NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY P.U.C. Or. 24 Eighth Revision of Sheet C-1 Cancels Seventh Revision of Sheet C-1 SCHEDULE C MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES APPLICABLE: To all Customers served by the Company under the Tariff of which this Schedule is a part. PURPOSE: To describe and summarize the charges that may apply to Customers in addition to the rates established in the Rate Schedule or Service Agreement under which Customer receives service. SUMMARY OF CHARGES: Late Payment Charge 1.7% of unpaid balance per payment period, but no less than $3.00 Charge for Payment Not Honored $ 15.00 per incident Service Reconnection Charges (See specific reconnection options at Sheet C-2) Standard Reconnection $ 25.00 After Hours Reconnection $ 75.00 Service Reconnection Charges – Curtailment Order (Scheduled Completion Time) 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. on Business Days After 5:00 p.m. and on weekends or holidays $ 150.00 $ 600.00 Inaccessible Meter Charge – Installation of Shut-off Valve $ 250.00 Field Visit Charge $ 15.00 Meter Interference First Occurrence Additional Occurrences Plus $ 20.00 $ 30.00 Amount of unbilled gas Unauthorized Use – failure to comply with Curtailment Order $ 10.00 per therm Paper Copies - Tariff Schedules $ 0.10 per page Charge for Duplicate Check $ 3.00 per request Special Automated Payment Charge $ 2.50 per check Summary Billing Charge $5.00 one-time set up fee, per account $1.00 per account billed per month (continue to Sheet C-1.1) Issued March 24, 2011 NWN Advice No. OPUC 11-3 Effective with service on and after May 4, 2011 Issued by: NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY d.b.a. NW Natural 220 N.W. Second Avenue Portland, Oregon 97209-3991 NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY P.U.C. Or. 24 Original Sheet C-1.1 SCHEDULE C MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES (continued) SUMMARY OF CHARGES (continued): Company Provided Utility Pathway for New Construction (Schedule X) Main Trench (all classes) - no obstructions Main Trench (all classes) – through hard surface $ 5.00 per foot $ 39.00 per foot Service Trench (Commercial) – no obstructions Service Trench (Commercial ) – through hard surface $ 5.00 per foot $ 39.00 per foot Service Trench (Residential) – First 47 feet or less Service Trench (Residential) – Greater than 47 feet $297.00 each $ 6.00 per foot Additional cost (all classes) for rock excavation $ 6.00 per foot in length/per foot in depth Service Guarantee fee on Company Provided Utility Pathway for New Construction (Schedule X) $100.00 Wasted Trip fee on Applicant Provided Utility Pathway for New Construction (Schedule X) Main Trench (all classes) Service Trench (Commercial) Service Trench (Residential) $290.00 each additional trip $290.00 each additional trip $155.00 each additional trip (continue to Sheet C-2) Issued November 24, 2004 NWN Advice No. OPUC 04-15A Effective with service on and after December 8, 2004 Issued by: NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY d.b.a. NW Natural 220 N.W. Second Avenue Portland, Oregon 97209-3991 NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY P.U.C. Or. 24 First Revision of Sheet C-2 Cancels Original Sheet C-2 SCHEDULE C MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES (continued) DESCRIPTION OF CHARGES: Late Payment Charge. Customer accounts not paid in full each month are subject to a late payment charge. For Residential Customers, the late payment charge will be applied to overdue account balances at the time of preparing the subsequent months bill. For Non-Residential Customers, the late payment charge will be assessed the day after the due date stated on the bill. The late payment charge will not apply to accounts if the balance is less than $50.00, or to Equal Pay Plan or Time Payment Plan accounts that are current. Charge For Payment Not Honored. A charge will be applied each time a Customer makes a payment on account that is not honored, for any reason, by a bank or other financial institution. Service Reconnection Charges. A charge will be assessed to restore service to a Customer following a Disconnection of Service under General Rule 11, or where Customer initiated a seasonal or temporary Disconnection of Service, and is requesting service be restored at the same address within twelve (12) months. Before service will be restored, all amounts then due and payable, including the service reconnection charge, must be paid to Company at the Company's offices prior to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, or, upon prior arrangement between Company and Customer, shall be paid to the Company's representative at the time of visit. The service reconnection options are as follows: Customer Contact with Company Contact within 20 days of Disconnect:: Monday-Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday after 6:00 p.m. Friday before 3:00 p.m. Friday 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Friday after 6:00 p.m. Contact more than 20 days from Disconnect: Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Service Reconnection Options Charge By 5:00 p.m. of the next day * Same Day after 5:00 p.m.** None *** By 5:00 p.m. of the next day (Saturday) * Same Day after 5:00 p.m.** By the end of the next Business Day (Monday)* Friday after 6:00 p.m.** Saturday** $25 $75 N/A $25 $75 $25 $75 $75 None*** N/A $25 Within two Business Days* $75 Same day after 5:00 p.m.** $75 Next day ** Monday-Friday after 6:00 p.m. None*** N/A * Standard Reconnection. This time frame is subject to change for any cause not reasonably within the control of the Company. If the next day is a state-recognized holiday, then it will be the next Business Day ** After Hours Reconnection. *** Applicant must call on next Business Day to schedule the reconnection Service Reconnection Charges – Curtailment Order. A charge will be assessed to restore service to an Interruptible Customer where the Customer is requesting that service be restored following disconnection due to Customer’s failure to comply with a Curtailment Order. Before service will be restored, all amounts then due and payable, including the service reconnection charge, must be paid to Company at the Company's offices prior to 6:00 p.m., or, upon prior arrangement between Company and Customer, shall be paid to the Company's representative at the time of visit. (continue to Sheet C-3) Issued January 8, 2010 NWN Advice No. OPUC 10-1 Effective with service on and after February 24, 2010 Issued by: NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY d.b.a. NW Natural 220 N.W. Second Avenue Portland, Oregon 97209-3991 NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY P.U.C. Or. 24 Third Revision of Sheet C-3 Cancels Second Revision of Sheet C-3 SCHEDULE C MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES (continued) DESCRIPTION OF CHARGES (continued): Inaccessible Meter Charge – Installation of Shut-off Valve. A charge will be assessed when the Company must install a shut-off valve at the curb because the Company cannot gain access to the meter to complete a Disconnection of Service under RULE 11. Before service will be restored, all amounts then due and payable, including this installation charge and the service reconnection charge, must be paid to the Company at the Company's offices prior to 6:00 p.m., or, upon prior arrangement between the Company and Customer, shall be paid to the Company's representative at the time of visit. Field Visit Charges. A charge will be assessed to Customer when the Company goes to the Premise to (a) disconnect service for non-payment and service is left active; or (b) to restore service after a disconnection and the Company representative is unable to restore service due to Customer actions or inactions. Charge For Meter Interference. A charge will be assessed for each instance of interference with the Company’s meter or its connections at the Customer's Premise. When the interference caused inaccurate gas usage to be registered on the meter, the Company will also bill Customer for the amount of the unbilled gas in the manner set forth below. Any repairs, replacement, or prevention devices required to be installed by the Company as a result of the interference will be provided by Company at Customer’s expense. For this purpose, unbilled gas will be calculated as the difference between the usage shown on the meter register at the time interference was discovered and the amount of gas the Company estimates the Customer would have used based on previous usage history at the Premise for the time period in question. Unbilled gas will be billed at the rates specified in the schedule under which Customer took service at the time of the incident. Charge For Unauthorized Use. A charge will be assessed on any gas taken by a Customer in excess of that allowed under a Curtailment Order. The Charge shall be in addition to all applicable Rate Schedule charges on the gas volumes taken. Charge For Copies Of Tariff Rate Schedules. Customers may request and receive a copy of the schedule(s) under which they currently receive service at no charge. A per page charge will be assessed for all or any portion of the Company’s Tariff requested by an individual or business enterprise that is not a Customer of the Company. Charge For Duplicate Check. A charge per request, will be applied to a Customer's account for each request of a photocopy of Customer's check for utility payment. Special Automated Payment Charge. The Company may, in its sole discretion, make available to Customers with valid personal checking accounts, the option to make payment on a delinquent account balance through an automated check payment process. A charge will be assessed for each check processed by the Company for this purpose. The payment of this charge does not relieve Customer of any charges resulting from the check being not honored, or from any other charges that may apply. Summary Billing Charge. This option is not available to Transportation Service Customers or Interruptible Service Customers. The Company will provide Customers, upon request, with a summary billing for two or more accounts. A one time set up charge, and a monthly service charge will apply. (continue to Sheet C-4) Issued January 8, 2010 NWN Advice No. OPUC 10-1 Effective with service on and after February 24, 2010 Issued by: NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY d.b.a. NW Natural 220 N.W. Second Avenue Portland, Oregon 97209-3991 NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY P.U.C. Or. 24 Original Sheet C-4 SCHEDULE C MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES (continued) DESCRIPTION OF CHARGES (continued): Company Provided Utility Pathway for New Construction (Schedule X). When the Company constructs the utility pathway for an Applicant for a new construction project in accordance with SCHEDULE X, the Company will construct the pathway at the costs specified on Sheet C-1.1 of this Schedule. Service Guarantee fee on Company Provided Utility Pathway for New Construction (Schedule X). Where the Company will provide the utility pathway for the project, if the Company does not meet the scheduled construction date, the Company will pay the Applicant the Service Guarantee fee specified on Sheet C-1.1 of this Schedule. Wasted Trip Fee on Applicant Provided Utility Pathway for New Construction (Schedule X). The wasted trip fee will apply when the Company goes to the site of a new construction project following notice by Applicant that the site is ready, and the site is not ready when the Company arrives, thereby requiring the Company to schedule a return trip. GENERAL TERMS: This Schedule is governed by the terms of this Schedule, the General Rules and Regulations contained in this Tariff and by all rules and regulations prescribed by regulatory authorities, as amended from time to time. Issued November 24, 2004 NWN Advice No. OPUC 04-15A Effective with service on and after December 8, 2004 Issued by: NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY d.b.a. NW Natural 220 N.W. Second Avenue Portland, Oregon 97209-3991