THE REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS VOLUME 38. NUMBER 1 JANUARY 1967 Electron Monochromator Design* C. E. KUYATT AND J. AROL SIMPSON National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C.20234 (Received 20 July 1966; and in final form, 8 September 1966) A study has been made of all the known factors which limit the performance of high resolution (0.07 to 0.01 eV monochromators. These limiting factors have been incorporated into design equations for the optimum (ma~mum current output) monochromator. The conclusions are tested by performance measurements on a prototype Illstrume~t. The results require the introduction into the design equation of a new limiting factor, an anomalous energy spread III dense electron beams, which is empirically determined. F~M) A monochromator based on 180 0 electrostatic deflection between concentric spheres has been reported by Meyer, Skerbele, and Lassettre,6 with mean radius of 12.7 cm and entrance and exit slits 0.0062 cm wide. A gun utilizing an oxide coated cathode furnishes electrons of 100 to 400 eV at the entrance slit. The exit beam is about 10-7 A at 400 eV and has a FWHM of 0.14 eV, as measured with an identical energy analyzer. The two types of monochromators so far described operate at very different energies, 1 and 200 eV, the former giving approximately the same current with a slightly smaller energy FWHM. No reasons were given for the choice of electron energy or for any of the other parameters of the devices, such as the radius of the electron path in the electrostatic deflectors. A third type of monochromator, described by Boersch, Geiger, and Hellwig,7 operates near 20 eV, and is based on the Wien filter. Electrons are decelerated from 20 keY to 20 eV and pass through crossed electric and magnetic fields adjusted so that electrons of the desired energy are not deflected. The energy selected electrons are then reaccelerated to 20 keY. A fairly complete analysis of the device was given. The effect of space charge was not discussed, but we have determined that this monochromator is limited by cathode brightness at currents sufficiently small to have negligible space charge effects. The analysis of Boersch, Geiger, and StickelS results in specification of aperture sizes and other parameters which give maximum current for a given energy FWHM. The aperture sizes found best in practice deviate greatly from the sizes specified by the analysis. The extreme deceleration ratios and consequent strong focusing action at the entrance and exit slits result in nonstandard operation of the Wien filter, and therefore the analysis given is not completely applicable to the monochromator as operated. The current furnished by the monochromator is not stated by the authors; only energy FWHM are given. When measured with an identical energy analyzer, FWHM's as small as 0.007 eV have been obtained. A typical FWHM used in energy loss measurements was about 0.04 eV, with I. INTRODUCTION THElessproduction of electron beams with energy spreads than 0.1 eV and with current sufficient for measurement of elastic and inelastic scattering in gases has led recently to the discovery of resonance effects in both elastic! and inelastic2 electron scattering from atoms and molecules, and of new energy levels in the rare gases. 3 Further and more detailed study of these processes would benefit greatly from the availability of monoenergetic electron beams with higher current. Unfortunately, the electron monochromators in current use are already, for the most part, "second generation" devices of considerable sophistication, and major improvements may not be easy. Perhaps the best known of the monochromators is that of Marmet and Kerwin. 4 It is an improvement of a device first built by Clarke,5 and consists of a 127 0 cylindrical electrostatic deflector with 1.25 cm mean radius and 0.5 mm wide slits. The cylindrical electrodes are constructed of fine wires, and exterior positive electrodes collect those electrons which pass between the wires of the inner electrodes. A tungsten ribbon filament placed 1 mm from the entrance slit is used to provide electrons for the monochromator, using a small accelerating potential. Electrons with a mean energy of about 1 eV traverse the cylindrical deflector and emerge from the exit slit, producing an electron beam of up to lX 10-7 A, .and with an energy distribution having a FWHM of 0.06 to 0.08 eV. The energy distribution was measured with an energy analyzer identical in construction to the monochromator. Since the energy distributions encountered are close to Gaussian, the FWHM of the electron beam from the monochromator is approximately 0.7 of the FWHM as observed with the analyzer. (Not 0.5, as sometimes claimed.) * Supporte~ in part by Project Defender, sponsored by Advanced R;search Projects Agency, Department of Defense. G. Schulz, Phys. Rev. Letters 10, 104 (1963); C. E. Kuyatt, J. A. SImpson, and S. R. Mielczarek, Phys. Rev. 138 A385 (1965)' J. Chern. Phys. 44,437 (1966). " 2 G. J. Schulz and J. W. Philbrick, Phys. Rev. Letters 13, 477 (1964) ; G. !'-. Chamberlain, Phys. Rev. Letters 14, 581 (1965); G. E. rl::65)~rlalll and H. G. M. Heideman, Phys. Rev. Letters 15, 337 r a J. A. Simpson, G. E. Chamberlain, and S. R. Mielczarek Phys. Rev. 139, A1039 (1965). ' 4 P. Marmet and L. Kerwin, Can. J. Phys. 38,787 (1960). 6 E. M. Clarke, Can. J. Phys. 32, 764 (1954). 6 V. D. Meyer, A. Skerbele, and E. W. Lassettre J Chern Phys 43,805 (1965). ,. . . 7 H. Boersch, J. Geiger, and H. Hellwig, Phys. Letters 3 64 (1962) 8 H. Boersch, J. Geiger, and W. Stickel, Z. Physik 180, 415 (1964)" 103 Downloaded 03 Feb 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see C. 104 E. KUYATT AND ]. A. SIMPSON EXIT SLIT ENTRANCE SLIT oD CATHODE ILLUMINATING OPTICS IMAGING OPTICS 0 ENERGY DISPERSOR IMAGING OPTICS BEAM FORMING OPTICS OUTPUT FIG. 1. Block diagram of the electron monochromator. some recent measurements made with a FWHM about 0.01 eV. A similar monochromator with the Wien filter modified for two dimensional focusing has been described by Legler.9 The fourth monochromator is that described by Simpson1o ; it is based on the 180 0 spherical electrostatic deflector, but incorporates several unique features. One is that the electrostatic deflectors are slitless; that is, there are no physical apertures in the entrance and exit planes. Instead, these planes are imaged by electron lenses onto physical apertures at much higher potentials than exist in the spherical deflector. Two main purposes are served by this arrangement. First, electrons at very low energy do not have to pass through the actual slits; and second, any secondary electrons produced at the slits are prevented from reaching the electrostatic deflector. A second important feature is that the electron beam entering the monochromator is carefully collimated to match the characteristics of the electrostatic deflector. Hence unwanted electrons are reduced to a minimum, and no surface coatings or grids were needed to reduce the deleterious effects of large numbers of extraneous electrons. This monochromator utilized a mean radius of 2.54 cm and equivalent apertures of 0.25 mm diam. When operated at a mean energy of ",4 eV, it produced a beam of about 10-7 A with a FWHM of 0.07 eV. This monochromator has proved capable of producing usable beams with FWHM's down to 0.0035 eV, and has shown its versatility in a wide range of measurements of elastic and inelastic scattering from gases. Despite the successes of these electron spectrometers, the problem of producing high current electron beams of energy FWHM less than 0.1 eV cannot be considered solved. A simple calculation based on the known emission properties of tungsten shows that it should be possible to produce an electron beam with an energy width of 0.02 eV, cross sectional area of 1 mm2, and a current of 100 p.A. This value is several orders of magnitude greater than the best reported monochromator performance. Moreover, the amount of monoenergetic current available from a tungsten' 9 W. Legler, Z. Physik 10 A. Simpson, Rev. J. 171,424 (1963). Sci. Instr. 35, 1698 (1964). emitter should be approximately proportional to the energy FWHM. In practice, the current actually obtained from monochromators decreases very rapidly as the energy halfwidth is decreased. lO We have therefore made a study of all of the known factors which limit the performance of electron monochromators. We discuss these limiting factors and incorporate them into equations for the optimum electron monochromator. We have focused our attention on the system shown in diagrammatic form in Fig. 1. In this design, electrons emitted by the thermionic cathode are accelerated and focused onto the entrance slit by the illuminating optics (electron gun). This slit is then focused by the imaging optics onto the focal plane of the energy disperser. The exit plane of the energy disperser, where the "spectrum" of energies is spread out, is focused onto the plane of the exit slit where electrons in the desired energy band pass through the physical slit. The beam forming optics then transform the electrons emerging from the slit into a beam with the properties desiredll for an experiment. We have allowed for as many 'changes of energy during the focusing operations as were necessary or desirable, and have placed no arbitrary limit on the number of electron optical elements used. II. FUNDAMENTAL ELECTRON-OPTICAL RELATIONS In any electron beam system, there are three basic restrictions which must be satisfied. These are the law of Helmholtz and Lagrange, Langmuir's equation which is derived from it, and the effect of space charge in high current electron beams. A. Law of Helmholtz and Lagrange This law states that along any electron beam path where current is conserved (and there are no energy dispersing devices), the energy E, differential solid angle dO, and the differential area dA at any two cross sections 1 and 2 are 11 The problem of choosing the proper beam parameters to optimize a particular scattering experiment involves the design of an optimized analyzer, and will be dealt with in subsequent papers. Downloaded 03 Feb 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 105 ELECTRON MONOCHROMATOR related byI2,13 ~-----------L------------~ (1) The law of Helmholtz and Lagrange might be subtitled as the conservation of electron "brightness". "Brightness," as we use the term, is called Richtstrah.lwert in German, and has been called current intensity by Sturrock. To avoid confusion Richtstrahlwerl is used here, and is defined by R=dlldAdQ, (2) where dI is the current through a differential area dA, and dQ is the solid angle sub tended by the electrons. Conservation of current together with Eq. (1) leads to dII E 1dQ 1dA I = dII E 2dQ 2dA 2. (3) Use of Eq. (2) then gives RliEI = R21E 2• (4) Hence we see that Richtstrahlwert, when divided by the electron energy, is a conserved quantity. The law of Helmholtz and Lagrange can be cast in yet another form. Consider the case where planes 1 and 2 are conjugate; that is, one is imaged' on the other. Let two electron rays originate at a point in plane 1 and be imaged to a point in plane 2, and let fit and O2 be the angles between the rays at the two planes. Then (5) where M is the linear magnification from plane 1 to plane 2. Equation (5) is often called the Abbe-Helmholtz sine law, and its relation to Eq. (1) can be easily seen by squaring Eq. (5). Equation (1), however, is valid between non.:conjugate planes. B. Langmuir's Equation This equation relates the maximum achievable current density Jmax in an electron beam to the current density and other parameters at a thermionic cathode. By application of the law of Helmholtz and Lagrange between the cathode and any other plane in an electron-optical system, one obtains the Langmuir equation, where dQ 2 has been expressed in terms of the convergence angle 82 in the plane under consideration, k is the Boltzmann constant, and T is the cathode temperature.14 See P. A, Sturrock, Static and Dynamic Electron Optics(Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1955), p. 93, et seq. of a complete treatment. 13 W. Glaser, Grundlagen der Elektrontmoptik (Springer-Verlag, Vienna, 1952), p. 276. 14 The maximum value of current density is achieved only at very low current transmission efficiency [See J. R. Pierce, Theory and Design of Electron Beams (Van Nostrand Books Co., New York, 1934), 2nd. ed., Ch. 8]. In practice, the maximum value can be closely approached. La d 2.35 = 2.35 FIG. 2. Geometrical parameters of a fully space charge limited beam. Although the full derivation of Eq. (6) is somewhat involved, an approximate form restricted to an image plane can easily be derived from Eq. (5). Let M be the magnification between the cathode and the plane of interest. Then J 2 = (l/M2)Jcathode' From Eq. (5), M2=EI sin281lE2 sin282. If we take EI = kT as the characteristic energy for a cathode, and remember that sinOl = 1, then there results Equations (7) and (6) are exactly the same. C. Space Charge When the mutual repulsion of electrons in a beam is taken into account, it is found that there is a maximum amount of current which can be passed through any volume, and that this current is always proportional to the three-halves power of the electron energy.l. When the volume is defined by two apertures of diameter d separated by a distance 1 [Fig. 2J, the maximum amount of current which can be transmitted is given byI6 I max= 38.5E! (d2ll2) , (8) where I max is in p.A and E is in eV. To obtain this maximum current, the electron beam must enter the volume so that in the absence of space charge the beam would focus to a point at tbe center of the volume. In the presence of space charge, the beam profile assumes a shape as shown in Fig. 2, with a minimum diameter17 which is d/2.35. Another form of Eq. (8) is often convenient. This is obtained by replacing dll with a, (9) 12 15 H. F. Ivy, Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics, L. Marton, Ed. (Academic Press Inc., New York, 1954), Vol. VI, p.137. 16 See Pierce14 (Cb. 9). 17 This model is somewhat simplified, in that a point focus and laminar flow are assumed. When the focus has a finite size, the electron trajectories can cross the axis, and a more general treatment is required. See Glaser13 (p. 66). The main features, however, remain approximately the same. Downloaded 03 Feb 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see C. 106 E. KUYATT AND J. A. SIMPSON given by (10) The potential of the inner sphere is V o[3-2(Ro/Rl)], and the potential of the outer sphere is V o[3-2(R o/R 2 )], and in general the two dividing resistors used to establish the potential of the incident electron beam with respect to the spheres are unequal. Let Xl be the radial distance of an incident electron measured from the path of radius R o, and let a be the angle the incident electron makes with the path of radius RD. Let X2 be the radial distance of the outgoing electron measured from the path of radius RD. Then where /lE = E - Eo. The absence of a term linear in a shows that the spherical deflector has first order angle focusing. To obtain the energy resolution of the spherical deflector, one must calculate the transmission of electrons as a function of energy, taking into account the distribution of the incident electrons over space and angle. With entrance and exit slits of equal width w (or with virtual slits), such a transmission function, neglecting the a 2 term, would be a triangle whose width at half height /lEI; is given by --...-.- (12) X2 FIG. 3. Schematic of a spherical deflector. m. ENERGY DISPERSING ELEMENT The heart of any electron monochromator is the energy dispersing element. Our choice of the 180° spherical electrostatic deflector was based on two considerations. First, devices containing magnetic fields were ruled out because they are difficult to work with at low electron energies, and the problem of shielding other parts of the apparatus from magnetic fields is severe; and second, the device must provide focusing in two directions so that lenses of axial symmetry can be used for beam transport and control, and so that a well defined electron beam is available for angular scattering measurements. The spherical deflector has been described by Purcell,18 and the version we have used is shown schematically in Fig. 3. A 1/r2 electrostatic field is produced by a difference of potential between two concentric hemispherical surfaces of radii R2> R I • Electrons enter the deflector near the center of the space between the spheres, and exit after being deflected by 180°. If Eo=eV o is the energy in electron volts of electrons which Itravel in a circle of radius R o, then the potential difference V between the spheres is 18 E. M. Purcell, Phys. Rev. 54, 818 (1938). Use of a round entrance aperture instead of a slit would change the shape of the transmission function (line shape) without significantly changing /lEi. Addition of the a2 term also has the effect of changing the shape of the transmission function without appreciably changing /lEI, as long as a 2 <w/2R o. We have chosen equal effective entrance and exit apertures, and to reduce the tailing of the line Col FOCAL FOCAL PLANE PLANE (b) ~-(~ I 4 ~Ro 4 ,[ FIG. 4. Models of space charge limited deflector (a) without internal focusing, (b) with internal focusing concentrated in two thin lenses located as shown. Downloaded 03 Feb 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see ELECTRON MONOCHROMATOR AE ~----------~~------------------aEo I I 1-' I~ I ~ considered only in the regions between the slits and the thin lenses, using the universal space charge curve. 19 The results of this model calculation are shown in Fig. 5, where the effective energy resolution t1E of the deflector is plotted as a function of the injected current I. Up to a critical value Icrit( '" 1.5 f.J.A) of injected current, the energy resolution remains virtually constant. The rapid increase of t1E at higher currents is due to the point of smallest diameter on the exit side moving out of the focal plane. The critical value of current is given by (15) lu 11-1 I FIG. 5. Effect of space charge on the resolution !>f a. deflector with concentrated internal focusing. flEe is the reS?lU~lOn ill the absence of space charge, as given by Eq. (12). IcritioaliS glven by Eq. (15). shape have chosen a 2 =w/4Ro. (13) A final property of the spherical deflector which is of interest is the maximum deviation Wm of the beam in the deflector from the central path of radius R o, Wm _ Ro t1E +[a2+(~+ t1E)2J! Eo 107 (14) 2Ro Eo Equations (12) and (13), together with Eq. (9), are the basic equations needed to design the optimum monochroma tor; optimum, that is, in the sense that it provides the maximum possible current for a given t1EI' Having chosen t1EI and the size of the spherical deflector, the geometry of the electron beam at the spherical deflector is fixed, but its energy is not. Before discussing the choice of energy which gives maximum current, the effect of space charge on the spherical deflector must be considered. Space Charge in Spherical Deflector Because no detailed treatment of the spherical deflector is available, one is reduced to model calculations. These calculations vary in degree of sophistication, and the ultimate choice must be based on experimental verification of their predictions. The first and simplest of these is shown in Fig. 4(a). The analyzer (shown straightened out) is considered to be a tube whose length is that of the beam path in the analyzer and whose width is equal to that of the slit. This model predicts the optimum operation to be at very low energies. 10 This obviously oversimplified model ignores the internal focusing of the deflector, and can be improved as shown in Fig. 4 (b). In this model, the focal properties are considered to be concentrated in two thin lenses located as shown. The electron beam is injected so that after space charge spreading the beam fills the entrance slit. Space charge effects are Since this model relates to many other analyzers, the choice of slit width wand electron energy E for maximum current at a given t1E in this model is discussed below. In the final model of space charge in the spherical deflector, a more sophisticated point of view is taken. In this point of view, cognizance is taken of the fact that, in the system sketched in Fig. 1, there is no slit in the focal plane of the dispersing element, and that what is important is the image of this plane at the physical exit slit, where by accelerating or demagnifying, or both, space charge spreading can be made negligibly small. To a good approxima tion, space charge spreading can be considered to be the consequence of a negative lens in the region of minimum beam cross section,20 in particular at the exit focal plane of the spherical deflector. If the electron beam is converging toward a very small spot at minimum beam cross section, the effect of the negative lens produces a beam which, after space charge spreading occurs, appears to come from a very small spot. This point of view has a profound effect on the monochromator problem, as is seen below. The classical "laminar flow" space charge th eory20.21 predicts that such a space charge lens has vanishing aberrations. Although this theory is not exact, the fact that aberrations affect spot size as the aperture angle to the third power, while the aberration term of the spherical deflector is a second power term, suggests that, even if the aberration constants are large, for small angles such a space charge lens would form a satisfactory image. IV. OPTIMUM MONOCHROMATORS In the earlier work/o it was pointed out that the most successful monochromators operated at comparatively low energy, and the simple theory of a focusing dispersing element in the presence of space charge called for operation at E"-' t1E. This conclusion is considerably modified in the more realistic treatment of the focusing dispersing element which is given below. 19 K. R. Spangenberg, Vacuum Tubes (McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1948), p. 444. 20 O. Klemperer, Electron Optics (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1953), 2nd ed., p. 207 et seq. 21 V. K. Zworykin et al., Electron Optics and the Electron Microscope Gohn Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1945), p. 541. Downloaded 03 Feb 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 108 C. E. KUYATT AND SPACE CHARGE LENS ~ W 0- ,. .... /' ~....... "".... WITH ANOMALOUS .... "'" ...... .... i.S ENERGY SPREAD I / -...--, --.,-,~--.::... ... " ''''-~ '"oc v" .... ~ .lEK ""2.5kT.) We find that ,,; '"wa; .... ;,. !tj8 "o i go " ~:~: : ~~ wi ~::~ 01 >1 01 (;)1 , 0;' -"-....,. ~I , ',,- ... w, >,, , liE \12 : Q,02eV 0,' I t!.E= 350E-l(AEi )3/.lEK ; E?:.18AEt (21a) = 19.3E!(.lE,)2/.lEK i E:=:;18.lEt (2Ib) = 82(.lEi W.lE K ; E=18.lEt . (2Ic) 0 o0; :r J. A. SIMPSON 10 100 ELECTRON ENERGY 'N MONOCHROMATOR.eV FIG. 6. Predicted pelformance of electron monochromator. Calculated performance of the "real slit" and space cbarge lens model are shown. The effect of anomalous energy spread on the space charge lens model is to be noted. Two experimental points corrected for transmission defect are shown. A. Monochromator with Real Apertures For the case of real apertures at the entrance and exit planes of the spherical deflector, we must take as the slit size the actual size of the space charge limited beam at the entrance plane of the spherical deflector. Otherwise, not all of the incident electron beam would be usable. This model of space charge in the spherical deflector is applicable to the case of real apertures. Referring to Fig. 4(b), we see that the electron beam diameter after space charge spreading is t7rRoa, and therefore the minimum beam diameter w is given by w= (1/2.35) (7rRoa/2):::;:'2Roa/3. (16) The basic monochromator Eqs. (12) and (13) then become (17) whichever is greater. The two terms in Eq. (17) containing are equal whena=i. Fora<t, the right hand term can be ignored to an accuracy of a few per cent. Solving the remaining equation for a and substituting into Eq. (15), the total space charge limited current It entering the spherical deflector is found to be a (18) As before, electron energy is in eV and current is in ",A. For a>t the center term in Eq. (17) can be ignored, and we find (19) For a=t, where .lE/E=!a=1/18, the corresponding current is (20) To obtain the monochromatized electron current I t!.E, Eqs. (18)-(20) must be multiplied by .lEt/.lEK , where AEK is the' effective width of the electron beam entering the deflector. (For a thermionic cathode operating at TOK, Equation (21) is plotted as a solid line in Fig. 6 for the case .lEi=O.02 eV and .lEK =0.25 eV. The largest monoenergetic electron beam is produced when E= I8AEj. Part of the curve is dotted because operation would be required with an impractically large aperture in relation to the mean radius of the deflector. B .. Monochromator with Virtual Apertures The use of real apertures at a much higher energy than in the deflector, together with accelerating and decelerating electrostatic lenses to image the real apertures in the exit and entrance planes of the deflector, has been successful in the past for other reasons, and is indicated schematically in Fig. 1. Such virtual apertures can play an even more important role when attempting to exploit the fact that, to first approximation, space charge acts as a negative lens. After space charge spreading, the electron beam appears to come from a source smaller than the actual minimum diameter of the beam. If such a beam is accelerated and/or demagnified, thus reducing the degree of space charge, a real image of the apparent small source should be obtainable. The net result is to decouple the effective size of the electron ,beam (due to space charge) from its angular spread, so that one is free to choose the ejJective aperture size w to satisfy Eq. (12). Under these conditions, we can always choose a2= .lEt /2Eo, which, when substituted into Eq. (9), gives the total space charge limited current lin entering the spherical deflector, Iin= 19.3Et.lEi;. (22) The monochromatized electron current I "'E is then (23) Equations (22) and (23) are identical to Eqs. (19) and C21b), respectively, but with one important differencethere is no longer an upper limit for the electron energy E in the monochromator. The dashed curve in Fig. 6 shows the extension of Eq. (23) to large values of E. Note that according to this model of space charge in the spherical deflector, the amount of monochromatized current increases indefinitely as the mean energy in the deflector is increased, while at the same time the effective aperture size wand entrance angle a must be reduced. V. TEST OF OPTIMUM MONOCHROMATOR MODELS Models II and III predict optimum operating conditions for the monochromator which differ markedly, with the, Downloaded 03 Feb 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see ELECTRON MONOCHROMATOR 109 ELECTRON SPECTROMETER (- 30· to +90· SCAN) FIG. 7. Cross section of prototype electron monochromator and analyzer used to test monochromator model calculations. space charge lens theory calling for high energy at high dispersion with correspondingly small slits, while the real slit theory calls for low energy and larger slits. In practice, the real slit theory is easily realized, while the space charge lens theory soon calls for cathodes of impossible brightness and extremely small slits, or dispersing elements of impracticably large dimensions. For a given energy resolution, the higher the energy of operation of the monochromator, the more sensitive it becomes to stray magnetic fields. This apparent paradox arises since, for a fixed apparatus size, the slit width is inversely proportional to the energy, while the magnetic rigidity of the beam increases only as the square root of the energy. In order to determine the vaiidity of the space charge models, a series of experimental studies were made on two monochromators (which we call versions A and B) whose parameters were chosen to give operation in the region where the space charge lens model and the real slit model differ appreciably, as shown in Fig. 6. The design parameters used are listed in Table I together with the predicted and measured currents for .:lEt = 0.02 eV. A. Experimental Arrangement The apparatus used is sketched in Fig. 7. The monochromator was mounted on a hinged support, allowing the monqduomatized current to be directed either to a Faraday cup, which, when biased 30 V positive, collected essentially all of the beam, or onto the entrance aperture of a high resolution analyzer which sampled .....,8% of the beatn./The apparatus was enclosed in a mercury pumped stainless steel vacuum system with an operating vacuum ;S2X1Q-7 Torr. Measurements were made of the current to the Faraday sup as a func,tion of the amount of current injected into the spherical deflector. The latter current was determined by measuring the current collected on the outer sphere with the deflecting voltage turned off and 30 V positive applied to the outer sphere to retain low energy secondary electrons. The current into the spherical deflector was varied by changing the initial diode stage voltage. Energy resolution of the monochromator was checked by moving the beam onto the analyzer, and remained close to the nominal value throughout the measurements (after correction for energy resolution of the analyzer). B. Experimental Results The results of the monochromator measurements are shown in Fig. 8, where current into the Faraday cup is plotted as a function of current into the monochromator spheres. For a monochromator which obeys the space charge lens model, one expects a linear rise in monochromator output current as the input current is increased up to the space charge limited current, after which monochromator performance rapidly deteriorates. If the real slit model is valid, the critical current would be considerably lower. TABLE 1. Parameters of prototype monoehromators. Monochromator mean radius Ro Effective entrance aperture w Effective exit slitwidth Energy in deflector Energy resolution t..E, Current (real slit theory) Current (space charge lens theory) Measured current Measured "efficiency" (Measured current) I (efficiency) Current (anomalous energy spread theory) A B 2.54 cm 0.50 mm diam 0.50mm 2eV 0.02 eV 8 X 10-9 A 4.5 XlO- s A 1.1 XlO- s A 0.3 3.67XI0-s 2.85 X lO-s 2.54 cm 0.177 min diam 0.177 mm 7 eV 0.016 eV 2.15XlO-9 A 5.4 X1O-s A 6 XIQ-9 A 0.45 1.33X1O-s 1.57XIQ-s Downloaded 03 Feb 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see C. 110 E. KUYATT AND J. rJ) W 0:: W a. ,, .. ::;; I « 1 100% SPACE CHARGE I I I 3 12 0:: W I I ;;jl m 8' :./ / ~IO J: u VERSION A 12' '-'" '"z ii: 8 w 100% SPACE CHARGE I --'I '-'" "'I I ~I ff- I u, ::t::1 <l U UJ 6 1 ,-", u, !;;; ~I f- "'/ 0 1 => ~ 4 => / I / 0:: I 0 I 2 !;i ::;; 0 0:: 3 0 0 0 z 2 4 6 8 MONOCHRPMATOR INPUT CURRENT,10- 7 AMPERES 0 ::;; FIG. 8. Measured performance of prototype electron monochromator. The deviation from the space charge lens theory is due to anomalous energy spread in the dense electron beam entering the instrument. Operating conditions-version A, 2 eV, Mi""O.02 eV; version B, 7 eV, Mt""O.02 eV. A. SIMPSON in versions A and B, and should not be applied to other devices. There may be geometrical factors implicit in Eq. (24) which would change in a different geometry. There is one other factor which causes a decrease in output current measured at the scattering chamber as the input is increased. Some current is lost in the electronoptical system between the monochromator and the scattering chamber. The fraction transmitted varies from about i to t as the input current is increased from zero to the space charge limit. Since the other measurements clearly indicate that the monochromator focusing in the energy dispersing plane is not affected by space charge, we conclude that space charge produces an astigmatic focus; i.e., the best focus perpendicular to the energy dispersing plane is not at the monochromator output slit, and the result is the loss of electrons by interception on the electron lenses or collimating apertures. This effect is not unexpected, since there are no converging forces within the spheres in the nondispersing plane. VI. OPTIMUM MONOCHROMATOR IN PRESENCE OF ANOMALOUS ENERGY SPREAD Instead of the expected linear increase of output current, we find a strong bending over in both A and B versions. In the A version, the bending over has proceeded to the point of apparent saturation of output current. The dashed line indicates the prediction of the space charge lens model. Both versions A and B give output curves which are nearly tangent to the predicted curve at low input currents, but quickly deviate from this curve as the input current is increased. An extensive series of measurements were made to determine. the cause of the nonlinearity and saturation of monochromator output. These measurements22 lead to the conclusion that, as has been reported previously,23 dense electron beams exhibit energy widths which are current dependent, and are much greater than those characterized by the cathode temperature. Measurements of the anomalous energy spread at several energies on both versions A and B can be fit with a single energy spread equation, The anomalous energy spread given in Eq. (24) must now be incorporated into an optimum monochromator model. Since monochromator focusing has been clearly demonstrated to be independent of space charge up to the space charge limited current, the anomalous energy spread logically should be incorporated into the space charge lens model. .., en ....,,.'" <t ,.: .., Z ~ u 10-7 ... ~ ::J o '" ,.~ where tJ.E in is the FWHM in eVof the input energy distribution at current I, tJ.EK is the FWHM of the energy distribution at vanishing current (the cathode energy distribution), J is the current density in p.A/cm2 at the entrance to the spheres, and E is the mean energy in eVof the electron beam in the spheres. It must be emphasized that Eq. (24) applies only to the special conditions existing &!r ~ ,.o 10-8 10 ELE~TRON ENERGY IN MONOCHROMATOR,eV J. A. Simpson and C. E. Kuyatt, J. Appl. Phys. 37, 3805 (1966). H. Boersch, Z. Physik 151,519 (1958) ; D. Hartwig and K. Ulmer, Z. Physik 173, 294 (1963). 22 21 100 FIG. 9. Relationship between monochromatized current and energy within monochromator for various values of MI in the presence of. anomalous energy spread. Downloaded 03 Feb 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 111 ELECTRON MONOCHROMATOR 10-6 given by I q' I I 1&.1 I a: It1E=19.3 I ,,0/ 1&.1 CL ~ " . z 1&.1 a:: 0: ::;) 0 ~ ::;) 0.. ler' I ~ :::) 0 I E= 116AEKAERo2, I '/ , / lu max =31.2[RoCAE)!/(AEK)lJ. 10-· 100 10 AE (28) where r is in em, and the corresponding maximum current I u max is given by / 5 (27) AEK+8.6X Io-S(E/Ro2AE) For the special case AE=0.02 eV and AEK=0.25 eV, lu is plotted as a function of E in Fig. 6 (labeled "anomalous energy spread"). Figure 9 shows several such curves. It is seen that there is an optimum value of E, the energy in the monochromator, which gives maximum monochromator output current. It is easily found from Eq. (27) that this optimum E is given by ,'/. C ~ (26) E!(AE)2 I,'/ tn = 6.I4(E!/rAE). Equation (25) then becomes I / I J =lin/!W= 19.3ElAE/l-Jr(2RrAE/E)~ mY FIG. 10. Comparison of prototype performance with predictions of calculations. The log of the monochromatized current is plotted against log of l!.Et to illustrate (LlEt)6/2 current dependence. The pre· diction of the real slit model as applied to version A is shown as a broken line. The corresponding prediction of the space charge lens model with anomalous energy spread is shown as a. solid line. The points represent measured values without transmission correction. If corrected they would lie slightly above the solid line. The fraction of the input current transmitted by the monochromator is now AE/AE in, rather than AE/AEK. Hence the output current is given by Since J is proportional to lin, Eq. (25) has the fonn CJ/(A+BJ), a monotonically increasing function. Hence I AE is a maximum when lin is given by the space charge limited current from Eq. (22). The current density J is (29) It is interesting to note that the dependence on AE in Eq. (29) is the same as in Eq. (2Ic) for the real slit model. We also find that the effective electron beam size at the monochromator is given by w= 2r(AE/E) = 1/58RrAEK. (30) We have omitted from consideration here the transmission factor of the optics after the monochromator itself.The transmission could be raised to the theoretical value by modifying the external electron optics. It can be seen from Figs. 6 and 9 that both versions A and B are close to optimum. The choice can be made on grounds of convenience. We have chosen version A because of lower operating voltages, and because this version appeared to be easier to adjust and to have better stability. Figure 10 shows how the final optimum monochromator model fits the measured performance of version A over the AE range of 0.02 to 0.07 eV FWHM of the monochromator 'alone. Because of the efficiency factor discussed above, the measured currents fall below the model, but have the predicted dependence on' AE. The currents obtained are clearly greater than predicted by the real slit model, even without correction for the efficiency factor. Downloaded 03 Feb 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see