ffiffiDEt ffism & |lfisR.Dc WAYNECOMBUSTION SYSTEMS 801GLASGOWAVE. FORTWAYNE,IN 46803 )# 0lt BIJANERS PublicationDate3124n1o3 ELECTRIC SHOCKHAZARD c Manual22019-003 Flevision D OVERHEATING HAZARD OCCUR: SHOULDOVERHEATING HIGHVOLTAGES ARE PRESENT IN THISEQUIPMENT, A Shutoffthe manualoil valveto theappliance. FOLLOWTHESERULESTOAVOIDELECTBIC SHOCK. A Do not shutoff the controlswitchto the oumoor blower. grounded A Useonlya properly circuit. A groundfault interrupter is recommended. NEVER ATTEMPT TOUSE A Do notspraywaterdirectlyon burner. GASOLINE ASA FUELFOR A Turnoff powerbeforeservicing. THISBURNER, AS IT ISMORECOMBUSTIBLE AND RESULT INA SERIOUS EXPLOSION. COULD A Readthe owner'smanualbeforeusing. FOR VOUR SAFETY MODET MSRSPECIFIGATIOI{S FIRING CAPACITIES MODEL MSR DO NOTSTOREOR USEGASOLINE OR VAPORS OTHERFLAMMABLE AND LIQUIDSIN THEVICINITY OF THISOR ANY OTHER APPLIANCE. O.5O TO 2.75GALLONSPERHOUR 70,000To 385,000BTU/HRTNPUT FUELS UseNo.1 or No.2 Heating Oil (ASTMD-396), Kerosene, Diesel& JP8Jet Fuel. and couldresultin a serias a fuelfor yourburner,as it is morecombustible - NEVERattemptto usegasoline ousexplosion. ELECTRICAL Pow erSu p p ly Motor.....,... lgnition....... ..........tt 5 V I 6 O HZ /1 P H Protection 48 Flange, ManualResetOverload ,..........,..3450 RPM,N.E.M.A. Duty-Shielded, Interrupted Continuous ,.,..,..,..,..10,000V I 23MAsecondary, or Solid-State lgnitionSystem, DutyShielded Transformer, (STANDARDI DTMENSTONS HEIGHT..... wlDrH FUEL PUMPS ..............11%" Suntecor Danfoss- SingleStageStandard ............. ....tsvj:' DEPTH...... MOUNTTNG .... . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 % " " RigidFlange,Adjustable Flange,or BaseMount INSTALLATION OF BURNER INSTALLATIONOF THE BURNER MUST BE DONE BY A QUALIFIEDINSTALLERIN ACCORDANCEWITH REGULATIONSOF THE NATION. AL FIRE PROTECTIONSTANDARDFOR OIL-BURNINGEOUIPMENT,NFPA NO. 31, AND IN COMPLETEACCORDANCEWITH ALL LOCAL CODES AND AUTHORITIESHAVINGJURISDICTION. A QUALIFTEDINSTALLER tS THE PERSON WHO IS RESPONSIBLEFOR THE INSTALLATIONAND ADJUSTMENTOF THE EQUIPMENT ANQ WHO lS LTCENSEDTO TNSTALLO|L-BURNTNGEOUIPMENTtN ACCORDANCEWrTH ALL CODES AND ORDINANCES.WARRANTY IS VOIDED IF NOT INSTALLEDBY SERVICEPEHSON. THESE INSTRUCTIONSSHOULD BE AFFIXEDTO THE BUHNER OR ADJACENTTO THE HEATINGAPPLIANCE. \ APPROVALS me burneris U.L.listed,for usewithGroupI or Groupll primarysafetycontrols.Stateand localapprovals areshown /ll on burner rating label. All burners should be installed in Fire Protection Association, accordance with National and in V withall localcodes,and authorities of theseauthorities havingjurisdiction.Regulations take l.*:Mcomplete accordance '--- precedent providedin thismanual. overgeneralinstructions GENERAL INFORMATION HeatingPlant- Beforeinstalling this burnerin a conversion installation, try to provideadequatespaceto servicethe burnerproperly.The heatingsystemshouldbe carefullyinspected for defectsand cleanliness, so properperformance is obtained.An oil burneris onlya meansof supplyingheatto the fireboxand fromtherethe heatingsystemmust surfacesmustbe cleanto assuremaximumheat absorbandcirculatethe heat.Thefluepassagesandheatabsorbing transferto thefurnaceor boiler.Sootandfly ashactas insulators, retardingthe transferof heat, All doors,openings, cracks should eliminate and be cementedair-tightto air infiltration inlo the heatingplant,causingheatinglosses. pipe chimney for of leaks Be sureof adequate smoke and elimination and obstructions. chimneysizeand lnspect pipe (seecolumnunderdraftregulators). Install mechanical if needed size height. a draftadjuster, same as smoke COMBUSTION CHAMBER The purposeof a combustion chamberis to maintain a highflametemperature by reflecting the heatbackintothe flame.A hightemperature etficiency and lowerstacklosses.An insulating refractory or assuresgreatercombustion a FiberFaxtypechambercan be usedwiththisburner.lt is important to selectandinstall,if necessary, the correct job (seechart).Onthe Flamelock sizechamberon theconversion conversion burnerstheatomized oil burnsjustoff or smokewillresult. theflamelock.On all oil burnerstheatomized oilmustnottouchthe sidesor bottomof chamber, and lowercombustioneffiTo eliminatethe smoke,excessair will be required,resultingin high stacktemperature ciency. lnstallburnerso the faceof air coneof burneris set 1/8"lo 114"behindthe insidefrontwall of the chamber (seediagram).Cautionon installing Flamelock burnersin stainless steelchambershouldbe takenbecauseof the mayexceedthe highertemperature levelsproduced flameretention burners.Thetemperatures by highperformance a temperature ratingsof the stainless steelchamber, andcan resultin chamberburnout. Whereyou are replacing precautions: (1)Use"WetPac"CeramicLiner standardburnerwitha flameretention burner, takeoneof thefollowing (2)Adjustburner(seeFinalAdjustments to linethe insideof chamber, Column). FUEL UNITS AND OIL LINES ConversionBurnersare providedwithsinglestage3450RPMfuelunitswiththe by-passplugremovedfor singlepipe gravityflowof installations. Thisis satisfactory wherethefuelsupplyis on thesamelevelor aboveburnerpermitting to the suctionsideof fuelunit. A pressureof overI PSImaycausedamage oil. Neverexceedover8 PSIpressure to the shaftsealand allowit to leakoil. Whenit is necessary to liftthe oil to the burner,a returnlineshouldbe run betweenfuelunitand oil supply.(lf liftexceeds10feet,a two-stage fuelunitmustbe usedwitha returnline).When a two-linesystemis usedthe by-passplugmustbe installed.Thisplugis supplied alongwiththeburnerattachedto pumpdatasheetin a plasticbag. Whenoil linesare installed, fuelunitalongwithan information continuous runsof heavywallcoppertubingare recommended. Be surethatall connections are absolutely airtight.Checkall connectionsandjoints.Flaredfittingsare recommended. Do not use compressionfittings. Seepumpdatasheetfor sizing,lift and lengthfor tubingrecommendations. Installfilters Usean oil filterof adequatesizefor all installations. insidethe building locatetheshut-offvalveand betweenthetankshutoffvalveandtheburner.Foreaseof servicing, filternearthe burner. TANKS AND PIPING Localcodesand regulations mustbe adheredto regarding tankand burnerinstallation. WIRING All wiringmustcomplywiththe NationalElectric withburneror Codeandlocalordinances, referto diagramsupplied controls,makingsurethe burnerand controlsarewiredcorrectly fusedto burner. andthatthe lineswitchis properly AIR SUPPLY FOR COMBUSTION Do not installin roomswith insufficient air to supportcombustion.Occasionally it is necessaryto installwindowsor cut holesin a doorto theseroomsto obtainsufficientair and to preventless than atmospheric air pressurein the room. lf thereis a lackof combustion air in the room,the burnerflamewill be yellowand formationof sootwill occur in theheatingunit. In buildings of conventional frame,brickor stoneconstruction withoututilityrooms,basement winprovide dows,or stairdoors,infiltration is normallyadequate air for and for operation of the to combustion barom'etricdraftcontrol.Forinstallation in an enclosed utilityroomwithoutan outsidewall,a freshair openingto the outside witha freecrosssectionareaof 2Osquareinchespereachgallonper hourfiringis recommended. Foreach1,000 feet abovesea level,increasethe freshair openingby at leastfour (4) per cent. The roomshouldbe isolatedfiom any areaservedby exhaustfans. Do not installan exhaustfan in this room. 2 CIIIMNEY \ /r) Followthe recommendations designed andof adequate sizeand lttl of theheatingunitmanufacturer. lt mustbe properly withno obstructions and be in goodstateof repair.The smoke E' shouldbe abovethe surrounding objects,tile-lined, pipeshouldsetflushwiththe insideof thetileandcemented in place.All cleanoutdoorsshouldbe sealed. w[M DRAFT REGULATIONS in the smokepipe. Usea draftgauge Theuseof a draftregulator is recommended be mounted andshouldpreferably chamberdraftwillbe the combustion to adjustto properopening.Whenthe burnerair supplyis properlyadjusted, thegreaterthe approximately -. 01 to -. 02 WC andthestackdraftwillbe -.02to -.04WC, Thelargerthe installation, chamber. at the stackto obtainthe-.01,to -.02WC at thecombustion draftwill be required hrozzLEs recommend; in somecasesof upgrading or Usethe propersize,typeand spraypatternthatheatermanufacturers installations, the useof an 80( Hollowor SolidNozzlearethe bestto startwith. conversion STARTING PROCEDURE STARTING BURNER aboveroomtemperature, the oil tank is substantially Be suremainswitchis in "off"positionand be surethermostat the lockingscrew Adjustairsupplyon burnerby loosening is filled,allvalvesareopenandcontrolssetfor operation. to the doorandturnon switch. Primepumpaccording on outerair band,and openpartially.Openthe inspection pumpmanufacturer's recommendations andcheckpressure.lf safetylockoutoccursresetafter1 or 2 minutes(caumakea temporary lor airadjustment tion). Do notrunfuelunitdryfor morethan5 minutes.Whenfireis established a cleancombustion flame,reduceair supplyuntilflametipsappearslightlysmoky,thenreadjustso flametipsare are reached,close cleanlooking.Leaveinspection door openuntilchamberis dry. Whennormaltemperatures inspection doorandadjustdraftregulator, seecolumnunder"DRAFTREGULATIONS". FTNAL ADJUSTMENTS 10 minutes TESTKlT. Afteroperating At this pointa finaladjustment shouldbe usedby the useof a COMBUSTION to warmup unit,a smoketestershouldbe usedto takea smokereading.We arewantingnogreaterthana #1; (Shell mqretimethanthis Bacharach a newheatingunitrequires Scale).Andlessthana #1 smokeis desired.Sometimes to burncleandue to the oilfilmon the newheaterunitsurfaces.Recheck draftandtakea COzreadingoverthefire and in the stack. lf a largerdifferential betweenCOzreadingsis noted,air leakageis the mostcommoncause(see in the PLANT).CO, readingsmustall be takenaheadof draftcontrol.TheCOzmeasured :olumnunderHEATING stackshouldbe at least9o/"tor oil rates1.00G. P H. or below,andat least10%for oil ratesover1.00G.P.H. Unit shouldbe startedand stoppedseveraltimesto assuregoodoperation.Openinspectiondoor,turn off oil valveand Checkfor oil leaks. checkout safetytimingof combustion of limitcontrolsandthermostat. control.Checkoperation Note:All installations shouldbe reinspected after1 or 2 weeksof normaloperation. FTNA[- CHECKS in accordance Be sureairbandanddraftcontroladjustments on heatingunitareadjusted arelocked,andthecontrols withthe HeaterandControlManufacturer's chart(page4) to finalizeset-up. Instruction Sheets.Useefficiency M A INTEN ANCE onlya fewdropsof a non-detergent OILfNGMOTOR- By properoilingtwiceayeat,the motorlifewillbe increased; typeof oil at bothmotorholesis needed. andplug FILTER- Theoilfiltercartridge oncea yearso thefueloilwillnotbecomecontaminated shouldbe replaced pump up fuel and nozzleof oil burner. NOZZLE- The nozzleshouldbe changedat leastoncea yearbeforethe start-upof the heatingseason.Replace with propernozzle.HandleNozzlesby hexonly. Oil fromthe fingerson the faceor filterof nozzlemayadversely affectspraycharacteristics, alwaysusepartsrecommended by COMPONENTS - lf for any reasonany of the burnerpanshaveto be replaced, the manufacturer.Specifypart numbers,and description, when ordering.(lN ALL COMMUNICATIONS STATE B U RN ERM O D EL, E R). S E RTANUMB L ER A NDS PE Ct F I CA T I NUMB ON ELECTRODE for reliableignitionof the oil;checktheseoncea yearin accorSETTINGS - This is veryimportant provided dancewiththe instructions in thismanual. FAN& BLOWERHOUSING to checkfan bladesfor This must be keptclean,freeof dirtandlint. Opentransformer is openedfor the inspection. above. Be surethe electricpoweris off on burnerwhentransformer 3 d }g!U[LE EFFICIENCY GHART FOR NO. 2 FUEI OIL NET STACK TEMPERATURE (DEGREES F") 30q' 350" 400" 450' 500" 550" 600" 650" 87% 87% 87% 87 861l 84]l 83]l 82 81 86% 86 85Y^ 85 84 83 813/4 84"/o 82"/o 82sA 853/4 B4'A B3t( 86"/q 85]l B4/4 82tt 82 81y, 81% 86]l 86% 86 85Y4 B4 85 8331 83% 83% 82N 84% 83% Bs% 84],l 84 B3 B2:A 85% 811l 80% 801l 700' 750' 79"/q 7834 843/4 79Y4 77% 77% 8OY4 79 78y, 78 80 7B% 7714 79b 7By, 79 7BY" 77% 77% 77 76% 76% 76% 75% 800" 850' 900" 76% 75% 74% 76 75i4 75 74% 73% 75% 73 72y, 71% 7416 74 73'A 75% 74% 7331 7231 71 73 71% 70% 72Y4 7031 6914 82 81y, 80% 79Y4 78 76% 80% 78/o 77Y4 7531 75% 74% 733/o 81% 73 71t{ 70 68tt B1 791t 7B 76rt 75 73% 72 7otn 69 67% 78% 78 77Y4 753/4 74/4 723/4 7'l 69b 6B 66Y4 761t 75 73% 71s/q 7A 6BY4 66% 65 74 72Y4 63rt 6714 67 651l 65]u 71Y^ 7034 691l 68% 73 633/4 62 60 5B 79"/o 753/4 85 83v, 82 BO1A B4TA 84 B3 81/, 82% 803/o 79% 79 77Y4 831l 813/q 80 78Y4 76% 75% 74% 83 81 79% 77% 75% 733/o 71% 70 6B 66 64 82v, 7gti 761l 74tt 72% 70rt 68]A 6616 64y, 62% 77Y4 71 69 67 60Y4 573/4 55% 7 1 3/q 6914 67Y4 65 64% 62% 62v, 76Y4 75% 74 73Y4 80% 80% 79% 78% 62 60 601l 57s/4 5514 79"/o 72% 71 70 67% 65/4 6231 6OY4 5711 55% 52tA 53 50 68 65t4 63 60 601l 57% 54% 51% 49 461l 6531 57 51 47 4514 42:A 53ll 54 501l 48 56% 4316 4OY4 52 481l 45 41% 37%, 334/q 36% 30 81'A 77Y4 75 78%. 76 73t6 77Y4 74tt 713/a 75% 72% 73% 69% 69 69 66U 63 63 60 66% 6231 5gY4 55"/c ATTAC}IING AIR TUBE COMBINATIONS FOR CHASSIS PLAN ONLY .\ /al u tffi Whenthe Oil BurnerChassisandtheAir Tubecombination are packedseparately,the Burnermustbe assembled as follows: 1 - InstalltheAirTubeAssembly to the BurnerChassisas shown.Thiscanbe doneby settingthe BurnerChassison its backand placingthe assembled Air Tubeon the Chassis.(IMPOHTANT: Makesurethe Oil Dripholein Air cone(seeFig.1) is at the six o'clockposition.)Secureairtubeto chassis with3 HEXHEADSCREWS, 2 - lnstallpropernozzlein DrawerAssembly.Loosenthe Transformer retainer Screwsandswingopento inserlthe DrawerAssembly(SeeFig.2.) into the air tubeto positionnozzle.Onceinstalledand adapterfittingis in positionin BurnerChassisslotand slideplacehole,adjustgunassembly, either backor foruardto positionnozzlefromhead. Forcorrectpositioning (See Fig. 3). Securethe slideplateby tightening screwat side of housing. Securethedrawerassemblywiththe locknutprovided.Attachflarednutof Oil LineAssembly,(CopperOil Line)to the end of this adapterfittingas shown. Installarrowdecalas shownso positionof DrawerAssembly,is always known,(SeeFig.4) Rechecklor nozzlecenteringbeforeburneris installed(SeeFig.1). Make sureelectrode tipsclearretention head. FIG. 1 INSERT"SR"SERIESGUNSETTING GAUGE(AS SHOWN BELOW)TO CHECKNOZZLEPOSITTON AND ELECTRODE SETTING. FLAMELOCK CONE "SR"SERIES GUNSETTING GAUGE FIG.3 5/16" BETWEEN CENTER OF ELECTRODE AND CENTER OF NOZZLE 1/8"FROM ENDOF NOZZLE TO TIP OF ELECTRODES (TOPV|EWOF BURNER) ARROW DECAL SLIDE PLATE SCREW 5 BURNER COMPONENTS . MODEL MSR 7C {, 7A ,/6 ,"N \n, q '"^[\r, AND PARTI,IUMBERWHENORDERINGPARTS MSR BURNERMODEL,PARTDESCRTPTTON NO. NO. 31841.036 21319 20627 13 14 AIH TUBE & GUNASSM. GASKET 15 FLANGE ADJUSTABLE 2689-011 16 PEDESTALMOUNT 21760-011 17 ELBOW BURNERHOUSING JUNCTIONBOX ASM MOTOR1/8 H.P. 4 BLOWERWHEEL3 1/8X 4 114 20673 BLOWER WHEEL3 1/2X 4 1/4 21427 MOTORCORDCOVER 13029 TRAN SFORME R 1 1 5 V 231 0 1 -M 230V 23103-M . FRANCE|GN|TOR 115V 1010s0-001 CARLINIGN|TOR 230V 31812-002 COVER 21723-002 COVER 21723-003 COVER 100730-001 COUPLTNG 13424 FUELUNITMODELA 13495 FUELUNITMODELB 13634 SUNTECCOMBOUN|T 115V 101128-001 SUNTECCOMBOUN|T 230V 101128-002 68 6C 7A 78 7C 8 9A 98 9C 10 .I1 12 PARTNO. PARTNO. 1 2 3 5 6A 6 DESCRIPTION 6" OIL LINEASSEMBLY B" OIL LINEASSEMBLY INNERAIR BAND 14451 14452 2060.I.002 OUTERAIR BAND 20602-002 DESCRIPTION * 12484 13494 *PART NUMBER SEE PAGE 7 Gombustion Ghamber Dimensions Gonversion or Upgrading Ghamber Dimensions (ln Inches) Suggested Firing Square Rate fG_H_pr Utidth Lenoth 0.85 1.00 1.25 1.35 't.50 1.65 2.00 2.50 3.00 8.5 I 10 'lota t.5 11 1 1 'A 12% 14U t1 l 1 'a t2% t4% t5t1 1E1t I t0 tor.{ Round I 10"6 11ll 11% 123,1 Height Flool to 2 5-6 zn c-o 214 5-6 5-6 231 3 6-A IJ J/1 14v, Jh o-I to 4 7-8 7-8 lllz AIR TUBE & GUN ASSEMBTY DETAILS MODEL MSR \ ' t9,I t3, v rffiE NOTE:BACKSIDE TO NOZZN.E FACE, OF FLAMEIOCK TO DETERMINE THEAIRTUBELENGTH FRONTFACEOF HEATINGUNIT 5/16" ABOVEq ELECTRODE ADJUSTMENTS NO. 17 DESCRIPTION PARTNO. HEAD 0.85-0.75#SC 100060 0.75-1.00 #1A 14157 1.00-1.35 #24 14158 2.OO-2.25#44 14160 18 AIRTUB E S E ENO T E 19 NOZZLEADAPTER 219.13-SEH 20 RIGHTELECTRODE ASSY. SEE NOTE 21 LEFTELECTRODEASSY. SEENOTE 22 ELECTRODESUPPORTASSY. SEE NOTE 23 OIL PIPEASSY. SEE NOTE 24 CAD CELL BRACKET 13078 25 BUSS BAR SUPPORT 13276-002 26 CADCELZIPTIE 100850-001 THEAIF TUBE LENGTH(DIMA) IS THE DISTANCEFROMTHE FBONT OF AIB TUBE RETAINERFLANGETO FACEOF AIR CONE, NOTE:ADJUSTAALEFLANGE WIDTH. STANDARD AIR TUBE DIMENSIONS AIR TUBE LGT. DIM.-A- 0.7s-1.00 1.00-1.50 1.50-2.00 2.00-2.75 4" 31844-005 31845-005 31846-005 31847-005 6" 31844-021 31845-021 31846-021 31847-021 9' 31844-045 31845-045 31846-045 31847-045 12', 31844-069 31845-069 31846-069 31847-069 15" 31844-093 31845-093 31846-093 31847-093 1R " 31A44j 117 31845-117 31846-117 31447-117 AIRTUBE NOTE:WHENORDERING STATEBURNERMODELMSR,SPEC#, PARTDESCRIPTION, (DtM- iStONA),ANDFIRINGRATE. coMBtNATtON, WHATUSABLE AIRTUBELENGTH, 7 MODEL MSR.DC olt As.tatuCnp{d BURNER MODET MSR.DC SPECIFICATIONS FI RIN G C AP A C IT IE S - MO D E L MSR.DC 0.50To 2.75 GALLONSPER HOUR 7O,OOO TO 385,OOO BTU/HRINPUT FUELS . MODEL MSR-DC UseNo.1 or No.2 Heating Oil(ASTMD-396), Kerosene, Diesel or JpBJetFuel. NEVERattemptto use gasolineas a fuel for your burner,as it is more combustibleand could resultin a serious explosion. NEVERburn garbageor refusein the heatingunit. NEVERtry to igniteby tossingburningpaperor othermaterialsinto the heatingunit. NEVER burn waste or crankcaseoil in the heatingunit. ELECTRICAL . MODEL MSR-DG Powersupply Motor lgnition 13.0VDCMinimum(at Battery) 4500RPM(Std)or 3950RPM(lowRPM),BallBearing,Permanent Magnet 20,000V/28MA/50VA Intermittent Duty Electronic lgnitor Secondary, F UE L UNI T Suntecand DanFossbrands M OUNTING RigidFlange,AdjustableFlangeor Base mount. DC OIL BURNER ETEGTRICALCONSIDERATIONS " Not all generatorsare equallycapable. A minimumof 13.0volts must be providedat the battery. * Generatorsshouldbe operated the maximum at ratedRPM duringburneroperation. * Good qualitybatteries are stronglysuggested. Batterieswith higherCold CrankingAmp (CCA) ratingand deep draw/marinetype batteriesare recommended. * Use automotiveratedbattery cabling. All otherwiringshouldbe OEM suggestedwire type and gauge. * Protectall wiringconnectionpoints with dielectricgrease. * Ambienttemperatureimpacts electricalrequirements.Highertemperatureswill resultin higheramp draws. * Increasedpump operatingpressure settingswill increaseamp draw. * Highergallonrate nozzles and accompanyingwider air band openingswill increaseamp draw, INSTATLATION OF BURNER INSTALLATION OF THE BURNEHMUSTBE DONEBY A QUALIFIEDINSTALLERIN ACCORDANCEWITH REGULATIONS OF THE NATION. AL FIRE PFOTECTIONSTANDARDFOR OIL.BURNINGEOUTPMENT, NFPANO. 31, AND IN COMPLETEACCORDANCEWITHALL LOCAL CODESAND AUTHORITIESHAVINGJURISDICTION. A QUALIFIEDINSTALLERIS THE PERSONWHO IS RESPONSIBLEFOR THE INSTALLATION AND ADJUSTMENTOF THE EQUIPMENT AND WHO IS LICENSEDTO INSTALLOIL-BURNINGEOUTPMENT IN ACCORDANCEWITHALL CODESAND ORDINANCES. WARRANTY IS VOIDEDIF NOT INSTALLEDBY SERVICEPERSON. I THESEINSTRUCTIONS SHOULDBE AFFIXEDTO THE BURNER OR ADJACENTTO THEHEATING APPLIANCE. TO THE GLEANING EQI'IPMENT OWNER industry withoil burners.You washercleaningequipment Since1970,Waynehassuppliedthe hotwaterpressure product lt willprovideyou with development. quality designand in engineering burnerunsurpassed a are obtaining properly this manualcarefully. if installed andserviced.Pleaseread trouble-free operation, manyyearsof efficient yourdealer.lf, in any it for resale,including to thosewho havepurchased Waynewarrantsits burnersspecifically you shouldcontactyourdealeror the cleaningequipcase,you havea problemwithyourburner,or its installation, for assistance. mentmanufacturer FUEL UNITS AND OIt LTNES The modelMSR-DCoil burneris providedwitha singlestage3450RPMfuelunitwithby-passplugremovedfor a the by-passplugfor two pipe(inletand return)is providedin the plasticbagattachedto the singlepipeinstallation; fuelunit. and leakage.Useonly Checksupplytankfor sludgeaccumulation of fuelfiltersare recommended. The installation the systemrunning, leak. With piping will eventually fittings and connections flarefittingson all sincecompression installa ease of servicing, shutoffvalvenear thevacuumshouldnotexceed12"mercuryfor singlestageunits. For burner. W I R I NG with localcodesor in their in accordance wiredand GROUNDED The MSR-DCoil burnermustbe electrically edition. withNationalElectricCodeANS/NFPA No.7O-latest absence, Thisoil burnerrequiresa 12-voltDC powersource.Usecopperwireonlynot lighterthan#12 awg. lf a f useddisconnectis used,it shouldbe fusedfor a minimumof 20 amps. Referto the wiringdiagramin thismanualor cleaningequipment manufacturers manualmakingsurethe burnerand controlsarewiredcorrectly. UI{IE AIR SUPPLY FOR COMBUSTION The oil burnerfired hot water pressurewashershall not be installedin an area wherefacilitiesfor normalair circulation or infiltrationare so limitedas to interferewith readyattainmentof all necessaryfor propercombustionand venting. When the heatingapplianceis installedin a confinedspace, two permanentopeningsshall be provided. One near the top of the enclosureand one near the bottom. Each openingshall have a free area of not less than one in the enclosquareinchper 1000BTU per hour(140squareinchpergph)of the totalinputratingof all the appliances sure. When the buildingis of unusuallytight construction,has an air ventilatingsystem,exhaustfans, processdryer or ventedfireplaces,it is recommendedthat combustionair be suppliedthroughtwo permanentopenings.The openings shall communicatedirectly,or by means of ducts,with outdoorsor such spaces(atticor crawl)that freely communicatewith outdoors. Avoid linty environments.For additionalventinginformation,referto the regulationsof the NationalFire ProtectionStandardfor oil burningequipment,ANSI/NFPAN0. 31-latestedition,or the cleaningequipment manufacturersrecommendations. NOZZLE AND AIB HANDLING PARTS SE!.ECTION IMPORTANTThoroughcombustionand performancetestingwas done to establishthe correctnozzletype and air handlingparts on this MSR-DCoil burner. Under circumstanceattemptto replaceor alterthe oil burnernozzletype or air handlingparts (stainlesssteelflamelock,air cone,electrodesupportstylestaticdisc, blowerwheelor slottedair circumstancesattemptto fire the MSR-DCoil burnerunderits 1.00 gph minimumor over its 2.75 gph maximuminput rating. I the gun assemblyoncethe burnerhas beeninstalledon the apptianceremovethe ignitor/housing cover . \ I:,::.T::: screw and loosenthe screwin the hold-down 721 clipand swingopenthetransformer. Next,disconnect the copperoil attacheswitha 7/16"hexflarenut on the gun assembtyoit tineadaprerfittingand remove g/16,, the hex V I ':?Yfl: locknut. Now,graspthe rearof the gun assemblywherethe oit tinefiuingadaprerexitsthrough the Wm*Eflllj:"^Tlly no'iE'lbhousingand pulloil linefittingadapterto the rightoutof the housingslotandslotplate covlr. Genly tift,do notforce, the rearof the gunassembly, rotating theoil linefittingadapterupa +s degreespullingthe entiregun assemblyoul of the airtubeandhousingopening. The iecommended can be installedintothe nozzlebodyadapterusingthe followingsteps. Withthe gun assembly removedfromthe burner,loosenthe electrodeclampscrewand rotatethe electrodes up, out of the way of a nozzle wrench' Now,threadthe nozzleintothe adapterfingertightthentightensecurelyw1h a nozzlewrench.CAUTTON: Do not overtighten.Next,reposition the electrodesal shownin fig;re 1. At thistime reinstarrgre g;,n-;;ffi,i;; the burnerusing.the precedingstepsin reverseorder.Positionthe nozzlefacefonryard to a 5/16"ietting behindthe stainlesssteelair coneas shownin figure1. once in the requiredposition, replacethe g/16,,hex locknut and the 7116"hexflarenuton the gunassembly andtightenthe slotcoverscrew(seefigure2). CAUTIoN:Closethe ignitorandobservefor springcontactwiththe brassbussbars,taking carenotto pinchthe ignitiontransformer leadwiresbetween thehousingandcoverplate.Reinstall the ignitor/housing coverscrewandtighten the screwin the holddownclip(seefigure2). STAINLESSSTEEL AIR CONE ELECTRODE 5/16" ABOVE q TRANSFORMERiHOUSIG COVERSCREW SLOTCOVERSCREW SLOT PLATECOVER LOCK NUT I/8" GAP HOLD.DOWNCLIP NOZZLE 5/16" BACK 1/8"AHEAD F IGU R E1 FIGU R E2 STARTIiIG PRIICEDURE PREPARATION STEPS 1' Calibrateand checkoperationof combustion analysisequipment, COz(carbondioxide)or Oa(oxygen)analyzer, smokepumptester,fuelgasthermometer and oil pressure,/vacuum gages. Followthe manufacture recommendationfor propercalibration andcheckout. 2' lnstalloil pressuregageandvacuumgagein the outletpressure andinletportsof the fuelunit. 3. Set oil burnerslottedair bandshutterZS7"open. STARTING BURNER 1. Turnoff the mainpowerswitchto the burnerand appliance. 2' Be suremainfueltankis filledandall manualvalvesare openbetween thefueltankandthe burner. 3. Turnon the mainpowerswitchto theburnerandappliance. 4' Primethe fuel pumpper its manufacturers recommendations, checkfuel unitfor 100 '-- psi r-' deliverypressureand checksystemvacuum(seeparagraphs underFuelunitsand oil Lines). CAUTIoN:Do notrunfuelunitdryfor morethanfiveminutesor damageto thefuelunitcouldresult. 10 closethe bleedport. Burnerwill 5. Oncethe fuel unit is primed(no signsof air in oil bleederpoft discharge), ignite. \ \ to the slottedair bandfor a visuallycleancombus- E makea temporary air adjustment 6. Whenflameis established, fiveminutesor untill#llhlf vent.Allowtheappliance to warmup approximately fromthe appliance tionsmokeobserved manufacture reachesthatrecommended by the cleaningequipment thewatertemperature scale)is obtainedat the appliance 7. Adjustthe slottedair bandshutteruntila #1 to#2 smoke(ShellBacharach vent. percentages vent. In andsmokein thefluegasat the appliance 8. CheckCO,(carbondioxide)and/orO, (oxygen) general,COzreadingsshouldbe in the 10%to 12/" rangeandOzreadings inthe7.4o/oto 4.7'/"range. resultsareattained, securely tightenslottedairbandscrewandcheckthatcontrols 9. Oncethedesiredcombustion instruction sheets.Removeoil pressure on the applianceare adjustedperthe cleaningequipmentmanufactures pipe plug fittings, andvacuumgagesfromthe fuelunitandreinstall thenallowburnerandappliance to sutficiently cool. Thencheckburner 10. Checkburnerlightingwithhotchamber, lightingwitha coldchamber. shouldbe reinspected afterone or two weeksof normaloperation, all newinstallations SUGGESTION: MAINTENANGE OILING MOTOR- The MSR_DCoil burneris providedwith a ball bearingshaft motor. Ball-bearingmotorsdo not requireoilingunder normalserviceconditions. FILTER- The oil filtercartridgeshouldbe replaced,or sedimentcleaned,periodicallyso the fuel oil will not become contaminatedand plug up the fuel pump and nozzleof oil burner. NOZZLE- The nozzleshouldbe changedat leastonce each year or twice a year if the cleaningequipmentis used daify through the year and should poor combustionoccur. Replacewith the proper nozzle. COMPONENTS- lf for any reasonany of the burnerparts have to be replaced,alwaysuse parls recommendedby STATEBURNthe manufacturer. Specifypart numbersand descriptionwhen ordering. ilN ALL COMMUNICATIONS NUMBER). ER MODELANDSIX DtGtTSPECtF|CAT|ON ELECTRODESETTINGS- This is very importantfor reliableignitionof the oil; check these once a year in accordance with the instructionsprovidedin this manual. Replaceelectrodesif worn excessivelyor if porcelaininsulator is oil soakedor cracked(See Figure1). FAN & BLOWER HOUSING- This must be kept clean,free of dirt and lint; open transformerto check fan blades from above. Be surethe electricpoweris off on burnerwhen the transformeris openedup for this inspection.Should the blowerwheel be removedfor replacementor cleaning,reinstallas shown in figure3. BURNERMOTOR/ADAPTER P/N 21993-001 FIGU R E3 BLOWER WHEEL P/N 20673 11 BURhIERGOMPONENTS. MODEL MSR.DC ,.\ 6=t w v EMgBtr i Tlr 6*r\. U& 12 ''$ 16 17 19 AND STATEBURNERMODEL,PARTDESCRTPTTON PARTNUMBERWHENORDERING PARTS NO. 1 DESCRIPTION 2 MOTOR1/8STANDARD MOTOR1/BLOWAMP MOTORADAPTOR 3 BLOWERWHEEL31/2X 4114 4 BURNERHOUSING 5 6 7 |GN|TOR-12VDC MOUNTING BASE HOUSTNG COVER 8 SLOT COVER PLATE 9 INNERAIR BAND 10 OUTERAIR BAND 11 CO UP L TNG 12 134 138 13C 14 15 16 PART NO. 21993.005 21993-006 100761-001 21427 NO. DESCRIPTION 17 AtRCONE- #3A AIRCONE- #4A 18 GASKET 19 20 21 31812-003 1OO73O-OO1 22 23 21723-002 SEE NOTE 14159 14160 12484 CONNECTOR(USEWITH 138. 13C) 14222 14289 63355-001 100889-002 62899 cAD CELL BOX CONTROL TIMER.DROPOUT BOX COVER.CONTROL 13392 Suggested Combustion Ghamber Dimensions 20601-002 Gonversion or Upgrading Ghamber Dimensions lln lnchesl 20602-002 1 0 1 1 1 9 -0 0 1 Firing Round Height Floor Square OIL LINEASSEMBLY6" 14451 Rate fG-H-pl OIL LINE ASSEMBLY8" 14452 0.85 1.00 1.25 '1.35 FUELUNIT:SUNTEC COMBO FUELUNITSUNTEC FUELSOLENOTD ELBOW(USEWITH13A) GUNASSEMBLY AIRTUBE/FLANGE ASM PARTNO. 101128-005 13495 100610-005 13494 SEENOTE SEENOTE 1.50 1.65 2.00 2.50 3.00 Width 8.5 99 10 10tt ' t1 11'l 12% 14'A 15h Lenqth 8.5 10 10]l 11 1',\'A 125/6 14% 15il 8.5 10'a 11% 1134 12% 13 14'A to 17% 8. 5 12it 1214 123/o 13 13y, 1314 14 15 to Nozzle 8.5 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 6-7 7-8 7-8 NOTE:WHENORDERING STATE BURNER MODEL MSR,SPEC#. WHATUSABLE ANDFIRINGRATE. AIRTUBELENGTH. 12 AIR TUBE & GUN AS$EMBLY DETAILS MODEL MSR.DC ,-r\ ltEl v ]s[tr NO. 24 DESCRIPTION ADAPTOR.NOZZLESUPPORT SUPPORTASM 25 ELECTRODE PART NO. 21913-OO1 FRONTFACEOF HEATINGUNIT SEENOTE SEE NOTE 27 ELECTRODE(RH) ELECTRODE(LH) 28 OIL PIPE/FITTING SEE NOTE 29 DISC/BAFFLEPLATE SEE NOTE 30 CAST STABILIZER 214O8.SER STAMPEDSTABILIZER 1OO7O4-OO1 26 TO DETEBMINETHE AIR TUBE LENGTH INSIDEFACEOF C]IAMBER SEE NOTE THE AIR TUBE LENGTH(DIMA) IS THE DISTANCEFROM THE FRONT OF AIR TUBE RETAINEBFLANGETO FACEOF AIR CONE NOTE ADJUSTABLEFLANGEWIDTH. VT sno"neove q J NOZZLE ELECTROOE ADJUSTMENTS NOTE: WHEN ORDERINGSTATEBURNERMODEL MSR, SPEC #, PARTDESCRIPTION,AIR TUBE coMBtNATtON,WHAT USABLEAtR TUBE LENGTH,(D|MENSIONA), AND FIRINGRATE. 13 @ UWM 14 Notes Notes 0 urunE 15 WAYNI E COMBUSTION SYS-TEMS 801GLASGOWAVE. FORTWAYNE,IN 48803 E-ENfiTTES WARffiANTIHS FOR O[t AND BY ItrAYNEAroD GAS BURh!ERS,ruHADH qN RESIDENTEALIT{STAT-I-ATIONS &"BSED ("WAVNE") WAYNECOMBIJSTION SYSTEMS warrants to thosewhopurchase its Oil BurnerModelsfor resaleor for incorporation intoa productof resale,thatits burneris freefromdefectsin material and workmanship undernormal use and servicefor thirty-six(36)monthsfromthe dateof manufacture. ALL GAS BURNERSmanufactured by "WAYNE"willbe similarly warranted for eighteen(18) monthsfromdateof manufacture exceptwhereoriginalmanufactureoffersa greaterwarranty. (Reference #6 below)THESELIMITED WARRANTIES DO NOTAPPLYUNLESS THE BURNERCOVEREDBY IT IS PROPERLY INSTALLED BY A QUALIFIED, TECHNICIAN, WHO COMPETENT IS LICENSED WHERESTATE AND/OR LOCALCODESPREVAIL, ANDWHOIS EXPERIENCED IN MAKINGSUCH INSTALLATIONS. INACCORDANCE WITHNFPA#31 OFTHENATIONAL FIREPROTECTION ASSOCIATION AND INACCORDANCE WITHALLLOCAL,STATE ANDNATIONAL CODES. Any IN-WARRANTY whichis defectivein materialor workmanship burnercomponent will be eitherrepairedor replacedas follows: gasvalves,andcontrolsshouldbe returned 1. Fuelunits,motors,lransformers, to an authorized servicestationor distributor of WAYNEfor determination of applicability of this LIMITEDWAHRANTY as to eitherrepairor replacement, wheresaid servicestationor distributoris reasonablyavailablein the customer'slocality. The publishanddistribute manufacturers of burnercomponents regularly listings showing the locations of theirnetwork of servicestations. Wheresuchlocalserviceis NOTavailable fortheburnercomponents described aboveor other burnerpartsare involved,theseitemsshouldbe returned,freightprepaid,to WAYNEServiceDepadment, 801 Glasgow Ave,FortWayne,Indiana46803. 2. Burnersand/orcomponent(s) determined to be coveredunderthis LIMITEDWARRANTY by WAYNEshallbe repairedor replacedat WAYNE'ssoleoption. 3. WAYNEis notresponsible for anylaborcostfortheremoval andreplacement of saidburneror burnercomponents andequipment associated therewith. portionof the original 4. A burnerso repairedwill then carrythe LIMITEDWARRANTY equalto the unexpired burnerLIMITEDWARRANTY. 5. lf inspection by WAYNEdoes NOTdiscloseany defectcoveredby this LIMITEDWARRANTYthe burneror will be eitherrepairedor replacedat the expenseof the customerand WAYNE'sregular burnercomponent(s) chargeswillapply. 6. lf the originalmanufacturer of a burnercomponentoffersa warrantygreaterthan eitherof our LIMITED WARRANTIES described above,thenthisportionwillbe addedto ourLIMITED WARRANTY. products LIMITED This WARRANTY doesNOTcover whichhavebeendamaged as theresultof accident, abuse,misuse,neglect,improperinstallations, improper maintenance or failureto operatein accordance withWAYNE's written instructions. TheseLIMITEDWARRANTIES at retailandonlywhenthe burner do notextendto anyoneexceptthefirstpurchaser is in the originalinstallation site. IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE SHALLBE LIM. ITEDTO THEDURATION OF THELIMITEDEXPRESS WARRANTIES HEREIN.WAYNEEXPRESS. CONTAINED LY DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES ANY LIABILITYFORCONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGESOF ANY NATUREFORBREACHOFANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIEDWARRANTY. Somestatesdo notallowlimitation on howlongan impliedwarranty lasts,so theabovelimitation maynotapplyto you. Also,somestatesdo notallowthe exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the abovelimitationor exclusion maynotapplyto you. WAYNEneitherassumes or authorizes anypersonto assumefor WAYNEany givesyou specificlegalrights, otherliability or obligation in connection withthe saleof theseproducts. Thiswarranty and you mayalsohaveotherrightswhichvaryfromstateto state, 16 MSR& MSR-DC22019-003 Rev.D 03124/a3