Estimated testing number costs REACH Estimated % of animal REACH 2% 2.7% 1.9% 2% 2% 3% 2% 1.7% 3% Developmental Developmental toxicity toxicity Other Other Accumulation Accumulation Carcinogenicity Ready Biodegradation 12% 6.7% 4.6% 31% 3% Skin Skin sensitisation sensitisation Long Long term term repeated repeated dose dose Short Short term term repeated repeated dose dose Subchronic Subchronic toxicity toxicity Cytogenicity Cytogenicity mammalian mammalian cells cells Further Further mutagenicity mutagenicity Two-generation Two-generation reproductive reproductive toxicity toxicity 3% 7% 78% 8% 24% For reprotox and dev tox around 21.7 Mio animals are needed reprotox and dev tox between if noFor waiving possibilities willthe be costs taken may into vary account (Annex IX) about 700 million EURO and 1100 million EURO Animal testing and alternative approaches for the human health risk assessment under the proposed new European chemicals regulation Thomas Hoefer et al. Arch pp549-564; Assessment of additional testing needs under REACH. FinnTox.78; Pedersen, Jack de2004 Bruijn, Sharon M unn & Kees van Leeuwen. EUR 20863 EN (2003) , In vitro tests under development ES cellsFertilisation for teratogenicity Testicular toxicity Female gamete maturation Hormonal interaction Reproductive cycle Cross-cutting issues post-natal Development Gamete production and release 3 tests for steroidogenesis: •Leydig cell line •Granulosa cell line Late Prenatal Development Early Prenatal Development Fertilisation Implantation tests culture for gamete maturation: •2 Follicle 3 tests for various target tissues: primary bovine oocytes 6• tests androgenic/estrogenic 5 tests to detect testicular toxicity : 4 tests to detect toxicity during: •Developmental neurotox • Follicle culture ••The CASA test (motility of spermatozoa) interaction: The fertilisation •Developmental cardiotox SCSA/Comet (sperm DNA evaluation integrity) chemicals under •10 2embryo transcriptional ••The •Toxicity to thepre-implantation skeletal assays system (anti)estrogenic and (anti)-androgenic •Leydig cells toxicity Species: Species: •Sertoli cells toxicity •1 estrogenic binding assay ••Mouse •chemicals 1 androgenic binding assay Bovine under consideration ••50 Human 10 chemicals tested ReProTect I ReProTect II Development of in vitro tests Proof of principles Scientific objectives -Placental toxicity -Toxicity to the uterus Teratogenicity Compilation of test batteries to testing strategies Validation of building blocks and testing batteries Testing batteries for teratogenicity Preimplantation embryo -fertility -testicular toxicity Submission of tests to Regulatory Authorities for implementation into regulatory decisions Testing batteries for fertility -female germ cell toxicity Validation of estrogen receptor binding tests Endocrine disrupters 1 Development of non-covered sub-endpoints: e.g.: hypothalamus-pituitary axis 2 3 4 6 5 time in years 7 8 9 10 Example: Testing strategy for REACH (ZEBET/ECVAM) Has the substance already been classif ied f or reproductive and developmental toxicity – Cat 1, 2 ? Stage 1 NO Is the substance a genotoxic Carcinogen (car. 1 or 2 and mut 3) or germ cell mutagen (mut 1, 2) ? Have appropriate risk management measures been implemented yes yes NO Does the substance exhibit no relevant human exposure? yes NO In-Depth review of existing toxicological database. A re data adequate f or C & L risk assessment/management? Stage 2 No f urther testing NO A re there alerts f or reproductive and/or developmental toxicity in existing tox database and/or signif icant exposure potential? Stage 3 yes positive negative Validated in vitro testing battery covering the most prominent endpoints e.g t eratogenicity, f ertility, EDs or Screening f or Reproductive/developmental toxicity (OECD 421/422) Validated in vitro test depending on the nature of the alert and the applicability domain positive negative positive negative Negative outcome will be conf irmed at next tonnage level; cat 3 classification