About Avtron - meparts.net

About Avtron
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Following is a brief history of Avtron Manufacturing, Inc.,
our organizational structure, products, technical support,
and quality assurance.
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Cover .......................................................................................................... i
Preface .......................................................................................................ii
Contents ...................................................................................................iii
History.................................................................................................... 1-2
Organization........................................................................................... 2-3
Customer Support ..................................................................................... 3
Quality Assurance .................................................................................. 3-4
Avtron Employees ..................................................................................... 4
Products.................................................................................................. 4-7
Aircraft Test/Support Equipment................................................ 4-5
Digital Drives and Digital Drive Systems ....................................... 5
Digital Pulse Generators .............................................................. 6-7
Electrical Load Banks ..................................................................... 7
Manufacturing........................................................................................... 7
Project Management ............................................................................. 7-8
Control of Work ......................................................................................... 8
Future Upgrades ....................................................................................... 8
Financial Status ......................................................................................... 8
................................................................................................. 8
Avtron Facilities .................................................................................... 9-11
Cleveland Facility ............................................................................ 9
Systems Facility ..............................................................................10
Digital Facility................................................................................ 11
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Avtron is a growth oriented technology
company, headquartered in Independence,
Ohio, U.S.A., with manufacturing and
engineering facilities in Independence and in
the nearby City of Cleveland. Avtron has been
in business continuously since 1953, and
currently occupies the leadership role in those
customer areas it serves.
complementary, and sometimes overlapping
These categories are:
Aircraft Test/Support Equipment
Electrical Load Banks
Industrial Automation
Avtron’s steady growth and stability are results
of the management philosophy of developing the
highest quality products for niche market
applications and expanding and diversifying the
product lines by building on its strengths.
Diversification of the Industrial Automation
Division from its start in Pulse Generator and
into Digital Drives and Systems is a good
example of the successful implementation of
Avtron’s management philosophy.
Avtron’s Systems Division in Independence, Ohio
Mr. Dwain Fritz founded the company
concentrating on electrical system component
testing. Avtron remains wholly owned by the
family of its founder, and the family participates in
day-to-day operations of Avtron. This allows the
company to put concerns of its customers and
employees first without concern for outside
stockholders. Earnings are used to improve the
company instead of being paid out in dividends.
Mr. Robert Fritz, Avtron’s president (and son of
its founder), has developed a strategic plan to
increase business growth through Avtron’s entry
into selected, core markets.
During the 1960s, Avtron digital control and
metering products became industry standards for
both aerospace related test equipment and material
processing industries. Through the 1970s, Avtron
expanded and improved upon its digital product
lines and developed integrated instrumentation and
control systems. Gradually, Avtron’s product
lines have developed into three distinct yet
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Avtron’s Industrial Automation Division in
Independence, Ohio
Avtron’s senior management has always
known that industrial automation equipment is
an area in which Avtron could succeed. A
strategic plan was developed and implemented
for Avtron to serve the metals, mining, port,
paper, plastics and rubber markets.
The key to Avtron’s success in industrial
automation is the correct combination of
personnel coupled with existing expertise in
designing and manufacturing highly reliable
equipment at a competitive price. To this end,
industry experts in mechanical, electrical and
control systems engineering, and technical sales
staff who are thoroughly knowledgeable of pulse
generator and drive components and systems
were recruited. Avtron has been very successful
in its Industrial Automation business, with
systems in place at industrial installations all
over the world.
Pictured above is Avtron’s ADDvantage-32 Drives
installed on a Cast Film Line
Avtron’s management format has proved to be
extremely effective on both the day-to-day pulse
generator business and the large drive systems. A
typical example is the recent concurrent
development of the industries' first 32-bit digital
drive and the only diagnostic pulse generator on
the market.
Sales have steadily grown each year from 1976 to
the present. Over that same time period, floor
space has grown by 350%, employment increased
by 200%; sales have increased by 225% ($37
million in 2001, and we anticipate $41 million in
2002). Avtron spends 8-10% of earned revenue
on Product Research & Development, insuring
that our products keep pace with emerging
technologies. Avtron senior management has
positioned the company so that it has no debt earnings have financed all growth providing
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longevity and assurance of long-term support
Avtron currently employs about 350 people,
and the employment level has remained stable
for the past five years. Approximately 90
employees are technical personnel, each with at
least a four-year degree.
The majority of these employees have
mechanical engineering, electronics, and
computer hardware and software design.
Avtron has been successful in staffing its
engineering and technical support departments
with personnel from a wide spectrum of
engineering backgrounds. Many of Avtron’s
product design engineers began their careers at
Avtron in the Customer Support Engineering
Department. There they learn first-hand, how
the customer utilizes Avtron industrial
automation equipment, how to use on-site
trouble-shooting techniques, and how to
quickly resolve customer problems.
Avtron has developed an excellent reputation
Employment Programs with local academic
As the head of the Electrical Engineering
Department at Cleveland State University once
said when touring Avtron’s facilities, “My
graduates can see more technologies under one
roof in your building than in any other company
that recruits in Cleveland.”
Finally, Avtron has drawn directly from the
industrial automation industry for a source of
trained, skilled engineers. Designers from wellknown automation firms such as Rockwell
Automation and Westinghouse Electric have
been retained and are presently employed at
Avtron’s Load Bank Division in Cleveland,
Long-term booking forecasts are reviewed
monthly. Anticipated growth is met with advance
hiring. Experienced workers are teamed with new
hires for training purposes.
Avtron’s success is directly attributable to its
senior management’s sound business approach.
Only a stable management team with clearly
defined corporate objectives could maintain such
growth. Avtron's senior management team,
including the president and the heads of major
functional departments average 26 years of service
with the company.
The Director of Quality Assurance reports to the
President, not to the Director of Manufacturing.
This means that Avtron’s President has direct,
unfiltered input from the Quality Assurance
Customer Support
Avtron maintains a Customer Support Engineering
Department with highly qualified personnel
available for field trouble-shooting on short notice.
All pulse generators and drives are fully tested
before shipment to ensure proper performance and
smooth start-up. The support offered by Avtron in
start-up training, operation, and maintenance of
the equipment ensures maximum customer
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Avtron provides a 24-hour/day emergency
service hot line. Once a problem has been
identified and reported by a customer, Avtron
teams begin working toward a solution. This
may include trying to duplicate the problem
with test and demonstration systems in
Cleveland. Responses to customers’ calls are
immediate from the Customer Support
Engineering Department. Depending on the
severity of the problem, an engineer from
CSED may be sent to the facility to assess the
problem and implement corrective action.
Avtron’s newest drives and systems are being
shipped with Ethernet Communications and
advanced diagnostic computers. With customer
permission, Avtron’s Customer Support
Engineers can tie directly into a drive system at
the customer’s site to perform trouble-shooting
and software updates. This service reduces
downtime during equipment failures, travel
time and expenses, and speeds up the fault
isolation process. All these items save Avtron
and its customer's time and money and provide
greater value to Avtron’s industrial automation
Avtron encourages its users to become selfsufficient. Avtron offers training and technical
support for user on-site repair of Avtron
equipment. Avtron provides comprehensive
technical support in all areas of software and
hardware for its products.
Quality Assurance
Avtron Manufacturing is ISO 9001 Quality
System Certified. This certification ensures that
detailed formal processes are followed in all
aspects of the design and manufacture of Avtron
products. The Director of Quality Assurance
reports directly to the President, thus assuring
that Avtron provides the highest quality test
equipment to our customers, and that pressures
to meet shipments will not override Avtron’s
quality assurance process.
In June of 1997, Avtron Manufacturing’s quality
system was officially certified as compliant with
ISO 9001:1994 standards. This improved on
Avtron’s previous ISO 9002 rating.
Avtron is very proud of its quality. Because of
Avtron’s excellent reputation, a significant portion
of its business is repeat business As a result, the
design and support of our equipment is directed by
the management philosophy of customer
satisfaction (the right equipment for the
application), reliability, and long-term support.
Most of Avtron’s industrial automation equipment-delivered since the division's start in 1965--is still
being supported with replacement parts and
service. Most of our customers today have been
using Avtron equipment for many years.
Avtron Employees
Avtron promotes cross-training throughout the
company. Engineers and technicians are given the
opportunity to venture into new product areas to
expand their abilities.
The company and
customers gain from cross-training because of the
inherent flexibility that it provides. Avtron’s
approach to engineering management ensures a
high degree of synergy. Our digital drive system’s
dependability (ADD-32™), for example, can be
traced through our innovative application of
“Lessons Learned.” The aircraft, stand-by power
system, industrial manufacturing companies and
Avtron have invested considerable sums of money
improving the reliability of electronic devices.
“Lessons Learned” during these development
processes are implemented in future designs.
Products (Equipment Design)
Experienced and knowledgeable electrical and
control system engineers design various types of
components and systems which are the foundation
for the many Avtron industrial automation
customers. Avtron’s extensive experience and
tradition of providing Ground Support Equipment
(GSE) to the military and commercial aircraft
industry, uniquely qualifies us to make highly
reliable industrial automation products. This
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expertise translates into designs that are high
quality, reliable, maintainable, and well
Avtron's products can quite literally be found
around the world. Avtron’s “product lines” can
be classified into four major categories. This
discussion concentrates on aerospace test
equipment. Brief synopses of the product
categories are listed below.
Avtron’S K938 Drive Stand
Aircraft Test/ Support Equipment
All major airlines use Avtron equipment,
whether it is in the form of Electronic Test
Equipment such as the UnivATE™, Electrical
Test Equipment for CSD and generator testing,
Hydraulic Test Equipment for testing airborne
hydraulic components, load banks, or our
bonding meters. The US military (USAF, USN,
US Army, Coast Guard), as well as many
foreign military operations, have Avtron test
equipment in service. Our presence across the
globe has expanded rapidly to include fluid power
testing. This includes hydraulic pumps, motors,
servo-actuators, and servo-valves. Avtron has also
produced “Iron Bird” prime movers and computer
controlled test stands for testing devices such as
Aircraft Mounted Accessory Drives (AMADs).
paper machines, metal rolling mills and process
lines, blown and cast plastic film lines, and
rubber calendars and tread lines.
Avtron also specializes in cost-effective digital
drive retrofits. These limited upgrades provide
digital control for older analog controlled
drives. Packages are available for both static,
SCR drives and for motor-generator sets.
These upgrades save customers thousands of
dollars in capital equipment costs and they can
be implemented during routine, scheduled
Avtron maintains full-time system engineering
and field support departments to assist
customers in drive upgrade projects and ongoing system support. Engineering services
include project engineering and management,
consulting services, machine surveys, design
review meetings, and installation engineering
and supervision.
Avtron’s ADDvabtage-32 Advanced Firing Module
Retrofit on an old General Electric analog drive.
Digital Drives and Digital Drive Systems
Avtron’s patented ADDvantage-32™ (ADD32™) Digital Drive provides digital control of
AC and DC motors.
A single drive can be used to very closely
regulate the speed of the motor, thereby
improving its performance and efficiency. The
U.S. Coast Guard uses the ADD-32™ in a variety
of applications aboard their ships.
operations all over the world use the ADD-32™
for motor control for their gigantic earth moving
and mining equipment.
Customer support services include factory
startup service, 24/7/365 telephone support and
remote diagnostic services, emergency field
service, preventive maintenance, software
archiving, and both field and factory training
Avtron also offers state-of-the-art diagnostic
software to allow fast, easy customer selfservice of its drive systems.
PERFORMANCE VIEW Diagnostic Software
continuously records process events and control
The software allows process
problems to be isolated and corrected after a
single occurrence, taking the guesswork out of
system troubleshooting.
The ADD-32™ is also used in large Avtron
designed, integrated process control systems
where speed regulation is extremely critical, i.e.,
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five different shaft sizes ranging from 0.625” to
Heavy Mill Duty Designs:
Avtron’s M285 SMARTach Pulse Generator mounted
on a General Electric motor.
Digital Pulse Generators
Avtron has been a leading manufacturer of digital
pulse generators for over 35 years. These have
developed into the industry standard for digital
drive feedback devices on industrial control
systems. Our reputation for making the most
reliable, highest performing pulse generators in
these systems has been built on our quality and
Traditionally, Avtron served the severe duty
market only but recently has begun making units
for general industrial use.
We currently offer three duty classes with each
class offering several electrical and mechanical
mounting styles depending on the application.
Mill Duty Designs:
The Models M3 and M945 can be used
successfully in most industrial environments like
paper converting, plastics, and metals processing
lines. They should not be used in environments
with frequent temperature changes and chronically
wet conditions. These optical models can be
supplied in either shaft, foot or face mounted
designs. Available shaft mount designs can use
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Models in this duty class include the magnetoresistive M285 SMARTach and M4 units.
These designs work well for more rugged
environments with periodic temperature
contamination. The SMARTach Line uses highreliability magneto-resistive sensor technology.
They also include field replaceable sensors,
dynamic duty-cycle adjustment and diagnostic
LEDs for predictive maintenance in expensive
downtime applications. The M285 mounts
directly to a Nema FC face. This results in a
highly reliable installation because bearings and
couplings associated with a foot of face mount
unit are eliminated. The M4 is a more basic
magneto-resistive design without the removable
sensors or diagnostics and is offered in either
shaft, foot, or face mounted configurations. It
can accommodate five different mounting shaft
sizes from 0.625” to 2.375”.
Severe Duty Designs:
These include two of our popular SMARTach
Family Models, the M485 and M685 units.
These models can withstand very wet and dusty
environments with large and frequent
temperature extremes. They include the
removable sensors and diagnostic features like
the M285 described above. The M485 is a foot
or face mounted unit while the M685 shaft
mounts directly to a 1.125” stub shaft.
A hand-held, portable TachTester is also
available that can be used to test any of the
Avtron Pulse Generators. The unit allows the
user to test their pulse generators before
deciding whether to return them to Avtron for
repair. This allows the user to save the expense
of packing and shipping a suspect unit back to the
factory only to find later that nothing is wrong
with the unit. The unit can be plugged into any
standard connector option on the pulse generator
and will show the duty cycle of the pulses, the
phase separation between phases, and the pulses
per revolution seen (if the unit has the marker
pulse option). The TachTester comes complete
with a carrying case, long-life battery with
charger, AC adapter, and one set of mini-grabber
Electrical Load Banks
Avtron is the world’s leading supplier of electrical
load banks. Avtron ships hundreds of load banks
each year for use in testing stand-by commercial
generators, aircraft generators, and other electrical
power sources. Avtron makes load banks for AC
(resistive & reactive) and DC applications from a
few watts to several mega watts.
Avtron's facilities are comparable to other
companies that produce similarly complex
products, with a few exceptions. First, Avtron
subjects all electronic devices to “burn-in” testing.
The burn-in tests are conducted at elevated
temperatures to identify and eliminate semiconductor devices that would otherwise fail
prematurely if placed in actual service. The Avtron
burn-in is far more stringent than that of other
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Avtron maintains comprehensive manufacturing
capacity for our components and systems.
Avtron utilizes the Digital and Cleveland
facilities as feeder plants for the Systems
Major sub-assemblies, machined
parts, and system cabinets are manufactured at
the Cleveland and Digital facilities. The subcomponents are final assembled into their
respective system at the Systems facility. The
Systems Division contains 40,000 square feet of
flexible manufacturing space, and with overhead
cranes and high-power voltage sources, provides
an ideal facility for systems assembly and test.
Please refer to the last three pages of this
document for Avtron’s diverse resource
Avtron’s manufacturing operation is vertically
Avtron has a complete CNC
machine and fabrication facility. Avtron has
control of all phases of the production cycle
thereby reducing lead times and product cost.
This capability also allows Avtron to offer
excellent long-term support by giving our
customers a source for spare parts twenty to
thirty years after the original purchase of the
Avtron's design department uses CAD/CAM
exclusively. Specifically, AutoCAD, Version
15, is the format in current service. Throughout
the company, Avtron maintains a ERP computer
and hundreds of high-speed PC compatible
computers which are connected to one another
through a Local Area Network (LAN).
Project Management
Avtron provides dedicated project management.
Avtron assigns a project engineer to every
project, providing a point of contact within the
company who can answer technical, installation,
and scheduling questions. The project engineer
has direct access to the production floor,
production scheduling information, purchasing
information, and the resources of over ninety
qualified engineers.
The project engineer
follows the program from receipt of the order
through scheduling, design, customer design
review, production (ISO9001 certified), quality
control (ISO 9001 certified), testing, customer
demonstration, and shipment.
Control of Work
Avtron’s quality assurance program mandates that
all project hardware is accompanied by a shop
order. The shop order serves several valuable
functions in the control of material and labor being
utilized on the project. All labor performed is
documented on the applicable shop order as the
product flows through the Avtron manufacturing
system. This method is well proven and provides
a complete historical record of any work
performed on a given product. Quality Assurance
oversees all manufacturing activities, assuring
conformance to the required design standards, and
stores these records as historical data for future
Future Upgrades
Avtron provides support for the future and an
upgrade path. In five years, when the role of your
capital investment needs change, Avtron will still
be here, ready to provide you with reasonable
upgrades, technical support, and replacement
components. Avtron archives on computer tape,
disk, and microfilm, all schematics, drawings,
wiring diagrams, and documentation required for
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long-term customer support. Avtron has 30year-old systems in the field that are still
components or functional equivalents when
obsolete components are unattainable. This
dedication to field support is extended to all
Avtron customers.
Financial Status
Avtron owns three facilities with approximately
$40 million U.S. annual dollar revenue and no
long-term debt. Avtron is financially secure
with controlled growth financed with earnings.
Avtron has an extremely stable operation and
Avtron’s Dun & Bradstreet rating is 4A1. Our
D&B Identification Number is 421-4227.
It is important to remember that Avtron has a
corporate goal to continue to be a leader in
industrial automation equipment and also to
expand that role. This business is one of our
specialties, and we remain dedicated to
providing our customers with the finest pulse
generators and drives manufactured anywhere in
the world. Many customers who have purchased
our equipment have told us—months or years
after the purchase—that they made the right
Sheet Metal Fabrication Equipment
A 33-ton CNC Hydraulic Punch Press
Finn-Power Model F520, 75 tools
A 230-ton Hydraulic Press Brake
Cincinnati Model CB2, 12’, 2-axis CNC back
A 135-ton Mechanical Press Brake
Cincinnati Model 5, 12’, 1-axis CNC back gage
A 60-ton Mechanical Press Brake
Chicago, 8’, manual back gage
Other Equipment
MIG/TIG Welding, Spot Welder
Hydraulic Power Notcher, 2 Shears
Clinch Nut Machine
Additional Capabilities
Load Bank Element Winding
Transformer/Reactor Winding, Dip and
Silkscreen & Scotchcal Labels
Paint Booth with Curing Oven
Load Bank Testing
Potting and Encapsulation
Memmert curing oven
Other Capabilities
Complete paint room with separate paint booth
and curing oven
Printed Circuit conformal coat room with
curing room
Large Power Source and Avtron Load Banks
for variable speed drive testing
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10409 Meech Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44105
Phone: 216-641-8310
Fax: 216-341-8803
Manufacturing – 45,000 sq. ft.
Office – 20,000 sq. ft.
Land – 5 acres
Employees – 75
Sheet Metal Fabrication
Structure Welding
Electrical Assembly\Painting
Testing – Electrical
Load Banks
Equipment Resources
Overhead Bridge Cranes:
One 20-ton Crane
One 10-ton Crane
Three 5-ton Cranes
• Tubing Bender
• Welder
• Power Source for Large System Testing
Department Resources
Contract Administration
Drafting Department
Shipping Department
Technical Publications Department
Photo/Print Shop
Test Department
Training Department
Engineering Resources
Customer Support Engineering
Electrical Test Equipment Engineering
Hydraulic & Fuel Test Equipment
• Research & Development Engineering
• Software Development Engineering
7900 E. Pleasant Valley Rd.
Independence, Ohio 44131
Phone: 216-642-1230
Fax: 216-642-6037
Manufacturing – 40,000 sq. ft.
Office – 20,000 sq. ft.
Land 5 acres
Employees 200
Heavy and Small Assembly
Hydraulic Assembly
Electrical Assembly
Testing – Systems
Drafting/Technical Publications
Photo/Print Shop
Aircraft Component Test Systems
Medium and Large Load Banks
Large Variable Speed Drive Systems
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machining center
Hitachi Seiki HiTec-Turn 20SII, lathe
Burgmaster VTC 150, Qty. 2, vertical
machining centers
Hitachi Seiki 4NEII, Qty. 2, lathes
Enshu AccuMill AM1547, vertical
machining center
Bridgeport Series I, Qty. 2, milling
South Bend SBL390, lathe
South Bend SBL400, lathe
Brown & Sharpe MicroMaster 618,
surface grinder
Cincinnati Hydrashift 15, lathe
Radial arm drill
Do-All cut-off saw
Do-All band saw
Quality Assurance
AlphaMetals lonograph 500M
Brown & Sharpe Validator, coordinate
measuring machine
• Comparator
Printed Circuits
Electrovert Econopak II, wave solder
• DEE 4 station washer
• Miscellaneous
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8601 E. Pleasant Valley Road
Independence, Ohio 44131
Phone: 216-642-1230
Fax: 216-642-9743
Manufacturing – 26,000 sq. ft.
Office – 4,000 sq. ft.
Land – 3 acres
Employees – 75
Machine Shop
Testing – Electrical
Manufacturing Engineering
Printed Circuit Board Fabrication
Wave Solder
Small Assembly
Quality Control
Drive Controls
Circuit Cards