July 21st, 2015 SG ETN [N SHORT & LEVERAGE ETP SG Silver x5 GBP Daily Long Get 5 times the daily rise of Silver Futures [NA Investment Objective Basic Data The SG Silver x5 GBP Daily Long is a Short & Leverage ETP that enables you to gain five times the daily rise of Silver Future prices, without ever risking more than you invested. As a Daily Long, the SG Silver x5 GBP Daily Long will rise by 5% before costs and fees for every 1% that the Silver Futures price has risen above the last recorded closing price. It does this by gaining exposure to the Silver Futures x5 Leveraged Index. Underlying Asset Silver Futures Leveraged Index Legal Form Issuer Guarantor Silver Futures x5 Leveraged Index Note tracking a Warrant SG Issuer Societe Generale (A S&P, A2 Moody's) Exchange Collateralized Collateral Custodian Counterparty Risk London Stock Exchange Yes, UCITS compliant equities Bank of New York Mellon (Luxembourg) S.A. Mitigated through collateral. However, an intraday fall in the value of the Collateral could mean the product value is not 100% protected 13 May 2015 19 May 2025 1 unit GBP Yes GBP / USD 1.05% 0.0042% No Yes The Leveraged Index The Silver Futures x5 Leveraged Index (the Index) is created and sponsored by Solactive AG. The objective of the Index is to provide a positive return equal to 5 times the daily rise of the Silver Futures price. The Index replicates the performance of a hypothetical investment in Silver Futures taking into account interest rates and a leverage factor of 5. Further information on the Silver Futures x5 Leveraged Index can be seen on the following website: www.solactive.com Silver Futures x5 Leveraged Index performance First Listing Maturity Date Minimum Investment Listing Currency Currency Risk Annualised Cost** Gap Premium per day Stamp duty* CGT Eligible* ISA Eligible* Yes SIPP Eligible* Yes **The Annualised Cost includes the Commission and Collateral Charge. Trading information In accordance with the Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority, it is not possible to show the past performance for an Index that has been available for less than 12 months since its launch. ISIN EPIC SEDOL BLOOMBERG JE00BX7RPW12 5SIL BX7RPW1 5SIL CORP Compounded returns Short & Leverage ETPs are entirely designed around the daily performance of their Underlying Asset. By this we mean how far it has risen or fallen from market close on one day, to market close the following day. Index Air Bag Mechanism You can hold them for longer than a day but your return could be more or less than 5 times that of the Underlying Asset. Each day when markets open, the performance of the Underlying Asset and the product will be measured from their closing levels the Trading Day before. As such, any subsequent gain or loss will build upon the performance achieved the Trading Day before. The Leveraged Index includes an Air Bag mechanism, which is designed to prevent total losses during extreme market conditions. The Air Bag comes into effect if the Silver Futures price loses more than 15% during the Trading Day. On activation, the Air Bag triggers a 15 minute observation period whereby the lowest level of Silver Future prices will be observed. Following the reset, the performance of the Silver Futures price and value of the Leveraged Index will be measured from the new, lower level. As such, subsequent gains or losses are reduced as they are based on a smaller amount. For example. If this product was worth £100 at the start of day one, and at market close it was up 5%, it would close at £105, a gain of £5.00. The next day it starts again from £105. By the end of the day it has gained another 5%. However, this time the 5% gain is applied to £105, which gives us a return of £5.25 and a closing price of £110.25. Although the product gained 5% on both day 1 and day 2, it was up by 10.25% over two days. Compounding can work for you or against you. It is important to read the Short & Leverage ETP product guide prior to investing. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Source Bloomberg as of: July 21st, 2015 Counterparty Risk Management Short & Leverage ETPs aim to mitigate Counterparty Risk through the use of Collateral, which is posted by Societe Generale and held with The Bank of New York Mellon (Luxembourg) S.A.as the independent custodian. The Collateral is monitored daily at market close to maintain 100% of the market value of the Short and Leverage ETP. In the event that Societe Generale in their role of Guarantor should default or become insolvent, the Short and Leverage ETP would terminate early and the Collateral assets would be sold to recover some or all of your investment. An intraday fall in the value of the Collateral could mean the product is not 100% protected. Eligible Collateral Assets include equities from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States of America with a market capitalisation of more than 1,000,000,000 USD. THIS COMMUNICATION IS DIRECTED AT SOPHISTICATED RETAIL CLIENTS IN THE UK *Any statement in relation to tax, where made, is generic and non-exhaustive and is based on our understanding of the laws and practice in force as of the date of this document and is subject to any changes in law and practice and the interpretation and application thereof, which changes could be made with retroactive effect. Any such statement must not be construed as tax advice and must not be relied upon. The tax treatment of investments will, amongst other things, depend on an individual’s circumstances. Investors must consult with an appropriate professional tax adviser to ascertain for themselves the taxation consequences of acquiring, holding and/or disposing of any investments mentioned in this factsheet www.sglistedproducts.co.uk listedproducts@sgcib.com Tel: 0800 328 1199 July 21st, 2015 SG ETN [N [NA SHORT & LEVERAGE ETP SG Silver x5 GBP Daily Long Get 5 times the daily rise of Silver Futures Leveraged Index Facts Exposure Currency ISIN Air bag level Bloomberg Reuters Index creation Leveraged Index Disclaimer The index referred to herein (the “Index”) is not sponsored, approved or sold by Société Générale. Société Générale shall not assume any responsibility in this respect. Solactive Indexes have been licensed by Solactive AG for use by Société Générale. The Notes are not sponsored, endorsed, issued, sold, or promoted by Solactive AG nor does this company make any representations regarding the advisability of investing in the Notes. Silver Futures USD DE000SLA4XW1 75% loss to Leveraged Index SLVR5L .SLVR5L Solactive AG What is a Short & Leverage ETP? What costs are involved? Short and Leverage ETPs enable you to take Long (rising markets), or Short (falling markets) exposure to an index like the FTSE 100 Index, or a commodity like Silver or oil. However, instead of moving in line with your chosen Underlying Asset, a Short and Leverage ETP will leverage your exposure by 2, 3 or 5 times, and multiply any gain or loss by that amount. They have a fixed investment term of 10 years and are listed on the London Stock Exchange. A Short & Leverage ETP is a form of debt security, which is issued by SG Issuer via an Issuing Programme which is approved by the UK Listing Authority. SG Issuer is a 100% subsidiary of Societe Generale. Investors holding Short & Leverage ETPs for less than a day will simply pay a dealing commission to their broker, and a small spread on the Bid & Ask prices. Investors holding their position overnight will incur the Annualised Cost and Gap Premium, which are calculated daily and applied to the value of the product. Gap Premium is a hedging cost that protects the product from extreme market movements overnight. Without Gap Premium, the Short and Leverage ETP could lose more than 100% of its value. However, because of the Gap Premium, the worst that can happen is that the product is worth nothing. Secondary market SG Options Europe is the only market-maker, and therefore the only liquidity provider for Short and Leverage ETPs. This means we are governed by LSE rules to buy back and sell our products at the prevailing market price between (8.05am to 4.30pm). By investing in a Short and Leverage ETP you can be assured that Societe Generale will buy back your product at any time during market hours in normal market conditions. However, during abnormal market conditions, there is no guarantee that liquidity or live prices will be available. Instances of abnormal market conditions include: 1. The Underlying is suspended or not tradable 2. There is a period of extreme volatility in the Underlying Asset 3. There is a failure in the LSE or Societe Generale systems. ADVANTAGES Leverage. Gain 5 times the Daily Performance of the Underlying Asset. RISKS Capital risk. Capital is fully at risk and is not covered by the provisions of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (“FSCS”), or any similar scheme. Directional. Long or Short positions available for directional investment or hedging. Leverage risk. Losses can exceed a direct investment in the Underlying Asset. Access. Available on a wide range of equity indices and commodities. Underlying risk. The Underlying Asset can be volatile, which can lead to large movements in price; either for you, or against you Risk management. Air Bag mechanism is designed to slow the rate of loss in extreme market conditions Compound returns. Gains and losses are compounded over more than one Trading Day, and as such will deviate from 5 times the performance of the Underlying Asset. Intended eligibility. Can be traded individually, just like a share in a SIPP, ISA or regular dealing account Counterparty risk. If Societe Generale was to default or become insolvent, the product will terminate. The amount you receive will depend on the value of the Collateral Assets. Tax situation. Trading outside of a SIPP or ISA will be subject to capital gains tax but not stamp duty.* Liquidity risk. Societe Generale is the only party providing prices for these products. Prices will only be available in normal market conditions. Currency risk. If the Underlying Asset is quoted in a currency other than GBP, exchange rate fluctuations will impact the price of the product. This means that you may find it difficult or impossible in certain circumstances to sell the Short and Leverage ETP or may be offered a price less than you paid. THIS COMMUNICATION IS DIRECTED AT SOPHISTICATED RETAIL CLIENTS IN THE UK This document is issued in the U.K. by the London Branch of Societe Generale. Societe Generale is a French credit institution (bank) authorised by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (the French Prudential Control and Resolution Authority) and the Prudential Regulation Authority and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. Details about the extent of our authorisation and regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority, and regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority are available from us on request. Although information contained herein is from sources believed to be reliable, Societe Generale makes no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy of any information. Any reproduction, disclosure or dissemination of these materials is prohibited. The products described within this document are not suitable for everyone. Investors’ capital is at risk. Investors should not deal in this product unless they understand its nature and the extent of their exposure to risk. The value of the product can go down as well as up and can be subject to volatility due to factors such as price changes in the underlying instrument and interest rates. Prior to any investment in this product, investors should make their own appraisal of the risks from a financial, legal and tax perspective, without relying exclusively on the information provided by us, both in this document and the Final Terms of the product available on the website www.sglistedproducts.co.uk. We recommend that you consult your own independent professional advisers. Investors should note that holdings in this product will not be covered by the provisions of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, nor by any similar scheme in the country where the Issuer is domiciled. The securities can be neither offered in nor transferred to the United States. Any statement in relation to tax, where made, is generic and non-exhaustive and is based on our understanding of the laws and practice in force as of the date of this document and is subject to any changes in law and practice and the interpretation and application thereof, which changes could be made with retroactive effect. Any such statement must not be construed as tax advice and must not be relied upon. The tax treatment of investments will, inter alia, depend on an individual’s circumstances. Investors must consult with an appropriate professional tax adviser to ascertain for themselves the taxation consequences of acquiring, holding and/or disposing of any investments mentioned in this document. www.sglistedproducts.co.uk listedproducts@sgcib.com Tel: 0800 328 1199