An LED-based lighting system for acquiring multispectral scenes Manu Parmara*, Steven Lanselb, Joyce Farrellb a Qualcomm MEMS Technologies, San Jose, CA-95134, USA; b Electrical Engineering Dept., Stanford University, Stanford, CA-94305, USA ABSTRACT The availability of multispectral scene data makes it possible to simulate a complete imaging pipeline for digital cameras, beginning with a physically accurate radiometric description of the original scene followed by optical transformations to irradiance signals, models for sensor transduction, and image processing for display. Certain scenes with animate subjects, e.g., humans, pets, etc., are of particular interest to consumer camera manufacturers because of their ubiquity in common images, and the importance of maintaining colorimetric fidelity for skin. Typical multispectral acquisition methods rely on techniques that use multiple acquisitions of a scene with a number of different optical filters or illuminants. Such schemes require long acquisition times and are best suited for static scenes. In scenes where animate objects are present, movement leads to problems with registration and methods with shorter acquisition times are needed. To address the need for shorter image acquisition times, we developed a multispectral imaging system that captures multiple acquisitions during a rapid sequence of differently colored LED lights. In this paper, we describe the design of the LED-based lighting system and report results of our experiments capturing scenes with human subjects. Keywords: Multispectral imaging, LED illumination 1. INTRODUCTION Multispectral scene data are useful for many applications in color imaging, including classification, imaging systems simulation and scene rendering. For example, the availability of multispectral scene data makes it possible to simulate a complete imaging pipeline for digital cameras, beginning with a physically accurate radiometric description of the original scene, followed by optical transformations that create irradiance signals, sensor transduction models that convert photons to electrons, and image processing algorithms that generate digital images that can be displayed1. Multispectral scene data can be described as a 3D matrix or datacube in which each voxel is addressed by its 2D spatial coordinates and a third wavelength dimension. For example, a scene with 1024 x 1024 spatial samples and 31 wavelength samples (400 – 700 nm sampled every 10 nm) will constitute a 1024 x 1024 x 31 datacube. An RGB image of the same scene is a 1024 x 1024 x 3 datacube. Hence, a significant amount of scene spectral information is lost when a color digital camera captures an image of a scene. Mathematically, the multispectral signal at each point in a scene is a vector, x, that is estimated by solving the equation , (1) where y is a vector with n measurements, A is a measurement matrix and η is measurement noise. For example, consider an RGB camera with calibrated spectral sensitivities ranging between 400 and 700 nm, sampled every 10 nm. The measurement matrix A is 3 x 31. The multispectral signal x at each sampled point is 31-dimensional vector. The data captured by the camera, y, is a 3-dimensional vector. It is not possible to recover a 31-dimensional vector with only three measurement samples, y. In other words, the problem of recovering x from y is an under-constrained problem with many possible solutions. The goal of multispectral imaging is to increase the dimensions of the measurement matrix, A, and to constrain the space of solutions by using statistics about natural spectra. One way to increase the dimensions of the measurement matrix, A, is to capture multiple images of a scene using a color digital camera with many different color filters2-7. The combined spectral transmissivities of the filters and the spectral *; phone 1 (408) 546-2097; Digital Photography VIII, edited by Sebastiano Battiato, Brian G. Rodricks, Nitin Sampat, Francisco H. Imai, Feng Xiao, Proc. of SPIE-IS&T Electronic Imaging, SPIE Vol. 8299, 82990P · © 2012 SPIE-IS&T · CCC code: 0277-786X/12/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.912513 SPIE-IS&T/ Vol. 8299 82990P-1 Downloaded From: on 04/10/2013 Terms of Use: sensitivities of the 3 color sensors form the matrix A. Another approach is to acqquire multiple images with different d illuminants8. In this approaach, the combinned spectral poower distributiions of the illuminants and thhe spectral sennsitivities of the 3 coloor sensors form m the matrix A. A Both schem mes require loong acquisitionn times and aree best suited for f static scenes. In sccenes where an nimate objects are present, movement m leadds to problemss with registrattion and methoods with shorter acquiisition times arre needed. Certain scennes with anim mate subjects, e.g., humans, pets, etc., are of particcular interest to consumer camera manufacturerrs because of their t ubiquity in i common im mages and the importance i of maintaining colorimetric fiddelity for skin. To adddress the need for shorter imaage acquisitionn times, we devveloped a multtispectral imagging system thaat makes multiple acqquisitions while being illuminated by a raapid sequence of different LED L lights. The T combined spectral response funnctions of the LEDs L and the camera form the t matrix A annd the multispectral image iss computed byy solving Eq. (1). In thhis paper, we describe the design d of the LED-based L lighhting system and a report resuults of our expeeriments capturing sceenes that includ de human subjeects. 2 LED LIG 2. GHTING SYSTEM 14 ystem we proototyped consists of an arrayy of 216 LEDs with clusters of 8 different types of The LED-baased lighting sy LEDs mountted on a printed d circuit board (PCB) (Figuree 2a). The boarrd is mounted between b a pairr of acrylic boaards. The front-facing board b acts as a diffuser. Figuure 2b shows a side view of thhe LED imaginng system. Of the 8 types of LEDs, 5 operate in the visible rangee of wavelengthhs (400-700 nm m), one LED tyype operates inn the UV rangee (380 nm) andd 2 LED types operatee in the near infrared range (7700-1100 nm). Here, we repport our work with w the visiblee range LEDs in i the lighting system. The fiive visible-rangge LED types are from the Philips 1 W Luxeon seeries (designated Royal Bluee, Cyan, Greenn, Amber, and Red). Figure 2c shows the spectral power distribbutions (SPD) of o these LEDs. (a) (b)) (c) Figuure 2. (a) The LED-based lightiing system boardd showing placeement of LED arrays a (b) side view v of lighting systeem showing thee acrylic front plate p used as a diffuser d (c) Specctral power disttributions of thee different LED typees used in the ligh hting system. The LED ligghting system m can be progrrammed to chhange switchinng and delay times, shutter control of a camera, switching seqquence, etc. Th he LED lightinng systems is capable c of swittching times ass fast as 100 ms m and allows one o LED type to remaain on for a maximum m of 300s. The system m also allows for f PWM operration for susttained periods of time. Temperature sensors allow automatic shuut-off in case thhe system overrheats. This funnctionality is achieved with an a Atmel SPIE-IS&T/ Vol. 8299 82990P-2 Downloaded From: on 04/10/2013 Terms of Use: AVR ATmegga1280/2560 microcontroller m r which supporrts 12 PWM channels, c has 2 UARTs (for communication with a PC), and several general pu urpose IOs thatt are used to coontrol a cameraa and for statuss indicators. 3. IMAGE E ACQUISITION We coupled the LED-baseed lighting sysstem to a Nikoon D2xs digitaal SLR cameraa with a Nikonn Nikkor 50 mm m f/1.8 prime lens. The T Nikon D2x xs camera senssor contains a Bayer B mosaic with w two greenn, one red and one o blue photoodetector type in a 4,2288 x 2,848 griid. The Nikonn D2Xs has a 12-bit 1 ADC annd makes availlable camera RAW R images thhat have not been processed for colo or-balancing, gamma, g etc. Thhe spectral trannsmittances off the color filteers of this cameera were experimentallly determined and are shownn in Figure 3a. Figure 4b shhows the spectrral sensitivitiess of 8 of the 15 filters (cameera color sensiitivity modulatted by the LED D SPDs) that result byy combining 3 color filters (RGB) with thee 5 visible-rannge LEDs. Onne acquisition with w the LED imaging system givess a 3-plane imaage that is sepaarated to give 3 image planess that each reprresent a measurrement with onne of the filters shownn in Figure 3b. In practice, foor reasonable exposure e durations for animaate subjects, onnly 8 of these channels c (shown in Figgure 4b) give useful u signals; the rest have poor p SNR. (b) (a) Figuure 3. (a) Normaalized spectral effficiencies of thee RGB filters of the Nikon D2xss camera with thee Nikon Nikkor 50 mm m lens at f4 (b)) The normalized responses of the t 8 different ligght and camera--filter combinations of the LED lightting system that give useful signnal. The differentt LED types are a arranged onn a printed circcuit board. Sinnce the LED tyypes are shifteed with respectt to each other, the light pattern due to each LED tyype is different. Furthermoree, the beam widdths of the LED D types are nott similar, the placemennt of the camerra atop the lighhting system and a there is a cosine c fall-off in irradiance due d to the cam mera lens. To account for f these effectts, we capturedd defocused cam mera images of o a large gray uniform chart illuminated byy each of the different LED types. We W found the beest 2nd order poolynomial funcction describinng the intensityy fall-off acrosss each of the calibratioon images and used the functiions to spatiallly calibrate thee camera imagees. Figure 4 illuustrates this caalibration step. Figure 4a shows a deefocused imagee of the gray background b (thhe blue channel of the D2xs camera) captuured with the blue LED D only. Figuree 4b shows thee scaling factoors at each spaatial location used u to adjust for f spatial variation in irradiance. Each of the 8 im mage planes is appropriately a c calibrated. SPIE-IS&T/ Vol. 8299 82990P-3 Downloaded From: on 04/10/2013 Terms of Use: (a) (b) Figuure 4. (a) Blue plane p of a defocuused image grayy chart acquired by turning on thhe blue LEDs (bb) A 2D fit to a 2nd order o 2D polynomial that gives correction c factorrs for accountingg for spatial intennsity variations. Figure 5a shhows the front--view of the LED L imaging system s with atttached cameraa, Figure 5b shhows a side viiew. The shutter for each e image waas triggered byy the same signal that conttrolled the LE ED lights. The distance betw ween the subjects and the LED lightiing system affeects the exposuure duration. Inn our experimeents, the system m was set up soo that the system’s fielld of view inccluded a subjeect and a standdard color callibration targett (Figure 5c). The camera exposure e duration wass determined by y the longest shhutter speed foor which none of o the camera RGB R channels were saturatedd. (a) (b) (c) Figuure 5. (a) Front view v of the LED D lighting system m with camera (Nikon D2xs) (bb) side-view (c)) The system in use for f image acquissition. 4. IMAG GE ESTIMA ATION In the contexxt of our LED imaging systeem, the multisppectral signal x in Eq. (1) iss a reflectance factor associaated with sampled poinnts in the scenee. The measureement matrix A is an 8 × 31 matrix; its row ws are 8 of thee 15 combined cameraRGB and LE ED response functions. f The problem of reecovering x froom y is an unnder-constraineed problem with many SPIE-IS&T/ Vol. 8299 82990P-4 Downloaded From: on 04/10/2013 Terms of Use: possible solutions. There are several ways to find stable solutions to such ill-posed problems. In general, we must find a way to constrain the space of solutions by using knowledge of the nature of spectra. A well-known property of reflectance spectra is that they are essentially lower-dimensional signals. Reflectance is typically considered to be well sampled when sampled 31 times in the interval [400,700] nm. It has been shown that most spectra may be represented by coefficients corresponding to as few as 6 basis vectors15 (let P be such a basis). This observation leads to methods for solving Eq. (1) by constraining the estimate of x to lie in the space spanned by P. The problem of reflectance estimation has also been addressed with the Wiener filtering approach16. Another recent approach for recovering spectra based on the theory of compressed sensing17 relies on the sparsity of object reflectance spectra in certain bases18. Sparsity implies that there exists a transform basis, say P where object , spectra are represented accurately with only a few coefficients. Mathematically, for R , such that where only m elements of a are non-zero, and . For such spectra, an l1 regularized solution is found as , where arg min (2) The solution to Eq. (2) provides estimates of reflectance spectra more accurate that conventional methods like Wiener filtering8. We used sparse recovery methods18,19 for finding estimates of multispectral images. 5. VALIDATION Figure 6 shows an example of results from using the sparse recovery method on LED illuminator data. Figure 6. Top panels – estimated reflectance spectra from 3 different regions of the multispectral scene (indicated by black rectangles). Top left panel shows a comparison of estimated and measured reflectance spectra of an MCC patch. Bottom panel – sRGB rendering from estimates of reflectance spectra found with the LED imaging system. SPIE-IS&T/ Vol. 8299 82990P-5 Downloaded From: on 04/10/2013 Terms of Use: The bottom panel shows an sRGB renddering of a muultispectral sceene. The top 3 panels show w plots of the average reflectance spectra from arreas in the imaage indicated with w black recttangles. The toop left panel shows s a compaarison of estimated refflectance of a patch from thee MCC plotteed along with a measuremennt of the same patch . Note the t close correspondennce between measured m and esstimated reflecttance spectra. A similar coomparison is shown s for a patch p of skin in Figure 7. The left panel shows an sR RGB renderingg of the multispectrall scene. The rig ght panel show ws a comparisoon of the estim mated spectrum m of an area in a scene along with the measured speectrum of the same s area. Figuure 7. The spectrral image of a feemale face is renndered by summing the energy inn long-, middle-- and shortvisibble wavebands and a assigning thhese to the R, G and B primaries, respectively.. The graph compares the meaasured and estim mated spectral reflectance r of a region selectedd from her foreehead (demarcaated with a rectaangle). 6. DISCUSSIO D N 2, 3, 6, 9, 9 Many researcchers have useed methods bassed on optical filters to acquuire multispectrral images of artwork a objects 10 11-13 and calibratioon targets , sccenes with IR energy7, and natural sceness . Since a number of acquisitions are required with differennt optical filterss, these methodds are best suitted for imagingg static scenes. Long exposuure times precluude their use method for f acquiring scenes that incllude people and other dynam mic objects. Thee time requiredd to change filtters may be reduced by b the use of filters mounteed on a color wheel, but thiis renders the device physiccally cumbersoome and expensive. An alternate approach is to t use multiple acquisitions of a scene illluminated by lights with different spectraal power distributions.. Since lightin ng systems may be designed to switch att high rates, thhis approach can c be used too acquire multispectrall scenes with people and otther animate objects. o We haave created a system s that usses multiple LEDs L for capturing muultispectral scenes. The multtispectral scenee data can be freely fr downloadded from the innternet20. Exam mples of the scene conntent are shown n in Figure 8. SPIE-IS&T/ Vol. 8299 82990P-6 Downloaded From: on 04/10/2013 Terms of Use: Figure 8. Thumbnail representations of three multispectral scenes that can be freely downloaded from the internet20. It is possible to use the led lighting system to capture multispectral video sequences as well. We demonstrated this capability by coupling the LED-based lighting system to a Micron MT9P031 video imaging sensor. The LED switching times are synchronized with the frame acquisition of the imager such that we can acquire multispectral video sequences with VGA resolution at approximately 10 fps. Higher frame rates may be achieved by reducing the spatial resolution. 7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We thank Max Klein for designing and building the LED lighting hardware, Philips Lumileds lighting company for donating LEDs used in the LED lighting system, Prof. Brian Wandell and his students in Psych 221 class of 2008 for help with experiments. REFERENCES [1] J. Farrell, F. Xiao, P. Catrysse, and B. Wandell, "A simulation tool for evaluating digital camera image quality," Proceedings of the SPIE 5294, 124-131 (2004). [2] K. Martinez, J. Cupitt, D. Saunders, and R. Pillay, "Ten Years of Art Imaging Research," Proceedings of the IEEE 90(1), 28-41 (2002). [3] F. H. Imai and R. S. Berns, "High-resolution multispectral image archives: a hybrid approach," in Proceedings of the Sixth Color Imaging Conference (IST&SID, Scottsdale, Arizona, 1998), pp. 224-227. [4] S. Tominaga, "Multichannel vision system for estimating surface and illumination functions," J. Opt. Soc. Am A 13, 2163–2173 (1996.). 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