International Journal of Electrical & Computer Sciences IJECS-IJENS Vol:10 No: 02 9 A Novel Routing Algorithm for MANET Mamoun Hussein Mamoun Faculty of Computers and Information Sciences Mansoura University, Egypt Abstract In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm to routing called NRA, in mobile ad hoc networks, that allows the network layer to adjust its routing protocol dynamically based on SNR along the end-to-end routing path for each transmission link. The experimental results are very promising as the proposed algorithm exhibits superior performance with respect to traditional DSR routing algorithm in terms of throughput and packet delivery ratio Key words: MANET, QoS, Routing Protocols. 1. Introduction A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a dynamic wireless network with or without fixed infrastructure. Nodes may move freely and arrange themselves randomly. The contacts between nodes in the network do not occur very frequently. As a result, the network graph is rarely, if ever, connected and message delivery required a mechanism to deal with this environment [1] Routing in MANET using the shortest-path metric is not a sufficient condition to construct high-quality paths, because minimum hop count routing often chooses routes that have significantly less capacity than the best paths that exist in the network. [2] Most of the existing MANET protocols optimize hop count as building a route selection. Examples of MANET protocols are Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) [3], Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) [4], and Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) [5]. However, the routes selected based on hop count alone may be of bad quality since the routing protocols do not ignore weak quality links which are typically used to connect to remote nodes. These links usually have poor signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), hence higher frame error rates and lower throughput. [6], [7]. The wireless channel quality among mobile nodes is time varying due to fading, Doppler Effect and pathloss. Known that the shortest-path metric does not take into account the physical channel variations of the wireless medium, it is desirable to choose the route with minimum cost based on some other metrics which are aware of the wireless nature of the underlying physical channel. In MANET, there are many other metrics to be considered: Power, SNR, Packet Loss, maximum available bandwidth etc. These metrics should come from a cross-layer approach in order to make the routing layer aware of the local issues of the underling layers. [8]. The ability of MANET to provide acceptable quality of service (QoS) is restricted by the ability of the underlying routing protocol to provide consistent behavior despite the inherent dynamics of a mobile computing environment. [9] [10]. Many proposals and models addressed quality of service (QoS) among mobile nodes of the wireless networks and considered the link quality in their designs and architectures [11][12][13]. Our objective is to design a mechanism to provide an efficient QoS routing protocol to enhance the performance of existing routing protocols in Mobile ad hoc network environment In this paper we select DSR as one of the common MANET protocols to demonstrate our two models, Signal to noise Ratio (SNR), to enhance the quality of service of the DSR. We evaluate how the protocol differ in the methods it uses to select paths, detect broken links, and buffer messages during periods of link outage. Our new approach is called NRA. We computed differences in terms of packet delivery ratio, throughput, end-to-end latency, and mechanism overhead. We show that the performance of DSR protocol improved by using the proposed model. This paper is structured as follows: Section 2 presents a DSR routing protocol. We investigate the proposed routing protocol (NRA) in section 3. Section 4 elaborates on the simulation environment and the International Journal of Electrical & Computer Sciences IJECS-IJENS Vol:10 No: 02 experimental results. In Section 5, we present our conclusion. 2. DSR Protocol DSR is an entirely on-demand ad hoc network routing protocol composed of two parts: Route Discovery and Route Maintenance. In this section, we describe the basic form of Route Discovery and Route maintenance in DSR. In DSR, when a node has a packet to send to some destination and does not currently have a route to that destination in its Route Cache, the node initiates Route Discovery to find a route; this node is known as the initiator of the Route Discovery, and the destination of the packet is known as the Discovery's target. The initiator transmits a Route Request (RREQ) packet as a local broadcast, specifying the target and a unique identifier from the initiator. Each node receiving the Route Request, if it has recently seen this request identifier from the initiator, discards the Request. Otherwise, it appends its own node address to a list in the Request and rebroadcasts the Request. When the Route Request reaches its target node, the target sends a Route Replay (RREP) back to the initiator of the Request, including a copy of the accumulated list of addresses from the Request. When the Replay reaches the initiator of the Request, it caches the new route in its Route Cache. Route Maintenance is the mechanism by which a node sending a packet along a specified route to some destination detects if that route has broken, for example because two nodes in it have moved too apart. DSR is based on source routing: when sending a packet, the originator lists in the header of the packet the complete sequence of nodes through which the packet is forwarded. Each node along the route forwards the packet to the next hop indicated in the packet’s header, and attempts to confirm this by means of a link-layer acknowledgment or network layer acknowledgment. If, after a limited number of local retransmissions of the packet, a node in the route is unable to make this confirmation, it returns a Route Error to the original source of packet, identifying the link from itself to the next node was broken. The sender then removes this broken link from its Route Cache; for subsequent packets to its destination, the sender may use any other route to its destination in its Cash, or it may attempt a new Route Discovery for that target if necessary. 3. A Proposed Routing Protocol (NRA) 10 Routing in MANET is difficult as a result of the dynamic nature of network topology and the resource constraints. The issue of Link reliability in mobile ad hoc networks is a main problem to transmit messages through the wireless channels. Routing in multi-hop wireless networks using the shortest-path metric is not an adequate condition to build good quality paths, because minimum hop count routing often selects paths that have significantly less capacity than the best paths that exist in the network. [2] Physical-layer limits of wireless channel because of: time-varying fading, multipath, co-channel interference, hostile jamming, mobility, dynamic network topology. In technicality, information from the transmission links, such as Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), can furnish valuable information to the source node about the transmission paths as far as routing is concerned. Each wireless node can communicate with any other node within its transmission range, which depends on SNR at the receiver node. We modified the route reply packet format and added one extra field in the packet format to store the worst value of SNR along the route from destination to source. Section 2 illustrated how original DSR works. We modified also the mechanism of DSR process to include our model. The new mechanism will works as follows: When the route request packet arrives at the destination or an intermediate node with a route to the destination, a route reply packet will be generated. This reply packet is then sent back to the source node following the reverse route contained in the route request packet. Each intermediate node will update the SNR value if its link values of SNR lower than the existing recorded values in the route reply packet. If SNR value of its link is greater than recorded value, the node will not update the value. The process will continue until the route reply packet reach the source node. Now, at the source node there are many of available routes with different values of SNR. The Source node will select the route based on the value of best of worse available values of SNR. 4. Simulation and Results A network simulator (NS2) [14] was developed in order to monitor, observe and measure the performance of MDSR routing. In simulations, we choose propagation model based on 802.11. The fading modules contributed in [15] are included into account. The modulation, BPSK, compute the BER under fading condition from the loop-up tables. We calculate the Doppler shift velocity according to International Journal of Electrical & Computer Sciences IJECS-IJENS Vol:10 No: 02 Table1. Configuration parameters Configuration Parameter Value Effective comm. area 300- 400 m Terrain range 3000x3000 m No. of nodes 80 Modulation Scheme BPSK Threshold Power -75dBm Propagation Pass Loss Free space Fading model Rician Rician Fading factor 5 Speed 3-12 m/sec Packet size 1024 bits Routing protocol NRA, DSR MAC layer IEEE 802.11 Routing protocol DSR and MDSR Carrier frequency 2.4 GHz 90 P a c k e t d e l i v e ry (p a c k e t/ s e c ) the ground speed, pitch, and yaw of the transmitting node and the receiving node. Look up the fading amplitude according to the Rician K=5 factor [16]. We considered in our network topology to include fading, Doppler Effect and various speed mobility. Under these simulation conditions, the wireless node is configured as: 11 80 70 60 50 NRA 40 DSR 30 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Pause time (sec) Figure2. Packet delivery vs. Pause time From figure 1, it is noticed that there is an increase in the network throughput due to the using of the NRA protocol compared to the traditional DSR showing that the influence of our algorithm to the DSR protocol. From figure 2, it is noticed that there is an increase in the packet delivery ratio due to the using NRA compared to the standard DSR protocol showing that the influence of the our algorithm to the DSR protocol. 45 18000 Throughput (bit/sec) 16000 14000 E n d -to -e n d d e l a y (s e c ) 40 The results of experiments are shown in the following Figures. 35 30 25 NRA 20 DSR 15 10 5 12000 0 NRA 10000 0 50 DSR 100 150 200 250 300 350 Pause time (sec) 8000 6000 4000 Figure3. End-to-end delay vs. Pause time 2000 0 Pause tims (sec) Figure1. Throughput vs. Pause time From figure 3, it is noticed that there is slightly increase in End-to-End delay in NRA compared to traditional DSR. 5. Conclusion In this paper, we propose a new algorithm to modify the DSR routing protocol to choose routes according to the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) criterion which is characterized with the best value of SNR of the weakest link along the route from destination to source to eliminate the routes with bad links that has very low SNR and to improve QoS. Simulation results show that our model achieved better performance than traditional DSR protocol in International Journal of Electrical & Computer Sciences IJECS-IJENS Vol:10 No: 02 terms of delivery rate and throughput over intermittent network. 6. References [1] F. Alnajjar, T. Saadawi, “Social-stratification Probabilistic Routing Algorithm in Delay-Tolerant Networks”, The International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems and Applications (WASA'09), Boston, MA, pp. 579–59, August 2009. [2] W. Ho Yuen, H. Lee and T. D. 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Presently he is working as Associate Prof. in Faculty of Computers and Information Sciences, Mansoura University, Egypt. Tel: +20180554768 : +966594113095 E-mail: