incumbents. However, this has the cost of lowering growth in employment by age. Finally, remember we did not use the elasticity of exit rates with firm employment and firm age to estimate the model’s parameters. However, these moments are useful because they also depend on the relative magnitude of the different sources of innovation. The elasticity of exit rates with firm employment depends on the relative importance of creative destruction vs. own innovation by incumbents. The elasticity of exit rates with respect to age also depends on rate of creative destruction by incumbents. Figure 10 presents the relationship between firm exit and employment predicted by the model parameters in Table 4 for the 1976-1986 period. As can be seen, the exit rate predicted by the model as well as the elasticity of exit with respect to firm size predicted by the model is lower than in the data. Intuitively, this is because the model generates too little heterogeneity in the number of varieties across firms relative to the overall heterogeneity in firm size. A higher rate of creative destruction by incumbents will increase the exit rate and the slope of the exit rate with respect to firm size, but this parameter is constrained by the need to fit the share of job creation driven by firms with small changes in employment. And a higher rate of creative destruction by incumbents will further lower the share of job creation among firms with small employment changes (which is already too low relative to the data.) The model does better in terms of the fit of the exit rate with respect to firm age. The model predicts that the ratio of exit rates among incumbent firms relative to entrants is 86%. In the data this ratio is 81%. 30 GARCIA-MACIA, HSIEH, KLENOW Figure 10: Exit by Employment, Model vs. Data 5. Conclusion How much innovation takes the form of creative destruction versus firms improving their own products versus new varieties? How much innovation occurs through entrants vs. incumbents? We try to infer the sources of innovation from manufacturing plant dynamics in the U.S. We conclude that creative destruction is vital for understanding job destruction and accounts for something like 20 percent of growth. Own-product quality improvements by incumbents appear to be the source of 80 percent of growth. Net variety growth contributes little, as creation of new varieties is mostly offset by exit of low quality varieties. Our findings could be relevant for innovation policy. The sources of growth we identify can alter business stealing effects vs. knowledge spillovers, and hence the social vs. private return to innovation. The importance of creative destruction ties into political economy theories in which incumbents block entry and hinder growth and development, such as Krusell and Rios-Rull (1996), Parente and Prescott (2002), and Acemoglu and Robinson (2012). It would be interesting to extend our analysis to other sectors, time periods, and countries. Retail trade experienced a big-box revolution in the U.S. led by Wal-Mart’s expansion. Online retailing has made inroads at the expense of brick-and-mortar stores. Chinese manufacturing has seen entry and expan- HOW DESTRUCTIVE IS INNOVATION? 31 sion of private enterprises at the expense of state-owned enterprises (Hsieh and Klenow (2009)). In India, manufacturing incumbents may be less important for growth given that surviving incumbents do not expand anywhere near as much in India as in the U.S. (Hsieh and Klenow (2014)). Our accounting is silent on how the types of innovation interact. In Klette and Kortum (2004) a faster arrival of entrant creative destruction discourages R&D by incumbents. But, as stressed by Aghion et al. (2001), a greater threat of competition from entrants could stimulate incumbents to “escape from competition” by improving their own products. Creative destruction and own innovation could be strategic complements, rather than substitutes. Our conclusions are tentative in part because they are model-dependent. We followed the literature in several ways that might not be innocuous for our inference. We assumed that spillovers are just as strong for incumbent innovation as for entrant innovation. Young firms might instead generate more knowledge spillovers than old firms do – Akcigit and Kerr (2015) provide evidence for this hypothesis in terms of patent citations by other firms. We assumed no frictions in employment growth or misallocation of labor across firms. 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Each entrant has one initial variety, captured from an incumbent or newly created. In every year of its lifetime, it faces a probability of each type of innovation per variety it owns, as in Table 1. A firm’s life ends when it loses all of its varieties to other firms or when it reaches age 200. 4. Based on an entire population of simulated firms, calculate the moments of interest listed in Table 8. Simulating life paths for many entering firms produces a joint distribution of firm age, number of varieties, quality of each variety, employment and exit probability. Take into account growth in average quality and aggregate employment over time when computing relative qualities and employment of varieties for a firm at different ages. Set aggregate employment in each year so that employment per firm in the simulation is the same as in the data.12 5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 50 times so that all moments converge. Step 1 takes the quality distribution across varieties from step 4 as the starting point. The converged moments imply a stationary joint distribution of all the variables of interest (age, varieties, quality, employment and exit) across firms. 6. Repeat steps 1 to 5, searching for parameter values to minimize the percentage distance between the simulated and empirical moments. 12 This requires the number of firms and aggregate employment in the model to grow at the same rate as aggregate employment in the data. 36 GARCIA-MACIA, HSIEH, KLENOW (a) Use theoretical restrictions from the model to pin down some parameters analytically. First, κi + κe − δo must equal empirical aggregate employment growth. Second, θ must be such that expected TFP growth is the same as in the data. Third, set κi = 0 to maximize growth in employment by age. Fourth, set λi as high as possible given δi , or equivalently set δe = 1, to maximize the share of job creation below 1. Size by age and the share of job creation below 1 are the only moments we cannot fit precisely, as we reach corner solutions for the related parameters. 13 (b) Update each of the remaining parameters using the most related moments as follows. Increase (decrease) δe if the entrants share is too low (high). Increase δi if the job destruction rate is too low. Increase δo if the fraction of varieties affected by overhead costs is lower than δo . Increase ψ if minimum employment is below 1. Increase sκ if the standard deviation of log firm employment is too high. (c) To gain speed, for a given initial set of parameters, simulate less entrant firms and perform less iterations when the distance between simulated and data moments is still large (e.g. more than 4 percent). (d) Stop searching parameters when all simulated moments fall within a 1 percent distance of the empirical value. 14 13 We choose to assign lower lexicographical priority to size by age and the share of job creation below 1 when matching moments. There are alternative sets of parameters which fit these two moments exactly but fail on other moments which we deem more relevant, such as the entrants share. 14 To speed up the code, one may allow for a slightly larger margin of error in moments related to parameters with a small impact on growth contributions, such as δo and ψ. 37 HOW DESTRUCTIVE IS INNOVATION? Table 8: Targeted Moments Moment Fit TFP Growth Rate Exact Employment Growth Rate Exact Average Firm Employment Exact Employment Share of Entrants Very Good Job Creation and Destruction Rates Very Good Std. Dev. of Log Firm Employment Very Good Minimum Size Very Good Size by Age Corner Solution Share of Job Creation below 1 Corner Solution