Copyright © 2011 by American Scientific Publishers All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanomanufacturing Vol. 1, pp. 1–5, 2011 ( Surfactant Assisted Incorporation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes into a Chitosan-Polyvinylpyrrolidone Polymer Taylor Jon Davis, Jin Zhang, and José E. Herrera∗ Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, N6A 5B9, Canada ABSTRACT KEYWORDS: Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes, CTAB, PVP, Chitosan, Raman, UV/Vis NIR, Young’s Modulus. 1. INTRODUCTION Since their discovery1 single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) have presented researchers with unmatched opportunities for a wide range of device applications.1–3 These characteristics are linked to their molecular structure;4 12 specifically the sp2 carbon network which grants them unique mechanical strength, chemical stability, and in some cases high electrical conductivity.1 5 6 12 Unfortunately the universality of their use in many practical cases is significantly hindered by the strong attractive forces between SWNTs themselves, which are the result of van der Waals interactions, an inherent side effect of their sp2 hybridization.6 12 These strong attractive forces make SWNTs adhere to each other strongly in tightly bundled ropes. It is this particular molecular facet that poses the greatest hindrance to the widespread use and application of SWNT based technologies; as in these bundles, SWNTs do not posses to nearly the same extent, the usefulness of their linearized unbundled equivalents. For instance, compared to their unbundled counterparts, SWNT bundles have a low shear modulus because the tube-tube van der Waals ∗ Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: Received: xx Xxxx Xxxx Accepted: xx Xxxx Xxxx J. Nanoeng. Nanomanuf., 1, 1–5, 2011 bonding is fairly weak.7 While the slippage between nanotubes in a bundle can occur easily when shear stresses are present, single nanotubes do not show shear deformation to nearly the same extent.8 Bundling also makes SWNTs inadequately soluble or dispersible in most common solvents, which is crucial to their processing into high performance composites.9 Thus, their potential incorporation into various polymer matrices with the intent of improving mechanical strength is hindered by their inherent inability to remain dispersed in a polymer matrix. To overcome these difficulties, researchers have proposed methods for debundling and dispersion of SWNTs in solution through mechanical means such as sonication and ultracentrifugation techniques;10 22 in combination with noncovalent or covalent stabilization as through the use of surfactants, both anionic and cationic,11 or by chemical functionalization of the outer structure of the carbon nanotubes by hydrophilic group attachment.12 Covalent functionalization, however, intrinsically entails damage to the nanotube structure so a compromise between sufficient functionality and minimal tube damage must be made.13 On the other hand, the use of surfactants for non-covalent functionalization has the advantage of preserving nanotube structure and hence its innate physiochemical properties. This approach though, requires careful design to achieve sufficient interaction of dispersant with the nanotubes.14 2157-9326/2011/1/001/005 doi:10.1166/jnan.2011.1038 1 ARTICLE A novel method for the incorporation of highly dispersed single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) into a chitosan matrix is reported. This was achieved through the use of a precursor SWNT dispersion in a biocompatible surfactant solution containing cetyl trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). Once a desirable degree of dispersion was attained this precursor SWNT dispersion was mixed with a chitosan solution followed by chemical crosslinking of the chitosan. Vis/NIR and Raman spectra of several sections of the resulting solid nanocomposite material suggested uniform dispersion of SWNTs throughout the solid matrix. The mechanical properties of the nanocomposite were tested and compared to a material obtained using a similar protocol without the use of SWNTs. The results indicate that the presence of a relatively low amount (0.32 wt%) of SWNTs is enough to significantly increase the stiffness and elastic modulus of uncrosslinked chitosan by over 20 times. ARTICLE Surfactant Assisted Incorporation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes into a Chitosan-PVP Polymer Besides surfactants, certain polymers are also capable of debundling and dispersing SWNT agglomerates.13 This is principally useful in instances where a polymer matrix is much more useful than a simple liquid suspension of carbon nanotubes in solution, such as in the synthesis of polymer-SWNT nanocomposites. In fact SWNT-nanocomposite materials synthesis has received considerable attention and research in the past five years, driven by the unique properties of carbon nanotubes and the potential to create new systems with superior properties such as high tensile strength or electrical conductivity.15 Optimization of a polymer’s properties by SWNT incorporation however, is not so much dependent on the quantity of the incorporated nanotubes, but rather the quality of their dispersion in the polymer matrix.16 For instance, a greater dispersion results in a more linearized conformation of the nanotubes in the nanocomposite, which in turn, results in a greater portion of an applied stress being equally distributed across the length of the nanotubes. A good dispersion hence, takes full advantage of the strength increase provided by the unique molecular framework of the nanotube itself. Consequently, because each individual nanotube is so inherently strong, few are actually needed to provide a dramatic strength increase in a nanocomposite to which they are incorporated, provided they are extremely well dispersed. In contrast, adding an excess of nanotubes to a polymeric material can result in a nanocomposite with decreased mechanical strength as there is a significant difficulty associated with creating good dispersion in the precursor solution at high nanotube concentrations and also a higher chance of significant reagglomeration post dispersion/incorporation.8 Among possible polymer/SWNT nanocomposite formulations, the use of chitosan matrixes is of particular interest. As a biocompatible polymer, chitosan has been thoroughly researched for medical, and industrial coating applications.17 These applications tend to take advantage of chitosan’s biocompatibility, high affinity for water, its good mechanical strength, and the possibility of making continuous, microscopic structures with improved mechanical properties, while retaining the capacity to absorb liquids. Past work has shown that chitosan nanocomposite fibres with carbon nanotubes embedded in the polymer matrix offer a great deal of versatility for different applications due to the availability of the hydroxyl and amino groups present in chitosan.8 Though these functional groups offer the possibility of chemical functionalization to help increasing chitosan‘s chemical stability and its resistance to biochemical and microbiological degradation, this polymer has an inherent poor heat tolerance and poor wet strength performance.18 19 Chitosan blending with polymers such as polyvinyl alcohol or polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) has been proposed as a way to overcome these disadvantages such as to improve the polymer’s rigidity.20 21 2 Davis et al. In this contribution, we report preliminary results we have obtained when trying to improve chitosan’s mechanical strength by SWNT incorporation through a carefully controlled dispersion into the polymer matrix. Our approach includes the use of cetyl trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), as a surfactant to debundle SWNTs before incorporation into the polymer and the use of PVP to integrate the nanotubes into the chitosan matrix. 2. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS 2.1. Materials Chitosan with medium molecular weight, (75–85% deacetylated) was obtained from Sigma-Aldrich, US, and used without further purification. The single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) were purchased from (>90 wt% purity). The specifications provided by the manufacturer indicated that the nanotubes had lengths between 5–30 m, outer diameters between 1–2 nm and inner diameters between 0.8–1.6 nm. All aqueous solutions and dispersions were prepared using deionized water. Cetyl trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) (>99% purity) bought from Sigma Life Science, was used as a surfactant. Additionally the polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) was bought from Sigma Life Science, with average molecular weight 360000 g/mol. Gluteraldehyde (grade 1, 25%) was bought from Sigma-Aldrich. 2.2. Methodology SWNTs were first dispersed in a 25–30 mL surfactant solution of 0.1 wt% CTAB, and 1 wt% PVP at a concentration of 0.2 g SWNT/L. This concentration was selected based on past research which indicates it to be the optimum for SWNT dispersion using CTAB.22 The solution was homogenized using a Branson Sonifier 250 (60 Hz, 200 W), at 90 W, for a period of two hours, which is reported as the optimum sonication time.22 Immediately following sonication the sample was ultracentrifuged using a Sorvall WX Ultra 80, RC5B Super-speed Centrifuge for a period of two hours at 40,000 rpm.22 Once centrifuged, the upper 50% of the resulting supernatant was taken and filtered. The final solution was then analysed using a Shimadzu 3600 UV/Vis/NIR spectrophotometer to determine the extent of debundling, following a protocol previously reported (Ref. [22]). Incorporation of the dispersed nanotube/surfactant solution into the chitosan matrix was achieved by adding 10 mL of the dispersed nanotube/CTAB/PVP solution to a 10 mL solution containing 2 wt% aqueous chitosan which had been prepared previously by dissolving solid powdered chitosan in 1–5 wt% hydrochloric acid. The mixture was then mechanically stirred for 24 hrs to ensure sufficient mixing. Subsequently 200 L of gluteraldehyde was added to the mixture in order to crosslink the chitosan.23 A blank sample with J. Nanoeng. Nanomanuf., 1, 1–5, 2011 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Spectroscopic Characterization of the Nanocomposite Figure 1 shows typical Raman spectra obtained on three different sections of the SWNT-chitosan nanocomposite. Even though the loading of SWNTs in the sample is relatively low (0.32 wt%), the spectra clearly shows typical resonant SWNT signals arising from the radial breathing mode (RBM) at 150–320 cm−1 , the G-band at 1500– 1600 cm−1 , and the very weak disorder peak (the D-band) at 1300–1400 cm−1 , which is attributed to scattering from sp3 carbon defects in the side walls of the SWNTs. Figure 2 shows the detailed Raman spectrum in the RBM region obtained for the nanocomposite together with the spectra obtained for pristine samples of chitosan, PVP and CTAB. This result clearly indicates that the peaks arising 180–300 cm−1 region are due to the presence of SWNTs in the sample. Closer inspection of Figure 1 shows that the D band in the nanocomposite is extremely weak. The D/G band intensity ratio has been extensively used as an indication of the presence of sp3 carbon arising from covalent functionalization.24 25 Comparison of the values obtained J. Nanoeng. Nanomanuf., 1, 1–5, 2011 120 620 1120 1620 Wavenumber (cm–1) Fig. 1. Raman spectra obtained on several sections of the SWNTchitosan nanocomposite material. for the D/G intensity ratio observed on the nanocomposite are similar to those obtained on the pristine SWNT material (not shown), suggesting that covalent functionalization has not taken place and the SWNT nanotubes in the sample are not covalently attached to the polymer matrix. This is an extremely important result, as it indicates that the sp2 structure of the SWNTs in the nanocomposite remains intact and hence mechanical properties that are particularly dependent on the integrity of the sp2 network on the SWNTs is not compromised. Figure 3 shows the NIR/Vis spectra obtained on the SWNT-nanocomposite sample and the chitosan blank. In the NIR region up to 700 nm the spectra is dominated by the absorption features of the chitosan matrix. However in the visible region (400–700 nm) distinctive features are observed in the SWNT-chitosan sample. These absorption peaks are not present on the optical absorption spectrum of the chitosan sample. The peaks observed CTAB PVP SWNT-Composite Chitosan 180 260 340 420 500 wavenumber (cm–1) Fig. 2. Detailed Raman spectrum in the RBM region compared to spectra obtained for pristine chitosan, PVP, and CTAB samples. 3 ARTICLE no SWNTs was prepared in the same way, i.e., by mixing 10 mL of a blank deionized water solution with a 10 mL, 2 wt% chitosan solution followed by crosslinking using 200 L of gluteraldehyde. The resultant samples were then dried using a Labconco, Freezone Plus 6 freeze dry system for 24 hrs to obtain the final solid material. Raman spectra on the resulting nanocomposite were recorded using a Renishaw Model 2000 Raman spectrometer equipped with a 633 nm laser. Samples in solid form were analyzed in macro mode using a 20X long working length objective and 1.65 mW laser intensity. Vis/Near-IR spectra of the chitosan nanocomposite with and without SWNT were obtained using a Shimadzu 3600 UV/Vis/NIR spectrophotometer in transmission mode. For this purpose a thin section of each sample (1 mm thick, 6 mm diameter) was hydrated and supported on a UV/Vis/NIR transparent quartz slide for analysis. Mechanical strength and durability were evaluated using a BioTester 5000 test system (Cellscale Biomaterials Inc.) by using a 2-rake mounting system. Specimens (chitosan composite with and without SWNTs), with a crosssectional area of 49×10−5 m2 , were analyzed. These were stretched, respectively, with a loading of 0.2 mN applied consistently across the surface of the sample. The loading increased at slow rate, 0.02 mN/s, and was applied continuously at intervals lasting 5 seconds before being allowed to recover. Meanwhile, the images of the deformation of the specimens were captured using a 1280 × 960 pixel charge coupled device CCD-camera. Intensity (a.u.) Surfactant Assisted Incorporation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes into a Chitosan-PVP Polymer Intensity (a.u.) Davis et al. Surfactant Assisted Incorporation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes into a Chitosan-PVP Polymer Davis et al. chitosan scaffolds have about 2–5 times higher elastic modulus (7.4–19.9 kPa) compared to their uncrosslinked counterparts (∼3.8 kPa).26 In our specific case, both SWNT loaded chitosan nanocomposites and an SWNTfree chitosan blank were tested using a tensile test. Directional dependence of the samples with regard to mechanical testing was not explored in this contribution but future work will likely pursue this avenue of study. The stress–strain curves obtained of both samples are depicted in Figures 4(a and b). These results clearly indicate that the Young’s modulus obtained on the SWNT-free chitosan composite, chemically crosslinked is 10.8 kPa, whereas it is 77.1 kPa for the SWNT loaded nanocomposite, demonstrating that the presence of a well dispersed, relatively low amount (0.32 wt%) of SWNTs, is enough to significantly increase the stiffness and elastic modulus of uncrossslinked chitosan by over 20 times. 3.6x103 Stress (σ, Pa) on the SWNT-chitosan sample contain a good deal of structure from van Hove transitions which can be linked to second band gap transitions in semiconducting nanotubes and/or first band transitions in metallic nanotubes. The presence of these absorption features is in agreement with the Raman results depicted above and also confirms that the sp2 network in the SWNT structure is not affected by the chitosan matrix, since covalent attachment, and concomitant disruption of the pi network on the nanotube would lead to the disappearance of the van Hove peaks in the SWNT-chitosan sample. (a) 4.2x103 3.0x103 2.4x103 1.8x103 1.2x103 0 3.2. Mechanical Test of the Nanocomposite The equation used to describe the stress–strain curves obtained for the different samples and their Young’s modulus (E), is described in Eq. (1) below, F /A E= = L/L0 40 60 80 100 (b) 7.0x103 6.5x103 (1) where and represent stress and strain respectively. E is the Young’s modulus in Pascal (Pa), F the force applied in Newton (N), and A the original cross-sectional area through which the force is applied in square meters (m2 ). L and L0 represent the displacement and the original length of the materials respectively, both in meters (m). The Young’s modulus is a measure of the stiffness of a material. Normally, brittle materials, such as noncrosslinked chitosan, have a low elastic modulus, and any applied force is distributed along only single chains of the polymer. On the other hand, chemically crosslinked chitosan scaffold has been shown to possess higher stiffness and elastic modulus. In fact, reports indicate crosslinked 4 20 Strain (ε, 100%) Stress (σ, Pa) ARTICLE Fig. 3. VIS/NIR spectra obtained for the SWNT-polymer composite (top) and the composite without nanotubes (bottom). Inset: detail of the spectra in the visible region. 6.0x103 5.5x103 5.0x103 4.5x103 4.0x103 0 2 4 6 8 10 Strain (ε, 100%) Fig. 4. Stress stain curves of (a) chitosan nanocomposite and (b) composite without SWNTs. J. Nanoeng. Nanomanuf., 1, 1–5, 2011 Davis et al. Surfactant Assisted Incorporation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes into a Chitosan-PVP Polymer 4. CONCLUSION The present work focused on the successful dispersion and subsequent incorporation of SWNTs into a chitosan matrix. On the basis of the results of these experiments, we can conclude that SWNTs were successfully dispersed using a surfactant solution containing CTAB and PVP, and that this dispersion remained effective even after the solution was incorporated into a chitosan matrix and solidified. Additionally we have shown that a significant increase in the mechanical strength of the chitosan polymer has been achieved as a result of the SWNTs incorporation into the nanocomposite. Acknowledgments: The financial support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, The University of Western Ontario and the Canadian Foundation for Innovation is gratefully acknowledged. We also gratefully thank Professor A. Bassi at The University of Western Ontario for granting us access to the ultracentrifuge. 1. S. Iijima, Nature 354, 56 (1991). 2. P. M. Ajayan, L. S. 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