www.pwc.ie July 2015 Stand out for the right reasons Insurance Risk and Regulation Hot topic EIOPA finalises Solvency II reporting package and publishes second set of ITS and Guidelines Highlights EIOPA has published its second set of ITS and Guidelines for Solvency II. These contain requirements and guidance for all three pillars of Solvency II, and most notably contain the finalised requirements on reporting and disclosure, including a full set of quantitative reporting templates. These give welcome certainty to insurers as they continue to prepare for reporting and disclosure under Solvency II. There are a few changes since the December 2014 consultation that insurers should factor into their final preparations. On 6 July 2015 EIOPA published its second and final set of Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) and Guidelines for Solvency II following a consultation issued in December 2014. The ITS set out technical requirements applicable directly to insurers and supervisors across all three pillars of Solvency II. The Guidelines provide guidance for regulators and insurers on implementing certain of Solvency II’s requirements. With this second set of ITS and Guidelines, EIOPA has finalised the last major outstanding piece of the Solvency II framework. Requirements relating to Pillar 3 (reporting and disclosure) form a major component of the second set of ITS and Guidelines. In particular, EIOPA published a final set of quantitative reporting templates (QRTs). This gives insurers certainty in their preparations for Solvency II Pillar 3 as 2016 approaches. The ITS and Guidelines supplement requirements for narrative reporting that were previously published by the European Commission (EC) in its final version of the Delegated Acts, released in October 2014. The final set of QRTs follows a consultation launched in December 2014. Although there are a few changes, the overall structure of the templates has remained unchanged with changes affecting the codification of the templates, simplification of some templates considered overly burdensome and a significant reduction in the financial stability reporting package. Contents of the ITS and Guidelines The second set of ITS and Guidelines contains four ITS and two sets of Guidelines relevant to Pillar 1, three ITS and one set of Guidelines relevant to Pillar 2, and two ITS and five sets of Guidelines covering different topics relevant to Pillar 3. The Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 ITS and Guidelines are broadly consistent with the previous consultations, the few changes introduced are immaterial in the context of preparing for Solvency II. A full list of these ITS and Guidelines and a brief summary of the changes introduced are included further down in this hot topic.The Pillar 3 ITS and Guidelines cover the following: Best efforts basis for preparation of data. QRTs to be submitted. Submission deadlines. Data plausibility checks to be applied. Guidelines on reporting and disclosure (formerly CP 14/047) Additional guidance on narrative reporting supplementing the requirements of the Delegated Acts, including: Additional detailed guidance on items to be covered by insurers in specified sections of their narrative reporting (both SFCR and RSR). Identification of pre-defined events and reporting. ITS on templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities (formerly CP 14/052) Requirements for public disclosure and reporting policies. Requirements for reporting to regulators, including: Cross referencing within the RSR. Data checks to be applied. Approval of reported information by the administrative, management or supervisory body. QRTs to be completed for opening reporting and regular annual and quarterly reporting by solo insurers and groups, including full updated QRT spreadsheet and LOG files. QRTs to be completed for material ringfenced funds. Reporting thresholds, criteria and application of proportionality for different elements of reporting (for example, reporting by country). Reporting rules including units and foreign currency conversion. ITS on procedures, formats and templates of the Solvency and Financial Condition Report (SFCR) (formerly CP 14/055) Requirements for public disclosure, including: QRTs subject to public disclosure. Cross references within public disclosure. Means of disclosure including publication online. Involvement of subsidiaries in the single SFCR. Reporting rules including units and foreign currency conversion. Guidelines on exchange of information on a systematic basis within colleges (formerly CP 14/050) Guidance on information exchange within colleges, including assessment of information to be exchanged and coordination arrangements. Guidelines on third country branches (formerly CP 14/048) Detailed guidance on supervision of branches of third country insurers, including: Authorisation, supervisory powers and processes, accounting and valuation requirements, distribution and determination of branch assets, location of branch assets, branch capital requirements and solvency, and governance and risk management requirements. Narrative and quantitative reporting requirements applicable to third country branches, including RSR, QRTs, ORSA supervisory report and coordination with home-country reporting, including with respect to public disclosure. Means of reporting, frequency and deadlines. Data checks to be applied to reporting. Transitional arrangements. Guidelines on methods to determine the market share for the purpose of exemptions to supervisory reporting (formerly CP 14/044) Guidance on how supervisors should determine market share for the purpose of applying de-minimis limits to reporting and how they should communicate to insurers that have been granted exemptions to reporting. Guidelines on financial stability reporting (formerly CP 14/045) Guidance on financial stability reporting, including: Identification of insurers within the scope of financial stability reporting and application of requirements. 2 Hot Topic Insurance Risk and Regulation This consultation paper addresses only branches writing direct business, as branches of third-country insurers writing only reinsurance business in the EU are not within the scope of authorisation for Solvency II. insurer has outsourcing arrangements in place that lead to this information not being directly available to the insurer. Quantitative reporting templates The requirements for quantitative reporting through the QRTs are covered in several different ITS and Guidelines, with four sets of QRT spreadsheet templates released covering regular supervisory reporting, public disclosure, financial stability reporting and reporting by branches. Completion of different templates is specified for annual, quarterly, group, solo, third country branch, financial stability and ring-fenced fund reporting. A description of the individual templates and their application to insurers, groups and third country branches is provided in Appendix 1. Developments to the QRTs EIOPA last published a full set of QRTs in December 2014 when it released its final consultation on reporting to the supervisory authorities. The final templates released on 6 July 2015 build on the previous versions although the changes are not substantial. Some of the more significant changes are listed below: Codification: The codification of the templates has been simplified to substantially reduce the number of worksheets. This consists of defining the templates only once when the same template applies in different circumstances (solo and group, or quarterly and annually), rather than having a named template for each variant. EIOPA is expected to publish a table to help identify the different templates to be used in each circumstance. Currency definition and exchange rates: The ‘Solvency II reporting currency’ definition now refers to the currency used for the preparation of the financial statements although the supervisor could require reporting in another currency if needed. Exchange rates used for financial statements can also be used for Solvency II reporting unless otherwise required by the supervisor. Solvency I balance sheet data on opening reporting: This is no longer required and will be reported to supervisors through the narrative report on opening date (1 January 2016). Information by country – S.04.01: This template was simplified requiring reporting at a granular level by Member State for gross written premiums only. Premiums, claims and expenses – S.05.01 & S.05.02: The LOGs have been clarified mainly with regards to the classification of expenses. The quarterly reporting split by top five countries has been eliminated. External rating information on asset reporting: Supervisors may exempt insurers from reporting external rating information on templates S.06.02 and S.08.01 where the 3 Hot Topic Insurance Risk and Regulation Changes to CIC codes: The two first positions of the CIC code are based on valuation and a new category XV has been created to be used for generic prices. Collective investment schemes – Look-through approach S.06.03: The look-through approach should be implemented in order to identify all countries that represent more than 5% of the fund being looked-through and until 90% of the value of the fund is identified by country. There was previously no threshold to the split by country data to be reported. TP-Life S.12.01: EIOPA clarified that where possible contracts with guarantees should be unbundled. Where it is not possible, the full amount of technical provisions should be reported in TP column ‘Contract with options or guarantees’. Best estimate by country and currency S12.03/S.17.03 (now coded S.22.06): This template will only be required from volatility adjustment users and a materiality threshold was added (90% of the best estimate of the volatility adjustment obligations of the insurer are to be split according to the matrix). Own funds S.23.01: EIOPA introduced changes for groups to clarify the calculation of solvency ratios when a combination of methods is applied. Own funds S.23.04: Amendments to the tables on adjustment for ring-fenced funds and matching adjustment portfolios. Participation S.24.01: Both template and LOG have been revised and clarifications added. Variation analysis S.29.01 to S.29.04: EIOPA confirms these templates are to be submitted for the first time in 2018 (referring to 2017). The template is ‘results based’ rather than ‘cash flows based’ and the LOG was amended to improve clarity. Risk concentration S.37.01: The template has been simplified with a few columns deleted, the LOG updated and only the line-by–line exposure approach retained. Data specifications and definitions Alongside the templates themselves, EIOPA has published updated sets of LOG files. The LOG files contain specifications and instructions for completing the templates, including definitions of data items, closed list or standardised coding formats, and treatment of specific items. Reporting frequency and deadlines EIOPA confirms that equivalence decisions are also relevant when considering the reporting burden on third country branches. Reporting deadlines for solo insurers and groups, including the transitional extensions to the deadlines in the first three years of Solvency II, are specified in the Delegated Acts so are unchanged by the new ITS and Guidelines. Consistent with the deadlines for insurers established in the European Union, branches of third country insurers will be required to submit an RSR (or summary of material changes where a full RSR is not required annually) and QRTs within 14 weeks of the financial year end, quarterly QRTs within 5 weeks, and the ORSA supervisory report two weeks after concluding the assessment. Submission deadlines are extended by 6 weeks in the first year of Solvency II reducing by 2 weeks a year for three years, and transitional reporting in the first year of Solvency II will be required within 20 weeks of the reference date. The reporting deadlines have remained unchanged since they were consulted on in December 2014. Financial stability reporting The financial stability reporting package was subject to significant changes (mainly reductions in scope) following challenge from the industry about it being overly burdensome. As a result, EIOPA will replace the templates identified as the most complex by an aggregate balance sheet template. Templates that are no longer required for financial stability purposes include: derivatives data: open positions; return on investment assets (by asset category); investment funds (look-through approach); securities lending and repos; and FS-specific reinsurance information. In addition, EIOPA has extended the deadline for financial stability reporting after transition from six to seven weeks. The deadlines for financial stability reporting will be ten weeks in 2016, nine weeks in 2017 and eight weeks in 2018. Thereafter, financial stability reporting will be required within seven weeks of the end of the relevant reference period. Other Guidelines and ITS (Pillar 1 and 2) The second set of ITS and Guidelines being finalised early in July also include: ITS on regional governments and local authorities treated as exposures. ITS on equity index for the equity dampener. ITS on adjustment for pegged currencies. Finally, EIOPA has eliminated the market share requirement for reporting from undertakings as this did impact smaller entities in those markets where this requirement could not be fulfilled by reporting from the largest insurers. ITS on health risk equalisation systems standard. ITS on supervisory transparency and accountability. ITS on capital add-on. Overall, the reporting burden for financial stability purposes has been significantly reduced. ITS on risk management: procedures when assessing external credit assessments. Supervision of thirdcountry branches Guidelines on valuation of assets and liabilities. Guidelines on long term guarantees and transitional measures. Guidelines on extension of the recovery period. EIOPA introduced a number of changes to its Guidelines on the supervision of third-country branches including: Equivalence decisions on a third-country have no direct impact on the supervision of the branch in the EU. However, EIOPA recognises that the supervisor can take into account how the equivalence of the home country can affect consideration on the proportionate application of the guidelines. EIOPA now suggests that the supervisor should take account of equivalence decisions when assessing whether the whole undertaking has an adequate solvency margin. The requirement for the third country branch to provide a legal opinion on the distribution of branch assets in the event of winding-up has been amended, with supervisors allowed to rely on other sources. 4 Hot Topic Insurance Risk and Regulation Overal, the above ITS and Guidelines are broadly consistent with the consultations issued in December 2014 except for some areas where EIOPA made amendments to improve clarity. In the case of Guidelines on valuation of assets and liabilities, EIOPA clarified that recognition and valuation of deferred tax assets are aligned to the Directive and Delegated Acts and that documentation requirements do not result in reporting requirements to the supervisory authorities. Guidelines on long term guarantees (LTG) and transitional measures have remained broadly unchanged with the exception of Guideline 1 which clarifies that insurers should not create an ‘unrealistic or distortionary’ link between future policyholder behaviour assumptions and their use of volatility adjustment, matching adjustment or transitional measures. The ITS on capital add-ons has been amended in response to feedback from industry to clarify that insurers will always have the opportunity to respond to the supervisor’s conclusion to set up a capital addon and the supervisor should consider any arguments against the capital add-on. EIOPA will publish the Guidelines in the official languages of the EU. Once published Member State supervisors will have two months to confirm to EIOPA whether they comply or intend to comply with the Guidelines, giving reasons for any noncompliance. The ITS have been submitted to the European Commission (EC) who have a maximum of four months to decide on their formal endorsement. There are two remaining ITS on the mapping of credit ratings and the application of the equity risk transitional measure which EIOPA plans to finalise shortly. It is not expected that these will introduce significant changes to the overall Solvency II framework. What next? What do I need to do? Preparation: The majority of insurers have Pillar 3 workstreams under way, with EIOPA’s publication of final QRTs, ITS and Guidelines on reporting, insurers have the last pieces of the reporting puzzle and can confidently move ahead with final preparations. For those that had been basing their preparations on the set of QRTs consulted on in December 2014, the final set does not increase the reporting burden but diminishes it slightly on some templates and in certain circumstances (such as for financial stability reporting). This will be welcome news to the industry. Dry run: Some insurers have already completed dry runs of quantitative and in some cases narrative reporting and most have also completed their preparatory phase reporting. Dry-running the Solvency II reporting on the new basis would be beneficial before the go-live date to firm up responsibilities, identifiy issues with enough time to remediate, and to provide sufficient time for an appropriate level of governance and review. Assurance: All insurers will be subject to regular private and public reporting requirements when Solvency II enters into force. Whilst it is not yet clear what assurance requirements may be mandated by the regulator, Boards and audit committees will want to consider how they gain appropriate assurance (either internally or externally) over all the Solvency II information that they are required to report. Contacts Paraic Joyce Insurance Partner padraic.joyce@ie.pwc.com 01 792 6394 Tony O’Riordan Life Actuarial Director tony.oriordan@ie.pwc.com 01 792 7551 Ronan Mulligan Non-Life Actuarial Director ronan.mulligan@ie.pwc.com 01 792 7505 Niall Naughton Principal Consultant niall.naughton@ie.pwc.com 01 792 6314 This publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not constitute professional advice. You should not act upon the information contained in this publication without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this publication, and, to the extent permitted by law, PricewaterhouseCoopers, its members, employees and agents do not accept or assume any liability, responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone else acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the information contained in this publication or for any decision based on it. © 2015 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. In this document, “PwC” refers to the Irish member firm, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity. Please see www.pwc.com/structure for further details. 5 Hot Topic Insurance Risk and Regulation Appendix 1: Quantitative reporting templates The table below has been prepared using the following abbreviations: O – Opening S – Solo A – Annual G – Group Q – Quarterly B – Third-country branch S.01.02 S.01.03 S.02.01 O A A A Q Q Q Provides general basic information about the insurer and its application of the Solvency II rules (e.g. transitionals). O O O A A A Q Q Q Basic Information – RFF and matching adjustment portfolios Provides information on any ring-fenced funds and/or matching adjustment portfolios reported by the insurer. O O O A A A Balance Sheet Provides an overview of the balance sheet of the insurer on a Solvency II basis. The template includes a comparison to GAAP reporting annually, and a comparison to the current (Solvency I) regulatory balance sheet for opening reporting. O O O A A A Q Q Q A A A Basic Information – General S.02.02 Assets and liabilities by currency Provides an overview of assets and liabilities by category split into the insurer’s most important currencies. S.02.03 Additional branch balance sheet information Provides information on branch encumbered assets and preferential claims to be paid out of branch available assets. S.03.01 Off-balance sheet items -general Provides an overall view of the off-balance sheet items that could impact the financial position of the insurer. S.03.02 Off-balance sheet items – List of unlimited guarantees received by the undertaking 1 The Ring Fenced Funds templates are coded SR.xx.xx 6 Hot Topic Insurance Risk and Regulation A A A A A A A S G B Financial Stability Elements? O Ring Fenced Funds/MA (Annual)?1 O Content of the submission Annual Public Disclosure? Provides a summary of templates included in the submission. Branch S.01.01 Group Data covered Solo Template code and name Completion Thresholds? H – Half-yearly/Semi-annually SA SQ GA GQ SA SQ GA GQ S G GQ S.04.01 Activity by country S.04.02 Information on class 10 in Part A of Annex I of Solvency II Directive2, excluding carrier’s liability S.05.01 Premiums, claims and expenses by line of business These templates aim at describing activity carried out abroad by providing an analysis of activity by country. A These templates give an analysis of written premiums, claims and expenses paid, by line of business and by country of localisation of risk. The annual template requires, in addition, a sub-analysis of expenses by type. A A A Q Q Q A A A A S.05.02 Premiums, claims and expenses by country S.06.01 Summary of assets Provides a summary of assets by category and identifying non-listed/non-exchange tradable assets, split between life, non-life, RFF and internal funds. This template is only required where the insurer is exempt from the annual submission ofS.06.02 or S.08.01. A A S.06.02 List of assets D1 provides detailed information on all the individual investments held by the insurer (other than derivatives which are separately reported). A3 A3 A Q Q Q Collective investment undertakings – look-through approach This template provides information for each investment fund of the underlying main asset categories, country of issue and currency. A3 A3 A Q Q Q S.07.01 Structured products This template applies to structured products, taking into account their specific characteristics. A A A S.08.01 Open derivatives This template provides detailed information on A3 A3 A S.06.03 S G GQ S G GQ 2 Class 10 covers Motor Vehicle Liability as specified in the Solvency II Directive. 3 Annual reporting of this template is only required were the insurer/ group is exempt from its quarterly submission. 7 Hot Topic Insurance Risk and Regulation Financial Stability Elements? A Ring Fenced Funds/MA (Annual)?1 A Annual Public Disclosure? A Completion Thresholds? Branch Off-balance sheet items – List of unlimited guarantees provided by the undertaking Group S.03.03 Data covered Solo Template code and name Q Q Derivatives Transactions This template provides detailed information on all derivatives contracts that existed during the reporting period but were closed prior to the reporting reference date. A3 A3 A Q Q Q S.09.01 Income/gains and losses in the period This template provides information about investment return by income category. A A A S.10.01 Securities lending and repos This template integrates detailed information regarding exposures to repurchase agreements (repos) and securities lending operations. A A A S.11.01 Assets held as collateral This template integrates detailed information regarding assets held as collateral. A A A S.12.01 Life and Health SLT Technical Provisions This template provides an analysis of life and health SLT technical provisions by type of contract (e.g. with-profits, linked, other). The information is split between the best estimate and the risk margin (with technical provision calculated as a whole separately reported). The annual template provides more detailed sub-analyses. A A Q Q S.12.02 Life and Health SLT Technical Provisions – by country Provides further analysis of the best estimate and TPs as a whole by country for life and health SLT technical provisions. A A S.13.01 Projection of future gross cash flows Provides analysis of cash flows by line of business by year over the next 30 years, by decade up to 50 years and in total thereafter. A A S.14.01 Life obligations analysis This template aims at giving an understanding of life business characteristics at a product level and homogeneous risk groups. A A S.15.01 Description of the guarantees of variable annuities This template aims at giving an overview of Variable Annuities (VA) with a description of guarantees by product. A A A S.15.02 Hedging of guarantees of variable annuities This template aims at giving an overview of hedging techniques used for VA products. A A A S.08.02 8 Hot Topic Insurance Risk and Regulation S S B Financial Stability Elements? Q Ring Fenced Funds/MA (Annual)?1 all derivatives contracts that existed during the reporting period and were not closed prior to the reporting reference date. Annual Public Disclosure? Branch Completion Thresholds? Group Data covered Solo Template code and name SA GA A A S.17.01 Non-life Technical Provisions This template provides an analysis of nonlife technical provisions by line of business. The information is split between the best estimate and the risk margin (with technical provisions calculated as a whole separately reported). The annual template contains more detailed sub-analyses. A A Q Q S.17.02 Non-Life Technical Provisions – By country Provides further analysis of the best estimate and TPs as a whole by country for non-life technical provisions. A A S.18.01 Projection of future cash flows (Best Estimate – Non Life) This template aims at giving an overview of the future cash flows by year expected to be required to settle the insurance obligations. A A S.19.01 Non-life Insurance Claims Information This template provides development triangles for each line of business and material currency for claims paid, the undiscounted best estimate of claims outstanding and claims reported but not settled (RBNS). There is separate reporting of gross amounts; reinsurance recoveries and net amounts. A A Undertakings are required to report run-off triangles with a default length of 15 years. S.20.01 Development of the distribution of the claims incurred This template provides for each line of business, an analysis of the year on year movement in the value and number of RBNS claims. A A S.21.01 Loss distribution risk profile This template analyses the number and value of claims incurred at the end of the current and previous 14 accident or underwriting years in predefined brackets. A A S.21.02 Underwriting risks non-life This template shows the 20 biggest underwriting risks, based on net retention, across all lines of business together with the two biggest underwriting risks for any lines of business if not covered through this methodology. A A 9 Hot Topic Insurance Risk and Regulation S S B S Financial Stability Elements? This template provides an overview of nonlife annuities stemming from non-life claims at a line of business level. Ring Fenced Funds/MA (Annual)?1 Completion Thresholds? Information on annuities stemming from Non-Life Insurance obligations (old F4) Annual Public Disclosure? Branch S.16.01 Group Data covered Solo Template code and name Impact of long term guarantees and transitional measures Analyses the impact of the long term guaranty and transitional measures on Technical provisions, basic own funds, own funds eligible to meet the SCR by tier, and the SCR. A S.22.02 Projection of future cash flows (Best Estimate – Matching portfolios) Provides a projection of cash flows and analysis of mismatch during the reporting period for each matching adjustment portfolio. S B S.22.03 Information on the matching adjustment calculation Provides information on the calculations supporting the matching adjustment, by matching adjustment portfolio. S B S.22.04 Information on the transitional on interest rates calculation Provides information on the calculation of the transitional adjustment on interest rates, by currency for which the adjustment is calculated. A A S.22.05 Overall calculation of the transitional on technical provisions Provides information on the calculation of the transitional adjustment on technical provisions. A A S.22.06 Best estimate subject to volatility adjustment by country and currency Provides information on the best estimate subject to volatility adjustments by country and currency. A S.23.01 Own funds This template provides an analysis of the structure of own funds by type of own funds item and by tier. O O O A A A Q Q Q This template provides further detail on own funds items by tier. A A S.23.02 Detailed information by tiers on own funds 10 Hot Topic Insurance Risk and Regulation Financial Stability Elements? S.22.01 Ring Fenced Funds/MA (Annual)?1 A Annual Public Disclosure? This template shows the underwriting risk profile being the distribution, in (predefined) brackets, of the number of risks, the sum insured and the total annual premium of all the underwriting risks which have been accepted by the undertaking (i.e. mass risks). Reporting is required for four lines of business specified for the template, and may be required by Member State regulators for a further eight specified lines of business. Completion Thresholds? Non-life distribution of underwriting risks – by sum insured Branch S.21.03 Group Data covered Solo Template code and name A A A S G S G GQ Branch This template provides details of the yearon-year movement in each item of basic own funds (BOF) and the sources of those movements. A A A S.23.04 List of items on own funds This template provides further details on different own funds items, including mutual member accounts, preference shares, subordinated liabilities, ancillary own funds, capital items in the financial statements that do not satisfy the Solvency II criteria, and ring-fenced funds/Matching Adjustment portfolios A A S.24.01 Participations held This template provides a comprehensive list of participations held and an overview of the calculation for the deduction from own funds related to participations in financial and credit institutions. A S.25.01 Solvency Capital Requirement – for undertakings on Standard Formula This template summarises the output of the solvency capital requirement (SCR) calculation by module for entities on the standard formula. The reporting is required at module level of the standard formula on both a gross and net basis. O O O A A A Solvency Capital Requirement – for undertakings using the standard formula and partial internal model This template summarises the output of the solvency capital requirement (SCR) calculation for entities using a partial internal model. Undertakings should agree with their supervisors the identifiable component categories from their model to be reported on this template. O O O A A A Solvency Capital Requirement – for undertakings on Full Internal Models This template provides with an overview of the calculation of SCR using a full internal model. Undertakings should agree with their supervisors the identifiable component categories from their model to be reported on this template. O O O A A A S.25.04 Solvency Capital Requirement This template reports the net SCR. S.26.01 Solvency Capital Requirement – Market risk These templates provide more detailed information on the calculation of the various modules of the standard formula SCR, including the use of simplifications. S.26.02 Solvency Capital Requirement – S.25.02 S.25.03 11 Hot Topic Insurance Risk and Regulation S G S G B S G S G B S G S G B Financial Stability Elements? Group Annual movements on own funds Ring Fenced Funds/MA (Annual)?1 Solo S.23.03 Annual Public Disclosure? Data covered Completion Thresholds? Template code and name A SQ GQ A A A S G B A A A S G Counterparty default risk B S.26.03 Solvency Capital Requirement – Life underwriting risk A A A S G B S.26.04 Solvency Capital Requirement – Health underwriting risk A A A S G B S.26.05 Solvency Capital Requirement – Non-life underwriting risk A A A S G B S.26.06 Solvency Capital Requirement – Operational risk A A A S G B S.26.07 Solvency Capital Requirement – Simplifications A A A S G B S.27.01 Solvency Capital Requirement – Non-life and health NSLT catastrophe risk A A A S G B S.28.01 Minimum Capital Requirement – Only life or only non-life insurance or reinsurance activity S.28.02 S.29.01 These templates provide an analysis of the Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR) calculation (both inputs and outputs). Minimum capital Requirement – Both life and non-life insurance activity Variation Analysis – Analysis of Variation of Excess of Assets over Liabilities This template summarises the year-on-year movement in each item of basic own funds (BOF) and summarises the sources of those movements. 12 Hot Topic Insurance Risk and Regulation O O A A Q Q O O A A Q Q A A S S Financial Stability Elements? Ring Fenced Funds/MA (Annual)?1 Annual Public Disclosure? Completion Thresholds? Branch Group Data covered Solo Template code and name S.29.03 Analysis of changes due to technical provisions This template analyses the changes in own funds relating to technical provisions. A detailed breakdown into different sources is required in respect of the gross best estimate, and analysis is required of technical flows affecting technical provisions (premiums, claims, etc.) A A S.29.04 Detailed analysis per period – Technical flows versus Technical provisions This template provides further analysis of technical flows versus technical provisions, differentiating between risks accepted/covered during, prior and after (accident year only) the reporting period. A A S.30.01 Facultative covers – Basic These templates provide details of the insurer’s ten biggest facultative non-life and life risks for each line of business. A A S.30.02 Facultative covers – Shares A A S.30.03 Outgoing Reinsurance Program in the next reporting year – Basic A A S.30.04 Outgoing Reinsurance Program in the next reporting year – Shares A A S.31.01 Share of reinsurers (including Finite Reinsurance and SPV’s) This template provides detailed information on individual reinsurers, including type, domicile, rating and rating agency, and an analysis of recoveries recognised and guarantees received. A A A S.31.02 Special Purpose Vehicles This template is for insurers using insurance risk transfer through Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs). It aims to provide details of the use of SPVs as a risk mitigation technique. A A A This template provides detailed information on the insurer’s outgoing reinsurance program for the coming year. 13 Hot Topic Insurance Risk and Regulation Financial Stability Elements? A Ring Fenced Funds/MA (Annual)?1 A Annual Public Disclosure? This template analyses the changes in own funds relating to investments and financial liabilities, with a breakdown into different sources. Completion Thresholds? Analysis of changes due to investments and financial liabilities Branch S.29.02 Group Data covered Solo Template code and name O A Information covers the type of entity, its supervisory authority and ranking by balance sheet turnover, income and performance measures. The influence exercise is reported by various measures including % share capital and voting share. Information is also gathered on whether each entity is included for group solvency assessment. S.33.01 S.34.01 S.35.01 Insurance and Reinsurance individual requirements This template provides an overview of solvency assessment at solo level for insurance entities. For insurers subject to Solvency II’s requirements the information gathered covers solo SCR, MCR, own funds, method of SCR calculation (undertaking specific parameters, simplifications, partial internal model), level of model used (group /solo, initial approval date & latest major change), solo capital add-ons. For non-EEA entities information gathered covers local capital requirements and eligible own funds. O Other regulated and non-regulated financial undertakings including insurance holding companies and mixed financial holding company individual requirements This template provides an overview of the solvency assessment at solo level for non insurance entities. The template gathers financial information on non insurance entities; for each entity the type of its capital requirement, the notional SCR (or sectoral capital requirement), notional MCR (or sectoral equivalent) and eligible own funds. O Contribution to group Technical Provisions This template provides an overview of the technical provisions across the undertakings within the group split by non life, health (life and non life), life and unit linked. The template also reports TPs subject to transitional provisions, Volatility Adjustment and Matching Adjustment gross and net of IGT. A 14 Hot Topic Insurance Risk and Regulation A A G Financial Stability Elements? Ring Fenced Funds/MA (Annual)?1 Annual Public Disclosure? Completion Thresholds? This template gathers information on each entity in the group to ascertain the scope of supervision, and the method by which the entity is included in group supervision. Undertakings in the scope of the group Branch S.32.01 Group Data covered Solo Template code and name A4 A S.36.02 IGT Derivatives This template reports significant intra-group transactions in derivatives, and provides details on the counterparty and derivative transaction details. A4 A S.36.03 IGT Internal reinsurance This template reports significant intra-group transactions on internal reinsurance between (re)insurance undertakings of a group, and provides details on the counterparty and reinsurance transaction details. A4 A S.36.04 IGT Internal Cost Sharing, Contingent Liabilities (other than derivatives) & Off Balance Sheet Items and Other Types of IGT This template reports all other material IGT that are not reported in IGT1 to IGT3, including IGT on internal cost sharing, other contingent liabilities and off balance sheet items. The template provides details on the counterparty and transaction details. A4 A S.37.01 Risk concentration This template provides information on the most important exposures by counterparty outside the scope of the group, including identifying information and details of the exposures. S.38.01 Duration of technical provisions This template provides information about the overall duration of life and non-life liabilities. SA GA S.39.01 Profit and Loss This template provides information on overall profit and loss on a GAAP basis. SH GH S.40.01 Profit or Loss sharing This template provides information on the average profit (or loss) sharing (i.e. own fund share of gain/loss) by entities in the group or solo entity. SA GA S.41.01 Lapses This template provides information about the overall evolution in lapse/surrender rates and volumes for life business. SQ GQ Financial Stability Elements? The template reports significant intra-group transactions relating to equity-type transactions, debt and asset transfers, and provides details on the counterparty and transaction details. Ring Fenced Funds/MA (Annual)?1 Group IGT involving equitytype transactions, debt and asset transfer Annual Public Disclosure? Solo S.36.01 Completion Thresholds? Data covered Branch Template code and name A Submission of this template is only required on a solo basis where the insurer is not subject to full group supervision and the parent is a mixed-activity holding company. 4 15 Hot Topic Insurance Risk and Regulation Stand out for the right reasons Insurance risk and regulation is an opportunity. At PwC we work with you to embrace change in a way that delivers value to your customers, and long-term growth and profits for your business. With our help, you won’t just avoid potential problems, you’ll also get ahead. We support you in four key areas. By alerting you to financial and regulatory risks we help you to understand the position you’re in and how to comply with regulations. You can then turn risk and regulation to your advantage. We help you to prepare for issues such as technical difficulties, operational failure or cyber attacks. By working with you to develop the systems and processes that protect your business you can become more resilient, reliable and effective. Adapting your business to achieve cultural change is right for your customers and your people. By equipping you with the insights and tools you need, we will help transform your business and turn uncertainty into opportunity. Even the best processes or products sometimes fail. We help repair any damage swiftly to build even greater levels of trust and confidence. Working with PwC brings a clearer understanding of where you are and where you want to be. Together, we can develop transparent and compelling business strategies for customers, regulators, employees and stakeholders. By adding our skills, experience and expertise to yours, your business can stand out for the right reasons. For more information on how we can help you to stand out visit www.pwc.ie