Multiple Representation~ of Motion Ultrasonic Motion Detector Lab ~ " Do the following for each of the situations beIow: . . a. Move, reladve to the motio~detector, so that you produce a pos~ifion vs: time graph (or velocity-time ............ ~ graph) which closely approximates the graph shown. ¯ ~? b. In the space provided, describe how you must move in order to produce the position vs. lime graph shown in the space to the right of the velocity vs. time graph. Be sure to include each of the following in your description: stazting position, direction moved, type of motion, relative speed. c. On the velocity vs. time z~xes, sketch the velocity vs. time graph corresponds to the.position vs. ti~e Velocity vs. Time Position vs. Time Written Description 2 3 4 ¸6 8 9 I0 11 51)~-J, >+~.4 5wp~ ,-ff~ time"" IMov~-~ -1-o~,~-o5 @ ~ 1~5~c gc>~T~. 5pr~ 12 time~