Mechanical Engineering for Renewable Energy Systems Wind

Mechanical Engineering for
Renewable Energy Systems
Wind Turbines.
Describe technologies for renewable energy, and their principal advantages and disadvantages
Analyse the structural loading of wind turbine towers and blades, the choice of materials, and the
effect of scale.
Analyse the mechanical and control aspects of wind turbine machinery.
Use streamlined life cycle analysis to estimate the energy payback periods for wind turbines of
different sizes, and to compare wind energy with alternative renewable energy systems.
Lecturers (in order of appearance):
Hugh Hunt
David MacKay
Prof of Natural Philosophy, Dept. of Physics
Hugh Shercliff
Digby Symons
Philip Carne Kjær Vestas Wind Systems, Power Plant R&D
Jim Platts
CUED (Institute for Manufacturing)
Lecture times (all lectures at 11am in LR2)
1 Thursday 24th April
Hugh Hunt
David MacKay
2 Friday 25th April
Hugh Shercliff
3 Tuesday 29th April
Hugh Hunt
4 Wednesday 30th April
Digby Symons
5 Thursday 1 May
Digby Symons
6 Friday 2nd May
Digby Symons
7 Tuesday 6th May
Digby Symons
8 Wednesday 7th May
Digby Symons
9 Thursday 8 May
Digby Symons
10 Friday 9th May
Philip Carne Kjær
11 Tuesday 13 May
12 Wednesday 14th May
Jim Platts
13 Thursday 15th May
Hugh Hunt
14 Friday 16 May
Hugh Hunt
15 Tuesday 20th May
Hugh Hunt
16 Wednesday 21 May
Introduction and course overview
Life cycle analysis
Aerodynamic fundamentals
Wind turbine blade design
Wind turbine blade design
Wind turbine blade design
Blade structure and materials
Blade structure and materials
Blade structure and materials
Guest lecture – Vestas Wind Systems
Examples Class 1
Guest lecture – Bamboo
Mechanics of wind turbines *
Mechanics of wind turbines *
Mechanics of wind turbines *
Examples Class 2
All lectured material is examinable
There will be two examples papers. This course ran for the first time in Easter 2007 and so there is only
one past exam paper available. Most questions on the examples papers will generally reflect the style and
length of questions on the examination paper.
A site visit is planned to see a small-wind installation near Cambridge. This is likely to take place on
one of the afternoons in Week 4. Anyone who can help with transport please inform
Lecture summaries
1. Introduction and course overview (Hugh Hunt, David MacKay)
Introduction to the course. General overview of the issues surrounding CO2 and
global warming. The Hockey-stick curve (doom-and-gloom scenarios). How can we get
off our fossil fuel addiction? Thinking about plans that add up.
2. Life cycle analysis (Hugh Shercliff)
Life cycle analysis of renewable energy systems. Product life cycles: material
production, manufacture & installation, use and maintenance, disposal and recycling.
Estimates of embodied energy in wind turbine systems and payback period; recycling
potential for end of product life. Comparison with other renewable energy systems.
3. Aerodynamic fundamentals (Hugh Hunt)
Fundamental fluid mechanics limits to energy generating potential (Betz Limit),
including the influence of size and height. Estimates of wind loading.
4-6. Wind turbine blade design (Digby Symons)
Design of Wind Turbines - Blade aerodynamics, loads and structure based on "Danish
concept" HAWT. Aerofoil aerodynamics: lift, drag and angle of attack. Wind turbine
blade kinematics: blade rotation, wake rotation, relative wind
velocity, resolving forces. Blade element momentum theory: equating blade forces
with air flow momentum change. Blade loading: aerodynamic, centrifugal, self weight
& storm loading.
7-9. Blade structure and materials (Digby Symons)
Material selection for wind turbines
(i) material selection for blades (stiffness, fatigue, mass, cost) - comparison of
materials; effect of scale
(ii) design and manufacture with composite materials
10. Vestas Wind Power Solutions (Philip Carne Kjær)
With a 23 per cent market share, and 35,000 wind turbines installed, Vestas is the
world's leading supplier of wind power solutions. Experience their views on modern
energy – and learn why they are No. 1.
12. Bamboo (Jim Platts)
Using wood and bamboo to reduce the embodied energy in wind turbine blades. Advanced
composites manufacturing processes for wind turbine blades in China. Rare earth
permanent magnet direct drive generators in China. Next generation wind turbines.
13-15. Mechanics of wind turbines (Hugh Hunt)
Gearboxes and generators - mechanical impedance matching, speed/frequency control,
optimising efficiency. Response to changes in wind speed and direction, gyroscopic
effects. High wind and overspeed protection – furling, coning, electrical braking.
Noise and vibration.
Selected Booklist
1. Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines, Hansen M.O.L., 2008, TI.48
2. Wind turbine design: with emphasis on Darrieus concept. Paraschivoiu I., 2002 TI.45
3. Wind turbine technology: fundamental concepts of wind turbine engineering. Spera D.A. (editor),
1994, 1995 reprint DE.143
4. Renewable Energy, Sorensen B., 3ed 2004, DE.95
5. Renewable energy. Boyle G. (editor), 2004 DE.158
6. Guidelines for Design of Wind Turbines, DNV/Risoe Publication, 2002,
There are many books in various libraries and bookshops – let us know if you spot a useful book
There is a link to web resources for the course at
HEMH Easter 2008